Mods / Entities Configuration
Author: Dnd
Side: Both
Created: May 22nd 2024 at 6:22 AM
Last modified: Jul 17th 2024 at 4:47 PM
Downloads: 5557
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Latest file for Various v1.19.x:
1-click install
Supported Mods
Fauna of the Stone Age Packs: Caninae, Capreolinae, Casuariidae, Dinorthiformes, Machairodontinae, Manidae, Pantherinae, Rhinocerotidae, Sirenia,
Hieronymus Packs: African Monitor Lizards, Asian Monitor Lizards, Banded Geckos, Bearded Dragons, Giant Gouramis, Knobtailed Geckos, Leopard Geckos, New Zealand Frogs, New World Pond Frogs, New World Giant Tortoises, Old World Pond Frogs, Pacific Newts, Peacock Basses, Rain Frogs, True Sunfishes,
Other Packs Cats, The Critters Package, Feverstone's Horses, Feverstone Wilds, Medieval Expansion, More Animals, OutlawMod, Primitive Survival, Something in the Water, Untamed Wilds: Ursidae,
With this mod you can use an in-game interface to control all creature spawning. This could be used for many things, like disabling drifters or bears, balancing creature spawning with specific mods like Biomes, increasing spawns for specific types of playthroughs and the possibilities go on. This is a companion pack for Entities Interact which gives creatures seek/flee interactions between different modpacks.
Important Notes
- Untamed Wilds: Ursidae: If you use this pack, make sure to disable Vintage bears (I left comments for reminders).
- FotSA Canina: If you use this pack, make sure to disable Vintage wolves and foxes.
- FotSA Capreolinae: If you use this pack, make sure to disable the specific listed Vintage deer and Vintage moose.
- Every entity is configured to default values, even the mods. It is of my opinion that some creatures spawnrates are too high. That is just my opinion, so now you can change it to your liking. Play the way you want!
- Deer, goats, hyenas, raccons and moose will be completely disabled if you turn their worldgen to 0. If you find any others that this happens for, let me know.
- Untamed wilds, FotSA creatures and Hieronymus tortoises have both male and female spawn pools, effectively doubling the spawning.
- Untamed wilds, FotSA creatures and Hieronymus creatures only spawn on runtime.
- Read the comments by each creature. It will save you headaches in the future.
- If you use a lot of creature mods and something is not working as intended, check that it didn't release after this mod. However, I don't see any issues like that since this only changes worldgen and runtime spawnrates.
- FeverstoneHorses, FeverstoneWilds, TheCrittersPackage are supported, but have exhibited some strange behaviors (see issues below).
The default key to open config settings is P. You can see the screenshot I took of where to find the controls for rebinding if another mod overwrote that keybind.
Worldgen: For most creatures, if you turn this off, they no longer spawn when you are discovering new chunks. However, for some creatures, when you turn worldgen to 0 they no longer spawn even on runtime. So that being said, I put notes by those creatures.
- The numbers for worldgen go from .001 to .2 maximum. This is because if you turn the numbers any higher than .2 you may get some odd creature spawning behavior for certain entities and I haven't figured out the difference. I honestly don't know if there is anything to do about it.
- I have found through testing that .001 is going to make most worldgen uncommon-rare. Most deer are set to .003 so you can get a feeling of how this might be ingame. If you move the slider to .2 you will overpopulate your world with that creature, but it needs more testing. See the screenshot above for when I turned the slider to 1 for Fallow deer.
Runtime: Creatures have a chance to spawn in your local area. The higher this is, the more likely they will. The numbers start at 1 and go to 500, sometimes they can go all the way to 3,000 or in the case of drifters, 10,000. This scale doesn't work exactly like you would think; the actual numbers for creature spawning could go from 0.00000001 to .005 if 500 is your maximum on the slider. The math works like this... take whatever number you put on the slider and divide that by 1e5 to get the actual decimal number. So if the slider was set to 500, the creature spawnrate is .005. Drifters slider is set to 10,000 and that translates to .1 on their runtime.
- If you set the slider to 1 (a lot of the FotSA creatures are set to this), you will find that the animals should be rare-moderately rare. If you go all the way to 500 there will be a lot spawning often. Runtime sliders are not as aggressive as woldgen sliders.
- I need more people testing! I have played a lot, and been tuning spawning numbers for a while but it is a really hard mechanic to pin down due to the fact that you just have to play the game and see how it feels.
Known Issues
- Deer, goats and moose spawning mechanics are very strange. They have no runtime, so the only way to tune the spawning is with worldgen. It does work, but needs more testing.
- FeversonteWilds also has some uniquely challenging spawning going on.
- If you turn the worldgen too high you get an extraordinary amount of creatures. However, turning the worldgen down doesn't seem to do much; I am not quite sure what is going on here.
- Turning the worldgen to 0 does not disable these entities like it should. The runtime should work, but it is hard to tell and I need people to test (seriously, I am the only one testing, so hopefully with this tool it will be easier for others)
- TheCrittersPackage has some issues and it is similar to FeverstoneWilds, except for the fact that most creatures in this pack have maxspawn limit.
- Turning the worldgen to 0 does not disable these creatures.
- Need more people to test if the sliders are working as intended on this one as well.
- I am pretty sure these two mods overwrite the worldgen value, because they both have configs to disable/enable each creature in their mod individually.
"Can you add xyz so I can change their spawnrate?"
Probably; it will just take time. Feel free to drop links to the packs that I can add and I will get to them when I can.
- Maybe add a donate link. These take a lot of time and lots of data to go through.
- Maybe add other functionality. If there is anyone that can help improve I would love to work with you :)
If anyone wants to help and send in their own patches, I can add them as well.
Please share your settings and how many entities are spawning if you do any testing. This can help other people in the future know what kind of settings they should aim for.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.9 | 2794 | Jul 17th 2024 at 4:47 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.8 | 399 | Jul 10th 2024 at 9:36 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.7 | 158 | Jul 9th 2024 at 3:28 AM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.6 | 194 | Jul 7th 2024 at 5:17 AM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.5 | 236 | Jul 4th 2024 at 10:52 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 828 | May 30th 2024 at 9:17 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 215 | May 28th 2024 at 2:31 AM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 282 | May 24th 2024 at 9:49 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 304 | May 22nd 2024 at 5:34 PM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 147 | May 22nd 2024 at 6:29 AM | Show | EntitiesConfiguration | Install now |
A request, an update for 1.20 that allows for tamed elk to spawn, this would be nice for us homo-sapiens players.
The link to the other mod (Entities Interact) is incomplete and leads to a 404 error page.
Request/Suggestion: Would it be possible to add a feature to allow you to individually select which entities are hostile, neutral, passive? I'm tired of being assassinated by stealthy moose that seek me a yard away.
Dnd It was more their general proximity and rate. Across 12 hours 6+ might sound low, but that was just the amount I had to kill because they'd wander across the river to my home. I generally avoided them when I could. I wouldn't pin that on this mod though, I didn't adjust the rates and I know your bear mod does adjust their rates. Rather, the amount I was seeing made me think the biomes mod might be overwriting yours because it also changes pretty much every animal spawn. If it overwrites yours and only adjusts the conditions for spawning, not the rate, that could explain it. I've turned off biomes for now, it turns out you always spawn in 1 of 2 regions and have to teleport or travel vast distances to start elsewhere, so not for me.
Oh, forgive my inattention.
I didn't notice this mod in the description.
AlebenTod This is already compatible with Outlaw mod.
SageOceiros This shouldn't conflict with any creatures that it is not configured for. Look through the comments about running Biomes with this mod; they should not have conflicts. What was the biggest issue you were running into, too many bears? Or is 1 every other hour too few? To me that seems kind of normal, no?
TheeAriaLee Most locusts are spawned by their nests, which are not an entity but a block. I believe there may be some mods that disable those spawners, but I had a hard time finding a solution for that. Let me know if you find anything!
Is there a reason why this mod doesn't disable bronze locusts?
Hey there, giving this mod another shot. Originally I had the FoTSA mods, the bears and biomes installed, and across the 12 hour run, I killed like 6+ bears. I did go through to config to adjust for FoTSA spawns and any other annotated adjustments. I'm not sure if it was biomes and this mod clashing, so I'm gonna give this mod another shot without biomes.
I'm also adding Ore Golems, to see how they do. How would this mod interact with entities it's not configured for? WIll they be unaffected, or will this mod prevent them from spawning?
(edit: I just answered my own question - spawned and a golem immediately wandered up to me. Ok!)
Hello! Will there be compatibility with the Outlaw mod?
I3eauLeBoi No worries!
Ooooh! Forget i've said anything. I didn't know that. My bad!
Quite interesting though. Sorry! haha.
I3eauLeBoi Deserter Footman are not included because they have no spawnconditions. They are spawned with the Deserter Bannerman as a companion as well as the Deserter Archer spawns with the Bannerman. This is true for a few of Outlaw's entities.
In regards for OutlawMod, its missing deserter footman.
I think its useful to double check if all NPC's are in that listing, right now its not 100% compatible.
Discord for Cages configs by community:
This is where you can go for configs for that mod
You can just cut/paste into the config file for cages.
I would like to know if it would be possible to add the possibility to configurate the " Animal Cages " mod. cuz while it is tecnically compatible with just about every creature mod you have to manually add the creatures in the code, adding the baby male, baby female, adult male, adult female of every species wich can be very monotomous even more for people like me (and problably many others) who dont know enough about code to know where to find the scales of the cratures or how the configuration should be done etc
at the very least it would be nice if you could since I conscider that mod the best animal capturing mod in VS since its "simple" to make the cages, like I said its highly configurable and you can even place the cage with the animal on the ground, allowing you to have kinda of a zoo (plus if I'm not mistake the animals dont age nor do they get hungry while in the cage so that is also fun)
I also would like to use it with the outlaw mod to make kinda of a prison/dungeon for them
thnx for reading and I hope you could consider my request
(this is the link for the animal cages mod )
Voidren Change the first value in that line. Once you manually change that number, it should stick between saves (unless you ever hit save on the in-game configuration menu, which would reset it to default).
Drifters-Runtime-Vintage: 100000 # from 0 to 10000 with step of 0.05 (default: 10000)
At a value of 100000 like I wrote it, that is the absolute max you could go for anything, so you could theoretically go all the way up to it. Save the file, and the value should be set for good. However, if you are still having difficulty and you are on a single player world, try this next part.
Open the zip file with Winrar, navigate to assets > entitiesconfiguration > config > configlib-patches and open that file with notepad. Ctrl + F for Drifter, and search a couple times until you find the code block containing the drifters name, weight, default and this is where you can change the default and the range just below that. The range is set to go from minimum of 0 to maximum of 10000.0 and you can change both of those as desired. Once you edit that value, you can save the file and winrar should prompt you to update on its end; hit save on that and you are done.
How thou? it can't go any higher in the config either
Drifters-Runtime-Vintage: 10000 # from 0 to 10000 with step of 0.05 (default: 10000)
I tried changing that max ---------------------------|
but that just reset back to 10000
Even tried just changing the first value to higher than 10000, but that did not work either
Voidren This mod creates a config file for you. In the file you can manually edit the value to whatever you like, past the default. I set a limiter so people can't easily mess up their world, you have to work at making things go awry!
Why can't I increase drifter spawns past the default, been trying to find a mod that greatly increases the drifter spawn rate, but all everyone does is decrease it
Reeah If I didn't include them in the list, then their spawn will just be the default of the mod. Surprised I missed the Ensatinas and I will look into Nerdguin's packs as well since I will probably add compatibility for my bears to interact with the fish and can kill two birds with one stone :)
Hi there, thank you for this awesome mod! One thing I was unclear on: For creature mods not yet listed as supported (in my case Hieronymus' Ensatinas and Nerdguin's North American Catfish, NA Salamanders, NA Darters and Ornamental Fish) does this mod disable their spawning completely or does it just not offer the ability to adjust their spawn rates? I only noticed fish spawning once I had disabled this mod, but it may have just been coincidence.
Mrozak I put READ in the comments so people would read them, because all of the comments are little notes at the end of the name in the game and you won't see the message unless you hover over the ?. My main reason was so people would understand the settings they were adjusting before they make them, otherwise people might tune something incorrectly. For example, all the FotSA mods have both male and females in the spawn pool. When you adjust the slider, you should basically think about their spawnrate as double. If I didn't add a comment for this, people would definitely mess something up; likely people are messing this up anyways because they didn't read the comments! hahaha
Bears spawning is only affected by the presence of other bears. There could be a lot of reasons why they weren't spawning for you, like maybe you were not in their ideal spawning conditions. For example, if they don't spawn under 0 degrees at all and you are in the middle of a long cold winter it might feel like they aren't around. Could just be luck, too.
After I typed that sentence I checked out your forum post that you linked. It looks like you are using the Biomes mod (absolutely love that mod), and that has an additional check for creature spawning, and likely is the reason you got so unlucky. The game runs a check to meet all spawn conditions, if those are met the creature spawns (let's use a brown bear as the example). Now biomes runs a check, bear spawn conditions met, biomes region check fails, nothing spawns (now here is where I am actually not sure and I am guessing). Perhaps, the game only checks for 1 bear, because bears in the base game can't spawn near each other. If this is the case, it might check for brown bear, everything looks good to spawn, but then biomes does a check; if the game doesn't run anymore bear checks of any other bear species I could see a string of failed biomes checks causing the lack of bears.
I wonder if the bears spawns somehow depend on presence of other creatures?
Maybe there is some hidden logic in game, that makes it so if there are already more than N predators (wolves maybe), it won't spawn any other predators in the nearby area?
Because when i was missing the bears, i did notice i was seeing good amounts of wolves, amounts i would consider slightly higher than what i am used to see (with same settings - i haven't got to the point of fiddling with wolf spawns yet)..
@Dnd So the name "Bears-Worldgen-Vintage-READ THE ? COMMENTS" is valid?
It is intended to be like that? Why on earth would you call it that??? :-D
It doesn't matter if i edit it in game or in the file directly - works the same way either way, but i usually prefer editing files directly.
At first i was using default values for the bear spawns. Only after i noticed i can't find any bears anymore, i tried with maximum values to see if that changes anything.
But there may be something weird going on related to the bear spawns (or others too maybe) - i recently posted a question regarding the animal spawns, where i mention that at first i got 0 bears for hours, and later on a new server suddenly 6 without changing any settings (new server with same settings and seed, all mod configs same, and same location on the server - EVERYTHING the same).
So maybe the bear spawns are weird for some reason unrelated to your mod.
A mod for bears? cool, i will have a look.
Speaking of bears, if you haven't seen it I released a mod creature pack for bears. So far I've made the five bears from the base game and plan on doing more.
Mrozak The name field shouldn't have anything to do with any errors. I could name it peepeepoopoo and it would still control the spawnrate of bears no matter what it says. Are you editing the file that it creates or using the in-game interface? It would be much easier to look at it in game than in the files. I pushed the spawnrate to max on the slider and within 20 seconds of being in game a black bear spawned. I would need to see what values you used for the bear spawning, or if you kept it at default. I checked the file that controls the spawning, which is the configlib-patches.json you mentioned. "name" is just a name for whatever we are trying to control. "default" is where we are getting our value. It is set to 3.0 on runtime, which if you take 3/1e5 you get the bear's base spawnrate of 0.00003. Message me on discord if you are still having trouble, I made a modpage for it there.
Also, what is with all the -READ- in some of the entity names? Is that also a mistake/typo?
For example:
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Angora-READ-Vintage: 0.05 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.05)
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Ibexalp-Vintage: 0.05 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.05)
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Ibexnub-Vintage: 0.020000001 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.02)
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Markhor-Vintage: 0.040000003 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.04)
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Mountain-Vintage: 0.05 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.05)
# Turning off worldgen for goats disables their spawning completely. Increasing goat worldgen past default increases their numbers exponentially.
Goats-Muskox-Vintage: 0.030000001 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.03)
...only the Angora goats has the "-READ-", which is weird considering all the other goat entity names follow a different, standardized naming convention.
Makes it look like a mistake, but of course i could be horribly wrong.
Can somebody confirm it is a mistake, or explain the meaning of it?
Well... looks like the file "EntitiesConfiguration\assets\entitiesconfiguration\config\configlib-patches.json" is where the mistake originates from.
This is at it's very end:
"name": "Bears-Worldgen-Vintage-READ THE ? COMMENTS",
"weight": 1.00,
"default": 0.015,
"range": {
"min": 0.0,
"max": 0.2,
"step": 0.001
...and indeed, after i fix that file, the config generated inside ModConfig isn't messed up anymore.
Still don't see any bears though, but maybe now its a biome's thing. EDIT: after increasing the values significantly, i can see bears spawning A LOT now, so it does work now (and after fixing the mentioned typo in the "name").
I think there is some problem related to the autogenerated config file.
I noticed i am not finding any bears any more, and then i looked into the config and see this:
version: 1
Bears-Worldgen-Vintage-READ THE ? COMMENTS: 0.015 # from 0 to 0.2 with step of 0.001 (default: 0.015)
Bears-Runtime-Vintage: 3 # from 0 to 500 with step of 0.05 (default: 3)
Butterflies-VeryCommon-Runtime-Vintage: 300 # from 0 to 500 with step of 0.05 (default: 300)
Butterflies-Common-Runtime-Vintage: 200 # from 0 to 500 with step of 0.05 (default: 200)
Butterflies-Occasional-Runtime-Vintage: 100 # from 0 to 500 with step of 0.05 (default: 100)
That looks a bit messed up.
I deleted the file so a new one would get created, and it ended up looking again exactly lile this.
Would that be why i don't see bears anymore?
Marlim I can do that at some point, yes.
Rasvangr Good to know, and glad you got it working!
I figured it out, turns out I didn't have ImGui installed properly! Whoops! Thank you for you help though!
Rasvangr If you had all of the settings how you wanted and saved them, once you reload into that world you really shouldn't be seeing anything continue to spawn if they are set to 0. You can run /entity wipeall to remove all entities from the world to start fresh and see if they start spawning again. You are saying this is happening with foxes and wolves, so if it is a mod conflict it would be something that modifies the way those creatures spawn. Have you noticed that it works at all for you? Did you bump any numbers way up to test if they are working?
I've just tested again, this time I opened a world, double checked that the settings were how I wanted them and I didn't skip any by accident, then generated a new world. I confirmed that mobs I disabled by setting the spawn rates to 0 are indeed still spawning by searching for them with the Block Overlay mod. Do I still need to exit and reload the new world to make the settings work on a new world? Or did I somehow manage to break the mod? 😅
Rasvangr Was this world previously generated or is this a brand new world? Did you restart the world after changing their spawn settings? Did you make sure to set both worldgen and runtime to 0? I have had wolves and foxes set to 0 for a while now so I can test other things, and haven't seen any at all.
I seem to be having some issues getting the mod to work properly. Setting things to 0 should disable them, right? I've encountered both foxes and wolves with all their spawn settings set to 0. I thought maybe there was some weirdness happening because I had Configure Everything installed as well but uninstalling it didn't seem to fix it. I don't -think- I have any other mods installed that might conflict but I'm not sure. Any advice?
Do you intend to add compatibility with the Lichen Continued mod?
JmXxHD You can adjust everything in a single-player world, hit save and it saves all of your configurations in the config files. You can then move that file to where you keep your server's config files.
Hey, is this Mod compatible with Server? If i open the Mod Hud everything is greyed out.
Dnd That did it, thanks!
LielenBlue I think the default key to open the configuration is P. I added a screenshot to the page if you reload where you can find the key to rebind it if needed.
Hi, when i press escape, i dont see the mod config button. do you have any idea what could be wrong? thank you for your time! This is a really useful mod. I'm intending to use it with the Fauna of the stone age mods.
Hmm. That's more than slightly concerning for me then. What you described is what I expected to happen with unsupported mods, yeah. So that it's not is... curious. I'll do some more testing, thank you so much!
Doing some testing real quick, I installed 'Giant Gouramis' from Hieronymus, looked in the file for the fish spawn conditions and went to that part of the world. Once I found the correct spawn conditions, they spawned immediately. They are also not called 'fish' but are listed under their scientific name of 'Ospronemus-goramy' which may be confusing. Hope this helps!
Maamessu I don't think that would have anything to do with this mod. What this mod does is go into each file and surgically replace runtime or worldgen values into the spawnvalues of each creature. Since I have nothing linking to those creatures at all, I don't see how that could be a cause of this. Did you test both with and without this mod for fish?
So far I have noticed a nicer variety in spawns with this based on my settings (I halved just about everything for server performance). That said, I've also noticed that all of Hieronymus's fish (which are unsupported by the mod), don't seem to be spawning at all. Or perhaps they are just spawning so rarely that I don't see them compared to previously where they would overfill small ponds. I also haven't seen any spawns from Something in the Water. I feel like this might be unintended behaviour of the mod (interacting with unsupported spawnrates)?
I briefly saw a fish from Feverstone Wilds, so I know water spawning isn't completely broken.
I know fish are on your road map. I think what I'm trying to say/report right now is that I expected unsupported mods to maintain their default spawnrates, and right now it doesn't seem like they are.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much for this!
I swore I put that note in there, I'll add it. This is assuming default settings across the base game and all mods. You will need to configure lower spawnrates accordingly.
One quick question! Is this already configured for reduced spawns, or is it the baseline settings?
Maamessu Yeah the roadmap was honestly just a bunch of random thoughts compiled. As you are talking about Better Ruins/Traders, I would have to check if compatibility even existed before adding it. This should be compatible with the mods you listed because mine only changes the worldgen or runtime values, nothing else.
BillyGalbreath I did get that sense, but honestly was not sure because that seems so weird to me.
Oh interesting! I like that you're going for a completely configurable option. Amazing work!
Regarding your roadmap, you might not need to put in the work for doing traders as Better Ruins/Better Traders already handles their spawns. Then again, there are folks who don't want to use either of those, so having another option would be good. I'm also wondering if this could be use alongside that Addittional Spawn Constraints mod for really fine tuned constrol of where things go. Really exciting possibilities!
+1 for Outlaws support. If you're feeling kind, maybe support for Rot Creatures as well? :)
Dont worry about Dana. She knows damn well yours is a content mod and not a code mod. She's just advertising her own mod here. She does it to a lot of us.
DanaCraluminum I mean, I get what that can do, just didn't understand the question. I'll give it a go, though. It does not pull all the data automatically because I have no programming experience. All this data I had to go over by hand.
DanaCraluminum I don't understand what you mean.
Why it is not collecting all creatures automatically like I do in my Configure Everything mod?