Mods / Fauna of the Stone Age: Caninae
Author: Tentharchitect
Side: Both
Created: Aug 1st 2023 at 5:49 PM
Last modified: 10 hours ago
Downloads: 40350
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A collection of dogs from the subfamily Caninae, these animals will act as possible predators for farm animals and the player, elusive prey sources or even pets.
This mod includes:
Canis aureus, the golden jackal.
Canis familiaris, the domestic dog.
Canis latrans, the coyote.
Canis lupaster, the African wolf.
Canis lupus, the gray wolf.
Canis lupus arctos, the arctic wolf.
Canis lupus dingo, the dingo.
Canis lycaon, the timber wolf.
Canis rufus, the red wolf.
Canis simensis, the Ethiopian wolf.
Cuon alpinus, the dhole.
Cynotherium sardous, the Sardinian dhole. (Extinct 13,500 years ago)
Lupulella adusta, the side-striped jackal.
Lupulella mesomelas, the black-backed jackal.
Lycaon pictus, the African wild dog.
Atelocynus microtis, the short-eared dog.
Cerdocyon thous, the crab-eating fox.
Chrysocyon brachyurus, the maned wolf.
Dusicyon australis, the warrah. (Extinct 150 years ago)
Dusicyon avus, the Argentinean warrah. (Extinct 400 years ago)
Lycalopex culpaeus, the culpeo.
Lycalopex fulvipes, Darwin’s fox.
Lycalopex griseus, the Patagonian fox.
Lycalopex gymnocercus, the pampas fox.
Lycalopex sechurae, the sechuran fox.
Lycalopex vetulus, the hoary fox.
Speothos pacivorus, the greater bush dog. (Extinct 11,000 years ago)
Speothos venaticus, the bush dog.
Urocyon cinereoargenteus, the gray fox.
Urocyon littoralis, the island fox.
Nyctereutes procyonoides, the common raccoon dog.
Nyctereutes viverrinus, the Japanese raccoon dog.
Otocyon megalotis, the bat-eared fox.
Vulpes bengalensis, the bengal fox.
Vulpes cana, Blanford’s fox.
Vulpes chama, the cape fox.
Vulpes corsac, the corsac fox.
Vulpes ferrilata, the Tibetan fox.
Vulpes lagopus, the Arctic fox.
Vulpes macrotis, the kit fox.
Vulpes pallida, the pale fox.
Vulpes rueppellii, Ruppell’s fox.
Vulpes velox, the swift fox.
Vulpes vulpes, the red fox.
Vulpes zerda, the fennec fox.
Common Name | Scientific name | Category | Weight | Health | Height | Damage | Temp | Preciptation | Foliage Needs | Altitude | Group Size | Meat Drops | Fat Drops | Hide Drops | Movement | Diet |
Dire Wolf | Aenocyon dirus | Canina | 68/10 | 15/5 | .97/ .9 shoulders | 7 tier 2 | -12 to 28 | .25-1.0 | all | .9-1.62 | 1-2 (M&F) 2-6 (M&F&B) | 6+-2 | 1+-0.3 | 4 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat |
Golden jackal | Canis aureus | 10/9/1 | 5/4/3 | .5 shoulders | 3 tier 1 | 18 to 60 | .1-1.0 | .25-1.0 shrub | .9-1.6 | 1-2 (M&F), 2-6 (M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 0 | 1 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Dog | Canis familiaris | 40/36/5 | 10/4 | .85/.8 shoulders | 6 tier 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 3 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Coyote | Canis latrans | 14/12/1 | 5/3 | .61 shoulder | 4 tier 1 | -12 to 28 | 0.1-1.0 | 0-.75 forest | .9-1.6 | 1 (M&F), 2-6 (M&F) | 2+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 1 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
African wolf | Canis lupaster | 10/1 | 5/3 | .4 shoulders | 3 tier 1 | 24 to 60 | .1-.75 | 0-.45 forest | .9-1.5 | 1-2 (M&F), 2-6 (M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 0 | 1 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Gray wolf | Canis lupus | 40/36/5 | 11/10/4 | .85/.8 shoulders | 6 tier 1 | -12 to 24 | .1-1.0 | All | .9-1.7 | 1-2 (M&F), 4-12 (M&F&B) | 3+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 3 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Arctic wolf | Canis lupus arctos | 50/46/5 | 13/12/4 | .85/.8 shoulders | 7 tier 2 | -40 to -11 | .1-1.0 | All | .9-1.4 | 1-2 (M&F), 4-12 (M&F&B) | 4+-1 | 2+-0.6 | 3 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Dingo | Canis lupus dingo | 16/14/2 | 6/5/3 | .6/.55 shoulders | 4 tier 1 | 19 to 30 | .1-0.8 | All | .9-1.7 | 1-2 (M&F), 4-12 (M&F&B) | 2+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 1 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Timber wolf | Canis lycaon | 30/23/5 | 8/7/4 | .81/.7 shoulders | 5t1/4t1 | -12 to -2 | .25-1.0 | All | .9-1.7 | 1-2 (M&F), 4-12 (M&F&B) | 2+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 3 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Red wolf | Canis rufus | 29/25/5 | 8/7/4 | .66 shoulder | 5t1, 4t1 | -2 to 28 | 0.1-1.0 | All | .9-1.7 | 1-2 (M&F), 4-12 (M&F&B) | 2+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 2 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simensis | 17/13/4 | 6/5/3 | .62/.53 shoulders | 4t1 | 11 to 22 | .25-1.0 | 0-.5 trees | 1.5-1.9 | 1(M&F) 2-20 (M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 1+-0.3 | 1 M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Dhole | Cuon alpinus | 18/14/4 | 6/5/3 | .5 shoulders | 4t1 | 11 to 60 | .25-1.0 | .25-1.0 | 1.4-1.9 | 3-5(M&F), 5-12(M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 1+-0.3 | 1 m, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Sardinian dhole | Cynotherium sardous | 10/1 | 5/3 | .44 shoulders | 4t1 | 19 to 23 | .25-.75 | .25-1.0 | .9-1.4 | 3-5(M&F), 5-12(M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 0 | 1m, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Side-striped jackal | Lupulella adusta | 12/10/3 | 5/3 | .5/.45 shoulders | 4t1 | 28-60 | .25-.75 | .5-1.0 combined | .9-1.4 | 1(M&F), 2-12(M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 0 | 1m, 1s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Black-backed jackal | Lupulella mesomelas | 12/10/3 | 5/3 | .48/.4 shoulders | 4t1 | 16-60 | .01-.9 | 0-.5 combined | .9-1.7 | 2(M&F), 2-6(M&F&B) | 1+-0.5 | 0 | 1m, 1s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
African wild dog | Lycaon pictus | 32/24/2 | 9/7/3 | .75/.7 shoulder | 5 t1 | 24-60 | .2-0.75 | 0-.95 forest | 1.0-1.8 | 4-9(M&F), 2-20 (M&F&B) | 3+-1, 2+-1, 0 | 1+-0.3 | 3M, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Short-eared dog | Atelocynus microtis | Cerdocyonina | 10/1 | 5/3 | .225/.3 shoulders | 3t1 | 28-60 | .75-1.0 | .5-1.0 | 1.1-1.8 | 1(M&F) | 2+-0.6 | 0 | 2 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Crab-eating fox | Cerdocyon thous | 6/.5 | 4/2 | .4 shoulder | 3t1 | 23-60 | .2-.75 | 0-.75 forest | .9-1.2 | 1(M&F), 2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Maned wolf | Chrysocyon brachyurus | 23/5 | 7/4 | 1.1 shoulders | 4t1 | 23-60 | .25-1.0 | 0-.5 forest | .9-1.6 | 1(M&F) | 2+1, 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.3 | 2 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Warrah | Dusicyon australis | 20/4 | 7/3 | .6 shoulders | 4t1 | -2-8 | .6-.8 | 0-.1 forest | .9-1.2 | 1(M&F) | 2+-1 | 1+-0.3 | 2 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
South American Wolf | Dusicyon avus | 35/27/5 | 10/8/4 | .65/.6 shoulders | 5t1 | -11-28 | .1-1.0 | All | .9-1.8 | 1(M&F) | 3+-1, 2+-1, 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.3 | 2 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Culpeo | Lycalopex culpaeus | 11/8/1 | 5/4/3 | .55 shoulder | 3t1 | -11-28 | 0.05-1.0 | All | .9-1.8 | 1-2(M&F) | 2+-0.6 | 1+-0.3 | 1 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Darwin's fox | Lycalopex fulvipes | 3/.2 | 3/2 | .59/.5 nose to butt | 2t1 | -2-18 | .75-1.0 | .5-.75 forest | .9-1.4 | 1 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Patagonian fox | Lycalopex griseus | 4/.2 | 3/2 | .45 shoulder | 2t1 | -11-28 | 0.1-.5 | All | .9-1.8 | 1-2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Pampas fox | Lycalopex gymnocercus | 6/5.5/.5 | 4/2 | .4 shoulder | 3t1 | 18-28 | 0.1-1 | All | .9-1.7 | 1(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Sechuran fox | Lycalopex sechurae | 4/.5 | 3/2 | .35 shoulder | 2t1 | 28-60 | 0-.25 | 0-.5 forest | .9-1.4 | 1(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Hoary fox | Lycalopex vetulus | 3.5/.3 | 3/2 | .3 shoulder | 2t1 | 23-60 | .75-1.0 | 0-.5 forest | .95-1.3 | 1(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Greater Bush dog | Speothos pacivorus | 40/35/5 | 11/10/4 | .6 shoulder | 5t1 | 23-60 | .25-1.0 | .25-1.0 forest | .9-1.5 | 1(M&F), 2-6 (M&F) | 3+-1, 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.6 | 3 Med, 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Bush dog | Speothos venaticus | 7/6/1 | 4/3 | .3 shoulder | 3t1 | 23-60 | .25-1.0 | .25-1.0 forest | .9-1.6 | 1(M&F), 2-6 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step | Protein, Meat | |
Gray fox | Urocyon cinereoargenteus | Urocyonini | 6/5/.5 | 4/2 | .43 shoulder | 3t1 | -2 to 28 | All | 0-1.0 forest | .9-1.7 | 1-2 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | Climbing |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Island fox | Urocyon littoralis | 2.5/2/.2 | 3/2 | .15 shoulder | 1t1 | 10-23 | .4-.7 | 0-.6 forest | .9-1.1 | 1-2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | Climbing |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Common raccoon dog | Nyctereutes procyonoides | Vulpini | 6/4/.5 | 4/3/2 | .71 length | 3t1 | -2 to 28 | .2-0.9 | .All | .9-1.6 | 1-2 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.3 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Japanese raccoon dog | Nyctereutes viverrinus | 6/4/.5 | 4/3/2 | .71 length | 3t1 | -2 to 18 | .25-0.9 | All | .9-1.6 | 1-2 (M&F), 2-6 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.3 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Bat-eared fox | Otocyon megalotis | 5/.5 | 4/2 | .4 shoulder | 3t1 | 18-60 | 0.1-.5 | 0-.75 forest | .9-1.6 | 1-2 (M&F), 2-6 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Bengal fox | Vulpes bengalensis | 3/.3 | 3/2 | .46 nose to butt | 2t1 | 23-60 | .25-.5 | 0-.75 forest | .9-1.4 | 1-2 (M&F), 2-4 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Blanford's fox | Vulpes cana | .8/.1 | 3/1 | .8 nose to butt | 1t1 | 23-60 | 0.1-.3 | 0-.5 forest | .9-1.45 | 1 (M&F), 1-2 (M&F) | 0 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Cape fox | Vulpes chama | 4/.3 | 3/2 | .35 shoulders | 2t1 | 18-60 | 0.1-.75 | 0-.5 forest | .9-1.4 | 1 (M&F), 1-2 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Corsac fox | Vulpes corsac | 2.5/.2 | 3/2 | .65 nose to butt | 1t1 | -2 to 18 | 0.1-.3 | 0-.5 forest, 0-.2 shrub | 1.1-1.8 | 1(M&F), 3-6 (M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Tibetan fox | Vulpes ferrilata | 5/.5 | 4/2 | .7 nose to butt | 3t1 | -2 to 18 | 0.1-.5 | 0-.25 forest | 1.6-1.9 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 1+-0.3 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Arctic fox | Vulpes lagopus | 3.5/2.9/.2 | 3/2 | .68/.55 nose to butt | 2t1 | -40 to -11 | 0.1-1.0 | All | .9-1.4 | 1(M&F), 2-6(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Kit fox | Vulpes macrotis | 2/.2 | 3/2 | .53 nose to butt | 1t1 | -2 to 23 | 0.1-.4 | 0-.25 forest | 1.1-1.6 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 0 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Pale fox | Vulpes pallida | 3/.3 | 3/2 | .55 nose to butt | 2t1 | 28 to 60 | .1-.4 | 0-.25 forest, shrub | .9-1.4 | 1(M&F), 2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Ruppell's fox | Vulpes rueppellii | 1.7/.2 | 3/2 | .74 length | 1t1 | 28-60 | .1-.24 | 0-.25 forest | .9-1.6 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 0 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Swift fox | Vulpes velox | 3/.3 | 3/2 | .3 shoulder | 2t1 | -2 to 18 | .25-.75 | 0-.25 forest | 1.1-1.6 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 1+-0.3 | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Red fox | Vulpes vulpes | 10/8/1 | 5/4/3 | .5 shoulders | 3t1 | -11 to 34 | .1-1.0 | All | .9-1.8 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 2+-0.6 | 1+-0.3 | 1 m, 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Fennec fox | Vulpes zerda | 1.5/.1 | 3/1 | .39/.35 nose to butt | 1t1 | 28-60 | 0.05-.2 | 0-.1 forest, shrub | .9-1.6 | 1(M&F), 1-2(M&F) | 0 | 1 s | 2.125 step |
Protein, Fruit, meat, eggs, fish, insects, mash, berrybushes
Red fox and arctic fox of the base game have their spawning disabled, and in their place the Vulpini tribe members will spawn. Foxes will bite if cornered but will not actively hunt the player. Some will eat berries off of bushes and leaving berries, insects and meats on the ground will attract foxes and can be used to breed and domesticate them over time.
South American dogs will also bite if cornered, though some are unfamiliar with humans and will not run away as a result. They can also be bred and domesticated, with later generations no longer having a chance to bite players.
Wolves of the base game have their spawning disabled, and in their place the Canina sub-tribe members will spawn. Gray wolves, arctic wolves and dire wolves will pursue the player in a similar way to the base game wolves, while the rest of this sub-tribe will avoid or flee the player, only attacking if cornered or hurt. Because of the spawn rates of this mod, you’ll encounter far fewer hostile wolves than the base game, but they can spawn outside of forests.
While all Canina members can be domesticated over generations by dropping meats for them to eat, gray wolves have a chance to grow into a domestic dog when bred. These individuals will follow the player, bark or attack dangerous animals and won’t attack the player unless directly attacked by the player. They aren’t fully domesticated however and will flee players if injured, but will return to following the player when they recover. Treasure hunter merchants also have a chance to sell domestic dog puppies, so you can bypass the process of breeding gray wolves.
All species have a unique pelt that can be used to craft hide, taxidermied full body and head mounts.
On occasion a fly covered dog, southern dog, fox or gray fox carcass will spawn, preventing animals of their respective tribe from spawning in the area around them. They have a chance to spawn when a player first arrives in an area or when all dogs of that tribe have been killed off from the area, allowing players to locally wipe out dogs. Destroying the dog carcass will allow more dogs to spawn again and some carnivores and scavengers may destroy them as well, so if you want dog spawns prevented in an area protect these carcasses.
All the animals in this mod have a strict population cap and will only spawn on runtime, not world gen. This is to make the mod more server friendly so as to not add an overwhelming number of entities. This mod uses 1.58% of the texture atlases. Players with a full texture atlas can use the in-game commands .clientconfig maxTextureAtlasWidth 8192 and .clientconfig maxTextureAtlasHeight 8192 to quadruple the size, though it is not recommended for players with insufficient RAM.
And a big thanks to everyone who gave feedback and assistance!
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.24 | 274 | 10 hours ago | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.23 | 1515 | Jan 1st at 11:46 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.22 | 2686 | Dec 5th 2024 at 8:42 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.21 | 839 | Nov 21st 2024 at 6:11 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.20 | 398 | Nov 11th 2024 at 7:28 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.19 | 658 | Oct 24th 2024 at 6:49 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.18 | 436 | Oct 16th 2024 at 3:42 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.17 | 645 | Oct 3rd 2024 at 6:13 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.16 | 9226 | Jun 5th 2024 at 3:20 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.15 | 1626 | May 18th 2024 at 8:08 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.14 | 1186 | May 5th 2024 at 8:56 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.13 | 954 | Apr 26th 2024 at 12:21 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.12 | 756 | Apr 19th 2024 at 6:40 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.11 | 1750 | Apr 1st 2024 at 8:18 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.10 | 3264 | Feb 5th 2024 at 5:43 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.9 | 881 | Jan 26th 2024 at 12:11 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.8 | 1046 | Jan 7th 2024 at 5:36 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.7 | 687 | Dec 22nd 2023 at 9:23 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.6 | 371 | Dec 11th 2023 at 10:31 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.5 | 2048 | Oct 31st 2023 at 7:06 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 1921 | Oct 18th 2023 at 6:29 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 325 | Oct 16th 2023 at 1:41 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 329 | Oct 13th 2023 at 5:01 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 2987 | Sep 29th 2023 at 11:09 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 147 | Sep 29th 2023 at 10:10 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.0 | 1078 | Sep 5th 2023 at 8:10 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.1 | 1818 | Aug 3rd 2023 at 5:38 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 490 | Aug 1st 2023 at 5:49 PM | Show | | Install now |
So I answered this in the comment below yours, but for now you could delete the patch that sets those animal's spawn rates to 0 in order for them to spawn again. MRGOOSE
is it possible to enable vanilla fox and wolf spawning? and the same for fotsa capreolinae?
It might be possible to set up a config, though I'm not sure how. If you figure out a json friendly method I'd be happy to add it in InsaneLucifer
As for butchery, I don't personally use the mod so I don't know for sure, but I believe it has basic compatibility
Hello, I wanted to ask if the fox taming mod works with the modded foxes since its disables the base game fox spawning. If fox taming is not compatiable is it possible to renable the base game foxes in a config?
One more question is this mod and your other animal mods compatiable with the Butchery mod?
Almost all species I make are set up to use the base game system of domestication, which I've linked here. Grey wolves have a chance of birthing domestic dog puppies, which have a different texture, strings and set of ai tasks, making them less hostile and follow players. I believe there is already an in-game journal entry on the specifics of base game domestication you could reference as well.
As for guides on strategies, I've never personally done it in game, just tested that it works mechanically. I'd personally trap a wolf in a pen with a gate/chiselled exit that puppies could potentially walk out of and lead any domestic dog puppies out of the pen once they are born, since they will come check out the player with the seek entity ai task
Can someone please make a guide on how exactly do I tame wolves/ strategies/tactics etc.
I am kind of confused on how to make so the grey wolves become wolf-dogs, mainly if its through breeding (like do I need to trap generations of wolves in a pit and give them meat so with time they become dogs?) or can I just tame individuals, how do I make so the wolves dont get hungry when Im out for too long, do I just throw the food for them to eat or do they also need food throughs? stuff like that.
I was hoping if someone could explain it to me or maybe (and it would be more helpful imo) if the developer could make a guide in the in-game journal on the specifics
Also I am confused on how they say pretty much all species can be domesticated but only grey wolves will turn into dogs. what is the difference between domesticated wolves of other species and domesticated dogs (as in their use/mechanics/etc) also what is the difference between a domesticated fox and a domesticated wolf in terms of mechanics etc
So some entities won't spawn if your view distance is below their minimum distance from player to spawn, some will take hours to spawn and most spawn in fairly low numbers. As such when you first start a world you'll likely not see many, especially not in as little time as 20 minutes. Their population is also capped, so if one player has a tiger nearby, other players won't have big cats spawn near them for example.
Once you settle down and are in an area for a while you'll almost assuredly see them spawn around your base, though you can use the command /entity count to see if they are spawning in out of sight. I've been testing them in rc6 today and while I didn't see all species, I saw some from quite a few of the mods.
my firends and I are testing mods for our next playthrough and after a hour of searching together on the map all 4 of us running in separate directions some down at the quarter some at spawn we have not found a single entity added by any of your fauna mods? we re in 1.20 rc6 and even tested for another 20 minutes with only your mods loaded and otherwise just vanilla and we still could not find anything could it be a issue with rc 6?
It will prevent new base game wolves from spawning, but won't delete or replace existing ones sgtmcdude
I have a few wolves in my game I'm trying to tame. Will installing this mod replace them with new wolves?
That sounds like a server management issue, which I don't really have experience in. This mod should function like any other mod in that regard, so I'd suggest going on the Discord's multiplayer section and asking about mod removal.
Tentharchitect ok cool. i have another question. so i deleted all the fotsa packs and when i go to load my server it still shows all the entities from your modpack trying to load. is there something else i have to do to get rid of the mod packs completely?
Yep, entities will spawn in old and new chunks so long as their spawn criteria is met
if i delete this mod after i have already generated a world will the vanilla mobs spawn in chunks i have already rendered still?
Same thing than for others mods, for impatient french players ;)
Voici la traduction Fr du mod (v1.0.17) pour celles et ceux qui ne peuvent pas attendre la prochaine maj ;)
Thanks Yelb!
Unfortunately combining them would cause some logistical challenges when updating and their combined file size is approaching the database's max file size. For stability reasons, I'm going to stick with the mod being in a series rather than one big bundle
Hello, your mods are greatly great. Could you make a single mod with all your animals ? It would be easier to follow.
And making my rounds here:
SoulReaperz: there isn't a config for spawns, you'll have to go into the mod's files to edit it. There are some mods out on the DB that create a dynamic config file if you're not feeling comfortable editing the spawn rate. Was it literally a thousand or something else? There are a couple rare occurances where raccoon dogs have the opportunity to breed unhindered, they have one of the highest litter size, shortest pregnancy times and can breed off of berries so some folks have reported population booms where a hidden pair of raccoon dogs were able to breed near their bases.
Eightbarnes: Some of those config mods will superscede the patch this mod adds, causing the base game dogs to spawn again. You'll have to manually disable it in those mods. The dogs in this mod have a much lower rate of spawning to compensate for the sheer number of them and in certain climates will result in long delays between sightings.
Hi, I've still got normal base game wolves spawning in my world, and I only super rarely see any creatures added by this mod. Have I installed incorrectly? Or do I just need to modify the config?
not sure whats causing it but i can not find the config for the raccoon dogs spawn rate
i just had like a thousand raccoons in one small spot out of the blue today
They weren't considered as for the most part I'm avoiding subspecies. Far too many to make
I have a Question/Suggestion could New guinea Singing dogs be added? or were they cut because of the relative similarity to Dingos?
Hey thanks Longinus_Prime! This mod doesn't break wolf taming, so you could still buy a wolf pup from the trader and tame it with that mod, but I've not gotten to making this mod compatible with wolf taming/pet AI yet. If anyone is willing to do it sooner than later though, I'd be happy to incorporate it into the mod
Real quick question. Does this mod work with the wolf taming mod? I know this mod has its own form but I just wanted to check if its compatible in anyway. Thanks for your hard work!
I won't write a whole list of them but I will point you in the right direction! Go into the mod's assets folder, the domain (caninae in this mod's case) and then itemtypes and find the animals.json file. There you'll find a list of all the entity IDs for that mod Theisgood
May I ask a favour? See I wanna add your creatures to mobs radar mod, but I can't seem to find your creatures ID's
Would there be a way you could make a ID list? For like all your creatures from each mod. IF its not asking to much I know you are probably busy :)
Ah gotcha! Thanks so much for the help! It would be really cool if troughs held more food items in general. But thanks again and keep up the great work!
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying them Keltic_Alpha!
They should be, last time I checked they'll eat loose items off the ground. I'm going through and doing some updates and will be adjusting their diets in the next couple of days so the foxes should be able to eat raw meats, insects, eggs and such. In theory if those items were added to troughs it would automatically work with them, but currently those can't be used in troughs.
Hello! I love all your animal mods! Great work and the models are really nice too. My question is: do the foxes actually eat dropped meat itmes on the ground, or do they need a trough to eat it out of? Do they eat any meat item or only a certain meat? I keep throwing red meat in with them and when I come back its gone, but I can't tell if they ate it or if it just despawned. Thanks so much for the help!
So to answer Stejer, 1: correct, all creatures in this mod can be domesticated just like any base game animal that can eat food. 2: only the domestic dogs have the follow behavior and the defensive targets, since I can't switch those via generational change. Some canines do have a follow behavior where they will check out a player from a distance and flee if the player gets too close, but as they are domesticated this distance gets smaller until they only follow the player. 3: It is the same as the base game, I don't do code mods so check what it is for the sheep/goats/chickens etc.. as of last time I checked I believe they'll disable the attack player behavior at gen 3 and the flee behavior is completely disabled at gen 10 but that could be tweaked in the future of the base game. 4: foxes are creatures in this mod that can eat, therefore are domesticatable and behave the same way as wild ones, but with the base game domesticated animal changes as generations progress. 5: I consider them to be their own animals, though I advise you to check the entity files AI tasks to get an idea on the differences between behaviors. Domestication is identical for all animals, but their base behavior is slightly different with most animals having dozens of slight differences in their stats and behaviors I don't want to list out here.
For Dnd, I check Discord more often, and have the same user name there and is better for back and forth communication. That said, I'm only editing Json files and mixing and matching existing behaviors, so the underlying code isn't my forte. All the stuff I'm using is built into the game, so you just need the right json lines to get it working. As such, I don't have a meaningful answer for any of your questions unfortunately.
Tentharchitect I hope you don't mind a few questions. In the future is there a better medium to communicate with you or is this fine? I am working on making all of my creature mods compatible with your three creature mods, and so far I have the Aurochs from Medeival Expansions, the birds from More Animals and some of the selected animals from The Critters Package compatible with all of your mods.
How do wild creatures gain Saturation, is it linked to their weight or is there a hidden value somewhere? I see predators eat protein on seekfoodandeat and they do eat items listed as such, but I am assuming dead creatures are not converted to a food type and am wondering if there is a way to link corpses to that keyword. If I could get them to gain weight after eating a corpse, they wouldn't just kill everything indiscriminately, but rather have a better seekentity behavior for hunting when they are hungry/low weight. One thought I had was rabbits eat crop-blocks with the keyword nibblecrop and wondered if there was a way to make dead animals a food-block with a tag like nibblecorpse or something. Another thought I had was perhaps if a wild animal kills another animal, they could drop something like 'small-guts, medium-guts' linked to protein, but I don't know if the game would recognize what kills what or if that is something that would need to be added.
Is the EmothionState AlarmHerdOnDamage a function built into the game, and does it just work with this line of code or is there an extra step to make each entity in a group a herd? A couple times I noticed that when I shot at a sleeping lion, he and his group swarmed towards me but wasn't able to really grasp how that is working by code.
The horses in Feverstone Horses are not an EntityAgent, rather they are EntityMount/EntityPet and your creatures as well as base game creatures don't recognize the horses at all. Do you know of a workaround for that offhand? If not that is fine, I can get the horses to run away from threats since they recognize other creatures.
I guess my last question doesn't have much to do with your mod. If I start a multiplayer server, would I be able to modify the files myself after getting it setup and would players joining be able to see the changed behavior of creatures? Or is this not how it works and the files they get are downloaded straight from this website? Sorry for the long post and hope it isn't a bother. I only ask you because creature mods, and your mods in particular, really change the game for the better and I absolutely love them!
I asked similar questions before, it might be cuz im dumb and im not understanding or it could be cuz of my personal assumptions but i have a few questions
1- I understood that all of the creatures of this mod can be domesticated but is it only the grey wolf that can turn into a dog?
2- will the other canine species that were domesticated behave like how it was described or only the dogs?
3- how many generations is it needed to demstica the canines? is it the defalt 3/5 gens or is it different? also is it possible to make it faster?
4- are the foxes also domestacable or only the wolves and how will they bahave?
5- do you consider animals like the maned wolf or japanese racoon dog to be wolves, foxes or something different (since they arent vulpus nor lupus)? and how does that afect their behavior when domestacated?
thnx for reading, this is an amazing mod and I love it!
PS: Will your other mods like the capricolinae be added to the main game in the future as well? and if they are will that make those mods obsolete?
Another test world and the first wolves I encounter once again are a pack of 10 grey wolves... T_T
At least it was just a creative test flight but still...
Yep, that's how quickly they'll respawn
Tentharchitect Thanks for the response! I am not very experienced with code, but I am assuming the spawn rate is the line of chanceByType?
Mythimna There shouldn't be any problems with adding it mid save.
So I did a bit of a work around for both this mod and the Wolf Taming mod. I catch and have the Gray Wolves breed and have puppies. Then when the puppies are born I go into creative mode and replace them with the vanilla "Wolf" puppy. This allows the Wolf Taming mod to work and when you feed them enough they will be tamed and turn into "Wolfdog" pups that can be further trained for obediance. In short I think both mods are great and have their stregths. So unless there is some patch made between the two mods, I think this is a good work around that still make the game feel balanced for all the work put in.
Can this mod be added mid-save to an existing world?
Maamessu correct, the PetAI system requires either the mod to be a dependency or have extensive patching to work together. If someone wants to take the time to come up with those patches I'd be happy to add them to the mod but I'd prefer to use my modding time making new content or keeping my stuff updated.
Hydromancerx Glad you found it!
Sorry for all the questions but i cannot seem to find the answer. So i managed to trap a male and female gray wolf in a pit and the female is now pregnant. How long is the pregnancy?
Thanks in advance!
Finally found it in the code "pregnancyDays". Looks like Canis lupus = 13 days. Wow i have a bit of waiting ahead of me then.
I assume this probably wouldn't be compatible with the PetAI Wolf Taming mod, right?
You can find the temp ranges in the animal's entity files. I believe it is -12 to 24 celsius. The dingos and red wolves are domesticatable, and neither has the hunting player behavior so I didn't see the need to give them a unique domestic variant that was required to stop the domestic gray wolves from still hunting the player.
What is the Gray Wolf's temperature spawing range? Also could you make Dingos and/or Red Wolves a chance to grow into a domestic dog when bred? I started in the warm climate and I am having trouble finding Gray Wolves to breed into Domestic Dogs. Thanks in advance!
Thanks so much for the quick update! It does improve significantly the Hunter Gatherer playstyle i am after using the hunter character. Tentharchitect
So did some testing and not only were my dogs double attacking but the black, brown and polar bear are as well. I'm guessing this isn't intentional so I filed a bug report and hope the devs fix multiple attacks using the same attack slot being used. If they don't do it soon I'll rework all my animals to only have only one attack action, though it'll lose some of the intricacy I built into the mod so I'll wait a bit.
Thanks Dnd, you are welcome to tweak the spawn rate in entity files or the pack sizes, but I'm not planning on learning the tools for config files.
The bears are set up the same way PetMudstone, but I'll poke around and see what's up.
Strange TobyGentlemane, let me know if things change again but the texture atlas fix shouldn't be relevant post 1.19.x
Edit: Just had to untick it go into the world and renable the mod again for it to work as normal
Hey, all the wolfs/dogs that this mod is invisible in my game, playing 1.19.3, if looking at the mobs in the guide book they are just none textured, have tried with old and new world but same problem. Using 1.0.9 and have updated the atlas to 8192 but it did nothing sadly
It seems like gray and dire wolves at least can attack the player twice in rapid succession, possibly due to there being two "meleeattack" tasks in the relevant .json that have the player as a target. This might be making them noticeably more lethal compared to vanilla wolves as in practice this means they can attack twice as fast while doing similar amounts of damage per hit. I've been having various frustrations with the aggressive wolves from this mod due to feeling like they were somehow overly dangerous compared to vanilla and I figure this might be a major part of it.
Your mods have made the game amazing! There are quite the intense moments between vicious dogs, cats and sabers.Figured I would lead with that because they really do make the game better.
Any chance we can get a config file for spawn frequency and/or pack sizes? I am constantly culling large packs of wolves and cats to the point where I just leave corpses rotting everywhere.
Oh interesting, I bet they changed the file name of the wolf howls in the latest version.
Anyone seeing this in their logs? Doest cause a crash, but dont hear the howls anymore.
4.2.2024 11:46:19 [Warning] Audio File not found: game:sounds/creature/wolf/howl.ogg
4.2.2024 11:46:54 [Warning] Audio File not found: game:sounds/creature/wolf/howl.ogg
4.2.2024 11:47:10 [Warning] Audio File not found: game:sounds/creature/wolf/howl.ogg
4.2.2024 11:47:18 [Warning] Audio File not found: game:sounds/creature/wolf/howl.ogg
All good things to know, I'd raised the minimum number of canina members to be in line with the base game's limit, but I suspect it is dramatically increasing the chance of large packs being encountered, since you could get 1-3 solitary canina members spawning and still get a large pack. I might do some more testing and tune it down to a minimum of 2 instead of 4 if this persists.
Echoing DarkThoughts because I've rather frequently running into huge packs of wolves of upwards of 10 members. It's nbd when it's just the red wolves, but a friend on my sever has seen several large packs of greys spawn, one instance resulting in her getting spawn camped by them. I've only seen one pack of 2, all others have been anywhere from 6-10. Way more than we did in the 1.18 version and it's more frequent than the base game packs when we didn't have the mod. One such pack was a group of all gray males that she was unfortunate enough to see spawn in and mob her.
Tentharchitect Alright, thanks. Guess I'm just unlucky constantly running into such big packs. Quite the moment when there's some critter sprinting past you, followed by a horde of angry lightspeed traveling wolves. lol
That's the upper range of the wolf packs yeah, their frequency is lower than base game but their max pack size is 2 or 3 higher than the base game.
You can delete the patch that patches out base game wolf spawning Dnd
Is this mod compatible with Wolf Taming or is there an easy way to enable the base game wolf spawning in addition to these guys?
Are wolf pack sizes of like ~10 wolves intended?
I'm only aware of the saber cats I posted today, those are the ones they'll now interact with. And the pop cap is increased from 1 across the board, now a single lone member of that tribe won't block any more from spawning.
Even the new saber cats?
Also, is the pop cap alignment an increase or a reduction to the previous versions?
All the species are technically domesticatable, some of them follow the players while others just tolerating them and acting as alert dogs or pest repellents. They use the same domestication system as the base game animals, so they follow the same number of generations before the flee behavior is disabled (10 last I checked, with the distance getting shorter each prior generation) and the attack behavior being disabled (3 last I checked)
Grey wolves are the only ones that can give birth to domestic dogs, though because I set them to be able to crossbreed within the same genus, you can have a grey wolf mother and any other canis father. Each wolf puppy has a 10% chance of being a domestic dog if I recall correctly and they'll follow the player from gen 1
hello just one question, is it only grey wolves that are domesticable or the other species are also tameable? It would be nice if others were too. Also the tamed foxes do the same functions of the tamed wolves (attacking enemies and following the player) or do they have other functions?
I'd also like to know how many generations does it take to tame them because it gets kinda expensive meat wise to do 3 gens
thank you
They don't currently until adulthood. I'd left them out since the base game babies don't eat but considering this is the third comment about puppies not being able to eat I might need to add it so people can feed treats to their pup.
I am curious. I recently bought a domestic pup from the treasure hunter and now I have her running around the place. I've tried to feed her by throwing meat on the ground but she doesn't seem to eat anything. Does the domestic pups not eat like the normal wolves/foxes?
No tameable species or sled pulling as I'm only using vanilla behaviors and attributes but if those are added to the base game I'd like to implement them. You can domesticate the dogs however and breeding gray wolves will eventually result in a domestic dog being born
are there tameable species within or planned? I'd really like a sled dog...
Gryfang It will not, and will likely crash Vintage Story since it uses some new 1.19 features
will the latest updates work on 1.18?
1.19 changed how the fox file was formatted, and in the latest update of this mod I changed how I formatted the patch preventing them from spawning to work with 1.19. It will no longer prevent foxes from spawning with 1.18 but otherwise works.
Hi, i've noticed that despite having this mod installed, red foxes still spawn along with your modded foxes, could you look into that?
All the base game meats work, as do bones, insects and berries for some of the cannines. The reason for this is that meat can't be placed into troughs in the base game, and rather than patching the troughs and risking compatibilty issues I went with just using the same behavior that raccoons use to pick up food off the ground. The canines that can eat berries can eat them from troughs however.
So when taming the animals all you need to do is throw meat on the ground? Does it matter what kind of meat? Do bones work? Super interested in the process and would love to learn more. Thanks!
thanks for reply! good to know, and interesting to know!
Oh I think I know what happened MentallyWill. I made the bengal fox first and derived the other decoration items from that one and I probably left a line in there for the bengal fox texture so it's looking to see where in the model needs that texture and none of it does. It shouldn't cause any issues but doesn't look nice in the error log. I'll try and get to that as I finish my 1.19 updates.
Hey! Im currently troubleshooting my game for probably unrelated issues, but I had a BIG wall of text that was erroring- is this supposed to happen? this happens for nearly all the animals in this mod
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-canina-female-canis-aureus using shape caninae:item/canina/floorpelt-aureus-female
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-canina-male-canis-aureus using shape caninae:item/canina/floorpelt-aureus-male
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-canina-female-canis-lupastor using shape caninae:item/canina/floorpelt-lupastor-female
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-canina-male-canis-lupastor using shape caninae:item/canina/floorpelt-lupastor-male
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-cerdocyonina-female-dusicyon-australis using shape caninae:item/cerdocyonina/floorpelt-australis-female
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-cerdocyonina-male-dusicyon-australis using shape caninae:item/cerdocyonina/floorpelt-australis-male
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-cerdocyonina-female-lycalopex-culpaeus using shape caninae:item/cerdocyonina/floorpelt-culpaeus-female
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-cerdocyonina-male-lycalopex-culpaeus using shape caninae:item/cerdocyonina/floorpelt-culpaeus-male
6.11.2023 19:16:42 [Error] Missing mapping for texture code bengalensis-adult during shape tesselation of item caninae:pelt-cerdocyonina-female-lycalopex-griseus using shape caninae:item/cerdocyonina/floorpelt-griseus-female
You're welcome, happy to make it!
Thanks you for your contribution, this is insane !
You can set the carcass spawn rates to be lower or zero and it will disable them in their entity file.
Can you add an option to disable the carcass mechanic? Sometimes I find myself in an area, and all of a sudden nothing seems to spawn at all. Then I have to go on a pretty harsh hide and go seek game to get my region filled and dangerous again.
Yes, you increase the max group size in all the entity files. That said, the growth isn't linear so if you raise it too high you'll get a pretty dramatic increase in dogs
Hello! This mod looks very interesting, but I'm having trouble finding the new dogs. Is there a way I can increase the maximum number that spawn in?
You're welcome, happy to answer questions about the mod. There are plenty of features I could learn C# to implement... but I'd rather get all the animals done in the next few years instead of a decade. 😅
Thanks for all the replies Tentharchitect, very informing. I''ll take a look at the C# part but I'm dumb and learning slowly.
I have no idea how to do such a thing unfortunately, but if anyone proficient with C# is willing to do it and maintain it I'd add it.
Yes, dire wolves are faster than humans, though I made all the animals about half their maximum irl speed. That said, every time an animal steps up a block they have about a quarter second delay that you can bypass with a well timed hop. Running up hills or over lots of low barriers will let you outpace pretty much anything. I also made them flee at 75% health, so with the strongest animal in this mod you only need to do 3.75 damage for them to flee, which is pretty much one hit with all but the weakest weapons.
Any chance on a json config for the range and pitch/volume of all the sounds?
I swear sometimes they are barking when nothing is happening and sometimes they are eating me before they ever seemed to bark. Also are they intentionally faster then any class can sprint?
At this point if one is locked on and you have many terrain conditions you either die or kill it, you can never flee from it. Tentharchitect
My understanding is that Accessibility Tweaks won't be updated until Apache is back, so I'm not certain if I'll spend the time making compatibility with it at this time.
In the mean time you could reduce the audible range of sounds, I'm expecting you are talking about the dogs alarm barks which are set to be audible over 100 meters away. Simply reducing this range should reduce the audio
Any chance to get your mod to register within (Accessibility Tweaks). I would love to lower the sound since it can be annoying at times when its constantly going off.
Awesome, exactly what I was hoping for 😆
I was able to find some audio for dogs, but quite a few my family and I made the noises for. Was a lot of fun making silly animal noises.
I want to say your sound design is top notch. It makes the world feel so alive. So many times I've just been wandering around and think "What the hell just made that sound?!" And run around looking for the source. Then I stumble on a fox and it bites me. 10/10.
Ah nice! Thanks for tracking those down. Not sure why butter is causing an issue either, I might just remove that one since it would be a rather expensive treat.
Back again! We're still getting the same errors when the server runs.
Ket did some searching and found that the wildcards still remain in pantherinae-neofelis-male.json on line 574. Then she found that "butter" was referenced in urocyonini-female.json and urocyonini-male.json in several places. Though she is confused about why "venison-raw" would be causing any issues.
That's very kind of you to say, thanks!
The animals in the FotSA series use the same spawning as the base game butterflies. Groups of them have a shared spawn pool that once the limit is reached, no more will spawn from that spawn pool, but the limit can be overshot if a herd or pack spawns all at once. In order for more to spawn, the existing ones will have to be killed, or you'll have to get far enough away that they aren't loaded into the world. There are currently 7 spawn pools between my current mods, clouded leopards, panthera cats, deer, true foxes, gray foxes, South American dogs and canina dogs, which can result in anywhere from 7 animals to 70 or so animals depending on the spawn group size. If you aren't seeing many, it's quite possible you just have some solitary species tucked away in a hidden valley or hard to reach spot that is using up the spawn pool of that category.
Fly covered carcasses and dead animals also use up the spawn pool, so if you want to find more of that type of animal make sure to destroy them.
This is a fantastic mod and probably one of the best out there
Please explain how spawning mobs works if all your mods for adding mobs are installed
I rarely meet wolves, foxes and other fashionable animals in the world
Does it depend on the total number of mobs present? For example, if there are many buffaloes, deer, bighorns in the nearby regions
In the current game world, I met two pairs of wolves and they were all female. Is it supposed to be like that or I just didn't find the whole game?
Thank you
Nope, you didn't miss anything. I think when I was finishing this up I didn't transfer my pelt and hiding polishing to the final build. Should have a new version up shortly!
Can't seem to be able to turn the dire wolf pelt into a standard pelt, just tried with the japanese raccon and that worked fine, am I missing something?
I'll look it over, but I'm really not sure what's going on with those wild card sections. Thanks for sending all the details.
If it helps, I'm using all three of the FotsA mods. I double checked the files and they're all the latest release versions of the three. I've checked with my admins and no one has tried to edit anything.
Oh right! I posted in Caninae because at the moment, I have a fox penned up and was trying to feed it by throwing raw red meat on the ground. But when we were getting spammed this error, no one was trying to feed the fox so I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the errors or not.
Here's a list of our installed mods: A Culinary Artillery, Ancient Tools, Better Drifters, Bricklayers, Bullseye, Carryon, Clay Mold for Nails and Strips, Expanded Food, Expanded Matter, Primitive Survival, Still Necessaries, Stone Quarry, Th3 Essentials, The Basics, Vinconomy, Wildcraft, Common Lib, Acorns, Advanced Smithing, Alchemy, Animals Cages, BackpackPack, Bed Respawnner, Better Firepit, Better Jonas Devices, Better Moisture, Better Stepping, Colored Jugs, Cooperative Combat, Cottage Windows (performance edition), Eternal Butterflies, Fields of Gold, From Golden Combs, Hanging Oil Lamps, Kiln Time Viewer, Less Bears, Lichen, Metal Tongs, Meteoric Expansion, Millwright, More Backpack Colors, Mortal Damage, Multiblock Crate, Ochre, Pumpkin Patch, Rope Bridges, Scarecrow, Scythemore, Shelfish, Sliding Doors, Stone Back Oven, Stone Tablets, Storage Options, Wood Chests, Ancient Dungeons, Better Ruins, Eternal Butterflies, Hide and Fabric, No Bear Jet Packs, Dana Tweaks, Stone Path Variants, Cairns, FotSA Pantherinae, FotSA Caninae, FotSA Caproaelinae, Mr Mannequin
Glad to hear you're loving it!
That is strange, it looks like an old bug I patched out of the FotSA: Pantherinae mod. None of the dogs use wildcards for foods, I just went through and double checked. Did someone edit the mod to try and accept wildcard meats as food or are you using an old version of the Pantherinae mod?
Hello! Thanks for this mod, we're loving it so far. My multiplayer server is having this spammed for awhile and I'm not sure what it means or how to fix it.
10.10.2023 20:58:33 [Server Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 832ms to complete.
10.10.2023 20:59:29 [Server Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code game:butter in mouth invento
Dang, I was expecting people to say 5 hp, 4 dmg and 80% the speed of the base game wolves to be too low. If that's not what you are seeing from the coyote let me know, cause in testing they didn't pose much of a threat.
(EDIT) Ah that makes more sense, no worries! The dire wolves have the same hp and dmg as the base game wolves but have a larger aggro range and have realistic movement speed. They will however bark at the player from a slightly larger range, so learning to identify their warning bark is helpful. I also have them wander more than the base game wolves, so hopefully they won't camp bodies quite as much. Any other large dog will prevent dire wolves from spawning in an area, so they are a good reason to either buy a domestic dog puppy from a trader or breed gray wolves to get a domestic dog in your home to act as a spawn blocker.
coyotes are so busted, they are the fastest, most deadly creature.
be warned eveyone, you will hate them
I WAS WRONG. DIRE WOLVES are very strong, I completely mixed these two up, my bad!
I don't think there will be any code conflicts, haven't heard any reports of that and the foxes had already been disabled. Though yes, until the authors of that mod add a compatibility patch it would mean you can't butcher any of the dogs.
Since you disabled base wolf spawns, does this mean it will conflict with the butchering mod?
Finally done with the dogs!
This is possibly the largest mod I've ever made so I expect there will be plenty of minor issues here and there. Please let me know if you encounter any!
You can domesticate the foxes and other canines in this mod like you can the base game big horn sheep and pigs. You'll need to use berry mash or toss meats, insects or berries on the ground near by them to breed them and over the generations they'll attack and flee the player less.
Does this make foxes tamable or do I need a seperate mod?
This is very cool. Thank you
Those are all the items for the upcoming updates. I decided to have them all in advance since the game will split them up in the menu if added later. They should be getting art assets in the coming weeks, and for now you can see what dogs will be arriving later!
There seem to be a lot of items not displaying correctly in the creative menu when looking for caninae.
And this is why I wanted to get help play testing while finishing up the rest of the dogs! The pelt drop line is incorrect, fixed now and getting ready to push the first bug fix update. Thanks again!
No problem! Also, quick question, are pelts supposed to not drop in this version when killing any kind of fox? Running .net7 1.18.8-rc1 with HideAndFabric if that info is of any use.
Ah, thank you for bringing that to my attention! Fixed and will be implemented in the next update.
The mod is missing the floorpelt-lagopus-male.json file from shapes > items > vulpini. Other than that, you did an amazing job, like all your other mods!
ProlePal It isn't too hard to start but there are a lot of ins and outs to making creatures. Making my first mod took an afternoon, my first published animal mod took six months of learning the various tools and files. Perhaps down the line you'll give it a shot again but in the mean time I have tons of animal coming soon to continue making the world more diverse!
@wXDogeKingXw, thank you so much! I really enjoy making these mods and I'm excited to hear how people engage with the animals within!
A new masterpiece arrives! thanks for making our gameplay experience better! and for all players on atlas too!
Well I tried the model creator, way over my skillset. I'm glad you and people like you are doing the work you're doing modding the game! It's great seeing it grow! And the mods make the game way better and more ecologically diverse!
Oh I see cool! I am excited for more ursidae! I wonder how hard it is to make a mod for this game, I've never done it before for any game, is it accessible for someone unfamiliar with the api?
Not to worry! I don't have a plan to do any of those in the next few months, as I'm going through the base game clades first (finishing up this one, then Caprinae. The order of the rest is being determined by votes over on this mod's discord thread of Antilopinae, Hyaenidae, Procyonidae, Suidae and Ursidae)
After those are all done, a number of the ones you listed will be in the next round of mods, I just haven't settled on an exact order yet. Will be holding a vote on Discord whenever I post a new creature mod though!
Well I have some ideas for terrestrial mammals. Pangolins (the only scaled mammal), monotremes (platypus and echidnas), marsupials (pouched mammals like kangaroos and possums), large mammals like elephants, hippos, and rhinos, anteaters, and xenarthra (sloths and armadillos). And I don't know if these are possible in the game's current state but mammals that swim like walruses, otters and seals. Sorry for the spam I was just looking through orders on wikipedia.
No owls yet that I'm aware of, most of animal modders I've talked with are waiting to add birds until flying AI is improved. Would be awesome to see though!
There shouldn't be any compatibility issues with Hide and Fabric but I don't intend to add sheering to dogs. That said, once I make my goat and sheep pack I intend to have those utilize the mechanics from Hide and Fabric.
Hell yeah, can't wait to try this. Has anyone added order: strigiformes(owls) yet?
Is this compatible with Hide and Fabric?
The domestication works just like the base games. Feeding an animal and having them nearby a mate will eventually cause them to breed, and with each generation they become more domesticated. In the case of the foxes, that means they will flee from a shorter and shorter distance with each generation and after a few generations no longer wake up when a player approaches, or bite them if the player gets too close. Because meat and insects can't be placed in a trough, you instead have to drop them on the ground nearby a fox for them to eat in order to mate. Bat-eared foxes only eat insects, but the rest will eat meat, berries and berry mash from troughs.
Both wild and domestic foxes will occasionally follow a player, but wild foxes will flee if the player gets too close. Once they are sufficiently domesticated however, foxes will just stick close to the player if nothing else catches their interest.
Hey I was going to install the mod but didnt quite understand the domesticating mechanic that was mentioned
from what I could understand you throw the insects/berries/meat on the ground and that may attract the foxes but I didnt quite understand what type of animals you can domesticate, what they will do when domesticated or if you need to separate those foxes so they will breed over time.
If you could answer id appreciate thx