Welcome to the Official Hub for Vintage Story Mods!
It's goal is to simplify access and management of community made modifications to the base game. This site connects to your game account, so no extra sign up required.
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Latest 10 Mods
Latest 20 Comments
On | Text | By | Date |
Smithing Plus | Would it be possible to add iron bits to iron blooms, or blooms to blooms? I've had a couple of times where I get a bloom that doesn't have enough voxels (missing 1 or 2) after splitting all the slag. I tried adding spare iron bits after heating them up past a workable temperature but it states it must be the same metal to add material - fair enough, I'll try adding a spare incomplete bloom I had laying around. Nope, didn't work either, and neither did a untouched bloom. Is there any solution other than just taking the loss? |
burgertanker | 6 minutes ago |
Auto Map Markers | сделайте пожалуйста мод на увеличение значков в раза 3-4 спасибо зарание |
RNM | 22 minutes ago |
No Clayforming | спасибо крутой мод так держать |
RNM | 24 minutes ago |
ModsUpdater | One of the best mods for VS hands down |
Kant | 58 minutes ago |
Make Tea | Cozy mod! Is there any plans to add stuff like Kombucha or other types of mushroom tea? I know most mushrooms in the game are merely edible or poisoinous mushrooms but some like the shiitake can make for real nice earthy tea. |
GrimGrom | 1 hour ago |
Better Scrap | JunidO are you playing with combat overhaul? also what version are you playing on? |
GamerProLC | 1 hour ago |
Gourmand | first thank you for this nice mod, but am i doing something wrong? or is it normal that every new update, my food points restes but not the food i ate? |
GaymerMike | 1 hour ago |
Rust & Rot | Would you be willing to take a commission to help me and my mod team (we're from a different game altogether) realize a vision in vintage story? |
ShunTheWitch | 1 hour ago |
Hide Nametags | Hide Name Tags 1.20.4 is not loading with 1.20.4-rc4 |
Juko | 2 hours ago |
Combat Overhaul | Danymike Fixed |
Maltiez | 2 hours ago |
Electricity | у меня есть большой банк аккумуляторов он крафтится но нет возможности даже его поставить |
RNM | 2 hours ago |
Spruced Up | Looking forward to potentially seeing the new quarter logs in this lovely shade! |
Tressym | 2 hours ago |
Ferns like Grass | Thanks A LOT, i really wanted this. |
Yskar | 2 hours ago |
Rustbound Magic | Vies Thanks for the info. I will get the update. Quick question, is there a more comprehensive list of things the magic Crucible can make/do or is it intended to be a "discover more in the book as you go"? Thanks! |
Zonasta | 2 hours ago |
FendragonBCS | спасибо . получилось |
KromaVeli | 2 hours ago |
Flowers | спасибо хороший мод
RNM | 2 hours ago |
flower-propagation | спасибо классный мод |
RNM | 2 hours ago |
Art of Cooking | not really a big fan of the dough molding, honestly feels if something extra nees to be there maybe a rolling pin with functionality akin to tilling farmland with a hoe, could be a neat way to tie compatibility with Culinary Artillery |
ThirtySix | 3 hours ago |
Zippy's Moose Tweaks | спасибо ждем ваш мод |
RNM | 3 hours ago |
Snoopers | бро зделай пж звук мех. молота тише или заменить чем очень сильно по ушам бьет |
RNM | 3 hours ago |