Mods / Spawners API

Category: #Creatures #Library
Author: BoboDev
Side: Both
Created: Jun 15th at 1:18 PM
Last modified: Sep 3rd at 12:45 AM
Downloads: 2514
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Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Spawners API

Create custom spawners into creative inventory and for mods usages, this will not create any type of generations or structures with it, this is a simple API to be used among other mods.

Every spawner has a own configuration, example:

  • The spawners will work as long as the ambient light is less than 13.
  • Placing torchs in the side of spawner will prevent from spawning entities
  • The darker the more fast spawners will work.
  • Spawners doesn't have a entity limit, will continue spawning infinitly.
  • Spawners will only work if theres is a player in 16 blocks XYZ.
  • Spawners will try to spawn entities in a range of 4x2x4.
  • Spawners will stop spawning when reach a total of 20 entities spawned
  • Spawners when breaked will spawn copper and casseterite or in rare cases a temporal gear
  • Spawners will only work if there a ground for the entity spawn
  • Spawners will only work if 2 tall blocks are available to entity trying to spawn

Obs: All configurations described before can be changed

If you want to create a custom spawner please check the wiki

About Spawners API

Spawners API is open source project and can easily be accessed on the github, all contents from this mod is completly free.

If you want to contribute into the project you can access the project github and make your pull request.

You are free to fork the project and make your own version of Spawners API, as long the name is changed.


  • Vanilla Minecraft Spawners

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.9 395 Sep 3rd at 12:45 AM Show Install now
v1.0.8 1023 Jul 19th at 10:20 PM Show Install now
v1.0.7 786 Jun 18th at 10:44 PM Show Install now
v1.0.4 117 Jun 17th at 3:30 PM Show Install now
v1.0.3 86 Jun 16th at 3:47 PM Show Install now
v1.0.2 57 Jun 16th at 2:12 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 50 Jun 15th at 1:20 PM Show Install now

14 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 jamescook, Sep 3rd at 1:50 AM

ok unzipping it worked for the editing it lol

💬 BoboDevAuthor, Sep 3rd at 12:48 AM

jamescook My recomendation is you to create a addon for this mod, there is a example in the wiki, but if you really want to change the default spawners that come along with this mod, do you need to unzip the mod, change in the assets folders manually in there

💬 jamescook, Sep 1st at 5:47 AM

do i need a certan program to change the config as i'm not able to at all

💬 I3eauLeBoi, Aug 22nd at 12:20 PM


Got it to work, it just took quite some time to let those NPC's spawn.
Thank you for the light level, i figured it was related to that.

💬 I3eauLeBoi, Aug 20th at 12:07 AM


I could try and see if that would help.
And yes, i've added the entity name to the list of spawnable.
Got the item in game with the "rotwalker-normal" spawner, or "bandit-axe" spawner. I plant it.
Nothing happens, yet oddly enough "feral-hound" does spawn the entities.

Perhaps its not compatible? (Which is odd, since feral hounds do spawn.) Its a very confusing situation, i know.

💬 BoboDevAuthor, Aug 19th at 1:47 PM

I3eauLeBoi In the spawner configuration make the: "lightLevel1": 100, to fast spawning


"lightLevel4": 100, for slow spawning, all other lightLevel should be -1

About the edit, i dind't understand, you add the outlaws to spawn in the "entitiesToSpawn" and is not spawning it?

💬 I3eauLeBoi, Aug 18th at 8:17 PM

What do i exactly need to do to allow them to spawn in any type of light?
I need some clarification on that since i am having a hard time letting a spawner spawn npcs i want.

Whatever i'm noticing now is that i can't be able to make spawners in regards to outlaws. (So far i only got hounds to spawn, apart from there? no bandits or troops.)
Same for rotwalkers from rust and rot. Its confusing honestly.

💬 BoboDevAuthor, Aug 7th at 10:54 PM

Knives Yes should disable it, by default the spawners that comes by any example in this mod have the configuration "torchWillDisableSpawn" set to true, this means any torchs in sides or top of the spawner will disable it, torchs that is not on the side/top will not be effective

jamescook The configurations is inside the mod, is any asset that you change, "assets/spawnerapi/config/spawner-name.json"

💬 jamescook, Aug 6th at 12:34 AM

ok eather i'm being blind and can't find the config, or it's done via commands as i could not find it

💬 Knives, Aug 4th at 3:24 AM

BoboDev Default spawner, but I suppose I need some clarification. Is placing the torch on the spawner suppose to prevent it, or is it just the light levels in the area? Cause torch on spawner is mainly what I was refering to.

💬 BoboDevAuthor, Aug 2nd at 1:14 AM

Knives Last time i checked it is disabling, do you are using the default spawner from the mod or some custom?

jamescook The default spawners doesn't drops himself, you need to change the configuration droppable to true to drop the spawner when breaking, i believe you can get the spawner with any tool.

💬 Knives, Aug 1st at 6:42 AM

torches dont seem to disable spawn

💬 jamescook, Jul 27th at 5:34 AM

quick questions what tool breaks spawners and what grade tool does it need to be? last question would there be a way to gather a spawner in survival so one to move a spawner somewhere ealse?

💬 Chrizzlybear, Jul 16th at 7:42 PM

Hi, I have translated the mod into german.

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