Mods / Hydrate or Diedrate

Category: #Clothing #Food #Other
Author: Chronolegionaire
Side: Both
Created: 5 days ago
Last modified: 1 day ago
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Hydrate Or Diedrate

DELETE your HoD config folder AND CACHE before updating or bad things will happen to you and all your friends and family!


Welcome to 'Hydrate or Diedrate', a comprehensive thirst mechanic mod for Vintage Story that introduces a dynamic hydration system influenced by weather conditions and player activities. This mod aims to enhance your survival experience by adding a layer of realism and challenge through the management of thirst.

Key Features

Thirst Mechanic

  • Thirst Bar: Keep an eye on your thirst bar, which depletes over time, especially in hot climates.
  • Weather Influence: Thirst drains faster in hot temperatures. Manage your hydration carefully when trecking to the south!
  • Cooling Stat: Most clothing items now have a cooling stat that helps mitigate heat, slowing down the rate of thirst depletion.
  • Wetness and Shelter: Being wet or seeking shelter can help you stay cool. Sometimes, wearing nothing is better than being fully clothed in the heat.
  • DEATH: Not staying hydrated WILL kill you and fast. Currently it will do roughly double the damage of starving to death.
  • Liquid Encumbrance: Liquid Containers that contain more than 4 litres (configurable) will encumber the player and slow movement speed.

Hydration from Food and Drinks

  • Hydration Stat: Every food and drink item now has a hydration stat that replenishes your thirst.
  • Special Effects: Soups and juices temporarily pause thirst, while alcohol can pause it for much longer, reflecting a unique way Seraphs process alcohol.
  • Water Sources: Drink directly from water sources with shift + right-click. However, this method increases hunger, encouraging players to process drinks or make soups for a more efficient hydration solution.

Customization and Compatibility

  • Fully Configurable: The mod comes with a JSON configuration file located in the modConfig folder, allowing you to tweak various settings to fit your gameplay style.
  • Easy Integration: Adding compatibility for new clothing, food, and drinks is straightforward with the included custom JSON patching method. All vanilla items have been patched using this method, and examples can be found in the config folder. Simply include a json in the modconfig folder with either the name name.AddHydration.json or name.AddCooling.json. And my patcher will detect it and patch the item accordingly. The priorty level goes from 1-5 with 1 being top priority for the purpose of overwriting other patches.

Current Out-of-Box Mod Support: VALUES MAY BE UNBALANCED







New World Crops

Primitive Survival

Warrior Drink


Eldritch Cute Clothing

Simple Cloth

Hide and Fabric


This mod is a work in progress. Values are subject to change based on user feedback to achieve better balance. While it should be safe to add or remove from existing saves, I am not liable for any damage or incompatibilities this mod may cause. I do not guarantee any support if you use this mod, but I am always happy to hear about bugs so I can squash them!

Balance is based on default config values, I can't help you or provide support for issues if you change values wildly.

Known Issues

  • None


  • Fix repair of items that have cooling but don't have warmth
  • Add more robust config options to clothing cooling
  • Add xskills integration.

Stay hydrated!

For a less death inducing experience, check out Balanced Thirst by Jayugg!

Special Thanks to BennyBoi for enduring an hour of testing agony with me.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.1.0 128 1 day ago Show Install now
v1.0.9 19 2 days ago Show Install now

31 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 1 day ago

Version 1.1.0 released
Added diurnal and light level cooling.
Night time will generally be cooler and caves will also be cooler.
Most cooling time of day is right before dawn, and hottest time of day will be a few hours after noon.

Vanilla behavior makes temp go up the deeper you are, I am still weighing on whether I want to ride with that gameplay or introduce a cooling effect to offset that so deeper caves don't cause thirst to raise incredibly fast.
To contend with this I introduced a configurable cap to the thirst decay increase set to 500% by default.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 2 days ago

Version 1.0.9 released

Reduced hunger loss from water portion drinking from -600 per litre to -100. 

Introduced a config toggle that turns off thirst mechanics entirely for compatiblity with Balanced Thirst.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 2 days ago


Liquid containers are fully compatible, the -1200 sat and 1200 hydration is the total amount of liquid in the container (vanilla displays it that way for whatever reason) actually drinking it will only drink one "serving" (one litre). That amount is 600 hyd and -600 hunger. So there are two servings per container. Raw Water is not meant to be the solution for solving thirst, this is a deliberate decision. For early game pre fruit press, you will want to make soup using vegetables and water (There will be other early game drinks in the near future). Soup no longer reduces your hunger and is safe to drink. Alternatively you can eat berries and other hydrating foods to recover thirst. 

💬 Tobymaxgames, 2 days ago

Can you improve compatibity with the Liquid Containers mod? the canteens and waterskins have hydration, but the values are insane. -1200 saturation and 1200 hydration for just the small canteens is crazy. i don't know how to fix it myself

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 2 days ago

If using an older version, please update 1.0.8 to avoid server log overload.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 2 days ago


Tailors delight doesn't add any new clothes so doen't need any compatibility adjustements, I did just add compatibility for the main clothing mods I could find on here though.

💬 Awutak, 2 days ago

Hi is it possible to integrate the clothing of tailor's delight?

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 2 days ago

Version 1.0.5

Fixed character dialog close button

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago

Version 1.0.4 Released

A culinary artillery bottles now fully compatible

Fully implemented liquid encumbrance

Added more null fallbacks to further prevent potential crashes

💬 Cojo, 3 days ago

Thank you! A Cullinary Artillery is pretty much paired right up with Expanded Foods, so it might be a relatively easy addition. Though, I know absolutey nothing about coding, so I'm saying that purely from an outside perspective, hah! I'll be sure to update as I play! Thus far, I am really enjoying this mod giving more practical use to the alcohol brewing mechanics in-game! I also feel like it pairs beautifully with the naturism perk from XSkills, since I usually take up residence in warmer climates in my worlds. Makes survival just that extra bit more challenging, and adds more to do, which in this sort of game I am a MASSIVE fan of! I always felt a thirst mechanic to pair with the hunger system was something needed in the game. Loving it so far!

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago


Cool, I can take a peek at a culinary artillerys flasks and see if that is something I can fix on my end, but I definitely can't make any promises! Let me know if you have any other issues. Also this goes for everyone but I would love to hear more feedback on the actual experience while playing with the mod, pain points, balance issues, that kind of thing so I can make tweaks to improve the experience. 

💬 Cojo, 3 days ago

It's from A Cullinary Artillery - I realized that and was about to come back and edit just now, hah. The flasks and waterskins from Liquid Containers work just fine, at the very least! So problem has been averted for now! Also, thank you for the quick replies!

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago


Vanilla doesn't display satiety in the handbook. So its not necessarily my mod as its default behavior just that my mod DOES display hydration. I may make it not display hydration at all in the handbok to bring it in line with vanilla, but that is fairly low priority at the moment. 


💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago


What mod is the glass bottle from? I don't think thats a vanilla item.

💬 Cojo, 3 days ago

So an additional update, when I drank a bottle of water my thirst multiplier jumped up to over 1500%

Edit: Deleted the config folder and the 1500% issue stopped with fresh configs. However, I narrowed down the problem with thirst repenishing being linked to drinking from glass bottles. For some reason, when you drink anything from a bottle, it doesn't replenish your thirst.

💬 Cojo, 3 days ago

Unfortunately I didn't get a crash log, all that happened was I got the popup saying "Vintage Story has stopped responding" and there was no log created when I stopped it after waiting a bit. I'm no longer having a crash issue, so I do believe that was unrelated. However, I still am unable to actually fill my thirst bar by any means - is there something I should tweak in the config to fix this, or should I try re-installing the mod for now?

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago


Can you give me the stack trace in your crash log?



I'll take a look at the handbook display and see if I can iron that out.

💬 Cojo, 3 days ago

I'm experiencing a weird issue where drinking things doesn't replenish my thirst, and when I tried drinking some spelt ale it made my game freeze and crash. Not sure if this is an issue on my end, since I only just installed the mod, but I'll update after I do some fiddling to see if it's my end or the mod having an isssue.

💬 Dexapnow, 3 days ago

I was confused because in handbook nutrition isn't displayed, only hydration is, but when it's in container it displays both stats

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 3 days ago

Version 1.0.2 released:

Please delete your HoD config folder if you update.

Water block drinking is now config based to allow compatibility with other mods' liquid blocks.

Cooling config now supports wild card statements.

Added out of the box compatibility for: 
New World Crops
Primitive Survival
Warrior Drink

Very likely unbalanced, could use someone to give it a solid test and balance pass if anyone is interested.

Will continue to add compatibility options for compatibility with Balanced Thirst as time permits.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 4 days ago

Should have compatibility for a lot of the bigger food and drink mods out there by the end of tonight.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 4 days ago

Thanks! I put in a lot of work on the config side to make sure it was as easy as possible, I'm hoping someone out there will release a config that adds a bunch of the common mods before I get antsy and do it myself ha ha. Just fixed the max thirst config, redownloading should fix it!

💬 Maamessu, 4 days ago

Threw this onto my server last night to give it a try.

I love how easy it is to configure, real talk. Took me 30 minutes to add compatibility for Wildcraft and Floral Zones the lazy way (giving everything the same hydration value via wildcards). But damn, you really do let us get in deep and if someone had the time and energy, they could add custom hydration values to... well, everything (including cooling values to modded items).

I'm playing in the equator right now, and finally there is a consquence for it.

I did notice that the config for max thrist didn't want to behave. I tried setting it to 2,000 (500 extra), but when I loaded into the game it was still at 1,500. That may be a compat issue, though not sure what would do it.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 4 days ago

I didn't touch nutrition values on anything besides making water and saltwater give negative nutrition. May be an incompatibility. I only added my hydration stat, everything else is untouched.

I haven't fully worked out what I want it to be yet, but there will be some sort of well mechanic or similar method for mid game hydration solutions. No eta though.

You can make soups the vanilla way which will quench thirst without lowering hunger. Ingrediants are vegetables and water in a pot. 

💬 Antonio90, 4 days ago

How do you heat water?

💬 Stejer, 4 days ago

Excuse me but I have a few questions.

I was hoping to use this mod instead of balanced thirst since its harder however as far as I understood this mod still doesnt have a well mechanic wich is something I really REALLY like about balanced thirst. So I hoped to know if this mechanic will be added fast

if the two mods are compatible with each other so I can have a bit of both features without having different thirst bars it would also be fine

or if there is some other alternative



Id also like to know if there is or if you will make a similar mod for hunger making so you NEED to have a diverse diet and a minimum amount of calories etc (btw I know there is a mod that makes so instead of a hunger bar you get an calory measure but it doesnt really give the realism I am hoping for)



💬 Dexapnow, 4 days ago

I think it might have been a good idea to leave nutrition on juice, wine and aqua vitae because even in vanilla, juice making isn't worth the effort.
Alcohol is calorie dense drink anyway.

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, 5 days ago

I may do compatibility with the main food mods if no one else does it, but it is extremely easy to do right now for any mods you want to add on your own. The idea was that if another mod author wanted compatibility they could add it without any code changes on their part. 

💬 Chupacabra, 5 days ago

I have waited so long for this, thank you! Are you going to add compatibility with a culinary artillery? Because the alcohol seem to do nothing right now.

💬 Dov3, 5 days ago

I've been looking forward to the release of something like this for a while! I can't wait to see how it integrates more realistic stuff like flowing/still water once a worldgen mod for rivers really gets swinging!

💬 Hydromancerx, 5 days ago

I have been dreaming of a mod like this!

I hope hygene and bladder are next on your mod list!

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