Mods / Balanced Thirst

Author: jayu
Side: Both
Created: 6 days ago
Last modified: 5 hours ago
Downloads: 793
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Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

My take on thirst, released now in beta version. Thirst will decrease your hunger rate by a max of 30% if you keep the bar above half, and will increase the hunger rate by a max of 30% if your bar is too low. Keeping well hydrated will also give you a euhydration health boost. Water has to be boiled to avoid risk of vomiting, and using a dowsing rod will lead the player to pure water reservoirs which can be used to make a well, a renewable source of pure water.

This mod isn’t about making things overly challenging but about introducing a thirst mechanic that's enjoyable. Similar to how Vintage Story makes even the mundane tasks engaging and rewarding, I want players to relish the process of finding their own water sources, building wells, and crafting waterskins to carry water. It should be gratifying to look back and see the progress from simply drinking out of a leaky wooden bowl.

The mod, as the name says, aspires to be balanced but it certainly won't be at the start. I encourage you to contribute to the balancing by providing feedback and suggestions.

If you want more hardcore thirst, check out: Hydrate or Diedrate!

Feature List


Thirst is the main mechanic of the mod. Together with a hunger bar, you now have a thirst bar. Keep an eye on it! Its value will affect your hunger rate. If you're well hydrated, you will get hungry more slowly but the inverse is also true, when below 50%, you will get hungry faster. You can drink either from containers, or directly from the source.

Vomiting and water purity

Not all water is born equal. Normal water will have a small chance of being contaminated and making you vomit! You don't want to do so, as it will drastically lower your hydration and saturation. Boil water or look for pure springs to avoid that. Pure water is the only water with 0 chance of vomiting.

Water boiling

You can boil water in a firepit using a bowl or a kettle (not a pot). You can also boil salwater to get wet salt crystals. Throw them on the ground with sprint-right-click and dry them to get salt.

Water expires

Water will get contaminated by being held in containers that aren't properly sealed. Use waterskins or other (configurable) containers to keep it clean and pure for longer.

LiquidContainers is highly suggested to carry water with you


Look for pure spring water with a dowsing rod.


Euhydration is a health boost acquired thorough regular hydration. Drinking salt water and urine will lower it!


Choose if you sit or stand in the client config, then either sit or stand and right-click while pressing the drop item button with a empty hand to release your bladder! Doing so on farmland has a chance of adding some nutrients to the soil, while doing it in a container will fill it up! If you're a Bear Grylls wannabe, you can also drink it... (Controls disabled by default, values are configurable)

Urine can be fermented in a barrel to make lant, used to soak hides.


The configuration files are full of options and I add more every release. If there is something about this mod you'd like to have adjusted, check them out! If you don't find any option for it, you can request it.

In the configs, you can set basic things like thirst rate or max hydration, the radius of the dowsing rod, etcetera, and also more advanced stuff all the items and blocks that get can be drank or eaten to get hydrated, which containers you can place in a firepit to boil water, which containers slow water expiration, which stats (vanilla or modded) are affected by thirst (it doesn't have to be hunger!) and much more!

ConfigLib is suggested for a better config experience

Vanilla stats you can set
walkspeed, meleeWeaponDamage, healingeffectivness, rangedWeaponsAcc, rangedWeaponsSpeed
Hunger buff and debuff config option showcase (graph here)
Graph Screenshot

Coming soon:

  • Handbook (in game)


  • Water filtering (some compatibility with Lavoisier and ChemistryLib)
  • Saltpeter making with urine and rot
  • Better water purity or contamination system
  • Rework of euhydration: minerals from water that give health boost
  • Compatibility with common mods
  • Some mechanism to use a well, perhaps lowering buckets to grab water
  • Sweating? Changing thirst rate based on external temperature, the reverse of cold
  • Better endgame: running water/pipes?

Known Bugs:

Currently crashes clients when joining a server, working on a fix.




HydrateOrDiedrate (you can choose which mod's thirst to use, essentially)

Note: the mod has a default behavior (values configurable) for how much hydration each nutrition type gives. For many mods, this may be sufficient, or alternatively you can add items you believe deserve more hydration (like juice) to the hydration dictionary in the config or using configlib. The mod now also supports the format of HydrateOrDiedrate. Share them here or on the forum post! (in the config format please) This way we can build a large compatibility dictionary.

Update on HoD compatibility:

We talked it out with Chronolegionnaire (author of HoD) and reached the conclusion that it is better not to merge the two mods, they will remain sister mods for the foreseeable future. It is also hard for us to add compatibility for each feature the other adds, as it effectively doubles our work. But do not despair, we reached the agreement that, as long as due credit is given, we can freely take inspiration from each other's mod. This benefits us, as it allows us to follow our creative intentions to make the mods the best they can be, and it benefits you, the user: if there is a HoD feature you really want in here (or vice versa) we can work on adding and also make sure it fits with the design choices of our mods. For this reason, it is very likely I will add a similar clothing cooling system in the future. (Currently it is sort-of compatible with HoD, but the values are very skewed, there is a config setting you can adjust for this).

If you cannot drink or relieve your bladder, try to delete the config files, that should fix it.

If you are getting crashes when placing items:

Words by the wise SpearAndFang
I wonder if the people need to either delete the contents of their vintagestorydata\cache folder or look in their mods folder and ensure that their aren't multiple copies of your mod in there. Disabling mods in the mod manager isn't always enough. I always advise that people look at their mods folder and tidy it up
Contribution shoutouts

XxShyWolf – Help with debug

Hydromancerx – Bladder suggestion



Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.19 25 5 hours ago Show Install now
v0.0.18 12 6 hours ago Show Install now
v0.0.17 6 7 hours ago Show Install now
v0.0.16 13 10 hours ago Show Install now
v0.0.15 33 14 hours ago Show Install now
v0.0.14 53 1 day ago Show Install now
v0.0.13 113 3 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.12 54 3 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.11 71 4 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.10 14 4 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.9 16 4 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.8 25 4 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.7 36 4 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.6 80 5 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.5 29 5 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.4 62 5 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.3 26 5 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.2 23 5 days ago Show Install now
v0.0.1 102 6 days ago Show Install now

46 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Maamessu, 7 hours ago

Honestly I thought it was kinda funny that the first thing you had to do after spawning into existance was urinate. XD

💬 jayuAuthor, 7 hours ago

WickedSchnitzel is the walk speed at 50%? Or is the issue just that you can't sprint? I will upload a version with a small fix that should start you with 0 bladder in a new world. Just tested it.

Also I know you tried before, but another person that had an issue with peeing and drinking fixed it by deleting all the configs.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 8 hours ago

yes. also in new worlds. thirst bar is full right at the beginning and sprinting is not possible. peeing as well.

💬 jayuAuthor, 9 hours ago

WickedSchnitzel does this happen in a new world too? I will ask if there's a way to reset all stat modifers, then if it doesn't happen on a new world, you should be fine in the new version.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 9 hours ago

Won't work for me. Deleted the configs and i am still not able to empty the bladder. Is this supposed to work only when the thirst bar is full or also when like at 80%? Sprinting still not fully available though (it's only slightly faster than walking atm).

💬 jayuAuthor, 11 hours ago

WickedSchnitzel is your walk speed 50%? Apparently some people couldn't use right click functions (drinking or bladder) before deleting their configs, so try if that works, then to remove the speed debuff you should disable bladder while keeping the mod and in a few seconds it should disappear. Then you can delete it if you want.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 11 hours ago

well, i am not able to empty the bladder. neither while standing nor sitting. i do not see any effect and the walkspeed debuff is still there, no matter what i am pressing.
plus i am still not getting back the normal sprint after removing your mod. latest version 0.0.15

💬 jayuAuthor, 17 hours ago

WickedSchnitzel I think you have a full bladder, I will upload a new version where you should be able to disable the bladder feature in the config, then reloading the world shold remove the walk speed debuff.

Should be easy to check, the thirst bar will flash like when at low thirst when you bladder is full. You can also try /setBladder <player> 0 to reset its capacity.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 23 hours ago

So after installing this mod, my character is not able to sprint anymore (thirst bar is full) and it will remain like that, even after removing your mod.

💬 AntisocialCat, 1 day ago

jayu Dunno if it helps but i was hosting a LAN server. I could create a singleplayer game easily, my friend could create a singleplayer game easily (We are running the same mods). When she tried to connect it said she joined and then that the client crashed. Soo yeah 99% sure it was the client crashing and not the server.


💬 jayuAuthor, 1 day ago

WickedSchnitzel PsychomorJulek New version is up and will adjust the thirst bar positioning automatically. If you had some offset in your client config, I suggest you reset it to 0 as it should work fine now.

💬 jayuAuthor, 1 day ago

AntisocialCat That's the next bug fix on the list. I have an idea of why it happens, could you confirm that only the client crashed, not the server? If so I'm pretty sure I know the cause. 

💬 AntisocialCat, 1 day ago

Hello, is this mod compatible with multiplayer ? (Sorry if It was mentioned somewhere), my friend tried to join but it crashed his game, otherwise the game works just fine singleplayer. Tried multiple times and no progress.


💬 WickedSchnitzel, 1 day ago

Thirst bar is not properly alligned on my screen. I have sent a screenshot on github.

💬 jayuAuthor, 2 days ago

The_Teller A similar system is my dream for the future. I have no idea how to implement it yet though. Right now, I'd like to focus on polishing up what's already here and fixing a few bugs.

💬 The_Teller, 3 days ago

I had an idea for the fresh underwater sources. (if it's not already thought up yet) would it be possible to make an automated pulley system with ropes n buckets ,connected to a windmill, in order to bring water into a makeshift aquaduct for easy transport of water to towns n such?

💬 jayuAuthor, 3 days ago

PsychomorJulek Are you saving and reloading the config? Plus it needs you to exit and come back into the world for it to work. I will change it to place itself next to the hunger bar automatically when I have time.

💬 PsychomorJulek, 3 days ago

Hello. Cant move this thirst meter on screen , simple config client dont work for me , Parametr x-y in config, this + and - do nothing for me and cant place bar were i want. I have StatusHud mod too. Someone have same issue ? I playing on 2k monitor.

💬 jayuAuthor, 3 days ago

Moby_ Btw you seem like the right person to ask, I plan on adding some thirst mineral nutrition system to rework the current health boost and to give endgame players a reason to set up some more complex water processing or looking for right mineral values in water. Salt could be one, since it's already in game. Maybe choose a limited selection of these: calcium, magnesium, sodium (salt), fluoride, potassium, iron, and zinc. (From a quick google search on water). Perhaps you have some idea of how I could set up such a system? Could be well integrated with Lavoisier.

Random idea: maybe I could just use the crop minerals and integrate them in watering, although I'm not sure those are the minerals humans need from water other than Potassium

💬 LarekFlynn, 3 days ago

ManaWei In the Config for DanaTweaks you can set the liquid code for what the barrels collect, just set it to "balancedthirst:waterportion-pure"

💬 ManaWei, 4 days ago

You should check out DanaTweaks. Dana did a good job with the rainwater collection maybe you could add that as a "pure" water source somehow..

💬 jayuAuthor, 4 days ago

Stejer Your dream arrived faster than you could have imagined, now you have some compatibility options on my side. Other side should arrive soon too.

💬 jayuAuthor, 4 days ago

Moby_ that'd be pretty cool! Could work on some integration with Lavoisier. There's so much to do 😅.

💬 Moby_, 4 days ago

Do you want recipes for activated charcoal using ChemistryLib for water filtering?
I think there's everything needed to make it :D

(also I'm planning to add a funnel thing to Lavoisier so that might help)

💬 jayuAuthor, 4 days ago

Stejer Unfortunately they are not compatible at the moment, we were discussing this on the discord but the author of Diedrate believes the two mod's philosopies are different so it wouldn't make much sense. I partially agree, but I also think there are some strengths of Diedrate that Balanced Thirst is lacking in and there could be players that want to enjoy the best of both worlds. I could try to add some compatibility options on my side (which would basically disable a lot of my thirst system while giving my items the properties to hydrate in Diedrate), but for now you if you want difficulty you could tweak the configs of Balanced Thirst to make thirst kill you and to have a steeper hunger debuff. I will add some tutorials when I'm done, but the curve that determines the hunger buff/debuff is very configurable right now so you could set it to only debuff you if you don't have full thirst, or debuff you if you have less than half thirst, or to use a very steep curve like InvertedQuintic (or ArcSin, or Inverted Cubic), you can check the options in the graph here:

💬 Stejer, 4 days ago

Excuse me but I have a few questions.

I was hoping to use the mod hydrate or diedrate since its harder however as far as I understood that mod still doesnt have a well mechanic wich is something I really REALLY like about balanced thirst.

are the two mods are compatible with each other so I can have a bit of both features without having different thirst bars or if there is some other alternative



Id also like to know if there is or if you will make a similar mod for hunger making so you NEED to have a diverse diet and a minimum amount of calories etc (btw I know there is a mod that makes so instead of a hunger bar you get an calory measure but it doesnt really give the realism I am hoping for)



💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

Thranos definitely! Will be one of the first thing I add compatibility for! Doesn't need much, just setting the mod to recognise the containers as water containers so the water lasts longer.

💬 Phinxter24, 5 days ago

I love your idea. Thanks a lot!!

💬 Thranos, 5 days ago

Can't wait to use this on my server once there's Expanded Foods/Wildcraft compat. 
Oh! I forgot to mention before, but this seems like it would pair very well with canteens/waterskins.

Heck, they're practically made for each other.

💬 Michaloid, 5 days ago

Placing a raw kettle crashes the game. Details are on the github.

💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

LarekFlynn UA_Shaman 

Now added client config so you can place it wherever you want

💬 LarekFlynn, 5 days ago

Seconding that on wider aspect ratio monitor the thirst bar is off to the side.

💬 UA_Shaman, 5 days ago


💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

RogueRaiden yes the drinking value are attributes (like the waterTightContainerProps) you can patch them like this:

"hydrationProps": { "Hydration": 100, "HydrationLossDelay": 10, "Purity": "0", "Salty": false, "Scalding" false }

Purity goes from 0 (pure) to 5 (rot)

The config I intend to add will expose how I attach these internally to anyone who wants to change them without the need of patching every single block or item, making it also easier to share so people can share compatibility configs for the mods they play without me manually adding each one.

EDIT: I have now added the config! It was easier than I thought. Simple numerical values can be edited with configlib, while for more advanced settings like which containers can be used to boil water or which item or blocks give hydration, those can be found in the balancedthirst.json config file. Look at the default to learn how to edit it.

💬 RogueRaiden, 5 days ago

i mean are the values something that is placed into the attributes section of an items json? so for example, a mod could have compatibility for this on its own by just patching in the thirst value for their items or a patch mod could adjust values for specific server use (so that its easy for something like Expanded Foods to do its own compat)

💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

RogueRaiden not yet, but it is my next plan. I intend to add handbook explanations first, then add a config where one can set a lot of parameters and items.

💬 RogueRaiden, 5 days ago

how configurable/mod friendly is it? are all values easily editable in json?

💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago



Fruit, juice and milk do restore thirst. Alcohol does not right now as alcohol does not really sate your thirst, and actually makes you more thirsty. It's true that it does contain water though... I might change it to give you a thirst over time effect like salt water does. Other foods restore a portion of thirst based on their nutrition type. Grain will actually make you more thirsty.

💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

RiRin Thanks, will fix.

💬 jayuAuthor, 5 days ago

Hydromancerx Bladder sounds like a silly add-on I could make! Hygene is interesting but I'm afraid you'll have to wait since it would need a fully fledged mod, and I have a lot of ideas right now.

💬 silentium_noxe, 5 days ago

What about alcohol?

💬 RiRin, 5 days ago
[Server Error] [balancedthirst] An exception was thrown when trying to load assembly:
[Server Error] [balancedthirst] Exception: Could not load file or assembly '0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
What is the harmony assembly?
Edit : Found out that it use a weird harmony.dll that will break other mods so I have to remove it for now,  but I will be looking forward for it to be usable with others!
💬 Frepo, 5 days ago

BEHOLD; THIRST!! Finally!! :)
I love your philosophy of trying to make it a full-fletched mechanic, and not just a mechanically copied hunger bar.

💬 Jonathonsky, 6 days ago

Finally the day comes when someone adds thirst to VS. I've waited for too long. Thank you for making this mod.

💬 Thranos, 6 days ago

-Does fruit juice/milk restore thirst at all? 
-Do you plan to add compat with Expanded Foods and drinks therein?

💬 Hydromancerx, 6 days ago

I have been dreaming of a mod like this!

I hope hygene and bladder are next on your mod list!

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