Mods / Configure Everything
Author: DanaCraluminum
Side: Both
Created: Jan 29th 2024 at 9:18 AM
Last modified: Nov 11th 2024 at 8:45 PM
Downloads: 6397
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Latest file for Various v1.20.x:
1-click install
I'm living in Ukraine and there is war happening right now. Most of my free time I spend on modding when I get a few hours between electricity blackouts.
If you love my work, you can support me on Patreon, I would greatly appreciate it ❤️. Donations keep me doing what I truly love - modding.
Allows to configure a lot of various things, such as tool durability, stack sizes and much more
Configuration files are located inVintagestoryData/ModConfig/ConfigureEverything. There are Server and Client folders. They appear after loading any world.
Each configuration should be enabled separately, otherwise they won't work.
Set AutoFill to autofill config with default values.
- ClimbingSpeed: ladder climbing speed (temporarily removed in 1.20)
- CropProperties: properties of growing crops
- Durability: tool durability
- NutritionProperties: edible properties (NOT when in meal)
- SpawnConditions: creature spawning conditions
- StackSizes: max stack size of item/block
- Multiplier: increase all stack sizes by some value, for example, Multiplier: 2 will increase 64 to 128 etc.
- SwimmingSpeed: rafts and boats speed
- TransitionableProperties: perishing (e.g. food), drying (e.g. bowstaves), burning, curing, converting, ripening (e.g. cheese), melting (e.g. snowballs) and hardening (e.g. glue)
- CrushingProperties: crushing of item in pulverizer
- GrindingProperties: grinding of item in quern
- itemDimensions: physical size of item, for example, to fit it into crucible.
- CombustibleProperties: burning temperature and time, output stack (e.g. nugget => ingot)
- ToolMiningSpeed: how fast an item can break blocks.
- ToolTier: which block tier a tool can mine.
- BlockMiningTier: tool tier required to break a block.
- BlockFertility: what can grow on a block.
- BlockResistance: how long it takes to break a block in seconds.
- MapColors: Adjust colors on world map and minimap.
Example how to disable butterflies in SpawnConditions config:
"EntityTypes": {
"@.*butterfly.*": {
"Runtime": {
"Chance": 0.0
- Config lib compatibility
- World Config Editor
- FillWithPredefinedValues (enable to use default preset)
- Particle config (items, blocks). With hotkeys to toggle particles
- ToolAttackPower config
- ToolAttackRange config
- MaterialDensity config (whether item can float on water)
- StorageFlags config (as int[], to limit in which inventories an item can be stored)
- LightHsv config (whether item or block can emit light)
- Particles config (particles for blocks)
- WalkSpeedMultiplier config (for blocks)
- DragMultiplier config (for blocks)
- LightAbsorption config (for blocks)
- LightTraversable config (for blocks)
- Replaceable config (for blocks)
- BlockMaterial config (for blocks)
- Climbable config (for blocks)
- RainPermeable config (for blocks)
- CanStep config (for blocks)
- AllowStepWhenStuck config (for blocks)
- InteractionHelpYOffset config (for blocks)
- PushVector config (for blocks)
- Translocator distance config
- Ore generation config
- Rock generation config
- Config for storage slots for chests, crates, bags etc.
- Integrate Interfaces And Rainbows (configure GUI colors)
- Integrate Crucible Capacity. Also configure crucible slot amount and slot limit
- Worldgen structures config
- displayInsideCrate config
faster boat speed
faster raft speed
faster speed
swim faster
faster swimming
faster sailing
sailboat speed
sailboat mod
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v2.1.3 | 1134 | Nov 11th 2024 at 8:45 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.1.2 | 1099 | Oct 15th 2024 at 2:01 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.1.1 | 193 | Oct 13th 2024 at 9:03 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.1.0 | 472 | Sep 20th 2024 at 7:57 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.0.1 | 167 | Sep 17th 2024 at 11:35 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.0.0 | 588 | Aug 12th 2024 at 2:32 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.1 | 766 | Jun 11th 2024 at 6:10 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.0 | 1200 | Mar 11th 2024 at 11:25 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 778 | Jan 29th 2024 at 9:20 AM | Show | | Install now |
Keagan Configs are global
will server configs affecct my singleplayer because im wanting to change stackssizes for my singleplayer world.
Exactly, so what is an extra line of bloat per crop? It would just make things so much better to be able to control that without a seperate content mod.
Halfdan There is no way to make it less bloated
The config for crops is already pretty bloated, I don't think those of us that use it would really care for an extra line to have that extra configurability.
Halfdan It would bloat configs a lot
I have a request, would it be possible to add crop output as well, that way we can change how much each crop yields?
does not seem to work? i enable a config json. but then it gets reset when i load a world and deletes everything.
setting it to read only. i can prevent that. but it still does not apply the changes. so the mod doesnt do anything...
Got it. Thank you! Thank you and stay safe over there ❤️
Itsapiranha It should be in ModConfig/ConfigureEverything/Server folder
Sorry to bother, I dont see the default Stacksizes JSON in the ModConfig/ConfigureEverything folder or in the Client folder. How do I get it back please? Thank you!
Kilo Vanilla 1.20 broke swimming speed config and I don't know why, I haven't found a way to fix this yet
Kilo oh, thats why i feel like the configs don't work. SwimmingSpeed config was the only one I touched. Figures.
Seems like SwimmingSpeed.json only adjusts boats that don't have players in them. When in a boat, they go vanilla speed. When you get out of a boat and nudge it, it zooms away. I have them set to 10.0 for testing. Pastebin of config.
This is on a dedicated server.
Liznerd Upload config to then send link here
config file checks to not have any errors
all the config files reset back to default every single time a save is loaded
does not matter what the settings are in the config file itself
Liznerd Check your config here then
DanaCraluminum i dont have a discord
game version is 1.20.0-rc.5
Liznerd Contact me in discord
bad mod, configs just reset back to empty every time you try to load a save
Might you be able to add the ability to configure the spawning of structures? an example would be being able to turn off translocators or treasure from spawning?
DanaCraluminum Thank you.
Nectere I forgot that I renamed it, the old name is FillWithDefaultValues
DanaCraluminum Where is the autofill option? This is the config file for CropProperties. Where do I find an autofill to set it to true? Do I need a separate program?
"Enabled": true,
"FillWithDefaultValues": false,
"Description": "Configure crop growth time, required nutrients, allowed temperatures etc.",
"Examples": {
"RequiredNutrient": [
"0 = N",
"1 = P",
"2 = K"
"Crops": {}
Nectere Set autofill in config to true, it will autofill the config
DanaCraluminum Autofill what? The text config file? Do I need to look up code? Thank you, I am sorry to bother you with this.
Nectere You need to autofill it first
I feel bad that I dont understand how to use this. I understood stack sizes but I dont understand growth properties config other than enabled true. There isnt anything else there to give an idication of what to write except the example of nutrients, is that the only way to tick up the growth speed?
TheKhopesh Someday
It'd be AWESOME if we could configure the worldgen info for a map after it's initial generation, instead of when you create it only.
IE, say you have a world you've been playing on for a week or more and you want to change it's days to be a bit longer, or it's nights a bit shorter, or what-have-you.
It'd be great if we could alter that stuff after the fact.
jabes Hunger rate is vanilla
Can I modify hunger rate? Can't seem to find it
Yukari_75 Please write in discord
Tried to change a few combustion temperatures to be more realistic, but when I checked in game nothing was changed.
This is a great mod! A minor suggestion: A config for creature drops.
Karl42 That should be fixed now, I reported the same issue in Discord and the mod author said it was fixed with the newest update.
Karl42 Write in discord, I don't know what do you mean
Thank you for being so quick to fix. There is another issue I have been having. I am trying to adjust the stack sizes for Wildcraft logs (added by Wildcraft Trees and Shrubs), but they do not show up in the StackSizes.json to adjust. Is this something that can be added?
Karl42 Fixed
I keep trying to get the CropProperties.json to generate, changing the 2x false to true in the config, but it will not generate at all for me. I can get the stack sizes to generate/regenerate though. I feel this is a bug.
Goldenwood Nope
Okay, thanks for the response.
Have you heard of other people with the same problem?
Goldenwood I don't know how to fix it
The ClimbingSpeed mod works for me in single player but not multiplayer. Is that a common thing? Is there anything I can do about it? I'm using godlike for my host, if that's relevant.
Okay, thanks for reply.
I really hope we get the 'ToolAttackPower' config soon!
ZriZe101 Can't reproduce issue with FillWithDefaultValues in BlockResistance,json, it works for me.
In case of multiplier for durability and block resistance, those exist in vanilla already, so nope, I won't add them.
Setting "FillWithDefaultValues" as true in BlockResistance.json doesn't seem to generate the default values for me.
As GodlyAnnihilator mentioned, it would be nice if there were just global modifiers to every tool and block for 'durability' and 'blockresistance'.
LadyBlakeHammer CropProperties config
Is there a way you can put a "Crop Growth Speed"?
DanaCraluminum Thank you for reply
Fenrirx Not configurable yet
What would I be looking for to increase the time firewood burns. I use notepad+ and when I searched for wood/firewood I could not find it in the TransitionableProperites. Thank you for any reply, the work on the mod and,Be safe as you can.
lev2024 Contact me in discord
Can you make mode for me i will pay )
I have been seeing the movement in Russian and Ukraine as of late. Please stay safe. It seems like the whole world is crazy right now.
Phoenicius Squignus
Does it only happen with drifters or with any creature?
Did you ever resolve this? I've also experienced a similar issue Squignus
I'm trying to configure rust and rot mobs to spawn less often and stop them spawning during the day, but even if I give them the 0.0001 spawn chance and the same min/max light values as a surface drifter yet they still spawn all over the surface, outnumbering even the regular animals. I wonder if that means the config values are being overwritten by the mod or if there's something I'm missing
NateDoesLife I don't know what those options mean either
Yeah I read through it buts its not very clear (in my opinion) on which each one means in terms of light level type. For example "maxlight (Will get you max(onlysunlight, onlyblocklight)" Does this mean its pulling the max light for only sunlight and onlyblock light and using that metric with the maxlightlevel I set or does it bypass?. I guess my question is what is lightleveltype pulling because I would think it would just be what light levels types is the max and min light level settings going based off of....but then it goes on.
PonyVStudios I could try to patch 1000 lines base game method to alter this gui thing
Just thought I'd report a bug/annoyance I've been having: when using stack sizes, if the amount of items in one stack is four digits long or longer (1000+ items or more in one stack), the amount shown is clipped by the item slot and I can't see how many items I have in the stack. (Image example)
NateDoesLife There is documentation for this
I am trying to understand the lightleveltypes for the spawnconditions portion of this mod.
I am trying to set it up so that mobs (specifically drifters can only spawn if the light level is 0 (no light sun or block light on that block). I figured setting it to 2 "maxlight" would be the way to go but I am not 100% and just wanted to verify that. I also set the "MaxLightLevel" to 0 as well.
If that is the correct way to do it then great but if not could you please advise? Thanks!
LoneWolfREM Thank you. DanaCraluminum they just aren't lol but I will try and figure out how to do what LoanWolf said and see if that's it.
Noobenwell Did you enable the mod at the top of the file? If not nothing you do will ever be effective. That caught me for a moment myself. Just a thought. You might also need to clear your cache folder which is where mods get unzipped. I had to do that too to get my changes to apply.
Noobenwell I don't understand what do you mean, I just tested and they are indeed affected by config, I set value 8 for temporal gears and they now stack to 8
What is the reason that the temporal gears and other single stack items are not being affected by the modification of the values next to them within the stack size config?
DanaCraluminum Sorry I have not tried that yet but I would be willing to try to.
Okay so I just changed it's value from 1.0 to 2.0. Loaded a world and had 3 stacks of peanuts.
Two stacks worked as expected: 64 vs 32. Then tried to add the third and it woud not add to the stack.
So it totally worked for me and my simple test.
This mod is so great!
LoneWolfREM Have you by any chance altered StackSizeMultiplier? I can't reproduce it
First thanks for all of the work that you do for this community and game. Thanks for this mod. I am trying to change charcoal stack size. This is what I have done:
"game:charcoal": 256,
The file/mod is enabled in the json file. I have altered other stack sizes and they work. But so far I have not gotten charcoal to change stack sizes. Am I altering the wrong item? I search for charcoal in my text editor and find many charcoal referrences but this is the only one that seems to be the one to change. Love to hear how to change it's size.
Thanks so much once again for all that you do!
Never mind. I just thought to clear the cache and now it works!!! lol
Aerra Someday
Amazing mod, using it for everything on my server!
Out of curiosity, would you be interested in adding support for tweaking weapon damage values?
Thank you so much for these, especially the stack sizes mod! The default sizes are baffling, to put it lightly.
OBAGOR I can't reproduce this, stack sizes config works completely fine for me in 1.19.7
StackSize part doesn't work with 19.7 :(
Silvanas Read official documentation from Spawn Conditions config file
I don't know if you looked at the spawning conditions portion, I had to edit those manually. The config for this is definitely enabled true.
I had previously stated that stack sizes weren't working but it looks like that config for those got reverted back to ""Enabled": false," for some reason...They all seem to be working correctly now.
Thank you! :D
Pervy_Sage Fixed
Tested with just the mod itself on a test world. The ladder mod is broken. SwimmingSpeed is working. Not sure about the rest of them.
Oh a few days ago I said that several of the configs stopped working when I updated to 1.19.4, when it became stable. On Feb 26th or 27th, maybe the 28th? I don't recall. Everything was working fine before 1.19.4.
Pervy_Sage Why it needs update?
Any word on a possible update?
It would be nice if there was some kind of multiplier for durability like you have on StackSizes, so I don't have to go to every single item and change durability.(If it is possible)
Overall, working as intended! Nicely done.
Invataksi338472 Not technically possible at the moment
Is there anyway to create a config for infinite durability? All the mods that have for example grindstones for repairing items are outdated, or come with other features on top that I don't need. Setting durability in game to a high number doesn't cover every item, and -1 isn't taken as infinity!
For now I'm just gonna place 0000 at the end of everything lol
Thanks for keeping this updated!
At least some of the stack sizes aren't changing when the config is adjusted. I did a search and replace of 64 to 128 in Notepad++ (careful of names with 64 in them) and none of the items I looked at, med fert soil, claystone gravel, etc changed in the game.
All of the stack sizes that I previously changed before 1.19.4 stable came out seem to be staying.
After looking at my stacks it seems they've reverted after trying to changed something in the stack sizes file. So now they've all reverted, sorta like hitting a block on the ground near a part of the world that's not loaded...
DanaCraluminum Ah ok, I guess that's the reason you needed a .dll file to adjust this. I should have known. Well I guess it's just the elevator mod then. I can't go back to slow ladders after how nice it was before. Thanks.
Idk there should at least be an option in vanilla to adjust the downward speed of a ladder. It's not hard to hold the sides and slide down a ladder. Especially if you have that in mind when you designed the ladder.
Pervy_Sage It is hardcoded, 1.19.4 just made it less hardcoded
At the least, the "ClimbingSpeed" config file isn't working for 1.19.4. Ugh! It's going to be so painfully slow until this is updated. DanaCraluminum Is there some value we can adjust manually in the game files to do the same thing climbspeed file does?
Found after some research that it is not "above" or "below" but this stands for game:tallgrass-short for example.
it has to be something to do with this bit.
"InsideBlockCodes": [
"RequireSolidGround": true,
"TryOnlySurface": true,
the " -* " after tallgrass makes me think that means in or on. In minecraft the config is something like "above grass block" sort of thing.
DanaCraluminum - No worries :)
Xaro I don't know how spawning works, I only know how to make configs for it
Quick question, I am trying to stop things spawning inside my buildings.
The only thing I can see in the SpawnCondition.json file is the line: InsideBlockCodes, but that refers to blocks they can spawn "inside" of, such as "game:air", which obviously is inside my houses etc.
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
Copying in Khana for visibility.
TheEngineerGuy You need to enable them like this:
DanaCraluminum Is there a way to enable or disable the config at all? I tried to reinstall it and deleted all old configs and still, no luck. I wonder if the savegame is broken or so because I used the StackSizes mod in the 1.18.5 when i created the world.
NateDoesLife I don't know
DanaCraluminum How would/do I go about turning off TotalGrowthMonths then? Currently I have them set to 0.0
NateDoesLife totalGrowthDays is not used if TotalGrowthMonths is set, there is absolutely nothing I can do
Hi, For CropProperties. I am setting the total growth days to 1 and in game it is showing as 3 days. I am loaded into a 30 day world btw and only have it set to 1 to test it out as I want to do 14 but it was returning 35 haha.
TheEngineerGuy Have you enabled config itself? It won't apply any changes if config is disabled
Hey, i used the Stack Sizes mod in the past. Which was great to change the wood log sizes. But im not able to get this to work as it seems. I changed those Logs to 64 but nothing happens. Then i changed the 16 to 64 in the whole document and still nothing. Im not sure.
Thanks, this is exactly what I needed! The boat just isn't fast enough to go upstream in the rivers from the rivers mod by default.