Mods / Combat - Simple Combos

Category: #Tweak #Weapons
Author: Grubs
Side: Both
Created: Jul 25th at 2:52 AM
Last modified: Jul 25th at 10:15 PM
Downloads: 1023
Follow Unfollow 33

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Simple Combos adds variation to combat by advancing through combos after each swing of a weapon. 

this mod is safe to add and remove at will


Includes changes to:

Spear - 2 hit combo - slightly faster attack speed and vanilla damage

Falx - 2 hit combo - vanilla attack speed and damage

Bladed - 3 hit combo - faster attack speed, less damage with more powerful and longer ranged 3rd hit

Club - 2 hit combo - slower attack speed, more damage


Exact values can be seen on GitHub view tool-x.json patch files

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.2 898 Jul 25th at 10:15 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 94 Jul 25th at 4:06 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 31 Jul 25th at 2:56 AM Show Install now

12 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Spear, Aug 7th at 5:44 PM

Love this mod! Would be wonderful if Bullseye didn't disable it on spears though.
Additionally, it'd be great if the combos were a tad longer, with a heavy swing at the end that did bonus damage! Currently there's little incentive to finish a combo and risk getting hit, since hitting once then dodging away is so much safer.
Thanks for making this!

💬 SioxGWolf, Aug 6th at 4:01 AM

Does this work with Toolworks?

💬 Maltiez, Jul 27th at 9:24 PM

Nice mod.

💬 Brendan053, Jul 27th at 8:27 AM

interesting, maybe you should work with Maltiez on Combat Overhaul


💬 Herbetussy, Jul 26th at 3:49 PM

Nevermind it just doesn't work with spears when Bullseye is installed?

💬 Herbetussy, Jul 26th at 2:24 PM

How does this work input wise? Nothing seems to happen.

💬 CassMerry, Jul 26th at 12:05 PM

Looks very cool! How does it interact with things like Swordz that add extra weap0on types, do they just not get combos?

💬 GrubsAuthor, Jul 25th at 10:16 PM

Thanks Jortercito, I've released a new version fixing spear throwing

💬 Jortercito, Jul 25th at 8:44 AM

It's good, but I can't throw the spears 😐

💬 Jortercito, Jul 25th at 8:44 AM
💬 Jortercito, Jul 25th at 8:44 AM
💬 Jortercito, Jul 25th at 8:44 AM
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