Mods / Trader Balloons
Author: grumium
Side: Both
Created: Jul 21st at 9:53 PM
Last modified: Jul 21st at 10:04 PM
Downloads: 338
Follow Unfollow 10
Author: grumium
Side: Both
Created: Jul 21st at 9:53 PM
Last modified: Jul 21st at 10:04 PM
Downloads: 338
Follow Unfollow 10
Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
The traders realized that being easier to discover is good for business, so they slapped a couple balloons on their wagons.
This mod simply replaces the model for all the different wagon wheels.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.0 | 338 | Jul 21st at 10:04 PM | Show | | Install now |
Would this be compatible with the BetterTraders mod?
Hello, sadly no. At least not with the solution I came up with. Right now this is a content mod that only replaces the 3d model of the wagon wheels. There is no coding involved.
First I tried to add something to the trader model itself. That looked also weird, because he was moving and the render distance for entities is also lower.
Another option might be to create a new custom block and add that to the trader camps, but that would than only affect newly generated camps.
If anyone has another idea, feel free to share, but for now I don't see an option without touching code 😬 (which I am not ruling out, just it is no short term solution)
Cool idea. Would it be possible for u to make a version with only 1 balloon as I think it looks a tad too goofy with so many balloons?
Glad the mod is useful 😀.
Traders hiding in forests was also one of my main concerns. I am super unlucky finding an artisan trader in my world. I think I have marked around 50 traders by now without luck, but at least this speeds up the search.
Thank you for making this mod! I have my world gen more forested and it makes traders practically impossible to spot. I always thought it was a little weird that the traders weren't more visible but now I have a fix for that!
Thanks for the second time!
Really cool idea!