Mods / The Critters Package

Category: #Creatures #Food
Author: Chiappo
Side: Both
Created: Feb 21st 2022 at 4:25 PM
Last modified: Mar 10th at 11:39 AM
Downloads: 29925
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Latest file for v1.19.4: 1-click install

The Critter's Package

This mod was made before 1.13 and never got released.. (2020) and sorry if some of them already are in other mods these were made awhile ago

The current Creatures in this pack are:

  • Hedgehogs
  • Squirrels* (Red, Brown, Black)
  • Ducks
  • Yaks (Bull, Cow, Calf)
  • Crows (Land & Air Versions)
  • European Robins (Flying only)
  • Crabs
  • Woodlouses*

2024 UPDATE 1+2

  • Waxwings (Land & Air Versions)
  • Snails* (Climbing)
  • Field Mice
  • House Sparrows (Flying only)
  • Chipmunks

The animals with * on means theres other mods adding similar things (not sure if any conflicts)


Hedgehogs - will likely eat any kind of worm/snail/slug etc. Hedgehogs will also seek Ducklings & Baby Chicks(Scared by parents)

Ducks - Loves to waddle around water

Crows - can be scared off with Trainning Dummies Or Scarecrow mod - Since they will eat your crops and berries

Yaks - will most likely appear in the further cold areas and higher up at the high mid peaks area

European Robins - will fly around and sing

Waxwing - will be scared off with Trainning Dummies Or Scarecrow mod - Since they will eat your crops and berries

Snails - like to go for vegatables. Hedgehogs can take care of em

Woodlouse - they tend to be near more wet areas Hedgehogs also take care of these

Field mice - such cute things would just love to eat on berries


Id love to add more but for now these are what i got - hope you'll enjoy them


TO OTHER MODDERS: i plan on adjusting the mod so it can be supporting other mods in future (i may remove some things but i will not scrap them)

Special Thanks & Credits

Thanks to these people who made this pack possible

  • Kravity - for their help on SFX, Testing, Copyright, and more
  • VS Team - for their awesome game
  • Mr. Dischinger (YT) - who was so kind to gave permission to use their Yak sounds
  • Taska Raine - for the modconfig setup
  • Minnigin - for being really helpful
  • Alan Dalton - For recording waxwing & sparrow sounds Alan Dalton :: xeno-canto
  • Hydromancerx - For their list of ideas (thank you)
  • Laerinok - French Translation


if you do not want X creature of this mod you can Disable it in the modconfig (per animal)

Supported Languages: English - French


Please if you find any bugs/errors put them to me in comments

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.9.1 13683 Mar 10th at 11:39 AM Show Install now
v0.9.0 272 Mar 9th at 10:19 PM Show Install now
v0.8.9 3728 Feb 29th at 5:37 PM Show Install now
v0.8.8 876 Feb 27th at 2:35 PM Show Install now
v0.8.7 979 Feb 20th at 2:05 PM Show Install now
v0.8.6 1727 Feb 7th at 8:17 PM Show Install now
v0.8.5 591 Feb 4th at 7:58 PM Show Install now
v0.8.4 391 Feb 3rd at 8:50 PM Show Install now
v0.8.3 581 Feb 1st at 5:26 PM Show Install now
v0.8.2 144 Feb 1st at 2:06 PM Show Install now
v0.8.1 566 Jan 30th at 5:44 PM Show Install now
v0.7.6 5505 Mar 2nd 2022 at 2:27 PM Show Install now
v0.7.5 512 Feb 24th 2022 at 2:53 PM Show Install now
v0.7.4 370 Feb 22nd 2022 at 2:12 PM Show Install now

118 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 wojtek16, Dec 2nd at 8:54 PM

I agree with Nonamomo, I feel like at most they should give just 2-3 feathers, and if so have more use like if there are birds around, then maybe they could give us a chance to find eggs in a basket, or for other critters to be fertilizers like worms from primitive survival. 
But still love the mod!

💬 Nonamomo, Oct 30th at 10:15 PM

@LumpyAcidFish agreed. Never mind the ducks, even the crows are far to docile. Wild birds should be skittish and quick to flee. We already lost the dodo's because they didn't know better.

I love the ambience the birds add, but they make getting protein and feathers far too easy; their behavior needs to be re-worked, even if it's just to act like chickens who really like hanging around water.

💬 LumpyAcidFish, Oct 19th at 9:40 AM

id love to use this mod but the AI isnt all there

squirrels do not climb trees like in critters and creatures

field mice keep reproducing without any limit or anything hunting them

birds stay flying and get stuck in the water, flying birds and grounded should be one animal and have the ai to land or take off

and ducks are way too easy to kill

💬 laelo, Sep 25th at 1:03 PM

great mod ! but mouse are definitly annoying and make my server lag so can you explain how exactly to disable one creature thank you Chiappo

💬 Taelluric, Sep 6th at 5:11 AM

I don't know how, but I somehow died TWICE to a couple of telekinetic crabs in my most recent save. Is it possible to decrease their attack reach? I love the content here otherwise, everything's very cute and well rounded for VS!

💬 HollywoodHoser, Sep 5th at 10:56 PM

Loving the ambience this adds to the game! Your ducks got me thinking... would love a loon in the game! Nothing like a loon call on the lake :) Hopefully that's not an insulting question, but... would it be as simple as swapping in a loon .oog in the mod files?  I'd go as far as trying my hand at a loon skin, but not even sure where I'd start :)


💬 ChocolateLovely, Sep 5th at 2:43 AM

What a lovely mod!  If it ever gets updated into Biomes, I'll gladly add this.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Sep 3rd at 2:20 PM

Does this mod still makes squirrels drop redmeat? I find it incredibly funny that in the past baby squirrels can sometimes drop two redmeat, just like adult rabbits.

💬 Hydromancerx, Aug 25th at 4:37 PM


Please add an angora rabbit so Tels can add it's wool to their mod.

💬 Tels, Aug 24th at 7:23 PM

There seems to be a server error spamming the log, please see here for details:

💬 Cantos, Aug 16th at 7:09 AM

Could you add a config to disable field mouse reproduction?

They tend to gather around certain berry bushes and then ravenously breed, without despawning. This causes some noticeable frame drops on my server when it isn't managed.

💬 SeniLiX, Jul 31st at 8:03 AM

The ducks and the hedgehogs are my favorite animals in this pack. They are very well made IMO. 😀

💬 Chrizzlybear, Jul 16th at 7:14 PM

Hi, I have translated the mod into german.


💬 Vilderos, Jun 20th at 7:49 PM

I very much appreciate the birds in this mod <3

💬 DeanBro, Jun 9th at 7:36 AM

Chiappo  Hello! I created a translation for your mod, I would be grateful if you include it in the mod

💬 Nonamomo, May 31st at 5:10 PM

The wild ducks seem overly tame around the player; and are quite happy to hang around and let me kill them one after the other. That's rather unfortunate, since they are a very easy food source as a result.

💬 Calcite, May 1st at 7:14 PM

Can the ducks be domesticated? love the mod

💬 SiiMeR, Apr 24th at 8:54 AM

From my testing, it seems it happens with field mice and ducks

💬 SiiMeR, Apr 23rd at 8:48 PM


There seems to be an issue with the latest version of the mod. It is constantly spamming the logs with the following message:
Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.API.Util.ArrayExtensions.Contains[T](T[] array, T value) in VintagestoryApi\Util\ArrayExtensions.cs:line 175 at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.<ShouldExecute>b__25_1(IPointOfInterest poi) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\TasksImpl\AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.cs:line 145 at Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry.GetNearestPoi(Vec3d centerPos, Single radius, PoiMatcher matcher) in VSEssentials\Systems\POIRegistry.cs:line 159 at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.ShouldExecute() in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\TasksImpl\AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.cs:line 149 at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskManager.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\AiTaskManager.cs:line 174 at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorTaskAI.OnGameTick(Single deltaTime) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\BehaviorTaskAI.cs:line 114 at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\Entity.cs:line 874 at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityAgent.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityAgent.cs:line 540 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.TickEntities(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\EntitySimulation.cs:line 330 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.OnServerTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\EntitySimulation.cs:line 169 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 886

My server was on version 0.8.9 and after updating to 0.9.1, the issues seemed to start. 

💬 LsCvlt, Apr 3rd at 3:06 PM

Hey! Is there a way/what i have to do if.. i just want some of them, not all :)

💬 Shadow, Mar 21st at 11:36 AM

It is there any sort of dependancy? Or am i something missing?

error on my server
version of mod: v0.9.1 #v1.19.4
version of server: 1.19.4
mods installed: list

Thank you

💬 LapiFox, Mar 17th at 5:54 PM


I have prepared a translation of this mod into Russian, I will be glad if you add it in the next update

  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-hedgehog": "Лесной ёжик",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-mallardduck": "Дикая утка",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-yak": "Як",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-chipmunk": "Бурундук",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-squirrel": "Белка",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-waxwing": "Свиристель",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-crow": "Ворон",
  "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-fieldmouse": "Полевая мышь",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:c_crow": "Ворон",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:fieldmus": "Полевая мышь",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-male": "Дикая утка (самец)",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-female": "Дикая утка (самка)",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-baby": "Утёнок дикой утки",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-male": "Лесной ёжик (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-female": "Лесной ёжик (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-baby": "Лесной ёжик (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-male": "Мёртвый лесной ёжик (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-female": "Мёртвый лесной ёжик (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-baby": "Мёртвый лесной ёжик (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-male": "Дикая утка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-female": "Дикая утка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-baby": "Утёнок",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-male": "Мёртвая дикая утка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-female": "Мёртвая дикая утка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-baby": "Мёртвый утёнок дикой утки",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-male": "Як (бык)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-female": "Як (корова)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-calf": "Як (телёнок)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-male": "Мёртвый як (бык)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-female": "Мёртвый як (корова)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-calf": "Мёртвый як (телёнок)",
  "item-creature-thecritterpack:waxwing_g": "Свиристель",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-waxwing_g": "Свиристель",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-waxwing_g": "Мёртвый свиристель",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-house-sparrow_f": "Воробей (летающий)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-c_crow": "Ворон",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-c_crow": "Мёртвый ворон",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-crab-both": "Краб",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-crab-baby": "Краб (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-crab-both": "Мёртвый краб",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-crab-baby": "Мёртвый краб (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-woodlouse": "Мокрица",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-woodlouse": "Мёртвая мокрица",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-robin_flying": "Европейский малиновка (летающий)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-crow_flying": "Ворон (летающий)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-waxwing_f": "Свиристель (летающий)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-snail-default": "Улитка",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-snail-default": "Мёртвая улитка",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-fieldmus": "Полевая мышь",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-fieldmus": "Мёртвая полевая мышь",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-male-brown": "Коричневая белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-female-brown": "Коричневая белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-baby-brown": "Коричневая белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-male-brown": "Мёртвая коричневая белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-female-brown": "Мёртвая коричневая белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-baby-brown": "Мёртвая коричневая белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-male-black": "Чёрная белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-female-black": "Чёрная белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-baby-black": "Чёрная белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-male-black": "Мёртвая чёрная белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-female-black": "Мёртвая чёрная белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-baby-black": "Мёртвая чёрная белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-male-darkbrown": "Тёмно-коричневая белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-female-darkbrown": "Тёмно-коричневая белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-baby-darkbrown": "Тёмно-коричневая белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-male-darkbrown": "Мёртвая тёмно-коричневая белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-female-darkbrown": "Мёртвая тёмно-коричневая белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-baby-darkbrown": "Мёртвая тёмно-коричневая белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-male-red": "Красная белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-female-red": "Красная белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirrel-baby-red": "Красная белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-male-red": "Мёртвая красная белка (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-female-red": "Мёртвая красная белка (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirrel-baby-red": "Мёртвая красная белка (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-male": "Бурундук (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-female": "Бурундук (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Бурундук (детёныш)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-male": "Мёртвый бурундук (самец)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-female": "Мёртвый бурундук (самка)",
  "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Мёртвый бурундук (детёныш)"
💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 10th at 3:15 PM


First of all. good job on German translation. going to add that next version =)

Secondly the things you said about snails shouldnt be an issue to solve, let me see what i can do with their speed + climbing function.. as the climb function apprently works better on bigger creatures

And yeah i know the birds sometimes get stuck or move derpy i have currently no easy fix for that.. as of speaking but im eagerly trying to fix it =)

Hedgehogs shouldn't be an big issue either way with water. though no promise

also glad you like the mod ❤️

💬 Tels, Mar 10th at 12:38 PM

Here is a German translation. I wasn't sure what type of "woodlouse" it is exactly, so I used "Landassel" which is more generic that the specific "Kellerassel".

 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-hedgehog": "Waldigel",   
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-mallardduck": "Stockente",  
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-yak": "Yak",
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-chipmunk": "Streifenhörnchen",   
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-squirell": "Eichhörnchen",   
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-waxwing": "Seidenschwanz",   
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-crow": "Krähe",   
 "thecritterpack:creaturegroup-fieldmouse": "Feldmaus",

 "item-creature-thecritterpack:c_crow": "Krähe",
 "item-creature-thecritterpack:fieldmus": "Feldmaus",  

 "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-male": "Stockente (männlich)",
 "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-female": "Stockente (weiblich)",  
 "item-creature-thecritterpack:duck-baby": "Stockentenküken",    

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-male": "Waldigel (männlich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-female": "Waldigel (weiblich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-hedgehog-baby": "Waldigelbaby",

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-male": "Toter Waldigel (männlich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-female": "Toter Waldigel (weiblich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-hedgehog-baby": "Totes Waldigelbaby",

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-male": "Stockente (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-female": "Stockente (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-duck-baby": "Stockentenküken",    

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-male": "Tote Stockente (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-female": "Tote Stockente (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-duck-baby": "Totes Stockentenküken",    

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-male": "Yak (Bulle)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-female": "Yak (Kuh)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-yak-calf": "Yak (Kalb)",

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-male": "Totes Yak (Bulle)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-female": "Totes Yak (Kuh)",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-yak-calf": "Totes Yak (Kalb)",

 "item-creature-thecritterpack:waxwing_g": "Seidenschwanz",  
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-waxwing_g": "Seidenschwanz",     
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-waxwing_g": "Toter Seidenschwanz",

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-house-sparrow_f": "Spatz (fliegend)",     

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-c_crow": "Krähe",     
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-c_crow": "Tote Krähe",

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-crab-both": "Krabbe",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-crab-baby": "Krabbenbaby",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-crab-both": "Tote Krabbe",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-crab-baby": "Totes Krabbenbaby",

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-woodlouse": "Landassel",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-woodlouse": "Tote Landassel",

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-robin_flying": "Rotkehlchen (fliegend)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-crow_flying": "Krähe (fliegend)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-waxwing_f": "Seidenschwanz (fliegend)",   

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-snail-default": "Schnecke",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-snail-default": "Tote Schnecke",    

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-fieldmus": "Feldmaus",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-fieldmus": "Tote Feldmaus",  

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-male-brown": "Braunes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-female-brown": "Braunes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-baby-brown": "Braunes Eichörnchenbaby",  

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-male-brown": "Totes braunes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-female-brown": "Totes braunes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-baby-brown": "Totes braunes Eichörnchenbaby",   

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-male-black": "Schwarzes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-female-black": "Schwarzes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-baby-black": "Schwarzes Eichörnchenbaby",  

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-male-black": "Totes schwarzes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-female-black": "Totes schwarzes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-baby-black": "Totes schwarzes Eichörnchenbaby",     

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-male-darkbrown": "Dunkelbraunes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-female-darkbrown": "Dunkelbraunes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-baby-darkbrown": "Dunkelbraunes Eichörnchenbaby",  

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-male-darkbrown": "Totes dunkelbraunes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-female-darkbrown": "Totes dunkelbraunes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-baby-darkbrown": "Totes dunkelbraunes Eichörnchen (baby)",     

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-male-red": "Rotes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-female-red": "Rotes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-squirell-baby-red": "Rotes Eichörnchenbaby",  

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-male-red": "Totes rotes Eichörnchen (männlich)",   
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-female-red": "Totes rotes Eichörnchen (weiblich)",  
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-squirell-baby-red": "Totes rotes Eichörnchenbaby",   

 "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-male": "Streifenhörnchen (männlich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-female": "Streifenhörnchen (weiblich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Streifenhörnchenbaby",

 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-male": "Totes Streifenhörnchen (männlich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-female": "Totes Streifenhörnchen (weiblich)",
 "thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Totes Streifenhörnchenbaby"


💬 Tels, Mar 10th at 12:12 PM

This is a wonderful mod! 💖

I do have a few suggestions and feedback:

  • the snails speed is .. well, not snail like :D It could be reduced quite a bit
  • snails crawling over a fence seem to float (potential vanilla issue with the fence collision box?)
  • the song birds do get stuck on inside-corners, and half-block-windows etc. Esp. chiseled blocks. They do fly away if you remove the block, but otherwise they are permanently fluttering in place
  • hedgehogs seem to cross ponds and lakes by walking into the water and then on the ground underwater. As they are mammels, they would drown so they should avod water.

And lastly, I think the larger animals like Yaks, esp. as they are breedable animals, should be moved to their own mod, as they don't seem to fit in as well with the rest.

Thank you again for the wonderful mod, hearing the birds chirping, even if you don't see them, is just delightful!

Btw., are you looking for a German translation?

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 10th at 11:30 AM


Oh Whoops.. going to fix it ASAP. Thank you =)

Edit: that has now been solved. again thank you for help

💬 Laerinok, Mar 10th at 12:02 AM


hello, Just downloaded the new version but not tested yet too late ^^
I had a look in the fr.json and there's a small omission (in bold).  you forgot "dead" :

"thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-male": "Tamia (mâle)",
"thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-female": "Tamia (femelle)",
"thecritterpack:item-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Tamia (bébé)",

"thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-male": "Tamia mort (mâle)",
"thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-female": "Tamia mort (femelle)",
"thecritterpack:item-dead-creature-chipmunk-baby": "Tamia mort (bébé)",

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 9th at 10:04 PM


Hi There. Sure thing =) though i'm about to update soon (i recommend wait till 0.9.0 is out) with sending it

Edit: there we go

💬 Veir, Mar 9th at 7:57 PM

Hello, are You okay with translations? I want to translate it to Polish and provide you the lang file if thats okay

💬 Rhoun, Mar 4th at 9:08 PM

Hello, I like your package for the ambiance it provides to otherwise silent worlds, thanks! Wanted to tell you my observations: duck/crows don't flee from me even when I'm right on top of them. Crow also ignored any damage and continued walking like nothing happened. Squirrels fled from me just fine.

EDIT: When I approached sleeping ducks, they fled from me. It looked like during the day they were stuck in some kind of loop for finding food or floating on water.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 4th at 11:03 AM


Oh sorry.. i missunderstood what you said. currently as of 0.8.9 they cannot be breed i think?.. i am currently trying to make it work propperly, including taming can't promise it fully


sadly no ive not managed to make that work either.. i will gladly try to attempt it work with baskets ❤️. again no promises 

Edit:i have checked v0.8.9 it appears i didn't make it work as intended but they should breed. but in v0.9.0 it should be fixed now. Also in v0.9.0 you can now catch field mice, crows and waxwing (Ground variants) with basket traps

💬 Novalee, Mar 4th at 6:51 AM

Can mice be caught in basket traps? Sort of tempted to try and make them tamable with petai or the vanilla breeding method.

💬 Sevatar, Mar 3rd at 10:03 PM

Hi! Yes, I understand that, but there is a difference between domesticable and breedable no? The females show as ready to breed.. Or is that just a UI thing

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 3rd at 9:11 PM


Hi there. as i told before i am not currently able to set it to work therefore they're not domesticatable

💬 Sevatar, Mar 3rd at 8:28 AM

Hello! I saw an old comment saying that you had no plans for the Yak's to become domesticatable... But are they still breedable? And if so, what food do I feed them?

💬 Bunker, Mar 1st at 1:58 AM

Is there any plans to add compatability with the Butchering mod?

💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 29th at 7:11 PM


I think there is a mod with dragonflies already. Anywho i am looking forward to the other creatures! I know made a list before but here is an updated one ...

- Chipmunk
- Beaver
- Bat (for caves)
- Kangaroo Rat (for the desert)
- Chinchilla
- Prairie Dog

- Goose
- Bluejay
- Woodpecker
- Cardinal
- Parrot
- Toucan

- Lobster
- Beetle
- Ladybug
- Wasp
- Hermit Crab
- Cuttlefish

Thanks in advance!

💬 Laerinok, Feb 29th at 4:16 PM

👍 with pleasure. I really like having more life in the game, so Thanks :)

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 29th at 3:52 PM


Hi.. the l18: that you spoke about was left over from 2020 where i originally made dragon flies for the mod (lost the files) perhaps i should remake em :)

And the other entry l42: were a typo from my side. they should now have been fixed as you mentioned

i appreciate the work you did - will add the translation for the mod next version (0.8.9) 

💬 Laerinok, Feb 29th at 11:24 AM



I am going to translate in french. I have two questions. I guess there is a typo error in the en.json :
- l18 : you wrote "item-creature-dragonfly-yel low": "Yellow Dragonfly", I guess it is "item-creature-dragonfly-yellow": "Yellow Dragonfly", (without th space in "Yel low")
- l42 : "item-dead-creature-house-sparrow_f": "Dead House Sparrow (flying)", Hem, a dead bird flying ? Or I don't know what you mean.

Moreover I don't see any Dragonfly when I look for in Crea.

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 29th at 12:33 AM

soi thiis comes up everytime i load my server

💬 seyton35, Feb 28th at 11:15 AM

what's wrong with crabs attempts? XD

💬 KitsuneLena, Feb 27th at 8:49 PM

Здравствуйте а это нормально что при попадании в ловчую яму 

об ежиков убиваются цыплята и маленькая зайчата?


💬 Sooner535, Feb 27th at 2:54 PM

That was quick lol


Very good mod btw, adds a lot of ambience to the game to have birds and little critters running around. Though if another critter eats my dang plants I might go on a rampage lol. Appreciate the hard work

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 27th at 2:16 PM

@Kara Really sorry for the crab trying to grow into a hedgehog... i have no idea how that happpend.. thank you for the report (Fixing asap) Sorry

Edit: Fixed :)

💬 Kara, Feb 25th at 7:06 AM
24.2.2024 23:00:36 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-male', but no such entity type was registered.
24.2.2024 23:00:48 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-female', but no such entity type was registered.
24.2.2024 23:00:50 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-female', but no such entity type was registered.
24.2.2024 23:00:50 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-female', but no such entity type was registered.
24.2.2024 23:01:44 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-male', but no such entity type was registered.
24.2.2024 23:01:53 [Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'thecritterpack:crab-both' is configured (via Grow b
ehavior) to grow into 'thecritterpack:hedgehog-female', but no such entity type was registered.

As much as i love this mod... i-ill just wait....
💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 20th at 1:42 PM

@WickedSchnitzel you're doing wonders for the reports/bug finding i appreciate that. thank you.

Next version should be here very shortly. Fixing that crow diet

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Feb 19th at 11:21 AM

Creature thecritterpack:c_crow has SeekFoodAndEat task but no Diet specified

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 17th at 10:51 AM

Khana Huh strange.. i did not add any zombie version... was it a flying or ground one? ive yet to encounter that bug.. kindly sorry for the horror they did

Also for those who reported the crow not having a diet it should now have been fixed.. in next version :)

💬 Khana, Feb 16th at 4:36 PM

... did u put zombie animals in at some point by mistake? theres a "dead waxwing" thats MOVING AROUND !! D:



💬 mayonnaise, Feb 14th at 2:03 AM

can i keep snails as pets?

💬 Khana, Feb 13th at 4:08 PM

this mod is worth downloadin purely for the ground crows. put some music on and it looks like theyre havin a lil scank along. XD



💬 Khana, Feb 13th at 4:08 PM

this mod is worth downloadin purely for the ground crows. put some music on and it looks like theyre havin a lil scank along. XD



💬 Khana, Feb 10th at 8:49 PM

can u make cats chase mine XD



💬 WickedSchnitzel, Feb 9th at 5:40 AM

Please check the logs for
[Warning] Creature thecritterpack:XY has SeekFoodAndEat task but no Diet specified
and specify the diets, whenever you have time for it. Thanks Chiappo

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 8th at 1:22 AM

been getting the no food specified error for crows.  about toi do the newest update so idk if that should be fixed?

💬 MakoTrip, Feb 8th at 1:21 AM


Thanks so much for looking into it--I suppose the root cause must be elsewhere!

💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 7th at 10:43 PM


Thank you! They look great!

💬 Lodey, Feb 7th at 9:02 PM

Great mod! The models really fit the VS aesthetic. Would love to see more birds, bugs, and amphibians.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 7th at 8:50 PM


There we go :) added 1 image to show off Crows 2.0 & Field Mouse

💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 7th at 8:35 PM


Can you post a pic of the field mouse? Thanks!

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 7th at 5:45 PM


Okay so me and one of my friends cannot reproduce the issue.. and they work fine on our end.. we tested on both wolf pups and wolfdog pups and the feed tooltip appears and they can be fed with and without the critters package enabled

We don't know what the problem could be otherwise 

💬 MakoTrip, Feb 7th at 3:08 PM

Sure thing.  When I run those three mods (same versions, all pulled from the one-click install links) at the same time, the "Feed Pet" tooltip does not appear for me when holding a piece of raw meat or bone and looking at a wolf pup.  Further, right-clicking the pup does not attempt to feed it to begin the taming process.  When I disable The Critters Pack but leave the other two enabled, the Feed Pet tooltip appears, and I am able to right-click to feed / attempt to tame the pup.

Thanks again for looking into this--I really appreciate it.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 7th at 2:21 PM

MakoTrip i ran some tests on the 1click install on latest versions of PetAI(v2.2.3),Wolf Taming(v2.1.0), The Critters Pack(v0.8.5) AND normal install and so far no issues (not even tooltips) could you explain me the details on the problem you had?

💬 MakoTrip, Feb 7th at 1:56 PM

Thanks, Chiappo--really appreciate the effort even if you don't have any luck!

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 7th at 1:12 PM

MakoTrip ill try look into that, (no promises i can make both work cause i never used those wolves mod) but ill try

CherryRook Im On it

Gonya Yeah i don't understand why they do that but fixing it ASAP

Maltiez Thanks for the heads up... stuff happens

💬 MakoTrip, Feb 7th at 5:11 AM

Just dropping a note here that this mod seems to conflict with the tameable wolves mod (for me at least).  Huge bummer because I really want to run both mods.

💬 CherryRook, Feb 7th at 3:00 AM

Commenting again now that i have used the mod for a few hours, it works great no game breaking bugs. But one thing i have noticed is the duck sounds are playing as if the mob were directly near the player even when they are few blocks away. Might be related to audio formating as per the other comment

💬 Gonya, Feb 6th at 10:24 PM

Hedgehogs are for some reason able to spawn inside my house. All doors were closed, floor all made of cobblestone. They are also able to spawn inside of my pens and were killing my chickens. Might be something to look in to!

💬 Maltiez, Feb 4th at 8:56 PM

You might want to convert sounds to mono

[Warning] Audio File thecritterpack:sounds/creature/squirrel/hurt.ogg is a stereo sound but loaded as a locational sound, will not attenuate correctly.
[Warning] Audio File thecritterpack:sounds/creature/squirrel/die.ogg is a stereo sound but loaded as a locational sound, will not attenuate correctly.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 4th at 7:09 PM

@WickedSchnitzel thank you again for the notice Hm i thought i had fixed it but lemme try what you say hopfully that solves it

Edit: That seems to have done the trick on my end now i hope its same for others and you (next update solves it)

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Feb 4th at 4:20 PM

Sorry, me again. The watersplash sounds still do not play. I believe you have to do the following: lower walking priority below 2, make sure "fleeentity" is above walking priority (which is not the case atm) and make "getoutofwater" the highest priority, like 3. Also make sure to edit the 'priorityforcancel' entries accordingly. I did that and it works better. Thanks

💬 CherryRook, Feb 3rd at 11:57 PM

Crows cawing adds so much to the game tbh. Great mod !

💬 SaltSeraph, Feb 3rd at 11:34 PM

Crabs lets gooo!

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 3rd at 10:09 PM

@Kessem as much i would love to add Yak & Ducks To Be.. i have not done it cause it requires alot of setup... which im currently not able to do it properly.. so in all Sorry not yet will look into it at some point..

💬 Kessem, Feb 3rd at 9:44 PM


Are the Yaks, and Ducks domesticatable/ranchable by any chance?

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 3rd at 5:40 PM

DrBubba ive have also been very annoyed by flying crows myself ingame turns out i messed up something with spawn areas & their hitbox and turn rate

Cookieie i have now lowered the decay time for woodlouse so it should'nt be an issue further on as its changed to 0.1 hour insted of 1.0 hour

and to everybody reporting issues thank you

💬 DrBubba, Feb 2nd at 11:11 PM

Not sure if there's a way to resolve this, but your crows (I believe) seem to partially ignore walls and are constantly getting trapped in my house and then unable to get out again.  I have three in here now and I also can't shoot them.  Please send help soon.

💬 Cookieie, Feb 2nd at 8:22 PM

I accidently killed a woodlouse. I pull out the knife, get a red cross but nothing happens. I can't get rid of it and I can't use the block it is on. Help!  I love all the new critters in my world. 

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 2nd at 7:45 AM

@WickedSchnitzel oh thank you for the notice ill look into it soon

Edit: Ok that should have been solved now till next update

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Feb 2nd at 7:38 AM

Could you set priorityForCancel: 2.10 for your squirrels? Would allow better compatibillity with the 'simple footsteps' mod. Otherwise they will not cancel their wander task as soon as they go into water, which will continue to play footstep sounds instead of water splash sounds. @chiappo

💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 2nd at 2:09 AM


Thank you for adding the Field Mouse! I look forward to whatever else you make too!

💬 Kara, Feb 1st at 6:04 PM

Chiappo thanks, your amazing~ <3

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 1st at 5:12 PM

Kara Oh thats bad... im sorry for that i will fix that asap

Edit: Fixed now on 0.8.3 Highly recommend everybody to redownload that version insted of 0.8.2

💬 Kara, Feb 1st at 4:53 PM

Your ducks hate my console it seems. 

💬 MagentaLizard, Feb 1st at 4:10 PM

You got that hedgehog stew? 

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 1st at 10:36 AM

SuaveDoggo Scarecrows support should be on its way :)

PetMudstone it should be fixed now in next update

ATree Thank you 

💬 SuaveDoggo, Feb 1st at 8:53 AM

Does this support the Scarecrow mod by chance ? I know the training dummies work but I don't to put want both out ! :d

💬 egocarib, Jan 31st at 1:42 AM


💬 PetMudstone, Jan 31st at 12:08 AM

For some reason a raven and hedgehog spawned right inside my closed off home, not sure why since no other mob does that.

💬 A_Tree, Jan 30th at 10:50 PM

Love the models! :-)

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Jan 30th at 7:42 PM

@Hydromancerx Thank you for the great suggestions i cannot promise all but we'll see 😀

@Yanazake Oh whoops thats something haha will fix sometime soon

💬 Hydromancerx, Jan 30th at 7:20 PM


So glad you have returned! Some sudgestions for other creatures ...
- Field Mice
- Chipmunks
- Geese
- Beavers
- Bluejays
- Woodpeckers
- Lobsters
- Beetles/Ladybugs
- Cardinals
- Bats
Thanks in advance!

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 30th at 5:53 PM

Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad it's updated.

Were there any changes to it? I know we can't breed/keep them, but trapping for them to be food eventually could be a thing. I'm sure hedgehogs are hunted somewhere.


Also, make sure the squirrels give off one or no bushmeat. Last time I butchered a baby one, I got TWO redmeat pieces. It was hilarious 🤣
And for compatibility, maybe you can make your crabs drop crab meat from Primitive Survival if it's installed?

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Jan 30th at 4:57 PM

Marlim its now getting its very much needed treatment of 2024 :)

To anybody looking on this mod im finally back on modding and i will be updating it very soonish

as much as i love this mod i had to settle down the updating phase cause of rough stuff - lucky i am beyond that point 

💬 Marlim, Jan 25th at 6:42 PM

Why was this wonder discontinued?

💬 PhlippB, Apr 24th 2023 at 8:22 PM

Is this going to be updated for 1.18.1?

💬 MagentaLizard, Sep 3rd 2022 at 11:43 PM

Can we please get hedgehog stew?

💬 YourCreator, Jun 12th 2022 at 9:46 AM
💬 BlueFuryDragon, Apr 27th 2022 at 7:35 AM

I absolutely love this mod, however the small animals need to know not to linger inside the berry bushes created by the Wildcrafts mod. I have also mentioned to them that I think the damage on getting poked is to high I believe. I have seen piles of squirrels, crows and hedgehogs, kittens too but that's another mod. So compatibility would be great.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Mar 2nd 2022 at 1:59 PM

@Minni6in Thanks for the heads up.. thats very nice to know

Also the next Update will be released very soon which will add the European Robins & second version of Crows.. (both of these will only be flying around.. so do not worry about crows fly into your crops and eat it all YET...?)

💬 Minni6in, Feb 27th 2022 at 1:52 AM

once they release the hawk entity we will have proper flying ai that can attack and all that fun stuff, til then though, til then

edit : also to avoid the brightness from increasing the entity shape I've discovered if you just make it big in the model creator instead than it won't do that, there's a resize feature in the tools section, just select the origin block of your entity (mine are always named body) and increase it all, or decrease for babies

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 26th 2022 at 10:25 PM

@Mysticar Oopsie i meant .75 has the woodlouse name bug present but .76 has it fixed

💬 Mysticar, Feb 26th 2022 at 8:53 PM

@Chiappo awesome! Seems I overlooked the update from .74 to .75 😄

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 26th 2022 at 6:01 PM

@Mysticar already fixed no big issue its just the name of dead creatures not the loot itself 😂

💬 Mysticar, Feb 26th 2022 at 4:41 PM

Crows seem to have a minor name bug. When killed, the body says "Dead Woodlouse".

💬 Sindanarmo, Feb 26th 2022 at 4:25 PM

Robin!!! Can't wait :D I imagine that modding a flying entity can be quite difficult so take your time and in the meantime we can enjoy already existing in mod animals :)

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 26th 2022 at 3:45 PM

the next version adds a new bird (the European Robin) aswell a second type of crow that can fly around (This version will not eat any crops/berries) only the groundbound one..  i have yet to figure out a better way to make crows fly/eat/walk so in the meantime i'm doing this as a work around

Also a Modconfig is in the works (so you can turn off specfic creatures)

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 25th 2022 at 8:44 AM

@Sindanarmo Glad you like them - and yeah the crows... i agree it would be great if they could fly but as it turns out i have not been able to make it work i even tried make 2 seperate types of crows one that flies and other that doesnt but they kept getting stuck in water (Flying once) AND going crazy then flying around for some reason...(Insane SPEED) i will have to check something again to check if i can solve it..

💬 Sindanarmo, Feb 25th 2022 at 8:31 AM

Hedgehogs are just perfect now :) Ducks also, crows are funny and make perfect crow sounds but can you make them fly at least a little? That would be really awesome cause sky is still kinda empty...

💬 Sindanarmo, Feb 24th 2022 at 6:16 PM

1618 Creatures&Critters mod is supposed to have crocodiles in next release :)

💬 1618, Feb 24th 2022 at 5:25 PM

Love the mod. Thanks

Alligators/Crocodiles would be a valuable addition.

For people like me who disable annoying surface drifters, having dangerous animals to deal with would balance the peaceful elements of the game.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 24th 2022 at 10:05 AM

@Sindanarmo Yup i am on it... i am trying my best to solve the issues as currently standing... dont worry next update will solve alot 😀 SOON released...

💬 Sindanarmo, Feb 24th 2022 at 8:47 AM

I think it would be also useful to have a config similar to the one for Creatures&Critters allowing to disable some of them and/or make animals more climate dependent - for instance yaks live mostly in high mountains in rather cold parts of the world and having them in temperate climate in lowlands is kinda weird.

💬 ChiappoAuthor, Feb 23rd 2022 at 8:00 AM

Broken i may plan on adjusting it to passively require Creatures and Critters Not mandatory! just gotta check something... so it can run alongside if any issues (will mean i will have to remove some of the animals sadly)

Minni6in i do not have the required skill/Knowledge to make them swim as the basegame does not allow such.. Edit: THey do though not SINK to buttom of water and animation is made tho

💬 Minni6in, Feb 23rd 2022 at 2:59 AM

do the ducks swim?

💬 Broken, Feb 22nd 2022 at 10:24 PM

Wanted to let you know that there are a couple mods out there now that at current have some of your creature types in it. Check out Creatures and Critters & Lichen. The Yaks prolly be jes fine for sure ad the Auroch is quite different, but in C&C they have squirrels and snails (loads of diff ones for snails).  As for all the others they sound fun. Will wait to get the mod until some sorting has been done. Might want to collab with Catasteroid , Minni6in , Lich. Maybe even  Ahrondus since I saw a horse mod. I think if you all worked as a singular unit the life that would spring into the game would be amazing.

Edit: Yup, totally didn't see you had the * for the mods part for other ones that had similar critters. 
Still think if you all would collab you could add a zoo to the game lol

💬 Sindanarmo, Feb 22nd 2022 at 7:51 PM

Love animal mods and yours is great, hedgehogs and ducks are very adorable 😍 Squirrels as well :) Noticed that crow texture is missing.

(edit comment delete)