Mods / Bricklayers

Category: #Cosmetics #Crafting #QoL
Author: Tels
Side: Both
Created: Mar 19th 2021 at 2:01 PM
Last modified: Jul 19th at 4:27 PM
Downloads: 100885
Follow Unfollow 751

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

The Vintage Story mod Bricklayers adds useful things and new blocks to build and decorate with from stones, bricks, clay, porcelain and glass, including small stone bricks, glazed bricks and ceramics, glowing glass, more liquid and planting containers and much more.

If you like our work and want to support us, please consider becoming a Patron.


  • All versions from v1.0.0 on need Expanded Matter installed or it will not work.
    Please also remove compatibility fix or compatibility lib, these will crash the game.
  • v0.9.2 needs CompatibilityFix Mod installed (but not CompatibilityLib!)
  • v0.3.x and newer releases do not need CompatibilityLib installed.
    v0.2.x needs CompatibilityLib installed, so that pottery can be carried around.

Glassmaking and Glazing

This mod adds glassmaking and glazed ceramics as a whole new late-game mechanic.

You can create glasscolor mixes (called Frit) by pulverizing ingredients, then grinding, sintering and grinding again. With these done, mix and smelt colored glass. You can craft new glass colors and all types of colored glass including new types like quartz, smoky, milky, dark or opaque glass.

Or create two kinds of colored glazes (clear/milky), and glaze bricks, bowls, flowerpots and planters with these in 15 different color variations.

Glazed planters and flowerpots can be decorated with an optional pattern, two versions (checker/lines) are available.

Making glass and glazes does involve automation and lots of resources and time, but the results will be really worth it.

The handbook has a new guide that will teach you all about glass colors and glazing.

Luminous Glass

Create glowing glass in different colors and brightness levels.

Colored Clay

Create new clay colors and bake/harden them into hardened clay blocks or create colorful planters, flower pots, storage vessels, crocks, watercans, tool and anvil mods from it. Use a saw to cut hardened clay blocks into slabs.


An even finer variant of clay, comes in six beautiful colors - craft some truly especial pottery items.

Chisel Glass

All glass types and glass colors can be chiseled, even luminous glass.

New Tiles & Panes

Craft tiles made from clay or porcelain, or glass and attach them to flat surfaces to decorate your world. Alternatively, build full blocks from these these.

New Items & Uses

  • Cook bones and then grind them into bone ash, an ingredient for bone china, glazings, glass. Bone ash can also be used as a fertilizer.
  • Use rare materials like Chromite or Rhodochrosite as ingredients.
  • Craft drinking mugs and a functional tea set (pots, cups, and sugar bowl)

New Brick Types

Polish stone bricks into small stone bricks. Glaze burned clay bricks in 30 different colors.

Build blocks, slabs and stairs from these new kind of bricks in wonderful colors.

New Recipes

This mod also adds recipes to convert slabs into full blocks, and blocks back to slabs.
There are also recipes to recycle blocks back into individual stones, bricks, shingles or quartz.

Bricklayers also enables a range of vanilla recipes that where either hidden in the handbook (like red or brown brick blocks) or enables the crafting of these, like red/brown shingles.

Important Notes

  • Textures and colors are work in progress and subject to change!
  • In the current form this mod does not alter any vanilla recipes, this might come later.
  • This mod is still evolving - please be careful and make a backup of your world!

We hope you enjoy our work,

~ Tels & Phiwa

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v2.5.6 12099 Jul 19th at 4:27 PM Show Install now
v2.5.5 1624 Jun 29th at 10:14 AM Show Install now
v2.5.4 1898 Jun 22nd at 2:52 PM Show Install now
v2.5.3 4849 May 10th at 1:51 PM Show Install now
v2.5.2 3788 Apr 27th at 6:49 AM Show Install now
v2.5.1 5753 Mar 2nd at 2:32 PM Show Install now
v2.5.0 4260 Feb 4th at 11:28 PM Show Install now
v2.4.0 9059 Sep 26th 2023 at 1:57 PM Show Install now
v2.2.0 10721 Jun 5th 2023 at 12:12 PM Show Install now
v2.1.0 2058 May 18th 2023 at 1:41 PM Show Install now
v2.0.0 2550 Apr 27th 2023 at 3:55 PM Show Install now
v1.2.3 1857 Feb 20th 2023 at 6:51 PM Show Install now
v1.2.2 982 Feb 4th 2023 at 1:10 PM Show Install now
v1.2.1 531 Jan 30th 2023 at 12:43 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 1659 Dec 21st 2022 at 12:29 PM Show Install now
v1.1.1 3849 Sep 25th 2022 at 9:49 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0 723 Sep 23rd 2022 at 12:47 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 1436 Sep 3rd 2022 at 11:06 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 442 Sep 2nd 2022 at 5:38 PM Show Install now
v0.9.2 2900 May 24th 2022 at 6:48 PM Show Install now
v0.9.1 2136 Apr 11th 2022 at 6:24 PM Show Install now
v0.9.0 1010 Mar 27th 2022 at 11:16 AM Show Install now
v0.8.2 2685 Jan 31st 2022 at 7:14 PM Show Install now
v0.8.1 1174 Jan 20th 2022 at 5:40 PM Show Install now
v0.8.0 1475 Jan 12th 2022 at 10:54 PM Show Install now
v0.7.1 544 Jan 9th 2022 at 2:11 PM Show Install now
v0.7.0 645 Dec 22nd 2021 at 10:45 AM Show Install now
v0.6.0 933 Nov 13th 2021 at 12:38 PM Show Install now
v0.5.2 686 Oct 22nd 2021 at 3:03 PM Show Install now
v0.5.1 437 Oct 21st 2021 at 10:47 AM Show Install now
v0.5.0 477 Oct 17th 2021 at 4:09 PM Show Install now
v0.4.1 577 Sep 29th 2021 at 3:10 PM Show Install now
v0.4.0 574 Sep 24th 2021 at 1:54 PM Show Install now
v0.3.4 818 Aug 16th 2021 at 6:07 AM Show Install now
v0.3.3 631 Aug 2nd 2021 at 2:34 PM Show Install now
v0.3.2 522 Jul 31st 2021 at 11:53 AM Show Install now
v0.3.1 583 Jul 26th 2021 at 1:45 PM Show Install now
v0.3.0 617 Jul 17th 2021 at 7:48 AM Show Install now
v0.2.1 621 Jun 10th 2021 at 10:55 PM Show Install now
v0.1.2 585 May 13th 2021 at 12:07 PM Show Install now
v0.0.3 507 May 3rd 2021 at 2:39 PM Show Install now
v0.0.1 526 Mar 22nd 2021 at 9:56 AM Show Install now

255 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 DanaCraluminum, 16 hours ago

Tyron added my pull request for beehive kiln info, it may be useful for you to see what colored bricks and other things from the mod you can make in beehive kiln.

Yes, this info is vanilla now.


💬 TelsAuthor, 2 days ago

AzuliBluespots No, I'm not working on a new system, I'm quite confused. BL will be slimmed down (a few minor features get removed, as well as some redundant recipes) and optimized a bit by using the "new" decor system.

The new vanilla clay bricks have nothing to do with BL (except that you can glaze them after burning them) and for the near future, I do not plan on adding more variants to the small stone brick blocks/stairs/slabs nor the glazed brick blocks/stairs/slabs textures.

💬 AzuliBluespots, 2 days ago

Huh - So you're working on texture variation or something? I thought you'd add the new brick system to yours and expand the number even more.

Either way, that's even more interesting!

💬 TelsAuthor, 2 days ago

AzuliBluespots What do you mean by "size bump"? BL will be much smaller in the next version...

💬 AzuliBluespots, 2 days ago

Oh gawd, I can't begin to imagine the size bump this will get when updated to 1.20 standards.

💬 TelsAuthor, 2 days ago

Marlim Yes.

💬 Marlim, Dec 4th at 7:04 PM

Do you intend to keep this mod updated?


💬 Lohostege, Oct 31st at 5:48 PM

How do we bake to get the hardened clay block for the tiles? It says a oven, but only oven I know is the clay oven which doesn work.
(Never mind, regular camp fire works)


💬 vvapourstruck, Oct 30th at 10:55 PM

Oh that worked, thank you! Tels

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 22nd at 5:18 PM

vvapourstruck Oh, good question! Have you tried putting it into a lake or other water block and see if the rot comes out? They should work like a bowl.

💬 vvapourstruck, Oct 22nd at 1:53 AM

This mod is amazing, i love all of the different colored vessels for organization sake. Ive got an issue with the vats though, something rotted in one of them and i cant seem to get it out no matter what i press. Is there a specific way to clear the rot from it?

💬 LeNi99, Oct 7th at 6:49 PM

Can we get non russian names for the traders?

I cant figure out how to upload a picture so here is a link to imgur:

💬 FomortiisDK, Oct 1st at 5:19 AM

Ohhh i love this mod, helps with my biggest vanilla issue of not being able to make colored pots, storage vessels and planters and having to find a single trader that sells them

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 28th at 6:42 AM

Helmy I usually use 8 firepits at one. There is also a mod called Better Firepit which helps speeding up the process. And yes, it is designed to be slow and using lots of fuel. However, you can make coke from cheap browncoal, and coke with BL burns longer, giving you and advantage.

💬 Helmy, Sep 28th at 1:44 AM

Absolutely love this mod! But uh, anyone know a good way to bake large batches of frit at once...?

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 3rd at 5:48 PM

Entropic_Decay There is no compatibiliy in Bricklayers for that mod. But then, I've never have used Geology Addons, so I don't know exactly why it would be incompatible. There would certainly be small bricks etc. missing for any new stone types, but that wouldn't be game breaking, or so I hope. And I don't have planned to add compatibility, basically because BL is already waaay to big and I atm do not have enough time to work on it for such big projects.

💬 Entropic_Decay, Sep 3rd at 5:41 PM

Just wondering, is there compatibility with Geology Additions or an addon that adds compatibility for it? I'd really like to use this in my current world, but I'm unsure if it'll work

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 15th at 10:43 PM

Dear Mildred Unfortunately, liquid containers set down in ground storage in VS are quite limited - you can only take liquid out of them when you interact with them onto a bucket - e.g. you need to take the container into your hand and click onto a bucket to fill it, and also to empty it. This is true for all containers, bowls, jugs, and also BL cups, pots etc. This really really limits their usefulness, but is unfortunately nothing I can change in my mod. It would be good if you could file a bug report for this, maybe it will get fixed in 1.20.


This basically means unless you fill your cup from a bucket and then drink from it, there is nothing you can do with them. The same goes for the teapots. Sorry!

💬 Mildred, Aug 15th at 6:22 PM

Hello! I am sorry to barge in again. I have a question. I made a porcelain tea pot, and porcelain cups, but I cannot figure out how to pour liquid from the tea pot into the cups. I also tried clicking the put down tea pot with the cups in hand, that also didn't work. I used water, to give it a try. Am I doing something wrong? 

Edti: Thank you so much, I will file a bug report when I find the time! Tels

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 14th at 10:01 PM

Wamoodie Thank you for the kind words :) The blue-grey vessel is the vanilla vessel and people complained too much about not being able to craft it in one piece anymore, so this is an exception :)

💬 Wamoodie, Aug 14th at 4:30 PM

VERY good mod. I am curious: why can only the blue-gray clay vessel be made without sealant?

💬 Mildred, Jul 31st at 4:04 PM

Thank you, Tels!

💬 Ernie, Jul 31st at 3:45 PM

That what we thought, many thanks for confirming! Loving the mod! Tels

💬 TelsAuthor, Jul 31st at 3:43 PM

Ernie Mildred

The drying mechanic in BL is straight from VS and since my mods don't use code, there is nothing I can change to it really, except tweak the drying times.
Drying itself is kinda weird, as the container modifies the drying time. So in your backpack it is a factor of 1, but in a basket is it 0.25 - so it takes 4 times longer.

Items stacked on the ground are influenced by the cellar/room state IIRC - which might  make drying times longer out in the sun, but shortens them in rooms or cellars. But I might misremember it or maybe it changed in the meantime. You experiences showed it did not matter.

As for if things are drying when you are not around (the chunk is not active), I have honestly no idea. But my mod cannot influence it, either, as this is a core game mechanic and not accessible to content-only mods. Basically, the same rules as for bow staves apply. Sorry!

💬 Ernie, Jul 28th at 11:07 AM

I'm the server admin for the server Mildred mentions below.  If you need any info re server settings, please do ping me Tels

💬 Mildred, Jul 28th at 9:47 AM

Hello, I have a question.
So, when glazing items, it says how long they take to dry. Something along the line of, for example, 52 hours in open storage. Now. I set down my glazed pottery on the floor inside a room, and since we are running a perpetual server where time passes as long as someone is logged in, four or five ingame days passed - but the pottery is still damp and barely hit the 40% drying mark. 

Are the hours for drying the pottery real life hours, or is this potentially a bug? Do I have to be around the pottery and logged in for it to dry? 

I did a bit of science, since the room was counting as cellar. I had two of the same items, with the exact same drying timer. I set one into a room that didn't count as room. It didn't dry faster there. I put it outside. It didn't dry faster there either. 
So I reckon maybe the catch up timer, that exists for many other things, is not implemented for the pottery?

Leaving the glazed pottery in the personal inventory, did, in fact, dry them quite quickly and also dried them over time while the server was running. 
The game prompts the player to store the glazed pottery openly, however. So my questions are the same, but now at least I know where to leave pottery so it dries nicely. <3 

Thank you in advance for some insight!

Best regards,

PS: Aside from the drying times trying my patience a bit, the whole glazed pottery and stuff is really really beautiful and wonderful!

💬 TelsAuthor, Jul 25th at 2:44 PM

WickedSchnitzel I've never used Ancient Tools, so I'd need to test this. But "purified bone" is not something Bricklayer's adds, either.  "cookedbones" sounds like it might be from Sterile Bones from BL.
In any case, I won't be able to investigate this before next week, and if the mortar is missing a texture on tesselation, there is likely nothing I can do on my mod side, either. Please ask the authors of Ancient Tools for support.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Jul 23rd at 10:53 PM

Getting consistent crashes on attempting insert purified bone into a mortar (from 'Ancient Tools'), crash is immediate on right clicking the mortar

Running on 64 bit Linux (Linux Mint 21.2) [Kernel] with 96491 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.19.8 (Stable)
2024-07-23 5:35:58 p.m.: Critical error occurred in the following mod: ancienttools@1.5.18
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.1.5, ancientarmory@1.0.0, bettercrates@1.7.0, explosive@0.0.2, chiseltools@1.12.3, decor@1.1.1, extrachestsfantasyedition@1.9.0, fantasycreatures@0.7.1, fixedpaths@1.0.1, pantherinae@1.1.9, foundrymod@1.0.0, mannequinstand@1.0.3, millwright@1.1.5, moreicons_cs@1.1.0, primitivesurvival@3.5.9, shinglesandthethings@1.0.2-rc.1, spyglass@0.5.1, swordz@1.1.7, translocatorengineeringredux@1.5.1, game@1.19.8, weaponpackalphaunoff@1.5.1, ancienttools@1.5.18, animalcages@3.0.2, betterfirepit@1.1.4, betterjonasdevices@1.1.0, betterruins@0.3.7, butterflycases@1.0.1, carryon@1.7.4, commonlib@2.4.0, decayingcreatures@0.0.4, expandedfoods@1.6.9, fairplayguardian@1.1.7, furniturelibrary@1.0.11, hangingbaskets@1.1.0, heatretention@1.0.2, leaderboards@1.1.6, medievalexpansion@3.13.1, morepiles@1.5.0, moreplaster@1.0.1, pelaguswinds@1.0.0, petai@2.2.5, playerlist@2.1.2, prospecttogether@1.3.0, rivers@2.7.0, sailboat@1.3.1, simplefootstepsredux@1.0.0, sleepvote@1.0.7, stonebakeoven@1.1.3, tentbag@2.1.1, th3dungeon@0.2.1, thecritterpack@0.8.9, typing_indicator@1.1.2, usefulstuff17@1.3.1, vinconomy@0.3.0, creative@1.19.8, vsinstruments@1.2.7, vsquest@1.2.0, vsserverpanel@0.1.5, survival@1.19.8, workbenchexpansion@1.8.0, xlib@0.8.6, awearablelight@1.1.1, cob2@1.6.6, em@2.6.1, outerspacetunesvolume1@1.0.2, outerspacetunesvolume2@1.0.2, playercorpse@1.10.1-rc.1, rifteye@0.3.7, stonequarry@3.3.1, vanity@2.2.0, wolftaming@2.1.2, xinvtweaks@1.6.6, xskills@0.8.8, bricklayers@2.5.4, cob@1.9.5, outerspacetunesmaster@1.0.2, vsvillagecob@0.2.0
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'Unable to find a texture for texture code 'cookedbone' in container. Giving up. Sorry.')
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElement(Int32 indexForLogging, MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement element, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 394
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElements(MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement[] elements, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 306
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElements(MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement[] elements, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 306
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShape(Shape shapeBase, MeshData& modeldata, Vec3f wholeMeshRotation, Vec3f wholeMeshOffset, Single wholeMeshScale, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 302
at AncientTools.Utility.DisplayInventory.GenMesh(JsonObject generationProperties) in C:\Projects\VintageStory\Mods\ancienttools\src\utility\BlockEntityBaseClasses\DisplayInventory.cs:line 110
at AncientTools.BlockEntities.BEMortar.UpdateMeshes() in C:\Projects\VintageStory\Mods\ancienttools\src\blockentity\BEMortar.cs:line 513
at AncientTools.BlockEntities.BEMortar.OnInteract(IPlayer byPlayer) in C:\Projects\VintageStory\Mods\ancienttools\src\blockentity\BEMortar.cs:line 285
at AncientTools.Blocks.BlockMortar.OnBlockInteractStart(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) in C:\Projects\VintageStory\Mods\ancienttools\src\blocks\Mortar.cs:line 65
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.TryBeginUseBlock(Block selectedBlock, BlockSelection blockSelection) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 864
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleMouseInteractionsBlockSelected_Patch1(SystemMouseInWorldInteractions this, Single dt)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 89
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Util\ClientEventManager.cs:line 186
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 809
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 1013
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 676
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 651
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 324
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93

Modded multiplayer, latest stable

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 26th at 7:34 PM

GON I've moved the ash making into Valley of Ashes and added Wildcraft compatibility.

💬 RenayEdor, Jun 26th at 4:28 PM

@Tels Ah! I didn't know they were a vanilla block, and thanks for this we'll definitely look into adding it!

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 26th at 1:13 PM

RenayEdor The chimnes are a vanilla block and AFAIK there is no way to make the lit. But you might check out this mod:

💬 RenayEdor, Jun 26th at 1:42 AM

I might just be dumb, but how do you get the chimney(s) to light? Also do they stay lit permanently, I'd love to have a little chimney off my kitchen that's always making smoke to make it look like I've always got something cooking

💬 weeviljester, Jun 24th at 8:41 PM

perhaps separating the glass from the pottery part of the mod, foregoing the coloured clay in favour of coloured glazes, and some of the new objects that have very limited uses such as the teapot and teacups (as much as I love them, they're more just for decoration in my own game)


💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 24th at 9:54 AM

weeviljester In our opinion, what would be features of Bricklayers that could be removed (or moved to a different mod) to slim it down?

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 24th at 7:47 AM

weeviljester I'm slowly working on it, sry that it takes so long.

Deoxys_0 I'm thinking about adding something gated a config setting. In the meanwhile, this can be done very easily as a mini mod.

💬 weeviljester, Jun 24th at 4:50 AM

any chance you might consider making a bricklayers lite mod? The mod as-is is really heavy on multiplayer servers.

💬 Deoxys_0, Jun 23rd at 11:23 PM

Hey, I really like this mod, but can we please get crafting recipes for the other raw bricks instead of having to make them through clay forming? I.e, raw brown clay bricks should be craftable via the crafting grid by putting brown clay in a 2 x 2 pattern; this is the same as the vanilla blue-gray clay and fire clay. I'm making a ton of brown bricks for a project and having to clayform them is driving me insane.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 22nd at 10:26 PM

Always for you, Mendall ❤️

💬 Mendall, Jun 22nd at 9:56 PM

sweet, a new update! thanks Tels

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 18th at 2:25 PM

McThrill Yes, unfortunately the handbook does not show this info, neither for VS vanilla blocks. You can see how much is fired when you put in to much, then a small red notice will pop up and tell the max. amount. Adding this info to the handbook would be a lot of work for me, instead the game should fix this for all items.

💬 McThrill, Jun 18th at 8:17 AM

It would be nice if there was documentation somewhere about how many of each of the new recipes can be fired in a pit kiln at once - either a guide in the handbook, or somewhere in the tooltip for the items. Right now it's mostly trial and error to figure out how many, for example, vessel rings can be fired at once. Regardless, loving the mod and the new items I can craft!

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 7th at 11:36 AM

merryclefairy Bricklayer only needs Expanded Matter - any other mod is optional, and the compatibility fix thingymajingy is totally unnecessary nowadays :)

💬 merryclefairy, Jun 7th at 2:21 AM

does the latest version only need the expandedmatter mod or does it also need the compatabilityfix thing too? 

💬 PonyVStudios, May 16th at 5:37 PM

Feature request: fire clay colored fire clay creations, like in Natural Clay. That mod is incompatible with this one, so I figured I'd ask here.

💬 TelsAuthor, May 13th at 2:43 PM

ext_ I'm working on sep. the salt glazing to a different mod. But "hiding" recipes isn't really possible with a content only mod.

GON I'm working on moving the ash recipes to a sep. mod which will also have wildcraft trees support.

It just takes a lot of time and my modding time is very short these days.

💬 ext_, May 12th at 6:45 PM

any way to hide these recipes? a friend of mine is constantly complaining about them since they want to see recipes for clay stuff and it's just never ending spam of glazed mugs

💬 GON, May 11th at 6:40 PM

Feature request: Could you add in compatibility with the various Wildcraft woods to allow us to use them for wood ash?

💬 Marcel_1977, May 10th at 4:39 PM

Tels Thanks for the info!

💬 Ernie, May 10th at 2:33 PM

Thanks from me and the player on my server who spotted it!

💬 TelsAuthor, May 10th at 1:53 PM

Marcel_1977 Thank you for the report, the warnings are harmless and they will be fixed on the Better Ruins side.

Ernie Just released a new version, should be fixed now.

💬 TelsAuthor, May 9th at 8:49 PM

Ernie Heya, thank you for the report. I've already fixed this errors (a mistake on my part), the next release of BL will contain a fix. Sorry for the inconvience!

💬 Ernie, May 8th at 10:20 AM

After the most recent update (at least I think that's when it happened), the icon for stone brick (small) all appear the same as the andesite version.  When placed on the ground, the appearance is type-correct.

💬 Marcel_1977, May 7th at 5:25 AM

Hi, i get a compability error with the better ruins mod:

Is this a problem or can I ignore it?

7.5.2024 07:23:40 [Server Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-kimberlite in Grid recipe
7.5.2024 07:23:40 [Server Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-kimberlite cannot be resolved
7.5.2024 07:23:40 [Server Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-obsidian in Grid recipe
7.5.2024 07:23:41 [Server Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-obsidian cannot be resolved
7.5.2024 07:23:41 [Server Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code game:crackedstonebricks-suevite in Grid recipe
7.5.2024 07:23:41 [Server Error] Grid Recipe 'betterruins:recipes/grid/schematic-stone/stone.json': Output Block code game:crackedstonebricks-suevite cannot be resolved


💬 Azraile, May 2nd at 3:02 AM

would it be possable to let us glaze and pattern the vats and vessels.... or other stuff? more than just the planters and pots?

and maybe more patterns.

I like the idea but right now the options are limited.

💬 TelsAuthor, Apr 29th at 6:58 AM

Kemble You can already polish rocks and create stone bricks and then small stone bricks from them. If there are any other additional shortcuts, especially ones that bypass the saw or chisel, then these would not belong into Bricklayers. BL is to be as close to vanilla as possible. Sorry!

💬 Kemble, Apr 28th at 11:43 PM


Please add recipes to allow us to turn stone-* into their respective stonebrick-* so we can make the small stone bricks in this mod.

Nat has a mod "Easy Stone Bricks - All versions compatible" but this mod would benefit from having those recipes in it so your not having to download 2 mods to accomplish 1 recipe.

💬 RenayEdor, Apr 28th at 1:22 PM

Awesome thank you for the info Tels! We'll probably be adding this to our server in that case :D

💬 TelsAuthor, Apr 28th at 10:52 AM


Generally quite safe to add - but PLEASE make a backup of the world save. Also remember, this mod needs Expanded Matter 2.5.1 or better to work

Bricklayers does not modify worldgen, so new and old chunks will look the same w/ or w/o the mod. It does have a few new trader wagons, and new traders (which can only spawn in new wagons), so these would only appear in newly created chunks.

Otherwise it just introduces new blocks and items and recipes, and if you remove the mod afterwards, any newly crafted blocks will be white ?mark blocks.

💬 RenayEdor, Apr 27th at 4:51 PM

How compatible is this with existing saves? I'd love to have more brick and clay colors but we've already got an existing world that's like... 4gigs large (I run a server and we explore a lot XD)

💬 Dracomancer, Apr 27th at 2:36 PM

adres4t Tels Still Usefull Stuff rock crushing is easy to disable through the .json file of the mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Apr 2nd at 7:52 PM

adres4t Not sure if you can configure Still Useful Stuff to not clash. There is also a mod called "Not Enough Sand", which also lets you make gravel and sand, but is compatible with Bricklayers and Expanded Matter. Maybe that is a workable alternative for you. Have fun :)

💬 adres4t, Apr 2nd at 5:21 PM

Tels Thanks for quick reply. That means I have a mod clash. I see what I can find.


Edit: Still Useful Stuff adds rock crushing, gives you sand or clay when crushing certain types of rock. Mystery solved, case closed.


💬 TelsAuthor, Apr 2nd at 7:44 AM

adres4t Nothing has changed in that regard, and I've just tried it and you can still crush granite stones - need a pulverizer tier 3 (with iron pounder caps) for it and off you go.

💬 adres4t, Apr 1st at 5:47 PM

Crushed granite recipe seems to be missing after the update. Not sure why but you can only buy it from the trader now. Was that intended or just a bug?

💬 adres4t, Mar 11th at 9:18 PM

@Tels sure it is, thanks.

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 11th at 3:56 PM

adres4t The full metal blocks were at one point craftable in vanilla. However, AFAIK the crafting of full metal blocks is no longer possible (which also broke the Blacksmiths mod :-/ Anyway, bricklayers does not have recycling recipes for full metal blocks - only for roofings. And I've increased the cost of recycling these already (Recycling copper roofing with a saw now uses 5x more durability). So is this issue now resolved? Thank you for using my mods!

💬 adres4t, Mar 11th at 10:17 AM

@Tels thanks for the reply. I was specifically talking about full metal blocks. As it turned out, those were activated in the Dana Tweaks mod, but with all the additions we have on the server, we couldn't isolate which mod added that possibility. Metal recycling from your mod is 'fine' after we have reduced the loot rarity in Better Ruins so copper roof is a rare find. Other like metal bands and chains is working well on a server, is a reward for risk taken when exploring ruins and caves and it doesn't destroy the balance.



💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 10th at 11:03 AM

adres4t I try to avoid adding such complexities, as it makes debugging much harder (you would need the user's config to see what exactly the problem is).

However, I'm not opossed to tweak the mod. Or maybe remove the entire "recycling blocks" thing to it's own mod. Which metal blocks do you mean exactly? The full metal blocks, or any other like roofing?

💬 adres4t, Mar 7th at 6:43 PM

Tels any chance you could add config file to BL? I want to turn off the option to get metal from various things, especially metal blocks, on the server.

Maybe some of you have a patch for that?


💬 Kara, Feb 23rd at 4:22 AM

Tels My appoligies, i was tired when i typed this up and didnt even realize <3

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 22nd at 2:23 PM

Moon_Dew Sorry, at the moment I have no free time to work on BL and I do not plan on working on compatibility with glass making.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 22nd at 2:22 PM

LastXsile This issue with liquid containers on the ground is the same in vanilla VS for all liquid containers, even VS jugs. And it needs to be fixed in the base game. Bricklayers cannot fix this and I have no plans on working on this issue. Sorry.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 22nd at 2:21 PM

Kara Concrete is not part of any of my mods, please talk to the mod author about this. Probably it is More Roads from l33tmaan

💬 Moon_Dew, Feb 22nd at 7:56 AM

Any plans for Glassmaking compatibility?

💬 Kara, Feb 21st at 11:59 PM

concrete dupe. place wet concrete on the ground and it allows you to endlessly scoop concrete from it while its a liquid. 

💬 LastXsile, Feb 20th at 1:40 AM

Tels The vats store liquids but i assumed you could place them on the ground then fill or remove liquid from them but that isn't the case, Is it possible to make this a function at some point so you can easily fill bottles and bowls. In its current use case you can only add and remove liquids to vats from containers like barrels or buckets making its storage use very limiting.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 11th at 6:14 PM

IshikureShiro I've missed them, too! So there is an issue from more than 1 year ago - really should get to add these :)

💬 IshikureShiro, Feb 10th at 1:23 PM

I just realized there aren't gold glazed tiles, only bricks, and I'm so sad... Is there any chance gold glazed tiles could be added, please? >.<,

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 9th at 11:24 PM

artemax44 If you (or anybody else) could send me an update for the spanish translation, I'll gladly add it to the mod. The best way would be to DM me on Discord. Thank you!

💬 artemax44, Feb 8th at 6:41 PM


There are problems with the translation into Spanish. A large part of things are missing to be translated and some items have a code name. Would an updated translation be possible? Thank you
💬 vevi33, Feb 6th at 6:50 PM

Hello, Tels

You are right, there is a weird mod conflict between this and some of my other mods. I wasn't able to track it back yet. I will keep you updated since I use popular mods.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 4th at 11:29 PM

Zelascelar 2.5.0-pre will work for 1.19.3 and 2.5.0 final was just release. I've tested 2.5.0 only with 1.19.3, but it should work with 1.19.2 or lower, too. Best to use 1.19.3 due to the bugfixes in VS :)

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 4th at 11:21 PM

Hello vevi33 I've tested this with BL, EM and Tailor's Delight, and it works fine for me using 1.19.3 and all the latest. What other mods do you have installed?

💬 vevi33, Feb 4th at 9:14 PM

Currently there's a visual glitch while opening storage vessels.

The colored variants change their color to a glitchy variant.
V2.5.0 (latest)

💬 Zelascelar, Feb 3rd at 11:16 AM

Can't build without this mod, it's simply great. But does 2.5.0-pre work for 1.19.3?

💬 Hydromancerx, Jan 27th at 4:36 PM


Oh ok! Thanks for explaining! I am new to the mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 27th at 3:32 PM

Hydromancerx The oil lamps are possible with glazed bowls - the reason is that the colored clay bowls are very cheap compared to glazed ones and then nobody would make the glazed bowls :) So that is by design. I'm pretty sure another mod could add these, if it is really wished for.

💬 Hydromancerx, Jan 27th at 2:24 AM

I noticed you cannot make oil lamps from colored clay bowls. Can you please add them as a crafting ingredients to make oil lamps? Thanks in advance!

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 26th at 11:48 AM

Dexapnow Yanazake
Ouch, these would hurt :) I'm not quite sure it can be done, there is nothing in the JSON that indicates the amount of hitpoints when thrown or how to throw it. BL is a content-only mod only. I think it would be better to have this functionality as a sep. mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 24th at 10:06 AM

tRead Certain materials need steel pounder caps to be crushed, the "Needs Pulverizer Tier: 4" in the handbook tells you it needs steel.

Crushed rusty metal can be created by crushing metal scraps - but it seems 1.19 broke something and I need to fix this in Expanded Matter. Sorry for the inconvience!

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 24th at 10:02 AM

ATree I cannot reproduce this, the small stone bricks worked just fine in my test. The provided a cellar just like cobble stone did.

💬 A_Tree, Jan 20th at 2:50 PM

Small Stone Bricks dont provide insulation, Tels please fix.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 19th at 5:12 PM

I support this idea.

💬 Dexapnow, Jan 17th at 8:38 AM

Can you make bricks into throwables? pls

💬 tRead, Jan 14th at 9:52 AM

I can't tell from the Handbook and guide how to make clear brown glaze with crushed rusty metal.  What can be crushed?  I tried Metal Scraps and a Rusty Gear in a pulverizer with iron pounder caps and in a quern.  The chute sucked the metal into the pulverizer but the pulverizer spat them back out. 

I've also been unsuccessful with a magnetite nugget; thinking I need steel caps for that.

💬 tRead, Jan 14th at 7:32 AM

Having fun, Tels, but in 1.19rc6 I'm unable to put Fire Clay Mugs into barrels.  I created glaze and applied it fine to a couple of fired blueclay Planters.  But no quantity of fired or unfired Fire Clay Mugs will let me deposit them in the ingredient slot of vanilla barrels.  I wanted to put 6 mugs in a barrel with 6L of milky malachite glaze, but I can't put 1 mug in a barrel with 1L either.

In rc8 I can put an UNfired fire clay mug in a barrel slot, but the Seal button won't activate.
I can put a fired Flowerpot in a barrel slot, and read what the product would be if I clicked Seal.

💬 BrownishStorm, Jan 9th at 4:20 PM

Thank you Tels, I am replying on the discord right now.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 9th at 11:07 AM

BrownishStorm BL adds some panning results to panning sand and gravel like Uranium and Fluorite. It might be that this patching is incomaptible with the other mod that adds metal pieces. Ah, the dangers of conflict :-/ Please tell me the mod and I'll see if I can identify the problem and maybe fix it. Writing it in Discord in the official mod server under "Mods -> Bricklayers" would be easier for me. Thank you!

Edit: BL adds the items so there should be no conflict:

   "op": "addeach",
   "path": "<29>/attributes/panningDrops/@(bonysoil|bonysoil-.*)/-
   "comment": "Only one item can drop, so items earlier in the list drop more often...",
   "value": [
           { "type": "item", "code": "game:ore-phosphorite",   "chance": { "avg": 0.04, "var": 0 } },
           { "type": "item", "code": "game:nugget-uranium",    "chance": { "avg": 0.03, "var": 0 } },
           { "type": "item", "code": "game:ore-fluorite",      "chance": { "avg": 0.05, "var": 0 } },
           { "type": "item", "code": "game:ore-corundum",      "chance": { "avg": 0.05, "var": 0 } },
           { "type": "item", "code": "game:ore-kernite",       "chance": { "avg": 0.012, "var": 0 } }
   "file": "game:blocktypes/wood/pan.json",
   "side": "Server"

💬 BrownishStorm, Jan 9th at 12:17 AM

Since downloading this mod I haven't found any metal pices from shifting gravel and sand. I have another mod that lets me melt does down for metal. Does this mode remove metal pices from being found when sifting gravel or have I just been unlucky?

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 6th at 11:06 PM

Cpt_C0nfus3d Yes, sorry, More Candles got an update and I haven't gotten around to update the mod. Hopefully I can do this soon, but it will only be available for the 1.19 VS version. There are no more releases planned for 1.18.5 - sorry!

💬 Cpt_C0nfus3d, Jan 5th at 5:23 AM

Hello, is the mod not compatible with More Candels? I have various errors in the log, with the Soyblock.


5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-paleblue contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-palegreen contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-palered contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-peach contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-sunflower contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedflowerpot-bottom-white contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-blue contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-black contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-blurple contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-brown contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-darkgrey contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-fire contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-green contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-malachite contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-orange contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-pink contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-purple contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-red contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-light contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-yellow contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-lavender contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-paleblue contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-palegreen contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-palered contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-peach contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-sunflower contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:waxblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-white contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:waxblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-blue contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-black contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-blurple contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-brown contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-darkgrey contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-fire contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-green contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-malachite contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-orange contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-pink contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-purple contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-red contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-light contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-yellow contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-lavender contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-paleblue contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-palegreen contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-palered contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-peach contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-sunflower contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code morecandles:soyblock in Grid recipe
5.1.2024 06:16:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code bricklayers:waxedplanter-bottom-white contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code morecandles:soyblock

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 27th 2023 at 2:48 PM

unhallowed That is my plan, yes, but I'm currently busy with IRL stuff like holidays :) What exatly isn't compatible between these two mods? And are you sure it is BL and not Expanded Matter that has problems? If you name them, I can fix them quicker. Also, please post them on Discord, that is much easier for me. Thank you!

💬 unhallowed, Dec 18th 2023 at 2:45 PM

I've discovered that this currently isn't compatible with Geology Additions - any chance that's coming in the future?

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 2nd 2023 at 9:25 AM

Nut_Torquer It works fine for me together with EM 2.5.0. What other mods are you using and have you updated both BL and EM to their latest pre-releases?

💬 Nut_Torquer, Nov 29th 2023 at 11:02 PM

Seems to Crash on startup for 1.19pre7

💬 TelsAuthor, Nov 19th 2023 at 5:48 PM

Kirn OMG, that is a LOONG list of mods. I'm afraid it's almost impossible to find out which mod it is. One way would be to bisect it - e.g. take of half of the mods and see if it works then. If yes, you know the "problem mod" is in the list you took off, if not, it's in the other half. Then repeat the step by taking off another quarter etc.

I'm afraid I don't have the time to chase this down. If somebody could find out which mod it is, I could try to find a workaround, tho. Sorry for the inconvience!

💬 Kirn, Nov 18th 2023 at 6:58 PM

i can't join the discord sorry so i publish here the modlist i use:


💬 TelsAuthor, Nov 8th 2023 at 9:16 PM

rampedindent This is a vanilla "anti-feature", which is sadly not fixed since a couple of years. It came about when the liquid handling was rewritten. To put liquid containers into a barrel to glaze them, you need to open the barrel GUI and then drag the item into the input slot - or shift-click it from your toolbar when you have the barrel GUI open. Sorry for the inconvience, but it's nothing I can fix.

💬 rampedindent, Nov 8th 2023 at 12:43 PM

If anyone has difficuly glazing an item in a barrel such as a bowl (it kept filling up with liquid instead of going in the slot) you can shift click the item into the barrel

💬 MikhaelPerrin, Nov 4th 2023 at 4:04 PM

Chrissi thank you so much! It worked 💛

💬 Chrissi, Nov 4th 2023 at 3:21 PM

MikhaelPerrin you have to install bricklayers-2.4.0 and expanded_matter-2.4.1 if you are playing on Version 0.18.X and it works. Had the same problem for a while but this fixed it. The new version isn't backwards compatible.

💬 MikhaelPerrin, Nov 4th 2023 at 1:13 PM

Guys, since the 2.5.0 pre update, I'm getting this message: "Unable to resolve some mod dependencies. Check log files."
I tryed to check the log files but I'm stuck since I don't know what to look for and how to correct it. Does anyone know what should I do?

PS: I have also updated expanded matter to 2.5.0 pre and I'm getting the same message on that mod too.

💬 TelsAuthor, Nov 3rd 2023 at 7:36 PM

Kirn somebody else reported the same, but it works here. So it is probably a different mod. Could you please post the mod list you are using on discord at - thank you!

💬 Kirn, Nov 3rd 2023 at 10:27 AM

Hello. i am surely missing something but i can't make vats and vessels made together with their lids and ring etc. the craft seems to not exist. before i could do it but not anymore. maybe you have a response to help?

(i already know that i have to make in craft gruid the thing with fat our beeswax. But it don't function anymore.

Maybe a mod conflict?

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 30th 2023 at 8:20 AM


Good question. Could you please ping me on discord, then we can exchange screenshots more easily.

💬 T_R_O_L_E, Oct 29th 2023 at 7:21 PM


Thanks for the answer, I understand you, but I thought that the manual used to show craft, but now I can't find it
Could it have disappeared from the large number of mods?



💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 28th 2023 at 10:32 PM

TheNiteFox Thank you, I'm having trouble replacing the already uploaded file... guess I'm gonna delete and re-add the release 🙃

💬 TheNiteFox, Oct 28th 2023 at 9:41 PM

I just wanted to let you know that the new file you just uploaded is actually empty 😅

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 28th 2023 at 3:52 PM

TurboH2 Oops. My mistake, I will fix this in the next release. Thank you for your report!

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 28th 2023 at 3:51 PM


Якщо ви намагаєтеся створити кольорову посудину, вам потрібно створити основу, кільце та кришку, а потім з’єднати їх із жиром або воском у повну посудину. (Сподіваюся, автопереклад не спотворив текст)
💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 28th 2023 at 3:49 PM

Shinoskay Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

There is no special "obsidian glass" in Bricklayers, crushed obsidian just smelts into "opaque black glass". After looking at your example, I think it should smelt into either "dark black glass" or "black glass". Dark black glass would become way cheaper that way, tho. With black glass, it would be more versatily (you can recycle it into black glass batch, then craft different types from it). So I probably change it to smelt into "black glass" in the next mod version.

💬 Shinoskay, Oct 25th 2023 at 1:57 AM

Hi, Why is Obsidian glass so opaque?

is there any version of it thats at least a little see through?  Im told the opacity is 1%, couldnt it be at least 20, or even 30? something that allows you to see through it if you at least stand up close (like real live obsidian glass)

See here

And here

💬 T_R_O_L_E, Oct 17th 2023 at 4:52 PM

Виникла проблема.
Я не можу створити великий горщик для зберігання.
Крафта немає, і я нічого не можу зробити.
Це який конфлікт модів і як це виправити?

💬 TurboH2, Oct 15th 2023 at 11:32 AM

Hi Tels really love your mod so far.

I noticed that crock pots made from fire clay are not taken into account for the wax/fat sealing recipe. Blue clay seems to work fine, though.

I'm sorry for not reporting this on your GL issue tracker but I can't access my account atm.

💬 T_R_O_L_E, Oct 15th 2023 at 11:11 AM

@Tels Thank you very much
Found a solution in the comments to the mod in the comments of another mod (Primitive Survival)
Thanks for the advice mod to solve such problems

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 14th 2023 at 9:55 PM

T_R_O_L_E This sounds like the texture atlas running out of space. You could try this mod and see if that fixes it: (You can also set the texture atlas size in the client settings, although you need to edit a config file for this.)

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 14th 2023 at 9:48 PM
💬 T_R_O_L_E, Oct 13th 2023 at 8:49 PM

Has anyone figured out why textures disappear from objects and what to do about it?


💬 Moon_Dew, Sep 24th 2023 at 2:27 AM

There's a minor conflict between this and Medieval Fashion Vanilla Textures.  The dirt in the barrel planter's missing its texture.

💬 Ashe_Ferro, Sep 20th 2023 at 10:19 PM

Any possibility of adding glazes to porcelain in the future? kinda sucks that all porcelain is a pastel color I'd love to have deeper more saturated colors on my fine china

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 20th 2023 at 6:39 PM

McThrill It would be possible but also add many and many blocks. I think this is better left to another mod instead of making BL much bigger.

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 20th 2023 at 6:39 PM

Alatyr Thank you for the reports. I will add the recipe for the suevite drystone. There are more missing!

As for the chiseling, the "glossy" propery of chiseled blocks is an engine bug (or property/feature) in VS and I can't fix this. Sorry!

💬 McThrill, Sep 6th 2023 at 7:13 PM

Would it be at all possible to make brick blocks directional, like logs or planks? I would love to be able to have more control over the brick patterns and directions.

💬 Alatyr, Sep 2nd 2023 at 7:37 PM

Glazed bricks losing it's shiny when chiseled

💬 Alatyr, Aug 20th 2023 at 1:12 PM

There is a block of dried suevite masonry, but no crafting recipe.

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 19th 2023 at 7:01 PM

BlueFuryDragon BL 2.2.0 and EM 2.30 run just fine in 1.18.8 with net7 on Linux for me. What problem are you experiencing exactly? Please lets continue on discord

💬 BlueFuryDragon, Aug 17th 2023 at 11:28 PM

This doesn't work with 1.18.8 net7.

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 8th 2023 at 8:55 PM

Pichi I think this is because multiple mods try to "unhide" the same item and only the first one succeeds. This is a harmlos message, although I wish I could somehow supress it.

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 8th 2023 at 8:54 PM

Moon_Dew I honestly don't and have not tried the glass making mod yet.

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 8th 2023 at 8:53 PM

Madman2429 Thank god it wasn't my fault :)

💬 Madman2429, Jul 27th 2023 at 6:17 PM

Reporting a strange incompatibility with Primitive Survival (v3.2.6) causing bricklayers textures on planters and glass (and only those for some reason other bricklayer textures work perfect, go figure) to break. Have commented in primitive survival mod about it, but thought I'd leave a message here to spare people pulling their hair out trying to hunt down the conflict.

Disregard this, not directly a bug. The lads over on Primitive Survival mod explained what was happening. It was a texture atlas overflow.

💬 Moon_Dew, Jul 23rd 2023 at 6:17 AM

I think I may have either found a bug or an incompatibility with something (perhaps Ceramos).  Many of the clay items are missing parts of their textures.

💬 Pichi, Jul 20th 2023 at 8:27 PM

Receiving this error on multiplayer server, doesn't seem to be causing crashing but pops us every time I launch. 

20.7.2023 13:24:47 [Server Error] Patch 3 (target: game:blocktypes/clay/chimney.json) in bricklayers:patches/survival-blocktypes-clay-brick.json failed because supplied path /attributes/handbook/excludeByType/*-red-* is invalid: The json path /attributes/handbook/excludeByType/*-red-* was not found. Could traverse until /attributes/handbook, but then 'excludeByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
"groupBy": [

💬 Moon_Dew, Jul 20th 2023 at 1:45 AM

Can I use this alongside Xytabich's Glassmaking mod?

💬 TelsAuthor, Jul 15th 2023 at 9:11 AM

FinkThinker Hm, no that is not intentional. I'll look into it. Thank you for the report!

💬 FinkThinker, Jul 14th 2023 at 3:45 AM

Not sure if intended, but you're unable to craft oil lanters from the bowl + lump of fat combination.  Tried with a bowl made from fire clay.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jul 12th 2023 at 6:33 PM

Moon_Dew You need to assemble the storage vessel from the three parts (base, ring and lid) and some lubricat/sealing, which can be either some fat, beeswax or if you have f.i. Expanded Foods, some oil. Once crafted, it becomes a "normal" storage vessel that you can put down and use for storage. Hope this helps!

💬 Moon_Dew, Jul 10th 2023 at 2:02 PM

How do I close a three-piece storage vessel?

💬 Skrepon, Jul 4th 2023 at 7:27 PM

Just a suggestion, this mod gives us access to some brick types that were not available before, but not the dry stone variants. Can we get a recipe for these added to the mod?

💬 conninator2000, Jun 24th 2023 at 7:07 AM

Absolutely loving this mod so far. Only question is if there are plans to add some QoL recipes like 4 clay = 1 brick (like how vanilla fire clay/blue-grey clay works). All the bricks are so pretty but im going to get carpal tunnel before i have all the red bricks I need :') (and knapster has a chance to crash the game with these recipes)

💬 BisClever, Jun 21st 2023 at 12:26 AM

Can you make the mod compatible with MoreMinerals? It's a stable and working mod that adds a few mineral variations of vanilla metals with different colors. Probably it fits in nicely with the colors already in the mod and only needs the recipes, or even can be used to create new shades in between

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 7th 2023 at 7:45 AM

Thank you, Mendall for the kind words - it warms my heart <3

💬 Mendall, Jun 5th 2023 at 7:31 PM

OOO, more goodies, I'm always a happy boy when I see this mod update. My newest SP world is using so many of these blocks, I've had to make a hole separate work area for all the crafting. Also, this mod does such a great job of making use of resources you don't normally have a use for, it actually adds a lot of game play to a run what with all the gathering and processing of materials. Truly one of the must-have mods for VS.

💬 Finassar, May 31st 2023 at 3:19 AM

apperciate it, did not think of fat or wax

💬 TelsAuthor, May 29th 2023 at 9:50 AM

Finassar You can combine them in your crafting grid by adding fat or beeswax. You need to put them there in the right order, and all the parts (base, ring and lid) need to be the same color. If you still have troubles, pls send me a screenshot on discord. Happy building! \o/

💬 Finassar, May 25th 2023 at 8:53 PM

sorry I am not the smartest, how do you make a storage vessle, I made the parts and fired them, but cannot put them together

💬 TelsAuthor, May 5th 2023 at 4:15 PM

RainbowThistles I did have plans to allow more colors but without code, this would create way to many block combinations. Hopefully one day we get a more generic system in JSON, or someone can write code to allow any vessel material + color + glaze + pattern + pattern color to have total freedom in crafting. But not yet possible.

💬 RainbowThistles, May 4th 2023 at 5:52 PM

I was curious, are you supposed to be able to use the glazes outside of just brown glazing, to make lines and patterns on the glazable clay pieces?

💬 DisarmedSpy, Mar 27th 2023 at 9:36 PM

@Tels Awesome, just wanted to be sure as Blue-Grey clay was still able to make a Hammer Head, but Fire Clay wasn't (Also apparently can't make an Anvil)

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 27th 2023 at 2:01 PM

DisarmedSpy Oops, fireclay should work, I'll fix it for the next pre-release. Sorry for the inconvenience.

💬 DisarmedSpy, Mar 27th 2023 at 8:37 AM

Just to confirm, I'm unable to make a hammer head with Fire Clay. Is this intential or a glitch?

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 25th 2023 at 1:19 PM

Haakon This issue was caused by half of the recipes being accidentily shapeless and the other half not, and it seems the vanilla handbook got confused :) I'll set all of them to not shapeless for the next release. Thank you for the report! <3

💬 Hywel, Mar 21st 2023 at 1:49 PM

My friends and I play on a pre7 server with the Bricklayers 2.0.0 pre1 and we've noticed that the recipe to make a storage vessel with vessel, ring, fat and lid occasionally seems to switch the fat and ring around. Sometimes it will have the fat on the right, sometimes in the middle. This happens both in the book recipe and when actually crafting. We've been unable to figure out a reason for it though.

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 11th 2023 at 10:14 AM

KraftLawrence Mixing and matching storage vessels cannot be done through JSON along, as it would indeed, create many combinations and also all the combinations would need to be in either a very long list, or in different JSON files, due to the way the VS code currently works. Fixing this requires C# code, which I don't want to add to BL to keep it "simple". Sorry! And thank you for liking our work :)

💬 KraftLawrence, Mar 9th 2023 at 5:56 PM

I scrolled and read through the messages for the past six months, so if I should ask a dublicate question, I'm sorry ^^'
I was wondering if it where at all possible to add the ability to mix and match different color vessel components.
Example: A white open vessel combined with a red vessel ring and lid.
Like minecraft fireworks this might be too problematic to hard code every possible combination, but maybe it can be coded another way?
Thanks for reading in any case. I do love your many additions through this mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 3rd 2023 at 9:09 PM

Jaysus273 The only vessel that can be crafted in one piece is the one made from blue-grey clay - all other vessels need to be crafted in parts (base, ring and lid) and then combined to a full vessel.

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 3rd 2023 at 9:09 PM

Goosechucker Yes, this is itentional to limit the amount of tiles you can stuff into a barrel at once, but also not use 2l glazing just for one tile.

💬 Goosechucker, Feb 27th 2023 at 1:41 PM

It seems you need 2L of glazing to make 1 glazed tile, however it only consumes 1L of glazing whenever I do it. Is that... intentional?

💬 Jaysus273, Feb 23rd 2023 at 1:41 PM

The fire clay clayforming recipe for making a storage vessel is missing while using this mod, tested with only Bricklayers and ExpandedMatter enabled.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 20th 2023 at 11:32 AM

Hello SecretFoxfire I'm sorry that you had troubles with the upgrade. Remember, when you upgrade BL - you also need to see if you need to upgrade Expanded Matter²

For BL 1.1.1, EM 1.0.1 is enough, but BL 1.2.2 needs at least EM 1.1.0 (Yes, the version numbers look confusingly alike :)

Btw, thank you for sharing your VS adventures on Youtube <3

💬 SecretFoxfire, Feb 19th 2023 at 9:19 PM

Tried putting the latest version (1.2.2) on my 1.17.11 server and it will not work at all. Mod doesn't load, all bricklayers items are question mark blocks. After multiple attempts at re-downloading the file and re-uploading it to the server, it did not fix, so I reverted to Bricklayers 1.1.1 (the version we were using before) and now everything is working fine. Perhaps something about 1.2.2 is not compatible with 1.17.11?

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 15th 2023 at 12:43 PM

Brotherlui I'm sorry to hear that. The potash recipe has been tweaked because of Aura Furi's concern that it would devalue potash and and make searching for it irrelevant. Seems I can't really win here - people either complaint that finding halite+sylvite is too time consuming and hard, or they complain that crafting potash is too time consuming and too hard compared to find halite *sigh*

Two stacks of potash sounds like a lot, tho. Did you need so much for making the glowing glass, or did you just make it because you could use it for improving your farms? I'd like to get more information before I tweak the recipes again.

💬 Brotherlui, Feb 8th 2023 at 3:07 PM

Hi Tels, i really like your mod. With the latest version afaik comes the recipe to make potash from dry gras. Imho this recipe is not a relief but a punishment. I made two stacks of potash out of 32k = 32768 dry gras. These amount of dry gras i collected over the period of 7 months irl, so to say as long as the AuraFury Mystic Winds server is running. In addition the burning of these 4k hay blocks took another 5k of fire wood. For 128 potash i only need 64 sylvite which i can get from harvesting halite within one hour. Sorry to say but this recipe is imho the worst recipe on Vintage Story ever created. Nevertheless, kind regards for your work and efforts.

💬 TelsAuthor, Feb 5th 2023 at 11:08 PM

Mendall Yes, it works on my system! It's a workaround, I'm not really liking the shiny effect on large surfaces, but 1.17.11 will fix the specific shader I was using and so Ican switch back. For now, it looks allright and much better as the broken version :)

💬 Mendall, Feb 5th 2023 at 8:26 PM

wow tels did I understand correctly the opaque glass is fixed.
is that  on nvidia cards as well.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Feb 2nd 2023 at 3:42 PM

Alright, while More Clay makes it easier to find two other colors, it's kinda redundant. I'm trying to reduce things that mess with terrain generation to reduce as much as possible the memory eating that's happening.

💬 PeterSanderson, Jan 31st 2023 at 6:20 PM

Thanks again to Tels for helping me resolve the issue (a corrupted download). :)

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 31st 2023 at 12:47 AM

PeterSanderson Sorry to hear that! The "white question mark" blocks are usually the effect of the mod not being loaded at all. Please have a look into your server log file, does it say something about errors or warnings? Is your server on 1.17.10? If you need more help, please send me a message on discord and I'll try to help you.

💬 PeterSanderson, Jan 30th 2023 at 8:23 PM

I attempted to update my server from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (Included EM 1.1.1) but all Bricklayer blocks were now "?" and did not remap on map restart. Had to revert. Not sure how to proceed. Was there some significant changes to ids or codes? I hope we can get it sorted as it seemed, at least on my test server, that things were running faster


💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 30th 2023 at 12:40 PM

SalazarWindriver This is unfortunately a bug/change in VS since 1.15 or so: You need to open the barrel GUI and then "SHIFT+CLICK" the items into the barrel from your toolbar or inventory. See the bold note at the top of the description page :) This affects all items that can hold liquids, like mugs and bowls.

💬 SalazarWindriver, Jan 29th 2023 at 10:30 PM

am I missing something about the glazing process? I have a barrel of 50L Clear Blue and 40L Clear Purple glazes along with 18 clay mugs and 8 bowls.  for some reason I can not put the mugs and bowls in either barrel. I tried both the full barrels and moving enough to coat them into another barrel and I can't put them in. When I right-click it sounds like they are picking up liquid but there is no change shown in volume but the mugs show they have liquid and the one can't stack with the rest.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 29th 2023 at 12:53 PM

SalazarWindriver The cooking mechanics are in VS and Bricklayer's does not and cannot change these without more options being in the game. For instance, stacking a bunch of bricks into a coke oven and cooking them can't be done with the hard-coded "coke" in the game being fixed first. So, sorry, no, it is unlikely to happen.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 29th 2023 at 12:51 PM

Yanazake More clay adds the deposits for red and brown clay so you can find it in the world while BL lets you dye clay into red/brown clay (with dye or dry ingredients). Both unlock the crafting of red/clay bricks, while BL adds many more things made from red/brown clay. Both mods are (or should) be both compatible with each other, if you find anything odd, please open an issue at gitlab or ping me on Discord. Thank you!

💬 SalazarWindriver, Jan 29th 2023 at 2:08 AM

is there going to be a way to cook a bunch of bones at once? 

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 26th 2023 at 6:51 PM

Question: Does this mod does the same thing "More Clay" does, by unlocking the brown and red clay blocks in world generation while adding more?

💬 AzuliBluespots, Dec 30th 2022 at 12:54 PM

version 1.2 isn't loading in the mod manager for me for some reason. Says it's missing dependencies or something, but I checked expanded matter, and it's installed.

Edit: EM wasn't active, so the mod wouldn't work unless I turned that on and restarted. :1 I feel dumb

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 21st 2022 at 11:46 AM

Thank you, macoto_hino - I've fixed it :)

💬 macoto_hino, Dec 21st 2022 at 12:00 AM

Thanks for the mod update, good job.

I found a misspelling of "Dull" as "Dpll" in line 1829 of the language file.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Dec 18th 2022 at 10:53 PM

I'll get to it when I get to it. Expanded foods is currently a very daunting task that no one is bothering with. Nearly 2k lines outta nearly 10k done :x Probably more, but 2k for sure.

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 18th 2022 at 10:22 PM

NerdimusPrime v1.2.0 will contain the fix for you, in the meantime you can look here: Sorry that you had trouble with it!

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 18th 2022 at 10:20 PM

Yanazake The renaming of blue clay to "blue-grey" is indeed intentional, and has been in the mod for a very long time. Reason is that BL also adds "true" blue clay :) The pt-br translation is not that old, about 3 months. It only covers about 70% of the strings. If you have any corrections or updates, please talk to me on Discord :)

💬 AzuliBluespots, Dec 17th 2022 at 10:04 PM

Question. When was the pt-br translation made? the vanilla blue clay is called something along the lines of blue-grey instead of just the standard "blue clay". Is that intended with this mod installed?

💬 NerdimusPrime, Dec 3rd 2022 at 3:32 AM

Can someone please tell me which file contains the "barrelMovetoLiquidSlot" attribute for strong acidic compost, so I can finish making white lead? I've searched most of the .jsons in the mod folder and cannot find it.

💬 Cousken, Dec 2nd 2022 at 2:51 PM

Thanks for the reply, i'll have to double check. Perhaps i was using the wrong clay, just missed it or some other mod or a combination is causing an issue.

💬 TelsAuthor, Dec 1st 2022 at 6:20 PM

Cousken The standard vanilla vessel made from "blue-grey" clay is still available, you can clayform it in one piece and then fire it in a pitkiln. That all other vessels from Bricklayers need 3 pieces was a deliberate design decision aka D³ :)

💬 Cousken, Nov 28th 2022 at 7:29 PM

Hello! I noticed this mod removes the standard Storage Vessles from the game and replaced them with a version that requires 3 baked parts + fat. Is this deliberate?

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 24th 2022 at 4:26 PM

Bullywug Thank you, I didn't know aout that attribute, will check it out :)

💬 Bullywug, Oct 24th 2022 at 3:00 PM

I was having trouble crafting white lead, so I did some tinkering and it seems like the only problem was that strong acidic compost doesn't have the "barrelMovetoLiquidSlot" attribute set true. Hope this helps!

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Oct 22nd 2022 at 6:46 PM

What is weak/strong acidic compost for?

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Oct 1st 2022 at 4:32 PM

Awesome, looking forward to it!

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 30th 2022 at 12:21 PM

gndrneutralnoun Thanx for the idea, I've already added an issue for this :)

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Sep 29th 2022 at 8:34 PM

Suggestion: Compatibility for Expanded Foods so we can use the food oil from that mod to craft the recipes requiring fat in this mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 29th 2022 at 1:00 PM


Hello, the doubled recipes were reported by other people, too and are caused by another mod, although I don't know which one specifically. Please make sure you update all of them. Also, if you can, update to 1.17.4 and the newest Bricklayer's, it features new cool planting vessels, fixes the porcelain crocks and the bricks crashing.

Have fun, Tels

💬 Chloejanae1, Sep 28th 2022 at 6:06 AM

Im playing on 1.17.2 and the mod seems to be working fine, but when going to do pottery every option is duplicated (shows up in the menu 2x) is this an issue in the mod or have i done something wrong?

💬 Moonshadow, Sep 20th 2022 at 1:55 PM

On the traders - on a world i created  - after I realised i needed expanded matter  one of my traders was overwritten by one of the mod  traders pottery I think. Sorry I cant check more details at present it was on another computer and I am away. Also I love the idea of being able to make the storage vessels in different parts so they can be dyed differently  but animal fat is a tad tricky when first starting out so would be nice to have the option to make in one go thanks. 

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 13th 2022 at 8:43 PM


Yes, the mod adds two traders, glass and pottery, but it shouldn't impact other traders. I'll go and check if my trader wagons do spawn other traders.

As for the clay bowls, they didn't make it into the release.

💬 BlueFuryDragon, Sep 12th 2022 at 2:08 AM

Does this mod effect the spawn of traders? I'm mostly finding glass & pottery traders over the other types and this is the second world I've created with this mod installed with this problem.

💬 BlueFuryDragon, Sep 8th 2022 at 2:27 AM

What happened to the colored clay being used for bowls that aren't glazed?

💬 Shaidyn, Sep 7th 2022 at 6:46 PM

Tels That fixed it! And it explains the "missing dependency" message I was seeing previously. I don't know if it's something that can be done, but giving the whole name of the missing mod in the error message, instead of "em", might help some slower folks (like myself) sort this out on their own.

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 7th 2022 at 6:29 PM

Shaidyn It looks to me like you might missing the mod "Expanded Matter" - it is a requirement for Bricklayers to work correctly. Best wishes, Tels

💬 Rheara, Sep 7th 2022 at 6:45 AM

Yay, now I can make purple things! <3

💬 Shaidyn, Sep 6th 2022 at 4:00 AM

Hey there. This evening I upgraded my server from 1.17rc5 with bricklayers-1.0.0-pre.3 to 1.17.2 and bricklayers-1.0.1. The automatching did its best but any items I had using red clay (storage vessels and crocks mostly) has been replaced with ? blocks. Is there a way to fix, or is everything in those storage containers (and all my food) gone? Thanks.

💬 TelsAuthor, Sep 3rd 2022 at 8:43 PM

Hello CJHKnight2,

I've not tried it together with the Glassmaking mod, so I don't know.

💬 CJHKnight2, Sep 3rd 2022 at 7:29 PM

Is this mod compatable with Glassmaking mod by Xytabich?

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 8th 2022 at 10:13 AM

Can confirm that the recipes worked when they were added (1.15?), but no longer work in 1.16 or 1.17. Will fix them for v1.0.0 - thank you! 🧡

💬 Kirona, Aug 6th 2022 at 7:09 AM

The handbook shows Honey-sulfur poultices being craftable using your glazed bowls in various colors, but shows them empty. On testing this doesn't actually work, but I also tested a glazed bowl with honey and that also didn't work. I don't know if you'd have to modify the bowls or the poultice recipe to fix this - or if you'd want to - but I figured I'd let you know.

💬 Evadx, Jun 14th 2022 at 3:06 PM

I have been having the same problem as BlueFuryDragon, I load into the game in 1.16.5 and everything is a ? cube. I checked the logs and I saw this

14.6.2022 10:59:36 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
14.6.2022 10:59:36 [Notification] D:\Vintagestory\Mods
14.6.2022 10:59:36 [Notification] C:\Users\Pascal\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods (Not found?)
14.6.2022 10:59:38 [Error] [blammfix] Could not resolve some dependencies:
14.6.2022 10:59:38 [Error] [blammfix] bricklayers@0.9.1 - Dependency '' (bricklayers) has dependency errors itself
14.6.2022 10:59:38 [Error] [bricklayers] Could not resolve some dependencies:
14.6.2022 10:59:38 [Error] [bricklayers] compatibilityfix@1.0.0 - Missing

Apologies for not messaging you on discord, but I could not find you in the server.


Man, I'm an idiot, I thought the compatibility mod was the blammfix, and I didn't read the change notes fully. Sorry about that!


💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 13th 2022 at 12:36 PM

BlueFuryDragon Please send me a message on discord, either on AF or the official VS one.

Have you checked that the newest BL is actually loaded and that no mod errors occur? Also, if you have two versions of BL, please remove the older one.

💬 BlueFuryDragon, Jun 13th 2022 at 1:27 AM

Just updated the mod to 0.9.2 and now all fireclay items I've collected or made are now "white ? boxes". What should I do? Anyone else have this issue?

💬 TelsAuthor, May 25th 2022 at 8:01 AM

The issue with not being able to pick up fire-clay vessels should now be resolved. Happy building! \o/

💬 TelsAuthor, Apr 30th 2022 at 1:17 PM
Hello BlueFuryDragon,
sorry to hear that, it works here for me and is probably related to this issue:

Please send me any details you have on discord. Thank you,
💬 BlueFuryDragon, Apr 29th 2022 at 4:24 AM

Still can't pick up fire-clay vessels. I'm on 1.16.4

💬 BreakfastTime, Apr 18th 2022 at 3:31 AM

I recommend this mod for the bowls. What's the point of the advanced porridge and stew recipes if you're going to eat from a dull, unpainted bowl?

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 28th 2022 at 10:50 AM

The game should load the newest version automatically, but it is always better to remove old versions. Note that if you update the mod on a server, a server restart would be a good idea. And please always make backups of your world before upgrading! :)

Happy building, Tels

💬 DX65, Mar 28th 2022 at 2:03 AM

Hello Tels, I got a question about updating this mod. Do I need to remove the older version before downloading this one?

💬 TelsAuthor, Mar 20th 2022 at 12:50 PM

Hello PetalThorn,

these crashes in 1.16.0 are known, you need to upgrade at leas to 1.16.1 to get them fixed. Preferabe upgrade to 1.16.4 as it contains even more fixes for things that might interact with Bricklayers.

Thanx for the feedback, and happy building and decorating! :)

💬 PetalThorn, Mar 20th 2022 at 6:51 AM


A friend and I have been enjoying this mode very much on 1.16.0, but when we try to use the colored bowls to get food out of a croc, it crashes us.

Additionally, it only crashes BOTH of us if we're near each other. Otherwise, it just crashes the person in the vicinity, but then they can't get back in until I disable the mod. I can re-enable afterwards, and we can continue playing.

I did a test with it, disabling all other mods, and it still persists.

I do have a crash report, if that would be of help to you, I just didn't want to spam the comments with it.

The rest of the mod works great so far, I appreciate being able to chisel with glass~

💬 KineticKnight, Feb 24th 2022 at 7:29 PM

Hiya Tels,

Started working on a compatibility update for CottageWindows this afternoon and noticed that the orange plain colored glass slab is missing a lang file entry and crafting recipe. Just a heads up!

💬 TheOddApe, Feb 1st 2022 at 7:59 AM

Hello Tels,

I'm going to test FGC 1.16.0-v1.3.6-rc.4 later today after work and let you know in case of issues.
In the meanwhile FGC rc.3 has been removed and BL worked properly.

Thanks  :)

💬 TelsAuthor, Jan 31st 2022 at 7:20 PM

Hello Drayton,

couldn't reproduce the issue with BL 0.8.2 and FGC 1.16.0-v1.3.6-rc.4 - it works as it should. Did you use a normal, unglazed planter in the barrel? If you are still having issues, please send me a DM on discord, or add the issue here with more details and possible screenshots:

Thank you! :)

💬 TheOddApe, Jan 24th 2022 at 2:27 PM

Hi there.
Great mod! I really like it, but I have to submit a possible malfunction.

VS 1.16.1
mod 0.8.1

When I put a planter in a barrel with 12 liters of glazing (clear red) and click on "seal" nothing happens.
Didn't try with another color yet.

- UPDATE ---
It looks like FromGoldenCombs-1.16.0_v1.3.6-rc.3 interferes with the water recipes of Bricklayers.

💬 Minni6in, Dec 22nd 2021 at 1:42 PM

well there's another mod checked off the waiting for 1.16 list, thanks guys 😀

💬 TelsAuthor, Oct 17th 2021 at 5:28 PM

The Bricklayers mod is carefully made so that it only adds end-game or late-game content or some QoL tweaks that make things simpler, but not cheaty. For instance, the recycling and transformation recipes make some things easier, but cost tool durability to offset that.

There are a lot new features in it (like colored clay, new glas colors, glazings, small bricks), and new items (powdered coal, powdered metals and frit) but there are never any recipes that either circumvent the vanilla restrictions (like that you need copper to make a saw) or simple give you "more output" than vanilla recipes.

💬 Sukotto, Aug 23rd 2021 at 9:24 PM

Thanks for this. 

I have been working on a not so similar mod that adds more colors of clay matching vanilla textures as closely as I could but I haven't been able to work on them since 1.14.2 and it doesn't work in 1.15.5 I just moved my pc someplace where I can work on it though it's not prefect.

I wouldn't mind getting back to it.

I'm thinking when I get back to it instead of putting everything I've been working on in 1 mod that will probably take a while to get done I might break it up into several smaller mods.

that will help because then I can have some things done and finished while still trying to work on the things I'm having a little trouble with.

also this would allow people to use specific mods in case they don't want everything for example..

it has new trees, new berry bushes, new clay deposites, new clay (working on colored pottery but never finished that part), clay water; used as a dye substance. new crops, food items, clay mold for sawblade(currently wasn't working), knapping recipe for fint and obsidian sawblade for early game saw access. low duribility but still does the job. also has a couple new bags/backpacks with more bag space, new fuel sorce such as condensed coal and packed charcoal that have even slightly higher temperatures and last much longer so you burn through less fuel but not really because the time is only increased based on the coal. like 9 charcoal to craft a single packed charcoal would burn a little hotter but last 9 times longer than a single charcoal but still cost 9 charcoal. can also be uncrafted or recrafted from packed charcoal to 9 charoal so it's more for storage than actually fuel but can be used either way. also added new fertilizer that adds all 3 main vitimins as well as new fertilizing crops that add vitimins instead of draining them (experimental alternitive to fertilizers. was looking for a way to have a crop drain 1 resource while adding the other 2 but didn't figure that out so just had them add instead of drain).

someone might not want the early access to the sawblade or any of the crops or trees but might still want colored clay so if I break them down into seperate mods some can be finished while working on others while allowing people to pick and choose what mods they want rather than all or nothing sort of thing.

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 16th 2021 at 6:09 AM

Hello Dragon_Attack,

in v0.3.4 you can fire red clay bricks again, sorry for the bug. And so you can now use the red clay brick blocks for a nice, deep red color :)

💬 Dragon_Attack, Aug 15th 2021 at 6:58 PM

I would like the small bauxite bricks to be more red, almost like vanilla red bricks that are not craftable

💬 TelsAuthor, Aug 10th 2021 at 3:33 PM

Sorry about the crash - this issue is tracked here:

This issue is resolved, the crash was due to an old version. Thank you for reporting it :)

💬 OpPointBaker, Aug 10th 2021 at 1:10 AM

Just updated to 1.15.4. Got this CTD:

9.8.2021 18:09:59 [Fatal] Version: v1.15.4 (Stable)8/9/2021 6:09:59 PM: Critical error occurred
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.GetHeldItemInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, StringBuilder dsc, IWorldAccessor world, Boolean withDebugInfo)
at Vintagestory.Common.CreativeTab.CreateSearchCache(IWorldAccessor world)
at Vintagestory.Common.CreativeTabs.CreateSearchCache(IWorldAccessor world)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiDialogInventory.OnOwnPlayerDataReceived()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnOwnPlayerDataReceived()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnOwnPlayerDataReceived()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandlePlayerData(_O5ztFNqKdeWYluyXgS5P7HAa0po packet)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
at _VVdTpz6zOh9doXGaJBbVmWZKOpv._s7tOcpBSZm7boTmJPcYeXtmstYE(Single )
at _MtvIXhgbjdJhuIbc1FegEMpLKud._0A7s5MRwo6bB8g8kaenT2SalePH(Single )
at _MtvIXhgbjdJhuIbc1FegEMpLKud._nHJY5yhLTAITDfKmB1lJVftevLe(Single )
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at _mzv7HUwbhZoZmtxEpQ4NQOm3IbH._FGqcMJeY4eQZ8jt9dxvP4gQRARG(_cgPZroMph1owK0EWmdACbOhN9fy , String[] )
at _ZSjH1aUc8UgAKJxucBR0z2q8eQz._FGqcMJeY4eQZ8jt9dxvP4gQRARG(ThreadStart )

I went through each mod to isolate the problem. Crash happens when bricklayers is the only mod.

💬 TelsAuthor, Jul 27th 2021 at 2:07 PM

Hello JupiterSky,

yes, you certainly can. This mod does not change vanilla recipes or worldspan, all it does it add new blocks/items and recipes.

Please always make a backup before add or remove mods!

💬 JupiterSky, Jul 27th 2021 at 3:11 AM

Can I add this to a pre-existing world?

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 13th 2021 at 1:28 PM

In v0.2.1, 16 colored glass blocks now need:

16 Sand
24 Borax (16+8) OR 12 Lead nuggets (8+4)
48 Quartz chunks
  8 Copper nuggets
24 Lime (16+8)

and since they require now half as much frit, the burn time and fuel usage are also halved. \o/

💬 TelsAuthor, Jun 9th 2021 at 7:14 AM

Thank you for your feedback!

The numbers you posted are not quite correct. In Bricklayers v0.2.0, the Frit recipe gives you 4 outputs, so for this part you need only 1/4 of the ingredients and baking time! Glazings also needs less ingredients than one would think.

Also keep in mind: you can always substitute lead oxide for borax, and that needs only 1/2 X the amount lead nuggets instead of X borax.

According to my tests, 16 blue glass currently need:

64 Sand
96 Borax (64+16)  OR  48 Lead nuggets (32+8)
32 Quartz chunks
16 Copper nuggets
96 Lime (64 + 16)

In comparision, in vanilla 32 quartz chunks give you 16 plain glass - you cannot even get blue glass.

In the next version, we will tweak the recipe to use less sand and other special ingredients. :)

💬 Tech_Rabbit, Jun 4th 2021 at 7:07 PM

So after testing this mod, I find that the recipes are fairly unbalanced for what you get out of it.

For example: 1/4 stack blue glass = 64 sand + 128 powdered borax + 4 stacks powdered quartz (2 stacks of quartz chunk) 2 stacks powdered copper (1 stack copper nuggets) and 128 lime and a LOT of time processing.

That is a lot of waste and time for 16 blue glass. You can nearly fully automate the process but that won't shave off enough time to make it worth it.

And similar complaint for the glazing.

💬 misterandydandy, Jun 3rd 2021 at 9:27 PM

Clayforming as been fixed I already message tels about just got to wait for update again :P

💬 TelsAuthor, May 14th 2021 at 9:24 AM

The original game has no polished obsidian, and you need to make polished obsidian to make polished obsidian slabs, which you need to polish into the large obsidian bricks. Hence vanilla game had no large obsidian bricks - "large obsidian brick blocks" is a new feature of this mod, too :)

Mixing and matching bricks would be quite difficult to do, as each new mix would need to be a new block or texture. But you can chisel the larger and smaller ones together.

You can even mix completely differnt blocks like large bricks and cobble with the chisel - that is a vanilla feature and the new blocks from this mod support this :)

The last image shows how you can mix 3 different blocks (1 vanilla, 2 new ones) together:

💬 Lisabet, May 14th 2021 at 9:19 AM

what I meant by older version is the vanilla brick blocks, only with obsidian lol; using the larger bricks before you cut them into the small ones :)

I showed my man the obsidian brick floor (he plays sometimes too) and he said "that's what I always imagined obsidian brick looking like"

btw...that 4th screenshot has me curious; can you mortar individual bricks of different types together somehow? is that a teaser of the future? lol

💬 TelsAuthor, May 14th 2021 at 8:12 AM

Glad you like it!

The normal, vanilla texture for obsidian rocks was replaced with a few new variants, because there was only a single variant before, and it needed to look a bit different from the polished version one, esp. in color, as most polished rocks get darker, but obisidian was already almost black before.

However, the vanilla game does not let you polish obsidian, so I'm not sure what you mean by "the large bricks are supposed to make the 'older' version". There where no large obsidian bricks in the game before.

💬 Lisabet, May 14th 2021 at 12:07 AM

excellent, I now have an obsidian brick floor and love how it looks :)

I am curious whether the large bricks are supposed to be able to make the 'older' version or not but even if not I'm pretty satisfied with the obsidian small bricks 

💬 TelsAuthor, May 13th 2021 at 10:11 AM

That is soo embarrassing :-/ That's happening when testing in a creative world, another release will be coming shortly.

💬 Lisabet, May 13th 2021 at 1:25 AM

one step at a time :P you can now make the small stone bricks but can't add mortar to make the brick blocks; when I looked at brick blocks and brick slabs for obsidian, the only way to make them is cutting a block in half for slabs and mortaring two slabs together for the block lol

💬 Lisabet, May 12th 2021 at 9:44 AM

yay thanks :) mebbe you could do something with kimberlite too ;)

edit awesome to see the unused stones get some love <3

💬 TelsAuthor, May 12th 2021 at 8:58 AM

Hello Lisabet, oops, you are right, sorry about that! A new release will come shortly, fixing this. Thank you for your feedback :)

💬 Lisabet, May 11th 2021 at 8:38 PM

missed a step somewhere with the obsidian; I can polish it and cut it into slabs but not into bricks :( so I can't make the brick blocks

💬 TelsAuthor, May 3rd 2021 at 12:21 PM

Thank you for your comment :)
Sure, but then you could either not recycle a single stair block, or need multiple recipes for recycling, which might be confusing for the user.

Since this mod is about convenience and saving time, only secondary about saving resources, we have decided to keep the recipes this way. Eventually we might want to change some of the vanilla recipes to be more consistent in the shape (cobble slabs vs. brick slabs f.i.) and the number of items you input and get as output, and then you wold also have matching amounts when recycling blocks.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Apr 25th 2021 at 10:17 PM

Instead of loosing some resources, you could make recipes with multiple items, like "2x stairs = 7x stones"

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