Mods / Geology Additions
Author: small_fern
Side: Both
Created: Sep 6th 2023 at 2:01 PM
Last modified: Oct 12th 2024 at 3:51 AM
Downloads: 18959
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
A Vintage Story Geology Mod, Created By small_fern and Catasteroid.
Contributors: JXI - Stone Brick texture revamp
---Do NOT use Geology Additions in an old world, it MUST be installed at the start of a new world to work properly---
Geology Additions aims to add a more complete set of rock and mineral types into vintage story to make the world feel more geologically diverse. The mod currently adds 14 new rock types, 15 new minerals, 18 new gemstone minerals, and 3 new tool sets.
Additions ( as of 1.3.3 )
- 14 New Rock Types
- Dolostone
- Siltstone
- Mudstone
- Rhyolite
- Pumice
- Diorite
- Gabbro
- Schist
- Gneiss
- Migmatite
- Amphibolite
- Quartzite
- Jade ( decorative mineral/rock )
- Jasper ( decorative mineral/rock )
- 15 New Minerals/Ores
- Pyrite (Iron)
- Bog Iron ( Iron, from MoreMinerals)
- Azurite (Copper)
- Chalcopyrite (Copper)
- Chalcocite (Copper, from MoreMinerals)
- Tetrahedrite (Copper, from MoreMinerals)
- Vanadanite (Lead)
- Wulfenite (Lead)
- Cerussite (Lead, from MoreMinerals)
- Franckeite (Tin)
- Teallite (Tin)
- Smithsonite (Zinc, from MoreMinerals)
- Hemimorphite (Zinc, from MoreMinerals)
- Freiburgite (Silver, from MoreMinerals)
- Sperrylite (Platinum)
- 18 New Gemstone Minerals (With Custom Shapes)
- Spessartine
- Grossular
- Pyrope
- Uvarovite
- Andradite
- Almandine
- Schorl Tourmaline
- Rubellite Tourmaline
- Verdelite Tourmaline
- Watermelon Tourmaline
- Topaz ( Amber var )
- Topaz ( Pink var )
- Topaz ( Blue Var )
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Bixbite
- Aquamarine
- Spinel
- A Richer World
- Surface boulders now dot the world
- caves can now spawn new sodastraw speleothems
- A new, rare, forge ruin is now present
- 3 New Knappable Tool Sets
- Quartzite: higher durability and damage than other stone tools, roughly equivalent with flint
- Gabbro: standard stone tool set
- Diorite: standard stone tool set
- New Building Blocks
- All rock types have their corresponding cobble/drystone/polished/brick/cobbleskull variants
- All rock types have their corresponding cobble/drystone/polished/brick/cobbleskull variants
- Fully Implemented Into Worldgen
- Each new rock types generates in the world with proper ore and mineral distributions
- Balanced For Survival
- Dolostone can be used as a lime substitute and a pigment
- Mudstone can be used as a bauxite substitute and a pigment
- Quartzite can be crushed into quartz
- Rhyolite, Diorite, and Gabbro can be used in the construction of Querns
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions about the mod, please feel free to reach out here, on the forum, or in the VS Discord.
Recommended Mods:
Rock Strata Variety ( by chisps )
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.3.6 | 2975 | Oct 12th 2024 at 3:51 AM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.3.5 | 2687 | Aug 14th 2024 at 11:31 PM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.3.4 | 4371 | May 21st 2024 at 9:36 PM | Show | GeologyAddons | Install now | |
v1.3.3 | 4358 | Feb 13th 2024 at 5:09 AM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.3.2 | 715 | Feb 4th 2024 at 9:09 PM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.3.1 | 465 | Jan 17th 2024 at 5:26 PM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.3.0 | 627 | Dec 30th 2023 at 7:38 PM | Show | GeologyAdditions | Install now | |
v1.2.0 | 1231 | Nov 15th 2023 at 12:05 AM | Show | Geology | Install now | |
v1.1.1 | 427 | Nov 2nd 2023 at 9:01 PM | Show | Geology | Install now | |
v1.1.0 | 399 | Oct 13th 2023 at 1:28 AM | Show | Geology | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 523 | Sep 6th 2023 at 2:16 PM | Show | Geology | Install now |
one dot twenty
one dot twenty
Looking forward to the 1.20 update!
I will be updating the mod to 1.20 once the update is completely released wojtek16
Do you know if you might update this mod to 1.20 when it comes out? I know it's a lot of work but just looking out for future on it, would love to add it :)
maybe we could see bornite make its way in here if you ever plan on adding more? no push just if you ever add more
thanks for the mod. the game wouldnt feel complete without this addition imo. cant play without it
I am having the same issue as ISawThisComing
That's even better... Well I should've done my research first I guess. I'll head to wiki to learn those patches then. Server-side patches is a god-tier modding tool/approach, I wish other games would take it too, lol. Catasteroid
Neitronus Creating a server-side only mod that patches another mod produces exactly zero extra steps for the players to join the server, they never actually download it since the changes are entirely server-sided, see the lattermost lines in the following values in in this example modinfo of a patch that adds platinum variants CAN jewelry items:
You don't have to upload a 99% identical duplicate of a mod onto the modDB with minimal changes *or* ask the mod author to do the same when some lightweight patches that adjust a few numbers will serve the same purpose.
Yeah it is difficult and a lot of effort to find out what values are ideal to produce deposits that are fit for purpose, ask us how we know! We created a lot of worlds and tested them and kept testing until the numbers looked right, even then the less than clear nature of how deposits work make them obtuse to work with at the best of times.
With that said, if you still want to do it yourself via a server-side patch go right ahead- we won't get in your way as long as you don't reupload the mod wholesale without permission or otherwise, but I'm asking you to respect the wishes of Small_fern and myself to choose the time and nature of the free labour we wish to do for the community. An awful lot of time and energy was invested into this mod even prior to it becoming Geology Additions, and even more so afterwards.
Holy cow, that's neat, I never noticed that. I'm used to other game's modding scenes, like Barotrauma, so I assumed, there were no such patches in place. Thank you for that info, that's exactly what I should do. NerArth
You should definitely not reupload the entirety of someone else's mod without their permission. Neitronus
The changes you want made, can easily be done by creating your own separate patch mod, making use of simple .json patching to change the values for your server.
Your clients probably don't even need a distribution of such a patch, because all world/ore generation happens server-side anyway and any patch-mod altering these things can be set to be server-side only.
For example, this mod I had made patched some recipes for More Roads and did NOT require including the entirety of More Roads' content:
That example has been integrated with the main mod by the original mod's author, but they were not obliged in any way to do so.
Many mods in the moddb make use of simple patching like this, it is not complicated.
I'm ok with doing changes myself, I'm not ok with introducing extra steps for my players to join the server: I can change all those values, but you asked me not to reupload any parts of your mod. I'm sorry, but it's too much. (Changes that I want are not in configs, so in order to change them, I need to reupload.)
Global deposits are fair play, I guess, but that would take too much effort to find out what numbers are bringing all of those values to vanilla-like generation with the same availbility of resources. (That would require a lot of worlds to be created and tested.)
If you want scarse resources, why not just turn down the global deposit spawn chance? You get scarce resources and a competitive atmosphere like you want.
I've spent dozens of hours of my free time building out GA, for free, for everyone to use. If you don't like how the mod implements content than either change it yourself or don't use the mod. Simple as Neitronus
Can you atleast place chances of spawning all that ore in a outside mod config, so we can use the mod, but tune it for ourselves? It's too easy for my playerbase to find those ores and defeats core concepts of my server which rely on competitiveness and scarce resources. I'm asking to do it just out of respect to your users, who are also my players. small_fern
Chalcopyrite is a copper ore, among several others the mod adds. Another example is cerrusite, which is an alternative lead ore. I was very intentional in balancing the mod's ore additions to avoid any issues.
I would ask that under no circumstances you reupload my mod, or anything extrapolated from it to the ModDB. If you want to play with the modified version, you'll need to circulate that around yourself. Neitronus
To much flooded with new ores... E.G.: Copper is several times more scarce than chalcopyrite. Very unbalanced at my opinion. But the integration of gemstones into Jewelry is a beast. Any chance that I could turn off all the metalic ores?
Edit: Can I reupload it without metalic ores as a quick workaround, just so my players could download it from this workshop through game without the need of me sending them this modified version in private?
ISawThisComing, I shot you a message on discord for more info, let's talk there! ISawThisComing
I'm finishing up a patch now Jayu that adds these recipes to the game, good catch on them. jayu
Not sure if its intentional but this mod seems to remove random tools from flint and other types of stone. If it is intended then sorry for bothering ya, if its not then yeah. Thanks!
Hey I believe this is missing recipes for bone handle knives with the modded rock types. Also perhaps it's better to patch the game assets with new variants instead of overwriting them so it's more compatible with other mods.
Please add more types! Such as ...
New Metals
- Arsenic
- Cobalt
- Chromium
- Nickel
New Minerals
- Arsenopyrite (Arsenic, Iron, Sulfur)
- Cobaltite (Arsenic, Cobalt, Sulfur)
- Crocoite (Chromium, Lead)
- Garnierite (Nickel)
- Limonite (Iron, Nickel)
- Realgar (Arsenic, Sulfur)
- Safflorite (Cobalt, Iron)
- Sphalerite (Sulfur, Zinc)
- Wurtzite (Iron, Sulfur, Zinc)
LeuxSeveN small_fern i had this same issue, i had usefull things installed, deactivated it and did not have the problem after that.
added: it was causing crash
I'm aware of the error, is it causing a crash or just clogging up the server logs? LeuxSeveN
It should be compatible with the biomes mod GaylordZap
Hi small_fern
when I try to run your mod on my little Server I get the following error:
17.8.2024 01:58:05 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/drystone.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-drystone.json failed because supplied path / is invalid: The json path / was not found. No such element '' at the root path
17.8.2024 01:58:05 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/slabs/stonebrickslab.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-slabs-stonebrickslab.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
tinywulf, my Rare Dense Ores mod works only with vanilla deposits.
Would be avesome if this mod had also some config option decreasing tries per chunk 8x, and increasing radius and thickness 2x (and thickness variety from 0 to 1) , making deposits rare but with 8x more rich average.
Is this / will this be compatible with the biomes mod?
I'm not sure if it would tinywulf, i assume that mod is changing the deposit sizes individually (each ore has a orebody shape set in their respective files) so I imagine a patch would have to be made by them to integrate the mod.
Regarding toolworks, It seems like the added stone tool types from GA cause a problem with their new system, I would reach out to them and see if they'd be willing to make a patch for it, although it seems like folks have been asking about it since Feb and I'm not sure if anything was ever done.
Sorry I didn't have much good news to share! 😅
Anyone know if this works ok with the rare dense ores mod? I remember in TFC way back where we would have larger but rare veins and it felt more significant when you found a vein, so much dopamine.
Second this still have issues with Toolworks?
Glad you were able to figure out what was going on! And thank you for the compilment on the rocks! The little green glitters in Gabbro are meant to represent little bits of olivine, Gabbro IRL has at least a little bit of olivine in it!
Yeah it was a mod conflict sorry about that.
I did run this mod completely by itself just now though and I will share my logs with the errors I got
~ Hope these help you in some way find some more bugs to squash :)
Yeah I was running it with toolworks which I do know conflicts wih alot of things. I will test this mod out on its own when I have time just to make sure it wasnt a mod conflict :)
~ The rocks you made for this mod r gorgeous btw! Couldnt get over how there was lil glittery green chunks in the gabbro, so gorgeous
Weird, In the most recent version the recipes are in the book and craftable, are you running the most recent version of the mod, or maybe running GA with mods that might conflict? Thanks for the heads up and i'm sorry it's giving you problems! TheNiteFox
Just thought I would let you know, I came across Gabbro rock and the recipes for a Gabbro Knife & Hoe are missing in handbook and they can not actually be made :)
It was sad you threw it away :(
In all seriousness, i'm not sure! If you have a crash log please send it to me through my discord, small_fern (or in the geoaddons channel in the VS discord)
My game crash after i threw a bog iron piece
Heyya! I know it would probably be hard to implement and you don't have much time for the mod, but would it be possible at all to add in a filter for the prospecting search on the map for all copper/tin/iron/etc. Varients so you can find them without having to search for each varient individually?
The additional gems don't have a purpose at this moment in time, I eventually intend for them to be able to be sold/crafted into jewelry I just don't have a lot of time to work on the mod anymore! I'm thinking some kind of companion mod may be useful in adding additional functionality. You also bring up a really good point about how to actually find them 😅. I get so used to knowing where stuff is, I'll make sure to add some guidebook entires on where to find them. All metal ores have uses though, and some rocks can be made into querns/tools/lime/bauxite substitutes.
Basic locations for gems are here:
Tourmalines - Felsic (Granites, ect) Igneous rocks
Topaz - Extrusive igneous rocks
Garnets - (Low to high grade metamorphic rocks)
I don't remember the others off the top of my head, but you shouldn't ever find gems in sedimentary rock. Also, you can look at the ores for each gem to see what rock type they're in.
Hope this helps merryclefairy
Thanks for the heads up Pearllite! i'll check it out and add it to the next of stuff that needs fixing! pearllite
hello, my friend wanted this mod but i'm having a hard time telling what the additional gems and such actually do. what are they used for? the guidebook in-game doesn't quite say if they're used to craft something, rather just how to get it, like the rough spessartine garnet for example. hehe i'm dumb :')
I'm not sure if this is just me, but I've noticed my game has some issues with displaying certain blocks.
Jasper blocks, and surface copper seems to be missing text?
I see some missing text for Meteoric Expansion too, so I'll notify the creator of that mod too!
I would love the ability to craft mudstone, maybe requiring bauxite for balance sake.
Are there any breaking changes moving from v1.3.3 to v1.3.4? The changelog looks benign but I want to make sure as do not want to brick server save.
What is Geoaddons Sand?
I'm having the same issue that Austin reported, the mod looks fastastic I really wanna play with it but the bug with the animations is really jarring to me.
DollarZone I use this mod on my heavily modded game with no issues. Give it a try!
Would love to download this mod once all reported bugs have been patched, we need something to break up the sea of granite/andesite!
me how to fix this little message?
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-dolostone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-dolostone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
flint is really hard to come by...
Awesome to hear! I wish you luck on finding a squashing said bug. :)
I have an inkling of what might be causing it, i'll add it to my list of bugs to patch when I get some free time and see if I can squash it. Thank you for letting me know about it! Austin
Don't know if it's been reported yet, but there seems to be an issue with animations with tools SPECIFICALLY when this mod is installed. Knives and stone axes seem to not have the correct animations, same goes with stone shovels. I'm running v1.3.3. Not this also causes knives and anything that inherits knife properties like the SwordZ mod to outright not do damage.
Let me know if there is anything I can provide that could help diagnose this and I appreciate the work and dedication you've put into this excellent mod!
QuantumAnomaly Known, non-dangerous, just log spammy. Iirc slated for fixing Eventually
From server-main logs, in relation to Newfie's request for handbook info, I found a few more:
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit cerussite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit surfacecopper has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit chalcocite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit freibergite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit hemimorphite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit smithsonite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Deposit tetrahedrite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
28.2.2024 20:04:06 [Warning] Child Deposit freibergite of deposit tetrahedrite has no handbook page code. Links created by the prospecting pick will not work without it.
Clicking on jade rock in the handbook crashes to desktop
Jasper is missing textures in the handbook
Please fix these?
It does not change the copper spawn rate, but there's like 4 or 5 ores total now that can be used for copper. NerdlinGeeksly
I appreciate the praise, a lot of people take the mod for granite, but I think it made me a boulder person :P ShamblerDK
can anyone say whether or not this mod increases the copper spawn rate?
As the world I made with this has a lot of copper in my local area dispite me not changing the spawn rate.
How gneiss of you to make such a mod.
I have a trimmed down version, please reach out to me on discord (small_fern) so I can get it to you. I don't want to add it here and have a bunch of folks confused when the 1-click-install doesn't including 70% of the mod's advertised content :P Pamela
I don't see why not, I'll slim a version down this weekend and at you when it's up Pamela
Can we get a lighter version with JUST the rock types?
That is hilarious timing! 😂 I'll have to check it out this week.
You should probably update the mod description at some point.
I did just add more Querns lmaooo CKitt
Having now played with this mod for about six hours total, I can say it truly does make the world feel much more complete! I'm greatly enjoying it. Thanks for updating it for 1.19, I kept meaning to try it in 1.18 but had a long-running save I didn't want to abandon.
I look forward to the different rock types for querns in the future.
Edit: I'm going to laugh if you just updated the mod to add the querns while I had the page open.
Roger, Keep up the good work mate :D
All of those coal types are already in the game excluding Sub-Bituminous Coal, so there's no need for me to add them in :3 Odisurin
Do you have any plans to add different types of Coal like Lignite,Sub-Bituminous Coal, Bituminous Coal, and Anthracite Coal?
Ohhh fossils is an interesting idea! I'm not opposed to it, but I need an extended break with the mod. I haven't played the game since almost November and I need to take some time to enjoy the new update :3
The coal generation is the same as the base game CoalMiner
Yes, I saw your comment on another mod and tr5ied to find out how to contact you with out doing this. I couldn't find one.
Long time no see dude! Glad to see you found this game too! Some good times back with Civ4 eh?
This is a cool mod! Any plans for adding fossils? Or even an add-on mod for fossil hunting?
Does this mod add realistic coal seams?
There's no reason why it shouldn't work! Cygnusia
I am not running a server. Just single player. Running 70ish mods.
I can finally settle down into a new world! :D Quick question though, is this compatible with terrain generation mods, like Worldgen Fix Remix?
DancingHoskuld Server running v1.19.3 and I can confirm that both obsidian and flint shovels are craftable and usable with v1.3.2 of Geology Additions.
Full disclosure this is on a server with over 70 other mods installed.
My obsidian shovels have turned into black squares and don't seem to dig.
Alos I can't make obsidian or flint shovels.
Aw heck yea, update! Time for pretty rocks! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/drystone.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-drystone.json failed because supplied path / is invalid: The json path / was not found. No such element '' at the root path
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/slabs/stonebrickslab.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-slabs-stonebrickslab.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 12 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebrick.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebrick.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/S/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 13 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebrick.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebrick.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/S/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 12 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebricks.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebricks.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
5.2.2024 02:34:22 [Error] Patch 13 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebricks.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebricks.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
Will get on adding Querns in the next update, just didn't want to hold up the 1.19 working version any longer! VaelophisNyx
Updated to 1.19! MikhaelPerrin BlackjackBarret
Anything that makes this game more like Minecraft did a fusion dance with Dwarf Fortress is very welcome from me.
Excited to play this on 1.19
I really love this mod, do you have any plans to update it to 1.19.x?
I don't think so. Cave content adds some "ore" blocks too, but they won't have the protuding models. Custom ores might not have the visual difference, but for the vanilla ores... maybe?
That's a wondeful find of a mod here! Can't wait for the updated version for 1.19.
Although I have some suggestions for some ore implementation as well. Like the in game chances of finding silver in galena, you could implement on some ores, like finding Tetrahedrite rich in silver instead of locking it only to copper (as a clear reference to the game Dwarf Fortress)
Is this mod compatible with JuicyOres?
awesome, thank you for the fast fix on the tools! Sorry my report wasn't mor thorough, it wasn't clear why they weren't working ^^;
glad to hear querns are on the way, and hey, take your time
rushed works are always worse for it!
VaelophisNix, I'll try and get a fix for the stone tools out tomorrow, not sure what's gone wrong with them as I don't seem to be having issues on my end. I shouldn't have any issue adding new quern types for the new hard stone either.
I appreciate the offer OPpointbaker, I may take you up on that!
Cpt_C0nfus3d, I am aware of those bugs and have attempted to remedy them, however when I fixed the paths the blocks became uncraftable. I'm trying to find a different fix for 1.19
Thank you all for your patience with me, I didn't have any full time work when I started this mod, and now that I do i'm finding it very difficult to find the time to do work on it.
VaelophisNyx OpPointBaker Cpt_C0nfus3d
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/drystone.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-drystone.json failed, following Exception was thrown: The parent is missing.
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:recipes/grid/slabs/stonebrickslab.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-slabs-stonebrickslab.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 12 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebrick.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebrick.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/S/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 13 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebrick.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebrick.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/S/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/S/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 12 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebricks.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebricks.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
16.1.2024 01:38:55 [Error] Patch 13 (target: game:recipes/grid/stonebricks.json) in game:patches/recipes/grid/survival-recipes-grid-stonebricks.json failed because supplied path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- is invalid: The json path /ingredients/L/allowedVariants/- was not found. Could traverse until /ingredients/L/allowedVariants, but then '-' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
Request: can we get Querns made from some of the harder stones you've added?
If you need a sacrificial guinea pig QA tester to help with getting to 1.19 compatablility, I'll gladly help. :)
seems there may be a bug with 1.3.0, where most of the stone tools you've added are now uncraftable (can't combine a stick with the heads)
It would probably run alongside ores-a-plenty, but since the ore gen is tied to each individual ore file it probably won't integrate the new ores in the way you'd like. WTF27pl
There's a few problems in the server-logs that have something to do with prospecting a few of the new ores, however I'm not running into any issues finding them with the pro-pick. I'll do some more sleuthing tomorrow to figure out what's up with it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! My apoligies for taking so long to see this too; recently started a new job so freetime is extremely limited.
EDIT: I went ahead and tested a number of different ores with the prospecting pick with no difficulty in a fresh world, they all show up correctly in the chat logs and can be found using the prospecting pick normally. I think the reason this idea came up is some ores are pretty rare or spawn very low in the world. I've put a link below that shows a spreadsheet of the spawning conditions for the ores, both vanilla and modded:
Is mod compatible with ores o plenty?
There are people testing a mod pack for a server saying that with this mod you can*t prospect these new metals with the Prospecting Pick, is that true?
small_fern turns out there is already a mod that can handle it! it's
Downsides are it being unavailable for 1.19 (not a problem for this mod yet), and being so obtuse even the author isn't sure what everything did.
A comment there from me covers how to adjust region sizes though!
Doesn't work with some mods (like DR Decor) 😥
Perfect, thx a lot 😊
It is compatible with other worldgen mods! As long as those mods are only modifying worldgen and not adding more rock types everything should work fine. XurxoMF
There is an issue with some termite mounds, It seems i neglected to remove Jade and Jasper from the possible termite mound types. That's probably what's causing the issue and it will be fixed in the next version of the mod.
I definitely want to mess around more with generation weights for the different rock types, I have noticed a lot of granite too, although I don't think it feels much different from vanilla in how often it spawns. The concern is that if I mess with the world generation weights, any worlds that are currently using this mod won't be compatible with new versions ( chunk borders will in some cases very obviously have sharp lithology changes, like a granite to a mudstone in one block ). I'll do some digging to see what it would take to mess around with the config file, or potentially make a few preset ones that folks can choose from.
Is this mod compatible with other generation mods?
also I'd like to make a small (probably impossible, idk) request: can we get a config setting set to alter the generation weights of each of this mod's and vanilla stone types in rock strata?
Would love to see some of the ones from this mod but 15-20 new worlds deep and it's just been granite region after granite region :C
@small_fern I'm not totally sure what it was but the next load/worldgen it just...didn't happen
I did spot a termite mound in creative missing a texture though, but it wasn't gabbro?
Could you send the entire log file to small_fern on discord? I'm happy to take a look at it and see if there's something I can do. VaelophisNyx
Are you running any other mods? I just double checked if I could make flint knives and I had no issues.
25.11.2023 12:37:20 [Fatal] Failed networking encoding block game:termitemound-gabbro-large: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate, Boolean& found) at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at Vintagestory.Common.ClassRegistry.GetBlockBehaviorClassName(Type blockBehaviorType) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\ClassRegistry.cs:line 158 at Vintagestory.Common.ClassRegistryAPI.GetBlockBehaviorClassName(Type blockBehaviorType) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ClassRegistryAPI.cs:line 142 at Vintagestory.Common.BlockTypeNet.GetBlockTypePacket(Block block, IClassRegistryAPI registry) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\Network\BlockTypeNet.cs:line 426 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.BuildServerAssetsPacket() in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 1073
Getting this error? Not entirely sure why
Cant make flint knives
Mohandar This usually happens when there are mods with giant amount of textures, like hundreds or thousands
There is a weird interaction with these 3 mods, yours included:
Geology Additions-v1.2.0
wildcraftfruit_1.0.0 + herbarium_1.0.0
and animalcages_v2.2.0
it only happens when these 3 mods are combined under Vintage Story 1.18.5
it may be cause of animalcages 2.2.0 since it was released for VS 1.18.8
I just wanted to let you know
on wildcraftfruit bushes
on vanilla fruit trees (but with those 3 mods installed)
do you have any idea of what may causes this btw?
Lime can be extacted from dolostone too, so in practice lime is still going to be less common but still balanced. The same goes for bauxite, mudstone can be used as a substitute.
How the new types affects Chalk and Limestone search ? Do they still pop under the same geological layer (so the mod make them even more rare) or do they appear under some of the new ones ?
Thanks. I will do that. And yeah, I can deal with minerals only generating in new chunks. Gives more reasons to travel.
TwoF: Thank you very much! Now I've got to get it working for 1.19 😂
Runescholar: It should be safe to do so, save for the new minerals and decorative stones not being present in existing chunks. I would make a backup just to be safe
Fractomedus: Let me know what you think! And it just so happens that our next update is all about gems, ruby, sapphire, garnets ( potentially 7 vars ), spinel, tourmaline ( 4 var ), aquamarine, bixbite, topaz ( 2 or 3 vars ) and probably some i'm forgetting about 😅
It'll be a 1.19 release though; there's no way to add that much content so quickily and frankly I want a bit of down time after finishing up this last update.
TwoF RuneScholar Fractomedus
Amazing, I'm grabbing it <3. Ruby, Linarite, Citrine, I need gems gems gems :3 please :) if it's possible that would be amazing, if not well okay
Is it safe to upgrade to the new release on a preexisting world?
Congratulations on the new release)
I'll definitely take a look at the tool assets and see what's going on with them, they can probably be implemented better than they are currently RaccoonFury
We have! We're currently working on merging both mod's content into Geology Additions. I'm around 80% finished doing that, after which i'll be working on introducing some decorative blocks into the game and revamping a few of the new stone block textures ( Bricks, Sand and Gravel are already redone ). There's more info about it on the VS discord, we have a chat for the mod there.
I'm curious, have y'all reached a consensus about what you're gonna do for the MoreMinerals vs. Geology Additions thing?
Hey, when you update next time, could you fix shovel for diorite,quarzite and gabbro, it errors in my server-logs (maybe skipvariants) . Not sure why its happening, the correct error is that its duplicated items. Axehead also has an error in the json object and drystone and stoneslabs also have small errors.
Thanks for the heads up about the flint; I meant to fix that in the last update, not sure how it managed to fall through the cracks. TwoF
Catasteroid Great. I'm glad. I hope you can agree and find the right solution.
small_fern In your language file there are no lines responsible for the name of flint in stone.
TwoF I took a break spanning several months to deal with issues on the home front, I'm getting back into it now I've got the time. I'm also not really involved in Wildcraft at all now so I'm going through each item in my portfolio and trying to polish them up if they need it, I was actually considering expanding MoreMinerals- I'd hit a rockblock adding four rock types after making all the various assets for them but I've offered them to small_fern if they want them. I'm just waiting for their response but I'm happy enough to transfer them and cooperate on a single mod and deprecate moreminerals if that would be better for us and the users.
You already have some of the same minerals with this mod, which may cause compatibility issues. So now the situation is such that we need to choose one mod out of two, either yours or More Minerals, for everything to be fine. Yours greatly benefits from content.
In addition, the developer of that mod, judging by his activity and posts on Discord, does not have a strong desire to support his mods and is completely passionate about working on Wildcraft Trees. I think he will be happy if you integrate the contents of his mod into yours and he will no longer have to be responsible for it. You can try contacting him about this.
Hey TwoF, thanks for your comment! I'll consider adding those minerals to the game, although since MoreMinerals is still being updated for the current version of the game the last thing i'd want to do is make their mod obsolete or mirror content intentionally. That being said, since I didn't add a silver ore to the last update, I will consider adding Freibergite to this next one!
gndrneutralnounI appreciate you reaching out again! Liking green is a good enough reason as any, i'm thinking it would spawn as veins within metamorphic rocks. As for a green wood type, I wonder if there's a mod that allows you to paint wood blocks?
gndrneutralnoun @twof
Just 'cause I love green and peridotite isn't quite green enough for me. I would love it as a decorative rock! Now we just need a green wood type, haha.
You can also add the missing minerals from More Minerals - Tetrahedrite (copper), Freibergite (silver), Chalcocite (copper), Cerussite (lead).
I'll consider adding it! If I did, it would be a purely decorational rock, in the same way marble is in the base game. Any reason in particular you think it would make a good addition?
May I suggest serpentinite as a new rock type?
@small_fern I will try without any mods whatsoever then and let you know.
Hmm, might be a mod conflict? They're in the en.lang file and ingame their names are showing up properly on my end.
What other mods are you playing with? Also, it might be easier to reach me at my discord ( small_fern ) where I could look into this further
Sorry you're having issues with the mod!
All the tools and everything show up in-game as: game:item-type-name like game:item-axe-dolostone.
Thank you for looking into the Wildcraft Trees texture problem I was having. Really hope I haven't wasted your time. :(
I'll test it further on a new world and see if I can replicate it again.
Might have just been an abberation. Just for info, I don't have Medieval Fashion installed, but I do use all the Wildcraft mods.
As it happened straight after installing Geology Additions and the strange leaf textures appeared to be rock and brick like, plus things returned to normal after uninstalling Geology Aditions, it seemed cut and dried as to where the issue was at my end. These things happen randomly though I guess and I just got unlucky with that world.
I will persist, as more rock types, etc, is certainly a huge addition to the game...I just like my plant variety equally. :D
Thanks again for all the work on Geology Additions. 5*
Hmm, sound like a very strange issue, i'll take a look and see if I can replicate it on my end
That's genuinely really strange leaf textures are being replaced with stone though; all textures in the mod have the same file structure as the vanilla game. So it might be Wildcraft Trees? I'll confirm this today.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and hopefully I can clear up any issues so it can be a must-have mod :)
EDIT: I tested both the pear tree ( vanilla ) and the purple plum tree ( wildcraft ) and neither of them had any texture issues. That being said, I took a look at the wildcraft trees mod page and this isn't the only mod wildcraft has difficulty with. The medeval fashion mod also messes with fruit tree textures, as Zartain pointed out on their mod page. If I had to guess it's because Wildcraft forces itself to be the first mod to load, even before the base game 'mods' are loaded. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention, and please let me know if you have any other issues!
I'm having problems with the Wildcraft Trees mod and Geology Additions. When run together foliage of various fruit tees (so far only come across plum and possibly pear) displays Geology Additions textures instead of leaves. I may be wrong, but your Geology Additions was my latest must have mod, started a new world and ran into the texture problem almost immediately. Switched off Geology Additions, restarted the same world and the Wildcraft fruit trees were back to normal. Would love to be able to use your mod alongside the Wildcraft mods. Many thanks in hope. :)
That's really good to hear, I'm looking forward to trying it out again in the future since I really enjoy some of the added rock types :)
One other thing I forgot to mention is that I noticed with at least Gabbro it seems like the texture for Aged Bricks might be missing? And honestly I haven't played vanilla in a long while so I'm not even sure if aged bricks are a vanilla block type or not, but it is one that's included often in the structures from the Better Ruins mod. I was wondering if maybe you could take a look at that as well :)
I've been in the process of re-writing the mod from the ground up to make it more expandable and forward compatible, I will make sure to double check that surface deposits are being correctly generated. My apoligies for the lack of copper in those regions! GingerAiyle
So I spawned in a Gabbro region and noticed there's no copper anywhere nearby, and then even when I traveled out pretty far into a Diorite region and a Mudstone region, the only ores I really saw any bits for on the surface were loads of tin and maybe scant amounts of lead. I'm currently kinda having to rely on getting my beginning copper from getting lucky with ruins vessels. Thinking something might be not quite right with the ore generation since I for sure set my surface copper to "Common" in that world.
Are ore spawns the same as vanilla roughly? In a Diorite region and there's literally only silver/gold/quartz/tin. So much tin. Endless tin.
Could you please add compatability with medival fashion?
Can we get some compatibility with the deadfall traps in Primitive Survival?
I didn't create textures for the aged bricks as I don't believe they're used in the base game, and the strange naming scheme is because they were never added to the dictionary. I am currently working on refactoring the mod and adding a few things in, I will make sure to remedy that in the next update! Thank you very much for bringing it to my attention that aged stone bricks are used in modded content and that slabs are causing some strange issues! 😁
I use Th3Dungeon mod and it would appear it generates dungeons based on json being configured with a lot of script similar to ""game:agedstonebricks-granite":"game:agedstonebricks-{rock}"," As such, It shows mudstone cobble stone but not game:block-agedstonebricks-mudstone
Same for the following:
Due to this, I have blocks with question marks. It also does this for the following for the above rock type (replace mudstone below with the rocks you have added) for bricklayers:
Ruyeex @Stratateles
Some of the common knapping materials were chert, chalcedony, flint, jasper and obsidian. all of these fracture choncoidally and are some variation of quartz/have very high silica and are homogenous throughout. Save for axes, shovels and hoes probably using any kind of stone available, knives and spears ( and arrowheads ) would have been made of the previously listed minerals. I am not aware of tools being made of ameythyst or any mineral besides what I listed, although that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think, if y'all like the idea, I could do a few different decorational/ceremonial toolsets out of colorful minerals, but they wouldn't have much durability or be very effective. Alternatively, I could look at what developing some kind of ''decoration'' system for tools and weapons would look like, but keep in mind i'm a geologist, not a computer scientist so who knows if I can pull it off 😛
Piggy-backing off of what Ruyeex said - I do not think that it would be a good idea to change the present minerals into knappable stones, however, it's not fantasy! (Realistically, I mean)
Quartz (along with plenty of other crystals like amethyst, jasper etc.) were sought out by primitive people (sometimes, they would even walk for miles just to search for them) for stone knapping as good and great-looking tool materials :)
It's an issue with how I built the mod, I'm in the process of redoing it the right way so there aren't any conflict issues. My apoligies! Dr_Cummies
dolostone is not showing texture, im running it with conquest nature pack which i think is the only other mod that adds rock types?
I love the mod.
There's one thing that could be great to have.
More knappable stone and crystals. (Like lapis lazuli, quartz, cinnabar, etc.)
In a matter for more customisation.
Thank you very much Tigersfangs! Very high praise 😅
I see, I've tested it with a number of mods and it was okay, but I don't want it causing issues for others. I'll see if I can find time to rewrite it.
Well thought out and very pretty. Well done! I'll keep this in my back pocket for when I need the expanded building pallette. ;)
small_fern Your mod works good only when it is the only installed mod, once you add mods that add more rocktypes or just new game mechanics related to tools, any stone/rock block etc., it breaks
Also it is not compatible with future versions of the game, so if vanilla edit/add more rock types or just a new tool, your mod will break vanilla.
It wouldn't be a problem if you have done this with patches
I'll look into converting the mod to just patching the game, but at the end of the day I made this for fun and i'm probably not going to redo the whole thing because it wasn't done the "right" way 😅. The method I used seems to be working fine, but if the scope of the mod expands I will redo it the ''right'' way.
And wow! 80 mods is quite impressive, thanks for taking a look at mine!
I've added information above that details what the mod does, thanks for bringing that to my attention! Information about the mod can also be found on the forum post here:
Cool! What rock types does it add? You could a list in the mod description