Mods / Recipe patch for More Roads

Category: #QoL #Tweak
Author: NerArth
Side: Both
Created: 4 days ago
Last modified: 4 days ago
Downloads: 23
Follow Unfollow 1

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install


Stone brick road blocks from More Roads don't require a hammer and chisel to swap between the different styles with this simple patch.

Made this for our multiplayer server but others may find it useful too.

We were tired of spending thousands of combined hammer/chisel durability points on simple texture swaps for the stone brick road blocks.


Stone brick road slab variants are currently not affected by this, may change that later.

Sorry, no thumbnail/modicon for this right now.

My other mods.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 23 4 days ago Show Install now

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