Mods / QP Upgraded (QPtech Addon)

Category: #Crafting #Technology #Tweak
Author: Rinly
Side: Both
Created: Feb 21st at 7:26 PM
Last modified: Mar 31st at 2:21 AM
Downloads: 761
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Latest file for v1.19.5: 1-click install

Use this mod if you want machines to be a challenge to make, requiring more progression and some rarer materials.

Working On adding new better models currently

This addon can be added at anytime without issue.

QPupgraded changes recipes to make machines cost what they're worth while not overwhelming the player with huge quantities of boring ingredients.

Major Changes:

Requires glassmaking

Vacuum tube casings are hand blown until the parts mold gets crafted

All but the simplest machines take vacuum tubes to make

Most machine recipes have been tweaked to look like they do what they do

A Few new recipes and crafting items, working on integrating into machines


V1.15.0 Compatible with QPTECH 1.15.x

V 1.1.1 blowpipe is made with iron too 

V 1.1.0 is out !! Big progression changes. no more easy machines :)

V 1.0.1 is out (basic recipes to get the tone set)

Probably breaks without qptech installed:


I would highly recommend making the wiremill as soon as you can or I promise you will suffer




Current Changes:

New Items

Hand Wound Coil: made with braided wires and metal bolts

Empty phenolic board: sandwich some linen, resin, and copper foil together and you get the perfect platform for some simple circuits 


Recipe changes:

Nearly all lv and mv machines and generators*

Vacuum Tube casings are first made using glassblowing, then the mold*

New temporal circuit recipe (still need to add recipe to mixer)*

primitive motors use any ferrous rod

circuit boards are much more complicated using solder and other new crafted parts

The MV electric motor looked like it has a coil on the rotor so maybe some kind of control circuit is needed
Replaced 2x copper cable with one crude circuit board

The steel ring for the MV motor is now forged instead of crafted

The Rotor for the MV motor now uses 4 hand-wound coils and 1 rod

Stator uses coils, a steel ring, and some twine



made all the glassblowing tools craftable in iron age instead of steel age*

Added to base QPTECH

wire draw plates with lower durability




Recommended mods:

All these mods fit the difficult and immersive experience QP-Upgraded is built on

All have been tested with the curent version of QPtech 

If you downloaded QPtech and QPupgraded you, definitely want these

Geology Additions:

Too good to not be integrated, adds a lot of variety to worldgen (reguires new world) plus adds platinum and cool ores

I will try to make platinum available through other means too 

Immersive Wood Choping:

Immersive Wood Sawing

removes manual crafting of logs

Both make charcoal and building a little more involved to incentivize wood cutter machine

Metal Tongs:

adds different metal tongs and adds durability to all tongs





(optional recommended mods)

Completly optional mods that make the game better in various ways (read their links to learn more)



allows you to light things in a way that makes sense and feels immersive


Adds additional processing to hunting

Starvation (highly optional):

makes starving a slow and fun process

Better Jonas Devices:

makes jonas devices worth it

Better Ruins:

Explains itself makes exploration way cooler (reguires new world or new chunks)

Fields of Salt:

A new way to get salt



TO BE ADDED (listed in rough priority) tagged items (*) are added in next update


use vinegar and sulfuric acid for lv and mv battery


creative menu tab

guidebook entries




Cupronickel coils instead of copper
Graphite/ carbon coils if cupronickelcauses problems maybe cupronickel for mv coil


A few more basic ingredients

vacuum tube recipe

Mid tier circuit board

Primitive resistor* and capacitor*

Relay Part*


Better Item models*


Coils should be physically wound in the game world

scrape the primitive circuit board with the chisel??




whole recipe could be done at the workbench (having issues placing lathe for workbench)

Add quartz tube item


Geology Additions integration

Platinum from meteors and/or geology additions


Chem lib and Lavosier integration


add phenol resin
industrial glass should take Glauber's Salt (sodium sulfate)
Phenol formaldehyde resin (for circuit boards and glues)
Crude circuit board should use linen sheet, phenol resin, solder iron(any), solder(any), 2x vac tube,1x handcoil
Electric Fridge using ammonia
Make ferric chloride from iron and iron ore (needs water for ore) using hcl



Skarn deposit mechanic

Treat certain ore deposits in specific stone strata as skarns. Certain copper and iron ore types would have a tungsten ore as a drop.
An example would be magnetite vein in granite or diorite has a chance to drop tungsten ore


Add skarn deposits to world gen have a skarn block (maybe a few type variants)

use chemical processes to extract specific metals like tungsten and nickel

Plate metals onto other metals


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.15.0 370 Mar 31st at 2:21 AM Show Install now
v1.1.1 174 Mar 5th at 5:55 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 81 Feb 23rd at 4:00 AM Show QPupgraded Install now
v 79 Feb 21st at 8:29 PM Show

17 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 EconBrony, Aug 5th at 8:59 PM

looking forward to progress on this! GT in VS is a dream. If you need testers or feedback on balance, feel free to reach out to me. Aura Fury has done a lot of work with GT over the years.

💬 RinlyAuthor, May 12th at 2:34 AM

I'm not quite greg but am familiar with his work!

Development is sorta paused rn I have a few additions I'd like to make beyond just recipe changes and glassmaking integration. Taking a bit of a pause to learn how to do said things. I do have a rough idea of how early machines should be jumpstarted a few are in my planned features.

If you happen to be playing with it please lmk what you'd like to see, or if any issues come up


💬 Foxy_Grandpa, Apr 26th at 6:21 PM

Oh god greg made it here now. Hope this mod's development goes well! Excited to see what it holds in the future.

💬 RinlyAuthor, Mar 30th at 10:36 PM

Pretty sure 1.15 broke bc of duplicate recipes. It is fixed now bluelightning32 BlackjackBarret

I will do that from now on. I'm new at this and feedback is appreciated :) Auios

💬 bluelightning32, Mar 30th at 3:17 AM

The mod doesn't work with QPtech 1.15.0. If installed together, most of the machine recipes do not work and the handbook doesn't give any way to create machines, such as the macerator.

💬 Auios, Mar 24th at 6:18 PM

Put the version in the filename so people know when to update their mods.

💬 BlackjackBarret, Mar 20th at 1:47 AM

Unable to craft 'Stator Part [MV]' after following directions present in handbook.

💬 EduardoPupucon, Mar 9th at 3:55 PM


💬 RinlyAuthor, Mar 6th at 1:30 AM

Yeah, a lot of machine recipes take vacuum tubes including the mold machine, so progression in qptech with this mod installed requires the use of glassblowing. Pamphy

Once you get a parts mold* you can make as many casings the normal way.

The glassblowing recipe for vacuum casings shows up in the guide 

💬 Pamphy, Mar 5th at 8:35 PM

Does this now require the glassblowing mod to work properly?

💬 RinlyAuthor, Feb 26th at 9:25 PM

I have made that change Pamphy


💬 Pamphy, Feb 26th at 6:50 PM

No crash is being casued.

The mod is greyed out in the mod manager,despite being ticked to be active, Stating "Unable to load mod. Check Log files."

I don't know where to look for the log that would display the error for this.


EDIT: I fixed it!  The Modinfo file is causing the problem. The "version": 1.19.3, should have the 1.19.3 in Quotations! 

It shoudl read: "version": "1.19.3",

This has itr wokring now. :)

💬 RinlyAuthor, Feb 23rd at 9:24 PM

I need more you context Pamphy, the error you showed should not cause a crash. That said I should fix it

If you can paste the whole log into a comment I can definitely try help you

💬 Pamphy, Feb 23rd at 6:54 PM

currently unable to load the mod. Says to check log files, but i have no idea what could be causing this.

I have tried to load only QPtech (1.14.3, latest update) along with Game version 1.19.3. Your mod is greyed out with the above warning. 

Any clues what i should be looking for?

💬 gmhs2, Feb 23rd at 12:53 AM

I love greg!!!!

💬 RinlyAuthor, Feb 22nd at 5:12 PM

I apprecite it Pamphy!

💬 Pamphy, Feb 22nd at 8:00 AM

OOOh this looks like a lot of fun! I'd love to see the Chem Lib and Lavosier intergration! Chemisty was so important to technologic advancement, and those mods are super under-utilised!

Keep it up, and ill try this mod out and report back on any issues!

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