Mods / Immersive Wood Chopping
Author: NemaxuswarZet
Side: Both
Created: Oct 13th 2023 at 5:13 PM
Last modified: Sep 20th at 4:32 PM
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Latest file for Various v1.19.x:
1-click install
<- Link for the mod post and discussion in discord
This mod changes the way of obtaining firewood by making it a bit more immersive.
You don't have the ability to craft firewood in normal grid(by default).
Instead you need to place a log in world and then hold right click with axe in hand to chop it into firewood.
Doesn't work on grown trees - only logs that you have placed personally.
You can change some of the mod features via config:
To change the configs you need to go to folder named ModConfig which is located in VintagestoryData(VintagestoryData/ModConfig/ImmersiveWoodchoppingConfig.json)
- "AutoLogPlacement" (true/false) - will automaticaly place log from your inventory as soon as you chop previous one (default value - false)
- "intsaChopMinTier": (integer) - the minimum axe tier needed to chop log with one swing. If your axe tier is lower than minimum you may need to make more than one swing. Basically it is a chance.(It is calculated as Your Axe Tier / Minimum Axe Tier)(default value -1)
- "damageToolOnChop" (true/false) - if true will damage your axe on each attempt to chop log, successful or not (default value - false)
- "DisableGridRecipe" (true/false) - If true will disable grid recipes. If false will leave them enabled.(default value - true). Added in case if you need to have recipes enabled for mods/modpacks.
Todo List:
- compatibility with other mods
- better animations?
- configs?
What has been done so far:
- Added support for Not Enough Firewood and Wildcraft Trees
Quick note before you ask questions
In current state Not Enough Firewood adds unique firewood for all trees in Wildcraft Trees, but
it doesn't provide any crafting recipes for this firewood, thus i am unable to make these trees drop any other firewood rather than vanilla.
All questions go to author of Not Enough Firewood.
Besides, with this mod on only firewood from this mod will drop when chopping vanilla logs(but all grid recipes are turned off :) ).
- Added configs.
- Changed the old chopping animation(which was from vanilla) to a new one. Now it looks more logical when you try to chop a wood vericaly instead of trying to do it from side(like you are trying to chop the entire tree).
It should work for upcoming 1.19 updated first person mode. Still needs some polishing though :).
- Updated to stable 1.19.0
- Little changes to animation so axe grip is more logical related to wood chopping(father from axehead - more swing power). Still the hands position might not look ideal. The immersive fp view makes it look more appealing(idk why it looks different though :( )
- New config:
- Changed the condition for axe to be suitable for applying behavior(Before it was checking the name, now it checks if the tool is an axe - EnumTool.Axe). Modded axes now should have the chopping behavior(in most cases)
- Changed a bit position of hands on axe so now they are holding it on different level(one hand higher than the other). Still there can be seen a difference in hands position depending on fp mode(immersive looks correctly, while normal makes hands more separated)
- Modified the recipes searching. Now the mod is not limited to logs or logsections. Now if any modded recipe allows you to craft firewood from any other block in the same pattern as the vanilla recipe does it will be supported. For example you can try this mod for debarked logs support. ( know that people were asking me to simply allow them to chop debarked log, but i think this change will do the trick even better ;).
Okay okay I can understand ahah !
Vari_Ares, the played sound is from vanilla and it is hardcoded atm. I can try changing it in next release. Regarding the animation - this coud be quite tricky considering that the firewood doesn't exactly have the neither shape nor colour of the original log. So i won't give any guarantees regarding "when"(or rather "if") it will be done.
Hi, I also commented in your other mod "Immersive Wood Sawing", by the way I modificated it to make it wayyy better and cooler for me, especially when I changed the sawing sound ! So I tried to change the chopping sound in this mod, because actually it sound like when you cut a tree, but impossible, there is no sounds folders... so I wonder if it's possible for you to update this mod and make it as cool and immersive as the Sawing mod, by adding sound (and If I don't like it I will change it no worry xD) and animations ? Like when you chop the log it visually split in half or something like that with a true chopping sound ? That would be SO SICK and make theses 2 mods PERFECT at one point than I NEED them in Vanilla lol ! So let me know ! And thx you for your amazings mods and your work ! <3
Sedna, have you tried changing the config?
Makes it impossible to progress in the beginner tutorial when asked to craft logs in your inventory.
Edit: Changed the config and it worked, thanks!
Got it, thanks.
Bumface, the drops for the logs are defined by the recipes that are added by the game and loaded mods. If some mod will change the results it will affect this mod as well. So far i checked the mod that you told - it's just a bunch of json patches. So, for your personal use, you can try just change/delete the patch that is responisible for changing the firewood recipe output amount.
First of all, great mod. Loving it so far.
I'm using this with Reduced Grind and I'd like to have chopping a log drop 4 firewood logs instead of 8, since they last so much longer now. I looked in the mod files, but the only place I could find the drops actually defined was in the .dll, which I don't think I can edit without having the source code.
What would you advise?
I have found out what caused the problem. An old (and wrong) version of wildcraft trees in combination with herbarium and recipe patcher made either this mod or firewood recipes in general broken (and by extension this mod).
(edit) but when having all those mods in combination but removing recipe patcher firewood would work for some reason.
osswix This is unrelated to Recipe Patcher at all
I'll have to confirm, the Recipes Patcher mod does indeed seem to break the wood chopping. Surprisingly I can't make firewood at all with it installed.
I didn't use it, sorry for the inconvenience.
Marlim, do you have Recipes Patcher mod installed? It is needed for Vanilla Variant to be able to change recipes.
Yes, it works, but it only drops standard firewood.
Marlim, Yes and it was tested and it works
The Vanilla variants add firewood for each type of wood.
Marlim, it is already compatible
Do you intend to add compatibility for the vanilla mod variants?
Thanks :)
Marlim, oooh. I didn't think about it. Ok, thank you. I will look into that.
When using the mod on a reinforced wooden block, the firewood will be multiplied, it would be practically infinite firewood.
Marlim, not entirely sure what you mean by "force a block of wood". Are you using Ancient Tools mod? If not please explain to me a whole process.
Apparently if you force a block of wood and try to use the axe, you will end up multiplying firewood.
I do yes !
man that's a bummer.. Any chance you could work it out ?
I'm not very good at modding, and I unfortunately do not have the free time to learn..
But you guys are doing such amazing work ! !
Edit: compatability on the ToDo-List.. Got it.. seems you are already working on it..
I just enabled the grid recipes again until then..
ManaWei, Do you have Recipe Patcher(and Vanilla Variant) by any chance? Because i think it is responsible for mod not working.
ManaWei, i would imagine it is some other mod that breaks the mechanic. And it probably applies some changes to normal logs. Try splitting your modpack in two and check if such behavior remains.
Somehow the immersive saw mod work, but this mod only works with debarked logs now.. could be it clashes with another mod, but im not sure which..
Why not combine both of these mod into one ?
Also Flynn has a point.. this mod should be a vanilla mechanic
Vintage Story is often described as a game where you can’t simply click to craft items. Right from the start, you’re challenged to knap materials to create tools. This is what sets it apart from adjacent games. The vanilla game emphasizes gameplay loops, where tasks involve effort and contribute to the immersive experience.
The reward is in the process, not the result.
The process of chopping firewood with this mod (placing each log on the ground and right-clicking it to split it into firewood) is more time-consuming than in vanilla Vintage Story, but that's precisely why this mod should be vanilla.
Take farming, potting, smithing, leathermaking, and other vanilla mechanics—each involves a certain level of “busy work. Immersive Wood Chopping, which could be potentially described as an unnecessary and "grindy" addition, aligns with Vintage Story’s rewarding gameplay mechanics because it keeps you engaged, eliminating the simplicity and unrealistic mechanic of producing a stack of firewood in a mere second using a single click on a crafting grid.
This mod does not impact the game in any other way than to remove a single-click crafting recipe replacing it with an appropriate animation that feels vanilla.
Of course, not everyone wants extended gameplay loops. For those who prefer the efficiency of single-click crafting, a mod allowing single-click firewood could be a welcome addition.
Thanks for this mod. Please make many more like it.
Firstly - Auto Log Placement feature is already in mod. Check "Configs" section for more info.
Secondly - I was thinking originally to make it through left hand usage, but then i undestood it looked derpy.
Besides, left hand in Minecraft is coded differently compared to Vintage Story. It is basicaly rudimentary here(Only allows hardcoded item holding,like torch or temp gear. No right click usability)
Maybe, to simplify the process of cutting wood, enable automatic placement of logs from the left hand by default? For example, how slicing is implemented in this mods:
Farmer's Delight
ManaWei RonJ Nemaxus was right. It was a silly, simple thing I was doing with Ancient Tools that was causing this duplication. Sorry for the headaches. It'll be fixed in the next AT update.
ManaWei, Thanks for the report. I finally could replicate it and i potentially know the reason. I am going to comment to Ancient tools author so it can be fixed.
Just found a bug-exploid.. If you chop(Immersive Wood Chopping) a debarked log(Ancient tools),
you get the firewood, but you also get a replacement debarked log.. Making way for unlimited firewood..
Also posted comment this in Ancient tools <3
RonJ , can you explain in more details how do you get this bug with log drops. I can't replicate it.
Using both mods on their latest versions.
RonJ, What mod version are you using?
Ancient Tools debarked logs cause firewood to drop and the debarked log returned.
the new update no longer conflicts with toolworks!
Maamessu , try version 0.7.1 to see if it fixes the problem.
LarekFlynn , Should be fixed now in v 0.7.1
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] [immersivewoodchopping] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] [immersivewoodchopping] Exception: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: game:logsection-placed-*
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
at ImmersiveWoodchopping.ImmersiveWoodchoppingModSystem.GenerateFirewoodRecipeList(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchoppingModSystem.cs:line 57
at ImmersiveWoodchopping.ImmersiveWoodchoppingModSystem.AssetsFinalize(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchoppingModSystem.cs:line 36
at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 654
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] Failed to run mod phase AssetsFinalize for mod ImmersiveWoodchopping.ImmersiveWoodchoppingModSystem
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] Exception: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: game:log-placed-aged-*
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.GenerateBasicPlanksRecipeList(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 58
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.AssetsFinalize(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 39
at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 654
7.2.2024 18:26:01 [Error] Failed to run mod phase AssetsFinalize for mod ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem
Loaded Mods: detonateredux@1.1.1, degrees1499@1.0.0, acorns@0.5.3, aculinaryartillery@1.0.16, advancedsmithing@1.3.0, africanmonitorlizards@1.0.7, Armorlite@1.1.0, arrowheadsrecovery_fork@1.0.0, asianmonitorlizards@1.0.1, axleinblocks@1.0.18, bamboom@0.2.1, bandedgeckos@1.2.0, beardeddragons@1.0.0, betterbricks@1.1.1, bettershears@1.0.0, buckets_stack_to_5@1.0.1, buzzwords@1.6.0, cairns11bigcairn@1.1.0, cellardoor@1.4.0, chiseltools@1.10.2, claycasting@1.1.4, Clothez@1.0.0, compass2@3.0.0, landformoverhaul@0.0.2, coreblast@0.1.2, creaturescan@1.0.6, directstrongtannin@1.0.0, driedpeat@1.0.3, dye_recipes_fix@1.0.0, easyjam@1.0.0, evaporite@1.0.0, extraclayforming@1.0.0, morecropsfix@1.0.6, fernslikegrass@1.1.0, fibersfromtwine@1.0.1, fieldsofgold@2.1.6, firewoodfrombamboo@1.0.0, flourbags@1.0.2, caninae@1.0.10, capreolinae@1.0.5, machairodontinae@1.0.1, pantherinae@1.0.9, free_stone_drops_when_broken@1.0.1, geoaddons@1.3.2, giantgouramis@1.0.2, hammercrushed@1.0.0, HangingOilLamps@1.0.1, healthiertrees@1.0.0, hideandfabric@1.3.0, immersivecorpsedrop@1.0.2, ingotheating@1.0.2, juicyores@1.0.0, knappingmastery@1.0.1, knobtailedgeckos@1.2.1, lanternliner@0.1.0, leopardgeckos@1.2.2, lessdeadlymushrooms@1.19.0, lowershield@1.0.0, millwright@1.1.3, moreclay@1.0.2, morecrystals@1.1.0, moredrygrass@0.2.0, morenails@1.1.0, moreparchment@1.0.0, MoreTorchHolders@1.0.0, MoveLikeKaji@0.0.5, nacatfish@1.0.1, nadarters@2.0.0, nasalamanders@1.0.0, newworldgianttortoises@1.1.1, pondfrogsiii@1.2.3, newzealandfrogs@1.1.1, nowaterproofinventories@1.0.1, unochre@1.2.0, oils@1.0.0, pondfrogsi@1.2.3, orepulverizer@1.1.1, pacificnewts@1.3.1, PartialLandslides@1.0.0, peacockbasses@1.1.2, pipeleaf@1.3.0, primitivesurvival@3.4.5, propickfix@1.0.0, unpfix@1.0.0, quicklimepk@1.0.0, rainfrogs@1.2.1, resinglue@0.0.3, rlmoonsun@0.1.1, salmonfix@1.0.0, salty@1.0.1, she1fish@1.2.0, shepherdmod@1.0.2, simplerails@1.0.0, speararrowheadbits@1.1.0, SpeedBoostCraftables@1.0.2, spiderwebtwine@0.0.1, sticksarefirewood@1.0.0, sticksfromfirelogs@1.3.0, thecritterpack@0.8.5, toolsneedcattails3@0.0.1, toolsplus@1.0.1, truesunfishes@1.1.2, usefuldrifterloot@1.0.3, game@1.19.3, zoombuttonreborn@1.6.0, abcsreborn@0.1.5, all_crates_matter@1.0.0, ancienttools@1.5.12, animationmanagerlib@0.5.3, BedRespawning@1.0.1, beehivekiln@1.5.1, betterbloomeriesreborn@1.0.5, betterfirepit@1.1.4, betterpoultice2@1.0.2, betterstonepath@1.0.3, blacksmithenhancements@1.0.4, bodyheatbar@1.0.1, butchering@1.4.4, cancrops@0.2.1, canjewelry@0.2.10, carryon@1.7.4, Clumps@1.0.0, commonlib@2.3.2, composter@1.1.0, Crateful@1.2.8, creaturekilledby@1.0.0, cuniculture@1.0.2, expandedfoods@1.6.8, extrachutes@1.0.0, extrainfo@1.7.0, farmlanddropssoil@1.4.0, helfavorite@0.3.3, fenceclimbable@1.0.0, fishing@1.1.5, fromgoldencombs@1.4.25, furniturelibrary@1.0.11, golb@1.0.0, glowingprojectiles@1.1.3, hardcoreutilities@1.2.0, herbarium@1.0.4, immersivewoodsawing@0.1.1, itemframe@1.0.0, sailboat@1.2.7, liquidcontainers@1.2.0, lubricant@1.2.2, medievalexpansion@3.13.1, metaltongs@1.1.3, meteoricexpansion@1.2.5, moreanimals@1.3.3, morepiles@1.5.0, moreplaster@1.0.2, mouse4and5@1.0.0, mcrate@1.2.0, naturalnight@2.1.0, nohandsfp@1.0.1, noheatresistantinventory@1.0.2, petai@2.2.3, pileful@1.1.4, postsandbeams@1.2.0, claywheel@1.1.0, resingluetools@0.0.5, rivers@2.4.0, scarecrow@1.4.3, simplecloth@1.0.2, simplestep@1.1.5, starvation@1.0.4, stonebakeoven@1.1.3, survivalexpanded@0.2.0, toolworks@1.5.3, trailmod@1.0.5, usefulstuff17@1.3.1, vanillacratecompatibility@1.0.0, vanvar@3.3.0, creative@1.19.3, vsimgui@0.3.3, survival@1.19.3, whatbagwasthatagain@1.0.1, wildfarmingrevival@1.1.7, woodbarrels@1.0.4, woodchests@1.1.0, woodfp@1.0.0, workbenchexpansion@1.8.0, xlib119@0.7.4-dev.119, metalrecovery@0.1.19-pre.1, beehivekilnwithclay@1.0.0, betterbamboo@1.0.2, bugnetcompatibility@1.0.1, bullseye@2.5.2, cancropsprimitivesurvivalcompat@1.0.2, configlib@0.3.6, constructionsupport@0.1.2, dowsedinsalt@1.0.0, em@2.5.0, extraoverlays@1.4.0, feverstonehorses@1.6.0, flammablefirestarter@1.0.1, fsmlib@0.2.7, maltiezbows@1.0.1, morefloors@1.4.0, onestick@1.0.1, pickupartist@0.2.0, pickupfast@1.0.2, playercorpse@1.9.0, helquickstack@0.4.2, slanted_display_cases@1.1.0, slowfuel@1.0.0, stainedbeams@1.0.0, stonepiles@1.1.2, stonequarry@3.2.1, tallowcandles@0.1.0, thermalfracturing@0.2.0, treetapping@1.0.0, wildcraftfruit@1.1.0, wildcrafttree@1.0.0, xskills119@0.7.5-dev.1191, bricklayers@2.5.0, maltiezcrossbows@0.1.4, statushudcont@2.1.1, tailorsdelight@1.2.2, bricklayerglassmakingcompat@1.0.2
With the latest update it seems I'm unable to make firewood, either via the mod method OR in the crafting grid, despite the recipes being enabled and shown.
I'm wondering if the latest update has broken compatible with another mod on the server, Toolworks. Previously the two worked flawlessly together.
Edit: Debarked logs will still make firewood in the crafting grid, but nothing else seems to work.
@NemaxuswarZet I love this mod, and your sawing mod! Thank you so much for these and I'm looking forward to more immersive mods! Keep up the good work!
Maltiez, logically it would make sense, but unfortunately they will not correspond to vainlla recipes. I can try to make something that can use modded firewood recipes that follow the vanilla pattern.
Would be nice to be able to process debarked logs too
Novalee, Glad you liked it. If you mean by "deterministic chopping time" that you could chop the log a certain amount of times instead of it being random, then i can say this was my original intention. But then i realized that it can be a bit complicated techically. Plus you don't chop logs like that in real life. I does involve a bit of randomness.
Dude your mod is so satisfying. I literally chop wood for no reason sometimes just because it feels good. You know what would be good? You could capitalize on using such satisfying animations+sounds to actually chop trees, instead of using the less gratifying vanilla left click. Literally use the vanilla function but with the right click so that your animations and sounds get triggered while the tree gets chopped the vanilla way with the percentages. Maybe the trunk could get smaller like in your saw mod as you chop it. I'd be chopping trees all day lol.
I do wish I could make chopping take time deterministically but otherwise this is fantastic, love both this and the sawing mod. Can't see myself not using either of them going forward.
Looks like people sometimes have trouble finding out about the mod configs because the explanation is not in obvious place. I am going to reorganize the mod page a little bit and see if it does the trick.
SwagPenguin, as i answered to that "earlier suggestion" i will answer to this one: There is a config option for auto log placement.
I like the idea of this mod But I agree with an earlier suggestion of having some system to auto-replace the logs from a players inventory to make it quicker and easier. It is very immersive but vintage story is already tedious, in a good way, but still If I needed to make charcoal I don't think I would make it take longer by having to place and split 8 stacks of logs. I want to say again how cool it is though and I hope to use it in the future.
Gabitzu, I was thinking about making whitelist/blacklist json file. But again it depends on if people will need it.
That is wonderful! Also, you don't need to provide compatibility for all modded axes, maybe you could just allow users to create their own json files? Thanks anyway, and have a great day!
That is wonderful! Also, you don't need to provide compatibility for all modded axes, maybe you could just allow users to create their own json files? Thanks anyway, and have a great day!
Gabitzu, I will try to make some form of universal modded axes support. But it will require some of player testing. There are many mods and too many axes :).
Hello, amazing work! I just have one question - can support for modded tools be implemented? For example, the mod 'Rust Creatures' adds two new axes that are not working with this system. Thanks!
So sorry, should have read the notes! Thanks!
metasynthetic, There is a config option for auto log placement.(Check "What has been done so far:" part for v 0.5.0 on this mod page for more info). Also if you are looking for plank processing you can check my other mod which i released not long ago. (
Immersive Wood Sawing
I have a suggestion/request - would you consider adding a chopping block that would automatically take a log from your inventory when interacted with to be chopped? I like the idea of this mod, but constantly trilling my hotbar keys like a piano player kills the immersiveness (and my fingers). Something similar would be much appreciated for the planks version as well.
This mod is just wonderful!
I was gathering my first load of firewood for my first batch of charcoal and had a lot of flint axes since that takes a lot of durability, so yeah, several axes had certainly broken in the course of it. I was recording it (trying to do Youtube) and when I go back through the video I’ll see if I can find the moment it happened since I probably noticed it only a little bit after. NemaxuswarZet
O_o That is weird. I will look into that. What were you doing when you got stuck in animation? Did your axe broke? RuneScholar
It was 0.5.2 NemaxuswarZet
RuneScholar, what version of the mod you have on server? It was fixed beginning from 0.5.0
I found a potential bug. My seraph got stuck in the woodchopping animation. Sitting down, sleeping, fighting, no matter what…just chopping wood. It was hilarious actually. Unfortunately not even logging out and back on fixed it. This was on a server. I didn’t think to restart the server, though.
I understand thank you
Gamer62, no it doesn't because they dont have a recipe for firewood in vanilla.
I noticed this doesn't work on aged logs ?
GibbDev, found the problem. Thank you for the report. Should be fixed in 0.5.2.
Red wood quarter blocks aint chopping mate >.<
Okay okayyy ! And I tried 1.19 but my game crash alltime when I join a world, even without any mods... so I wait the official release ^^'
Vari_Ares, from what i've learned the new first person simply uses the animaions from third person(which i provide in my mod). While it doesn't sound bad it means that all previous fp animation code will be useless and i need to make my own animation to make it look more natural :( . But i will probably wait for a stable release before i will make any move for 1.19. You can still try to use it for 1.19 and tell me if something goes wrong so i can fix it.
Hi, I wonder how the animation will work with the new 1.19 First Person ?
NemaxuswarZet No problem ! And I understand ! So it would be cool if you make a mod about sawing planks ahah (that is compatible with your chopping mod) !
Just in case i added a link at mod page to a discord discussion(the discord icon).
Vari_Ares, sorry that i didn't answer your question about sawing. I didn't see it at first. No, there is no mechanic with sawing planks and will not be added to this mod for the simple fact this mod is about chopping. If i were to make such mechanic it would be a standalone mod.
Not sure if this helps, this is a bit more info from the crash dialog window rather than just the log file.
This time I was chopping a series of logs
{ TimeGenerated = 21/11/2023 06:48:31, Site = , Source = Application Error, Message = Faulting application name: Vintagestory.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x64e841c5
Faulting module name: openal32.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x63dd31ad
Exception code: 0x40000015
Fault offset: 0x00000000000df046
Faulting process ID: 0x5dec
Faulting application start time: 0x01da1bee664868b2
Faulting application path: C:\Users\Bronwen\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Vintagestory.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Users\Bronwen\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Lib\openal32.dll
Report ID: 96357fb8-0ce3-47bb-b04c-382f3dd02e20
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID: }
Is it the sound when chopping logs that is causing the crash?
Another thing I realised, we have been chopping logs for days on my server and have not seen this crash, only in my single player game.
I've now removed resin regrow as well and I will test more woodchopping to see if that gets rid of all the problems, there were really no problems until I added a few more mods.
NemaxuswarZet Thx it worked for the randomizer of number of hits but for the saw to make planks it is possible ? I tried all the changes in the mod config but the saw didn't work or I miss understand you and you only talked about the random hits ? If yes, that would be so cool to add to this mod the saw to work the same ! (maybe with a saw sound too) !
Bronwen, @xXJOJOXx, Thank you for the reports, i will check what i can do.
I'm seeing the same crash as xXJOJOXx I think, I was using the mod fine and then realised that one of the other mods wasn't working because I didn't have resinglue installed. I installed resinglue and also bettersticks and that is when the crashing started. I'm rolling back bettersticks to see if its that or resinglue that is causing a conflict - confirmed, it seems like bettersticks was causing the problems (and also stopping me from crafting doors). OK so resinglue and the related resin reinforced tool also seemed to affect this mod and stopped me from being able to chop at all (but no crashes). I'd rather chop firewood than any of these other things so removing the other incompatible mods is fine for me!
Edit: So I played a bit longer with those mods removed and chopped firewood successfully a number of times. I managed to get the crash again while standing on one side of an open door and chopping a walnut log which was outside on the other side of the door.
Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
21/11/2023 06:38:51: Critical error occurred in the following mod: immersivewoodchopping@0.5.0
Loaded Mods: extraclayforming@1.0.0, morecaveart@1.0.0, moreicons@1.1.0, primitivesurvival@3.3.0, sortablestorage@2.1.0, bone2lime@1.0.2, game@1.18.15, warmerclothing@1.0.0, BedRespawning@1.0.1, betterfirepit@1.1.2, betterhoe@1.0.9, helblockpick@1.0.6, butchering@1.0.9, coolinbarrel@0.5.3, cooperativecombat@1.1.1, expressyourself@0.0.2, fixhandbookclutter@1.0.5, immersivewoodchopping@0.5.0, kegrevival@1.0.3, morepiles@1.4.3, moreplaster@1.0.1, petai@1.8.1, recyclebags@1.0.1, recycleclothes@1.0.0, scarecrow@1.3.1, creative@1.18.15, vsinstruments@1.2.4, survival@1.18.15, onebedsleeping@2.3.0, pickupartist@0.2.0
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ImmersiveWoodchopping.WoodChopping.OnHeldInteractStep(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel, EnumHandling& handling) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchopping\WoodChopping.cs:line 103
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldInteractStep(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Collectible.cs:line 1180
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldUseStep(Single secondsPassed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Collectible.cs:line 1046
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 332
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 165
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 59
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 796
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 712
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 668
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 643
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 77
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 313
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 129
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Further info: When this crash was happening with better sticks, I could reload and the log was gone and the firewood would be there, so the crash seemed to happen after the chop>firewood, this last time when I reloaded the game, the log was still there and the firewood didn't appear AND when I chopped again after moving my position to the doorway, it didn't crash.
Running on 64 bit Windows with 65417 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.18.15 (Stable)
20.11.2023 15:51:04: Critical error occurred in the following mod: immersivewoodchopping@0.5.0
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.0.15, betterruins@0.2.4, bettersticks@1.0.0, bettertraders@0.0.2, blacksmithname@1.1.3, ClaimsRadar@1.1.0, coinzae@1.5.0, conquest@0.0.20, decorbazaar@1.0.1, detonateredux@1.0.4, diagonalfences@0.0.1, driedpeat@1.0.3, samsdungeonsremastered@1.0.0, fantasycreatures@0.6.4, fireclayfrompanning@1.0.0, moreicons_cs@1.1.0, mbpc@1.0.1, morecrystals@1.1.0, peacockbasses@1.1.1, playerlist@1.6.0, primitivesurvival@3.3.0, resinglue@0.0.3, rpgitemrarity@1.0.4, sca@1.0.1, sortablestorage@2.1.0, tprunes@1.1.0, truesunfishes@1.1.1, viescraftmachines@2.2.2, game@1.18.15, wlts@1.0.0, animalcages@2.2.0, BedRespawning@1.0.1, beehivekiln@1.5.0, bulwark@0.0.6, butcheringmxp@1.2.0, canjewelry@0.1.18, canmarket@0.3.18, chickenSit@2.0.0, commonlib@2.2.0, composter@1.1.0, coolinbarrel@0.5.3, Crateful@1.2.7, customizableriftward@0.0.1, electricity@0.0.10, expandedfoods@1.6.8, fishing@1.1.5, fromgoldencombs@1.4.21, immersivewoodchopping@0.5.0, sailboat@1.1.0, kegrevival@1.0.3, lavoisier@1.3.0, metaltongs@1.1.3, morepiles@1.4.3, moreplaster@1.0.1, NavarlioCustoms@1.2.9, petai@1.8.1, rustyshell@0.0.9, stonebakeoven@1.1.1, storagecontroller@1.0.0, storageoptions@1.0.1, th3expansion@1.1.1, vanillacratecompatibility@1.0.0, creative@1.18.15, survival@1.18.15, weightmod@0.2.1, woodchests@1.1.0, woodenfortifications@0.0.4, xlib@0.7.4, chemistrylib@1.1.5, tradercamps@1.0.6, extraoverlays@1.3.1, helvehammerext@1.5.2, linearpower@0.2.1, morerope@2.0.0, slanted_display_cases@1.0.0, wolftaming@1.8.0, xskills@0.7.5, kos-goldamalgam@1.0.0
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ImmersiveWoodchopping.WoodChopping.OnHeldInteractStep(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel, EnumHandling& handling) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodchopping\ImmersiveWoodchopping\WoodChopping.cs:line 103
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldInteractStep_Patch1(CollectibleObject this, Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel)
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldUseStep(Single secondsPassed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Collectible.cs:line 1046
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 332
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 165
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 59
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 796
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 712
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 668
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 643
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 77
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 313
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 129
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Event Log entries containing Vintagestory.exe, the latest 3
Vari_Ares, it is a json file that is located in a folder on your computer - VintagestoryData/ModConfig
Soorry, but how can I change it via mod config ? I thought "Mod config" was a mod that let us config others mods but when I search for it I didn't find it :/
I recommend on checking the newest version of this mod(and possibly description on mod page) in which i implemented similar behavior. By default it is off but you can change it via mod config.
It is also a subject to change depending on people's opinion.
Also, I think for this mod :
Immersive Wood Chopping
That would be really cool if instead of just one hit to destroy the wood and make it : firewood, you can add a randomize algorithm to make it there is a % where you will need 1 / 2 or 3 hits per wood and full random ! That would be more immersive imo ! ^^
I like it so much ! Can you do the same thing with the saw that transform wood into planks ? With a saw sound ! That would be perfect ! <3
Thank you. Will try to fix it in next update. Botaxalim
there issue with animation:
when axe broke mid-animate while chopping wood, the hand gesture keep repeating, no matter what activities you do
only solution is make/use another axe and continue chopping, so mid-repeating animation stop
im in immersive animation first person btw 1.18.15
As long as the mod adds vanilla like grig recipes for firewood there shouldn't be any problems. But in case it does you can ask me to see what went wrong. Dekkan
Out of curiosity is this compatible with the Floral Zones mods? We were wanting to add more variety while still keeping this mod!
Yes, i removed ability to chop debarked logs(and also added a note in changelog) because it was not corresponding to vanilla recipes. Shion
Is it normal for mod not to work on debarked logs?
Very much appreciated. One of my fav immersion mods! Keep up the good work!
Sorry for the delay, problems with stone axes fixed in v0.4.0 Shion Wick
Flint axe doesnt seem to work on placed larch log. And normal recepies don't work.
Unfortunately stone axes don't work for me. The input is shown with them but nothing happens. Works fine with everything metal.
No. It is called Immersive Wood Chopping for a reason. Maybe in another mod...) Ruyeex
Will it include the recipe to make planks with a saw?
Thank you Kaofan
Polish version
"heldhelp-chop": "Ścinaj drewno na drewno opałowe"
I will look into it, althought i'm afraid this will take some time and effort. Vari_Ares
Yeah,the aimation is a bit buggy, still working on it. What might fix it - chop another log. TimSithis
There seems to be a bug in Multiplayer my Friend is doing the Animation of Hacking while doing nothing..Not sure how to fix it.
Nice I love it ! Please make it compatible with the :
Not Enough Firewood Mod !
It is the same for any axe tier. Riotset
On what version of the mod you have found this? If it is on 0.1.0 it was fixed in 0.2.0 SunsOfOld
Does it take more swings to chop if you have a stone axe or any lower tier axe?
ah yes, bringing back memories of my main chore as a kid, Choping all the firewood to keep the house warm. XD
Seems the issue where chopping drops both log and wood is there for the stripped logs from Ancient Tools. Otherwise a very good little mod.
Love this mod. Very simple, one less thing to do in my crafing grid :P
Upload a video, pls.
I love it!
should check if this works with mods that add new wood; I don't use any and can't test myself right now but I can sense the impending compatibility requests/inquiries.
Both problems should be fixed now.
This is what happens when you forget to test mod in survival. Whooops).Thank you DerLehrer.
Small Issue i believe caused by this Mod.
Axes are not placeable in Ground Storage against Walls anymore and the Logs worked into Firewood drop 4 Firewood and the Log aswell back, So infinite Fire Wood