Mods / Immersive Wood Sawing
Author: NemaxuswarZet
Side: Both
Created: Jan 10th 2024 at 7:55 PM
Last modified: Sep 20th 2024 at 4:41 PM
Downloads: 9271
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Latest file for Various v1.19.x:
1-click install
With this mod you you gain the ability to transform logs into planks by sawing them when they are placed in the world.
You cannot get planks in a traditional way though(via crafting grid).
The istructions are simple:
- Place a log.
- Use your saw on a log by holding right click.
Simple as that!
The higher tool tier of the saw is, the less time it takes to process a log.
Todo List:
- compatibility with other mods
- third person animations
- configs(currently mod has some but more can be added in the future)
In current state the block will be sawn always from one predetermined side. I am currently working on a way to make it more flexible.
Also only logs are sawable atm. Planks, stairs, etc are still made/converted to planks via grid crafting.
If you want to change the configs you need to go to folder named ModConfig which is located in VintagestoryData(VintagestoryData/ModConfig/ImmersiveWoodSawingConfig.json)
- "AutoLogPlacement" (true/false) - will autoplace log from your inventory as soon as you completely saw previous one (default value - false)
- "AllPlanksAtOnce" (true/false) - if true you will get all the planks in one go, so you don't need to get them one by one (default value - false)
- "PlanksPerUse" (int) - how much planks you will get per use. Recommended values are between 1 and 12. Lower - will be ignored and set to 1. Higher - only works if you have modified grid recipes which result in more then 12 planks per log. (default value - 1)
- "DisableGridRecipe" (true/false) - If true will disable grid recipes. If false will leave them enabled.(default value - true)
- "SawSpeedMultiplier" (float) - changes the speed of interaction. Lower value - slower. Higher - faster(better not make value too high as it can break the interaction) (default value - 1.0)
Version changelog:
- "AllPlanksAtOnce" config was replaced with "PlanksPerUse" which uses int valuse so you can change the amout of planks you get
- Now there is an option to keep grid recipes enabled via "DisableGridRecipe" config.
- Added "SawSpeedMultiplier" config. Now you can change how fast/slow each interaction will be.
- Saw now will not lose more durability that in grid crafting(normally it was 1 per craft). It uses the internal couter for "stress points". When you saw a log your tool accumulates point for each board you get. When the tool gets enough points to count for fully sawn log it loses 1 durability(possibly should make it less hardcoded). Here is an example -> First you saw a log and get 1 board out of 12 total that you get normally from log placed in grid. That counts as 1/12(~8%) of stress points accumulated. If you were to saw next a log that will yield 1 board out of 4 total then it will add the corresponding proportion (25%) to the previous number(8 + 25 = 33%). If total stress points number will be equal or greater than certain threshold(=< 100%) the stress points will be reduced by that number(- 100%) and your tool will get damaged.
If you need any support follow the link to the discord mod post by clicking on the icon >
(I do read the comments on ModDB but they are uncomfortable to use for conversations)
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.2.6 | 3423 | Sep 20th 2024 at 4:41 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.5 | 1812 | Jul 25th 2024 at 1:09 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.2 | 832 | Jun 20th 2024 at 7:49 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.1 | 177 | Jun 19th 2024 at 8:26 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.0 | 1406 | May 9th 2024 at 2:20 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.1 | 1438 | Jan 11th 2024 at 5:15 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 183 | Jan 10th 2024 at 9:14 PM | Show | | Install now |
Really hoping for a 1.20 version!
or maybe it's the new version of kemono that is the problem. Now mine does crash :(
I use this mod with Kemono No problems. Kemono did release an update that fixed some stuck animations, so perhaps it will work better now.
BigFootyHD, Yeah. Looks like they made patterns with some issues. I will check into it. Thanks for the report.
There seems to be an incompatibility with "Scraps" on 1.19.8 - but then again, that mod is for 1.19.4 so maybe that contributes to the issue. Having both installed, this mod seems to just stop working (right-click on log does nothing).
client-main (log):
30.11.2024 20:38:59 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
30.11.2024 20:38:59 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.GeneratePlanksRecipeList(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 99
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.AssetsFinalize(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 69
at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 660
30.11.2024 20:38:59 [Error] Failed to run mod phase AssetsFinalize for mod ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem
This mod is awesome! Thank you! :D
Yup, That makes sense.
Likely that a lot of mods that would do custom animations and such wouldn't work with that one unfortunately, that's a shame.
EKB133, i think i found the problem. kemono is probably causing the crash when trying to use the saw because of custom player model.
NemaxuswarZet a lot to be honest, I wasn't going exactly easy on mods this playthrough:
26/10/2024 17:34:36: Critical error occurred in the following mod: immersivewoodsawing@0.2.6
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.2.1, aged@1.0.3, balancedthirst@0.0.44, bandedgeckos@1.2.0, chargedjump@1.0.0, claycasting@1.2.0, clicktopick@1.0.3, clickuptorches@1.1.1, craftablejparts@1.0.0, Dacian_Weaponry@0.3.0, driftershaveloot@1.0.0, ensatinas@1.0.0, entitiesinteract@1.0.11, caninae@1.0.16, capreolinae@1.1.5, casuariidae@1.0.8, dinornithidae@0.9.0, manidae@1.0.2, pantherinae@1.1.9, rhinocerotidae@1.0.3, sirenia@1.0.5, immersiveorecrush@1.2.0, mr@0.0.1, pondfrogsiii@1.2.3, nobearjetpacks@1.0.2, pondfrogsi@1.2.3, primitivesurvival@3.6.5, rainfrogs@1.2.1, she1fish@1.2.1, slowwalkmod@1.0.0, traderballoonsmod@1.0.0, viescraftmachines@2.3.2, vintageengineering@0.2.8, game@1.19.8, wild_cabbage_pumpkin@1.0.0, AgeOfConfession@2.0.7, alchemycompat@1.0.0, alchemy@1.6.35, barbershop@0.4.1, beartrap@1.1.1, bedspawnv2@1.2.0, betterentityinteraction@1.0.0, blacksmithgloves@1.0.5, butchering@1.6.8, carryon@1.7.4, coinage@1.10.2, configureeverything@2.1.2, danacancook@0.2.4, dodgemaster@1.0.0, expandedfoods@1.7.2, foodshelves@1.3.1, herbarium@1.3.0, immersivewoodchopping@0.7.4, immersivewoodsawing@0.2.6, instantpickup@1.0.0, jayuscookbook@1.0.2, kcmathpatch@1.0.0, kcmftospatch@1.1.0, kemono@0.0.21, lavoisier@1.3.0, levelup@1.2.9, liquidcontainers@1.2.0, manualdough@1.0.3, manualscraping@1.0.0, medievalexpansion@3.13.1, moreanimals@1.3.5, noticeboard@0.6.0, onebedsleeping@2.4.2, oneroof@1.1.0, petai@2.2.6, postsandbeams@1.3.2, rivers@3.1.0, sheepfeed@1.0.0, smithingplus@1.0.1, somethinginthewater@1.2.4, SoundOfConfession@1.0.3, steamandpower@1.6.4, stoneharvesting@1.0.0, thecritterpack@0.9.1, trailmod@1.0.8, traitacquirer@0.9.5, creative@1.19.8, vsimgui@1.1.5, vskingdom@1.7.3, survival@1.19.8, vsvillage@1.0.6, alchemistry@1.0.2, cats@2.0.3, configlib@1.3.13, em@2.7.0, feverstonewilds@1.5.0-rc.2, laverace@1.0.3, naturalspawns@1.1.0, sandwich@1.2.2, simplevillages@1.0.1, thriftysmithing@1.2.0, vanity@2.2.0, vsradiomod@0.2.1, vsvillagedesert@1.0.0, vsvillageviking@1.0.0, vsvillageaged@0.0.4, vsvillageindustrial@0.0.4, vsvillagetowers@0.0.4, wildcraftfruit@1.2.2, wildcraftherb@0.0.1, wildcrafttree@1.2.0, entitiesconfiguration@1.0.9, statushudcont@2.1.2, tailorsdelight@1.7.1, dressmakers@1.4.0, upholstery@1.0.1
EKB133, Do you have any additional mods?
Seem to crash on my client, I do not think it is strictly the mod's fault but I would probably need someone who knows what the code's about to know what might be causing my game to crash when holding right click on a log with a saw to use this mod:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.WoodSawing.OnHeldInteractStep(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel, EnumHandling& handling) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\WoodSawing.cs:line 125
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldInteractStep(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Collectible.cs:line 1322
at Vintagestory.API.Common.CollectibleObject.OnHeldUseStep(Single secondsPassed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Collectible.cs:line 1143
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 329
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 162
at Vintagestory.Common.GameTickListener.OnTriggered(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds) in VintagestoryLib\Common\Model\GameTickListener.cs:line 27
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 57
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 815
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 731
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 676
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 651
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 324
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Using Vintage Story 1.19.8
Edit: Thought it was the fact I have two display monitors and when I tried again and it crashed it actually corrupted my save, probably a more major problem than I initially thought,
GeneralTigger98, Hi. If you have any mod that adds a normal grid recipe for other types of logs it will be automatically converterted and become possible to saw. Just to simplify the search - here you go. Some other person already made such mod)
Hey NemaxuswarZet, I really like your mod. I like that you have a cool animation for sawing. But I found a problem that personally bugs me. It is not possible to saw debarked wood and I was wondering why. Would it be possible to add this feature?
Hydromancerx, unfortunatlely not planned. If you need faster sawing you can use better tools or change the mod config.
Please add a sawbuck to this mod for faster sawing of planks similar to In Dappled Groves mod. Thanks in advance!
Vari_Ares hi, I'm french too, pourrais-tu m'expliquer comment tu as fait pour modifier le son? J'ai mit un son de scie plus plaisant de 4 secondes, et quand j'effectue l'animation, ça me lance plusieurs fois le son avec un petit décallage. Avoir modifié la valeur de son par frame dans le fichier dans le dossier patch de 10 son par frame à 1 a juste fait que cela fait un peu moins de bruit :') .. Dois-je plutôt mettre un son plus long (je vais essayer de ce pas si ça fonctionne) ?
Vari_Ares , the sound was taken from one of youtube videos. So it makes sense that it won't be ideal. If you have sound and translation feel free to comment and send them in the Discord server mod discussion
Jimoco Yeah I also want a LOT a way to automate the sawing !!! <3
Yes please you two should collaborate! I also find the sawing speed too slow. I LOVE the idea that by making planks harder to make, you will incentive the player also ultimately to want to make a bandsaw - a block that could be automated using the wind mill. There is a minecraft mod called better than wolves that once did something similar - example: Band saws BtW
Hi, I really like your mod ! The only complain I had was the speed, but I put it in 3 and it's wayyy better ! BUT the sound of the saw is really bad imo... I know it's a saw and wood, but I heard better sounds and more relaxing ones, btw, I tried to change the sound and it worked really well, I also translated the full mod in french btw because I am, so the better sound + the 3x speed + the translation make this mod PERFECT for me lol ! I want to ask you if I can send you my version of the mod so you can see, I mean hear the new sounds ? I am pretty sure you will also like it more, and then why not put it in your official mod for everyone (with the french translation too that a bonus) let me know ahah ! <3 (btw not hate with you and the sound you used, I just personally prefer my one ahah)
LordOri, i normally search for the conflict mod by splitting amount in two. And dividing by two each time i can narrow it pretty fast. I will look into your mods to see if i find something.
NemaxuswarZet I think you are right, but it’s difficult to understand which mod influenced and why it works on the previous version, if you need information, here is my list of modifications
mod@ACulinaryArtillery,,,, mod@Immersive Corpse Drop (1.19).zip,,, mod@More fuel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mod@ExpandedFoods,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LordOri, possibly a mod conflict. Have you tried running this mod on its own? Because it works fine for me.
NemaxuswarZet on version v0.2.6 the mod functionality does not work, I rolled back the version to v0.2.5 and everything works again,
and according to my problem, I made myself a json modification that changes what I need
LordOri, which part is not working? Or mod is not loading at all?
NemaxuswarZet понял, спасибо! сейчас подкорректирую рецепт
p.s v0.2.6 not working(
LordOri, unfortunately this is not how this mod functions neither was intended to function. As i previously mentioned the visual part for the size of the cut is strictly depended on how much boards you cut per use(quote on quote in realistic fasion). This indea with standarized cut will look weird to say the least. And honestly i don't see any practical use in such feature.
Besides, such behaviour will result in people getting varying amount of boards per log that is separated from what you get in grid recipes. The idea of this mod was to convert the grid recipes in somewhat more immersive process in the meantime keeping the original numbers and calculations.
If you need to alter the amount of boards you get per log you can do that by patching the original recipes - this mod will take the changes into account. But the visual parts will also change based on recipes changes.
@NemaxuswarZet, yes
LordOri , Let me try to rephrase that. You need a config that specifies the amout of boards you get per cut, but size of that cut is standarized?
@NemaxuswarZet I’m talking a little about something else, I need 1 standard cut, which is specified in the config, drop 3 boards
LordOri, the size of the cut area is calculated proportionally to how much boards you cut at a time. Unfortunately it is not changeable. If i understood you correctly.
NemaxuswarZet, Is it possible to change it so that you can get 3 boards from 1 thin cut? I had this need based on the visual area of the log, it is equal to approximately 3 boards
Origin_Alpha_43, if your suggestion is to make firewood amount depend on the tool tier then i can say it is not possible. This will be incomplatible with current code thus requiring a complete overhaul.
NemaxuswarZet theres no mods, it was just a suggestion
Origin_Alpha_43, I meant the mod that changes the output depending on the tool tier.
NemaxuswarZet, the flint saw is from Better Than Heresy
Origin_Alpha_43, can you tell me the name of this mod?
NemaxuswarZet sure
the saws also have a tool tier, tool tier 1 would give 4 board when sawing the log.
i'm using crude flint saw from another mod and it give 4 board when crafting boards with it.
as natural, tier 2, the copper saw give 12,
you could go higher with other tiers.
like tier 3 would give 16
and tier 4, 20 boards
a config for it too, maybe, to let players or server admins to chose their prefered output
Origin_Alpha_43, can you explain in more detail?
Teaplease, do you have any additional mods intalled?
its currently not registering the tool tier, it always give 4 planks only/total
Hello! I have this mod and yours immersive chopping mod installed together. But sawing mod is not working at all, only choping. Is there incompatibility between them?
Ah, I see. I was probably having the silent crash as well, I've just updated my version of the mod. Thank you for this essential mod! :)
gndrneutralnoun, you need to download a mod that adds plank recipes for debarked logs. Basicaly if any other mod has such recipes they will be supported.
Maamessu, thank you for the report. Found out what the problem was. Will make a hotfix now. But will warn you there may be some unintended behaviour with certain type of nonstandart wildcraft logs.
Hi! I appreciate the update! How do I enable the support for recipes using debarked logs?
Just came by to report what maamessu just encountered, I wonder what changed to break the compatibility in the latest version - anyways great mod! Keep up the good work, your mods are a staple of my playthroughs now :)
Tels, thank you for telling me. I left it unchecked cause i accidentaly deleted it :)
I reported this on discord as well, but there seems to be an issue in the latest version. The mod simply stops working if installed alongside Wildcraft: Trees & Shrubs. For now I've rolled back to v0.2.0, which works fine.
The modinfo.json still says it needs 1.18.8 - which makes VS complain when you are on 1.19.8. This seems to be a typo or leftover?
Instead of the animation only cutting 1 slice and giving 1 board, maybe just make the animation fully extended to cut the full log, as a way around punishing board to tool durability ratio.
Hi NemaxuswarZet, Could you add a little line of text to the planks entry in the handbook (same goes for immersive wood chopping)? Dont think I'm going to play without these mods ever again!
Awesome, thanks! I'll look forward to that!
gndrneutralnoun, this will probably be a standalone content mod which will be compatible with sawing mod. The reason is simple - there is no recipes for planks using debarked logs in vanilla. Instead you normaly get support beams. Although as you metioned before logicaly there should not be any difference.
Hi! Could you possibly add a config option to be able to saw debarked logs? Preferably giving the same amount as a barked log. I believe bark would be useless for making planks anyway, so I think that debarked/barked shouldn't have any difference. Thank you for making this mod!
Undea, yes it is true. Unfortunately i couldn't find the solution that wouldn't become either unrealistic or abusable. The way it works now is the tool is damaged each time you complete the interaction. But you can modify the amount of progress (how many planks per interaction) you make via mod's config. So technicaly you can make it use one durability per block(by sawing it all in one go) if you so desire.
hey there, i did notice.
when you saw you use 1 durability from the saw (1 log 12) and in vanilla when you make planks you use 1 durability per 12 planks (1 log 1)
so you get much more planks in vanilla out of one saw.
Marlim, yes i am currently work on updating it. But you can still use the current version if you desire. It just lacks saw animation.
Do you intend to update this mod to 1.19?
Somehow this mod doesn't work.. and my crafting grid recipe is still enabled
Austin, it's not exactly broken, it is just not used by the game anymore. Speaking of Wildcraft Trees it is already supported. And generally this mod will support any other mod that follows the vanilla recipe patterns for planks.
Sad to see the animations broken but your work alone has made the feeling of surviving and building a home much more of a challenge, and by extension, a triumphant achievement. Is there any plans to eventually add support to the Wildcraft Trees eventually, as was done with your Wood Chopping mod as well?
SovietPacop , it is due to changes on how fp animation works in 1.19 - it uses third peson animation instead. So any code made in previous versions like 1.18 for this animation will not work. It needs to be rewriten.
I love the idea behind the mod, and I read that there's no longer 1st person animation. Is that a bug or...? Im loving the gameplay but I feel like watching the saw go back and forth would make the time waiting for the plank to finish go by faster!
Not to take away from it ofc, really enjoyed it so far :D
LarekFlynn , thank you for the report. Will fix that as fast as possible. Although this may take longer than with Chopping mod because i am also working on come other part for Sawing mod.
I love your mods! looks like sawing needs the same fix as chopping did. conflicting with toolworks 1.5.4
12:56:48 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
8.2.2024 12:56:48 [Error] [immersivewoodsawing] Exception: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: game:log-placed-aged-*
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.GenerateBasicPlanksRecipeList(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 58
at ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.AssetsFinalize(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Users\Maxim Sobanin\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryModDevelopment\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawing\ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem.cs:line 39
at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 654
8.2.2024 12:56:48 [Error] Failed to run mod phase AssetsFinalize for mod ImmersiveWoodSawing.ImmersiveWoodSawingModSystem
Regarding getting boards from planks, stairs, etc. what about a new sledgehammer tool that busts apart certain crafted blocks when you right-click similar to the woodcutting mod?
SuaveDoggo, In general the mod will work fine. But there is no more first person animation for saw.
It seems to work fine for me on 1.19.1 though from what I can see !
Shion, possibly? But right now i need to port this mod on 1.19 and that will require some mod rework in terms of animation first.
Sawing speed option?
FINALLY !!! <3
Gorfinhofin, Yes this a bug in current Ancient Tools. I managed to contact the author and he said that he will try to fix it in the next update
I can confirm that this is not compatible with Ancient Tools. With Ancient Tools enabled, trying to saw a log will convert it into the sawed log variant, but you can't actually initiate the sawing animation or get boards from it. It works just fine if I disable Ancient Tools.
Stroam, Thank you for the ideas. Unfortunately there is already a mod that has such block/mechanics in "In Dappled Groves" mod. The only thing it's lacking are the animations. Not shure if i should do such imitaion..
Love the particles. Love the in-world crafting.
One thing that would make it better in my opinion is if you clicked the saw on the log and the saw became part of the animation with each right click or holding right click it moves the saw back and forth. However, I'm aware that may make changing the speed of the cut difficult as I don't know if it is possible to do varying animation speeds in which case you'd have to do a different animation for each tier.
Also, maybe consider a trestle/saw horse not because what you have isn't great, but because this is a block game and players would love to build a lumberyard. So anything that supports that aim such as log piles, players would love. Bonus points if stations can be set up to automatically draw from a nearby woodpiles.
This is very cool, thank you.
Devs take note, we need more gridless immersive ways of crafting and doing things :)
Need to make sawhorses for logs
loving it
It sounds like you used the creative block for testing...
TimSithis, what were you doing when this happended? And what mods do you have?
Not sure why but for me, and on my Server it seems that the Mod isn't working, where could I check why? I got those ???? Cubes as for the immersive block sawables.
It says when I press shift Something about it not being a Log, + that there is 0 planks left.
I think it could be because of the Ancient tools mod..I belive but not sure.
Yeah, I saw the problem. I will probably add a config for now to make disabling optional
Exmortis, NeksAltrein
Right now there is a config in mod that lets you change the behavior so you can saw a whole log in one go. If you need a more precise control i will look what i can do.
Howdy NemaxuswarZet
Have you seen the Linear Power mod? That adds in a mechanical Sawmill for making planks
It's not compatible with this, as this removes the recipe that the Linear Power Mod uses
I am wondering if there is anyway to do a work around?
Also, I think you should do 4 planks at a time, sawing a quarter of the log, rather than 1 at a time, just for speed purposes.
I love the immersive aspect, but this takes quite a while longer!
Thanks for the mod
It looks great! But you either need to speed up the sawing, or add a shaft-driven mechanism. Otherwise it will be beautiful, but it will hurt to play.
Holy cow! That is awesome