Mods / KRPG Enchantment

Category: #Clothing #Magic #Other #Weapons
Author: BloodThunder
Side: Both
Created: May 30th at 5:07 PM
Last modified: 6 hours ago
Downloads: 2164
Follow Unfollow 75

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Warning: This is a Work In Progress 
This mod is being actively worked on, and should be used with caution.
You have been warned.

This mod aims to add a "Minecraft-like" style of Enchanting system.

Build an Enchanting Table, and apply magical enchantments to your items.
Stab your friends with your Falx of Healing!

Includes a JSON Recipe system, so you can add your own items as magical reagents to apply any of the included enchantments to any item. See the Wiki for details on how to do this.
Multiplayer/Dedicated server compatible.

Please read the Wiki for more information on what enchants do what, and report all Issues at the github.

Chilling: Decreases target's body temperature.
Durable: Chance to prevent the item's durability loss.
Flaming: Deals fire damage.
Frost: Deals cold damage.
Harming: Deals injury damage.
Healing: Deals heal damage.
Knockback: Pushes target back.
Igniting: Sets target on fire.
Lightning: Calls a lightning strike at impact.
Pit: Creates a pit at impact.
Protection: Flat damage reduction (Blunt, Piercing, Slashing).
Resist: Flat damage reduction (Electric, Fire, Frost, Heal, Injury, Poison).
Shocking: Deals electrical damage.
Compatibility (Must be enabled in Config File)

WARNING: You must enable these each in your config file in the ModConfig directory.
KRPG Wands (recommended)
Fantasy Creatures
Feverstones Wilds
Rustbound Magic (Melee and armor only)

WIP Features
Single-use Scrolls
More Enchants
Recipe tuning and balance

D0ub7 - Thanks for your automation and advice

QA, Advice, Inspiration:

There are many other modders out there whose code I learned from. Thanks for your hard work if you're not directly listed here. This is a small community of people keeping the modding scene alive, and we all work better together.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.4.3 24 6 hours ago Show Install now
v0.4.2 125 6 days ago Show Install now
v0.4.1 44 Sep 8th at 6:27 AM Show Install now
v0.4.0 218 Aug 25th at 2:56 AM Show Install now
v0.3.8 208 Aug 13th at 11:35 PM Show Install now
v0.3.7 68 Aug 12th at 2:27 AM Show Install now
v0.3.6 110 Aug 8th at 3:21 PM Show Install now
v0.3.5 68 Aug 6th at 10:29 PM Show Install now
v0.3.4 63 Aug 5th at 7:25 PM Show Install now
v0.3.3 155 Jul 30th at 5:03 AM Show Install now
v0.3.2 36 Jul 29th at 10:35 PM Show Install now
v0.3.1 51 Jul 29th at 1:03 AM Show Install now
v0.2.11 439 Jun 16th at 5:44 PM Show Install now
v0.2.10 131 Jun 9th at 3:18 PM Show Install now
v0.2.9 237 Jun 1st at 6:00 PM Show Install now
v0.2.8 92 May 31st at 7:35 PM Show Install now
v0.2.7 94 May 30th at 5:09 PM Show Install now

35 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, 1 day ago

LadyBlakeHammer I appreciate that! I really want to do more passive enchants like that, more likely for certain jewelry slots or items. Clothing introduces a lot of variants, so there are some other things I need to update before I can tackle that.
Which enchantments do you want to stack?

💬 LadyBlakeHammer, 1 day ago

Hey, I have a few suggestions that you can look over.

Reagents on Jewely and/or Clothes

More Reagents:
Speed Reagent
Jump Height
Night Vision
Mining Speed
Harvest %
all that fun rpg stuff :P

Oh and stacking enchantments. :D

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, 2 days ago

RuneScholar Sure thing. I'll look into those and make an official compatibility patch if possible.

💬 RuneScholar, 3 days ago

Will this mod work with tools and weapons from other mods?

Edit: I tested it and answered my own question. It does not. If I could make a request, could you add compatibility for Ancient Weapons and Kanahaku’s (Not Only) Spear Expansion? Swordz is great, but not just not one I use. I like the extra bows from Kanahaku’s mod and the fact that Ancient Weapons makes usable versions of the ruined weapons you find in ruins.



💬 BloodThunderAuthor, 5 days ago

DejFidOFF Check back later for recipe rebalancing. I'm working on some better ways to handle enchants vs the current reagent system, but it's what I've got right now.
if you have suggestions for what is a reasonable amount of resources, I'd be happy to hear them, too.

💬 DejFidOFF, 5 days ago


Thank you. I try. But honestly, the enchants not worth that resources.. Pointless in my opinion..


💬 BloodThunderAuthor, 6 days ago

DejFidOFF To enchant an item requires an Enchanting Table, a Reagent of some kind, an appropriate item for the enchantment, and some in-game time. Please read the Wiki for more details on which Enchantments do what. If the docs are misleading or confusing, let me know and I can update it.

💬 DejFidOFF, Sep 8th at 7:34 AM



I´am a bit confused. Where I can get that enchantments from?

💬 NateDoesLife, Aug 14th at 6:09 AM

So the only problem with utilization of temporal stability is for people that have it off in there world (i do myself) it might be hard to use the mod (I would think) but I do indeed like the direction of that or maybe something involving jonas tech, not sure. If I think of any more ideas I will 100% post them here!

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Aug 14th at 4:01 AM

Thanks for the input there. It helps to hear from someone actively using it, as I honestly spend more time coding the mod than using it.
I was kind of leaning towards a new table, and utilization of temporal stability in some way. I like the idea of being required to use a temporally unstable area to reach higher levels of enchantment, but I don't like the idea of modeling a new table lol

💬 NateDoesLife, Aug 14th at 1:50 AM

Gottcha, I had a feeling that was what it was but was just checking.

As for the higher tier enchants, few ideas I can come up with quickly
- Higher tier enchanting table (upgrade the current one some way or add alternative ones that you can craft from other items you find in the world similar to the altar (alter was an awesome idea for the recipe btw I loved that!!))
- Higher tier reagents (make the recipes require more stuff or something along those lines, higher tier metal or what not)
- Enchant the item with said reagent more then once (pretty basic idea but it works lol)
- Add placeable objects or totems that you can build around the current enchanting table that "unlocks" higher tier enchants (this idea is similar to the old ars technica mod from minecraft)

As for textures....I know nothing about teh VS Model Creator, and a tiny bit of photoshop/gimp and nothing of how the two work together but if I get some free time I will certainly give it a shot.

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Aug 14th at 1:27 AM

NateDoesLife Thanks so much! I'd call the Reagent recipes a placeholder at best right now. The Temporal Reagent isn't really useful beyond being a base item for all the other reagent types, so it didn't make sense to require that conversion in the reagent recipes.

As for higher tiers, I have a few ideas, but I haven't settled on a solution just yet. I'd really like to tackle higher tier enchants in 0.4.x, but the bug squashing has been high prio lately. If you have suggestions, I'm down to hear them here, the official VS Discord, or GitHub.

Finally, for extra textures and models, that's fairly low prio atm. I can work the photoshop and the VS Model Creator, but I'm certainly not the best. If you or anyone wants to contribute, the official VS Discord is probably the best place to reach out to me

💬 NateDoesLife, Aug 14th at 12:54 AM

Thank you for fixing! Hate to keep mentioning things but it looks like you can craft all the reagents with just a temporal gear instead of having to craft the temporal reagent (not sure if this is intentional or not)

Wanted to also ask and not sure if it says how in the wiki so sorry if it does, but how do you get higher tier enchants, say durable II and so on?

And then finally, do you have any plans on making custom textures/items for the reagents so they are easier to identify?

Love the mod so far!


💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Aug 13th at 11:36 PM

NateDoesLife Thank you for the report. That should be fixed now in 0.3.8

💬 NateDoesLife, Aug 12th at 11:27 PM

Found an interesting one, when you enchant some armor with durable its giving it protection, specifically found this to happen on the leather helmet.

Also there is a way to double the enchants up on stuff, if you put the item into the table before the reagent the arror fills green, then if you put the reagent in and click enchant, wait the time it will have 2 versions of the reagent enchantment on.

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Aug 12th at 2:28 AM

areswarrior Fixed in 0.3.7. Thanks for the report

💬 areswarrior, Aug 11th at 9:30 AM

your mod messes with my game with makes it so no enemies deal damage to me but when i remove it everything goes to normal 

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Aug 6th at 10:31 PM

NateDoesLife Yeah, got all that stuff added today. Let me know if you have any issues with it

💬 NateDoesLife, Aug 6th at 5:01 AM

Seems that durable is not working on a few things that I noticed, shovels, pickaxes, blackguard shortsword, shears. I imagine this is probably just a config thing or oversight since durable was just added but wanted to give you a heads up.

Running latest version that I just installed today.

💬 jamescook, Aug 6th at 12:36 AM

mostly wanting an easyer way to repair the tools/armour tbh

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Jul 29th at 5:26 PM

jamescook Mending is definitely a possibility. Rustbound is on my radar, as well. Is there anything in particular you'd want out of Rustbound other than just the armors?

Edit: I got the Rusbound Magic armor working, and technically the casting staffs work with melee, but it's ready to be enabled.

💬 jamescook, Jul 29th at 5:12 AM

i hope you are able to make a rustbound patch and maybe a repairing enchantment.

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Jun 17th at 3:48 AM

NateDoesLife Absolutely, I plan to add tool enchants, armor enchants, bauble enchants, etc. I'm almost done polishing up the T1 weapon enchants, then I can move on to new stuff.

💬 NateDoesLife, Jun 17th at 12:46 AM

Any plans to add utility type enchants like MC has "durabiltiy, efficiency"?

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Jun 8th at 6:50 PM

Maltiez This belongs in the Issue Tracker, please. I'm looking into adding better compatibility for projectiles, but combat system overhaul mods like this are not currently compatible.

Edit: Things should be much more compatible now, there are no more projectile overwrites.

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, Jun 5th at 6:35 PM

@SkollDrachen I'll look into it. Swordz has a lot of like partially implemented item variants when I looked last night, and idk about Rustbound yet. It should be do-able, for Swordz, though.

SkollDrachen Patch added for Swordz. Be sure to enable it in your mod config, then restart the server!

💬 SkollDrachen, Jun 4th at 6:59 PM

hi there can you add a patch for rustbound magic? with this the staves and rustbound it could be so awesome. adding alot to the game and maybe swordz to?

💬 BloodThunderAuthor, May 31st at 4:44 PM

Paxel would require a recipe patch be added to enable, which can be done really easily with JSON. (See the mod's assets\krpgenchantment\recipes\enchanting-table\ for examples)
Otherwise, I see no reason why a melee hit from any tool wouldn't work, unless if it replaces the existing damage event system on an entity.

Edit: I had to make some patches for another set of mods I was using, so I did it anyway.

💬 Neo_O, May 31st at 2:20 PM

is compatible with paxel?

💬 GingerTail, May 31st at 7:22 AM


Best of luck with developement of this mod, it looks wonderful.

💬 Frepo, May 31st at 6:11 AM

This is excellent!!!

💬 LyndonBJohnson, May 30th at 9:56 PM

Talk about some quality content, it's about damn time! :D 

💬 Foxy_Grandpa, May 30th at 5:43 PM


💬 DUCATISLO, May 30th at 5:41 PM

holy moly

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