Mods / Outlaw mod, but compatible Rust & Rot

Category: #Creatures
Author: I3eauLeBoi
Side: Both
Created: Jul 31st at 5:27 PM
Last modified: Jul 31st at 5:28 PM
Downloads: 1013
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
Outlaw Comp for Rust& 1-click install

This mod is a re-upload and made to be compatible with Rust & Rot.
I've made it so they would get scared of said rot based creatures. (Balanced or fair? Unsure.)
They'll target and fight Rust & Rot creatures when they will see them. I mainly made this for my server, but i don't mind sharing this either as i've seen many other people asking for compatibility.

(I would've sent the patched files to the original creator of outlaw to make it official. But i assume he didn't want em.)

Just to be clear, you only need either this mod, for compatibility Rust & Rot.
If not, go for Grif's mod instead. Can't have both of them enabled. Since this mod has the same things.
So also follow the same tips/ and or suggestions from the original mod owner.

If there's any issues present thats only related to Rust & Rot and Outlaw, aka. How NPC's interact with one another in regards of balancing.
Let me know. If its for Outlaw mod itself? Feel free to post those over at Grif's modpage.

Since this mod is pretty much its own modid and version of the original outlaw mod.
Rust & Rot's mods compatibility patch doesn't work for this since its patched only for the original.
If you want to make it compatible for both (Aka, have Rot creatures attack outlaws), you'll have to dig into the files and change something.

To do this, go to:
AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods\rust and rot\assets\rustandrot\patches\compatibility\Outlaws

Within that folder, you'll see 7 json files. Open said files with notepad++.
The interior folder for the majority is NOT important.

The only thing you'll need to change is this "dependsOn": [ { "modid": "outlawmod" } ], 
to this "dependsOn": [ { "modid": "OutlawCompForRustRot" } ], 

This will enable the rot creatures to finally attack the outlaws once more.

I'll be sure to try and keep this updated along with every new update for Outlaw mod.

Credits go fully for Grifthegnome for the mod itself.
Original mod: Grifthegnome's Outlaw mod.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.2.3 1013 Jul 31st at 5:28 PM Show Outlaw Comp for Rust& Install now

8 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 I3eauLeBoiAuthor, Aug 2nd at 6:27 PM

Most likely not, since its own modid and version.

💬 Zevon, Aug 2nd at 12:45 AM

Is this also compatible with the Outlaw meat mod? 

💬 I3eauLeBoiAuthor, Aug 1st at 8:15 PM


1: That is correct. The original Outlaw mod does not have their NPC's set to attack Rust & Rot creatures, hence why this mod is.
2: And yes, as its stated in the description. I've written out a explaination with the file path for those wanting to have Rot creatures to attack Outlaws.

💬 Phoenicius, Aug 1st at 7:28 PM

Requesting clarification:
If I have rot creatures, and I want the outlaws to be hostile towards them, then I should install this mod, and not the original Outlaws mod?

Secondly, if I want rot creatures to attack the outlaws, I'll have to change the modid dependency in rust and rot to that of this mod?

💬 I3eauLeBoiAuthor, Aug 1st at 5:10 PM


I did offer it before publishing this mod.

Sadly, i have to assume Grif didn't want to bring in the patched files. Because personally i just wanted to patch the files and send them to make it official.

💬 RedPandemic, Aug 1st at 5:04 PM

Do you think Grifthegnome is willing to adopt the code involved in this mod into his own, or did he specify not being able to somewhere?

💬 I3eauLeBoiAuthor, Aug 1st at 4:01 PM

Its a re-upload, with compatibility.

💬 RedPandemic, Aug 1st at 3:08 PM

Does this entirely replace the Outlaw Mod, or only add compatability?

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