Mods / Kanahaku`s (Not Only) Spear Expansion
Author: Kanahaku
Side: Both
Created: Mar 9th 2024 at 1:23 AM
Last modified: 2 hours ago
Downloads: 14950
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Latest file for v1.20.1:
1-click install
The mod adds iron, meteoriс iron and steel spears.
Also adds several pikes of all types of bronze, as well of already coated materials too..
Adds other types of weapons : Seax , Bartka , Claymore , Khopesh , Odachi and others (see image, even have couple bows!).
Also added some new types of alkohol : different types of Liqueurs , fine Liqueurs , Yaegermeister and Sweetened Yaegermeister!
Now even added new armor!
Have Compatibility with those mods :
-Lichen (continued)
(crafting of bows from deer albino antlers and sinew)
-Decaying Creatures
(adds new (post-steel) grade of weapons and armor that can be crafted!)
(reworks shooting mechanics)
P.s. If you use my mod or part of it in mod pack or in your mod, please just mention my nickname once in the description under your creation.. thx!
Мод додає списи із заліза , метеоритного заліза та сталі.
Також додає піки з усіх видів бронзи та вище згаданих матеріалів..
Також додає й інші типи зброї : Сакс , Бартка , Клеймор Хопеш , Одачі та інші (Дивіться на скрінах , є навть кілька луків!).
Ще додано кілька видів алкоголю : різноманітні типи Лікеру , Файного Лікеру , Єгермейстер та Підсолоджений Єгермейстер!
Тепер навіть додано нову броню!
Має сумісність з такими модами :
-Lichen (continued)
(крафт луків з використанням рогів оленя-альбіноса та жил)
-Decaying Creatures
(додано новий грейд матеріалу (краще сталі) з якого можна створити нові зброю та броню!)
(змінюють механіку стрільби)
А.. і ще , якщо додаєте мій мод у свою збірку або використовуєте у створеному своєму моді - будь ласка, згадайте мене в описі моду)
Fixed issue with leg armor! will be fully working from v.0.2.5 Bobosaw
Hi! Checked halberd.. and dont know even what to say - everything works somehow.. I just can`t recreate the issue here.. you sure that you are using v.0.2.4? (will be 0.2.5 soon) Arndas
Info for everyone who notised that bows with Combat Overhaul installed looks different in arms : that's a temporary solution to make it work without bugs, and will be changed when i find out with dev of that mod how it can be done correctly, thx for all feedback, hope my mod will make your game better!
Hmm, i will try to find out why it is the way it works now. Thx for info! @MimiKitty
Hmm.. thx for feedback! I will fix it (hope it will be today) @Bobosaw
Hmm, didn't had any ptoblems while testing, maybe something changed with combat overhaul since i've done that part of code, will check it! Thx for info! @Arndas
This is not completely compatible with combat overhaul; the halberd, for example, can not be used to attack an opponent if combat overhaul is installed. However, this mod works perfectly well on its own without combat overhaul installed.
any chance of looking at why a high rarity on this doesn't increase pierce damage on bows?
it says it supports it, the durability does increase with a higher rarity but the piercing damage doesn't. mainly curious if something about how this mod has the damage is done on these items makes it not work!
All the legging/leg armor except the lammelar knee pads are still in the vanilla style with Combat Overhaul and cannot be equipped.
Added compatibility with Wildgrass mod, hope you`ll enjoy!
Kanahaku Hi! Been enjoying this mod on a test 1.20 server with some friends and wanted to bring up a small issue we discovered while testing the temporalit tools. In the case of a Scythe, it doesn't seem to use the same cutting action as a vanilla scythe where it won't cut modded grasses, specifically from the Wildgrass mod. If you could check and add that suppoirt, we'd be very grateful! Thanks in advance! :2D
Thx for notifying, will fix it in near future! Shaikh
Love your mod, also looking forward to the combat overhaul compatibility. Your "buymeacoffee" link is also broken!
Can't wait for combat overhaul compatibility!
Thanks so much for the quick fix. Love your mod.
Yes, i will add compatibility with Combat Overhaul in near future! Thx! ShanaLarisar
Do you have any intention of updating for compatability with CombatOverhaul since Maltiez is merging Bullseye into that and depreciating Bullseye as a result? Love the mod, and would love to be able to use all your wonderful content with the CombatOverhaul systems. Thanks for all your hard work either way!
Hi! localisation was pakked in different mods because those items will show up and work only with my other bod installed, but i see you already figured it out! Good work, and thx for creating localisation! i will add it soon! Aimli
Chinese localization
I have found (Temporalit) armor in lang, but I don't see (Temporalit) armor when I enter the game. Is it not made yet?
Yes, it should work fine by itself) LielenBlue
I dont have "decaying cratures" mod installed, so it should be good? thank you for your time! Kanahaku
Hi! i`ve tested it, and it`s not crashing, but temporalit instruments (hoe, saw, shovel) becoming uncraftable (it`s if you playing with mod "Decaying Creatures", i will fix that issue little later)) LielenBlue
Hi, I was wondering, does this mod work with toolworks mod? I just mean, would it cause crashes or bugs, not that the weapons can be made in toolworks fashion. thanks for the information,
I hope it will be fixed, because I`m changing things that might affect that problem (still can`t reproduce that error) so if it`s not fised - let me know and I`ll try to fix it again, Grautmann
Hope you fix the shovel and hoe recipe soon so I can use this mod again. I love it, but shovels and hoes(the farming implement) are needed.
Kanahaku Yes, I have.
I'm referring ot the "Temporalit Bits" you get when using a chisel on the completed ingot. I use the Metal Recycling mod, which gives back some Bits when you smith with an item.
They say they can be smelted back into a ful ingot at 20 pieces, but they cannot go in a BLoomery... and a crucible can't get hot enough.
Main problem is, that everything is working while i`m testing it.. so it might will take a while cause i trying to troubleshoot problem whitch i can`t see Bellcross, QuiverShiver
P.s. if someone can send me files client main and server main from logs folder after playing in world with those broken shovel and hoe - it might to help (you can find me in discord by same nickname, i have pages dedicated to my mods on official vintage story discord server as well)
Ok, i will try to find what`s wrong
Thx for feedback btw! Bellcross
Have you done the whole process of creating them? cause they should be sealed in barrel with temporal powder, than mixed with needed materials (included steel bits) , and than they will be processed into new alloy by using bloomery Zeorik
Just wanted to say Kanahaku im confirming what QuiverShiver commented the recipes for the flint and copper shovel and hoe go missing and the textures are black boxes in world they are question marks when your mod is active after disabling the mod they went back to normal .!
Heya, new question about temporalit. I've got temporalit Bits, but they don't seem capable of going in a bloomery to make a new ingot. Is there a different way to recombine the bits into an ingot?
I've finally did some testing. There is no conflictions with the other mods. It removed the flint and copper shovels by itself.
I`ve not changet animations of shooting (if you talking about that), only changed mechanic of shooting arrows.. is there problems with it? if yes, idk what can cause these, because i`ve double checked everything.. at least maybie we will find what is wrong, if that`s the case N17HT
Nice work with the Bullseye compatibility but the bow movement isnt the same? still thanks for the update! Kanahaku
Now my mod is fully compatible and works as it shoud with Bullseye! Michael00181 , N17HT
I do not know about that right off hand. I'll go and double check all of the mods I have installed and tell you if there are multiple conflictions when I have the time. Kanahaku
Hmm.. it`s strange, i will try to replicate that problem and fix it. do you have any mods that might conflict with my mod in that way? QuiverShiver
Hello! I've notice that when I have this mod enabled, I lose the ability to craft both the flint and copper shovels respectively. Both the flint and copper shovel heads have been completely removed from the game upon turning on the mod. I'm using the most recent version of this mod (0.1.7 to be exact). Is this intentional? Kanahaku
I will ask autor of Bullseye about that , N17HT
Would it be possible to add the aiming mechanic from Bullseye for the bows from this mod?
Hi! I was testing some staff during that time, and simply forgot to turn back on that craft, fixed that in version 0.1.6 , (it must work, if it isn`t , i will thry to figure what i have done wrong) sorry for troubles 😅 Zeorik
Hey, is the first step in making Temporalit (The rusty strings to rusty bits) meant to be disabled? The recipe is set to false in the mod files, when I swear it wasn't in 0.1.4
Перевод на русский язык by Barti_Moon
Ok , glad that everything works just fine after updating game version! I hope you will enjoy your playtime) RenayEdor
I don`t know about their compatability , so it needs testing.. never used bullseye , so idk what i need to check.. i hope it will work as intended , but must test it first Michael00181
Are the bows this mod adds compatable with bullseye?
This mod doesn't seem to be loading properly on my server, as none of the weapons it adds are showing up, and it doesn't trigger auto-download when connecting to the server. Any ideas on what I should do?
Seems like because the server was still 1.19.7 the mod just wasn't loading. we finally updated to 1.19.8 and the mod is working properly, just a derp on my end for not updating!
Yes , these mod does not changing vanilla , so can be safely added or removed mid save if you need FrenchCriedRice
Can this work if added mid save ??
Yes , it will work alongside with other mods (i didn`t tested with a lot of mods , if you will find some issues with that , i will be happy to fix them)) , KnightessOruna
Will this work along with other weapon mods like "Swordz"? <3
Russian translation
Дякую , Savrs ) Повинно працювати і на Старіших версіях , я не певен щодо стабільності і усього іншого , але думаю 1.19.х версії повинне підтримувати всі , так як великих змін у коді нема.. я ставлю в описі останні версії так як на них все й тестується
Kanahaku поздравляю!
А есть варианты под старые версии?
zengler , у мене є свої ідеї , також потихеньку мені накидують потрохи усілякого чого хотіли-б.. тож певне що як руки дійдуть то треба буде зібрати пак зброї , думаю бойова коса там теж місце знайде собі
Чи буде інша списоподібна зброя, як бойова коса з M&B:Warband
Should work on old versions too)