Mods / Creatures and Critters(Unofficial)

Category: #Creatures
Author: KenigVovan
Side: Both
Created: Sep 23rd 2022 at 6:08 PM
Last modified: Jun 8th at 3:20 PM
Downloads: 5523
Follow Unfollow 84

Latest file for v1.19.7: 1-click install

Author of the original mod is Minni6in click

I just packed it for 1.17 1.18 1.19, shields were deleted for now, something may be broken.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.10 708 Jun 8th at 3:20 PM Show Install now
v1.0.9 197 May 19th at 12:17 PM Show Install now
v1.0.8 161 May 8th at 9:09 AM Show Install now
v1.0.6 669 Feb 1st at 4:30 PM Show Install now
v1.0.5 210 Jan 28th at 11:47 AM Show Install now
v1.0.4 Jan 27th at 3:22 PM Show Install now
v1.0.3 Jan 27th at 11:45 AM Show Install now
v1.0.2 537 Nov 24th 2023 at 4:17 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 2971 Sep 23rd 2022 at 6:09 PM Show Install now

43 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Neocrife, Oct 27th at 12:22 PM

Does anyone know how to add animal of this mod on mod for cages like "animal cages" .

I tried this : 

{"name": "Alpaca-male-adult",
"scale": 0.9


for example but it dont work like if I can't really find how alpaca is called in this mod. Does anyone got an idea ?

💬 LumpyAcidFish, Oct 19th at 9:58 PM

oh sorry Keeroi

I just went back and checked, their hitboxes are really messed up you can only strike the camel from its belly

But I am finding alot of other creatures with messed up hitboxes like that

Frog AI is still broken

💬 Keeroi, Oct 19th at 9:18 PM

Don't really feel safe adding this until I get confirmation I can kill camels lol. 


Thanks for picking up the mod though

💬 LumpyAcidFish, Oct 19th at 9:42 AM

so frogs just stand still in one spot hopping

camels are invulnerable

crocs and hippos dont have the ai to leave the water they die on land

💬 Bone_D, Sep 29th at 11:39 AM

Thank you and Minni6in!

💬 Minni6in, Sep 28th at 4:28 PM

P.S I'm just back to play the game, the one mod I always wanted now exists, Hydration!

💬 Minni6in, Sep 28th at 4:23 PM

Well I'm glad this was picked up, I put like 5 months of my life into this mod. I often come back here to glance at it and remember the fun I was having while my creativity flowed.

💬 ParallelPenguins, Aug 19th at 10:02 PM

I'm not sure why but all the squirrels are upside down. they move and all but always belly up. It's cute, but I'm wondering if that's a bug or a feature.

💬 Moon_Dew, Aug 13th at 3:16 PM

I don't know if it's an issue with the mod itself or simply my modlist, but I can't do anything with snails.  I mean I can't remove them from their shells at all for some reason.

💬 Tels, Jun 7th at 10:58 AM

KenigVovan the dye patch problem with "expanded matter" comes because C&C adds dyes in front of the list like so:

   "op": "add",
   "path": "/0",

This can be easily fixed in your mod by:

  • not patching in recipes - you can just include the recipes in your own mod (which is most compatibility-friendly, and needs less time on startup)
  • or by changing `0` to `-` - then the recipes are added at the end of the list. Tho, this could still create conflicts with other mods that also want to add recipes or try to patch the vanilla recipes.

If you need help with implementing one of these solutions, you can ping me on Discord :)

💬 KenigVovanAuthor, May 19th at 12:18 PM


fixed fox patches, there are still warning for some missing textures

Issue/source link are added

💬 NMND, May 9th at 9:36 AM

I'd love to create an issue on github for you - I understand this post spams the comment section and I'm sorry. Please create and link a github issue tracker or something!

Using VS 1.19.7, your "creaturescan_1.0.8" displays several critical Patch errors (For a full detailed list see "Full error log") on server startup (I suspect incompability with "PetAI" (2.2.4) and/or "Entities Interact" (1.0.6) which are not there on 1.0.6 - including incompatibilities with "Expanded Matter" (especially red dye, I suspect this error comes from C&C 1.0.8 because it wasn't there in 1.0.6 - but in 1.0.2).

9.5.2024 11:17:03 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:entities/land/bear.json) in creaturescan:patches/VanillaCCeateachother.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/0/entityCodes/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/0/entityCodes/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/0, but then 'entityCodes' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
Full error log here
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/meatystew.json
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code game:creature-cassowary-egg-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/meatystew.json
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code game:creature-crocodile-egg-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/meatystew.json
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/meatystew.json
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/scrambledeggs.json
9.5.2024 11:17:54 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in cooking recipe game:recipes/cooking/soup.json
9.5.2024 11:17:07 [Error] Patch 1 (target: game:recipes/barrel/dye/red.json) in em:patches/survival-recipes-barrel-dye-red.json failed because supplied path /0/sealHours is invalid: The json path /0/sealHours was not found. Could traverse until /0, but then 'sealHours' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
"code": "dye-red",
"ingredients": [
"type": "item",
"code": "game:dilutedalumportion",
"litres": 4
"type": "item",
"code": "em:powdered-ore-cinnabar",
"quantity": 1
"output": {
"type": "item",
"code": "game:dye-red",
"litres": 4

1.0.6 only has one Error and a bunch of small warnings - which I'd rather overlook than 1.0.8:

9.5.2024 11:07:11 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code game:ivoryblock has and incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving crafting recipe ingredient with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in barrel recipe creaturescan:recipes/barrel/pickledeggs.json
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Event] 334 barrel recipes loaded (1 could not be resolved)
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in Block creaturescan:egg-kiwi-1
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in Block creaturescan:egg-kiwi-2
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code creaturescan:egg-kiwi-raw in Block creaturescan:egg-kiwi-3
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:creature-tortoise-baby in Block creaturescan:egg-tortoise-1
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Item code creaturescan:cookedinsect-cricket: Property GrindedStack is obsolete, please use GroundStack instead
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Item code creaturescan:cookedinsect-grasshopper: Property GrindedStack is obsolete, please use GroundStack instead
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Item code creaturescan:caribouantlers: Property GrindedStack is obsolete, please use GroundStack instead
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Item code creaturescan:gardensnailshell: Property GrindedStack is obsolete, please use GroundStack instead
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Item code creaturescan:pileofdrycochineal: Property GrindedStack is obsolete, please use GroundStack instead
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:elephanttusk-normal in Entity creaturescan:elephant-male
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:geckomeat-raw in Entity creaturescan:gecko
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:insect-glowworm in Entity creaturescan:glowworm
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:insect-slug in Entity creaturescan:slug
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-latte in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-latte
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-latte in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-latte
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-latte in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-latte
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-latte in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-latte
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-plain in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-plain
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-plain in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-plain
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-plain in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-plain
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-plain in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-plain
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-seafoam in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-seafoam
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-seafoam in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-seafoam
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-seafoam in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-seafoam
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-seafoam in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-seafoam
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-darkpurple in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-darkpurple
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-darkpurple in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-darkpurple
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-darkpurple in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-darkpurple
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-darkpurple in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-darkpurple
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-cinnamon in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-cinnamon
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-cinnamon in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-cinnamon
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-cinnamon in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-cinnamon
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-cinnamon in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-cinnamon
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-sundial-turquoise in Entity creaturescan:snail-sundial-turquoise
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-turritella-turquoise in Entity creaturescan:snail-turritella-turquoise
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-conch-turquoise in Entity creaturescan:snail-conch-turquoise
9.5.2024 11:07:12 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code game:snailwithshell-volute-turquoise in Entity creaturescan:snail-volute-turquoise

💬 Besnikdrown, Feb 25th at 3:00 AM

So i have killed about 20-30 crocs and I havent gotten one skin yet am I unlucky or is it broken?


💬 Calous, Feb 24th at 9:58 PM

Toads are spawning indoors like crazy, any chance that can be lowered significantly so there are less toad parties indoors?

toad.json line 214 is set to:

                "maxLightLevel": 14,


Guessing thats the cause.


💬 NMND, Feb 20th at 2:37 PM

Running v1.0.2 on 1.18.15 (gotta plan out my upgrade, not gonna hurry it), I get a

`[Server Error] Misconfigured entity. Entity with code 'creaturescan:alpaca-lamb' is configured (via Grow behavior) to grow into 'game:alpaca-male', but no such entity type was registered.`

on server startup (this happens to male and female alpaca lambs).

Is there a quickfix to therapy the Peter-Pan-Syndrome of Alpacas to stop their neotenic (like Axolotls) behaviour? :D

EDIT: I fixed it by changing "game:alpaca-male" to "creaturescan:alpaca-male" (same with female). I think, at least. This error is not there with creaturescan1.0.6 on VS 1.19.7.

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 4th at 3:03 AM

i don't knoiw how to tell if this is an isue or bad coincidence atm but about a year in game since adding mod and never one female alpaca.  The only other mod i have seen from this mod is squirels and never confirmed what they were.  Just putting it out there in case it is an issue.

💬 HalfdeadKiller, Feb 4th at 12:10 AM

Seems to be some sort of localization issue regarding these creatures and feeding troughs, as the tooltip displays a large window of item-creature-creaturescan:camel-male, as an example.

💬 KenigVovanAuthor, Feb 1st at 4:31 PM

Kirn bringitonwimps

fixed some json related parts, could resolve the problem with aitask exceptions and with creatures which stopped eat as well
in 1.0.6 for 1.19

For 1.18.15 I won't build any updates

💬 Kirn, Jan 31st at 5:53 PM

The mod make my creatures stop eating in a through. so i can't play with this mod. I tried every update of the mod and it never correct itself. i am in 1.18.15


💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 30th at 12:02 AM

thanksa that fixed that, i do now however have a lot of AI task errors i never had b4. idk if thats normal or not, but it appears to be related to this mod.   i can get a screen shot if you need it to determine if it is and if it is repairable.

thanks again

💬 KenigVovanAuthor, Jan 28th at 11:14 AM


Files for 1.19 are removed before I fix this "diet" exceptions


try 1.0.5 on 1.19.3

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 28th at 2:31 AM

im getting an error on server "no diet defined"

allong with a bunch of ai task errors.  mod isnt stopping the game from running or anything but i dont think any of the animals will eat.  not sure what other ai tasks are failing

💬 KenigVovanAuthor, Jan 27th at 5:21 PM


can be used with old worlds


added lang

💬 Kirn, Jan 27th at 4:55 PM

Did the mod need to be add on a new map or it will work on an already existing save?

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 27th at 12:56 PM

1.18 1.19
But my translation wasn't added :c

💬 Mendall, Jan 26th at 4:44 AM

Please, someone tell me this mod is going to be updated to 1.19 pleeeese

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 13th at 6:39 PM

Pack animals hasn't been working for a while afaik.

💬 GingerAiyle, Nov 28th 2023 at 7:03 PM

Using this in 1.18.15. I'm seeing in the recipe book that you can combine diluted alum with ground cochineal at a rate of 4L:1, or water at 4L:1 to get 4L of red dye, but those recipes are not actually working. The recipes for diluted casseterite and chromite do still work.

💬 Sebitoz, Oct 5th 2023 at 9:20 AM

Hey, is this work in 1.18.14 ? Im in creative looking for the animals but can't find them. Do i need to wait a few minutes or there are just rare ?

💬 PlaguedMongoose, Sep 6th 2023 at 12:16 AM

Does this mod work with the pack animals mod? And how does one tame the animals, I am struggling to figure that out

💬 DanaCraluminum, May 6th 2023 at 8:50 AM
💬 Handsomejack, May 5th 2023 at 11:31 PM

For some reason "Pumas" keep spawning in groups of 3-5 every ~5 mins untop of my house(which is located in a mountain) and they wont stop, the spawning area is also localised to be always in the same spot. 
Its becoming quite anoying and profitable(free bushmeat) at the same time, is there a way to reduce spawning chance without removing the mob entirely ? 

💬 Aurymn, Apr 23rd 2023 at 11:49 PM

Are there any known compatibility issues with other mods?

💬 AzuliBluespots, Apr 20th 2023 at 2:01 PM

Just so everyone knows, this is still working fine as of 1.18.0 - At least it seems like it is. Animals spawn where they're supposed to after a few minutes and behave as expected. Also still drop their materials. I didn't test yet taming or domesticating any of them, so share info if you have any.

E um update para a tradução pt-br.

Creatures and critters fix translation pt-br update 2023 -

💬 DarkNetNES, Dec 19th 2022 at 2:49 AM

up up up!!! 

💬 AzuliBluespots, Dec 12th 2022 at 8:05 PM

I made a pt-br translation for this mod. Hopefully it works with the original too.
Put it inside the lang folder for this mod with the name pt-br.json


Fiz uma tradução pt-br para a correção deste mod. Espero que funcione na original também.
Coloque dentro da pasta lang deste mod com o nome pt-br.json

💬 KenigVovanAuthor, Nov 28th 2022 at 4:08 PM



you don't need any other mods to run this one.

I don't know if it is compatible with or not.

💬 Stejer, Nov 26th 2022 at 2:19 PM

question, for this mod you need to have the original installed or this is an official update to say

also is this one compatible with the pack animals add-on of creatures and critters?

💬 sf87yomata, Oct 29th 2022 at 4:36 PM

If it doesnt work the first time you boot try at least one or more times. 

💬 sf87yomata, Oct 29th 2022 at 4:36 PM
💬 Luka, Sep 25th 2022 at 10:35 AM

Thank you very much😍😍

💬 Mendall, Sep 24th 2022 at 9:14 PM

I wander if you could do some of us a favor.
If you re upload a mod please don't assume we all automatically know what mod you uploaded. And give a simple description of what the mod does. Or at least don't abbreviate the original title of the mod so we can look it up for our selves.
I have no idea what CaC is or stands for.
Leaving me no way to figure out what this mod is meant to do.

💬 Sammy_SMD, Sep 24th 2022 at 6:30 PM

Thank youuuuu

(edit comment delete)