Mods / Lichen Continued

Category: #Cosmetics #Crafting #Furniture #Weapons
Author: Maamessu
Side: Both
Created: May 29th at 9:42 PM
Last modified: Jul 27th at 11:17 PM
Downloads: 6728
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Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

An updated version of the wonderful mod Lichen!


  • Two new creatures:
    • Gemsbok, a large antelope native to warm regions. These can be domesticated, bred, and milked!
    • The White Hart, a rare albino buck found in colder climates.
  • A simple wattle fence building block.
  • Hide cushions and pelt tent building blocks in all vanilla colours.
  • Reed-mats, thatch-mats, windchimes, & albino trophies.
  • Arrowheads and arrows made from vanilla & modded* antlers and horns.
  • Wicker tables, chairs, and partitions in vanilla & modded* wood types.

Additional Compatibility:

(that might never happen)

  • Reintroduce antler knives & pick
  • Reintroduce Gemsbok
  • Support for Tailor's Delight
  • Support Biomes
  • Support for Wildcraft: Trees
  • Support for Floral Zones
  • Support for Primitive Survival
  • Overhaul crafting recipes
  • PetAI tameable White Hart

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.8.3 2975 Jul 27th at 11:17 PM Show Install now
v1.8.2 589 Jul 21st at 11:17 PM Show Install now
v1.8.1 388 Jul 19th at 6:53 PM Show Install now
v1.8.0 278 Jul 16th at 10:30 PM Show Install now
v1.7.0 974 Jun 16th at 12:26 AM Show Install now
v1.6.14 270 Jun 10th at 6:38 AM Show Install now
v1.6.13 251 Jun 8th at 1:02 AM Show Install now
v1.6.12 64 Jun 7th at 11:59 PM Show Install now
v1.6.11 165 Jun 6th at 2:32 AM Show Install now
v1.6.10 228 Jun 3rd at 3:02 AM Show Install now
v1.6.8 61 Jun 3rd at 1:03 AM Show Install now
v1.6.7 207 Jun 1st at 6:43 AM Show Install now
v1.6.6 73 May 31st at 5:00 PM Show Install now
v1.6.5 72 May 30th at 5:50 PM Show Install now
v1.6.4 70 May 30th at 3:16 AM Show Install now
v1.6.3 63 May 29th at 9:46 PM Show Install now

39 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Huldra, 1 hour ago

While looking at recipies my game crassed when I selected a tapestry. I experimented wiht my mods and found when I toggle this one off it does not crash while looking at tapestries in the handbook. However, with it on, it crashes. I get the same log each time.

Critical error occurred
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.1.5, bettersticks@1.1.0, bettertraders@0.0.7, buzzybees@1.0.3, chiseltools@1.12.8, claycasting@1.1.5, domesticanimaltrader@1.0.1, HangingOilLamps@1.0.1, immersivecorpsedrop@1.0.2, moreicons_cs@1.1.0, primitivesurvival@3.6.4, restoredhaircolors@1.0.0, saltandsands@1.0.2, game@1.19.8, vtr@4.0.4, animationmanagerlib@0.8.8, berrybushfixes@1.1.1, betterfirepit@1.1.4, betterruins@0.3.7, biggercellars@1.0.0, carryon@1.7.4, commonlib@2.5.0-rc.2, configureeverything@2.1.2, danatweaks@3.2.1, doubleslabs@0.1.1, expandedfoods@1.7.0, fromgoldencombs@1.6.3, herbarium@1.3.0, lichenredux@1.8.3, maltiezbows@1.0.4, nbcartographer@2.0.10, nohands@0.1.1, petai@2.2.6, prospecttogether@1.3.0, rivers@3.1.0, simplefootstepsredux@1.0.0, somethinginthewater@1.2.4, trailmod@1.0.8, vanvar@5.0.4, creative@1.19.8, vsimgui@1.1.5, survival@1.19.8, wildfarmingrevival@1.2.5, bullseye-continued@2.5.8, cats@2.0.3, tradercamps@1.1.4, configlib@1.3.13, em@2.7.0, foxtaming@1.4.0, fsmlib@0.4.5, playercorpse@1.10.1-rc.1, stonepiles@1.1.2, wildcraftfruit@1.2.2, wildcraftherb@0.0.1, wildcrafttree@1.2.0, wolftaming@2.1.3, bricklayers@2.5.6, maltiezcrossbows@0.3.11, maltiezfirearms@0.5.4, moreroads@1.5.8, statushudcont@2.1.1, moreroadschiselbegone@1.0.0
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockTapestry.GetBaseCode(String type) in VSSurvivalMod\Block\BlockTapestry.cs:line 188
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockTapestry.GetWordedSection(ItemSlot slot, IWorldAccessor world) in VSSurvivalMod\Block\BlockTapestry.cs:line 426
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockTapestry.GetHeldItemInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, StringBuilder dsc, IWorldAccessor world, Boolean withDebugInfo) in VSSurvivalMod\Block\BlockTapestry.cs:line 365
at Vintagestory.API.Common.ItemStack.GetDescription(IWorldAccessor world, ItemSlot inSlot, Boolean debug) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\ItemStack.cs:line 401
at Vintagestory.API.Client.SlideshowItemstackTextComponent.OnRequireInfoText(ItemSlot slot) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\Richtext\SlideshowItemstackTextComponent.cs:line 178
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemstackInfo.AsyncRecompose() in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementItemstackInfo.cs:line 142
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemstackInfo.SetSourceSlot(ItemSlot nowSlot, Boolean forceRecompose) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementItemstackInfo.cs:line 252
at Vintagestory.API.Client.ItemstackComponentBase.RenderItemstackTooltip(ItemSlot slot, Double renderX, Double renderY, Single dt) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\Richtext\ItemstackComponentBase.cs:line 67
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementRichtext.RenderInteractiveElements(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementRichtext.cs:line 484
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer.Render(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\GuiComposer.cs:line 716
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnRenderGUI(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Dialog\GuiDialog.cs:line 385
at Vintagestory.GameContent.GuiDialogHandbook.OnRenderGUI(Single deltaTime) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\Handbook\Gui\GuiDialogHandbook.cs:line 500
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnRenderFrameGUI(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Gui\GuiManager.cs:line 318
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Util\ClientEventManager.cs:line 186
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 809
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 1013
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 676
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 651
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 324
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93

💬 Linek, 2 days ago

Please add compatibility to Combat Overchaul mod <3

💬 REBSHTGNWR, Sep 24th at 3:28 PM

does windchime make noise?

💬 Nebux, Sep 4th at 3:47 PM

wattle fence hitbox at a corner takes full block after  update

💬 Hydromancerx, Aug 6th at 8:10 PM

I was trying an australian start and i noticed the Gemsbok appeared in that region. They should't be in the Australasian region. Realsticlly they shoud be Atlantic Afrotropic, Eastern Afrotropic and Atlantic Palearctic. Since Atlantic Palarctic covers the sahrah desert.

💬 Kanahaku, Aug 5th at 1:58 PM

Hi! I`ve added compatibility of "Lichen Continued" with my mod "(Not Only) Spear Expantion" 
(Thx for your work!)

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jul 27th at 11:20 PM

Thank you for the bug report, UA_Shaman. It helped me find a few other errors which should be fixed now!

💬 UA_Shaman, Jul 26th at 7:54 PM

While playing with the creature spawn, I noticed an error in your code that does not allow you to register the runtime system. Note the quotes in the spawnconditions section. You have them closed in advance just before the runtime code. I hope for a fix. Glad to help.

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jul 24th at 5:56 PM

SkullyDog - I think I know what you are talking about, but a screenshot would help. If you are describing what I think you are, that is a base-game bug with the shape used for carpets (and thus mats).

💬 SkullyDog, Jul 24th at 3:36 PM

It seems that sometimes the double wide mats will have a buggy texture when placed down where it seems as if it's meshed with the block it's placed on rather than fully covering like it used to.


💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jul 18th at 4:03 AM

Marlim - I have considered this, but there are no immediate plans to do so. Should I manage to get PetAI working with the White Hart, I will split off the animals into a seperate mod with PetAI as a dependency. This would both respect Lich's original desire to keep Lichen dependency free, and to retire the animals from the mod.

NightstalkerAvi - That's strange and I will see if I can fix it. Sorry about that!

💬 Marlim, Jul 18th at 12:38 AM

Do you intend to make a version just with animals?

💬 NightstalkerAvi, Jul 17th at 10:07 PM

Heyya! I'm not sure if it's something about the forum or something on my end but the changelog for the most recent update seems to be blank aside from the bullet points. Is it showing up that way for you as well or is my computer just being wonky again?
Specifically the changelog option in the files tab, just in case I didn't make sense.

EDIT: Turns out the text is there but it's white so you have to highlight it. Derp. Should have checked a bit more before posting sorry

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jul 17th at 5:28 PM

Stejer - I have no intention of changing the models. I actually prefer the original art style. For PetAI, I want to make White Hart rideable like horses.

💬 Stejer, Jul 17th at 1:36 PM

I would like to know if it was possible for in the future to change the model of the white hart to look closer to ther deers we have now. The deers we already have are slimmer and less blocky than the ones in this mod so it kinda makes it look weird in comparison to the others (same thing with the gazelle would be nice). I know originally the animals were very blocky and bulky just like how the sheep, but I think VS is heading in a direction of slimmer more "realistic"  looking creatures.


You say that in your road map you have the intention of being able to tame the white hart with PetAI. However PetAI (normally) is used for pet wich have a special, immediete use, like horse for transportation or wolves/dogs for protection. So Id like to know what are you planning with the hart since its not a mod used for animals to be milked or killed for meat?

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jul 1st at 5:50 PM

Hvarthtonn - Thank you for the report. This is a known issue involving most Floral Zone crescent chairs at the moment and will be fixed in the next release. Sorry for the inconvience!

💬 Hvarthtonn, Jun 30th at 10:26 PM

Running on 64 bit Windows 10.0.19045.0 with 16273 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.19.8 (Stable)
7/1/2024 10:29:08 AM: Critical error occurred
Loaded Mods: atwatersedge@1.4.1, bettertraders@0.0.7, chiseltools@1.12.3, floralzonesneozeylandicregion@1.0.3, dinornithidae@0.6.0, indappledgroves@0.6.0-dev.3, palisademod@1.1.0, primitivesurvival@3.5.6, Vanilla_PlusWorldGen@1.3.5, game@1.19.8, animationmanagerlib@0.8.8, betterjonasdevices@1.1.0, betterruins@0.3.5, blacksmithenhancements@1.0.5, commonlib@2.4.0, cooperativecombat@1.1.1, decayingcreatures@0.0.3, electricity@0.0.11, hydrateordiedrate@1.1.2, lib2d@1.0.0, lichenredux@1.7.0, meteoricexpansion@1.2.5, outlawmod@1.2.3, petai@2.2.5, postsandbeams@1.3.2, rivers@3.1.0, rustboundmagic@1.9.74, simplecloth@1.0.2, tentbag@2.0.0, th3dungeon@0.2.1, trailmod@1.0.8, creative@1.19.8, vsimgui@1.1.5, survival@1.19.8, vsvillage@1.0.0, warmarmor@1.1.0, betterbamboo@1.0.2, bullseye-continued@2.5.8, configlib@1.3.13, electricityaddon@0.0.2, feverstonehorses@1.6.1, fishing@2.0.2, fsmlib@0.4.5, naturalspawns@1.1.0, playercorpse@1.10.1-rc.1, simplevillages@1.0.1, wolftaming@2.1.2, maltiezcrossbows@0.3.11, maltiezfirearms@0.5.4
System.NullReferenceException: Unable to to find a rotated block with code lichen:crescentchair-dacrydiumcupressinum-north, you're maybe missing the side variant group of have a dash in your block code
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockBehaviorHorizontalOrientable.TryPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, ItemStack itemstack, BlockSelection blockSel, EnumHandling& handling, String& failureCode) in VSSurvivalMod\BlockBehavior\BehaviorHorizontalOrientable.cs:line 50
at Vintagestory.API.Common.Block.TryPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, ItemStack itemstack, BlockSelection blockSel, String& failureCode) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\Block\Block.cs:line 813
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnPlayerTryPlace(BlockSelection blockSelection, String& failureCode) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 1652
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnBlockBuild(BlockSelection blockSelection, Block onBlock, String& failureCode) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 698
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleMouseInteractionsBlockSelected(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 553
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.UpdatePicking(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 220
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 83
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Util\ClientEventManager.cs:line 186
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 809
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 1009
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 241
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 676
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 651
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 324
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93

💬 dangerousb, Jun 19th at 3:56 AM

Maamessu - Awesome, thanks! I'll add the fences, I totally missed them in that screenshot

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jun 19th at 2:06 AM

dangerousb - Not a bug, no. The tent door and tent blocks don't "snap" together the same way tent blocks (or fences, which are what the tent blocks are based on) snap to each other. You'd see a similar effect if you placed a vanilla door adjacent to vanilla fences. A few ways to work around this are: 1) Use full blocks to frame the door, since both doors and fences will snap to them; 2) Use wattle or other fencing as shown in screenshot #2, which will fill in the gap by "curving" the tent blocks, 3) Use fence gates instead of doors, which will snap to the tent blocks.

💬 dangerousb, Jun 19th at 12:24 AM

Loving the mod so far! I ran into a weird issue though. My pelt tent door has a weird gap between it and the pelt tent walls. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Here's a screenshot of what I mean:

💬 CKitt, Jun 16th at 1:24 PM

I am really enjoying this mod so far! My server's gemsbok domestication program is working very well.

💬 Hydromancerx, Jun 10th at 6:30 PM

Slabs are a good idea i am going to use the bamboo slabs. It too bad you cannot just use the tent wall texture on a base game slab though. But i understand that you don't do models. I just thouhgt maybe because you rextured the reed mats you could retexture a slab to match the tent walls.

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jun 10th at 6:19 PM

Hydromancerx - No. I don't do models. I recommend using Billy's TentBag, which is a fork of JakeCool19's tent bag from Useful Stuff. Alternatively, I often use stick layers, slabs, chiseled blocks, or a combination of all three for flat tops.

💬 Hydromancerx, Jun 10th at 5:39 PM

I was trying to make a tent but i couldn't find a flat top for it using the tent part. Could you make a flat tent part for the roof? Thanks!

I am using it with the tent bag from Still Useful Stuff mod. I only have 7x3x7 space so having a flat roof would help a lot.

💬 CKitt, Jun 10th at 3:59 PM

This mod is absolutely delightful! Thank you for bringing it back, it was from before I'd started playing.

💬 l33tmaan, Jun 8th at 6:22 AM

It's so nice to have these items back. Thank you!

💬 Hydromancerx, Jun 8th at 3:22 AM


Thank you for adding back in the Gemsbok!
Could you add a patch for the Biome mod sothe Gemsbok and White Heart show up in their realms?
Probbbly will be something like ...

White Heart
"pacific nearctic",
"atlantic nearctic",
"atlantic palearctic",
"central palearctic",
"eastern palearctic",
"pacific palearctic",
"pacific neotropic",
"atlantic neotropic"

"atlantic palearctic",
"central palearctic",
"atlantic afrotropic",
"eastern afrotropic"

Tentharchitect can probbly help you since he has done many Biomes mod patches for his FoSA mods.

Thanks inadvance!

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jun 7th at 2:41 PM

Exmortis - Thank Lich! It is their original work! I'm just lovingly tending to the mod for the time being. =3 I'll add butchery support to the roadmap as something to look into for future updates, but no promises.

💬 Exmortis, Jun 7th at 8:42 AM


Digging the models 
Is there any chance we could get Butchery support for the White Stag?
I'm a huge fan of the Butchery mod and tend to avoid using mods that add mobs without them being supported.

No stress if not!

💬 Ket, Jun 6th at 4:03 PM

Reed mat rotation!! <3 and they come in green now?? Looks great!

💬 Marlim, Jun 1st at 10:49 PM

Ok, sorry

💬 MaamessuAuthor, Jun 1st at 10:17 PM

Marlim - That is something for Dnd to do.

💬 Marlim, Jun 1st at 5:00 PM

Do you intend to add compatibility with the Entities Configuration mod?


💬 Frepo, Jun 1st at 8:17 AM

Heeey, it lives again!!!! :D

💬 MaamessuAuthor, May 31st at 10:23 PM

FennecFyre - I have updated the description to include the feature list of the mod. There are no pre-generated structures or new plants contained within. Lichen is primarily a stoneage/pre-metalworking furniture/decoration mod.

💬 FennecFyre, May 31st at 9:43 PM

Is there a full feature list for this mod anywhere? The original Lichen website is down so I can only infer from the OG mod's screenshots what's in the mod. If the mod adds new plants or structures that generate naturally I imagine I would have to travel really far to see it?

💬 MaamessuAuthor, May 30th at 5:58 PM

Hydromancerx - Lower in priority. Their seek-food behaviour will need a slight update with the changes to the basegame since being originally written, and I'm not working on that yet. I'm more interested in Lich's furniture and decor, but I shall add the gemsbok onto the to-do list after I'm happy with some recipe overhauls.

Lich - Thank you for making it! It's been a must have for me since it was released! 😊

💬 Lich, May 30th at 3:01 PM

thanks for updating it. whenever I get time to work on lichen again, i'll roll in any improvements you make xwx

💬 Hydromancerx, May 30th at 7:17 AM

Why was the gemsbok removed? I understand the deer was redundant but i don't think any mod has a gemsbok (yet).

(edit comment delete)