Mods / [OBSOLETE] Advanced Backpack Construction System Reborn

Category: #Cosmetics #Crafting #Furniture #Storage
Author: UA_Shaman
Side: Both
Created: May 6th 2023 at 3:27 PM
Last modified: Jul 1st at 7:34 PM
Downloads: 37261
Follow Unfollow 323

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install


Розробка цього моду припинена назавжди, весь здобутий досвід й поліпшення будуть використані/використано для розвитку оновленого моду на рюкзаки -
Development of this mod has been stopped forever, all experience and improvements will be used/used to develop the updated backpack mod -

The original mod is Advanced Backpack Construction System, the author of the mod is Jobediah
Many thanks to him for the idea of developing this mod.

Advanced Backpack Construction System this is construction system for Linen and Leather backpacks.

Fixes, edits, development and testing are done specifically for/on the server:

  • Для того щоб безпечно перенести рюкзаки з моду ABCS на новий мод FendragonBCS необхідно встановити два моди одночасно, переробити рюкзаки які вам потрібні за допомогою крафту.
    Лише після цього видалити мод ABCS.
  • In order to safely transfer backpacks from the ABCS mod to the new FendragonBCS mod, you need to install two mods at the same time, rework the backpacks you need using crafting.
    Only after that remove the ABCS mod.

Before installation, I RECOMMEND backing up files.

Please attention! In mod version 0.1.7 is for survival hardcore. Number of slots has been reduced in it!

Be sure to read the changelog!

Backpacks available for crafting:

Linen backpack:                              Leather backpack:

Mini (8 slots)                                   Mini (10 slots)
Tall (12 slots)                                  Tall (12 slots)
Basic (14 slots)                               Basic (14 slots)
Super (18 slots)                              Super (18 slots)
Mega (22 slots)                               Mega (22 slots)
Ultra (26 slots)                                Ultra (26 slots)

Possible updates note:

  • add config file for capacity (in process)
  • add config file for server owners (begraund color, slots) (in process)
  • speciality backpacks (mining, farming etc) (in process) - idea Azraile


✅Додано переклади:
Laerinok - Fr
Chrizzlybear - De
Нажаль посилання від Gerard_ з польським перекладом не доступне
Це останнє оновлення цього моду! В подальшому буде здійснено перехід на нову версію моду.

✅Added translations:
Laerinok - Fr
Chrizzlybear - De
Unfortunately, the link from Gerard_ with the Polish translation is not available
This is the last update of this mod! In the future, a transition to a new version of the mod will be made.


✅Додано можливість рекрафту Шкіряного рюкзака.
✅Додано можливість рекрафту всіх модових рюкзаків.
Звісно рекрафт рюкзаків повертає не всі ресурси які були витрачені на його створення. Дрібниця, а все таки приємно.

✅Added the ability to recraft the Leather Backpack.
✅The possibility of recrafting all fashionable backpacks has been added.
Of course, recrafting backpacks does not return all the resources that were spent on its creation. A trifle, but still


Апгрейд до версії гри 1.19.4
Нічого не змінено, нічого не вирізано.

Upgrade to game version 1.19.4
Nothing has been changed, nothing has been cut.


✅Додано можливість крафту мисливського рюкзака за допомогою кошика з очерету й промащеної шкіри (дивно, чому про це ніхто не написав 😝)

✅Added the ability to craft a hunting backpack using a cane basket and greased leather (wonder why no one wrote about this 😝)


Невеликий фікс, нічого критичного )

Small fix, nothing critical)

v0.1.7 (Please attention! In mod version 0.1.7 is for survival hardcore. Number of slots has been reduced in it!)

Додана версія для хардкору з розмірами рюкзаків:
Міні - 8 слотів
Талл - 10 слотів
Базовий - 12 слотів
Супер - 14 слотів
Мега - 16 слотів
Ультра - 18 слотів

Added hardcore version with backpack sizes:
Mini - 8 slots
Tall - 10 slots
Basic - 12 slots
Super - 14 slots
Mega - 16 slots
Ultra - 18 slots


✳️Адаптовано й оновлено мод під версію гри 1.19.3

✳️Adapted and updated mod for game version 1.19.3


✅Додано в рецепт "Міні-льняного рюкзака" варіанти полотна: "Полотно із ромбовидними швами","Полотно зі звичайними швами","Полотно зі зміщеними швами" й "Полотно із квадратними швами"
✅Виправлено помилку отримування дубленої шкіри з "Мисливського рюкзака"

⏺При тестах на версії гри 1.19+ не було виявлено ніяких проблем, якщо ви помітили якусь помилку пишіть в коментарі. Будемо працювати разом над виявленням помилок.

✅Added in recipe to the "Mini Linen Backpack" options: "Diamond Seam Canvas", "Normal Seam Canvas", "Offset Seam Canvas" and "Square Seam Canvas"
✅Fixed a bug in getting tanned leather from the "Hunting Backpack"

⏺During the tests on the game version 1.19+, no problems were found, if you notice any error, write in the comments. We will work together to identify errors.


✅Відредактовані деякі конфіги в моді (більше розраховано на серверну частину)
✅Додано можливість перероблення шкіряних рюкзаків в льнянні й навпаки
(додатково отримуєте матеріал з якого було зроблено основний рюкзак.
Перетворюючи високий шкіряний рюкзак в високий льнянний рюкзак ви отримаєте назад шкіру в кількості 10шт,
яка використовувалася для створення високого шкіряного рюкзака)

✅Edited some configs in the mod (more designed for the server part)
✅Added the ability to convert leather backpacks into linen and reverse
(in addition, you get the material from which the main backpack was made.
By turning a tall leather backpack into a tall linen backpack, you will get back leather in the amount of 10 pieces,
which was used to create a tall leather backpack)


✅Changed some configs in the mod (I hope there won't be any errors)
✅Added Portuguese (Brazilian) translation to the mod, thanks @Yanazake for the translation.


✅Backpack models have been improved.
✅Added buttons depending on the stone used in crafting and wooden buttons.
❌Removed "Old Backpacks" - I warned everyone about it
❌Removed unnecessary configs.


▶️The crafting system of all backpacks has been redesigned. Now starting with the Tall Backpack, the same upgrade materials are used, you are free to choose which way to go. You can choose through linen or leather.

▶️Reworked the number of slots in linen backpacks, now it is identical to leather ones starting with the Tall backpack.

▶️Rewrote the leather backpack code that allows you to use the flashlight, IT NOW GLOWS )) but there is a caveat.

▶️At this moment, two types of leather backpacks have been added: Old (it will be written in the tooltip) and ordinary.

Old backpacks will have to be converted into ordinary ones, the craft is simple - a knife in the upper slot and a backpack in the center.
This is to ensure that you don't lose your stuff when you install a new patch.
Be sure to convert all of your Old Backpacks into regular Backpacks and warn other players if you are playing on the server.
In the next updates, the old backpacks will simply disappear!



More and more people have told me that the recipe for linen backpacks is too light compared to leather. This is fixed in this fix, I hope so 😅
Gems are now required to upgrade linen backpacks (I add gems to backpack models in the future, mayby 🙃 )
The leather backpack upgrade has also changed. Instead of laminations or chains, only plates are needed now (thanks to the winch developers for adding something that can't be forged/smelted. standing ovation 🤬)


Small file fix, nothing special


Add Japanes translate by: macoto_hino


A small recipe fix: replaced the lamellas with metalchain (as it turned out, not all types of lamellas can be made)
Many thanks to the players on the [UA] Wooden Story Tale server who discovered this bug.


  • After talking with players on the servers and just friends, I decided to radically change the backpack crafting system.
  • Now crafting will require more materials than before, crafting has become more complex and interesting (in my opinion).
  • Added leather backpacks that can now be crafted.
  • Added new standard backpack craft.
  • Added the ability to cut a linen bag and a hunter's backpack.

I know about overlapping textures of backpacks, I am working on a solution to this issue.
Unfortunately, I still can't figure out how to make the lights work in leather backpacks. The linen lanterns work.

If you don't want to make it harder for yourself to survive, or you don't want innovations, just don't update yourself on a server or solo game. But keep in mind, updates to the old version will not be released.

Before installation, I RECOMMEND backing up files.



Small fix of config files (please test Ultra backpack)
If there are bugs, please revert to version 0.0.3, bversion 0.0.4 and 0.0.5 are slightly changed. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks DeNoven for the testing, and here are his notes:

Did a little testing with 0.0.3 through 0.0.5;

  • Going forward a version turns the backpacks from the previous versions into a flat white square, no inv, itemtype: ID
  • The inventory is preserved but inaccessible - as chuckles says, this reverts ok when downgrading, inventory is still there.
  • Newly created backpacks (post-upgrade) do not have this issue.

My advice for users seeing this is; dump your items into other containers. Swap to a future version, then dump the broken backpacks and either make new ones or spawn them via a quick change to creative via /gamemode


Fix capacity Ultra linen backpack
Added the ability to put backpacks on the ground and pick them back up.
Added models of leather backpacks: mini, basic, super, mega, ultra.
Some configs that could cause a crash have been changed (thanks to the master, guru, mentor and just a good friend DArkHekRoMaNT for the tips).

Updating the game to version 1.18.2 and 1.18.3 doesn't seem to break anything (checked on the server)


Changed background colors in linen backpacks 
Fixed some bugs in mod code.
Added two leather backpacks (They are implemented simply as models, it is not possible to craft them because there are no recipes. They are required for future updates).

Most important:
Fixed a bug that led to the departure of players on servers. The tests were conducted on the test server. I will be very grateful for your feedback. Don't forget to save just in case!


Fix error [missing modinfo.json]

I apologize for possible long updates or developments, I live in Ukraine 💛💙.
I hope you understand that there may be delays and why exactly.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.2.2 4975 Jul 1st at 7:34 PM Show Install now
v0.2.1 8548 Mar 9th at 11:52 AM Show Install now
v0.2.0 906 Mar 2nd at 4:36 PM Show Install now
v0.1.9 1327 Feb 23rd at 6:03 PM Show Install now
v0.1.8 3294 Feb 4th at 9:01 PM Show Install now
v0.1.7 256 Feb 4th at 8:45 PM Show Install now
v0.1.6 190 Feb 4th at 8:34 PM Show Install now
v0.1.5 2263 Jan 19th at 8:10 PM Show Install now
v0.1.4 1438 Dec 25th 2023 at 1:40 PM Show Install now
v0.1.3 3637 Oct 16th 2023 at 7:10 AM Show Install now
v0.1.2 3404 Aug 13th 2023 at 9:00 AM Show Install now
v0.1.1 1934 Jun 30th 2023 at 5:34 PM Show Install now
v0.1.0 681 Jun 27th 2023 at 6:43 PM Show Install now
v0.0.9 419 Jun 25th 2023 at 6:46 AM Show Install now
v0.0.8 236 Jun 25th 2023 at 6:24 AM Show Install now
v0.0.7 259 Jun 24th 2023 at 4:42 PM Show Install now
v0.0.6 1428 May 25th 2023 at 6:36 PM Show Install now
v0.0.5 646 May 13th 2023 at 7:25 AM Show Install now
v0.0.4 237 May 12th 2023 at 6:58 PM Show Install now
v0.0.3 384 May 10th 2023 at 7:56 PM Show Install now
v0.0.2 615 May 6th 2023 at 4:24 PM Show Install now
v0.0.1 184 May 6th 2023 at 4:05 PM Show Install now

100 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Terrek, Jul 9th at 9:25 PM

Any chance of adding comptability with Dried Fire Fuels? As soon as the wood starts drying, it's no longer viable for the backpacks.It's not a show stopper, just annoying. :P

💬 Chrizzlybear, Jul 1st at 11:52 AM

Hi, I translated it into german.

💬 Michael00181, Jun 25th at 8:47 PM

Currently no amtter what tier of linned backpack I have my lantern won't work while in any of the backpack slots

EDIT: I'm a morn I forgot that was from still useful stuff and nott his mod. 

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 18th at 5:55 PM

Support for this mod will be discontinued in the near future. A new bag mod is being prepared for release, which has already been developed, changed models, crafting and added useful functions that were not in this mod. Follow the page and updates.

💬 BoredGuy, Jun 18th at 11:22 AM

hey uh minor suggestion but its not mandatory maybe make it so that the non-leather crafted backpack doesnt give leather when deconstructed instead gives medium pelts 

main way i think you could differentiate this is by putting (pelt) on the name so that its easier to figure out if you'll get leather back or pelts back, hope you're safe 

💬 Gerard_, Jun 14th at 1:29 AM

Polish translation
Great Mod :)

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Apr 27th at 4:15 PM

The idea is certainly interesting, I would like to do it, but I do not know the C# programming language. And because of the JSON config, it is not possible to do this, and the game itself will not allow it to be done.

💬 Kemble, Apr 26th at 8:09 PM

UA_Shaman Suggestion...  On the larger backpacks (Mega, & Ultra) Can you modify the extra slots to be insulated?  So we can put food in those spots and they have much longer spoil times?  I think that would be very cool and gives an even more incentive and perk to craft up the chain to get to the higher backpacks.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Apr 7th at 10:23 AM

Maybe I had such an idea. Only I don't remember why I left her 🤪

💬 Azraile, Apr 7th at 8:51 AM

Can you consider adding tiered (and a little bigger) speciality backpacks too?

Like miners (for ore and stone), farmers (for plants and seeds... maybe some stuff like rot and compost), foragers (for mushrooms, flowers, and barries... maybe some random stuff), butchers (for animal corpses), bookbag (for books, scrolls, and papers).....  ect ect ect

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Apr 6th at 5:58 AM

No, there will be no undyed skin. This will make backpacks cheaper in general.
For solo play, you can change this to whatever you want in the recipe config files.
For multiplayer, thanks to the team of developers who helped make this mod, the optimal version of the recipes was found.

UPD: version VS 1.19.7 tested whitch v.0.2.1 mod, no problem find.

💬 SwedishFreaK, Apr 5th at 11:28 PM

Would it be possible to get also in a future update a config with not just capacity modification but also a easy way to change the recipe from dyed leather to just normal leather and so forth?

💬 Laerinok, Mar 11th at 12:12 PM


Yes everything is OK. that's just I am a little confused with your ranking, but it's subjective. I translated it as you described it, so don't matter ;)

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Mar 11th at 11:47 AM

Just look at the picture above for the description of the backpack slots.
Tall - 12 slots, base - 14.
As a conclusion, the base in my mod is more than the high. If everything is fine with your translation, I will add it in the next update. Thank you.

💬 Laerinok, Mar 10th at 11:23 AM


Hello, I am going to translate in french, but I am a little confused with two variants. In my mind a tall bag is bigger than a basic bag. But the basic one is made by upgrading the tall bag. So it is finally bigger.
I wanna be sure it was what you meant before sending my translation.

French translation :

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Mar 9th at 3:06 PM

I will make an update for this version in the near future

💬 Psyborg, Mar 9th at 1:43 PM

Any chance to update the Hardcore version? Since it's just the number of slots I guess?

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Mar 9th at 9:39 AM

Thanks, glad to hear that!😘

💬 Morggin, Mar 8th at 5:43 AM

Thanks, this is a great mod!!🤠

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Feb 23rd at 10:09 PM

In the near future, I will still make a config that will allow you to adjust the number of slots and the color in backpacks, then the need for hard core mod will disappear.

💬 Dr_Cummies, Feb 23rd at 9:15 PM

Is the new 1.9 a hardcore patch or will there be one made for the hardcore version?

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Feb 23rd at 5:12 PM

Thanks for the feedback, what do you mean by "other purposes"? Backpack slots are the amount of space in which you carry things and items. For example, there are only 3/4 slots in an ordinary wicker basket (depending on the version of the game)

💬 Medic8dGamer710, Feb 22nd at 1:34 AM

I'm curious about the "slots" mentioned in the descriptions of the backpacks; are they purely cosmetic or do they serve some other purpose? 🤔


Either way, excellent mod, a definite must have!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Feb 10th at 10:20 PM

It doesn't matter, you don't need it.

💬 JD2, Feb 10th at 8:50 PM

Was the small tweak/fix for 1.8 added to 1.7?

💬 TRexTheHunter, Feb 6th at 2:41 PM

thanks for v0.1.7! thats exactly what I was looking for! Sp0wN

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Feb 6th at 8:43 AM

Yes, in version 0.1.8 the size of backpacks has been returned to their previous size. Only version 0.1.7 is made for hardcore.

💬 Bl0ckparty, Feb 6th at 8:26 AM

Is v0.1.8 still the old pack sizes or the new hardcore reduced sizes?

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 4th at 10:53 PM

sweet thanks will do!


💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Feb 4th at 9:02 PM

Can test version 0.1.7 hardcore, it is made for you)

💬 Kessem, Feb 1st at 12:26 AM


Thanks for the reply, I'll look into it.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 31st at 9:09 PM

No, I don't plan to add sorting. This mod is already exists in Mod DB - Sortable Storage 

💬 Kessem, Jan 30th at 7:10 PM

Is there a plan to add sorting option to the backpacks? they do get rather large and cumbersome to find stuff, lol :D.

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 26th at 4:18 AM

Awesome, thanks!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 25th at 4:39 PM

If there is time, I will create a version for hardcore, as you ask 😈 I myself am a technical administrator of the server, so I understand what you want and for what 😅

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 25th at 12:49 AM

would it be hard to make a "hard Version" where you just change the packs to satart at 6,7,8,9,10,11,12, i think there are 6 levels right?  i feel like in reality its more in line with the base game backpack steps.  not my mod so im just asking, no requirement.


💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 24th at 8:59 PM

Unfortunately, I do not know how to make such a configuration for the server yet. Need to learn C#. In the future, there are plans to make such a configuration. It will relate to the color and capacity of the backpacks.
Dziękuję, bardzo miło jest czytać takie słowa.

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 23rd at 12:22 AM

is there a config yet to adjust bag sizes and or recipes?.. i care more about sizes as for my server and player count these bags progress to high.  nothing wrtong with it i just need a config if im gonna use it. otherwise really cool mod

💬 1Helios, Jan 22nd at 10:06 PM

Powiem tak. Super.  Dziękuję

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 8th at 9:39 AM

I am very glad that you like it, I will be grateful for the feedback.

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Jan 7th at 10:53 PM

Awesome, really appreciate your work and your reply. I'll be starting up a 1.19 world fairly soon and will definitely help report any issues.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 7th at 4:04 PM

Of course, there are plans to move to 1.19. Only when a stable version will be released will there be development.

UPD: Tested the mod for 1.19 in a solo game, everything works without problems. Anyone who wants can help with the tests and post the result here. I will be grateful.

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Jan 7th at 3:51 PM

Love this mod, do you have plans to update to 1.19?

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jan 3rd at 10:51 AM

I do like this mod but I would love a little less insane version of this. The top backpacks really are WAAY over the top

Thank you very much, it's great to hear that you like the mod.
As you can see this mod is used on the multiplayer server, all the crafting has been edited over time, which has made it possible to arrive at a more or less normal crafting.
If you're playing a solo game, just change the backpack crafting to whatever you want to see.

💬 McJty, Jan 3rd at 8:26 AM

I do like this mod but I would love a little less insane version of this. The top backpacks really are WAAY over the top

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Dec 28th 2023 at 9:04 PM

1. If you change a tall leather one to a tall linen one you'll get 10 leather back(from 12 used) and you'll need to add 12 linen fabric right?
Yes you are right, exactly as you described
for a detailed understanding of the rework, I will add screenshots later.

💬 XurxoMF, Dec 27th 2023 at 9:20 PM

Simple question, if you turn a leather backpack into a linen backpack you'll need the lines and you'll get back the leather of all the levels or just the level the backpack is rn? I meam:
1. If you change a tall leather one to a tall linen one you'll get 10 leather back(from 12 used) and you'll need to add 12 linen fabric right?
2. If you convert a basic leather one into a basic linen one you'll get back 20 leather(12 tall + 12 basic) and need 24 linen(12 tall + 12 basic) or you'll get back 10 leather(the basi one) and need 12 lines(the basic one too)?


💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Oct 15th 2023 at 8:02 AM

I will not go into an excursion on scripting, if you remove the comma you are writing about, the game may issue errors. Also, all the code will not work correctly. Because you haven't finished the script. This is all that just one coma can lead to. If you play solo, then just remove the line with slotBgColor and only after that you can remove the comma. It should be something like this:

backpack: {
                 quantitySlots: 18

💬 Bladeorc7, Sep 27th 2023 at 4:25 PM

AFoxInAviators I had the same question, open the zip and go to itemtypes, then navigate until you are at the .json files for all the bags, then open it in notepad and remove the line with slotBgColor. Oh and im not sure if the comma at the end of quantity slots is neccessary or not but I removed it personally, i'm terrible at instructions but I hope this will help or at least be semi corherent.

💬 adres4t, Sep 20th 2023 at 10:33 PM

Sp0wN I was suspecting that it won't be easy. Thanks for your advice, I'll go right there.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Sep 19th 2023 at 4:15 PM

Hi Yanazake, thanks for the translation. I will definitely add it with the next update.

adres4t unfortunately, this is more a question for the game developers and not for the modders. Address this in the official Discord channel or on the forum. 

💬 AzuliBluespots, Sep 19th 2023 at 12:53 PM

Made a pt-br (Brazilian Portuguese) translation of the mod~

💬 adres4t, Sep 17th 2023 at 9:30 PM

Hey. Anyone knows how to resize the crafting window? I play with immersive mouse on and my inventory is opened all the time. when backpack slots fill the crafting screen to 40 slots, scrolling with the mouse scrolls the backpack instaead of the hotbar, and it's a big issue for me. I don't need more space but I would really like to get rid of that scroll bar or resize crafting window minimally to fit those last slots. Not sure where to look for config files or if it's even possible.Any info much appreciated. Cheers


💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Aug 30th 2023 at 4:59 PM

What version of the mod are you using? If it's old, then upgrade to the new one. The color cannot be turned off but has been redesigned in new versions. You can read exactly when in the changelogs

💬 AFoxInAviators, Aug 28th 2023 at 4:39 PM

Is there any way to disable the colored aspect to backpack slots? The color messes with my eyes...

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 30th 2023 at 7:26 PM

you know better than anyone that I'm just learning. Therefore, I decided to do so for now. Until I gained skills and learned C.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 30th 2023 at 6:36 PM

You can use coding to convert old backpacks to new ones

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 28th 2023 at 7:02 PM

Yes you're right. This morning I was preparing an update for the lights to work and discovered this fact. In the new update, the lights will already work. In the evening, I announced this in the developer's Discord channel. As it turned out, the game was also updated to 1.18.6, all on time)

💬 DarkSlayerEX, Jun 28th 2023 at 6:46 PM


According to the sourcecode for lantern clipons

[HarmonyPatch("LightHsv", MethodType.Getter)]
public class LanternClip
static bool Prepare()
return UsefulStuffConfig.Loaded.LanternClipOnEnabled;

static void Postfix(EntityPlayer __instance, ref byte[] __result)
IInventory backpack = __instance.Player?.InventoryManager.GetInventory(GlobalConstants.backpackInvClassName + "-" + __instance.PlayerUID);
if (backpack == null || backpack.Count < 5 || backpack[0].Itemstack?.Collectible.Code.Path.Contains("backpack") != true || backpack[4].Itemstack?.Collectible.Code.Path.Contains("lantern") != true) return;

byte[] clipon = backpack[4].Itemstack?.Block?.LightHsv;
if (clipon == null) return;

if (__result == null)
__result = clipon;

float totalval = __result[2] + clipon[2];
float t = clipon[2] / totalval;

__result = new byte[]
(byte)(clipon[0] * t + __result[0] * (1-t)),
(byte)(clipon[1] * t + __result[1] * (1-t)),
Math.Max(clipon[2], __result[2])

I believe the issue with the leather backpacks not working is because you have them as   [size]leather

without being [size]leatherbackpack
code: "tallbackpack"
code: "tallleather"

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 27th 2023 at 6:46 PM


Thanks for the tip, fixed it with a fix today.

Unfortunately, my knowledge is still not enough to make lanterns that glow in leather backpacks, I know this problem and described it to the author of the mod useful staff. We are waiting for the result.

💬 Risskitty, Jun 27th 2023 at 5:18 AM

Thank you for changing the iron and steel lamellae to chains in the mega and ultra backpacks! I can creaft them now. 

However, for the basic leather backpack now, it requires molybdochalkos chain. Molybdochalkos chains can not be forged on an anvil and there is not a chain mold. So there is no way to make the basic leather backpack.

Thank you!

💬 KitsuneLena, Jun 26th 2023 at 7:27 PM

При работе с модом Юзефальстаф в кожаных рюкзаках не светятся фонари в первом слоте а в тканевых все работает


💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 25th 2023 at 6:33 AM

Thx for translate to Japanese - macoto_hino
This became known to me, so I fixed it in mod version 0.0.7. The lamellae were changed to metalchain. Thanks for the feedback - Kara

💬 Kara, Jun 25th 2023 at 4:18 AM

so.... for Mega leather backpack, my players are reporting, you can not Pour Iron into a mold, to create the "iron lamellae" items. 

i advise changing it to plates or scales rather then lamellae for iron and steel, for the time being. 
this applys to Mega Leather Backpack and Ultra Leather Backpack. 

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 25th 2023 at 1:04 AM

I made a Japanese file, so please use it.😄


💬 PeterSanderson, Jun 15th 2023 at 7:50 PM

Sent via direct message to you, if you need any server logs, let me know

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 5:49 PM


Thanks for the feedback. Yes,file client-main, client-debug and client-crash which are located in the folder AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Logs. It will be good if you can drop them in Discord to me in private messages
Weird I have my own server with almost identical mods as yours, everything works fine.

💬 PeterSanderson, Jun 15th 2023 at 5:16 PM

Sorry, wish I could be of more help. Is there another log that might be of use to you? It's possible it is a mod interaction, but the issue vanished when the mod was removed. Perhaps someone in the mods Discord could help track the issue.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 5:08 PM


I'm sorry, I'm not a strong programmer, yet 😄, I don't see problems related to the mod. Do these errors happen regularly? Because it seems that this is a standard crash for the client 😰

💬 PeterSanderson, Jun 14th 2023 at 8:26 PM

Running on a modded 1.18.5 SMP server
I had a client crash the moment I attempted to search the gamemode 2 inventory
Hope the client log helps

Game Version: v1.18.5 (Stable)
2023-06-14 2:24:17 PM: Critical error occurred
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.0.12, ancienttools@1.5.6, bettercrates@1.6.0, betterruins@0.2.0, cellardoor@1.3.0, chiseltools@1.8.4, cropsconfig@1.0.0, extrachests@1.7.0, fieldsofgold@2.1.6, HangingOilLamps@1.0.1, hideandfabric@1.3.0, indappledgroves@0.4.9-rc.8, meteoricexpansion@1.2.4, leadroof@1.3.3, outlawmodcan@0.2.3, primitivesurvival@3.2.2, spidersilk@1.2.2, translocatorengineeringredux@1.4.2, game@1.18.5, weaponpackalphaunoff@1.4.0, wildcrafttrees@1.2.1, wildcraft@1.6.6, abcsreborn@0.0.6, alchemy@1.6.12, canmarket@0.3.6, carryon@1.2.0, claims@0.2.16, commonlib@2.1.1, expandedfoods@1.6.6, fromgoldencombs@1.4.16-rc.2, hudclock@3.2.0, lc@1.0.0, medievalexpansion@3.9.3, petai@1.7.9, prospectorinfo@4.2.0, stepup@1.2.0, stillnecessaries@1.0.0, usefulstuff17@1.1.5, creative@1.18.5, vsquest@0.4.1, survival@1.18.5, vsvillage@0.7.2, workbenchexpansion@1.6.3, xlib@0.7.2, xmelee@0.0.11, cats@1.7.0, cavebeacons@1.0.7, em@2.2.1, feverstonewilds@1.2.0, glassmaking@1.3.5, playercorpse@1.7.1, stonequarry@3.0.1, tpnet@1.11.0-rc.1, wolftaming@1.7.3, xskills@0.7.3, bricklayers@2.2.0, wildcraftxskillspatch@0.2.0
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.FilterItemsBySearchText(String text, Dictionary`2 searchCache, Dictionary`2 searchCacheNames) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Inventory\GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.cs:line 557
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiDialogInventory.OnTextChanged(String text) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Gui\Dialogs\GuiDialogInventory.cs:line 425
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementEditableTextBase.TextChanged() in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementEditableTextBase.cs:line 328
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementEditableTextBase.OnKeyPress(ICoreClientAPI api, KeyEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementEditableTextBase.cs:line 593
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer.OnKeyPress(KeyEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\GuiComposer.cs:line 615
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnKeyPress(KeyEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Dialog\GuiDialog.cs:line 452
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnKeyPress(KeyEvent args) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Gui\GuiManager.cs:line 383
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.game_KeyPress(Object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\Input.cs:line 244
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.HandleChar(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 411
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 771
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Functions.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents() in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 1554
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:line 368
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs)
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 28th 2023 at 7:23 PM

Thank you, it is very nice to hear such words.

💬 Zanzibar, May 28th 2023 at 9:58 AM

Thankyou so much for this type of mod! I feel like vanilla bag crafting is a bit too easy...Your doing gods work my friend.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 19th 2023 at 9:03 PM

Thanks, I have seen and am aware of this error. I am working on an update, I do not consider it necessary to download an incomplete version.

💬 DArkHekRoMaNT, May 19th 2023 at 6:09 PM

[Warning] [abcsreborn] Dependency 'game': Failed parsing version string '1.18.0, 1.18.1, 1.18.2, 1.18.3' at index 6: Expected PRE_RELEASE or BUILD_METADATA, found ',' (best guess: 1.18.0-

Dependencies only supports a well-defined minimum version, not a list

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 14th 2023 at 4:08 PM

Thanks for the detailed description. I think you helped not only me but also other players. Yes, this is a problem, it is not possible to fix it, because without transition to 0.0.5 it is not possible to develop the mod further. So I apologize for some inconvenience! I hope further developments will bring only joy.

💬 DeNoven, May 14th 2023 at 3:44 PM

Did a little testing with 0.0.3 through 0.0.5;

  • Going forward a version turns the backpacks from the previous versions into a flat white square, no inv, itemtype: ID
  • The inventory is preserved but inaccessible - as chuckles says, this reverts ok when downgrading, inventory is still there.
  • Newly created backpacks (post-upgrade) do not have this issue.

My advice for users seeing this is; dump your items into other containers. Swap to a future version, then dump the broken backpacks and either make new ones or spawn them via a quick change to creative via /gamemode

Hope this helps, Sp0wN!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 13th 2023 at 6:37 AM

Thanks, I didn't see that during the tests. I will make corrections as soon as possible. Fix, pls testing.

💬 Chuckles, May 12th 2023 at 8:42 PM

0.0.4 version changes existing Ultra backpacks into white flat squares, no inventory, with an itemtype: ID name

reverts ok, no permanent damage when downgrading to 0.0.3

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 12th 2023 at 5:18 PM

Thanks for the message, I'll try to fix it today 😌


I am very glad to hear such words, the main joy of a modder is to make users happy 😜

💬 Whiteindia, May 12th 2023 at 4:11 AM

The in game description for both the mega and the ultra shows 20 slots.

💬 Neoforerunner, May 12th 2023 at 3:34 AM

Sp0wN Awesome ill add it back in and keep a note of it for everyone! I really appreciate the hardwork you put into this mod! I love it! 💙

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 11th 2023 at 3:14 PM


Unfortunately, I did not test the lamp from the "still useful staff" mod, but I am in contact with the author of this mod.I think it can be fixed, thanks for the tip.

I had no problems yesterday during the tests on the server with a tall backpack. Are you playing solo or on a server? What mods do you use? Is it possible to view the crash log?

UPD: Just checked the operation of the lights, everything works. Backpacks are not crush the game. I tested everything in multiplayer.

💬 Pabbley, May 11th 2023 at 7:59 AM

What are the chances the mod 'still useful stuff' 's lantern clip feature is causing the crash?

💬 Pabbley, May 11th 2023 at 6:41 AM

Hey there, the moment I upgraded my minipack to a tallbackpack and equip it back on my game crashed, now I cannot log back in at all.

💬 Mendall, May 11th 2023 at 2:12 AM

Yanazake I already use backpackplusplus my only problem with it is the largest size is not a backpack but a temporal something or other. And if it's not a backpack proper, it will not work with lantern clipping from useful stuff mod I was hoping to switch to this one, but it's just too easy makes me feel life I'm giving up a big chunk of game play. So for now I figure ill stick with plusplus and just run 3 temporal whatsits and one slightly smaller backpack, so I can clip my lantern.

💬 AzuliBluespots, May 10th 2023 at 8:45 PM

You can just go with Backpack Pack. It also has a nice progression, but it is certainly not an easy path.

💬 Mendall, May 10th 2023 at 12:22 AM

I would like to see a version of this mod that was a lot more expensive. These bags are way overpowered(a good thing) but they're way to cheep. (a kinda bad thing) being this cheep means there is no progression, and it misses a chance to give the player more game to play by making him work for things more. I realize not everyone will want that so it's not a complaint, just an observation. Maybe make an option where some hard to get resources are required for the bigger ones, so we have a reason for an explore.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 9th 2023 at 9:05 PM

Tested a bit today what you described below. On our server, of all the reported problems, only the game crashes with the inability to log in again. It was necessary to restore the world from the backup - I will work on it! There is a problem with the horses, unfortunately I cannot protest. There are no problems with the display problem either. You most likely have a conflict with the mods you are using on the server.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 9th 2023 at 3:37 PM


Thanks for the message, in theory the problem with horses does not apply to fashion with backpacks. Although everything can be. On the server I work on, the horses were completely removed, because there were a lot of problems with them. Little by little, I will solve the problems that have already been discovered, and thanks to you, we will improve the mod.

💬 Kapibarion, May 9th 2023 at 12:54 PM

Hello Sp0wN,

Great mod! I wanted to add some observed problems, besides those already mentioned: while one of our players wearing the ultimate backpack had been invisible (only lantern was visible), I tried to fix it by rebooting the server. It resulted in something even worse: a few of my horses disappeared (some stayed) and also some sheeps, hens and pigs (but only part of them). I had to restore the server to previous save.

Despite those issues I hope to use this mod in future after they are fixed :)

Thank you!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 9th 2023 at 7:05 AM


I thought about it too, but I still don't know how to make a config that could be edited by the admin on the server. If possible, I will ask more knowledgeable fashionistas about it.


Thanks for the message, it means a lot to me. I'm an admin on the server myself, so this is really a problem. I even guess what the problem might be, I will prepare a fix. The failure is not on the server, but causes the client to crash. Please clarify this. The server will not break from this. By the way, after testing, it turns out that only one basic backpack leads to this. I will record! Thank you again.

💬 bringitonwimps, May 9th 2023 at 1:29 AM

i like this mod as well, what would be cool is if you make a back pack and add on "pouches" to the packs to add spaces.   regardless this is cool, but is there a way to have a config to adjust the slots?.. 24 slots feel to large, id reather have a smaller jump per bag on our server.  but i understand that others may not.  idk if there is an easy way to config that, or if its there already.  i havent added this yet to server as im a little worried about it being balanced.

💬 Neoforerunner, May 8th 2023 at 9:53 PM

I love the mod concept! I would love to see some of the bugs fixed! I know the Mini Backpacks makes me invisible to others and cause a floating item to the right! When moving backpacks to different slots cause a server wide crash loop which caused me to have to remove the mod! Other than that I think the mod works great but think everyone should be aware so they dont corrupt there game! I will def add it back if these get resolved!


💬 dakko, May 8th 2023 at 1:28 PM

I had not seen Jobediah's original post where he explained his thought process when I posted earlier. It's very interesting and adds to my enjoyment and appreciation for this mod!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 8th 2023 at 1:22 PM

@Yanazake this is quite an interesting idea, I'll make a note of it. Thank you.

💬 AzuliBluespots, May 8th 2023 at 11:04 AM

this is pretty cool, and doesn't use metal for reinforcement :0 Can they be deconstructed to go back one stage and go up more stages? I'm not sure from the pictures which pack is used for the progression in some parts. Still a  great idea.

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 7th 2023 at 4:04 PM

dakko just thought it would be better that way. Especially since I only recently started to understand fashion at least a little. All your comments are important to me. It helps to move forward. Thank you.

💬 dakko, May 7th 2023 at 2:02 PM

Why did you reduce the capacity of the Tall (11 slots to 10), Basic (14 slots to 12) and Super (17 slots to 16)?

Since the ingredients for each upgrade are consistent, it 'feels' (to me) as though increasing to Basic is an inefficient use of resources.

I was not aware of the earlier version of this mod and excited to try it out. Thank you for updating it and making it available!

💬 UA_ShamanAuthor, May 7th 2023 at 7:48 AM

Chuckles thanks for the feedback, I made a note in my notebook

💬 Chuckles, May 6th 2023 at 11:43 PM

Can the background color of the backpack slots be configured to the default? It's hard to see some items in purple/other colors

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