♻️Черговий фікс конфігів - дякую за оперативність DanaCraluminum
‼️Важлива інформація:
Гравцям на версії гри 1.19.8 рекомендую видалити мод й завантажити оновлену версію моду версії 0.0.9
♻️Next fix of configs - thanks for the efficiency of DanaCraluminum
‼️Important information:
For those who are on version 1.19.8 of the game, I recommend delete old mod and download the updated version of the mod version 0.0.9
❗Використовувати лише для версії гри 1.20.0-pre*
♻️Додано переклад моду французькою мовою (дякую Laerinok)
♻️Виправлено переклад англійською мовою (дякую Laerinok)
😍Дякую всім хто проводить тестування за фідбек.
❗Use only for game version 1.20.0-pre*.
♻️Додано French translation of the mod (thanks to Laerinok)
♻️Виправлено English translation (thanks to Laerinok)
😍Thank you to everyone who is testing for feedback.
❗Використовувати лише для версії гри 1.20.0-pre*
♻️Виправлено/вимкнено відображення ванільних рюкзаків на спині гравця.
♻️Змінено хіт-бокс рюкзаків.
♻️Невеликі правки конфігів (дякую за підказку - ToastyDerek).
😍Дякую всім хто проводить тестування за фідбек.
❗ Warning:
❗Use only for game version 1.20.0-pre*
♻️Fixed/disabled display of vanilla backpacks on player's back.
♻️Changed the backpack hitbox.
♻️Minor config edits (thanks for the tip - ToastyDerek).
😍Thanks to everyone who conducts testing for feedback.
❗Використовувати лише для версії гри 1.20.0-pre*
♻️Підлаштовано всі конфіги під версію гри 1.2.0-pre
П.С.:Тестуйте будь ласка в кого є можливість. Дякую.
-ENG -
❗ Warning:
❗Use only for game version 1.20.0-pre*
♻️Adjusted all configs for game version 1.2.0-pre
P.S.: Please test whoever has the opportunity. Thank you.
✅Додано переклад моду на корейську мову (дякую за переклад - purple8cloud)
✅Додано рецепти для "Високих рюкзаків" використовуючи ліхтарі, які зроблені з кварцу та пластин скла (раніше крафт був доступний тільки для ліхтарів з кварцу)
✅Added the translation of the mod into Korean (thanks for the translation - purple8cloud)
✅Added recipes for "Tall Backpacks" using lanterns that are made of quartz and glass plates (previously crafting was only available for quartz lanterns)
♻️Змінено модель "Міні рюкзака" [додано факел]
♻️Змінено крафт "Міні рюкзака" [в крафт додався стародавній тримач й факел (запалений)]
♻️Змінено світло яке випромінюють рюкзаки [дивіться основну сторінку моду]
(Нажаль, зробити дим й вогонь з факелу поки не знаю як. Хоча роздуми з цього приводу є, чекайте оновлень...)
💠В теорії, тепер не повинно бути помилок й вильотів з гри. Чекаю вашого фідбеку з цього приводу.
♻️Changed the "Mini backpack" model [torch added]
♻️Changed the "Mini Backpack" craft [ancient holder and torch (lit) were added to the craft]
♻️The light emitted by backpacks has been changed [see main mod page]
(Unfortunately, I still don't know how to make smoke and fire from a torch. Although there are thoughts on this, stay tuned for updates...)
💠In theory, now there should be no errors and departures from the game. I am waiting for your feedback on this problem.
🤪Тест-виправлення стосовно освітлення з використанням "Міні рюкзаків" й альтернативного світла від ліхтарів в лівій руці.
🤪Lightning test fix using "Mini Backpacks" and alternate light from lanterns in left hand.
Змінена підсвітка рюкзаків (високий - 16 + 2 за кожен поліпшений рівень рюкзака, макс 24)
Changed backpack lighting (high - 16 + 2 for each improved backpack level, max 24)
♻️Виправлено помилку з підсвіткою, якщо використовуються одночасно два предмети, в лівій та правій руках.
♻️Fixed a bug with the backlight, if two items are used at the same time, in the left and right hands.
♻️Виправлені помилки в коді при перетворенні рюкзаків з шкіряних в льняні й навпаки.
🚫Про використання рюкзаків з предметами в лівій руці й світлом мене сповістили, працюємо над виправленням.
♻️Fixed errors in the code when converting backpacks from leather to linen and vice versa.
🚫I was notified about the use of backpacks with items in the left hand and a light, we are working on a fix.
♻️Поліпшено конфіги:
- при встановленому моді ABCS-Reborn рецепти на зміну рюкзаків активуються й будуть доступними
- при завантаженні по дефолту, рецепти на зміну рюкзаків з моду ABCS-Reborn деактивуються й будуть виключені,
Ці зміни забезпечують "чистий" лог файл при завантаженні гри.
♻️Improved configs:
- with the ABCS-Reborn mod installed, recipes for changing backpacks will be activated and available
- when downloading by default, recipes for changing backpacks from the ABCS-Reborn mod are deactivated and will be excluded,
These changes ensure a "clean" log file when loading the game.
✅Виправлена помилка з підсвіткою рюкзаків коли використовуєш альтернативний спосіб підсвітки (факел/ліхтар й т.д.) - дякую DanaCraluminum
✅Fixed bug with backpack lighting when using an alternative lighting method (torch/lantern, etc.) - thanks DanaCraluminum
✅Змінені моделі всіх рюкзаків
✅Можливість розбирати рюкзаки
✅Можливість робити рекрафт одного виду металу на рюкзаку в інший
✅Можливість крафтити шкіряний рюкзак з полотняного й навпаки
✅Додано конфіг в якому можна регулювати кількість слотів та їх колір (кожного індивідуально)
✅Додано можливість підсвітки від рюкзаків без займання слотів
⛔Прибрано відображеня ванільного рюкзака на 6 слотів коли він одягений на спину
♻️P.S.: Якщо ви використовували мод - Advanced Backpack Construction System Reborn, можете безпечно перейти на новий мод використовуючи крафт.
✅Changed models of all backpacks
✅Ability to disassemble backpacks
✅The ability to recraft one type of metal on a backpack into another
✅The ability to craft a leather backpack from a canvas one and vice versa
✅Added a config in which you can adjust the number of slots and their color (each one individually)
✅Added the possibility of backlighting from backpacks without lighting slots
⛔Removed the display of the 6-slot vanilla backpack when worn on the back
♻️P.S.: If you used the mod - Advanced Backpack Construction System Reborn, you can safely switch to the new mod using craft.
bringitonwimps , Phaynipe
It's ok, thanks for the feedback! 😘
It's nice to hear that players like the mod 🤩
Хороший мод! Автор - вы молодец❤️
not sure what caused it, we were tesing and messing with it as my wife made was trying to make revive the specialty bags mod so she was trying to learn from some of your stuff as examples and well, we dont speak ukranian...lol. but when i installed your mod on my server it works fine, so honestly no idea why it didnt worek on her single player. Thanks though for response.
Do you play in english or another language ? I know that localization file may cause such of issue. They often misspell the links in the handbook, so recipes are not displayed.
I have no issue in rc6 nor rc8. Links work fine.
I checked on rc8, everything is ok. In solo play and on the server. Maybe you are using some mods that block the display of recipes. I don't even know 🤔
Good job! 🤩
Is it possible to turn off the visible bag on your back? It clips with some other mods, like CarryOn and even clips with my vanilla ponytail hairstyle
Realized I can use the Vanity mod to hide back item.
for some reason in rc 6 when i open handbook all the bags are listed but no crafting recipes for any of the items. Not sure why they appear to not be craftable. Any ideas?
Read Note please.
Add the ability to turn off/on the backlight from backpacks - it's not possible/I don't know how to add such a function.
I'm learning, so I don't know or can't know all the intricacies of the code.
This is a human factor.
If you know how to do this, write me a private message on Discord.
Thank you for your understanding.
Would it be possible to add a toggle to turn off the light on the backpacks?
Glad to hear that 👏🤗
You can customize each backpack yourself in the config file, which is located at: AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig\FendragonBCSConfig.json
In the same file, you can change the background color of each backpack 🌈
Everything is in your hands 😉
How many slots each bag has?
I was referring to the new recipes for vanilla backpacks. But you're right.)
You can always make it more difficult for yourself or the server by patching the mod. I don't see any point in making such a patch, everyone decides and edits it for themselves as they please and without my participation.
And the complexity of the recipes was calculated and experimentally confirmed on the server. Everything was calculated and discussed. In my opinion, on the contrary, leather ones are much more difficult than linen ones.
You planned to make the recipe for a leather backpack not so simple. However, this is no longer necessary, I just edited the "all-backpack-vanila-transform" for balance.)
I don't plan on doing anything until version 1.20 is released.
Remind me, what exactly did you propose?
You wrote in September that there would be a vanilla patch complicating the recipe for a leather backpack.
Are you planning to release a patch or add a setting so that getting a leather backpack won't be so easy?
UA_Shaman that didn't end up being the issue actually! it was something with my game install, Laerinok helped me fix it :)
To understand something, you need to understand what the problem is.
Latest updates since version 0.1.0 of the mod, it is designed for game version 1.20 only! And just like that!
Laerinok that works perfectly for me!! thank you so much :D
Strange. If you want, I can pm you on Discord. I saw you are there ;)
Laerinok hehehe no, i left it in the zip file this time ^^; i just checked my client-main.txt and it's saying i'm running version 1.19.7... which is bizarre because i definitely not only downloaded v.1.19.8 when i bought the game today, but ingame the version number also shows 1.19.8
Other question : did you extract the zip or not ? (it remains me something ^^). If yes, try with only the zip.
Laerinok yup! made sure to specifically download v0.0.9 from the files list. it's not even the only mod i'm having this issue with; several mods are listing "game v1.19.8" and/or "survival 1.19.8" as requirements
And you use the v0.0.9 ? or the latest ? because latest versions of this mods are for v1.20 of VS
for whatever reason, the mod is refusing to load, requesting a game version of 1.19.8, which is the exact game version i'm running. has anyone else had this issue? and if so, how do i fix it?
Is there an incompatibility with some other mod? None of the leather backpack upgrade recipes exist for me. 1.19.8
I've got some other tailoring mods installed, and I wonder if they are causing an issue.
Yes, there is such an option in the plans. There is a record of this in the notes.
Not sure if its still planned but could we get a button or something that allows us to turn off the lanturn on the backpack?
All recipes were calculated and used in crafts relative to vanilla recipes. I do not plan to change anything. Especially the vanilla update to 1.20 coming soon.
You just need to write @, then start typing the letters of the nickname of whom you want to mention in the comment or whom you want to address.
I do it differently.
I type the answer and at the end I mention the person to whom it is addressed.
Hey :) Great mod but I think it's got a gameplay issue - it's way too easy to get leather early on with it. Just upgrade a basket to leather backpack wtih reeds and pelts and cut this leather backpack back into leather. That brakes the game progression imho.
I propose a solution - maybe upgrading from hunter's backpack to leather backpack should require leather? :)
Thanks for the information
Ps. How do I make the @username in a green square In the comment section?
There is no hotkey. There is already an entry in the notebook about turning on/off the backlight. Working on it.
@UQ_Shaman is there a way to turn off the light from the backpack for testing decorative lighting.
Contact me in discord to download your translation, I will add it in the next update.
Korean translation completed
Not yet, there is no such setting in the config file.
This can be done with a patch if you really need to.
Wrote in notes. The idea was from the release of fashion. Thanks for reminding me about this.
Is there a way to toggle the backpacks lights off/on, as sometimes I want to see my builds own lighting rather than the walking sun on my back. :P
I hope so
Thanks ;)
Tools are purely decorative tools. They cannot be used. Maybe in the future it will be implemented until it is not possible.
I would like to know if I'm able to use the tools in the backpack or the slots and how can I do that?
I don't even know what your problem might be. Maybe a conflict of mods? Maybe you forgot to remove the old mod and installed the new one at the same time? Well, as an option for your progress, the offer to add from the console will be the best option.
Hi UA_Shaman
After I posted this I got the idea to convert the minibackpacks to copper ones, and try to make them tall bacpacks. I succesfully made 2 tall backpacks but ran out of materials. Later when I got the materials I had the same problem. But I could upgrade the tall backpacks to basic backpacs.
I restarted the game a few times, reconverted the mini backpacks but still couldn't turn them to tall ones. I crafted a linen basic backpack and tried to upgrade that to linen tall backpack, but I got the same problem. :(
I think I should just add 2 more tall backpacks from the console and move on, since after that it looks like it works
To be honest, I don't know why you had a problem with crafting a mini into a tall backpack. Everything is ok in the solo game, everything is ok on the server (below are images from the game on the server)
Hi. I'm trying to upgrade a mini backpack to a tall backpack, I have all the parts arranged in the recipe order but it looks like it the recipe is wrong. Here's a screenshot.
It's ok, glad you like it.
Fuck, I've seen the little blue texts on english hahahahahahahhaha
I saw everything on ukranian? Idk what's that language and thought everything was on that language...
But yep, it's fine rn, so sorry xD
EDIT: Amazing mod tho, I've been using the old one for months and now it looks even better
I would be grateful for your translation, if possible. I will add/update without problems. I don't know English very well, the Chat GPT translated for me 😏
Just 1 thing. If you can, translate the mod page to english as it's the main laguage globally, I'm Spanish, I know Spanish and English, and can't understand anything form this mod and translate sentence by sentence it's impossible ^^
They will conflict, because they use almost the same patches.
Sorry, but now I have a problem with the Luminiferous skill from XSkills. It doesn't work when using one of your backpacks.
I will slightly modify the model of the mini backpack, which will prevent the appearance of the error. Working on it...
Thanks for the feedback 😍
Wait, there is an error on the hosting of the pictures.
Crafts are also available in notebooks, checked in solo and on the server.
Pictures did not come through.
Yes, i read description carefully. But description not says "light from tall backpack (lev 16) will overtide light from your offhand lantern (lev20), making lantern useless, if you have any item in your main hand. And if your main hand is empty, your lantern can magically shine brightly, as intended". Imho, it is ok, when backpack have greater light level, then offhand light source. But, my lantern is much brighter. So, either - or description need to be updated, or, it is a bug.
And, about crash. Person, who constantly crashes, have no Fenbackpack. Only vanilla one, or, even none. Not sure about person, who trigger this crash, running past him.
First of all, thank you for the feedback, it is important to me!
Regarding flashlights and backpacks, a tall backpack does not have 20 light, but 16. Therefore, the light from the flashlight exceeds the light from the backpack.
The basic one, which has 18 lights, can also be replaced, depending on which lantern you use. But with super, there will already be light from the backpack. That's how it's intended, it's all ok.
For the crash. Yes, it is possible. Only when you use the mini backpack.
Thanks again, keep me posted.
P.S.:By the way, in the main description of the mod, I specifically added the lights to let people know.
I may have missed it, but can't find a recipe for crafting the mini backpack. The recipes all call for an already created one.
Also, the naming is not correct on the ultra leather ones.
Peoples reporting two bugs with 0.0.7 release:
For tall backpack, with offhand vanilla lantern (light level 20) switching mainhand between empty/item (or tool) state, also affected light level. (Empty hand allow much brighter light from lantern).
Another report (unfortunately have no crash log atm, but requested, so, may be i post update, when receive it): for some players, client crashed, when someone runs near, with this backpacks equipped.
Crash log contain section, pointed to FendragonBCS.entity.player.lightHSV.patch.postfix
Not sure, may be there are combo with xskills luminiferous skill, or vanilla respawn glow.
Willtry to receive additional info.
No problem
Thanks for the feedback.
Most likely, this is a problem in the conflict of C codes with can jewlery. As far as I remember this mod adds slots for gems.
Not sure what happened but I couldnt log in to my server when I updated to 0.0.7
It gave me some errors with can jewlery upon login and it happened after I updated this mod, but I cant seem to recreate the problem I had.
I Just tested it and didn't get an error this time in the console.
Just a heads up there might be an incompability with some mod I'm not sure what was going on.
I should mention that it happened when creating a new world too so it might be a world gen mod idk.
If it happens again I'll update with the errors in hand, hopefully.
Thanks for the clarification.
If you upgraded backpack to Tall, then it will lighting at 16 (for example - lantern is 18).
Then, with each upgrade, the light from the backpack will increase by 2. Maximum light is 24
Do the backpacks provide lighting on their own, since the need lanterns to craft?
Hopefully all the bugs you described have been fixed in the latest update. Please check it out.
I am very happy to read such feedback about the mod from you, it motivates me to improve and develop the mod.
Thank you! ✌
Hello, hope all is well :)
I just wanted to point out somethings I noticed in the handbook. I am going to try and explain them the best I can.
Neither of these are game breaking just a handbook visual thing, the mod is working perfectly fine just thought I would let you know though incase you had no idea it was displaying this way :)
Also I dont know if you were planing on adding an incompatibility list but just in-case anyone was curious this mod is not compatible with Toolworks as in the tools made from that mod can not craft these backpacks ~
~~~ Lastly just wanted to say I really love your backpack models! The addition of the temporal gear and how it shows on the back looks so cool! Every now and then I have been checking in on your progress for acbs reborn and when I came back to the game this time around I was shocked to see you made this new mod. Its awesome to see how far you have taken the original ABCS and have taken that idea and completely made it your own. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future ^_^
Thank you for the nice words. I was impressed by the fact that you appreciate the work and creations of others, you understand things that others do not. It is very rare to hear such a thing nowadays. Respect to you!
As I always repeat to the players on the server: "Supporting the author with words is the greatest reward for him!"
No worries mate! Take your time, do your thing. I have "hopes" not "expectations." If your vision is different from mine then that's just fine! You are the driver, and if I decide I don't like where you're going I can always get off the bus, but I won't hold anything against you. I understand that this is something you are doing as a hobby and a service to others at cost to yourself, around some rather constraining circumstances. So do what you want boss. It's important you have some fun too.
It's good that you, dear users, have such a reaction to a regular mod for backpacks. As a developer, this makes me happy.
Unfortunately, I am not yet very familiar with C# programming, so I have no idea how to implement the tools that are on the backpacks. As I learn, there will be implementation.
Mendall This is also actually pretty good! Part of the reason I suggested limiting the slots to only their specific tool was so that the appearence could match the tool. xleveling has a certain perk that grants access to an additional inventory appended to your regular one which can be toggled to (hotkey on [ R ]). If this mod operated similarly, in a synergistic way, that would be awesome even! Heck, with that suggestion even the jug and food containers would be easily accessable.
I figured having to set the bag down, pull off the tool you wanted with an empty hand, then pick the bag back up- just to replace a tool or container would be a fairly strong balancing agent- It would mean you could theoretically carry up to 4 spare pickaxes and such, sure, but if you get ambushed with the bag down... well it could be devistating. I also liked the idea of having each item representing it's own container which was relatively strict as an additional solid balancing agent. That said, there's certainly a strong arguement for your solution too, though I'd like some form of downside to rebalance things. Maybe these extra inventory slots only accept the tool type like I initially suggested?
I also like the "stretching" of the gameplay. I enjoy the game process itself. That's why I decided to make just such an option with backpacks.
Thank you for the kind and warm words. For the sake of such expressions, every modder works.
I did just think of something cool, though. Since most people keep their axe and pickaxe on their hot bar, what if you got two more hot bar slots instead of two more bag slots, that way tool durability doesn't play a part at all. And you still effectively got axe/pickaxe slots.
I just wanted to say one thing. I consider it important that mods add playtime/challenge, not remove it. The construction method for these backpacks adds a tun of play time as well as making use of a lot of resources that don't get used often enough. I am a big fan of that. Very well done. As for being able to use the pickaxe and axe, I don't see it as necessary, what you got for the upgrade was more slots to put them in. and in doing so, I had to mine metal, craft the tools and construct the backpack. So more game play and more complexity, and bigger bags. I can't see how having two slots that can only be used for axe/pickaxe is any better than two slots you can use for anything you like. Granted, it would be cool if when I removed my pickaxe from my bag, it disappeared from the pack graphic. But that's just aesthetics in the end.
I know about this problem, it will be solved in the next update, I hope )
That's something to think about...you've given me the idea of some interesting things.
Regarding strength, unfortunately, I still do not know how to make sure that the strength of the tool does not change. So without it for now.
Thank you for your support!
It seems that the backpacks each override the light output of light sources held in the hand, like torches and lanterns. However since the minibackpack is set to provide 0 light, it makes it so your held lantern is dark. Additionally, the first few tiers of backpack are all much dimmer than a lantern. Is it possible to make it so the backpacks don't completely override held lights?
Interesting. I can see the complicating wrinkle. I don't suppose when the bag is placed down you could add a hitbox that behaves like a single slot container that only accepts axes and pickaxes (as well as for the bowl and crock at the top)? Thus, just like when placed in any other container, the tool maintains its durability state? Or does the complication kick in as soon as you pick the back up? (I wouldn't think so, as you can put bags down and pick them up with stuff in them already...)
As things stand, this already jumped to my favorite backpack mod, so nothing else is really needed, just thinking through some nicities.
I won't promise anything. Well, I already see the possibility of cheating.
Let me explain:
you have an axe that you took out of your bag.
After a while, its strength drops to 1.
You put the axe back in the bag and get a strength ax of 99.
Cheat? Yes!
While your offer will be in the notes.
Thanks for the feedback and ideas.
If I understand these nuances, maybe your idea will come true.
If I might make a suggestion? Consider making it so that when you upgrade the pack using an empty hand recieves the effect of the attached tools, then make the backpack teirs upgradable. So if you make a bag with a copper set, you have copper level break speed for trees and stone, and later you can upgrade to iron or steel.
Alternatively, make it so that you can access the tools by setting the bag down on the ground and pulling off the tool you want- similar to the tool rack function. It would be awesome if you can make it so the missing tool is visually reflected, but that's a big ask.
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility yet, he added in his notes as an idea. Thank you.
I'll see what I can do about it, thanks for the feedback
I write in notebook you idea. Thank you.
Sorry for the long answers, unfortunately in the absence of light it is very difficult to do something and make adjustments. Thank you for your patience.
Is there any means of accessing the tools mounted to the backpack? If I'm spending metal bars on the bag, I'd like to access the goods attached ya' know? That said, I appreciate the "hands free" lantern enormously.
bug: when using minibackpack, handheld light sources dont work.
Awesome, thank you for answering that. One last thing, is there a way to toggle the lantern on the backpack? I like to place torches to prevent spawns and the lantern makes me a bit forgetful since its keeping the area around me always lit. No worries if not I was just curious
You can download the FendragonBCS mod together with the ABCSR mod and make a code-safe transition from one mod to the other. I added the ability to convert backpacks from ABCSR to FendragonBCS backpacks. You just need to decide on the metal you want to see on the backpack (copper, bronze, steel, etc.)
Is this a smooth transition from Advanced backpack constructions ystem reborn? You say you can safely switch to the new mod using craft but what is craft? Do I add this mod, load my world and then remove the ABCSR mod?
Upgrading backpacks increases the number of slots, by default each upgrade level increases your backpack by 2 slots.
You can change the number of slots in each backpack in the FendragonBCSConfig.json file located in AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig
Are the upgrades aesthetic only or is there an increased capacity with each level? Thanks.