Mods / BetterTraders

Category: #Worldgen
Author: NiclAss
Side: Server
Created: Apr 28th 2023 at 6:30 PM
Last modified: Apr 26th at 4:37 PM
Downloads: 34247
Follow Unfollow 685

Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install


Companion Mods



The following Warning messages might appear with this mod installed:
26.4.2024 18:31:23 [Warning] Cannot fix item stack mapping, item/block id {number} not found in old mapping list. Will delete stack. (Vintagestory.API.Common.Item)

I have tried to pinpoint the issue, but it's not possible to fix it with a content mod, and it seems to be an issue with the core game.
Besides having the warnings in the main log, which is very annoying, it's not resulting in any issues.



  • Over new 40 trader structures
  • Cold climate specific trader structures
  • Replaces vanilla trader structures
  • Not adding new types of trader entities
  • Configurable with Configlib
  • Supported mods:

If this mod is getting added after world creation, it can only affect chunks that are generated with the mod active.

The mod can be removed without any issues.

version: 1

## Mindistance between traders ##
# !!! WARNING !!!
# If you are using other mods that add traders be sure to have the mindistance set to the same value otherwise it will mess up and not result in correct spawnchances.
# If you are just running bettertraders and the supported mods this is no problem.

# Defines the distance between traders and is messured in blocks. (default: 700)
mindistance: 700 # from 0 to 100000

## Trader spawn chances ##

# Defines the spawnchance of a specific trader structure type. (default: 0.05)
traderwagons_spawn_chance: 0.05 # from 0 to 10
# Defines the spawnchance of a specific trader structure type. (default: 0.01)
rare_steampunkstyle_traders_spawn_chance: 0.01 # from 0 to 10
# Defines the spawnchance of a specific trader structure type. (default: 0.2)
metal_traderwagons_spawn_chance: 0.2 # from 0 to 10
# Defines the spawnchance of a specific trader structure type. (default: 0.10)
coldclimate_traders_spawn_chance: 0.1 # from 0 to 10

## Compatible mods ##

# Defines the spawnchance of bricklayers specific traders if that mod is loaded alongside bettertraders. (default: 0.03)
bricklayers_spawn_chance: 0.03 # from 0 to 10
# Defines the spawnchance of expandedfoods specific traders if that mod is loaded alongside bettertraders. (default: 0.004)
expandedfoods_spawn_chance: 0.004 # from 0 to 10

## Trader village formations ##
# !!! WARNING !!!
# Does not respect mindistance!
# Be careful with spawnchance changes :P.

# Defines the spawnchance of a specific trader structure type. (default: 0.003)
trader_villages_spawn_chance: 0.003 # from 0 to 10


Everyone that contributed to this mod is listed on the top of this page! Without this awesome team this mod wouldn't exist like it does atm. Huge thanks to everyone helping and investing time in this project!


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.7 15285 Apr 26th at 4:37 PM Show Install now
v0.0.6 1068 Apr 21st at 12:23 PM Show Install now
v0.0.5 4610 Feb 8th at 7:51 PM Show Install now
v0.0.4 2301 Jan 19th at 5:48 PM Show Install now
v0.0.3 2813 Nov 18th 2023 at 10:49 AM Show Install now
v0.0.2 6701 May 21st 2023 at 6:09 PM Show Install now
v0.0.1 1469 Apr 28th 2023 at 6:31 PM Show Install now

43 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Maamessu, May 15th at 6:05 AM

Since this adds trader camps now as well, would it be possible to get a configuration option to remove trader claims? That's the only reason I'm running CoB Trader Camps still.

💬 TheNiteFox, Apr 26th at 5:26 PM

Can confirm there is no error spam :)

So glad to see this just got updated, just came back to start playing VS again haha xD

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 26th at 4:39 PM


No it spawns the traders in the same way as vanilla.

💬 EtherealEmi, Apr 25th at 2:06 PM

does this mod make it hard to find the treasure hunter?

💬 l33tmaan, Apr 23rd at 1:09 AM

An Expanded Foods variant trader, I see? 👀

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 21st at 8:29 PM

Note: There is currently a warning message in the logs that kinda spams, it will be fixed asap with a next version. besides the warning, there are no problems.

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 21st at 8:14 PM


No effects to anything that has already spawned

You can also try it with tradercamps might work its just not supported by this mod so if you want give it a try in a test world

💬 Cookieie, Apr 21st at 3:03 PM

@NiclAss, With this update not compatible with cob_ tradercamps does that mean I should remove that mod?? How will that effect the traders that have already spawned? 

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 21st at 12:24 PM


No, I decided against it bcs I don't like the vanilla trader wagons, sorry.

💬 Marogareh, Mar 10th at 12:28 AM

is this compatible with trader camps? :D

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Feb 13th at 11:25 AM


Let's say it's intended. I think you can steal other stuff as well :P

I would say it's a game bug to be still able to take stuff off claimed land. But it's used in the RA as well as a feature.

💬 VaelophisNyx, Feb 13th at 8:00 AM

note, you can steal the bricks out of the back of some cart structures. It mentions it being protected but it doesn't stop you

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Feb 9th at 4:10 PM


Thank you very much!

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Feb 9th at 4:08 PM


also not in the scope of this mod.
dev team always said structures will stay at the same spot, but they don't. 

You can spawn structures manually with command now in 1.19

/wgen structures list

/wgen structures spawn

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Feb 9th at 4:06 PM


They show up for me.
I'm not familiar with the Homo sapiens game mode. Maybe give it a try.

💬 Preacher_Kitty, Feb 9th at 12:55 PM

is there a command to set a trader location as just regen'ing the chunks makes the old trader carts disappear


💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 9th at 12:16 AM


If you start your world without lore content and then add this mod will they show up in new chunks? Or will they not show up because traders are considered "lore content"?

💬 DrBubba, Feb 8th at 8:32 PM

As usual, another brilliant mod by NiclAss and team!

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Jan 17th at 7:38 PM


Thanks for letting me know.

Vanilla changed something again so will have to update this mod for 1.19 stable :( tyty will work on that in the coming days.

💬 DasPrinzip, Jan 17th at 9:37 AM

Hello, in currenty RC Version there is this failure, Mod ist not working:


Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: 17.1.2024 10:33:42 [Server Error] Patch 1 (target: game:worldgen/structures.json) in bettertraders:patches/bettertraders-remov
ing-vanilla-traders.json failed because supplied path /structures/21/chance is invalid: The json path /structures/21/chance was not found. Could traverse until /struct
ures, but then '21' does not exist. Full json at this path: [
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: {
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "code": "arcticsupplies",
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "name": "Arctic Supplies / Surface",
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "chance": 0.02,
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "schematics": [
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "arcticsupplies/surface/*"
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: ],
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "placement": "surface",
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "rockTypeRemapGroup": "standard",
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "maxTemp": -14,
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: "offsetY": -1
Jan 17 10:33:42 vs VintageStory[411687]: },

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Jan 3rd at 8:10 PM

Wana point out that the comment below was fixed by the fairplayguardian mod and is not a direct bettertraders issue.

💬 Whiteshadoh, Nov 22nd 2023 at 5:44 PM

Any idea why the v0.0.2 doesnt auto download from a server to the client? Can we get this changed to true, or atleast set the mod to universal so it doesnt get pinged by guardian?

"requiredOnClient": false


💬 NiclAssAuthor, Nov 19th 2023 at 4:36 PM


Thanks! Means a lot to us. We are looking forward to keep updating this mod. I just think the amount of new content will not be that much this year. Just letting you know.

💬 Voidwalker, Nov 19th 2023 at 1:06 AM

I'm glad to see this Mod grow so much in so little time. It makes finding a trader camp so much cooler~

Its still one of my must have Mods!~

💬 TheNiteFox, Oct 27th 2023 at 1:11 AM

Oh my goodness, I have been a way too long! This mod looks amazing! Definitely trying it out next time I boot up the game! 

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Jun 24th 2023 at 12:11 PM


Yes like QuakingDoom said some will spawn without a cart where they can live in (they are on the "move" with those so yeah no shelter)
They will not get attacked by any mobs tho so should be np


Thanks for answering it for me :P tyty

💬 QuakingDoom, Jun 23rd 2023 at 10:48 PM


Yes, this mod affects all the structures of traders. It doesn't touch their item stock whatsoever. It should'nt be a problem if they can't enter their cart.

💬 JuniferBerries, Jun 23rd 2023 at 7:44 PM

Does this mod affect the carts themselves? I found my first trader and he has no way to enter the cart. Treasure hunter trader with a greenhouse type of cart.

💬 DeNoven, May 22nd 2023 at 5:57 PM

Lovely to hear and I've seen em in action - just like Voidmaker, I can't go without your mods, loving these too!

💬 NiclAssAuthor, May 21st 2023 at 6:29 PM


Thank you very much! Means a lot to me !

💬 NiclAssAuthor, May 21st 2023 at 6:28 PM


I added a spawn mechanic that lets traders spawn in groups they should be quite rare
So yeah trader camps are basicly back

💬 Voidwalker, Apr 30th 2023 at 10:52 PM

Alot of your mods have beomce must haves for any playthrouigh I do, Amazing!

💬 DeNoven, Apr 30th 2023 at 3:10 PM

Hey NiclAss, does this include structure/set pieces for the trader camps (the 2 - 3 trader versions)? 
Looking like yet more great work!

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 29th 2023 at 6:33 PM


Thank you very much !

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 29th 2023 at 6:32 PM


No it uses the same values vanilla uses for their traders. Which is a mindistance of 600 blocks

💬 PeterSanderson, Apr 29th 2023 at 6:07 PM

Does the mod affect the frequency of traders spawning at all?

💬 Mawg, Apr 29th 2023 at 6:49 AM

This look utterly amazing! well done :D

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 28th 2023 at 7:18 PM


Yes it will just add stuff via worldgen so you can add this mod after worldcreation and remove the mod without issues

💬 macoto_hino, Apr 28th 2023 at 6:58 PM

Great modeling!
This mod replaces the model when the trader is generated, right?
It won't replace the traders until they have already been generated, right?

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 28th 2023 at 6:48 PM


Thank you very much, be sure to give me some feedback as always :P tyty

💬 NiclAssAuthor, Apr 28th 2023 at 6:47 PM


Thank you very much! I do think the builders in the vs team will come up with something awesome eventually as well!

💬 Plumeria, Apr 28th 2023 at 6:44 PM

I love this! Looks great I'm definitely excited to use it :)

💬 A_Tree, Apr 28th 2023 at 6:44 PM

This is a fantastic mod, great job Niclass! :)

I can imagine the developer's adding this, keep up the great work!

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