Mods / R.TrullyWoods

Category: #Crafting #QoL #Storage
Author: LordOri
Side: Both
Created: Oct 8th at 10:17 AM
Last modified: Oct 15th at 10:15 PM
Downloads: 938
Follow Unfollow 22

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Мод создан по причине обострения лудонарративного диссонанса

Одно бревно, размер как половина серафима и что же мы получим с него?

Верно, немного дров или так же немного досок. И вот мы сносим целый лес для постройки своих укрытий и обустройства участков, а про угольные ямы я вообще молчу..

Итак, в каком направлении будет продвигаться мод..

  1. Стак бревна будет состоять из 1шт бревна (хардкорно но остальное немного отбалансирует)
  2. При колке бревна на дрова количество дров будет соразмерно размеру бревна а именно 28шт  (Приблизительно)
  3. Распиловка досок, так же как и дрова размер стопки из досок будет приблизительно соразмерно с целым блоком бревна а именно 48шт
  4. Изменения рецептов танина теперь соотношение с водой 1ед бревна к 40 L воды после на выходе получите 50 L танина (НАЧИНАЯ С ВЕРСИИ V0.0.3)


Описание и дальнейшие изменения в моде скорее всего будут изменяться.

Так же я рекомедную вместе с моей модификацией добавить модификации других авторов которые дополняют игровой процесс с этим модом

  1. Immersive Wood Chopping
  2. Immersive Wood Sawing
  3. Lumber Sling
  4. More fuel
  5. Better Sticks

Выражаю благодарность авторам этих модификаций за дополнительную иммерсивность и новые элементы в моём игровом мире!


Ещё рекомендую такую настройку json для модификации Immersive Wood Sawing

"AutoLogPlacement": false,
"PlanksPerUse": 3,
"DisableGridRecipe": true,
"SawSpeedMultiplier": 1.5



Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.3 583 Oct 14th at 4:05 PM Show Install now
v0.0.2 150 Oct 12th at 10:08 AM Show Install now
v0.0.1 205 Oct 8th at 10:34 AM Show Install now

15 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Jena_Thornwyrd, Oct 20th at 10:42 AM

Caution: given the change in the stack size of logs, you will have to patch some recipes of other mods, as an exemple, with millwright you need a stack of 2 logs to craft a windmill, which is impossible with this mod enabled as-is.

💬 AmyCosmicPuppy, Oct 19th at 2:53 PM

In case people didn't realize, this changes the stack size of logs to 1

💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 18th at 1:17 PM

Fishoo I just downloaded version 0.0.3 and started a world with just my mod and it works for me

Here is a photo of how it works for me

💬 Fishoo, Oct 18th at 1:39 AM

Just downloaded the latest version, and it still won't work when making tannic acid.

Cant put more than 1 log at a time, and it needs 5 to be able to seal.

💬 PonyVStudios, Oct 15th at 8:50 PM

LordOri When I use this mod and vanilla variants, the amount of firewood doesn't change for vanilla variants firewood. Regular firewood gets 28 from a single log as in your mod, but Pine Firewood from Vanilla Variants only gets 4 from a single log, like in the vanilla game. It's just a bit annoying is all. The itemcode for Vanilla Variants firewood is "vanvar:firewood-[WOODTYPE]" if you need that.

💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 15th at 6:13 PM

Can you describe the problem in detail? My mod only changes a few recipes and the number of items in a stack, so it shouldn't conflict much with other mods.

💬 PonyVStudios, Oct 15th at 5:00 PM

Incompatible with Vanilla Variants firewood.

💬 Charlie447, Oct 14th at 5:09 PM

Great mod, very useful for single player, the scale of the tree farm can be made smaller

💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 14th at 4:08 PM

Charlie447 Thank you, already fixed in the new version v0.0.3

💬 Charlie447, Oct 14th at 3:23 PM

Hi, Russian friend, your mod is great, but it makes it difficult for me to produce tannic acid. The question comes from Chinese players.

try 1x wood + 50 L water --> 50L tannic acid ?

💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 13th at 8:06 AM


if you need to change stacks for logs, then inside the archive look for a json file in which the name contains log and change in the value "value": 1, the number 1 to the amount you need

💬 Comfy_Echo, Oct 12th at 11:09 PM

please make it so i can change the stack size of the logs


💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 12th at 1:00 PM

I ask for help from the community, I want to change the number of boards in the stack from 64 to 48, tell me in which file this can be changed, thanks to everyone who responds!

💬 LordOriAuthor, Oct 12th at 10:11 AM

Maltiez Already done

💬 Maltiez, Oct 12th at 1:02 AM

Please dont abbreviate modid, it makes debugging ppls issues a paint, change it from rtw to rtrullywoods

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