Mods / More fuel

Category: #Crafting #QoL #Simplification #Utility
Author: MrFlame
Side: Both
Created: Jul 28th at 10:37 AM
Last modified: 2 days ago
Downloads: 1766
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Latest file for v1.20.0-rc.5:
More fuel 1-click install

Mod created for Fendragon server. (Ukrainian community server)
Something like SuperFuel mod created by Mr1k3.

Mod adds few new fuel types.
1) Smeared firewood - have low temperature(185 С) but burn for long. You cant even bake a bread with this, but it still generate heat. Good for harch winter or cooking food.
2) Rot-soaked peat - burn temperature(600 С) lower than normal peat but it burns much longer. Must be dried first.
3) Pressed rot - a new method compactly stores your rot. It burns. If left long enough, it will turn into a peat briquette.
4) High-temperature fuel - requires many operations and ingredients, but is able to melt even such metals as iron and meteorite iron. Steel is not enough for him anyway. WARNING: DONT even try to melt raw iron ore (megnetite, hematite, limonite). You will get ironbloom in the mold and cant do anything with it. I`m watching you(-_-). Still you can melt meteoric fragments into meteoric iron ingots.

Also you can burn bone meal into lime.

1) Rot stacking
2) Super fuel
3) (I have added the required items that were requested by the server. If you have suggestions, I can make them)

My discord profile:mrgabrielflame




Мод створено для сервера Fendragon. (Український сервер спільноти)

Щось на кшталт мода SuperFuel, створеного Mr1k3.

Мод додає кілька нових видів палива.

  1. Просочені жиром дрова - мають низьку температуру(185 С) , але горять довго. Ви не зможете навіть спекти хліб з цим, але воно все ще генерує тепло. Добре для холодної зими або приготування їжі.
  2. Промочений гниллю торф - температура горіння(600 С) нижча, ніж у звичайного торфу, але він горить значно довше. Спочатку його потрібно висушити.
  3. Пресована гниль - новий метод компактно зберігати гниль. Вона горить. Якщо висохне - перетвориться на торф’яний брикет.
  4. Високотемпературне паливо - вимагає багатьох операцій та інгредієнтів, але здатне розплавити навіть такі метали, як залізо та метеоритне залізо. Хоча сталь переплавити температури не вистачить. ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ: навіть НЕ намагайтеся розплавити сиру залізну руду (магнетит, гематит, лімоніт). Ви отримаєте залізну крицю у формі для злитку, і нічого з ним не зможете зробити. Я спостерігаю за вами (-_-). Все ж можна переплавляти метеоритні шматочки в метеоритне залізо.

Також ви зможете перепалити кісткове борошно у вапно.

Дорожня карта:

  1. Стаки гнилі 
  2. Супер паливо
    (Я додав необхідні елементи, які були запитані сервером. Якщо у вас є пропозиції, я можу зробити їх спеціально для вас.)

Мій профіль в Discord: mrgabrielflame


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.3 79 2 days ago Show More fuel Install now
v1.0.2 109 6 days ago Show More fuel Install now
v1.0.1 261 Oct 28th at 11:36 AM Show More fuel Install now
v1.0.0 82 Oct 23rd at 9:00 AM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.8 234 Sep 19th at 2:10 PM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.6 264 Sep 1st at 9:29 AM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.5 201 Aug 17th at 12:53 PM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.4 92 Aug 16th at 1:32 PM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.3 146 Aug 13th at 8:07 AM Show More fuel Install now
v0.0.1 298 Jul 28th at 11:12 AM Show More fuel Install now

17 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Oct 23rd at 9:14 AM

I've never been interested in making configs for mods before, maybe in the future I'll learn how to do it and will definitely do it here😉
You can fix the fuel characteristics yourself. You go to accets/fuel/itemtypes/ you are interested in fatfirewood.json and pressedrot.json. In them, you find “burnDuration”: and correct the number to the desired number of seconds. For fatty firewood, it's 240 seconds, for dry peat, it's 900. You can add a zero at the end and they will burn 10 times longer)

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Oct 23rd at 9:02 AM

LordOri Minni6in
thank you for your feedback, I fix it. Sorry for so long

💬 LordOri, Oct 13th at 9:39 AM

fuel:item-rottenpeat-dry нет русского перевода

💬 Minni6in, Oct 12th at 12:09 AM

Rot soaked peat in the EN lang file is missing the word dry

💬 Origin_Alpha_43, Sep 13th at 5:14 AM

suggestion: if possible, make a config file to tune heat and durations.
I loved the duration before the last update, it feels like its been nerfed too much

💬 Akira_Moriko, Sep 5th at 4:28 AM

The borax with quern is broken again with this mod. I had others enabled thought it could have been one of them so I disabled the others and just used this mod in a test world and it's still causing the problem.

💬 Joshw42291, Sep 1st at 12:44 PM

No Worries! Modding is a hobby, not a job, im just happy you shared the mod lol

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Sep 1st at 9:29 AM

Joshw42291 fixed, thank you and sorry for so long

💬 Joshw42291, Aug 22nd at 11:11 PM

For some reason with only this mod in im unable to grind borax in a quern anymore

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Aug 16th at 2:15 PM

Arthopleura For this I need deep understanding of C#. I'm like a first-grader - I can read it, but I can't write it)) 
I manipulate the mechanics already created by the developers, trying not to significantly disrupt the technological development in the game by simply adding alternatives.

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Aug 16th at 2:07 PM

VaelophisNyx done. I make a high temperature fuel from antracite dust, rust dust, sulfur powder, dry rot-soaked peat and resin. It can melt iron and meteoric iron to cast them.

💬 Arthopleura, Aug 16th at 9:40 AM

This suggestion will probably not be added, but when i think about more fuel, i think about oil, gazoline and other fossil fuels. Maybe adding some kind of refinery structure and some oil ?

I know i am asking for a lot, but it would fit a tech themed modpack, and since i am using one, i though about this kind of fuel. Anyway, the mod seems quite nice, getting more variety in our fuel choice is great

💬 VaelophisNyx, Aug 14th at 3:13 AM

a combo of Anthracite, Coke, and crushed Sulfur with a burn temp of 1999°C for 200s would be appreciated (A disclaimer about not melting iron ore with it would be required)

that specific temp because it's above the melting point of Steel, but lower than the crucible's melting point which can cause a crash

Iron ores melt into Iron blooms, and can be poured, but it never cools (and rarely can crash the game)

Anthracite + Coke + Sulfur makes it very late game, or mid-game if you rush it; it also would make it take at least already having a good supply of iron and coal, to get coke.

200s because Anthracite's 180 + some extra to cover the time and effort of making the stuff

primary use is just remelting and casting iron items (a lot of molds support this but not all do; mostly modded ones don't)

I have all this set up on my version of Superfuel, but with 3x recipe output because I'm lazy :P

💬 nickzom, Aug 13th at 1:59 PM

the pressed rot gave me a idea. charcoal briquets from charcoal powder maybe. burn longer than regular charcoal. recipie could be charcoal powder and resin or something

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Jul 30th at 8:15 PM

TheNiteFox thank you for your feedback!) Glad to hear it:3

💬 TheNiteFox, Jul 30th at 4:14 PM

Its always great to see someone new in the modding community! This mod, the pemmican mod, and your explosive mod - All great QOL mods! Thank you for sharing your work with us all :)

💬 UA_Shaman, Jul 28th at 11:32 AM

Перший 🤪
Надіюсь цей мод сподобається людям. Автору респект! Швидко й оперативно.
The first 🤪
I hope people like this mod. Respect to the author! Quickly and efficiently.

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