Mods / Trait Acquirer

Category: #Tweak #Utility
Author: Arkhael
Side: Both
Created: Aug 9th at 7:53 PM
Last modified: Aug 13th at 1:04 PM
Downloads: 589
Follow Unfollow 41

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Adds trait manuals that can be found in various game structures or purchased from the Treasure Trader to acquire the exclusive crafting recipes from each class.

Also adds two server commands to add or remove any extra traits, though this has no effect on class traits.

Config allows setting permission level for the commands as well as disabling the manuals altogether.


To make your own items that add and remove Extra Traits the item needs the class "traitacquirer.ItemTraitManual" and the attribute "traitdata" containing the arrays "add" and "remove" with all lowercase trait names in the relevant array for what you want. See the source for the trait-manual.json that does this for the mod.


Not exactly done, but it works and I'd like to work on some other projects.


Class Manual Models and Textures

Particle & Sound effects when using a manual

More manuals to acquire the non-crafting traits through gameplay, likely with custom traits to balance addition and removal of powerful traits.

Configurable prices and drop rates for manuals

In-game class changing items


Shoutout to the TraitLearner mod for having and achieving the idea in an earlier version. I considered taking over maintenance of it but the mod system has changed so much since then it was easier to just start from scratch.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.9.2 589 Aug 13th at 1:04 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 neobit, 1 day ago

Hello, I really like the idea of this mod. We started using it on our server, but still noone has found the book.
General guestion: is this compatible with Level up ( I think we stopped seeing level up window after adding your mod.

💬 dashr, Aug 18th at 2:54 PM

Arkhael That sounds really promising. Please keep this coming. It looks like this mod would fit both a modded and vanilla playstyle quite well. Imagine how much more of a progression it would give the game if you could not only find trait books like tinkerer and such, but also the likes of forager, soldier, hardy, etc. As I said, this looks pretty promising, and I hope you can bring these goals to life. To give a little example, we play on a server with Xskills and usually most people tend to use the commoner since you can already learn new skills with Xskills. But with an addition like that it would give even more progression till the endgame.


💬 ArkhaelAuthor, Aug 14th at 8:08 PM

@dashr I'm glad you like it, that was part of my motivation but I mainly want to add to the game's exploration loop and give me a reason to start a world without ticking the box to unlock all recipes. I haven't ever played with Xskills but it does seem a good combination to test with and may give me more ideas. I'm itching a bit to add to this but getting my debug environment to work with the config loading and making the scrollbar for the traits menu took as long as the whole rest of the mod and tired me the hell out so I'm working on somethig else that should help with my understanding of the visual code stuff, so look forward to that being next giving this some polish.

💬 dashr, Aug 13th at 2:50 PM

Idk why I never thought of this but it's perfect for a server in combination with Xskills to allow additional progression. Thank you so much for making this :)

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