Mods / Wildcraft: Fruits and Nuts

Category: #Food #Tweak #Worldgen
Author: gabb
Side: Both
Created: Oct 9th 2023 at 6:33 AM
Last modified: Aug 28th at 7:50 PM
Downloads: 29217
Follow Unfollow 489

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install


Do not use this mod with either of the old wildcraft mods, Wildcraft or Wildcraft Trees. These mods are being discontuined in favor of Herbarium and the new content modules (which are still being worked on and released). Using this content module with either of the old versions will cause issues and crashes.

The old Wildcraft and Wildcraft Trees pages will no longer be updated or maintained, but will stay up for the sake of legacy versions of the game. Using this mod on an old world with Wildcraft or Wildcraft trees is likely to cause issues, but remmapings have been added  to help migrate old worlds to the new versions. We appreciate your continued patience in our development process.



  • gabb: Code and original implementations for various berry plants.
  • Ледяная Соня: Author of this new content module. She's done all the textures, and has done the heavy lifting for this new content module.
  • CATASTEROID: Author of the original fruit tree implementation and original assets, contributed some fruit ideas. (his Ko-fi and his Patreon)
  • L33tmaan: Meal fixes and consulting.


  • About 90 new types of fruit, berry and nut plants spread between all ingame climates

    • Dwarf pine (Pinus pumila)
    • Juniper (Juniperus communis)
    • Bunya pine (Araucaria bidwillii)
    • Illawarra plum (Podocarpus elatus)
    • Creeping pine (Microcachrys tetragona)
    • Hala (Pandanus tectorius)
    • Marita (Pandanus conoideus)
    • Crow's eye (Paris quadrifolia)
    • Kakaha (Astelia nervosa)
    • Flax lily (Dianella caerulea)
    • Avocado (Persea americana)
    • Engkala (Litsea garciae)
    • Kawakawa (Piper excelsum)
    • Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia)
    • Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa)
    • Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
    • Wild strawberry (Fragaria viridis)
    • False strawberry (Potentilla indica)
    • Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
    • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus)
    • Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
    • Knyazberry (Rubus arcticus)
    • Bush lawyer (Rubus schmidelioides)
    • Dogrose (Rosa canina)
    • Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata)
    • Rowanberry (Sorbus aucuparia)
    • Quince (Cydonia oblonga)
    • Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
    • Almond (Prunus dulcis)
    • Apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
    • Purple plum (Prunus domestica)
    • Cherryplum (Prunus divaricata)
    • Seaberry (Hippophae rhamnoides)
    • Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
    • Fig (Ficus carica)
    • False orange (Maclura pomifera)
    • Silver nettle (Pipturus argenteus)
    • Common hackberry (Celtis australis)
    • Sugar hackberry (Celtis laevigata)
    • Desert hackberry (Celtis pallida)
    • White oak (Quercus alba)
    • Chestnut (Castanea sativa)
    • Hazelnut (Corylus avellana)
    • Blue quandong (Elaeocarpus angustifolius)
    • Achacha (Garcinia humilis)
    • Spindle (Euonymus europaeus)
    • Ugni myrtle (Ugni molinae)
    • Midyim berry (Austromyrtus dulcis)
    • Munthari (Kunzea pomifera)
    • Guajava (Psidium guajava)
    • Feijoa (Acca sellowiana)
    • Wax jambu (Syzygium samarangense)
    • Pink lilly pilly (Syzygium luehmannii)
    • White lilly pilly (Syzygium smithii)
    • Blue lilly pilly (Syzygium oleosum)
    • Beach almond (Terminalia catappa)
    • Blue tongue (Melastoma affine)
    • Turk's cap (Malvaviscus arboreus)
    • Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)
    • Mezereon (Daphne mezereum)
    • Citron (Citrus medica)
    • Lemon (Citrus limon)
    • Pomelo (Citrus maxima)
    • Finger lime (Citrus australasica)
    • Kumquat (Fortunella margarita)
    • Lemon aspen (Acronychia acidula)
    • Sumac (Rhus integrifolia)
    • Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
    • Pistachio (Pistacia vera)
    • Chinaberry (Melia azedarach)
    • Red quandong (Santalum acuminatum)
    • Oldman saltbush (Atriplex nummularia)
    • Ruby saltbush (Enchylaena tomentosa)
    • Pokeberry (Phytolacca americana)
    • Bunchberry (Cornus suecica)
    • Cheeseberry (Cyathodes petiolaris)
    • Pine heath (Stenanthera pinifolia)
    • Prickly heath (Gaultheria mucronata)
    • Honey-pots (Acrotriche serrulata)
    • Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
    • Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
    • Huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum)
    • Honeysuckle (Lonicera edulis)
    • Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
    • Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)
    • Dwarf elderberry (Sambucus ebulus)
    • Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
    • Bitter nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
    • Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense)
    • Husk cherry (Physalis alkekengi)
    • Beautyberry (Callicarpa dichotoma)
    • Num-num (Carissa macrocarpa)
    • Sea mango (Cerbera manghas)
    • Coral bead plant (Nertera granadensis)
    • Pilo (Coprosma montana)
    • Mingimingi (Coprosma propinqua)
  • Some of the new bushes have thorns and will slow down and damage walking mobs and players; use shift to walk through them without getting pricked
  • Some of the new bushes can have thick leafless branches on the bottom, which have collision and can be used to create green hedges
  • New berry bush propagation system:
    • Breaking berry bushes now gives you only some sticks
    • Instead you should use a knife or shears to clip a branch, bring it to your garden and plant there, overtime it will grow into a new berry bush
    • Green clippings will dry out and die after about a day, so carry them to a new place quickly or put them in buckets
    • Some berry bushes, like dogrose, juniper or blackberries, will sprout new growth on top of them and eventually become one and a half, two or even three blocks tall
    • The smallest of berry plants cannot be clipped: instead you can extract seeds from their berries and plant them in the ground, no farmland needed
  • A new gardening trader that sells cuttings (currently doesn't spawn naturally but can be summoned in creative)




  • Previously established treelike bushes are now split into hedge-forming ones with partially foliated, fruiting bottom blocks and actually treelike ones with thicker, bare, non-fruiting trunks
  • Added marita and its associated products, hopefully all the indonesian and papuan VS players will appreciate, if there are any
  • Renamed pandan into hala to avoid confusion, since hala and marita can both be called "pandans"
  • Split elderberries into black and dwarf varieties; original plant renamed into dwarf elderberry
  • Changed pistachio and sea mango bushes to have bare trunks (warning: harvest them before activating remaps)
  • Changed desert hackberry into a tall bush and lilly pillies into hedge bushes (shouldn't cause any problems)
  • Fruiting bushes now have varying productivity/berry yield per bush, similar to fruit trees, though the difference is less drastic
  • Reworked kakaha plant model
  • Fixed large patches of mingimingi bushes not spawning and sending warnings to logs
  • Fixed saltbush porridge being invisible in pots/bowls
  • Fixed dead flax lily clippings being... pretty green for something withered
  • Fixed lack of dye recipe for the unripe black nightshade variant
  • Fixed incompatibility with any mods that add new chicken feed
  • Fixed wrong amount of dwarf pine cones dropped when a bush is broken


  • Added pilo, mingimingi, kakaha, and their associated products
  • Hackberries are now fruit food category; added hackberry nutlets and hackberry nutlet bar
  • Hackberries, pistachio berries and blue quandongs now can be made into jams
  • Acorns and raw chestnuts now can be put in large troughs
  • Most nuts and seeds now can be put in small troughs
  • Bottom bush blocks are now handbook-grouped
  • Fixed short berry bush seeds and sprouts having wrong drops
  • Fixed crash related to liquids in creative menu
  • Fixed mistakes in topberrybush and bottomberrybush files which were resulting in harvested block weirdness
  • Fixed garden strawberry seedling being textureless
  • Fixed a typo in hazelnut branch lang entries


  • Added illawarra plum, bunya pine, chinaberry, achacha, beach almond, red quandong, lemon aspen, sea mango, finger lime, three vaiants of lilly pilly, midyim berry, munthari, blue tongue, oldman saltbush, cheeseberry, ruby saltbush, creeping pine, pine heath, honey-pots, and their associated products
  • Added oldman saltbush, beach almond and bunya nut bars
  • Added unripe, poisonous variant of black nightshade that you will sometimes get when gathering these berries
  • Polished clipping mechanic: bushes now have working tooltip, clipping produces sound, uses tool durability and takes about a second of time to complete, similar to harvesting
  • Added two new size variants of berry bushes, medium-tall and treelike: the former will naturally grow to one and a half blocks tall, while the latter will grow to three full blocks in height and develop thick leafless branches at the bottom, which have collision and can be used to make passable but not climbable green hedges; the creation of two full blocks tall plants that are normally medium-tall, fully foliated bushes that are normally treelike and treelike bushes that are only two blocks tall is possible via grafting
  • Changed sumac, kumquat, blackberry (for the second time, yes, please don't kill us for that), dogrose, desert hackberry and gooseberry into medium-tall bushes
  • Changed juniper and pistachio into treelike bushes
  • Changed ugni myrtle into a short bush
  • Changed rose apple name to wax jambu to avoid confusion with related species and with pink apples
  • Changed sallowthorn name to seaberry to avoid confusion with... one plant we are going to add in the future X)
  • Updated naranjilla fruit model to better represent its size
  • Miscellaneous cloudberry tweaks
  • Citron now has a slightly less cold-hardy variant, lemon
  • Some fruit trees are now more cold-hardy, notably hazelnut, cocoa, pomelo and guajava
  • Pomelos ceased to shamelessly dominate the subtropical/tropical fruit tree spawns
  • Lemon/citron brandy is now called limoncello
  • Vanilla cranberry and blueberry bushes now use their respective climate tints; sallowthorn, feijoa and pistachio tints also were improved
  • Tall herbaceous berry plants and some grounded berry bushes now have fuller, bushier models
  • Blossom textures of some fruit trees are now more contrast, and certain trees with decorative flowers will now stay in blossom for longer
  • Figs and wax jambu fruits now appear smaller when on trees
  • New chestnut foliage texture
  • Improved visuals of clipping items, now they mostly match the foliage colour of the bushes
  • Fixed fruit mash texture in troughs being not typed (this took way more effort than it was worth...)
  • Poisonous berry mash is now unsuitable fodder, juniper mash as well, because of excess amount of essential oils in it, just compost these
  • Reduced spawn rates of most berry bushes
  • Nut candy and nut bars now can be put on shelves and into display cases
  • Clippings in buckets are now handbook-grouped
  • Fixed a silly typo in the flax lily bush shape file
  • Added some missing lang file entries
  • Temporarily removed fruit tree cuttings from gardening traders' selling list to resolve handbook pages being clogged by repeating "Gardening trader" entry
  • Added polish translation (thanks to Veir)


  • 1.19 consisitency: added rustling sound to berry bushes and fruit tree foliage, adjusted some in-hand transforms, updated models for clippings in buckets, acorn flour and berry seeds now have 3D models
  • Added rose apple and its associated products
  • The nut nerf: lowered or removed in-meal nutrition boost for most nuts, balanced out nut bar and candy nutrition and recipes
  • Added pitting for breadfruits, apricots and cherries, their extracted pits can be eaten as nuts
  • Added edible pumpkin seeds you get after slicing a pumpkin, these can be eaten or converted into plantable seeds
  • Added apricot, cherry, pumpkin and sunflower seed bars
  • Cashew nut extraction now doesn't waste cashew apples, the recipe gives off both nuts and apples instead
  • Strawberries are now split into wild strawberry that generates naturally and garden strawberry that can only be bought from traders
  • Changed transitional property of cloudberries from spoilage to curing to avoid rotten/moldy look when turning into mush
  • Juice and wine made from poisonous berries is now poisonous as well
  • Small herbaceous berry plants now yield less berries per bush on average
  • Changed husk tomato name to husk cherry to avoid confusion with south american species
  • Updated the buying list of gardening traders in preparation for their eventual proper implementation
  • Adjusted the random offset value of short berry bushes to correspond vanilla analogues
  • Adjusted the random offset value of clippings, seedlings and both types of herbaceous berry plants to be less chaotic as well
  • Fixed fruit mash being inedible for animals in troughs
  • Fixed herbaceous berry bush, clipping, seedling, growth and scion blocks transforms
  • Fixed handbook crash caused by an error in fermented cocoa beans recipe
  • Fixed a couple fruit tree-associated bugs
  • Improved french translation (thanks to Laerinok) and added spanish translation (thanks to XurxoMF)


  • Added engkala, coral bead plant, silver nettle, blue quandong, flax lily, kawakawa, bush lawyer, pandan, and their associated products
  • Added spindle red dye that can be used without mordant
  • Added grafting for berry bushes: now you can graft medium or tall bush clippings onto tall bush stock of the same or different species
  • Added compatibility with foraging basket from the Trees module, fruits, nuts, seeds and clippings can go into it
  • Added remaps for all berry bushes from the original Wildcraft
  • Added quandong stones, necklace and bracelet
  • Several traders now buy quandong stones and jewelry made of them
  • Berry bushes now actually drop sticks when broken (or dry grass if the plant doesn't have any woody parts)
  • Dried clippings can now be converted into sticks or dry grass
  • Clippings in buckets are now storable on the ground
  • All bush types are now handbook-grouped for convenience
  • Lowered the amount of berry bushes generating per patch to deal with their excessive abundance
  • Rebalanced spawning conditions of certain tropical berry bushes so they should not generate in temperate areas now
  • Rebalanced fruit tree temperature preferences again: now none of them should have too narrow survival-vernalization range
  • Changed jujube, false orange and sugar hackberry to be decidous trees; sugar hackberry has a very high dormancy entering and vernalization temperatures that should allow it to bear fruit in places where no true winters occur
  • Changed blackberry, red and white currants from tall berry bushes to medium ones to better represent real life counterparts and to make room for other tall bush species (they still can naturally generate as two blocks tall and can be stacked in creative)
  • Fixed broken attributes for vanilla berry bushes, including them not being stackable, reinforceable, etc.
  • Fixed the issue of breaking one berry bush growth block causing all adjacent growth blocks to break as well


  • Fixed inverted healing stats for reed and linen false orange poultices
  • Chestnuts are now in vegetable food category
  • Acorns are now in grain food category
  • Fig trees are now more cold-resistant
  • Changed wolfberry to mezereon to avoid confusion among english speakers
  • Minor model and texture improvements for some fruits
  • Prickly heath and num-num clippings now have correct names and tints


  • The grand split of Wildcraft into several modules has finally occured!
  • Added avocado, pokeweed, prickly heath, lingonberry, beautyberry, black and bitter nightshades, naranjilla, num-num, rowanberry, cherryplum, knyazberry, loquat, sallowthorn, jujube, false orange, desert hackberry, chestnut, white oak, spindle, ugni berry, feijoa, guajava, turk's cap, kumquat, sumac, pistachio, cashew, macadamia, crow's eye, juniper, dwarf pine, and their associated products
  • Added edible pine nuts you can get out of pine, dark pine, cedar pine (from the Trees module) and dwarf pine cones
  • Added acorn bread
  • Added nut bars as nutritious travel snacks
  • Added primitive chocolate paste, marzipan, halva and pacoca that can be used everywhere fruits can except jams
  • Added false orange poultices
  • Added dye recipes for some of new and old berries
  • Fixed the absence of cocoa juice and alcohol
  • Polished visuals for berry bushes and fruit trees, mostly texture replacements and fixes
  • Added unique tints for several plants
  • Fixed wind swaying for short herbaceous berry plants
  • Polished visuals for clipping items and young berry bushes
  • Polished visuals for fruits, berries and nuts in inventory, in player's hands and on the ground
  • Updated berry bush and fruit tree spawning conditions, so now they grow in their respective climates, as well as rebalanced their rarity
  • Updated and rebalanced berry bush and fruit tree temperature tolerance
  • Changed sugar hackberries into tropical plants, though they are still relatively cold-resistant
  • Updated and rebalanced fruiting and ripe phases length for most fruit trees and the amount of fruit harvested
  • Updated and rebalanced nutritional properties and shelf life span of most fruits and berries
  • Nuts are now separated from all other fruits into their own food type, and they rightfully belong to porridge, vegetable and meat stews
  • Cloudberries now disintegrate into less useful, but still edible mush instead of instantly rotting
  • Fixed most missing meal textures
  • Wine/cider now spoils, as it should
  • Fancier names for some alcohol types
  • Added gardening trader (currently creative only)
  • General updates and fixes of english, russian and french language files

Known issues:

  • Nuts have funky naming in meat stews because the game recognizes them as protein = meat
  • Same for halva in porridge
  • Also nuts are not visually present in vegetable stews
  • Evergreen tropical fruit trees, when blooming, render leaves layer in front of flower layer, or don't render leaves at all, however this issue affects vanilla trees as well and seems to be present even when no mods are installed (on my 'puter anyway)
  • Naturally obtained fruit mash currently cannot be put in troughs: this is due to a vanilla error caused by fruit press not removing liquid data from mash after pressing it dry, nothing can be done on our side, so we recommend swapping your natural mash with one from creative menu (which does not contain liquid data and works with troughs perfectly fine)

Plans for the future:

  • Fruiting vines that actually climb blocks
  • Prolonging the empty phase of tropical berry bushes for balance reasons
  • A way to preserve berries without cooking them

Other Wildcraft content:

If you have feedback, leave them in the comments. Please try to be detailed with bug reports and crashes. You can also message me on the Official Vintage Story Discord @slightlycolorblind (aka gabb).

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.2.2 2203 Aug 28th at 7:50 PM Show Install now
v1.2.1 8000 Jun 3rd at 6:18 AM Show Install now
v1.2.0 2654 May 13th at 10:36 PM Show Install now
v1.1.1 7149 Mar 2nd at 5:23 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0 4341 Jan 17th at 5:28 AM Show Install now
v1.0.1 2753 Nov 28th 2023 at 8:53 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 2117 Oct 9th 2023 at 6:46 AM Show Install now

95 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Shinji170981, 2 days ago

Not sure if it's tied to this mod but i am unable to harvest the pineapple in the latest version.
I tried it with a knife but nothing happened and when i break the plant, nothing drops.
I do have all the Wildcraft and Herbarium installed.

💬 MarleyMog, Sep 9th at 6:06 AM

Please please please make this mod compatible with Expanded Foods / Culinary Artillery, being able to add these into Pies, Fruit bread etc would make this so much more helpful <3

💬 RobertS42, Sep 4th at 7:41 AM

Are there any plans on making this mod compatible with floral zones by tentharchitect? Specifically the bush mechanics.

💬 Burgersim, Sep 3rd at 3:24 PM

I was wondering, is it a known issue that oven dried berries (I think the ones I tried were from wildcraft) in pies don't seem to have a corresponding texture?

💬 DejFidOFF, Sep 2nd at 8:37 PM


cool just need tu ask every player on my server if they harvested this so I can shutdown the server to just update mod.  Well done


💬 Tressym, Sep 2nd at 8:29 PM

The Changelog for 1.2.2 does warn against this:

  • Changed pistachio and sea mango bushes to have bare trunks (warning: harvest them before activating remaps)
💬 DejFidOFF, Aug 31st at 6:59 AM


After update from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2

💬 Draugemalf, Aug 25th at 7:04 PM

Here's some suggestions for other edible fruit trees:

Pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
Cornel (Cornus mas)
Medlar (Mespilus germanica)
Black Mulberry (morus nigra)
White Mulberry (morus alba)
Serviceberry (Torminalis glaberrima)
Silverberry (Elaeagnus angustifolia)

💬 Rhyagelle, Jul 25th at 1:07 AM

Any plans on making this compatibile with Expanded Foods via its alcohol changes? For stuff like wine-making? 

💬 zntznt, Jul 18th at 11:08 PM

Same here, the mod was causing fatal errors with fruit on the base game. Please fix!

💬 Doggo_, Jul 18th at 9:29 AM

i have the same problem as Joboyeleven. All fruit trees became invisible and if i destroy the invisible blocks or search in creative (just pressing flora tag is enough) game instantly crashes.

💬 Joboyeleven, Jul 12th at 8:25 PM

While this mod was enabled, it caused fruit trees,including vanilla fruit trees, to become invisible, and if I searched for them in a menu it would crash my game.
Not sure exactly what was happening but I'll see if it's fixed next update.
Note: it was just trees as far as I'm aware, I removed it when I realized it was this mod.

💬 foggyhill, Jul 5th at 12:47 PM

Is it compatible with Food Expand? I'd love to see these fruits made into fruit bread and gelatin

💬 Aeliaz, Jul 2nd at 3:43 PM

Hello gabb !
Great work ! I love it !
But i've some strange thing in log, idk.

I can give the log file, its too much for pastebin...
Voici a quart of file.

Thank u for content ! Have a good day ❤️

2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-jacaranda in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-jacaranda
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-grown-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed1-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed2-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed3-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed4-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed5-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed6-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:willowcane-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks item drop or smeltedstack with code wildcrafttree:leaves-empresstree in Block wildcrafttree:leaves-placed7-empresstree
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-spruce-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-spruce-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-spruce-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-spruce-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-cedar-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-cedar-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-cedar-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-cedar-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-douglasfir-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-douglasfir-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-douglasfir-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-douglasfir-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-dalbergia-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-dalbergia-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-dalbergia-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-dalbergia-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-tuja-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resin-tuja-ud
2.7.2024 17:26:58 [Warning] Failed resolving a blocks block drop or smeltedstack with code widcrafttree:log-placed-tuja-ud in Block wildcrafttree:log-resinharvested-tuja-ud

💬 Falco, Jun 27th at 9:11 PM


Please change your destructive replace patches, in particular in `\wildcraftfruit\patches\nuts-in-trough.json`, to use the AddMerge operation instead.

The replace operation creates mod conflicts, such as with ChickenFeed. I think it is also responsible for the incompatibility with the egg shells as chicken feed from expanded food.

💬 heh, Jun 22nd at 3:17 PM

How do you plant the fractureberry clippings?

💬 Phelan21, Jun 16th at 3:55 PM

My currant bushes just won't grow a second layer, even after almost two years... I'm in a warmer climate, but berries are growing except during the hottest 2-3 months, so that shouldn't be an issue I think?

💬 ngoomie, Jun 12th at 9:14 PM

Using the 1.2.1 release in 1.19.8 for some reason causes crashes both for me (running Fedora 39) and a friend of mine (not sure which OS, I believe also a Linux distro) when we search for "chest" in the handbook, presumably related to the chestnut tree. Here's the log:

Rolling back to 1.2.0 (still using gamever 1.19.8), the issue is gone, so it appears to be some sort of regression in 1.2.1.

💬 Asil, Jun 4th at 2:53 PM

You have the greatest looking mods! I look foreward to fruiting vines. I decorate and terraform more than eat, so visuals are my forte'. I wonder if you will also consider adding--in the future--flowering vines, colored vines, and climbing vines to decorate trees, houses, and walls, and climbing rosebushes. I would create this myself, but coding is not in my DNA. I mean SUCK is an understatement. 

If you need a purpose other than decoration, In Real Life, rose hips are a vital source of Vitamin C in non-tropical regions. Ivys can be toxic, or poisonous when concentrated, and some decorative vines and flowers can be toxic or healing. Who says practical can't be pretty? Oh, and drying fruit and vegetables keeps them good for over a year. The best way is baking on a LOW (150-200 F) heat. It takes about as long as jerky to make, but they keep as long as jerky. Hope you have massive success. 

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Jun 2nd at 4:20 PM

I think this may be posted But I am also experiencing a missing texture bug, Attached image below shows it. Strawberry seeds (sprouting) is missing a texture.

💬 Sofcrew, May 31st at 3:02 AM

I have this mod, herbium, and wild farming revival and i cannot plant any seeds from this mod. i tried it with just itself and it's dependency and it still will not plant.

💬 PeterSanderson, May 29th at 5:19 PM

Updated to 1.19.8 gane server, WC:F&N 1.20, as well as Herbarium 1.20 to an existing server map

Console spammed with this message and all berry bushes shown as broken with "?"

29.5.2024 12:33:11 [Server Notification] Exception thrown when trying to initialize a block entity @511919, 111, 511847: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at herbarium.BETallBerryBush.Initialize(ICoreAPI api) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BETallBerryBush.cs:line 55
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.mainThreadLoadChunkColumn(ChunkColumnLoadRequest chunkRequest) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\LoadThread

I erased the cache and restarted the server but the problem persists

Reverted to 1.1.1 of WC:F&N and the problem resolved.

Not sure what's going on but can't upgrade this mod to 1.2.0 without that issue.

💬 SpacemanSpliff, May 26th at 1:56 PM

Loving this mod, but I cant seem to put fruit mashes from fruit trees like plum and apricot (havnt tested it with others) into a large trough. Not sure if that's intended or not.

💬 MarkusAureus, May 24th at 6:20 PM

Is it possible to trim berry bushes with this mod? It seems to overwrite the prompt

💬 ext_, May 19th at 11:46 PM


💬 gabbAuthor, May 16th at 4:45 PM

ext_, we found the problem and that will be fixed in the next release.

💬 ext_, May 16th at 10:18 AM

[Warning] Unable to resolve harvested block code 'wildcraftfruit:toppricklybush-kumquat-empty' for block wildcraftfruit:topberrybush-kumquat-ripe. Will ignore.
[Warning] Unable to resolve harvested block code 'wildcraftfruit:toppricklybush-sumac-empty' for block wildcraftfruit:topberrybush-sumac-ripe. Will ignore.

No, I don't have any other mods for fruits besides Wildcraft.

💬 Zach2039, May 11th at 8:40 PM

Looks like cooking cloudberries into a meal doesn't prevent them from mushifying, or maybe something else is up. Seeing `wildcraftfruit:recipeingredient-item-berrymush-insturmentalcase` in my meals on a shelf after some time.

Originally posted this in Wildcraft: Herbs and Spices, but it belongs here.

💬 Arielessar, May 5th at 2:58 AM

Getting the following error ( for seed 1391579343 (at spawn) when I enable Color Accurate World Map: True in world settings. If I have this setting disabled or this mod disabled I do not run into this issue.

I did try with only the wildcraft mods enabled, but one of my other mods makes that seed spawn in the redwood forest. I would try this with just the wildcraft mods to confirm if it was just this mod but unsure how to locate a redwood biome quickly via commands if that is even possible. I am howver fairly sure its this mod as I don't think my other mods add any fruit trees.

💬 RonJ, May 2nd at 9:03 PM

Dry fruit mash from this mod seems to be labeled as unsuitable fodder for the pigs? Is this a bug or is some fruits not ediable for the pigs?

💬 ErikaVenice, Apr 21st at 6:59 PM

hello i wanted to ask, what is the deal with grape? is it not fully implemented as of yet? i cannot find seeds for it 


💬 Laerinok, Apr 18th at 5:07 PM


Try Configure Everything. You could set many things in the config file. But not sure it will work for modded plants.

💬 sofiaggo, Apr 18th at 8:21 AM
💬 ghjk258, Apr 6th at 3:35 PM

is there a way to change thw dry speed of the clippings in the configs 


💬 Aodhwyn, Apr 6th at 12:50 AM

Running into an issue when trying to extract false strawberry mash from the fruitpress and its crashing anyone who tries to remove it, either via right clicking or full on creaking the fruit press to obtain it. Causing anyone to crash

💬 Bl0ckparty, Apr 5th at 7:44 AM

Loving your mods!  Hope this specific info helps:
Similar to other users, I cliped mature, flowering, and green black currant bushes (some were two tall) and then I went back and accidentally used a pair of tin bronze shears on a top green clipped black currant bush and my game totally crashed to desktop.  It does seem like there is some bug associated with the clipping of berry bushes when you try to do it a second time.  They're vanilla bushes so I don't think it's related to the bush.  When I logged back in, the currant bushes that had had berries no longer had berries and instead of flat squares like what usually happens after clipping, the formerly mature and green black currant bushes were "fluffy" again, but the flowering black currant bush was still "flat sided" like what usually happens after a bush is clipped.

💬 Nikuksis, Apr 3rd at 7:59 AM

The mod is awesome! Thank you very much for your work.


Though i have a bug:

If you clip mature berries and than harvest it, it becomes unclipped again and you can clip second branch from the same berry bush.

💬 Dragazhar, Apr 2nd at 11:33 PM

A Knife works on a dwarf pine to get a clipping w/ no crashes

💬 Aparlin301, Apr 1st at 1:10 AM

the mod crashes the game when using shears on the dwarf pine to get clippings.

💬 Wandour, Mar 18th at 3:55 AM

i noticed an issue where u can't bake some nuts like pistachio in a stone oven by the stone oven mod
it says the oven is full


💬 Auzner, Mar 10th at 2:19 AM

Line 15 of wildcraftfruit_1.1.0/assets/wildcraftfruit/shapes/block/plant/berrybush/flaxlilybush2.json is throwing a texture error in game because the slash at the end is wrong. \f is showing up as a form feed and spaces out the error log. "flowerberrysmalltop": "wildcraftfruit:block/plant/berrybush/small/leaves\flaxlilytop",

💬 neko911, Mar 5th at 11:31 AM

I have trouble with this mod on 1.19.4 and 1.19.3 version, it causes game crash when typed H on keyboard, and sometimes B triggers it as well. Please consider fixing this!

crash report:

Running on 64 bit Windows 10.0.19045.0 with 16238 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.19.3 (Stable)
2024/3/7 20:21:48: Critical error occurred
Loaded Mods: caninae@1.0.10, machairodontinae@1.0.2, pantherinae@1.1.1, game@1.19.3, herbarium@1.1.0, kemono@0.0.17, creative@1.19.3, survival@1.19.3, wildcraftfruit@1.1.0, wildcraftherb@0.0.0, wildcrafttree@1.1.0
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Vintagestory.GameContent.DynFoliageProperties.GetOrLoadTexture(ICoreClientAPI capi, String key) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreePart.cs:line 40
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFruitTreePart.get_Item(String textureCode) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreePart.cs:line 109
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElement(Int32 indexForLogging, MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement element, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 394
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElements(MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement[] elements, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 306
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShapeElements(MeshData meshdata, ShapeElement[] elements, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 306
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShape(Shape shapeBase, MeshData& modeldata, Vec3f wholeMeshRotation, Vec3f wholeMeshOffset, Single wholeMeshScale, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 302
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFruitTreeBranch.GenMeshes() in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreeBranch.cs:line 306
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFruitTreeBranch.GenMesh() in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreeBranch.cs:line 229
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFruitTreeBranch.updateProperties() in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreeBranch.cs:line 224
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFruitTreeBranch.FromTreeAttributes(ITreeAttribute tree, IWorldAccessor worldForResolving) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\FruitTree\BEFruitTreeBranch.cs:line 379
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientChunk.AddOrUpdateBlockEntityFromPacket(Packet_BlockEntity p, ClientMain game) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Model\ClientChunk.cs:line 415
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandleBlockEntities(Packet_Server packet) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\GeneralPacketHandler.cs:line 423
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 769
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 675
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 650
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 318
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93

💬 Stratateles, Mar 4th at 8:54 PM

I've been meaning to ask the same thing as Jalex. I really miss making honeysuckle and raspberry gelatin muffins like in the original Wildcraft!

Thank you for the mod by the way, can't play without it! :)

💬 Jalex, Mar 3rd at 12:47 PM

Are you planning on making the berries/nuts work in the same way as regular ones for Expanded Foods?
I'd really love to make some Sallowthorn syrup or Strawberry Compoté :)

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Mar 3rd at 10:49 AM

Since the latest update of your mod i am constantly getting

[Server Error] At position 57748, 169, 62130 for block bigberrybush-redcurrant-flowering a BETallBerryBush threw an error when ticked:
3.3.2024 10:47:00 [Server Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Vintagestory.API.Common.AssetLocation.Create(String domainAndPath, String defaultDomain) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Assets\AssetLocation.cs:line 197
at herbarium.BETallBerryBush.DoGrow() in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BETallBerryBush.cs:line 227
at herbarium.BETallBerryBush.CheckGrow(Single dt) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BETallBerryBush.cs:line 86
at Vintagestory.Common.GameTickListener.OnTriggered(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds) in VintagestoryLib\Common\Model\GameTickListener.cs:line 27

using herbarium 1.1.0

💬 Novabella, Mar 3rd at 1:02 AM

Would you ever consider adding a Tea plant?

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Mar 2nd at 8:28 PM

Could you add a config option to let us reduce the general spawning of edible plants & fruits? As it is now, it's too easy to survive, since these are everywhere. Something like "uncommonBerrybushes" true/false. It's easy to implement, i did something similar with the TraderCamps mod.

💬 Noy, Feb 25th at 5:55 PM

I've grabbed clippings from bushes that have spawned in the forest around my base, but through two seasons they've stayed 'will flower in 8 days, weather permitting' without budging. Is it possible berry bushes spawn in areas where they won't grow currently, or is this a bug?

Currently experiencing this with Huckleberry, Blackberry and Raspberry. I spawned in a 'warm' part of the globe. I'm on the latest stable version (1.19.3).

💬 Oldstane, Feb 20th at 10:18 PM

Will new species of trees appear in the not yet researched territories of the world that I have created before the modification loading?

💬 Grasp, Feb 19th at 11:47 PM

It's possible that using a knife to get clippings is disabled in the config. Have you tried using shears instead? Supramp

💬 Supramp, Feb 19th at 10:23 PM

Can you only get clippingd from ripe bushes. I have tried blueberry and cranberry (empty). tried sneak right click with crude flint knife, and tin bronze knife. nothing seems to work, thats why i was wondering if the bush had to be ripe?

💬 Runeguden, Feb 12th at 5:47 PM

How in the heck do i get acorns? all i get is oak seeds when i chop down oak

💬 Mendall, Feb 11th at 11:38 AM

O thank you so much for this gabb I've been waiting for this to be ready.


💬 AzuliBluespots, Feb 11th at 1:41 AM

Any plans to add Passion fruit? I mean, it's good af and the flowers are very uniqueFlor de maracujá reúne beleza e benefícios na mesma planta

💬 ArtiKs, Feb 9th at 5:32 PM

When trying to plant smaller bushes like strawberries and kynazberries from seeds extracted with a knife, they will never grow. They just become a placed item that doesn't say how long they'll take to mature.

💬 Tels, Feb 8th at 5:23 PM

Mendall There is now a version out for the herbs:

💬 Mendall, Feb 1st at 1:01 AM

Are the herbs, ground cover plants, and water plants from the old wildcraft. Still being switched over to this system, or are they discontinued? Does anyone know? I need to find out as I'm holding off on starting 1.19 world till I have all the wildcraft content that will be available.


💬 WickedSchnitzel, Jan 30th at 3:27 PM

We are getting some regular fruit tree related crashes on our 1.19.3 server. Not sure if it has to do with this mod, maybe have a look at Issue #3531 · anegostudios/VintageStory-Issues (

💬 TylerB95, Jan 28th at 4:43 AM

Does this mod and Wildcraft Trees work on 1.19.3?

💬 Petalwing, Jan 25th at 5:28 PM


"after rereading the new berry system, the bushes breaking into sticks is working as it's supposed to. However, I can't seem to get the clippings to work at all. ....I'm using a flint knife to do this... am I missing something here?"

I was having the same problem with bushes. I haven't tested all berries, but clipping seems to be working with most vanilla and Wildcraft bushes now. Using sneak + right-click with flint knife is getting clippings. 

I'm unable to get clippings from the smaller bushes like strawberries and kynazberries though.

💬 Laerinok, Jan 24th at 7:55 AM



I've sent the fr.json to The crowdin's Vintage Story Mods translation page. I also added some missing strings and made some minor corrections. I fixed the syntax errors that made the file invalid. It is now detected by the game.
wildcraftfruit-gabb (code).json

💬 Cygnusia, Jan 20th at 9:48 PM

gabb, after rereading the new berry system, the bushes breaking into sticks is working as it's supposed to. However, I can't seem to get the clippings to work at all. I removed all mods except for Herbarium, F&N, and T&S. and cleaned out the mod cache. I've tried different combinations of left/right clicking with both shift, control, and both together. It either breaks the bush completely or just sticks the knife out. I'm using a flint knife to do this... am I missing something here?

On a different note, the test world I was running (which will probably be a future home, due to this awesome, huge, above-ground cave) I found fractureberry plants just... hangin' out. On the water, in the air, whereever they felt like, I guess. :) Pics, of course, or it didn't happen.

Fractureberries Gone Wild!

💬 gabbAuthor, Jan 20th at 7:41 PM

Cygnusia, i can't reproduce those bugs on 1.19.1 using the latest versions of Herbarium, Fruits & Nuts and Trees & Shrubs, so it's probably a compatability issue between whatever mods you're using.

💬 Cygnusia, Jan 20th at 4:15 PM

Currently playing on 1.19.1. Right now, Fruit bearing bushes seem to be in stasis. None show tooltips, and after harvesting fruit, no longer seem to move to next stage, no matter how long one waits. Bushes can also no longer be clipped with a knife, or pulled up to transplant in a different location. They drop sticks only, instead of a clipping or plantable bush. I'm using the most current version of Herbarium, Fruits & Nuts, Trees & Shrubs, along with History of Existence and Natural Patches (I don't know if they will affect these mods, but putting it out there, just in case...) I have checked this in both an established world and newly generated world.

💬 Laerinok, Jan 19th at 3:08 PM

The fr.json is invalid. There are some comas missing. fr text is not displayed.

💬 Andrello, Jan 19th at 4:54 AM

Aren't dwarf pines way too strong? I planted a bunch of them (around 80-100), waited for them to ripe and now I have a free 84.000 protein sat that will rot in 5+ years every time they are ready.

I think they should be nerfed quite a bit.

💬 Moon_Dew, Jan 12th at 3:16 PM

1.19 compatible?

💬 DancingHoskuld, Jan 6th at 5:40 AM

Playing 1.18 with latest version of this mod.

Sqeeee, I have built a split lever shrubbery worthy of the Knights that say Ni!

Also a bug? I can dry currents, bluberries and cranberries by squishing in the press,  putting in crafting grid and then drying in my backpacke. None of the berries from this mod can be dried in this way.

edit: Furtherr playing has the currents, blueberries and cranberries flowering and fruiting in the middle of winter. The Dwarf Pine are also flowering and fruiting or at least some are.

💬 Colecionador_00, Dec 12th 2023 at 4:16 PM

hi Gabb, the Field of Gold mod have a problem with Fruits and Nuts with compability? 

💬 BraniyaKz, Dec 7th 2023 at 4:43 AM

@Mohandar - Dude, what is that world seed you're playing on in that screenie? Can I get that per chance? :D

💬 VaelophisNyx, Nov 28th 2023 at 8:34 PM

The texture issue is probably a texture atlas problem; there's a mod for 1.18.x to make it MUCH larger to handle more mods


💬 gabbAuthor, Nov 28th 2023 at 9:20 AM

thank you all for the bug reports, i'll be looking at them over the next week. i don't think it was clear before but using this mod and herbarium with Wildcraft and Wildcraft Trees is very likely to cause issues. i've updated to mod description to reflect that. i'll also be doing some investigating work to make sure i can mitigate crashes and lag, so be on the lookout for a Herbarium update. we hope to update the tree module within the next few weeks. thank you all for being patient with us.

💬 Mohandar, Nov 20th 2023 at 10:34 PM



just to let you know that with Geology Additions-v1.2.0 and animalcages_v2.2.0 both installed in Vintage Story 1.18.15 stable there is some problem with textures
animalcages_v2.2.0 may be the main culprit tho.

💬 osari, Nov 14th 2023 at 5:58 AM

It's not just husk tomatoes, it's num-num or naranjilla, too (forget which clippings I planted first).

13.11.2023 21:55:44 [Fatal] System.ArgumentNullException: BEClipping newBushBlock is Null. Exiting. (Parameter 'newBushBlock')
at herbarium.BEClipping.DoGrow(String state) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BEClipping.cs:line 107
at herbarium.BEClipping.CheckGrow(Single dt) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BEClipping.cs:line 97
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 59
at Vintagestory.Server.CoreServerEventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerEventManager.cs:line 124
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 881

💬 Megakruemel, Oct 28th 2023 at 10:44 AM

I think the Husktomato clippings I planted bugged out hard. The Server is basically unplayable because of permanent lag.

My server log is filled with this repeatedly:


27.10.2023 21:07:18 [Fatal] System.ArgumentNullException: BEClipping newBushBlock is Null. Exiting. (Parameter 'newBushBlock')
at herbarium.BEClipping.DoGrow(String state) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BEClipping.cs:line 107
at herbarium.BEClipping.CheckGrow(Single dt) in D:\VSMods\Herbarium\Herbarium\src\BlockEntity\BEClipping.cs:line 97
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 59
at Vintagestory.Server.CoreServerEventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerEventManager.cs:line 124
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 881


The only other berries I planted from clippings are Blackberries. (EDIT: I think I also replanted some Spindle a while ago but I don't think that this was the berry causing the issue)


Also, I am sorry to even ask this but is this the right location to post bugs or should I post these reports somewhere else?

💬 Sbmhawk, Oct 27th 2023 at 3:12 AM

The dependency mod for this, herbarium, crashes you whenever you interact with berry bushes, raspberry and blackberry in particular.

💬 Pamela, Oct 26th 2023 at 12:50 PM

When will the other modules be released....especially the herb one?

💬 Thauma, Oct 22nd 2023 at 6:39 PM

Wolfberry is a horrible translation from Russian, because Wolfberry in English means Goji berries, where as the Russian name is for Mezereon or February daphne. Goji berries are edible, but mezereon is not edible. This confusion can be detrimental to player experience and knowledge.

EDIT: Crow's Eye could be named Raven's Eye to lessen the confusion with Crowberry as well.

💬 Marvin78, Oct 14th 2023 at 6:32 PM


Rubus arcticus is known as "Княженика" aka "Knyazhenika" in Russian, which is most likely where the Knyazberry name came from. I don't see a reason to change it.

💬 RobertS42, Oct 13th 2023 at 6:46 AM

I can't find any proper mention on the internet where Rubus arcticus is called Knyazberry. The most common name seems to be Arctic Raspberry or Arctic Bramble.

Other English names include: Arctic Blackberry, Northern Blackberry, and Nagoonberry

So I suggest you change the name to an actual English name of the plant. 
(IMO Arctic Raspberry or Arctic Bramble would work best)

💬 Draugemalf, Oct 10th 2023 at 7:02 PM

I think that Physalis ixocarpa should probably be treated as a vegetable?
The orange sweet ones are Physalis peruviana.


💬 NukoSan, Oct 10th 2023 at 6:48 PM

I bow my head, as I have been knowledged! Touche, RobertS42 Touche indeed! :-) 

💬 RobertS42, Oct 10th 2023 at 2:19 PM

Problem with that link is that highbush cranberries aren't actually cranberries, and are very bitter and mildly toxic. Viburnum isn't even that closely related to true cranberries, which are of the genus Vaccinium and are closer to kiwis than the highbush cranberry. NukoSan

💬 NukoSan, Oct 10th 2023 at 11:43 AM cranberry grows (depending of type) up to 4m... blueberry aye - agree with RobertS42

💬 RobertS42, Oct 10th 2023 at 10:43 AM

Just a suggestion: Make the blueberry and cranberry bushes into those small low growing bushes, it makes more sense.

💬 Bolkani, Oct 10th 2023 at 7:26 AM

Is this compatible with In Dappled Groves?


💬 Mellifera, Oct 9th 2023 at 11:55 PM

Wonderful mod, thank you! Though I am puzzled by one bit...
How do you "extract" the seeds from small berry bushes like lingonberry? Is there a certain station I need to use?

💬 AzuliBluespots, Oct 9th 2023 at 8:25 PM


💬 Savasthek, Oct 9th 2023 at 5:30 PM

Bug Report for 1.0.0

- all berry bushes drop the whole bush when harvested (example: black currant bushes)
   - expected behavior: the bush drops as a clipping, or only sticks
- wildcraft berries (Ex: lingonberries, bitter nightshade, prickly heath bush) drop the plant/bush when flowering or empty, but drop only berries when broken while full of berries (with hand, knife, or shears)
   - expected behavior: dropping the bush block and the berries like vanilla bushes.
   - note: vanilla bushes drop the bush when broken in any state.

💬 l33tmaan, Oct 9th 2023 at 4:20 PM

Oh, god. When are the other modules coming? I'm not updating Expanded Foods until all the plants from Wildcraft + Wildcraft Trees have been recreated.

💬 GingerAiyle, Oct 9th 2023 at 9:43 AM

Would it be possible to make some of the larger berry bushes grow to be two tall in this version? I know you're able to find at least all the currant bushes, raspberry bushes and blackberry bushes as two bushes one atop another in the wild, so it would be cool to be able to have the clippings maybe grow to be that tall after some time. Or maybe there's another way to achieve it?

💬 NethanielShade, Oct 9th 2023 at 8:31 AM

The hype is real

💬 DuckyMomo, Oct 9th 2023 at 8:02 AM

Got it, got it. Thank you!

💬 gabbAuthor, Oct 9th 2023 at 8:01 AM

I mean any current versions of Wildcraft or Wildcraft Trees, as they share content with the fruit module. Both Wildcraft and Wildcraft Trees will have 'new' names when they are updated and ready for full use again. I'll try to make it more clear

💬 DuckyMomo, Oct 9th 2023 at 7:59 AM

Sorry if I'm stupid, but by old versions of Wildcraft and Wildcraft Trees, do you mean pre 1.6.6 versions of Wildcraft and pre 1.2.4 versions of Wildcraft Trees? Or are those two versions still not going to work with this?

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