Mods / Linux 1-click install handler

Category: #Utility
Author: maximalmax90
Side: Client
Created: Sep 12th 2023 at 10:03 PM
Last modified: Sep 13th 2023 at 4:39 PM
Downloads: 461
Follow Unfollow 3

Latest version:


It's simple python script for mods installation through 1-click link without starting client. Arch Linux users can install it from AUR

For other distrs

1) sudo cp vs1clickmodinstaller /usr/bin/

2) sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/vs1clickmodinstaller

3) sudo cp vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop /usr/share/applications/

*4) xdg-mime default vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop x-scheme-handler/vintagestorymodinstall


Script require some python modules: requests, tk (see instructions for your distr how to install it)

*Optional, often works without it

vintagestory binary must be in /usr/bin, but you can change path in vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop if you need


This version uses native implementation and starting client for mod installation. It was integrated by copygirl into VintageStory package in AUR.

For other distrs

You can install a vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop or make changes to an existing one.

If install file

1) sudo cp vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop /usr/share/applications/

*2) xdg-mime default vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop x-scheme-handler/vintagestorymodinstall

If make changes

In vintagestory.desktop:

1) replace Exec=/usr/bin/vintagestory to Exec=/usr/bin/vintagestory -i %u

2) add MimeType=x-scheme-handler/vintagestorymodinstall;

You can also copy desktop-file to ~/.local/share/applications/ and make changes there.

*3) xdg-mime default vintagestory.desktop x-scheme-handler/vintagestorymodinstall

*Optional, often works without it

vintagestory binary must be in /usr/bin, but you can change path in vs1clickmodinstaller.desktop if you need

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
184 Sep 13th 2023 at 4:39 PM Show
139 Sep 12th 2023 at 10:05 PM Show
138 Sep 12th 2023 at 11:09 PM Show

7 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Aelius, Sep 2nd at 7:26 PM

kde-open vintagestorymodinstall://fsmlib@0.4.5

When you log sys.argv[1] it becomes vintagestorymodinstall://fsmlib@

Really wierd.

💬 maximalmax90Author, Mar 14th at 11:57 AM

Hi effgee,

I need more details as I'm not reproducing the bug on my side.

Also, please use the bug tracker to discuss issues that arise. At the moment I sometimes have problems, but they are solely due to errors made by mod developers when describing modinfo.json.

💬 effgee, Mar 14th at 1:07 AM

Hi maximalmax90

This is somewhat broken, not sure why. 

Message window pops up, accept the query and then it silently fails.

I minimally modified the config location in ( vs1clickmodinstaller) due to using the AppImage distribution


_default_client_settings = f"{os.path.expanduser('~')}/.config/VintagestoryData/clientsettings.json"


# Added config location for flatpak version
_default_client_settings = f"{os.path.expanduser('~')}/.var/app/at.vintagestory.VintageStory/config/VintagestoryData/clientsettings.json"

and the handler is picking up the config properly.


Running in console, xdg-open vintagestorymodinstall://buzzybees@1.0.1 for example gives

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/vs1clickmodinstaller", line 88, in <module>
if messagebox.askyesno(title=_title,message=f"Install version {_mod_ver} of {_mod_name} mod?"): install(_get_file, _get_url, _mod_name, _mod_ver)
NameError: name '_get_file' is not defined

Seems like perhaps the api format has changed a bit I haven't investigated more. At first glance the json parsing looks correct but I am not sure.



💬 maximalmax90Author, Sep 13th 2023 at 6:44 PM


Ok, thx!

💬 Teslov, Sep 13th 2023 at 6:36 PM


This one is missing modID in modinfo.json file. Having it installed threw error in line 64 when trying to install anything else.

💬 maximalmax90Author, Sep 13th 2023 at 4:14 PM


Can you give an example of a mod with which a similar situation occurs? This is just for understanding) I have made changes, I will update the files soon.

💬 Teslov, Sep 13th 2023 at 3:51 PM

Heeeey, works perfectly but you might want to replace line 64 with `if _modinfo.get('modid') == _mod_id:` instead of `if _modinfo['modid'] == _mod_id:`.
get() returns None instead of erroring and some mods do not provide modid and having them installed breaks the installer.

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