Mods / Farm To Table

Category: #Food #Worldgen
Author: Sean_OCuin
Side: Both
Created: Dec 11th 2022 at 11:47 PM
Last modified: Aug 13th 2023 at 6:39 AM
Downloads: 7114
Follow Unfollow 171

Latest file for v1.18.8:
FarmToTable 1-click install

If you currently use More Crops you can switch to my version and it will convert all items/blocks over, PLEASE CREATE A WORLD BACKUP FIRST TO BE SAFE!

This mod initially started off as a continuation of More Crops by Minni6in, however it will be expanded upon with all sorts of new crops and resources!

Some of the textures/models currently being used will be changed once the talented Ледяная Соня creates them!

Currently in the mod you can find;

  • Beets
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Eggplants
  • Jalapenos
  • Oats
  • Bell-peppers (At least until they get added back into vanilla!)
  • Potatoes
  • Sugar Beets
  • Sugarcane
  • Yams



Currently partial compatibility with Expanded Foods, hopefully fully done within 2 weeks! (Check the changelog for what is currently done!)

Dana has made it work with Crops Config


JSON work by Sean-OCuin, Art by Ледяная Соня, Russian Translation by NESHK0.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.3 3873 Aug 13th 2023 at 6:39 AM Show FarmToTable Install now
v1.0.2 2633 Dec 13th 2022 at 10:48 PM Show FarmtoTable Install now
v1.0.1 299 Dec 12th 2022 at 4:27 PM Show FarmtoTable Install now
v1.0.0 299 Dec 11th 2022 at 11:53 PM Show FarmtoTable Install now

72 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Cojo, Jun 25th at 7:14 PM

Are there any plans to continue working on this mod? It's absolutely fantastic, and the game feels lacking without it, after having gotten used to it!

💬 Oldstane, Feb 20th at 9:52 PM

I want this mode with 1.19.x 🙃

💬 BraniyaKz, Dec 19th 2023 at 11:43 AM

Sean_OCuin - Are you still planning on continuing your work with this fantastic mod? I'm wondering because I'm working on fixing it up as part of my upcoming megapatch series until you come back to it, which you can feel free to incorperate if you choose.

For anyone wondering on the state of this mod, I'm currently working on incorperating fixes and consistency resolutions for this and its expanded foods compat into my mod, Compat Master. I understand there are other fixes out there, however they change the domain of the mod, which breaks patches with other mods that have compatibility for more crops/farm to table. So I opted to fix up this mod in patch form and add missing resources, and incorperate it into my megapatch series. Release should be expected around New Years.

💬 Samu50hiderpo, Nov 19th 2023 at 10:43 PM

Will there be a mod update for 1.19? I would love to have potatoes.

💬 XurxoMF, Nov 15th 2023 at 11:04 PM

Sean_OCuin are you going to keep updating and adding content to this mod?

💬 Moon_Dew, Sep 22nd 2023 at 11:59 PM

Sean_OCuin You ever going to get back to working on it?

💬 pablo11300, Sep 11th 2023 at 9:34 AM

I confirm that the plants don't give up when you break them


💬 Ebele, Sep 4th 2023 at 10:51 PM

Can also report in that the crops aren't dropping anything. The oat plants also have no texture/model.

💬 Kaidra808, Sep 4th 2023 at 6:28 PM

Also confirming that none of the crops are dropping anything.

💬 LiamEoinWolfe, Aug 31st 2023 at 8:46 AM

Yup, mod does not work as intended (well, does not work for me), no drops and 'oat' plants have no texture/model ie white block with red "?" on it. 

I am not clever enough to figure out how to fix it myself... so I will hurry up and wait for a fix.

💬 DemonBigj781, Aug 30th 2023 at 8:23 PM

i figued that only sugercane drops work

I figued ot that the author did a relitive reference on the drops the suggercane broke that rule

i figued out that oat never had a shape

i fixed it

💬 Night0wl, Aug 20th 2023 at 3:32 PM

I can confirm, none of the plants from this mod are droping nor seeds or the crop itself, I'm using the latest version :(

💬 Lewis103, Aug 20th 2023 at 12:24 PM

is it just me or are none of the crops dropping anything 


💬 Loco, Aug 20th 2023 at 12:09 PM

my potatoes got frost damage and dropped nothing. latest versions of mod and game for net 7. I just tried harvesting my corn. I am getting nothing. previous version worked. I am rolling back

💬 SumRando1994, Aug 20th 2023 at 1:15 AM

Also having an issue with that.

💬 Frovix, Aug 17th 2023 at 11:28 AM

Am I the only one who has a problem with oats ? in the new version, oats are a block of ?. i have only checked in creative mode, i do not know how oats are reborn in the world

💬 MCRusher, Aug 15th 2023 at 5:02 PM

Laerinok Same here as well.


Broke a mature wild corn and a wild potato and got nothing from either.


Glad to know it doesn't seem like a mod conflict at least.

💬 Moon_Dew, Aug 14th 2023 at 10:57 PM

Laerinok I'm having the same problem too.  I'm going to have to roll back to an older version until this gets fixed.

💬 ArcaneCannon, Aug 14th 2023 at 3:27 AM

The Oat Plat is missing texutes but the main thing is crops aren't dropping at all when broken. 


Edit- This issue is related to the latest update 1.0.3, downgrading to the previous version allows crops to drop when broken.


💬 Fjall, Aug 14th 2023 at 12:19 AM

Hey, I love the mod, but I am running into some issues with the oat texture. It shows as a question mark block. I'm running 1.18.8 of the game and 1.0.3 of the mod. I'm running a couple other mods, but nothing that seems like it should cause conflict (and nothing listed in the compatbility section here). I compared the texture for the oats in the 1.0.3 version and they're identical to the 1.0.2 version, so I am not sure where something is going wrong.

💬 Laerinok, Aug 13th 2023 at 10:01 AM


I cannot get any seeds or grains/vegetable of the mod since 1.0.3. Am I just unlucky or there is a bug ?

Edit : Im' trying in vanilla + FarmToTable. I will see if there an incompatibility with another mods.

Edit 2 : Same issue with only Farm To Table loaded : no seeds/loot

Edit 3 : Here is the french localization


💬 Laerinok, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:48 AM

Fixed indeed !

Thanks :)

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:47 AM

Fixed that issue, try the updated download now :)

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:47 AM

Fixed the broken modinfo.json file in 1.0.3, if you downloaded the broken one you can just replace it with the new file.

💬 Laerinok, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:39 AM

Hello. Great I was waiting for this update ! :) Thanks.

Saddly The 1.03 doesn't load for me (whereas no issue with 1.0.2):

[Error] [FarmToTable] An exception was thrown trying to to load the ModInfo:
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Cannot find central directory
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadEntries()
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String name, StringCodec stringCodec)
at Vintagestory.Common.ModContainer.LoadModInfo(ModCompilationContext compilationContext, ModAssemblyLoader loader) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModContainer.cs:line 254

Am I missing something I didn't see ?

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:21 AM


For now its magic 😅, eventually I will tie it into expanded foods for refinement and some form of vanilla process for anyone not using Expanded Foods.

💬 Nikkolai, Aug 13th 2023 at 7:14 AM

Doesn't sugar need to be refined to be white?

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Aug 13th 2023 at 6:42 AM

Partial Expanded Foods compat included in 1.0.3! 

Please note that there may be messed up names (things like "morecrops:item-dough-oat" etc) 
If you spot any issues please comment them!


I am hoping by next weekend to have either full compatibility or at least 75% along with any reported bugs/issues fixed from this update.

💬 Loco, Jul 13th 2023 at 1:43 PM

I did some troubleshooting.  I saw the handbook says baked corn can be made into corn flour. The ice only makes charred corn and doesn't work for flour 

💬 Loco, Jun 15th 2023 at 1:02 AM

I cant grind corn in a quern to make flour.

💬 Loco, May 28th 2023 at 5:50 PM

How do I increase the grow times?

💬 MrSprinkleTitz, May 18th 2023 at 5:52 PM

Sean_OCuin hope the crunch time hasnt been to bad for ya. Is there any chance the expanded foods compatibility will be added in the next update?

💬 OpPointBaker, Apr 23rd 2023 at 4:40 PM

Any plans to add uses for eggplants? As it is you can't use them in any meals or pies.

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Apr 16th 2023 at 8:25 PM

Apologies to all again for the lack of updates. Its been constant crunch time with work the last 3 months. (Once it calms down I will get back to updating and working on my other mods! :D )

💬 DanaCraluminum, Apr 16th 2023 at 11:56 AM

Compatible with Crops Config

💬 LiamEoinWolfe, Apr 16th 2023 at 10:45 AM

Works fine in 1.18.rc6 but with no harvest sounds

💬 Pamela, Mar 19th 2023 at 8:46 PM

Does not work in pre-7.  NO crops spawn in, not even vanilla ones.

💬 Pamela, Mar 14th 2023 at 10:00 PM

This appears to work just fine in 1.18 pre-6.

💬 N_Azurik, Mar 11th 2023 at 2:07 PM

Some of the crops from this mod have much lower minimum rainfall values for spawning compared to vanilla crops. Is this intended at all? and if not would it be possible for those specific crops to be upped to vanilla minimum rainfall values? The only issue I see with the current values is that they spawn in gravel/desert regions unlike most vanilla crops that do not spawn there.

Also Bellpeppers are not affected by wind at all compared to the other crops in the mod.

Thanks for creating this mod, and I cannot wait for more updates to come!

💬 Pamela, Mar 8th 2023 at 10:03 PM

Will this work in 1.18??  If not, when will you update?

💬 Pamela, Feb 12th 2023 at 4:55 AM

Would love to see your veggies at the Agriculture Trader!!!

💬 Shrimpins, Jan 30th 2023 at 3:04 PM

Would love to see compatibility for Culinary Artillery, will be watching this one!

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Jan 29th 2023 at 7:24 PM


Yes but I am currently flat out busy with work so I had to put modding on hold sadly!
(I am about 50% done with the compatibility though!)

💬 Pijavica, Jan 28th 2023 at 11:28 AM

Will this mod ever be compatible with expanded foods?

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Jan 7th 2023 at 2:16 PM

Not in the current patch though it is being added for the next one. 

💬 SalemRobin, Jan 5th 2023 at 4:25 AM

Will we be able to use the foods added by this mod in feeding troughs? 

💬 Thranos, Dec 28th 2022 at 8:43 PM

Sadly, that command didn't work. Unsure why. Other than the baffling non-replacement of [?] blocks that used to be More Crops, though, the mod is great! I especially like the spruced-up models and textures.

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 28th 2022 at 11:19 AM


/fixmapping applyall 

That should work, make a world backup before just to be safe!

💬 Thranos, Dec 28th 2022 at 1:15 AM

Question- I installed the mod on 1.0.1, and updated to 1.0.2 later. How do I force the old More Crops blocks to remap to FarmToTable's?

💬 Nihilo24, Dec 22nd 2022 at 3:42 PM

Sean_OCuin Thank you so much!

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 22nd 2022 at 10:35 AM


Beet - Between 10-26C, 45-85% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Bellpeppers - Between 8-25C, 15-75% rain, can be found out in the open, not in a forest.
Cauliflower -  Between 7-29C, 16-75% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Corn - Between 3-32C, 10-70% rain, can be found out in the open, not in a forest.
Eggplant - Between 25-36C, 45-85% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Jalapeno - Between 8-25C, 15-75% rain, can be found out in the open, not in a forest.
Oat - Between 10-26C, 45-85% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Potato - Between 4-35C, 18-75% rain, can be found out in the open and  in a forest.
Sugarbeet - Between 10-26C, 45-85% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Sugarcane - Between 23-35C, 16-70% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.
Yam - Between 23-35C, 16-70% rain, can be found out in the open and in a forest.

💬 Nihilo24, Dec 22nd 2022 at 3:57 AM

Hi, I have found Corn, Cauliflower, and Potatoes, but no other plants, is there somewhere specific I should be looking? Sorry to cause trouble, otherwise it is the mod of my dreams. I love more crops.

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 18th 2022 at 1:39 PM


Its been reported and will be fixed with the next update :)

💬 maximalmax90, Dec 18th 2022 at 3:22 AM

Maybe it's just me, but for some reason there is no sound when harvesting =(

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 14th 2022 at 12:51 PM


What is your discord name and Ill add you so you can update the translation before release :) 
The next release will hopefully be partial Expanded Foods compatibility, possibly even full compatibility.

💬 NESHK0, Dec 14th 2022 at 9:26 AM
💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 14th 2022 at 9:05 AM


Its just an accidental line in the translation, there is no pickled corn in any state, it doesn't cause any issues though. Good spot though!

💬 macoto_hino, Dec 14th 2022 at 3:08 AM

What I found strange in the translation is that there seems to be no pre-cooked chopped pickled corn, while there is chopped pickled corn after cooking.
Either there is too much of something or not enough of it?

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 13th 2022 at 2:17 PM


Its already planned don't worry 😄 I just had to create a purely vanilla method initially incase someone is using the mod without ACA or EF.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Dec 13th 2022 at 2:04 PM

Can't wait for the expanded foods patch.
Also, considering sugar production is kinda more involved than that, you might want to add a few steps when the Expanded Foods compatibility is included.
Sugarcane > squeeze juice > boil on saucepan or cauldron > let it cool down into panela (aka Rapadura) > panela/rapadura bricks are easy to store and should last very long, and if you need sugar, just grind them to get brown sugar.

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 13th 2022 at 10:58 AM


Yes, though if you currently use More Crops in your world please don't switch to my mod just yet, I need to write a patch to have it swap the old codes to my new ones!

💬 Theisgood, Dec 13th 2022 at 10:25 AM

So this is the new version of Mo crops? :) 

💬 l33tmaan, Dec 13th 2022 at 8:52 AM

I'd like to help people make more patches for Expanded Foods, mostly so I don't have to. 🤣

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help at all. 

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 13th 2022 at 8:15 AM


They are on the planned list along with loads more!

💬 Caza77, Dec 12th 2022 at 11:49 PM

Could you add tomatoes and garlic in a future? I think it would be good to be in.

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 12th 2022 at 7:33 PM


They will break, I need to put that in the description and patch that.

💬 Thranos, Dec 12th 2022 at 7:16 PM

Waiting for the EF patch, but a question in the meantime-
If I uninstall More Crops and install this, will all items/plants carry over, or will I get [?] boxes?

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 12th 2022 at 5:21 PM


I checked the file and found no issues :)

💬 NESHK0, Dec 12th 2022 at 5:05 PM

Sean_OCuin I updated the translation, but you check the syntax of the code, I could have screwed up

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 12th 2022 at 4:24 PM


Thats my bad! Forgot to switch my enviroment around as I was packing it!

💬 Pamela, Dec 12th 2022 at 4:20 PM

Why is the file name now more crops???

💬 Sean_OCuinAuthor, Dec 12th 2022 at 3:59 PM



Thanks for the translation, Ill add it to the mod! :)

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