Mods / Bunny's Road Works

Category: #Cosmetics #Crafting #QoL
Author: FunnyBunnyofDOOM
Side: Both
Created: Aug 9th 2022 at 9:14 PM
Last modified: 5 days ago
Downloads: 9440
Follow Unfollow 143

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Tested on 1.19.8

Languages: English, Russian

Contributers: KialiaTheSweeper, ShadowPotion, Ghialumer, Gazelutza


Bunny's Road Works

This mod adds 6 new tiered roads to help you traverse your world more quickly and a new tool. 


Dirt, gravel, wood, brick, cobblestone concrete and asphalt roads, slabs and stairs

Road Tools

Wood and metal tools can be knapped, cast, or smithed


Use the road tools to tamp down soil into dirt paths or to pave asphalt.


2.1.3 changelog

  • Fix road slab snow textures
  • Automcatically replace already placed (obsolete) roads with the new snow-accum variants

2.1.2 changelog

  • Fix stair road/ramp road recipes to now use the new roadblock instead of the (obsolete) blocks

2.1.1 changelog

  • Added cobblestone roads
  • Fixed snow accumulation
  • Old roads without snow accumulation changed to (Obsolete)


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v2.1.3 120 5 days ago Show Install now
v2.1.2 75 Nov 30th at 12:55 AM Show Install now
v2.1.1 71 Nov 28th at 12:17 PM Show Install now
v2.0.0 1929 Jun 26th at 1:14 AM Show Install now
v1.0.9 2538 Nov 22nd 2022 at 4:57 PM Show Install now
v1.0.8 894 Oct 13th 2022 at 10:37 PM Show Install now
v1.0.7 711 Oct 1st 2022 at 11:31 AM Show Install now
v1.0.6 358 Sep 30th 2022 at 11:57 AM Show Install now
v1.0.5 453 Sep 27th 2022 at 1:20 PM Show Install now
v1.0.4 384 Sep 25th 2022 at 3:31 PM Show Install now
v1.0.3 439 Sep 20th 2022 at 8:29 PM Show Install now
v1.0.2 308 Sep 19th 2022 at 10:36 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 822 Aug 14th 2022 at 2:23 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 336 Aug 9th 2022 at 9:26 PM Show Install now

36 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Chipsmoar, 6 days ago

FunnyBunnyofDOOM I'm not sure if I'm uploading the image correctly but here you go. It turns out, it was not the asphalt slab, but twas the (existing?) snow on that slab that's having the (?). maybe i'll try to wait to see if the newly accumulated snow will be OK. And thank you for the quick fix, appreciate it!

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Nov 30th at 12:46 AM

Thanks for the report! I'll get working on these issues. 
If it's not too much trouble could I please have a screenshot of your asphalt blocks? Try to point at it so I can see the name of the block at the top of your screen. 
For the brick road stairs recipe thank you very much for catching that. I'll get that fixed and upload a bugfix asap.

Thanks a ton!

Edit: Stairs/ramp road recipes are fixed in 2.1.2 Thank you so much for the patience!

💬 Chipsmoar, Nov 29th at 7:17 AM

FunnyBunnyofDOOM Hello, first of all I wanted to say I really love this mod! And I'm so happy the gravel road is fixed and the cobblestone variant is added.

However after updating to 2.1.1, seems like the Brick Road Stairs recipe is not working for me, and the already placed down Asphalt slab (before 2.1.1) is missing the textures (it is funny tho to see a long question mark road). Maybe it's not mapped to become obselete. The ones that I have placed (such as wood and brick roads) are marked as obselete accordingly so all OK there.

Anyways, these issues are not really a big deal to us and you don't have to fix the obselete ones if it's too much of a hassle.

Now I am going to enjoy myself placing down some GRAVEL roads (finally) hehe. Thank you!!

Edit: seems like the Brick Road stairs is mapped to the (obselete) version of the block from my game

💬 SkyTheSkunny, Oct 21st at 1:24 PM

FunnyBunnyofDOOM Hello! Thanks for the mod, it's very good, with small peeves like the missing texture on snowed over roads. Keep up the good work! 👍

As an aspiring freelance translator, i got bored today and created a lang file in Spanish for this mod as practice. Contact me for the es.json file, and feel free to add it to your next patch. It would help me if you add me to the credits.

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Sep 12th at 12:14 AM

Apologies all, I pulled V2.1.0 to fix the remapping. I'm hoping to get this re-uploadedf as V2.1.1 as soon as possible with functional re-mapping. 

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Sep 11th at 10:48 PM

Jomeaga  Gravel roads have been fixed, however while making a bugfix for the snow-accumulation to work properly the mapping of the roads have changed so any existing placed roads will turn into "?" blocks upon updating. 

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Aug 9th at 12:32 AM

Thanks for the report. I will be working on a bugfix for this mod shortly, and I am planning to fix that, as well as a few other small hugs.

💬 Jomeaga, Aug 5th at 1:37 AM

Are the gravel roads supposed to give a speed bonus? They don't seem to except for the stairs.

💬 Mendall, Jun 26th at 6:41 PM

Glad to see this bunny, I hadn't seen one of your mods in a bit. Always loved your mods, and I'm glad to see you're still around.


💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Jun 26th at 1:19 AM

MIghtyGooga Traders sould now be fixed!

 stair roads should now connect to road blocks, though I'll continue to tweak to get them perfect.

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, May 23rd 2023 at 11:59 PM

Thanks! This has been reported but I haven't started working on it yet. This is my 3rd priority currently. Apologies for the wait!

💬 MIghtyGooga, May 22nd 2023 at 9:26 PM

The mod is working with 1.18+ however Im having an issue interacting with traders.


💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Jan 23rd 2023 at 12:31 PM

Thank you! I'll take those suggestions into consideration. I'll be working on another release for roadworks within the next 2 months (I have a backlog with Bunnybell, Bunny Server Utilities, Legendary Mobs, then I'll work on this one). I'll add the PL translation with the next release.

I am very grateful that you've shared the crude oil mod with me! I have actually already started making a crude oil mod, not knowing that this one already existed. This is very helpful for me, I'll have to re-prioritize and see how I can use this existing mod to tie into my mods.

Thank you so much!

💬 Gerard_, Jan 5th 2023 at 12:35 PM

If anyone wants - i made translation into Polish:

💬 Gerard_, Jan 5th 2023 at 11:09 AM

The mod is very cool. If I had a gripe it would be that you could talk to the creator of the "Fix Roads" mod so that the stairs and half-blocks hide the bottom block. Don't remove the half-blocks, it's a construction option, but one half-block, not three types. (Concrete and asphalt half-blocks not needed, I'll explain later)
As for Asphalt, You could combine the axle with the "Crude Oil" mod (however, there is no one who has done it yet)
processing, tar, etc...
Going so far, what could be added, I would love to see a road spreader that works a bit like in reality.
but only on concrete and asphalt. For example, first you would have to prepare the area for the road and then use the road paver to spread the road, and in the "F" selection menu you would have to choose the width of the road. Depending on the level of the tool (copper - 1.2, bronze - 1,2,3, iron and meteorite - up to 4, and steel up to 5). If it was possible to program it to take blocks from eq as the path is laid out. He would only lay roads and ramps.
In the current situation, there is no point in making these tools - as they are needed only for a dirt and asphalt path.

Anyway - Thx for this kind of mod.

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Dec 3rd 2022 at 12:54 AM

Vityuri You would need to ask building plus to know if that's possible. Maybe they can include a recipe to craft their plaster into old plaster.

On my end I can try to add a patch for players with buildingplus installed that changes that thop into using their plaster blocks. 

This should only be preventing 1 shop from spawning, so there's still 4 other variants you can encounter.

I'll see what I can do with my next version!

💬 Vityuri, Dec 2nd 2022 at 10:14 AM

I saw these in my logs. Apparently buildingplus overrides vanilla plaster... is there a way to keep both? 😫

server-main txt
[Warning] Block schematic file roadshop-1.json uses blocks that could no longer be found. These will turn into air blocks! (affected: game:plaster-plain)

client-main txt
[Warning] Failed resolving a blocks blockdrop or smeltedstack with code game:plaster-plain in tradehandbookinfo

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Nov 22nd 2022 at 5:10 PM

This should now be resolved

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Nov 22nd 2022 at 2:20 AM

NiclAss  Slabs did not work as intended, they still slowed the player so I introduced ramps that carry more of the momentum. I suggest using ramps instead of road slabs. However, I'll fix that recipe with the next release. I also left out the dirt ramp recipe, I'll add that too. Those errors shouldn't effect the game, I have not seen any issues on my server related to this yet. but thank you very much for bringing it to my attention. 

💬 NiclAss, Nov 20th 2022 at 5:22 PM
18:21:20 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-gravel has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
18:21:20 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-wood has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
18:21:20 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-brick has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
18:21:20 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-concrete has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
18:21:20 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-asphalt has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
thats what im getting after server start...
💬 Doompants, Nov 7th 2022 at 10:08 PM


So I figured it out. heh.. Your road block recipes are just very particular about where they are placed in the grid. I was placing Gravel/wood over soil, but I was doing it along the bottom of the grid... however the recipe only works if you use the top and middle rows. :) 

For the sake of people like me who , you may just want to tweak when you find time so that any combination of slots work as long as it's plank/wood directly above soil. 

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Nov 5th 2022 at 11:26 PM

Doompants Those items are just slabs. I believe I'll be removing those unless people want me to keep them in for decorative purposes. I suggest the ramps instead of the slabs. I'll look more closely into this to see if I can figure out why you can't craft the road block. My apologies!

I'll be diving into some improvements for this mod in mid december, but If I can fix your issue I'll try to push a hotfix sooner. 

💬 Doompants, Nov 4th 2022 at 11:32 PM

Haven't had a chance to do much troubleshooting, but using a Windows dedicated server on 1.17.9  and roadworks 1.0.7, and I'm getting errors about the roadworks recipes and that they will be ignored. 

In the game world, I gave myself a road tool and I can convert dirt to road, but can't seem to craft anything like the gravel road. (the road blocks are accessible if I switch to creative, just can't seem to craft them with the crafting grid, which makes sense considering the error I'm seeing on the dedicated server). 

[edit: heres the error mssg on the server]

10:41:56 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-gravel has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
10:41:56 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-wood has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
10:41:56 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-brick has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
10:41:56 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-concrete has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.
10:41:56 [Server Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code roadworks:roadblockslab-big-free-asphalt has no ingredient pattern or incorrect ingredient pattern length. Ignoring recipe.

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Oct 24th 2022 at 8:48 PM

No problem! Looking forward to future updates. :) Edit: Also, if you like feedback, I'd like to see some form of customization with asphalt roads, as the highest tier. I don't know whether it's realistic, but having black asphalt as my roads around my base doesn't look too great, and I'd like it if we could pretty it up a bit. I love the look of the first three tiers of roads, but the concrete and asphalt isn't great. I'm pretty sure you can color concrete IRL, but I feel like if the asphalt road is still the best even if the concrete is dyeable or something, I'd still end up using only asphalt.

💬 TheNiteFox, Oct 23rd 2022 at 10:01 PM

Absolutely love this mod! I love making roads and pathways in this game, and this makes life so much easier and it fits in well with vanilla gameplay. You are a hero for making this mod! ^_^ 

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Oct 16th 2022 at 11:49 PM

gndrneutralnoun That's a great idea! I'll try to add a recipe to crush the stone based roads back into gravel+sand, and possibly to compost the wooden one. Thanks so much for the feedback!

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Oct 14th 2022 at 4:11 PM

Yeah, I said "only six at a time is kinda harsh" not knowing that each single log turned into multiple bits of tar. I think it's fine as it is. Though I would really like a way to recycle the lower-tier road blocks somehow, including concrete. Just something to do with them so I don't have to just get rid of them because they're taking up space in storage.

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Oct 13th 2022 at 10:30 PM

gndrneutralnoun Asphalt is the highest tier road, and very fast. I wanted it to take a while to make as a limiting factor. Eventually I hope to have asphalt made in an asphalt kiln process. I can increase the output of tar if it's absolutely too slow, but I don't want it to be faster to make than concrete. Concrete will also eventually get a more realistic process. 

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Oct 7th 2022 at 7:43 PM

How do I make Creosote Tar? I tried putting the logs on a firepit but it said that it requires a smelting container, but they won't go in a crucible. Edit: Nevermind, I had to put them in a bloomery. Only six at a time is kinda harsh, though...

💬 Aaronotus, Sep 26th 2022 at 4:44 AM


Thanks for the reply!


I am using a 1:4 ratio (soil:plank)...I also did a clean start with only this mod installed...but still can't make the wooden road, very curious. The other road types work as intended.


Thanks, again for a great mod. :) :)

💬 Aaronotus, Sep 26th 2022 at 4:41 AM
💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Sep 25th 2022 at 3:29 PM

Aaronotus Thank you so much for the feedback! I have lots of ideas to improve this mod over time, so I hope it continues to impress!

Are you using at least 4 boards per soil? Here is a screenshot.
All plank/soil types should be usable but it's 1:4 soil:boards. There's also a chance that another mod may have a recipe that interferes. What other mods are youi running?

💬 Aaronotus, Sep 25th 2022 at 3:50 AM

Lovely mod!

I'm sure that I'm missing something very simple, but when I try to craft a wooden road (in the craft window, boards over soil), the game doesn't allow me to actually craft the road piece. What is my silly brain missing?

I appreciate the mod and the work you put into it. :)

💬 FunnyBunnyofDOOMAuthor, Aug 14th 2022 at 2:24 AM

Thanks Nudge! This should be resolved in the new version. I replaced firewood with logs of any wood for the tar recipe.

💬 Nudge, Aug 13th 2022 at 9:40 PM

I'm having a complete crash due to when I heat up a clay oven to make bread or pie. The firewood turns into creosote tar for the asphault roads. Upon right clicking to remove the tar, the game crashes out to the desktop.

💬 l33tmaan, Aug 9th 2022 at 11:02 PM

Oh snap, another road mod! Glad to see this one actually has a couple new mechanics! 

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