Mods / Simple HUD Clock

Category: #Graphics #Utility
Author: Rhonen
Side: Client
Created: Mar 13th 2021 at 4:35 PM
Last modified: Dec 8th 2023 at 8:40 AM
Downloads: 90304
Follow Unfollow 1191

Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Shows a simple HUD Clock in the left upper corner with the current ingame time.

  • Client side only

  • Hotkeys available

  • Customize what you want to see

  • all mod relevant data is saved in vintagestorydata/modconfig/hudclock
  • showing claim area you entered
    • Hint: older versions 3.0.x and 2.x : requires server mod for claim info


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v3.4.0 33526 Dec 8th 2023 at 8:40 AM Show Install now
v3.3.0 13833 Aug 11th 2023 at 3:04 PM Show Install now
v3.2.1 5789 Jun 23rd 2023 at 4:12 PM Show Install now
v3.2.0 2372 Jun 3rd 2023 at 7:32 AM Show Install now
v3.1.0 1286 May 24th 2023 at 6:00 PM Show Install now
v3.0.1 982 May 20th 2023 at 3:00 PM Show Install now
v3.0.0 413 May 19th 2023 at 10:02 PM Show Install now
v2.9.1 3801 Apr 19th 2023 at 9:21 PM Show Install now
v1.3.1 240 Apr 19th 2023 at 9:11 PM Show Install now
v2.9.0 1108 Apr 6th 2023 at 11:43 AM Show Install now
v1.3.0 199 Apr 6th 2023 at 11:42 AM Show Install now
v2.9.0-pre.2 979 Mar 18th 2023 at 7:57 PM Show Install now
v2.9.0-pre.1 875 Mar 5th 2023 at 10:00 AM Show Install now
v1.3.0-pre.1 219 Mar 5th 2023 at 10:01 AM Show Install now
v2.8.0 8703 Sep 5th 2022 at 3:04 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 467 Sep 5th 2022 at 3:05 PM Show Install now
v2.7.0 6161 Jan 28th 2022 at 2:40 PM Show Install now
v2.6.0 1825 Dec 23rd 2021 at 10:09 AM Show Install now
v1.1.1 400 Dec 23rd 2021 at 10:08 AM Show Install now
v2.5.0 3378 Jul 7th 2021 at 4:00 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 494 Jul 7th 2021 at 4:00 PM Show Install now
v2.4.2 2381 Mar 13th 2021 at 4:36 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 519 Mar 13th 2021 at 4:36 PM Show Install now

145 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 glitchero626, Oct 1st at 9:22 PM

Hi, I have the translation es-419
How do I send it?

💬 C4BR3R4, Sep 25th at 10:52 AM

Hi, I share you the Spanish (Spain) translation I made for v3.4.0. Feel free to add it to the mod package.

💬 Sickboy, Jul 19th at 10:03 AM


Salut ! À la base j'ai fait cette traduction pour mon usage perso car je trouvais le mélange de français et d'anglais dans le HUD assez laid. Maintenant si ma traduction n'est pas intégrée dans le package, tant pis, je me satisfait de savoir qu'elle a été utile à quelques personnes :)

De mon côté, j'essaierai de la garder à jour sur Github.

💬 Laerinok, Jun 24th at 8:29 AM


Hello, j'avais déjà envoyé plusieurs fois la trad fr (v3.3..0) ici, en privé ou sur discord, mais sans succès ^^. Peut etre auras-tu plus de chance 😉

💬 Sickboy, Jun 24th at 7:29 AM

Hi, I share you the french translation I made for v3.4.0. Feel free to add it to the mod package.

💬 LadyJade90, Jun 16th at 3:21 AM

current hotkeys conflict with xskills how do i change that? the key code being used doesnt seem to match any i find on google

💬 ThiccBirb, Jun 9th at 4:06 AM

A 12 hour clock would be nice.

💬 Thek, May 21st at 1:15 PM

hey, any chance of adding an option to display a real time clock?

💬 Kirona, Mar 29th at 6:09 AM

Would you consider adding an option to move where the panel is, or hide/show it with a hotkey? This blocks off part of the WorldEdit UI, meaning if you're gonna do stuff with WorldEdit you can't have this mod enabled.

💬 Gwerkan, Mar 7th at 10:13 PM

MacAttack I have exaactly the same "problem", otherwise a great mod

💬 Coreplant, Mar 4th at 7:40 AM

Just wanted to say thank you for this mod, it's one of the absolute best out there.

💬 Toasty69420, Feb 24th at 5:58 PM

can you add an option to make it bigger?

💬 MagentaLizard, Feb 1st at 1:02 AM

Why no 12 hour clock?

💬 MacAttack, Jan 31st at 10:29 PM

Hey Rhonen, i noticed that the UI seems to be confused with the new greenhouse size. It shows that my greenhouse is a cellar, when the field is showing the greenhouse buff.


💬 DarkThoughts, Jan 28th at 3:54 PM

It kinda interferes with the worldedit UI.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 28th at 8:24 AM

Currently no plans for that.

💬 MacAttack, Jan 27th at 3:00 PM

Hey there. May there be a chance to include rainfall likelyness levels in the current area to be shown on the clock too?

Or at least give the option to include it?

ty in advance :D

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 27th at 12:24 PM

VS1.19.3 - latest mod is working

💬 Rexie, Jan 26th at 12:12 AM

Nothing seems to work on the newest update.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 19th at 2:59 PM

Without changing anything and now its not longer working... what do you expect? A distance diagnostic what there can  be happen? A glass sphere theory? I have no answer why the 1.18 version has stopped working suddenly ony your side.

💬 Pamela, Jan 19th at 2:14 PM

Well, I haven't updated anything and it WAS working and now it's not!!!

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 19th at 6:52 AM

Latest version still running on 1.19.0 release

Please note: Sleek doors do not "close" a room. And no its not a problem of the mod, its by the game itself. May be also other doors make such trouble. Solid doors working.
Yes, the rain sound is also correct when using sleek doors. But the `RoomRegistry`-API responses that the room is not closed. so nothing what i can handle here.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 19th at 6:15 AM


no answer for that. Running thousend times without any problems.
But check for used sleek doors. they do not "close" a room. so you have to use solid doors. it's a problem by the game.

💬 Pamela, Jan 18th at 8:06 PM

So, I'm playing 1.18.15 with Hud Clock 3.3.0 and the season and room indicators are not showing up, even though they are turned on.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jan 17th at 11:17 AM

i only bring the games'season to ui.

while its a game api, i can not answer your question.

💬 Sarioah, Jan 10th at 7:39 AM

I'm playing with 12 day months, right now it's the 7th of September and it's still showing Summer for the season 😕September should be Autumn, right?
All the foliage is slowly turning brown and the days are shortening, so I guess the rest of the game correctly recognises the season

Edit: After progressing to around the 9th of September the season now shows Fall, does this model something like the northern hemisphere's solstice turn of season instead of going by month?

💬 RhonenAuthor, Dec 11th 2023 at 8:47 AM

no is not moveable while using the auto alignment for top-left. for all elements like time and storm-arrival.

💬 ASILiara, Dec 8th 2023 at 9:15 PM

HUD Clock overlaps with the interface for Block Overlay. Any chance of being able to drag the clock around?

💬 Vari_Ares, Nov 19th 2023 at 11:22 PM

Hi ! I love this mod but this is not full trad in french, there is somethings not trad can you fix it for French version please ? I can help with it ! <3

💬 insanefrog_A66, Nov 11th 2023 at 10:30 PM

Hi @Rhonen

Spanish Localization here

hudclock_es.json -

Have a nice day! ✌

💬 RhonenAuthor, Nov 5th 2023 at 6:51 AM


💬 MagentaLizard, Nov 3rd 2023 at 3:21 PM

12 hour clock?

💬 FlyingCat, Oct 26th 2023 at 3:33 AM

I cannot pull up the hud clock settings, is there another way to open it?

Finally got it to pull up, but it kept pulling up the xskills instead

💬 Ponchoandlefty, Oct 16th 2023 at 5:51 AM

Does this mod still work in version 1.18.15?

💬 RhonenAuthor, Sep 27th 2023 at 3:53 PM

the problem is, that the room-api does not deliver a room type.

so there is no priority or anything.

💬 rboys2, Sep 26th 2023 at 5:11 PM

Been playing on a server with a lot of new players with this mod and some are struggling to make the hud say its a greenhouse.
I realized theres a small visual issue where the hud will say the player's in a cellar while they're in a greenhouse, because the requirements are very similar.
It will display the greenhouse for a moment before turning to the cellar icon.
Im not a coder but I imagine a room can be both cellar and greenhouse, would it be possible to make the greenhouse icon a higher priority to help with confusion?

💬 RhonenAuthor, Sep 12th 2023 at 4:09 PM

If you mean, that the server manage the rollout for a client-side mod, request that support at the devs.

💬 Kaofan, Sep 12th 2023 at 12:42 AM

Because it is a good mod that has a chance to be available in Multiplayer

💬 RhonenAuthor, Sep 11th 2023 at 7:04 PM

why should this mod work on server? its a client-side only mod.
If you mean, that the server manage the rollout for a client-side mod, request that support at the devs.

For me there is no chance.

💬 Kaofan, Sep 11th 2023 at 11:58 AM

Is there a chance that this mod will also work on the server?

💬 Kaofan, Sep 11th 2023 at 12:01 AM

"comment_description": "Polish localization file for 'Simple HUD Clock'.",
"comment_version": "Mod Version: v3.2.0",
"comment_author": "Rhonen",
"comment_technical_details": "",

"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Czas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Jesień",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Lato",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Wiosna",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Gracze online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Rozszerzenie zegara na HUD",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Rozszerzenie czasowej burzy na HUD",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Brak burzy w zasięgu wzroku",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Burza dezaktywowana",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Burza nadchodzi {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Aktywna burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Mod zegara na HUD - ustawienia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Pokaż temperaturę w stopniach Fahrenheita",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Pokaż liczbę graczy (online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Pokaż obszar objęty",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Pokaż czas. burzę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Zawsze",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Nadchodząca",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Obszar zajęty przez {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Aktywność szczeliny",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-world_config_dependend": "Kiedy aktywny w świecie",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-always": "Zawsze",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Prędkość wiatru",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-text": "Skala Beauforta",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-percent": "Procent",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-date": "Pokaż datę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-time": "Pokaż godzinę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-season": "Pokaż porę roku",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-temperature": "Pokaż temperaturę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-room-indicator": "Pokaż wskaźnik pomieszczenia",
"hudclock:dateonly": "{0}. {1}, Rok {2}",
"hudclock:timeonly": "{0}:{1}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Spokojny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Lekki wiatr",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Lekka bryza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Łagodna bryza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Umiarkowana bryza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Szybki wiatr",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Silny wiatr",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Blisko sztormu",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Sztorm",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Silny sztorm",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Gwałtowna burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Huragan",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Wiatr: {0}"

💬 PlaguedMongoose, Sep 8th 2023 at 8:59 PM

I am having a lot of trouble getting the HUD to show up and the commands aren't seeming to work for me when I hit shift and O all that happens is my character crouches. Can anybody help me with that?

💬 Laerinok, Aug 13th 2023 at 1:01 PM

Hello Rhonen,

Here is the french localization :)

💬 RhonenAuthor, Aug 10th 2023 at 2:51 PM

as i know the HudElement does not support transparency. so, no.

💬 Ryuu, Aug 7th 2023 at 1:01 AM

Any way to make the background of the ui more transparent? 

💬 twenty, Jul 16th 2023 at 2:31 AM

"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Время",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Зима",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Осень",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Лето",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Весна",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Игроков в сети: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Окно часов",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Окно темпоральных штормов",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Шторм не ожидается",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Шторм деактивирован",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Шторм приближается {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Шторм активен",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Hud clock mod - настройки",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Показывать температуру в фаренгейтах",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Показывать количество игроков (онлайн)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Показывать занятые участки",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Показывать темпоральный шторм",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Всегда",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Когда приближается",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Никогда",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Занято {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Активность разломов",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-never": "Никогда",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-world_config_dependend": "Когда активно в мире",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown-always": "Всегда",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Скорость ветра",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-text": "Шкала Бофорта",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-percent": "В процентах",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-never": "Не показывать",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-date": "Показывать дату",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-time": "Показывать время",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-season": "Показывать сезон",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-temperature": "Показывать температуру",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-room-indicator": "Показать иконки комнат",
"hudclock:dateonly": "{0}. {1}, Год {2}",
"hudclock:timeonly": "{0}:{1}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Штиль",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Тихий",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Легкий",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Слабый",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Умеренный",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Свежий",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Сильный",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Очень сильный",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Почти шторм",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Шторм",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Сильный шторм",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Жестокий шторм",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Ураган",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Ветер: {0}"


// russian translate, please

💬 CrazyZonie, Jul 12th 2023 at 10:27 PM

I think the icons are broken. I'm in my greenhouse. It's a 7 by 7 x 3.5 tall room, but the room shows a cellar icon despite the ground showing it's a valid greenhouse. Does it require all farmblocks to register as greenhouse?

It's only seeing the cellar correctly. I'm using half slabs as my ceilings with the blocks on the upper portion of the spaces.

EDIT: Nevermind on the rooms. Seems I wasn't aware that half blocks have to be facing inside the room to be proper rooms. AAARRRGGG!!! (Bangs head into desk.)

💬 BigShasta, Jun 25th 2023 at 11:53 PM

Just want to say a big THANK YOU, this feels like it needs to be in vanilla - that or something extremely similar. Cheers!

💬 Pumilius, Jun 16th 2023 at 11:09 AM


You might want to have a look at Status HUD in that case!

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 4:09 PM

Please use forum when find bugs, having problems or questions to the mod. thanks.

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Jun 14th 2023 at 6:08 PM

Any possibility of being able to change which corner it's displayed in? It conflicts with some other HUD mods.

💬 Ludoboy, Jun 11th 2023 at 6:21 AM


in the file, there is this :

Legend's room

💬 Ludoboy, Jun 11th 2023 at 6:20 AM
💬 Ludoboy, Jun 11th 2023 at 6:20 AM
💬 Remuluson2, Jun 10th 2023 at 4:05 PM

Sheppard2112 I think it's greenhouse because its made out of glass lmao.

💬 Sheppard2112, Jun 9th 2023 at 2:42 AM

Anyone know what the room indicator icons mean? Like what rooms are they indicating? Because I made an indoor apiary that is 12x14 and it thinks its a greenhouse I think lol 

💬 tRead, Jun 7th 2023 at 11:21 PM

Pamela above I see Shift + O

💬 Pamela, Jun 6th 2023 at 3:28 PM

What is the shortcut key to open the options menu, please?

💬 LoneWolfREM, Jun 4th 2023 at 4:12 AM

Thanks for modifing this mod to allow for always showing the temporal rift activity. It is much appreciated. 😬

💬 Pumilius, May 27th 2023 at 3:17 PM

not sure, but Rangelost made a neat and functional mod for that.  It even works when resuming a session after the initial warning!

💬 Heebeejeebees, May 27th 2023 at 5:11 AM

Not yet tried the update but how does the room indicator work? Does it require Rangelost' Room Indicator mod or does this mod replicate that functionality by itself?

💬 artemax44, May 24th 2023 at 6:26 PM
Does anyone know why when the temporary storm approaches, the time left for its arrival does not appear fixed? I should be able to see the remaining time continuously,
but the time only appears sometimes yes and sometimes not. What can be?
💬 Cherry_Brendon, May 20th 2023 at 4:20 PM

Rhonen Is it possible to add minimum (in winter) and maximum temperature (in summer)? Useful for finding place to house/farm.

💬 AeroCooLex, May 20th 2023 at 3:33 PM
Hello, I did not find how to write on I write here. 
I use Linux and VS for Linux, but when a storm approaches, it doesn't show the time to start.
Resizing the interface does not solve the problem
💬 RhonenAuthor, May 20th 2023 at 7:06 AM

Please use forum when find bugs, having problems or questions to the mod. thanks.

💬 JACO1989, May 20th 2023 at 4:13 AM

PL do wersji 3.0.0


"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Czas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Jesień",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Lato",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Wiosna",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Gracz online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Rozszerzenie zegara Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Rozszerzenie czasowej burzy Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Brak burzy w zasięgu wzroku",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Burza wyłączona",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Nadchodzi burza {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Aktywna burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Mod zegara Hud - ustawienia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Pokaż temperaturę w fahrenheita",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Pokaż liczbę graczy (Online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Pokaż obszar objęty roszczeniem",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Wymagany mod rozszerzenia serwera",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Pokaż temp. burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Zawsze",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Zbliża się",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Wniosek o {0}"
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Aktywność szczelin (gdy jest aktywna)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Prędkość wiatru",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-text": "Skala Beauforta",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-percent": "Odsetek",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-date": "Pokaż datę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-time": "Pokaż czas",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-season": "Pokaż pory roku",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-temperature": "Pokaż temperaturę",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-show-room-indicator": "Pokaż wskaźnik pomieszczenia",
"hudclock:dateonly": "{0}. {1}, Rok {2}",
"hudclock:timeonly": "{0}:{1}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Cisza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Powiew",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Słaba",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Łagodny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Umiarkowany",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Dość silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Bardzo silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Gwałtowny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Silna wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Gwałtowna wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Huragan",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Wiatr: {0}"

💬 Nicodemus, May 12th 2023 at 4:04 AM
💬 IgnorGTO, May 6th 2023 at 8:11 AM


I apologize for my lack of restraint, problems at work

💬 IgnorGTO, May 6th 2023 at 5:15 AM


Thank you very much for the answer, Understood your position, I will look for a person who will try to write a universal mod !!!
I will tell the people on the server who asked so much to contact you that you just don't want to do this, and thanks again for the answer, be healthy!

I deleted the copy!


💬 RhonenAuthor, May 5th 2023 at 11:07 AM

Please use forum when find bugs, having problems or questions to the mod. thanks.

💬 RhonenAuthor, May 5th 2023 at 11:01 AM

Dear IgnorGTO

i am sorry but i will not remove that info from the modinfo.json.
This at least a client-side only mod. so the server does not require the mod.
As i know when the mod is declared as client+server the mod would not work when the server has the mod NOT installed.

I also does not like that a player must install a mod, which is not a must have.

I understand what you want to achieve, but why must a player install a mod which is not required? makes no sense for me.
And please remove the copy of my mod.



💬 IgnorGTO, May 5th 2023 at 5:33 AM

Dear Rhonen

Please remove ("side": "client") from (modinfo.json)
So that when a mod is added to the server, the mod is automatically downloaded by users!?

In the meantime, you have not done so, I ask for permission to use this is a copy of your mod but edited ("side": "client") from (modinfo.json)

💬 Cherry_Brendon, May 1st 2023 at 4:31 AM

Is it possible to add minimum (in winter) and maximum temperature (in summer)?

💬 Echoweaver, Apr 29th 2023 at 3:30 AM

I love this simple information mod. I looked to see if anyone had reported this, but rift activity doesn't show for me at all in multiplayer. In single player, it displays just fine. Rift activity is definitely turned on in the config.

💬 Gidzzi, Apr 26th 2023 at 5:12 PM

This is a translation from en.json to cz.json, or from English to Czech. Please add to your mod. Thank you very much.




"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Čas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Podzim",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Léto",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Jaro",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Hráči online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Hud Rozšíření hodin",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Hud Rozšíření časové bouře",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Žádná bouře v dohledu",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Bouře je pryč",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Bouře se blíží{0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Bouře je aktivní",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Hud Mod hodin - nastavení",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Zobrazit teplotu jako Fahrenheita",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Zobrazit počet hráčů (online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Zobrazit nárokovanou oblast",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Je vyžadován mod rozšíření serveru",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Zobrazit čas. bouřku",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Vždy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Blížící se",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nikdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Nárok na {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Aktivita Trhlin (když je aktivní)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Rychlost větru",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Klidný",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Svěží vzduch",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Lehký vánek",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Jemný vánek",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Mírný vánek",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Svěží vánek",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Silný vánek",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Poblíž vichřice",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Vichřice",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Silná vichřice",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Bouře",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Prudká bouře",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Hurikán",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Vítr: {0}"

💬 PhlippB, Apr 24th 2023 at 8:38 PM

Does anyone else have the issue where the HUD clock shows a different Rift Activity from the Rift Activity in your character menu? Sometimes it seems like the environment matches what the HUD Clock is showing, and sometimes it matches what the Character sheet shows, so I don't really know which one to trust right now.

💬 IgnorGTO, Apr 23rd 2023 at 4:07 PM

But the problem is that I would like the clients of my server not to have to manually install these mods themselves, can't I make the mod download itself when connected to the server? For the convenience of people?

💬 MunsterPlop, Apr 23rd 2023 at 3:31 PM

IgnorGTO, it's a client-side only mod

💬 IgnorGTO, Apr 23rd 2023 at 3:15 PM

Please tell me (I added a mod to the server but the clients who connect for some reason do not download the mod)

💬 JefferZ, Apr 23rd 2023 at 1:22 AM

Spanish translation from Spain:



"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Tiempo",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Invierno",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Otoño",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Verano",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Primavera",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Jugadores online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Extension reloj de HUD",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Extension de tormenta temporal",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "No hay tormentas a la vista",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Tormenta disipandose",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Tormenta aproximandose {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Tormenta activa",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Reloj de HUD - Ajustes",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Mostrar la temperatura en grados Fahrenheit",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Mostrar recuento de jugadores (online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Mostrar área reclamada",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Mod de extensión de servidor requerido",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Mostrar Tormenta Temporal",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Siempre",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Aproximandose",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nunca",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Reclamado por {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Actividad de grieta (cuando está activa)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Velocidad del viento",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Calma",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Poco de aire",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Suave brisa",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Brisa ligera",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Brisa moderada",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Brisa fresca",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Brisa fuerte",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Casi un vendaval",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Vendaval",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Fuerte vendaval",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Tormenta",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Tormenta Violenta",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Huracán",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Viento: {0}"

💬 JACO1989, Apr 22nd 2023 at 8:47 PM

Język polski:



"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Czas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Jesień",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Lato",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Wiosna",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Gracz online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Rozszerzenie zegara Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Rozszerzenie czasowej burzy Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Brak burzy w zasięgu wzroku",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Burza wyłączona",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Nadchodzi burza {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Aktywna burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Mod zegara Hud - ustawienia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Pokaż temperaturę w fahrenheita",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Pokaż liczbę graczy (Online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Pokaż obszar objęty roszczeniem",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Wymagany mod rozszerzenia serwera",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Pokaż temp. burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Zawsze",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Zbliża się",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Wniosek o {0}"
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-rift-activity-shown": "Aktywność szczelin (gdy jest aktywna)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-wind-speed-shown": "Prędkość wiatru",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-0": "Cisza",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-1": "Powiew",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-2": "Słaba",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-3": "Łagodny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-4": "Umiarkowany",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-5": "Dość silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-6": "Silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-7": "Bardzo silny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-8": "Gwałtowny",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-9": "Wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-10": "Silna wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-11": "Gwałtowna wichura",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-12": "Huragan",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-wind-prefix": "Wiatr: {0}"

💬 Ruyeex, Apr 20th 2023 at 5:42 PM

Where's the Portuguese Portugal?

💬 RhonenAuthor, Apr 19th 2023 at 4:47 PM

see forum. already known.

💬 Kwegar, Apr 18th 2023 at 5:21 AM

I can also confirm once I removed hudclockserver the game lets people log in no problem.  when it was there, the server would run. but would crash my client to desktop


💬 fipil, Apr 17th 2023 at 4:48 PM

Hi, please it seems that the hudclockserver is crashing with 1.18 rc8.
See the server log:

17.4.2023 18:36:50 [Event] Player fipil got removed. Reason: Threw an exception at the server
17.4.2023 18:36:50 [Error] System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.API.Server.LandClaim' from assembly 'VintagestoryAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at hudclockserver.src.busineslogic.MessangerUnit.OnReceiveRequest(IServerPlayer fromPlayer, ClaimInfoData networkMessage)
   at Vintagestory.Server.NetworkAPI.HandleCustomPacket(Packet_Client packet, ConnectedClient client) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\API\NetworkAPI.cs:line 46
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.ProcessNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg, NetServer mainSocket) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 107

Would you be so kind and try to fix it, please?
Thanks! Your mod is one of the most useful mod out there!
💬 Wandour, Apr 17th 2023 at 4:04 PM

Will this mod be updated to 1.18 rc8 + ?

💬 Jade1, Apr 15th 2023 at 1:18 PM

Rhonen, since the GUI cannot be made wider, would you abbreviate (shorten) the name of the months?

When the name of the months is long (like September, November, December, etc.), the server time wraps down to the 3rd line and then it overwrites the wind speed information.
Then, the third line is not readable so I cannot tell what time it is.

September = Sep
November = Nov
December = Dec

The above 3 months are the ones that have too many letters and cause the server time to wrap down to the 3rd line.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Apr 13th 2023 at 5:20 PM


  • Also, even though we have the HUD server mod installed in multiplayer, the "rift activity" does not update properly -- unless we log out and then log back in. Everything else updates ok. Just not rift activity.

Absolutely possible.
The mod only gets the information from the 'ModSystemRiftWeather' game's internal api.

  • Can the HUD clock GUI space be expanded width-wise or abbreviate the months?

as i understood the GUI-api, no it can not dynamically set width in case of a min-width or such thing. only full dynamic or not

💬 Jade1, Apr 12th 2023 at 7:31 PM

Can the HUD clock GUI space be expanded width-wise or abbreviate the months? The time is getting pushed to the next line for months with many characters. My screen resolution is 1920x1080.

Also, even though we have the HUD server mod installed in multiplayer,  the "rift activity" does not update properly -- unless we log out and then log back in. Everything else updates ok. Just not rift activity.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Apr 12th 2023 at 4:25 PM


>>> it said there was a Hurricane, but the wind wasn't even blowing

The mod only consume information from the weather-api 😆

💬 Pamela, Apr 11th 2023 at 3:37 PM

It's nice that it shows the wind, however, I was playing yesterday in rc.2 and it said there was a Hurricane, but the wind wasn't even blowing.....LOL!!!

💬 Aledark, Apr 10th 2023 at 3:31 PM

Ty @Rhonen :)

💬 AzuliBluespots, Apr 8th 2023 at 1:12 PM

The new hud seems way better than the previous! Also it shows the wind now, great!

💬 RhonenAuthor, Apr 7th 2023 at 7:15 AM


should also work on 1.18.0pre-8

💬 IgnorGTO, Apr 7th 2023 at 5:45 AM



Will work on version 1.18.0pre-8?


💬 LoneWolfREM, Mar 24th 2023 at 10:29 PM

Thank you for working on the .NET7 version. Your valuable mod is the only thing that keeps me from taking advantage of the .NET7 client. But I just don't want to play without it.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Mar 11th 2023 at 10:49 AM
💬 JimmyMac, Mar 9th 2023 at 8:22 PM

Latest Net 7 client came out today and Hud Clock crashes it totally - Could the problem be that the data folder in Net 7 was changed from VintagestoryData to VintagestoryDataNet7? Just thinking the mod doesn't know where to look for or create the mod config files - What do I know :/ but would be nice to be able to test things before they get rid of the Net 4 version and make this the actual release

💬 RhonenAuthor, Feb 25th 2023 at 5:53 PM
  • I found a bug if I use French for example the text is too long

That is not a bug. it's a limitation from that boundary. but will be improved in the upcomming mod version for VS 1.18

💬 DoctorVanGogh, Feb 6th 2023 at 5:46 PM

The .net 7 client does barf a bit with this:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Vintagestory.API.Client.IInputAPI.RegisterHotKey(System.String, System.String, Vintagestory.API.Client.GlKeys, Vintagestory.API.Client.HotkeyType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)'.
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.ClockModSettingsController.RegisterHotKey()
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.ClockModSettingsController..ctor(ICoreClientAPI clientApi) in D:\development\VintageStoryMods\solution\Mods\hudclock\src\busineslogic\ClockModSettingsController.cs:line 31
at hudlock.src.HUDClockMod.PlayerReady(EnumHandling& handling) in D:\development\VintageStoryMods\solution\Mods\hudclock\src\HUDClockMod.cs:line 39

💬 Teknik, Jan 25th 2023 at 9:36 AM

Another solution :

If i set 13  it work :

But below it won't :

💬 Teknik, Jan 19th 2023 at 4:31 PM

usefull mod tanks man !

I found a bug if I use French for example the text is too long and we don't see the time before a storm arrives and for the claimed area it's the same.
I have to manually edit the lang.json file and shorten the texts to make it work,
I'm using it for vs 1.17.10 it will be great if you update the mods to support more characters :)

it show " Player " and i don't whrite this in the lang fr.json finally the text is not centered.
💬 JACO1989, Jan 18th 2023 at 12:15 AM

Język polski:


"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Czas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Jesień",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Lato",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Wiosna",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Gracz online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Rozszerzenie zegara Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Rozszerzenie czasowej burzy Hud",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Brak burzy w zasięgu wzroku",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Burza wyłączona",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Nadchodzi burza {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Aktywna burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Mod zegara Hud - ustawienia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Pokaż temperaturę w fahrenheita",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Pokaż liczbę graczy (Online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Pokaż obszar objęty roszczeniem",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Wymagany mod rozszerzenia serwera",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Pokaż temp. burza",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Zawsze",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Zbliża się",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nigdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Wniosek o {0}"

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 7th 2023 at 9:53 AM

How are you all dealing with the clock going under the window when using this mod in other languages?? Or is this a pt-br only issue?

💬 Misterix, Oct 31st 2022 at 11:46 PM

Here is czech translate:

file name: cs.json

"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Čas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Podzim",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Léto",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Jaro",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Hráči online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Rozšíření HUD: hodiny",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Rozšíření HUD: časové bouřky",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Neblíží se bouřka",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Bouřky deactivané",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Bouřka se blíží {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Bouřka aktivní",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Rozšíření HUD: nastavení",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Zobrazit teplotu ve fahrenheitech",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Zobrazit počet hráčů (online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Zobrazit přivlastněnou oblast",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Vyžaduje serverové rozšíření",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Zobrazení časových bouřek",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Vždy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Blížící se",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nikdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Přivlastněná oblast: {0}"



💬 olexn, Oct 28th 2022 at 10:26 AM

Please, add uk.json lang file:

"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Час",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Зима",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Осінь",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Літо",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Весна",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Гравців в мережі: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Розширення інтерфейсу часу",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Розширення інтерфейсу темпорального шторму",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Немає шторму на горизонті",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Шторм деактивовано",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Шторм наближається {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Шторм триває",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Модифікація Hud clock - налаштування",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Показувати температуру в фаренгейтах",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Показувати кількість гравців (в мережі)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Показувати приватні зони",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Потребує підтримки зі сторони серверу",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Показ темпорального шторму",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Завжди",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Лише наближення",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Ніколи",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Власність гравця: {0}"


💬 AzuliBluespots, Sep 29th 2022 at 9:40 PM

Can we somehow edit the window size? It gets messed up in other languages (portuguese, brazilian in this case)

💬 DaftValac, Sep 23rd 2022 at 10:18 PM

I had to complete uninstall and reinstall to get things working, just as a note for anyone who might run across this.

💬 SIN1K, Sep 22nd 2022 at 2:12 AM

Works fine for me DaftValac

💬 DaftValac, Sep 21st 2022 at 3:58 AM

Doesn't seem to work with 1.17.4, can someone else confirm?

💬 Rosalia, Sep 18th 2022 at 2:52 PM

Would it be possible to make the position of the hud configurable?

💬 Draconas, Sep 12th 2022 at 7:47 AM

wish people would try for themselves instead of spamming "does with work for x.xx.x?"

💬 MagentaLizard, Sep 12th 2022 at 1:44 AM

Anyone know if this works for 1.17.3?

💬 Brutus, Sep 8th 2022 at 8:48 AM

Mod jest super. To jest mój podstawowy mod, który zawsze jest zainstalowany. Czy można by dołożyć mu na stałe język pl?

💬 LiquidDisease, Sep 7th 2022 at 1:51 PM

Anyone can help me?  I get the "Unable to resolve some mod dependencies. Check the log files." message.  What am I missing?  I used to use to mod before and did nothing different this time around.  Thanks.

💬 Teppich, Sep 6th 2022 at 12:54 AM

👑Here, you dropped this King

💬 MagentaLizard, Sep 5th 2022 at 6:56 PM

Hell yeah thanks!

💬 mektigh, Sep 5th 2022 at 4:02 PM

Thanks a ton!

💬 spekulatius, Sep 5th 2022 at 3:46 PM


💬 RhonenAuthor, Sep 5th 2022 at 3:06 PM

Update for 1.17.x available

💬 Kosher, Sep 2nd 2022 at 9:08 AM

Hi , Rhonen thank you for your avesome job on this mod!

If that will help, can you share your git repo for it with me, and I'll fix it for 1.17?

💬 Voidwalker, Sep 2nd 2022 at 8:36 AM

I'm really missing this mod in 1.17, as i've been spoiled and now the storms just sort of sneak up on me at the worse times. Knowing what time and day made planning my time so much more effective too. I'm hoping there will be an Update to 1.17 soon T.T

💬 Pamela, Sep 1st 2022 at 2:28 AM

Is this mod going to be updated to 1.17?? PLEASE!!!

💬 ManaWei, Aug 20th 2022 at 4:03 AM

Yeah a 1.17 version would be awesome.. i need this.. <3 

💬 Yelb, Jul 27th 2022 at 11:21 AM

Hello, this mod crashes with 1.17rc2 (and any other 1.17pre i tried). A fix would be neat, thanks.

💬 wilson_, Jul 23rd 2022 at 3:50 AM

Crashes with 1.17 pre any version. Any chance to fix this? Thanks.

💬 Jabba, Jul 14th 2022 at 5:07 PM

Hey, i noticed a few (visual) problems with the mod:

  • the "Show temp. storm: Always" setting is not applied when logging in, only after opening and closing the mod options (Shift + O) once
  • on long month names (i noticed with "September") the time gets wrapped to the next line (which then overlaps with the online players count)

And a feature request:

  • it would be nice the have a toggle to show the "Current rift activity" in the HUD, maybe in the second box where temp storms are shown as well (because they both belong to the "temporal stability" concept of the game)
💬 Luco, Mar 29th 2022 at 8:05 PM

Hello. Here is slovak (sk) translation for this mod

"hudclock:hudclock-caption-time": "Čas",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-degrees": "{0} °C",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-fahrenheit": "{0} °F",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-winter": "Zima",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-fall": "Jeseň",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-summer": "Leto",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-season-spring": "Jar",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-online-players": "Hráčov online: {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-time-title": "Hud clock rozšírenie",
"hudclock:hudclock-keybind-storm-title": "Hud rozšírenie pre časovú búrku",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-far-away": "Žiadna časová búrka nadohľad",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-deactivated": "Časová búrka je ukonca",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-approaching": "Blíži sa časová búrka {0}",
"hudclock:hudclock-caption-temp-storm-active": "Časová búrka aktívna",
"hudclock:hudclock-open-mod-settings": "Hud clock mod - nastavenia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-temp-fahrenheit": "Zobraziť teploty vo fahrenheitoch",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-playercount-mp": "Zobraz počet hráčov (online)",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area": "Zobraz obsadené územia",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-claimed-area-server-addon": "Vyžaduje si serverové rozšírenie módu",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown": "Zobraz časové búrky",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-always": "Vždy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-trigger_only": "Prichádza",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-settings-storm-dialog-shown-never": "Nikdy",
"hudclock:hudclock-mod-caption-dialog-claimed-by": "Obsadené hráčom {0}"


Save this text into file with name sk.json if you are using slovak language in game. Then add this file sk.json inside mod between other languages. Direction is assets\hudclock\lang

💬 Davidineo, Mar 5th 2022 at 8:32 PM

Hello! I made a brazilian portuguese translation for your mod

Para os brasileiros que querem tradução ta ai!


💬 TTastic, Feb 22nd 2022 at 8:31 PM

Would it be possible to have the wind speed added to this display as well! Only thing stopping this mod from being perfect!

💬 Kirona, Feb 6th 2022 at 8:36 PM

Any chance for an option of a 12-hour clock instead of the current 24-hour clock?

💬 Daro, Feb 5th 2022 at 11:49 PM

Unreal, in \ assets \ hudclock \ lang \ make a copy of the en.json file and rename it fr.json.

💬 Unreal, Jan 30th 2022 at 8:01 PM

Hi! the mod is working fine but when i set my game lang to french it show up like this Image. A friend have his game in french and its working for him, he got the same mods as me.

💬 Cendar, Jan 19th 2022 at 4:33 AM

Hi! I made a french translation for your mod, feel free to add it if you want. 😊

fr.json - HUD clock 2.6.0

💬 Gamer62, Jan 16th 2022 at 4:43 PM


Is there any chance of having your body tempreture on the hud to please ?

It really would be nice knowing at what point i'd want to start and fire before i start to shake and freeze.

And thank you for this mod even if body tempreture can't be added

💬 Brutus, Jan 11th 2022 at 8:14 AM

Hello. And when can I count on updating the mod to version 1.16

💬 NeverLost, Nov 5th 2021 at 3:56 AM

Hi Rhonen,

I decompiled your code and added a body temperature reading to it. Hit me up if you want the code to add it to the official mod. I also know how to how to get the temporal stability if you are wondering about that.

💬 melodelic, Oct 24th 2021 at 7:06 PM

I've got to say that I love this mod! I would also like to have a Body Temperature reading on the hud clock! It would basically make it so I never have to press C to see about temperature/time/etc.

💬 JingShi, Oct 7th 2021 at 4:22 PM

Please could you update hudclock for the new update.

💬 sdkenny, Oct 1st 2021 at 12:38 AM

Would it be possible to add Body Temperature?

💬 RhonenAuthor, Sep 25th 2021 at 8:56 AM

as i know there is no access public api access on that data.

💬 OpPointBaker, Sep 1st 2021 at 7:11 AM

Would you add information on the local temporal stability? Possibly an output for your current stability. That way players don't have to stop and mouse over the gear.

💬 RhonenAuthor, Jul 25th 2021 at 7:45 AM

And again:
That warning for a leak comes from the game itself. that is no exture of my mod. Discussed already in discord. Thx.

💬 Aledark, Jul 24th 2021 at 11:57 PM

Found this for your mod on a developer mode :

24.7.2021 14:47:35 [Warning] Texture with texture id 581 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Allocated at at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at Vintagestory.API.Client.LoadedTexture..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementDynamicTextHelper.AddDynamicText(GuiComposer composer, String text, CairoFont font, EnumTextOrientation orientation, ElementBounds bounds, String key)
at hudclock.src.ui.ClaimAreaDialog.PrepareRenderBounds()
at hudclock.src.ui.ClaimAreaDialog..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.ClaimDialogController..ctor(ICoreClientAPI clientApi, ClockModSettingsController clockModSettingsController)
at hudlock.src.HUDClockMod.PlayerReady(EnumHandling& handling)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventAPI.TriggerIsPlayerReady()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandlePlayerData(_rWZFASzOfrVfZu0KwuBAjmamQBq packet)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
at _kWAroornC4OFzHEC3up4Bpv3bZr._56ZyhqUQRdVXcP01CGFRYWAAMlh(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._EthRnPRd1tbvpv8nkAwvMnUFZzD(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._B2re7Q8SHFC6kaTk8kmsYrPVaKB(Single )
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(_7hnpozI2lFsAA8Wa5CIiUgRAbXjA , String[] )
at _gCIDaxCwdS0mkZub2rV5ATdV3hOA._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(ThreadStart )
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._FYLYn4vIRGO1ai2ad7yF4iFZOlq(String[] ).
24.7.2021 14:47:35 [Warning] Texture with texture id 582 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Allocated at at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at Vintagestory.API.Client.LoadedTexture..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer..ctor(ICoreClientAPI api, ElementBounds bounds, String dialogName)
at _bsdjXNseag5jr7GxHmAMyU72BEY._edtmRCLArrY4BIOiGzQLLyEcJFp(String , ElementBounds )
at hudclock.src.ui.ClaimAreaDialog.PrepareRenderBounds()
at hudclock.src.ui.ClaimAreaDialog..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.ClaimDialogController..ctor(ICoreClientAPI clientApi, ClockModSettingsController clockModSettingsController)
at hudlock.src.HUDClockMod.PlayerReady(EnumHandling& handling)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventAPI.TriggerIsPlayerReady()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandlePlayerData(_rWZFASzOfrVfZu0KwuBAjmamQBq packet)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
at _kWAroornC4OFzHEC3up4Bpv3bZr._56ZyhqUQRdVXcP01CGFRYWAAMlh(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._EthRnPRd1tbvpv8nkAwvMnUFZzD(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._B2re7Q8SHFC6kaTk8kmsYrPVaKB(Single )
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(_7hnpozI2lFsAA8Wa5CIiUgRAbXjA , String[] )
at _gCIDaxCwdS0mkZub2rV5ATdV3hOA._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(ThreadStart )
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._FYLYn4vIRGO1ai2ad7yF4iFZOlq(String[] ).
24.7.2021 14:47:35 [Warning] Texture with texture id 579 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Allocated at at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at Vintagestory.API.Client.LoadedTexture..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementDynamicTextHelper.AddDynamicText(GuiComposer composer, String text, CairoFont font, EnumTextOrientation orientation, ElementBounds bounds, String key)
at hudclock.src.ui.StormDialog.DefineGuiComposer()
at hudclock.src.ui.StormDialog.Build()
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.StormDialogController..ctor(ICoreClientAPI clientApi, ClockModSettingsController settings)
at hudlock.src.HUDClockMod.PlayerReady(EnumHandling& handling)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventAPI.TriggerIsPlayerReady()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandlePlayerData(_rWZFASzOfrVfZu0KwuBAjmamQBq packet)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
at _kWAroornC4OFzHEC3up4Bpv3bZr._56ZyhqUQRdVXcP01CGFRYWAAMlh(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._EthRnPRd1tbvpv8nkAwvMnUFZzD(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._B2re7Q8SHFC6kaTk8kmsYrPVaKB(Single )
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(_7hnpozI2lFsAA8Wa5CIiUgRAbXjA , String[] )
at _gCIDaxCwdS0mkZub2rV5ATdV3hOA._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(ThreadStart )
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._FYLYn4vIRGO1ai2ad7yF4iFZOlq(String[] ).
24.7.2021 14:47:35 [Warning] Texture with texture id 580 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Allocated at at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
at Vintagestory.API.Client.LoadedTexture..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi)
at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer..ctor(ICoreClientAPI api, ElementBounds bounds, String dialogName)
at _bsdjXNseag5jr7GxHmAMyU72BEY._edtmRCLArrY4BIOiGzQLLyEcJFp(String , ElementBounds )
at hudclock.src.ui.StormDialog.DefineGuiComposer()
at hudclock.src.ui.StormDialog.Build()
at hudclock.src.busineslogic.StormDialogController..ctor(ICoreClientAPI clientApi, ClockModSettingsController settings)
at hudlock.src.HUDClockMod.PlayerReady(EnumHandling& handling)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventAPI.TriggerIsPlayerReady()
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandlePlayerData(_rWZFASzOfrVfZu0KwuBAjmamQBq packet)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime)
at _kWAroornC4OFzHEC3up4Bpv3bZr._56ZyhqUQRdVXcP01CGFRYWAAMlh(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._EthRnPRd1tbvpv8nkAwvMnUFZzD(Single )
at _eJCiYuww7mZPzQbnKfiEtnI4MDD._B2re7Q8SHFC6kaTk8kmsYrPVaKB(Single )
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(_7hnpozI2lFsAA8Wa5CIiUgRAbXjA , String[] )
at _gCIDaxCwdS0mkZub2rV5ATdV3hOA._kVFD8SxIojOmGrxNtThdBHagQeh(ThreadStart )
at _DlY2IRaBbEwZdipnKtrb40WUzTZ._FYLYn4vIRGO1ai2ad7yF4iFZOlq(String[] ).

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Apr 4th 2021 at 4:18 PM

Suggestion: Pixelise the images a bit to make them fit better to the rest of the game.

(edit comment delete)