Mods / Status HUD

Category: #QoL #Utility
Author: Rangelost
Side: Client
Created: Jun 15th 2023 at 4:53 AM
Last modified: Aug 15th 2023 at 10:54 PM
Downloads: 12111
Follow Unfollow 238

Latest file for v1.18.8: 1-click install

This is a not-so-simple mod with the objective of relaying information to the player. If your character can feel it, then you should see it.

Note: The author is on indefinite break. If you would like to continue this mod, feel free to use the included source code.



Status HUD offers a collection of various elements to display on the HUD. The available elements are:

  • altitude: displays the player's current height (in meters) in relation to sea level;
  • armour: displays the equipped armour durability average (in %). If there is no armour equipped, this element is hidden;
  • bodyheat: displays the player's current body heat (in %). If it is at 100%, this element is hidden;
  • compass: displays the player's current facing direction (in degrees) in relation to the north;
  • date: displays the current date (e.g. 1 Jul) and an icon for the current season (sprout for spring, sun for summer, leaf for autumn, and snowflake for winter);
  • durability: displays the currently selected item's remaining durability. If there is no durability, this element is hidden;
  • latitude: displays the player's current latitude (in degrees);
  • light: displays the light level at the currently selected block. If no block is selected, this element is hidden;
  • players: displays the number of players currently online;
  • room: displays a house icon when the player is inside a room (house for large room, cabin for small room or cellar), and a sun icon above when inside a greenhouse. If the player is outside, this element is hidden;
  • sleep: displays a countdown until the next time the player is able to sleep. If the player can sleep, this element is hidden;
  • speed: displays the player's current speed (in m/s);
  • stability: displays the temporal stability (e.g. 76%) at the player's position if it is below 150%. If the temporal stability is 150%, this element is hidden;
  • tempstorm: displays a timer when a temporal storm is approaching or in progress. Otherwise, this element is hidden (β˜… New in v1.4.2!);
  • time: displays the current time (e.g. 19:43) and an icon for the position of the sun relative to the horizon;
  • time-local: displays the system's local time;
  • weather: displays the current temperature (e.g. 24°C) and an icon for the current condition (clear, fair skies, cloudy, rain, snow or hail);
  • weather-f: same as weather, but uses the Fahrenheit scale;
  • wet: displays how wet (e.g. 72%) the player is. If the player is dry, this element is hidden;
  • wind: displays the current wind speed (e.g. 20%) and direction at the player's position.

Active elements are bound to an identifier #. This number can be between -16 and 16 (inclusively), except 0. Only one element can be bound to an identifier at a time, and only one instance of an element can be active at a time.

Note: A default layout is installed on first run. Use the commands listed below to customize the elements to your liking.



The available commands are:

  • .shud default

    Reverts to the default layout.

  • .shud set [#] [element]

    Activates the element [element] and sets its identifier to [#].

    Variable Description Values
    [#] Identifier. Non-zero integer between -16 and 16
    [element] Element name. See Description section for list of possible values
  • .shud unset [#]

    Deactivates the element with the identifier [#].

    Variable Description Values
    [#] Identifier. Non-zero integer between -16 and 16
  • .shud clear

    Deactivates all elements from all identifiers at once.

  • .shud pos [#] [halign] [x] [valign] [y]

    Sets the position of the element with the identifier [#].

    Variable Description Values
    [#] Identifier. Non-zero integer between -16 and 16
    [halign] Horizontal alignment. left, center or right
    [x] Offset from horizontal alignment. Any number
    [valign] Vertical alignment. top, middle or bottom
    [y] Offset from vertical alignment. Any number
  • .shud repos [#]

    Resets the position of the element with the identifier [#].

    Variable Description Values
    [#] Identifier. Non-zero integer between -16 and 16
  • .shud list

    Lists all currently active elements and their identifier.

  • .shud info [element]

    Displays the element [element]'s description.

    Variable Description Values
    [element] Element name. See Description section for list of possible values
  • .shud hidden [value]

    Shows or hides hidden elements.

    Variable Description Values
    [value] Visibility value. show or hide
  • .shud help

    Displays a summary of these instructions and the list of available elements.



Upon running the mod, a statushud.json config file will be created or updated in the game's ModConfig directory. The available options are:

Variable Description Values Default value
iconSize Icon size (in px). Any number 32
showHidden Show hidden elements. true to show, false to hide false
text/colour/r Text colour's red value. Between 0.0 and 1.0 0.91
text/colour/g Text colour's green value. Between 0.0 and 1.0 0.87
text/colour/b Text colour's blue value. Between 0.0 and 1.0 0.81
text/colour/a Text colour's alpha value. Between 0.0 and 1.0 1.0
text/size Text font size (in pt). Any number 16.0
text/bold Text boldness. true for bold, false for normal true
text/offsetX Text horizontal offset (in px). Any number 0.0
text/offsetY Text vertical offset (in px). Any number -19.0
text/align Text alignment. 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for center 2
months Month names. 12 strings (3 chars max recommended) "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
compassAbsolute Make compass element's needle point to the player's absolute direction. true for absolute direction, false for relative north false
elements Element save data. - -
installed Whether or not mod has been run at least once. true if installed, otherwise false false



Creating your own icon pack
  • In your Mods folder (.../VintagestoryData/Mods/), create a new folder with the name of your choice. In this example, it will be called myiconpack;
  • In this new myiconpack folder, create a file called modinfo.json, and open it in the text editor of your choice;
  • In this new modinfo.json file, enter the following:
    	"type": "theme",
    	"name": "My Icon Pack",
    	"modid": "myiconpack",
    	"version": "1.0.0",
    	"authors": ["Your name here"],
    	"description": "This is my icon pack!",
    	"side": "Client",
    	"dependencies": { 
    		"statushud": "1.0.0"
    Note: You can edit the name, modid, authors and description fields to your liking in accordance with the Vintage Story Wiki.
  • Save the changes and close the modinfo.json file;
  • Open this mod's file, copy the assets folder into your myiconpack folder, then close the file;
  • You should now have all texture files available in .../myiconpack/assets/statushud/textures/ ready to be modified. Edit one of them to your liking;
  • When you next launch Vintage Story, make sure that your mod is enabled in the Mod Manager. Your edited icon should now replace the default one. Congratulations, you have created an icon pack!
  • Notes:
    • While you can create icons of any size, they will utlimately be resized to squares matching the specified size in the configuration file.
    • If an icon is missing from your pack, then the default will be used instead.



These examples all use the identifier 1 for simplicity's sake, but you can use another identifier of your choice.

  • To remove all default elements and start from scratch, use:
    .shud clear

  • To restore the default layout, use:
    .shud default

  • To recreate the Room Indicator mod with no changes, use:
    .shud clear
    .shud set 1 room

  • To display your computer's time in the bottom-right corner of the screen, use:
    .shud set 1 time-local
    .shud pos 1 right 24 bottom 12

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.4.3 6200 Aug 15th 2023 at 10:54 PM Show Install now
v1.4.2 713 Aug 5th 2023 at 5:06 AM Show Install now
v1.4.1 915 Jul 21st 2023 at 4:13 AM Show Install now
v1.4.0 385 Jul 17th 2023 at 11:39 PM Show Install now
v1.3.2 653 Jul 11th 2023 at 2:22 AM Show Install now
v1.3.1 882 Jun 21st 2023 at 7:43 PM Show Install now
v1.3.0 240 Jun 21st 2023 at 6:28 AM Show Install now
v1.2.3 296 Jun 19th 2023 at 8:46 PM Show Install now
v1.2.2 421 Jun 17th 2023 at 9:12 PM Show Install now
v1.2.1 308 Jun 16th 2023 at 10:49 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 285 Jun 16th 2023 at 4:31 AM Show Install now
v1.1.1 161 Jun 16th 2023 at 2:07 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0 202 Jun 15th 2023 at 8:52 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 281 Jun 15th 2023 at 5:18 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 165 Jun 15th 2023 at 4:54 AM Show Install now

116 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Mintir4, Sep 27th at 6:17 PM

Do you mind to share the code of this mod? Would be amazing.

💬 Dracomancer, Feb 4th at 2:28 AM

Update. This mod works flawlessly on 1.19.3 as of now!

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jan 5th at 11:11 PM

Nice. Best of luck to you.

💬 Gravydigger, Jan 5th at 11:11 AM

I've decided to take in upon myself to continue to update this mod, which you can find here!

Thanks for creating an awesome mod, and I wish you the best on your future endevours.

💬 xXx_Ape_xXx, Dec 14th 2023 at 6:48 PM

Why is body temp shown in % ???

💬 FlyingCat, Oct 25th 2023 at 4:49 PM

Is there a way to check temporal stability for an area? I thought it was an icon to show say, temporal stability poor with a gear and down arrow...

I don't currently understand how it is shown or where it is shown?

💬 Junrall, Sep 13th 2023 at 9:29 PM


This mod is always on my "must have" list! Thank!

One request... can you please add a config to show local time in 12hr format?

💬 Bughaw, Sep 12th 2023 at 8:48 PM

Any plans to add rift activity indicator?

💬 Saricane, Sep 11th 2023 at 6:35 PM

Thank you very much for the new tempstorm parameter. I was using your other mod Temporal Storm Timer (very good too), but I like to run as less mods as possible.

💬 DArkHekRoMaNT, Aug 31st 2023 at 6:10 PM

Time is displayed incorrectly in worlds with modified /time hoursperday

💬 DragooKnight11, Aug 30th 2023 at 1:47 AM

Awesome mod, however having the same name for each version makes it slightly annoying for my mod management style (download to central storage folder, replace old version with new version, keep old version in case of new and interesting gamebreaking bugs). Would you mind appending the mod version to the filename going forward?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Aug 16th 2023 at 9:10 PM

Thank you. I hope it will inspire future modders to create something even better.

💬 MistAway, Aug 16th 2023 at 7:20 PM


Thank you for your work on this pretty much essential mod. Wish you a nice rest!

💬 RangelostAuthor, Aug 5th 2023 at 5:12 AM

I've added a new tempstorm element in v1.4.2, in case you're still interested.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Aug 5th 2023 at 12:03 AM

No problem. I am glad that the issue was easily resolved.

💬 Ryuu, Aug 4th 2023 at 9:05 PM


Thanks for letting me know! I didn't realize I was using an older version -- damn that VintageStoryData directory change really messed me up. Lol. (1.18.8 rc1) 
Sorry for not realizing sooner.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Aug 4th 2023 at 6:39 PM

The compassAbsolute field is still functional and automatically added to the config file. Make sure that you are using Status HUD v1.3.2 or higher.

💬 Ryuu, Aug 4th 2023 at 6:20 PM

compassAbsolute isn't in the JSON. When I try adding it, it keeps resetting the JSON even though the client is completely closed, so was it removed or something?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 21st 2023 at 4:15 AM


My mistake. I've adjusted the stability element in v1.4.1 to display values up to 150% (exclusively).

💬 RivenDelver, Jul 20th 2023 at 9:36 PM

I tried this in the hopes that it could show me the difference between a fast-recharge temporal stability area and a barely positive slow-recharge temporal stability area, but it seems like they both show as 100.  Is there any way to show that value?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 17th 2023 at 11:10 PM

Thanks for the feedback! This mod is likely to work for all versions down to 1.18.0, but I did not test this because downgrading the game's version is bothersome.

💬 CaveSalamander, Jul 17th 2023 at 10:21 PM

So far v1.3.2 has worked without issue on 1.18.1 as well, just had to edit dependencies to support the earlier game version.

💬 Jena_Thornwyrd, Jul 15th 2023 at 10:46 PM

Best hud mod so far :)

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 13th 2023 at 1:16 AM

That would step into the territory of cheating, which is outside of this mod's scope. Either way, it might be less redundant for someone to make a client-side mod which simply restores the original coordinates overlay instead.

💬 Ipodbob, Jul 12th 2023 at 7:41 PM

Anyway to have cooridinates for servers that have the map off?

Great mod tho, thanks

💬 B0bb0, Jul 11th 2023 at 6:16 PM

Rangelost, Thank you!  A much more elegant solution than what I proposed.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 11th 2023 at 8:12 AM

No problem. I have updated the description to include the default values. Thanks for your feedback!

💬 Ryuu, Jul 11th 2023 at 7:42 AM

just looked and thought it was on compassAbsolute by default -.- sorry for that.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 11th 2023 at 7:05 AM

As per the comments below, this is intentional. The needle points to the north, while the degrees represent the player's heading. If you would prefer the needle to also display the player's heading (and thus have both the needle and the number match redundantly), enable the compassAbsolute option in the config file.

💬 Ryuu, Jul 11th 2023 at 6:44 AM

The text for the compass is correct for the degrees but the arrow graphic is pointing in the wrong direction according to this compass chart.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 11th 2023 at 2:25 AM

I've added a new config option in v1.3.2 to make the compass point in the player's absolute direction. Check the description's Configuration section for more information.

💬 B0bb0, Jul 11th 2023 at 12:58 AM

Would you perhaps make another control for heading?  Same layout, but the needle displays your heading instead of north?  The I could deconfigure the compass and us heading instead?  :) :) :)


💬 B0bb0, Jul 10th 2023 at 8:53 PM

Thank you, I get it.  I don't like it😁, but I get it.  I don't understand the utility of it.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 10th 2023 at 8:13 PM

The compass element's icon simulates an actual compass face up.

  • When you are heading north, the needle points "forward" because north is in front of you;
  • When you are facing south, the needle points "backward" because north is behind you;
  • When you are facing east, the needle points "to the left" because north is to your left.

The needle does not match the minimap's player icon direction because that would be redundant, especially since the minimap does not rotate. If you need to see your absolute direction, you can simply use the minimap instead. I hope this clears up some of the confusion!

💬 B0bb0, Jul 10th 2023 at 5:07 PM

I am doubting my intelligence.  :)

The needle points 180 degrees opposite, to 270 when I am facing 90.  It acts like a backwards heading indicator.  When I am facing north it points up, when I am facing south it points down.  It seems like it should point right for 90 and left for 270.  The needle tracking a northern reference is of no use to me.  :)  Having it point to my heading would be much more useful.

So when rotating right, instead of decrementing, have it increment.  Then the needle would follow the degrees shown above it and be relational to the player indicator.  So it would be 'heading' instead of 'compass'.

Perhaps a survey of users?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 10th 2023 at 5:31 AM

Think of the compass element's icon as an actual compass. When you face northward, the needle points straight ahead. If you slowly turn to the right, the needle will slowly turn to the left, because it follows the north pole.

💬 B0bb0, Jul 10th 2023 at 12:33 AM

Rangelost, πŸ€ͺ  I don't get it.  Thanks for checking that it is functioning as intended.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 9th 2023 at 11:26 PM

That is intended. On the minimap, the player icon points in the direction you are heading. Because you are heading east, it points east.

On the compass element, the compass needle points in the direction relative to north. Because you are looking 90° clockwise from north, it points 90° counterclockwise from north.

In other words, the needle always points to where north is relative to the direction you are facing. It does not point to the direction you are facing.

💬 B0bb0, Jul 9th 2023 at 10:59 PM

Hi, :)  The numerical heading is correct, the dial is backwards.  Please see the screen shot.  In the minimap I am pointed east.  The dial points in the opposite direction.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 9th 2023 at 7:32 PM

No problem. The description is quite the wall of text, so it's easy to miss.

💬 UA_Shaman, Jul 9th 2023 at 7:25 PM

Oh my god, to be honest I didn't see this feature. Probably did not look carefully. Thank you.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jul 9th 2023 at 7:22 PM

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. There is already a light element which displays the light level at the selected block.

Yes. The light element displays the total light level (sun light × sun brightness + block light) at the selected block.

The compass element displays the player's heading. If the player is heading eastward, then the compass should display 90°. This is independent from the compass needle, which points to the relative north.

💬 B0bb0, Jul 9th 2023 at 6:37 PM

Hi, I think the heading dial is backwards.  Should'nt 270 degrees point left instead of right?

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jul 9th 2023 at 8:29 AM

Does light display number of sunlight? It is extremely useful when you are creating specific cheese that can only be created under some sunlight levels

💬 UA_Shaman, Jul 9th 2023 at 8:15 AM

For reflection, so to speak, you can also add the level of light (illumination)

💬 Saricane, Jul 2nd 2023 at 7:58 AM

Thank you, Rangelost, for the update on Temporal Storm Timer. Adopted.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 29th 2023 at 12:37 AM

Fair enough. I've updated Temporal Storm Timer to be client-side only for now. I'll let you know if I add a similar element for this mod in the future.

💬 Saricane, Jun 28th 2023 at 9:02 AM

Rangelost unfortunately, Temporal Storm Timer is on server side, and on a server like TOPTS, this is not possible. Yet Hudclock gives this storm timer and it's client side only.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 26th 2023 at 7:20 PM

Temporal storms are server-side, so that is outside of this mod's scope. However, if you are looking for a reliable and highly visual countdown, I suggest you try my Temporal Storm Timer mod.

💬 Saricane, Jun 26th 2023 at 2:54 PM

Fantastic mod. Really. And if you could add temporal storms countdown, I could unload another famous mod that report them.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 26th 2023 at 4:03 AM

Unless I misunderstand your request, hidden elements can be shown by using the following command: .shud hidden show

💬 WorkerDrone, Jun 26th 2023 at 2:58 AM

I'm amazed at the velocity this became one of the best mods available in the game, period.
Keep up the amazing work !!.

P.S. As a side note it'd be incredible if the hideable elements had an option for permanent visibility !

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jun 24th 2023 at 10:17 AM

This looks way better than I expected. Felt like it was something else entirely for some reason.

Edit: Now I know why. I was mixing this up with Effect HUD.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 23rd 2023 at 7:11 PM

Good catch! I've updated the description to match the current identifier limits. Thanks for the report.

💬 B0bb0, Jun 23rd 2023 at 6:58 PM

Hey Rangelost, loving this mod.

The command help on this page still shows the identifier # range as -10 to 10 for 'set', 'unset', 'pos' and 'repos'.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 22nd 2023 at 12:12 AM

I understand what you are asking for. However, without block selection, I do not see a simple way to measure that distance without impacting performance. Information about how blocks are selected natively does not seem to be readily available to the API, so I will have to pass on this idea unless you are requesting it for creative building (in which case block selection distance is much longer in creative mode, and thus makes more sense).

Otherwise, you would be better served by the Measuring rope item.

💬 QuakingDoom, Jun 21st 2023 at 10:54 PM


> While a measuring tape is potentially useful, block selection only has a reach of around 5 blocks in survival mode. Is this intended for creative mode building?

I didn't mean an actuall measuring tape. I meant like, a hud element that tells you the distance (in blocks) to whatever is under your crosshair, assuming it isn't the sky. So, say you look at a wall on the other side of the room, the distance indicator would say how far away that wall is from you.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 21st 2023 at 7:49 PM


My bad. I've changed the durability element in v1.3.1 to display the remaining durability instead. I've also increased its update frequency for now.

I created the icons myself. Each one was designed in all of 10 seconds in Paint, so do with them as you will. This is just a mod; I do not care. If you have further questions, feel free to ask them here — I assume that is what this comment section is for.

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Jun 21st 2023 at 6:51 PM

Thank you! And understandable on the higher resolution.

For that matter: Did you make the icons yourself? If you got them somewhere, where? And if you've specified a license on this mod, I haven't found it yet; I'd like to know what your wishes are so I can respect them. Depending on many variables, I might end up making some icon packs for this mod; it'd be a perfect way for me to practice different forms of digital art. So I'd like to use the default icons as reference, and potentially make a high res version of the default icons if you're okay with that.

Actually now that I think about it, I have a lot of questions about this, and I don't want to clog up the comments with all of them if possible. Would you prefer to continue using the comments, or is there a more discussion-focused place you'd be wiling to talk (discord, the VS forums, etc.)? Thanks in advance, and thanks again for responding to all our comments and being a very cool dev.

💬 Rythillian, Jun 21st 2023 at 6:01 PM

Very nice mod!

💬 ThreeHeadedDingo, Jun 21st 2023 at 4:51 PM

Hm. Is it intended that the durability element only displays the item's max durability?

💬 InertFurry, Jun 21st 2023 at 2:06 PM


My particular use-case is regarding tools at very low durability needing to be moused over and use-counted to stop it at 1 or such for grindstoning or recycling. Any information is a definite improvement.  (Even though it's implied, I will explicitly say: Thanks!)
This makes me wonder: There's got to be an event for tool durability updating and an event for tool switching.  If you could get those to also call your mod's durability element it wouldn't have to cyclically update. (Probably *way* more complex than polling the current tool's durability value and updating a variable.)

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 21st 2023 at 6:38 AM

Sure. I've added a new durability element in v1.3.0. It's currently a bit slow, so let me know if that's a problem.

I've added a new .shud hidden command to toggle hidden elements. Check the description for further instructions.

I've also added a new bodyheat element. It may not be the numerical value you were hoping for, but it's a useful one nonetheless.

As for a higher texture resolution for the icons, that is far beyond my pay grade. Check the description's Resources section for instructions on how to create your own icon pack.

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Jun 20th 2023 at 2:38 PM

Sorry to post another comment almost immediately, but I'm playing around with the configuration and I increased the iconsize to 64 since it was a little bit too small for my monitor, and I noticed the default icon pack is actually rather low resolution. Any possibility of higher resolution images? It would help a lot; I play on a laptop due to my chronic pain, so my monitor is rather small for its resolution (1920x1080). Thank you for listening to our requests.

💬 Savrs, Jun 20th 2023 at 2:23 PM
Rangelost, 17 hours ago


I've modified the speed element to display the mount speed when mounted in v1.2.3.


Π’his makes me happy!


💬 gndrneutralnoun, Jun 20th 2023 at 2:18 PM

I'd greatly appreciate it if it were possible to toggle showing hidden elements with a chat command. Showing hidden elements is very helpful for configuring the HUD, but with the amount of mods I have, I'd prefer to not have to constantly reload my world just to make a small config tweak...

Player body temperature should probably be in here somewhere, I think. I know you have the body heat bar mod, but I'm sure some people would prefer a numerical value for multiple reasons.

And, thank you for the lovely mod. :)

💬 InertFurry, Jun 20th 2023 at 7:25 AM

Numeric active tool durability?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 20th 2023 at 6:30 AM

This mod is exclusively client-side, so it has no impact on the server at all. As for the client-side performance, only active elements are updated, and most of the elements only update once per second.

💬 amoon, Jun 20th 2023 at 6:20 AM

@Rangelost I've used other mods in the past that display extra info on the HUD. What I found was that heavy usage from numerous players having the mod severly impacted server performance due to the frequency of queries.

How often does your mod update it's info from the server and would you be able to incorporate a config setting to adjust that on a per usage basis?

💬 Binn, Jun 19th 2023 at 10:02 PM

@Rangelos Thanks a lot! You're awesome!

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 19th 2023 at 9:07 PM


I've modified the speed element to display the mount speed when mounted in v1.2.3.

Sure. I've added a new players element in v1.2.3.

While seemingly in popular demand, that is outside of this mod's scope. The compass element is as far as this mod will go.

Interesting suggestions.

  • Tracking food spoilage is possible, but I fear it might be one step too close to gameplay optimization, which is not my objective;
  • Progress trackers would require to either be displayed as list, or as timers above their respective blocks in the 3D world. Both of these options are outside of this mod's scope;
  • I am not sure I understand the purpose of the suggested time trackers. What you are describing is a date;
  • While a measuring tape is potentially useful, block selection only has a reach of around 5 blocks in survival mode. Is this intended for creative mode building?
💬 Savrs, Jun 19th 2023 at 6:10 PM



Speed  doesen't works with boat and raft!!!!!!


Please fix it !!!!


💬 QuakingDoom, Jun 19th 2023 at 3:39 PM

probably a little complex, but two ideas:

Some kind of spoil tracker.. maybe like, shows what the next food to spoil will be and how long is left
a progress tracker for a selectable thing, like you do some action on a firepit and a tracker will show up on your hud any time it's processing something?

And for much less complex suggestions, a tracker for how many in-game days have passed, a tracker for how long until the next season, and a tracker for progress through the year/month? I know that kinda overlaps with date a bit, but has its own purposes

Finally, maybe a distance indicator? like, distance from where you're standing (maybe your feet? that way it's easier to measure things?) to whatever is beneath your crosshair. Could place two blocks, stand on one, look at the other, and immediately know how far apart they are exactly, without the need for hotkeys

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 19th 2023 at 3:22 PM

Suggestion (taken from some 7 Days to Die mod)


💬 DracsFantastic, Jun 19th 2023 at 3:17 PM

Number of people on the server? πŸ˜€

💬 Binn, Jun 19th 2023 at 2:17 PM

Hi. Speed is great! but it doesen't works with vessels, can you add it to work with boat's & rafts?

💬 Mendall, Jun 18th 2023 at 4:35 AM

Lol I finally got around to doing all the set-up and getting all the elements right where I want them on screen, and you add three more great toys.

I wander where I'm going to put them.

My poor brain is hurting now. πŸ˜‚

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 17th 2023 at 9:14 PM

Sure. I've added a new latitude element in v1.2.2.

💬 marek333, Jun 17th 2023 at 7:36 AM

Would it be possible to add latitude and hemisphere info element?

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 17th 2023 at 12:29 AM

Thank you for your prompt response!
This will make for a comfortable boat trip.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 10:55 PM

I've changed the wind element to display wind direction in v1.2.1.

Glad you like it! It has a little something for everyone.

I've added a new speed element in v1.2.1 which displays the player's speed in m/s.

The issue has been fixed. It was indeed a bug in the base game. Thanks again!

💬 Mendall, Jun 16th 2023 at 8:19 PM


wow! You read my lazy mind .shud default was truly made for me

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 8:05 PM

How utterly bizarre. My mod does not interact with the Coordinate Overlay at all, yet it seems to snap to any GUI element bound to the top-right corner of the screen. This might be a game issue. I will look into mitigating this, but the Coordinate Overlay does not seem to be available in the API, so I can't promise anything. Thanks for the report!

💬 ChiefMigizi, Jun 16th 2023 at 6:31 PM

Rangelost this seems to break the Coordinate Overlay. It not longer tries to position itself compared to the mini map but the height of the element from this mod. If you have the minimap and coordinate overlay and this mod all on at the same time the coordinate overlay will display on top of the minimap.

💬 Dionesse, Jun 16th 2023 at 2:33 PM

Rangelost Thanks I must have missed that option, either that or I didn't re-read the config info when you updatedπŸ™„ You are awesome! 😘

💬 Binn, Jun 16th 2023 at 2:22 PM

What about add a speedometer of our character?
it can be usefull in copare with other mods... 

💬 Guimoute, Jun 16th 2023 at 12:04 PM

This mod is absolutely awesome, great job. The fact that every widget is customizable is huge. For now I grabbed the mod to have the real world time displayed in a corner :)

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 16th 2023 at 6:35 AM

Just glad to hear that you are considering it!
Looking forward to hearing from you!🀣

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 6:34 AM

That would explain it. When I have a moment tomorrow, I will look into the possibility of displaying Simple Wind Direction's value. I will notify you with the result.

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 16th 2023 at 6:21 AM

Using the Simple Wind Direction mod, the wind direction is randomized depending on location and time. Furthermore, when used in conjunction with Joy of Sailing, it makes boating very enjoyable.

In real life, you would be able to feel the wind and adjust the sails, but in the game, you cannot feel the wind.
I think Vintage Story would be more fun if it could display the wind direction.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 6:18 AM

Glad you like it! Unfortunately, I could not find anything related to wind direction in the game's client-side data.

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 16th 2023 at 5:53 AM

Thank you for a very nice mod that I have found.
It seems to show wind volume, but can't it be made to show wind direction?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 4:35 AM

I've added a new config option in v1.2.0 to show hidden elements, in case you're interested. Check the description's Configuration section for more information.

The issue has been fixed in v1.2.0. Thanks again!

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 2:31 AM

Thanks for the offer! However, I believe that the Handbook should be reserved for in-game content, not so much a one-time-setup interface addon. That's what the .shud help command is for.

💬 LilianaXolkiyr, Jun 16th 2023 at 2:14 AM

If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to write a handbook entry for you that explains all this in-game for people. I've gotten pretty good with doing those.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 16th 2023 at 1:55 AM

I've added a new command in v1.1.1 you may be interested in: .shud default

Thanks for the report! I will fix this in the next version.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 16th 2023 at 1:48 AM

When loading in window mode, sometimes this can happen when go back in fullscreen


💬 Mendall, Jun 16th 2023 at 12:39 AM

The only thing this seems to add that you can't already see with the vanilla HUD plus HUD clock is the sleep time count down. (Which would be very useful at times). But having the ability to move this anywhere on screen you want is its best feature, HUD clock being unmovable conflicts with other mods that want that top left corner. So this is a good alternative if, like me, you are having a conflict like that.

Now I just have to decide if I can get over my personal laziness enough to do the installation setup required. This will take a lot of thought...... wow I'm wore out from all that thinking, maybe ill try it later.

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 11:29 PM

If the stability wheel moves clockwise, then you (most likely) are in a stable area (i.e. 100% stability) and recovering lost temporal stability, hence the stability element is hidden. As far as I know, stability cannot exceed 100%.

As per the description, this mod does not have any active elements when freshly installed. You need to use the .shud set [#] [element] command to activate the elements you would like.

As per the description, the room element is hidden when you are outside, the wet element is hidden when you are dry, and the sleep element is hidden when you are able to sleep.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 15th 2023 at 11:03 PM

By some reasons I can't display [room, wet, sleep] elements

💬 InertFurry, Jun 15th 2023 at 11:01 PM

Does this require user configuration to show up at all in the first place?

💬 B0bb0, Jun 15th 2023 at 11:01 PM

This is great!!

Can the stability be displayed over 100%.  I have walked into areas that move the stability wheel clockwise.  If it is possible, it would be a nice config setting : (show_high_stability)


Thanks for the mod :)

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:56 PM

Rangelost Thanks, haven't noticed that

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:52 PM

The elements are listed at the bottom of the .shud help command's result.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:43 PM

Could you please add all possible names of elements into info command?

It is really not convenient to have both browser and game opened to just set up elements

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:32 PM

Unfortunately, the elements have a fixed position on the screen, and are functionally independent. As such, their positions cannot be relative to each other. The best I can offer you is an option which displays a "hidden" icon instead of hiding the element completely.

💬 Dionesse, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:21 PM

Awesome mod thank you for this update and making it even more awesome 😍


Suggestion for a future update (if it's possible and/or you haven't already thought of it πŸ˜‰) When a hideable icon goes hidden and it and it's not at the end of the list or has another active hideable icon after it you get left with an OCD inducing gap... Would it be  possible to make the display more fluid either by making the icon positions relative to the already placed icons, or by setting the icon place holder width to 0 while it is hidden?

💬 UA_Shaman, Jun 15th 2023 at 9:15 PM


💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 8:57 PM

I have added config options in v1.1.0 to modify the icon size and month names. Check the description's Configuration section for more information.

I do not believe that is my mod's doing.

💬 DoraiYu, Jun 15th 2023 at 7:27 PM

why does your mod make me drunk?

💬 UA_Shaman, Jun 15th 2023 at 6:54 PM

Yep! πŸ˜›, It would be nice if you could set the language for the months

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 6:21 PM

By "add zoom icons", do you mean adding an option to make the icons larger?

💬 UA_Shaman, Jun 15th 2023 at 6:16 PM

Not bad! Jue is not bad! Great mod. Anyone who has understood how to set up can make a hud for himself. I applaud. The only thing is, can you add zoom icons?

💬 RangelostAuthor, Jun 15th 2023 at 5:44 PM

Not yet, but if there is demand for it, it could be added in the future.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:37 AM

Does weather icon show thunder weather?

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jun 15th 2023 at 10:24 AM

Nice, clean and convenient

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