Mods / Salty´s Firestarters

Category: #Utility
Author: SaltyWater
Side: Both
Created: Jan 4th at 12:58 AM
Last modified: 1 day ago
Downloads: 536
Follow Unfollow 69

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install


Pet the floppa to buy me a coffee!           


This mod was made out of my obsession for immersion.
Not only I hate carrying a lit torch in my inventory everywhere, I also hate having to keep replacing a drill firestarter everywhere, everytime. And since this game has a variety of great environment mechanics that would fit perfectly for fire-starting survival mechanics, I combined both!

If you crave for survival mechanics, realism and immersion as much as I do then this mod is for you!
Salty's Firestarters adds new methods for fire-starting for early and late game and overrides the vanilla methods with some cool challenging mechanics.
No new items are added, no GUI´s. Everything stays vanilla. All methods can be used to set grass or other combustible materials on fire, or ignite any block entity (firepit, forge, etc..).


All the information below is in the handbook in-game.


Clear Quartz mechanic / early game:

Requires: Clear Quartz.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Sky access, Time of day, Temperature, Rain, Cloud Density and Wind.


Clear quartz can be used as a magnifying glass. It uses the sun light to heat a single spot!

It's slow and it needs specific environment conditions to work properly.

Bow drill / early game:

Requires: crude bow in the main-hand, firestarter in the off-hand.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Rain, temperature and Wind.

Uses a firestarter but is effective in harsh environmental conditions, much quicker and reliable.


A bow combined with a firestarter, designed to create fire more efficiently and quickly. It consumes one duraility from the firestarter upon use.

Spyglass mechanic / mid game:

Requires: Spyglass mod / Spyglass item.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Sky access, Time of day, Temperature, Rain, Cloud Density and Wind.



Faster than clear quartz, usable at lower temperatures, and with a more forgiving time-of-day window for fire-starting.

Flint & Steel / late game:

Requires: Flint in the main-hand, steel ingot in the off-hand.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Rain and Wind.


A classic and reliable survival tool.

Fast, fiery and fancy. Still depends on a few environment conditions:

Torch / Vanilla:

Requires: Torch.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Rain, temperature and Wind.


Can still be used for all it's vanilla purposes but now with environment conditions!


Torches will extinguish in the player’s hand during heavy wind and automatically if placed in the backpack inventory. This is configurable.

Firestarter / Vanilla:

Requires: 2 sticks and a dry grass.

Usage: Sneak and hold right click.

Environment checks: Rain, temperature and Wind.


Can still be used for all it's vanilla purposes but now with environment conditions!



Environment conditions:


Sky Access:


With this condition you cannot start a fire if the block doesn't have direct access to sunlight.
This means you cannot start fires inside your home or inside a cave.
This is not configurable.


Time of day:

Sun position Matters!!
With this condition you can only start a fire during the sun's peak hours: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM for clear quartz and 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM for the Spyglass. This is fully customizable.



with this condition the environment needs to be warm enough!
This means no fire-starting in freezing, snowy areas.
The default value is temperature above 10ºC for quartz and vanilla firestarter, 7ºC for Spyglass and 5ºC for the torch and bowdrill. This is configurable!
This condition is only applied if you're outside.



I think this one speaks for itself. You can disable this, but it will break my heart.
This condition is only applied if you're outside.


Cloud density:

There’s no use for the sun if it’s hiding behind a giant cloud with a fancy nimbus name. With this condition make sure you have direct access to sunlight rays! You can disable this.



You ever tried lighting a fire in the middle of a storm? Yeah, it’s not gonna happen. You can disable this.
This condition is only applied if you're outside.




Search up for the folder Firestarter inside ModConfig. There's a .json for each tool.

You can also:

  • Enable debugging logs.
  • Disable warnings for environment conditions.



-Quartz method: Time of day and the sun’s position influence how long it takes to start a fire. / Ability to use other items for magnifying, even modded items. (I was thinking about SpyGlass mods spy glass).

-Flint & Steel: Add config option to set a chance of breaking the flint on use. / Add config option to ignite based on a chance value instead of immediately. / Add outdoors temperature environment condition. (would this be "over-capping" a late game mechanic?)

-Torches: Torches go unlit when stored in inventory. (backpack inventory, hotbar is fine).

Handbook: Update items description to mention possible fire-starter method.

-Add more cool firestart methods. (Iron method? Bow drill?)

-Override Vanilla methods to respect Environment conditions. (First on the list)

-Environmet conditions affects held items: Torches unlit with heavy wind.



This mod also lets you hold ingots in the off-hand now... so there’s that.





Thanks DanaCraluminum for code consultation 😆



check out my other mods here:



Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.3.0 72 1 day ago Show Install now
v1.2.0 98 3 days ago Show Install now
v1.1.0 148 Jan 10th at 7:49 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 218 Jan 4th at 3:10 AM Show Install now

22 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Valter, 16 hours ago

@SaltyWater, thanks for your answer! I will carefully study the config.
And decorative places are chisel platforms. For example, a forge. Chiseling the work area under the forge and oven. and build a fire inside the furnace to melt the metal.
I like to make decorative things like in the video:
and your work inspired me a lot! I'm not a programmer, I don't know the code. and I’ve never done this before. However, I also decided to make my own (content) mod. I plan to make real production of titanium. This is an interesting and complex project. And I believe that it is such wonderful ideas as yours that will bring even more variety and beauty to the game.

💬 DecaByte, 21 hours ago

Torchs go out due to wind while indoors.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Grasp Pretty cool right? haha ^^

💬 Grasp, 1 day ago

oml I love that you added compatibility with the spyglass mod, soo cute, thank you!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 2 days ago

Valter Hey!! Sorry I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean by "suitable for creating decorative places." Could you clarify that part?

You can turn off or adjust any environmental condition for specific fire-starting methods. Just check the Firestarter folder inside ModConfig. Each method has its own settings file you can tweak!

Also most of the environmental checks are ignored if you're indoors. (The ones that doesn't use sun light)

💬 Valter, 2 days ago
The mod's idea is good. However, I encountered the problem of setting the steel furnace on fire. But the mod is not suitable for creating decorative places in the kitchen and forge.
Is it possible to reduce or turn off the influence of the environment? but at the same time leave all other points. Or have I not figured out how to work with this mod?
Or is it possible to add a lighter that would ignore the influence of the environment?
💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 3 days ago



Thank you guys! ^^

💬 Inflectus, 3 days ago

Another amazing mod update for another amazing Salty mod. Keep up the good work. :)

💬 Bone_D, 6 days ago

Amazing work, thank you!

💬 Vargur, Jan 11th at 7:17 PM

SaltyWater Makes sense! I just get mindlessly greedy for more inventory space lol - The animation and sound with the flint and steel is very satisfying!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 11th at 7:37 AM

Vargur Someone that understands me :,) Thanks! haha
As for the new item question, I don't like it haha, I aim my mods to be as vanilla as possible and to use as much of the game assets as I can. Creating a new item would break that rule specially because flint and steel are already in the game! 😆
For example the animation for the flint and steel in this mod is not a custom one, it's a combination of the hammer hit and honeysqueeze animation playing at the same time!
I will be using the same logic for creating the bow drill method too! :p To me it's so much more immersive when you can use an item for purposes beyond its main functionallity.

💬 Vargur, Jan 11th at 2:24 AM

Great mod, feel the same way about stuffing lit torches into my backpack :D What do you think of having the flint and steel be craftable into its own item? Something kind of like this older mod's

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 10th at 10:27 PM

SniperGecko Like what?

💬 SniperGecko, Jan 10th at 7:10 PM

How likely would it be for a Flint & Steel (or iron) in a block form?
Something you could set down beside a fireplace, click once to start a fire?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 10th at 2:15 PM

MystiVaid Thanks fellow modder! ;)

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 10th at 2:14 PM

oneil Once stable is out! ;)

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 10th at 2:14 PM

Mirok Thanks! ^^

💬 MystiVaid, Jan 10th at 9:43 AM

i love it

💬 oneil, Jan 8th at 5:55 PM

great mooddds ! im waiting for .20 Update and i put all your mod at once ^^ 

💬 Mirok, Jan 6th at 1:08 PM

You have cool tactile mods 👍

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 4th at 7:59 PM

@Thanks purple8cloud! ^^

💬 purple8cloud, Jan 4th at 11:04 AM

i love it


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