Mods / YABBA RTD (aka Richer Than Dirt)
Author: Quixjote
Side: Server
Created: Mar 19th 2021 at 3:47 AM
Last modified: Jun 15th 2023 at 2:28 PM
Downloads: 5366
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Latest file for Various v1.18.x:
1-click install
(v1.2.1 Update June 15, 2023 - 1.18.x Compatibility)
(v1.2.0 Update September 6, 2021 - Snowball Homestead)
Full Story so Far HERE [Along with All Mods related to my tale]
After finding some traders to offer you some much needed resources. You start harvesting some cobblestone remaining from the ruins. Not sure why the traders would leave the cobblestone behind, but you are glad as it is easy to build with... and stable. As you get to the bottom of the structure, and starting to get worn out, you find some dirt! Not great dirt mind you, but dirt all the same.
Wait a second... what if you took one of those logs you bought from your [Expanded Trader] and made a Pan? Maybe you can find something useful? OMG! The dirt contains riches! Ok... Maybe not gold and silver, but Worms, Clay, and Cat Tail! In a frozen world those might as well be gold! Among all this you even find the starts of Berry Bushes! Better get those things in the greenhouses ASAP!
There are a few textural glitches with panning soils. Sometimes it shows a different soil's texture while panning, but this does not impact the results of what you are panning.
This Mod also works outside of a Snowball world. The Story is just continuing of the "Snowball's Chance in Heck" Storyline.
Richer Than Dirt
“When all you have is dirt and a pan, you are rich indeed”
- Panning of Soils
- Soil Upgrade Kits
- Fire Pellets
- Fine Soil Created from using Sand in Quern
- Fine Sand Panning Drops
- Broken Pottery Shards for Preta Soil Upgrade Kit
- Packed Snow Bricks
- Sand/Gravel Panning Drops - Finally Fire Clay chances!
Please make backups of your worlds before installing in an existing world
However, this mod should work in an existing world.
For Richer Than Dirt v1.1.2 - Game Version 1.15 or Higher is Required.
In order to Pan Worms and Fishing Hooks, you will need to have Primitive Survival by SpearAndFang, found at
While this mod works with JakeCool19’s Useful Stuff ( ) Sluice, I have found that certain items that should be rarer when hand-panning end up more frequent with the sluice. Still unsure the cause, and in certain circumstances can "break" worlds through infinite resources. Consider turning down Sluice Efficiency if used in conjunction with RTD.
IN THE WORKS - Active Development: More Snow Blocks for Arctic Decoration Further changes to game dynamics
Adding in Configuration files to make quality of Panning harder or easier depending on preference (Or disable a material completely!) Special: For even easier "panning" results, There will be a special set of blocks players can create USING the pan. These blocks will be able to be broken for an array of items. PREVIEWS FROM MARCH 2023 |
Version 1.1.0 Update 3/28/2021
Fixes Textures to different Soils when being panned
- Soil Upgrading
- Low Quality Soil Mix
- Medium Quality Soil Mix
- Compost Soil Mix
- Terra Preta Soil Mix
- Packed Snow Bricks -- Block Type
- Reduced Resistance of Snow Blocks to be in line with Snow Layered if Continued to full block height.
- Broken Clay Shards -- used in Terra preta Soil Mix
- Querning Sand to get Fine Sand
- Panning Fine Sand for High Clay Yield
Version 1.1.1 Update 4/7/2021
Added Fuel Pellets. A fuel that is cureable 3 times over. Willing or able to wait the full time, and be rewarded with great warmth!
Can be crafted with minimal materials (And just a little hunting or trading).
Version 1.1.2 Update 8/26/2021
- Added Changelog
- Added Readme
- Fixed Path location for Pan for 1.15 compatibility to allow panning of resources (The thing this mod is supposed to do originally)
- Updated Verbiage from Compost Block to High Quality Soil in Language File
- Increased Stack Size for Soil Upgrade Kits from 1 to 4
- Increased Yield for Soil Upgrade Kits from 1 to 2
- Update Verbiage for Soil Upgrade Kits to Reflect Stack Sizes
- Updated modinfo.json to reflect 1.15 requirement
Version 1.2.0 - The Snowball Homestead! 9/6/2021
This version should be complete. Please let me know if any lang entries are missing.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.2.1 | 1449 | Jun 15th 2023 at 2:28 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.2.0 | 1178 | Sep 7th 2021 at 4:33 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.2 | 508 | Aug 26th 2021 at 5:39 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.1 | 697 | Apr 8th 2021 at 3:35 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.0 | 524 | Mar 29th 2021 at 3:20 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 506 | Mar 22nd 2021 at 2:57 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 503 | Mar 19th 2021 at 3:52 AM | Show | | Install now |
any chance this could get a 1.19 update?
Hey just trying to figure out something. are those stacked bricks in tha last picture from the march preview snow bricks? if so how does one make those.
Hi, been using your mod along side (the now quite old actually) Auto-Shifter and noticed that it fails to find valid panning drops for all the layered soil variants. I think this is due to how the "survival-blocktypes-wood-pan_pannable_soil" patch is setup only defining drop tables for the "base" pannable_soil block type by fertility without wildcarding. Auto-Shifter tries to do a lookup for smth like "pannable_soil-medium-7" and fails. Just a quick test changing each definition to be wildcarded to account for layers: "/attributes/panningDrops/pannable_soil-high" becomes "/attributes/panningDrops/@(pannable_soil-high).*" - Following the vanilla format for sand & gravel and how you patch the base grass types - fixes its use for Auto-Shifter and seems to keeps regular hand panning(at least in basic testing, lets me grab material, start panning, generates a drop, etc... without errors being logged). I know the "bug" is not really with your mod but rather an issue with Auto-Shifters method for checking for panning drops by block, perhaps due to being built for an older version of the game and just simply not being actively developed anymore, but id love for them to work in tandem. Apologies if its a weird request, I do also think just adding in the wildcarding may help just for robustness incase any other future mod ends up with the same block code checking issue with panningDrops.
Quixjote and ElectroNikkel did the cooperation happen? massive fan of the concept of the former and a follower of the latter :-)
Hello. I am the creator of the mod "Not Enough Sand", that adds pebbles, more crushed rocks and rock dusts. ¿Do u want our mods to be compatible?
Production is back in progress on RTD.
Started working on 1.3.0 back in Feb, but got delayed due to a move. Many new features in the works.
Version 1.2.0 was released for VS 1.15.x, but as of right now it DOES work in VS 1.18.x, but it appears there is a bug when panning anything other than base materials (I noticed it in the "Still Useful Stuff" mod when trying to pan Muddy Gravel as well) in that the block doesn't change to it's layered version. This will be corrected in my next release hopefully.
EDIT: Has been updated to 1.2.1 to correct these bugs.
Surprisingly, it seems to work just fine in 1.17, as I've yet to run into any issues with it.
Would love to play with this. It hasn't been updated in awhile. I'm assuming it's going to have issues with 1.17
was working with 1.16.
any chance for an update for 1.17?
Loktar: Thank you, that will be in the next update
Malakai: Not sure why you would be getting an error with Muddy Gravel, I haven't even incorporated Muddy Gravel into RTD yet. Do you have Wild Farming installed by chance? I know that allows panning of Muddy Gravel. Either way, I will keep it on my radar during my next update :) Thank you for the heads up.
Getting a crash when trying to pan muddy soil :/
"Fine Soil Created from using Sand in Quern" should say Fine Sand correct?