Pretty much every food has at least a little of each nutrient, even if only a tiny amount
Mods / Truth and Beauty: Detailed Animals
Author: sekelsta
Side: Both
Created: Sep 24th 2024 at 5:00 PM
Last modified: Jan 21st at 4:09 PM
Downloads: 8536
Follow Unfollow 250
Author: sekelsta
Side: Both
Created: Sep 24th 2024 at 5:00 PM
Last modified: Jan 21st at 4:09 PM
Downloads: 8536
Follow Unfollow 250
Latest file for v1.20.3:
1-click install
Status: Still unstable
DO NOT use alongside Creatures & Critters! DO NOT use alongside AnimationManagerLib!
Many bugs have been fixed but we are still on unstable releases. The main things keeping us in unstable at this point are balancing issues (serious ones) and loose ends to tie up. Please keep on reporting any issues you encounter. Thank you to everyone who has reported bugs so far!
Many have asked about animals from other mods. Currently features in this mod affect all vanillla animals (except fish and insects) and no modded animals. Someday in the future there may be support added for a select few modded animals.
Currently in Truth and Beauty: Detailed Animals we have a nutrition system, a genetics system, and a number of tweaks.
Nutrition: Keeps track of how much the animals have eaten, how much they weigh, and how healthy their diet is based on whether they've eaten the right amounts of fiber, protein, etc for their species. Improves accuracy on which foods each species can eat. Allows hand-feeding foods to animals or feeding them from the existing troughs. They can also get food from grazing or rooting around in the soil. Very young mammals can have milk from their mothers. Growth to adulthood is gradual and comes with increased nutritional needs especially for protein.
Be warned that for now the animals can only eat when a player is within 128 blocks. This is one of the reasons that the mod is still marked as unstable.
Genetics: Most of the work here has been on back-end support for being able to have genetics at all. On the frontend, you'll see new and more detailed chicken textures in 10 different plumage colors, which follow realistic genetic inheritance. Genetics and breeding are meant to be less of a focus than care and husbandry.
Real quick, here are some practical impacts on gameplay, though not what the mod is really "about":
- Butchering drops and max health for all animals have been adjusted to be consistent based on real-life relative sizes. No more getting paltry scraps from a moose. Meat from chickens and hares reduced for consistency.
- Animal breeding now takes place in accordance with the seasons, making it generally much slower. Animals are able to breed in the wild, but it will likewise be very slow. Minecraft-style 2-animal inbreeding schemes are no longer viable (currently only implemented for chickens and goats). Instead, try to keep about 6-8 animals in your breeding pool for each generation and occasionally supplement with animals from other players or the wild. If you are only able to capture one pair from the wild, keep them around until they've produced at least 4-6 G1 offspring.
- Cassava can be grown safely outside a fence, as like onions it is poisonous to all in-game animals and they won't eat it
- I taught the bears how to steal berries off your bushes and honey from your skeps, like the raccoons. You're welcome :)
- The satiety animals get from foods is the same as the player would get, so there's no longer a double advantage to feeding flax. Satiety is also the same per item regardless of whether it's dropped on the ground or fed from a large or small trough, meaning large troughs are no longer at a disadvantage.
Animals need to eat food regularly. Most species will be able to take care of this themselves if given an appropriate space to forage. Herbivores can graze, and pigs can root around in the dirt for, well, roots. Very young mammals nurse from their mother, or rarely from a foster mother of the same species. Over time they'll gradually start eating solid food more often until they are fully weaned. You can also hand-feed an animal by right clicking with an appropriate food, or leave it in a trough or dropped on the ground for them to munch on.
Here are the hunger levels you may see:
Starving - In a bad situation and losing weight fast
Famished - Desperate for food
Very hungry - Has been hungry for a while and is beginning to feel worried
Hungry - Would like to eat food now
Somewhat hungry - Might maybe like to eat food, or maybe wait until later
Peckish - Might accept some food if offered, but more focused on other things
Not hungry - Has eaten enough food for now, but may still get tempted if offered something extra tasty
Full - Has eaten enough food and more would be unhealthy
Stuffed - Cannot possibly eat another bite no matter how tasty
Note that hunger has no effect on anything except food pickiness and weight gain or loss. Weight as part of body condition is what actually matters. Animals that are not fed will lose weight, but cannot starve to death.
Different species have different nutritional needs, for instance goats need more fiber in their diet than pigs do. Certain species are able to eat items not normally considered food, for instance grown wolves can crunch bones. Foods that closely match the animal's nutritional needs will give small bonuses. Animals may refuse to eat a food if the nutrition it provides is very different from what they currently need. For example, pigs can eat a little bit of grass, but would like a more nutritious food for the main part of their diet. Sheep on the other hand will be healthiest eating mainly grass or hay. Animals will also refuse very sour foods such as lemons or pickles.
Creature weight no longer changes semirandomly with the seasons. Instead, animals who don't eat enough will lose weight, while those that eat too much can gain weight. You can see an animal's weight in pounds and/or kilograms depending on the config. I have endeavoured to make the weights shown as accurate as possible for the animal's species, sex, age, and condition. (No thanks to all those websites playing telephone and turning "can grow up to a maximum of X pounds in rare circumstances" into "weighs X pounds on average".) Females will generally weigh less and also look smaller than males depending on how much sexual dimorphism is typical for the species.
Here are the body condition levels you may see (actual effects on health and stats still WIP, but until then picture them as this):
Skin and bones - Extremely low weight, in bad shape and very unhealthy
Malnourished - Unhealthily thin, needs to eat more
Underweight - Should regain weight to be healthier
Lean - Healthy with little to no spare fat
Moderate - Healthy, medium
Thick - Healthy and on the heavier side
Chubby - Starting to get just a little bit too fat
Fat - Gained an unhealthy amount of weight
Obese - Way too fat, in bad shape and very unhealthy
Weight affects what you can get from butchering an animal. Meat is roughly proportional to total weight. Fat is strongly affected by condition, with very underweight animals dropping none at all and plump animals dropping lots extra. To discourage players from mistreatment, no bonus is given for animals at an unhealthy level of obesity. Hides are roughly proportional to surface area, that is, weight to the power of 2/3.
Newborn animals will gain in size and weight gradually as they grow up, which comes with an increased need for protein in the diet. Young animals will not need to eat as much as adults, because they are smaller, but they will need to eat more relative to their weight than adults, because they are growing. Most species begin to look and act as an adult quite some time before they reach their full size. They will continue to gain weight during this time, but generally at a much slower pace than when they were young.
Pressed fruit mash now takes longer to spoil (5 days instead of 1.5), making it a more viable animal feed.
As a related tweak, hares no longer eat out of large troughs.
Someday I'd like to have in-game information about which foods have which nutrients, but for now:
Fiber - grass/hay have lots, vegetables have some, fruits have a bit along with most grains
Sugar - honey has lots, after that fruit, then turnips, carrots and pumpkin have some, grass has a little
Protein - meats have a lot, then cheese,, soybeans, peanuts and milk have a good bit, animal fat has some, and then sunflower seeds, flax, rye, walnut, spelt, and grass have less but still enough for most herbivores
Fat - animal fat, cheese, peanuts, flaxseed, fish, soybean, walnut, and acorn, bones also have a bit because of the marrow, amaranth has a little
Starch - cassava and rice are almost pure starch, spelt, rye, amaranth, acorns, and breadfruit have a lot, most vegetables have a decent amount
Genetics and variety
One goal of this mod is to make individual animals have differences between them, and because I'm a nerd I also want these to follow realistic genetic inheritance whenever possible. So far we only have a few visible genes in.
Chickens have been given three color genes: extension (duckwing, birchen, extended black), blue/black/splash, and recessive white. Together there are 10 different possible plumage colors.
If you are on 1.20 goats may be polled (naturally hornless), a dominantly inherited trait. This is common in Nubian and Sirohi goats, and at best very very rare in other goats.
Chickens and goats may have reduced fertility if they are inbred. If you don't want to think about the details, just try to avoid breeding close relatives like parents or siblings together.
Inbreeding is based on real-life genetics rather than popular conception, so you may find these details surprising:
- If you do inbreed animals, due to genetic purging the offspring will tend to be more resistant to inbreeding than their parents were. This will not change fast enough to avoid the negative effects.
- A animal will only be inbred if both its parents are related - so if you have two different very inbred families (say, one player's ranch and another player's ranch), crossing them will produce offspring that are not inbred at all, but are related to both families.
- Inbreeding for multiple generations in a row is much worse than doing it just once. One of the worst possible strategies is to breed siblings together, then breed their children together and repeat. The only worse strategy is this one.
- If you are only able to capture one pair of animals from the wild, there are still better and worse breeding strategies you can do with them. Worse ones are as above. Better is to get at least 2 male and 2 female offspring from the original pair (the more the merrier), then you only need to cross siblings once before you can start working with cousin pairings.
- The system is not based on family trees so you can't trick it by finding obscure relations that don't count. Distant relatives count a tiny bit and close relatives count a lot. Overall I'd recommend trying to keep things around cousins range or less.
- Small amounts of inbreeding are unlikely to cause problems. If you follow the tree of life back far enough we're all just a little bit related anyway.
Included in this mod is a library (Genelib) allowing other modders to add genetics to animals with a relatively small amount of code. If you're very adventurous you can do that already, but beware that the API isn't considered stable until we have a 1.0 release.
Along with genetics are some changes to breeding. Pregnancy and egg incubation lengths are now accurate and consistent with the length of an in-game year. The animals will go in and out of heat on their own, you don't need to worry about this but can just see what's going on as either "Ready to mate" or "X days until ready to mate". Most species breed seasonally - goats, deer, sheep, pigs, gazelles, and wolves during the fall and winter, hares, foxes, chickens, and raccoons during the spring and summer - but hyenas can breed at any time of year. You may notice that many of these species were not able to breed before, but now they can. Once the offspring are born, you'll be able to see which gender they are right away without waiting for them to grow up. Note pig reproduction is based on the European wild boar, not the domestic pig.
Seasonal breeding and egg laying is still a work in progress for chickens. This is one of the reasons the mod is still marked as unstable.
Animals are able to breed without player interaction as long as they were able to forage for enough food to stay in healthy condition. However, generation will not increase unless the mother has been fed by the player at least once in her life. Hand-feeding and feeding from troughs both count.
Nestboxes have been modified to allow genetic data to pass to the next generation. While I was at it, I fit in an extra egg (so they hold four, not three) and also made it so you can take eggs out and put them back without them instantly losing their fertility. New egg items have been added that look more egg-like. They come in different sizes, however chickens have not yet been given the ability to lay different sizes of egg, so you'll only be seeing medium eggs. To help the chickens know what the nestbox is for, you can make fake eggs out of clay and leave them inside. The ability for chickens to lay an egg on the ground was temporarily removed, but is back in mod version 0.2.4 for 1.20. Nestboxes only show egg fertility on 1.20.
- Female goat-antelopes have horns, and female caribou have antlers.
- The timing of antler growth and shedding has been adjusted to be a bit more accurate.
- Gazelle calves have a more accurate hitbox size, and are capable of growing into adults eventually.
- You can craft a creep gate, which allows small animals to pass underneath while still blocking larger animals.
Replaced animal names with slightly more antique, archaic, one might even say vintage versions:
- Male/female goat -> billy goat/nanny goat
- Male/female large ruminant -> bull/cow (bull elk, bull moose, etc)
- Other deer male/female -> buck/doe
- Male/female fox -> dog fox/vixen
- Male/female bear -> bear boar/bear sow
- Baby hare -> leveret
- Male/female hare -> hare buck/doe
On existing worlds
Yes, you can use this on existing worlds, but please make a backup first. There's just a few things to be aware of:
- For the chicken genetics to work, you'll need to change out any henboxes you already have for nestboxes, crafted using the same recipe. (On version 0.1.5 and later, you can simply pick up your existing henboxes and put them down again, they'll transition when they go from being a block in the world to being an item in your inventory.)
- The feature where baby animals have genders won't kick in right away. It'll only be for new animals born after the mod is installed.
- Existing chickens will turn brown. To get other colors of chickens, you will have to explore new areas or wait for new chickens to spawn in.
Other than that, you should be able to add this to existing worlds with no issues.
With other mods
Especially recomended:
- Cuniculture: Lets you put more types of food in the small trough. Very useful for multiple species of animals.
- Better Entity Interaction: Lets you click on the actual critter instead of the grass it's hiding in.
- Animal Cages: Note you will need to adjust the config like so to catch gendered baby animals:
Add this to the Animal Cages config small cage section
"name": "sheep-bighorn-female-lamb",
"scale": 0.85
"name": "sheep-bighorn-male-lamb",
"scale": 0.85
"name": "chicken-male-chick",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "chicken-female-chick",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hare-male-baby",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hare-female-baby",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "pig-wild-male-piglet",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "pig-wild-female-piglet",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "wolf-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "wolf-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-male-pup-red",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-female-pup-red",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-male-pup-arctic",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-female-pup-arctic",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "raccoon-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "raccoon-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hyena-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hyena-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "gazelle-female-calf",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "gazelle-male-calf",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "sheep-bighorn-female-lamb",
"scale": 0.85
"name": "sheep-bighorn-male-lamb",
"scale": 0.85
"name": "chicken-male-chick",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "chicken-female-chick",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hare-male-baby",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hare-female-baby",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "pig-wild-male-piglet",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "pig-wild-female-piglet",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "wolf-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "wolf-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-male-pup-red",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-female-pup-red",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-male-pup-arctic",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "fox-female-pup-arctic",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "raccoon-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "raccoon-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hyena-male-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "hyena-female-pup",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "gazelle-female-calf",
"scale": 1.0
"name": "gazelle-male-calf",
"scale": 1.0
Depends on playstyle:
- Grassier Grass: Makes hay collection easier and fairer by letting you scythe more from taller grass.
- Natural Trails: Makes you need much larger, more realistic pasture sizes as sheep and other grazers may trample some of their grass (details configurable).
- Butchering: If you want more realistic meat acquisition. You will need to cook your meat before feeding it to animals, as this adds a -1 HP effect to raw meat. Works with butchering versions 1.7.4+ only, not older versions due to crashes. Hopefully this time we've finally fixed all the incompatibilities.
- Every mod not specifically mentioned goes here, I guess. Note that if you install other animal mods, this one is expected to have no effect whatsoever, neither good nor bad, on any animals they add.
Minor incompatibilities but can still be used:
- Wolf Taming: Wolf pups can become a different gender of wolfhound, so if you're taming one just pretend it's still genderless
Major incompatibilities:
- Animation Manager Lib: Causes off-by-one errors on every clientside behavior patch. Update to 1.20 and use Combat Overhaul instead.
- Creatures and Critters (unofficial): Patch conflicts for multiple species may cause animals to act strangely
English, Spanish (Español). I am a beginner at Spanish so please let me know if there are errors, por favor dime si hay errores.
French (Français) --- Thanks to Flamby38
German (Deutsch) --- Thanks to Brady_The
Polish (Polski) --- Thanks to Niexyk
Russian (Русский) --- Thanks to ИгОорКа
As of version 0.3.8, English, Spanish, German, and Russian are complete and up-to-date.
Special thanks to Aedis for finding so many bugs! And thanks to G3rste for high-quality open source mods I was able to learn from when I was starting out.
You're welcome to join the discord and ask questions or share your animal adventures. It's shared with my mods for that other block game.
If you find a bug, please let me know on discord or on the github issue tracker.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.3.10 | 915 | Jan 21st at 4:09 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.9 | 219 | Jan 20th at 4:47 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.8 | 577 | Jan 13th at 3:37 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.7 | 358 | Jan 6th at 9:55 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.6 | 239 | Jan 4th at 3:04 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.5 | 375 | Dec 28th 2024 at 3:52 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.4 | 226 | Dec 26th 2024 at 4:17 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.3 | 535 | Dec 18th 2024 at 7:57 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.2 | 370 | Dec 11th 2024 at 9:35 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.1 | 249 | Dec 9th 2024 at 1:33 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.3.0 | 368 | Dec 5th 2024 at 6:47 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.5 | 152 | Dec 3rd 2024 at 8:21 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.3 | 310 | Nov 21st 2024 at 12:12 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.2 | 182 | Nov 15th 2024 at 12:58 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.1 | 107 | Nov 12th 2024 at 1:32 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.2.0 | 217 | Nov 4th 2024 at 11:07 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.13 | 340 | Dec 26th 2024 at 4:58 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.12 | 459 | Dec 4th 2024 at 4:14 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.11 | 73 | Dec 3rd 2024 at 3:17 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.10 | 240 | Nov 21st 2024 at 12:11 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.9 | 178 | Nov 15th 2024 at 12:48 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.8 | 96 | Nov 12th 2024 at 1:23 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.7 | 258 | Nov 3rd 2024 at 2:32 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.6 | 301 | Oct 23rd 2024 at 6:31 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.5 | 272 | Oct 17th 2024 at 1:55 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.4 | 160 | Oct 14th 2024 at 9:10 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.3 | 225 | Oct 11th 2024 at 2:23 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.2 | 157 | Oct 9th 2024 at 2:41 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.1 | 177 | Oct 6th 2024 at 4:39 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 183 | Oct 4th 2024 at 7:24 PM | Show | | Install now |
Toudi I use this mod with butchering for a while now and have no troubles with wild animals. In my survival world I've killed bears, wolves, foxes and such and skinned them using the hook and got the appropriate loot. Just now creative I killed a bear and butchered it without the hook and got meat, fat and hide. It might be an incompatibility with another mod?
I think there is still something broken with butchering compatibility, wild animals (like bear wolfs etc) dont drop any meat when butchered using hook or skinned in place
świnie 111 do 116 dni dzik ma od 108 do 120 dni
on average it is always 114 days
SallyTasmin There's a known issue where animals only eat when a player is within 128 blocks. This is something the game does for performance reasons, so I want to be very careful about how I go about fixing it. If you spend most of your time closer to the animals than that, please send me screenshots of your setup on discord to help me get an idea of what's going on.
tofiktofik The pigs are European wild boar, which do breed once a year unlike domestic pigs. Most sources I see are telling me their pregnancy lasts for 112 to 140 days. The text I had based this off was on the longer end of that range, so I can make it a little shorter. Seasonal breeding for chickens is still a work in progress at this time.
For an animal's generation to increase, the mother must at least once in her life be fed by a player, either from a trough or directly from the hand. This is necessary now that wild animals are also able to breed.
Briarwitch Hi! Yes, that is some cool stuff!
Earlier I read that the intersex condition and the hornlessness are caused by different genes, but looking into it more now I see that both gene changes are actually caused by the same mutation, and cannot be passed separately. So the homozygous female polled goats should indeed be intersex. Changing this now would be disruptive, so let's say the current polled gene is an alternate mutation that happened only in the Vintage Store world, not in real life. I am interested in adding the proper polled intersex gene at some point, but that's going to be on the back burner while I get a lot of other stuff done.
For goat breeds in Vintage Story, we have the Angora, Nubian, Sirohi, and Valais, and there are also various species of wild goat. Of these, the Nubian and the Sirohi were the only two where I know of the polled gene being present, though you're right that it's not common in Nubians. Next update the gene will appear less often.
problem, że dzikie zwierzęta są w korytach i nie zawsze chcą je jeść
Był też problem taki, że po oproszeniu lochy nie było u nich potomstwa rzędu 1, było tak, jakby było nadal dzikie.
I don't know if this mod makes sense at the moment, as for chickens, I agree that goats and pigs breed in spring, but pigs breed twice a year and a pig gets pregnant for 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, and in the current mod it is 4 months and 2 weeks.
I have trouble with animals not feeding themselves from food on the ground or in troughs. I frequently have famished to starving animals with full troughs of different foods who refuse to eat resulting in weight loss, and need to be hand fed. More frequently food rots before the animals deign to eat it off the ground. Is this intended behaviour? I like the mechanics of animals being picky when their semi-full, but these poor things are wasting away and turning up their nose to various types of grain, meat or vegetables. I tested it in a creative with starving animals and putting food on the ground and over days nothing was eaten.
Hey, you may not know this, but breeding two naturally polled (born hornless) goats can produce intersex offspring (who will be sterile) about 25% of the time. Polled goats more commonly occur in the Alpine breeds, not Nubian. (The Alpine breeds were really really interbred/linebred when they came to America so the polled goats were used a lot). I just know this because I raised French Alpine and Alpine for 20 years and my mother raised Nubians.
Sorry, I don't want to sound pretentious. I'm really excited to use your mod, thank you for sharing it with us!
Tamrelayne Should still be accurate, yes.
Love the ideas behind this mod! Is the config provided for animal cages still accurate? I'm having a heck of a time catching baby animals but I can't tell if it's because I configured things incorrectly or if Animal Cages isn't working for me.
Would it be possible to have a way to convert the eggs from this mod into vanilla ones? I love the data they get but it makes cooking with them a pain when I have 6-8 eggs but its a stack of 2 and 6 individual eggs.
Otherwise, great mod! Thanks for the butchery fix so quickly
No worries!
Thanks, it did work. I'm sorry to have wasted your time sekelsta
make fat animals drop more fat but not meat
Westernby That would be the problem. Don't take already-dead animals from the creative menu. Start with live ones and kill them, then it should work.
Hi sekelsta ,
I've done the creative world test and none of the animals dropped their loot on the hooks or tables. I took all of the dead animals from the creative menue searching for the keaword dead. I then skinned all the full animals on the hooks and butchered the bled out animals on the tables.
As you can see below:
I've only Detailed animals and butchering enabled.
Thank You @sekelsta
I did disable all other mods and put detailedanimals_0.3.10 and butchering_1.7.8 into the mods folder under the main runtime environment. I started a creative test world and used a both male and female pigs and brown bears from the creative menue.
Tomorrow I'll just run a test with all available animals from the creative menu to see if tere are any inconsitencies.
Best Wishes
Westernby I just tried that out earlier today and it worked fine. Can you make sure you are using the latest version detailedanimals-0.3.10 uploaded today? If you have that version and are still experiencing problems, please let me know what species it happens with and what versions of other mods are installed.
Hi, I just testet the butchering mod and this mod together in isolation. Even with the most advanced tools, animals drop neather fat nor hide. Processing them on the table only drops prime meat, offal and sinue. Neather red- nor bushmeat or bone.
Fixed in 0.3.10.
Yeah i just wanted to log some of the compat issues here. Seems like its altering of animal drops also might make skinning hooks give no hides or fat (unless I was very unlucky between that boar and just killing a bear). The bear corpse doesnt seem to have any issues though
You can go back to the previous version of detailed animals, as long as you delete your config and cache if you want to continue playing with butchering on your save, untill an update fixes the issue.
Hey this seems to be having some issues with butchery. I have that, curniculture, and just installed this mod into my save - killed a boar and picked up its corpse. When picking it up (butchery) the original corpse entity didnt disappear - I tried placing the boar corpse I had onto the ground and it created a small invisible cube. Only after skinning it normally did the original boar disappear but I think I could have used it to get unlimited corpses. Just a shot in the dark, but I noticed boars were renamed to pigs after installing this mod, would that have conflicted with the block name and entity interaction that butchery had in place?
Thanks for the tip. I just installed cuniculture and it seems to work great. Following a comment on the cuniculture modpage I deleted a few lines in hare-female.json regarding behaviours and it seems to have gotten rid of the extra info. Hopefully I didn't break anything🤞Keep up the great work!
SallyTasmin Hey, cool to hear! Some high-fat foods for chickens are flax seeds, sunflower seeds, walnut seeds, and peanuts. I agree having this info in the handbook would be helpful. I have an idea about that but I'd need to invest a significant chunk of time into it to see if it works.
For putting foods in troughs, you can install cuniculture. Despite the name, it's actually helpful for all animals. The downside on this is that hares will show some extra info (purely visual issue, no in-game effects) that may be incorrect about portions eaten and readiness to breed.
I think this mod is fantasic. Breeding before felt a bit lifeless compared to the more realistic systems in the game. I'm really enjoying the detail and nuance. On 30 day months animals feel like expensive longterm investments (just like real life).
I was wondering if you'd consider writing a page in the handbook about nutrition. At the moment there is no real way of knowing what food stuffs give what nutrition. Maybe if you offered a few examples of food for each nurition type. If it's an intended experience that you need to experiment I can understand that too. I'm trying increase the fat nutrition in my chooks but they don't want to eat the fat I'm trying to hand feed them (understandably, gross) so I'm not sure what the next best thing is.
Also, Is it possible to make small troughs accept different types of food than just grain, since chickens and hares can eat more varied diets.
Thanks for such a complex and detailed mod!
Fun fact, eggs IRL can and sometimes do hatch even after being stored in a fridge for two weeks.
Right now I can't say anything for sure one way or the other about FotSA.
I see that now, I have now rooster so i don't know how i got the fertile eggs.
With this since eggs once stored in a fridge become infertile/die I wonder if after a few days/hours(some amount of time) of cold storage in a cellar,vessal or shelf maybe they become infertile and reset spoil timer? Just a thought.
Also any plans to add the FOTSA animals with compatibility?.. I really love how this mod changes animals and It would be awesome to have all the animals work on the same system.
thanks again
bringitonwimps - Fertile eggs don't stack because of the extra data they are carrying. Eggs are currently usable for scrambled eggs (including fertile eggs, I just checked) and next release will also be usable in soups and meaty stews.
I can not get the eggs from this mod to stack in inverntory on rc 6 and can not seem to be ableto use em in any meal either.
Aricus - Yes, it can be used for scrambled eggs the same way as in vanilla. The only limitation is that if you have Expanded Foods installed, it can't be cracked for liquid egg.
And I just noticed I forgot to set it up to work with soup and meaty stew. Will get that fixed.
This is probably a really stupid question, but can the chicken egg, etc be used for cooking with? We can't seem to figure it out.
Player corpse compat fixed in 0.3.5
Hi, this mod throws errors when used with player corpses.
27.12.2024 16:33:55 [Server Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Genelib.HarmonyPatches.UpdateMaxHealth_Postfix(EntityBehaviorHealth __instance) in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/HarmonyPatches.cs:line 42 at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorHealth.UpdateMaxHealth_Patch1(EntityBehaviorHealth this) at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorHealth.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, JsonObject typeAttributes) in VSEssentials\Entity\Behavior\BehaviorHealth.cs:line 109 at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, ICoreAPI api, Int64 InChunkIndex3d) at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityAgent.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, ICoreAPI api, Int64 InChunkIndex3d) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityAgent.cs:line 135 at PlayerCorpse.Entities.EntityPlayerCorpse.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, ICoreAPI api, Int64 InChunkIndex3d) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.SpawnEntity(Entity entity, EntityProperties type) in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 2349 at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.SpawnEntity(Entity entity) in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 2293 at PlayerCorpse.Systems.DeathContentManager.OnPlayerDeath(IServerPlayer byPlayer) at PlayerCorpse.Systems.DeathContentManager.OnEntityDeath(Entity entity, DamageSource damageSource) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerEventAPI.TriggerEntityDeath(Entity entity, DamageSource damageSourceForDeath) in VintagestoryLib\Server\API\ServerEventAPI.cs:line 343 at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.Die(EnumDespawnReason reason, DamageSource damageSourceForDeath) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\Entity.cs:line 1930
at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityPlayer.Die(EnumDespawnReason reason, DamageSource damageSourceForDeath) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityPlayer.cs:line 1166 at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorHealth.OnEntityReceiveDamage(DamageSource damageSource, Single& damage) in VSEssentials\Entity\Behavior\BehaviorHealth.cs:line 265 at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.ReceiveDamage_Patch0(Entity this, DamageSource damageSource, Single damage) at CombatOverhaul.Integration.HarmonyPatches.OnFallToGround(EntityBehaviorHealth __instance, Vec3d& positionBeforeFalling, Double& withYMotion) in D:\Projects\VintageStory\CombatOverhaul\source\Integration\Integration\Patches.cs:line 274 at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorHealth.OnFallToGround_Patch1(EntityBehaviorHealth this, Vec3d positionBeforeFalling, Double withYMotion) at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.OnFallToGround(Double motionY) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\Entity.cs:line 1253 at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityPlayer.OnFallToGround(Double motionY) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityPlayer.cs:line 1072 at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorControlledPhysics.ApplyTests(EntityPos pos, EntityControls controls, Single dt, Boolean remote) in VSEssentials\Entity\Behavior\BehaviorControlledPhysics.cs:line 255 at Vintagestory.Server.Systems.ServerUdpNetwork.HandlePlayerPosition(Packet_EntityPosition packet, ServerPlayer player) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\ServerUdpNetwork.cs:line 159 at Vintagestory.Server.Systems.ServerUdpNetwork.ServerTickUdp(Single obj) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\ServerUdpNetwork.cs:line 42 at Vintagestory.Common.GameTickListener.OnTriggered(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds) in VintagestoryLib\Common\Model\GameTickListener.cs:line 27 at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line
Aela - Thanks for the info!
Hi sekelsta! Thanks so much for your response.
I screenshotted the Bitter Bolette as an example.. This "Eaten by" may be due to the Extra Info mod I am using... I love to test my limits, I apologize I didn't realize that it would include info relating to your mod too!
I have since answered my question, they do eat poisonous mushrooms, and they do get damaged!
Aela Eating off the ground or from a trough uses the same logic as feeding by hand so I expect it to also harm them. Where did you see it in the handbook? I looked but didn't see a list of foods they eat.
Now fixed in version 0.3.4
Ok, I have bolded and duplicated the part of the page where it says that it doesn't run on rc 6, and that I won't have time to fix it today because of real life.
After updating to 1.20.0-rc6 i'm getting a similar error to Shmitty after trying to save world changes from rc-5 to rc-6 transition:
25.12.2024 01:50:51 [Error] Couldn't add entity type game:hare-female-darkbrown at 4085917.6, 115, 4100552.68 due to exception in code. Will remove from chunk, sorry!
25.12.2024 01:50:51 [Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Genelib.AnimalHunger.ApplyNutritionEffects() in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behavior/AnimalHunger.cs:line 211
at Genelib.AnimalHunger.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, JsonObject typeAttributes) in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behav>
at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.EntitySidedProperties.loadBehaviors(Entity entity, EntityProperties properties, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity>
at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.EntityProperties.Initialize(Entity entity, ICoreAPI api) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityProperties.cs:line 253
at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, ICoreAPI api, Int64 InChunkIndex3d) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\Entity.cs:line 582
at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityAgent.Initialize(EntityProperties properties, ICoreAPI api, Int64 InChunkIndex3d) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityAgent.cs:line 121
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.LoadEntity(Entity entity, Int64 fromChunkIndex3d) in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 2264
25.12.2024 01:50:51 [Error] Couldn't add entity type game:hare-female-gold at 4086009.38, 109.5, 4100375.47 due to exception in code. Will remove from chunk, sorry!
I seem to be getting the same issue as @bringitonwimps. I can only play for a moment before the same error, constantly repeating, hits the error limit and shuts down the server.
[Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Genelib.AnimalHunger.ApplyNutritionEffects() in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behavior/AnimalHunger.cs:line 187
at Genelib.AnimalHunger.ConsumeSaturation(Single amount) in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behavior/AnimalHunger.cs:line 606
at Genelib.AnimalHunger.ShiftWeight(Double deltaWeight) in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behavior/AnimalHunger.cs:line 601
at Genelib.BehaviorAge.CheckGrowth(Single dt) in /home/tiffany/main/projects/vs_mods/detailedanimals/src/Genelib/Entity/Behavior/BehaviorAge.cs:line 163
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 57
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 896
with rc 6 i get paiges of errors followed by a crash. all the errors reference detailed animals
I reviewed in the handbook that some animals can eat poisonous mushrooms.. By hand it harms them(I believe), but can they satiate themselves if dropped, or will it harm them as well?
sekelsta Thanks for checking! I think it was the module from FotSA that added emus and moas. After removing that, the error cleared up- it might've been an issue on the mod's part with specifying the correct dietary needs.
Thanks for checking though! Very happy to use this mod and see where it goes.
I have very recently done the restart of world so im good there, i have now loaded it in and it seams to be working. I also use all the FOTAS animal mods, idk if those are "compatible" or just ignored, it would be really cool if they eventually were intigrated but i know there is A LOT of animals there. I havent found an animal; in my small test yet not from base game.
Also there use to be a mod forever agoi called FARM LIFE (i beleive) and it had a "poop" mechanic from the animals that then could also be used as fetilizer. there are few other eating mechanics like animals raidng your garden, more than just the rabbits that it used that might give you inspiration if you look it up. Maybe be a cool thing ifx time after eating an animal poops for farming use?.. just thought.
Thanks, just added the mod think we are really gonna enjoy using it, love these kinds of immersive mods. looking forward to where it goes from here.
bringitonwimps - I believe it should work with Butchering 1.7.1 for VS 1.19, but I have not tested this. Note the author recommends creating a new world when updating from Butchery 1.6.8 to 1.7.0 (and presumably 1.7.1)
Is this still waiting or should it be compatable now?.. I really want to use this mod but I also have butchery so im holding off until this statement is confirmed.
" Older Butchering versions for 1.19 may cause a crash when picking up certain colors of chickens. Will be fixed by moving to 1.20 when it's stable."
Inflectus There's nothing in there that points to one specific mod, unfortunately. I tried out using this with the full FOTSA series and got no errors, but it could be something circumstantial. I'd try making a backup of the world and then removing / adding back mods until you find a small set that it happens with.
Does anyone know if this mod plays nicely with the Fauna of the Stone Age series? It's the only creature-adding mod collection we have on my server, and we're getting this error spammed, and I'm not sure if it's an issue with an FotSA module or with this mod interacting with them:
19.12.2024 14:40:35 [Server Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.suitableFoodSource(ItemStack itemStack) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\TasksImpl\AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.cs:line 154
at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.<ShouldExecute>b__25_0(Entity e) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\TasksImpl\AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.cs:line 124
at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning.WalkEntities(Vec3d centerPos, Double radius, ActionConsumable`1 callback, RangeTestDelegate onRangeTest, EnumEntitySearchType searchType) in VSEssentials\Systems\EntityPartitioning.cs:line 314
at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.ShouldExecute() in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\TasksImpl\AiTaskSeekFoodAndEat.cs:line 100
at Vintagestory.GameContent.AiTaskManager.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\AiTaskManager.cs:line 214
at Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorTaskAI.OnGameTick(Single deltaTime) in VSEssentials\Entity\AI\Task\BehaviorTaskAI.cs:line 125
at Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\Entity.cs:line 911
at Vintagestory.API.Common.EntityAgent.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Entity\EntityAgent.cs:line 589
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.TickEntities(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\EntitySimulation.cs:line 332
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemEntitySimulation.OnServerTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\EntitySimulation.cs:line 144
at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Process() in VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMain.cs:line 893
HeavyHandedDame - They encourage the chickens to lay more eggs in the nest box by making it look like there's already an egg inside. Right now the effect is very small and they're mostly just decorative.
Spoinks If you're seeing a blank spot in the black box at the top of the screen, update the mod to the latest version and it should be fixed. If you're seeing a blank spot on the animal's GUI, click it and type into it and what you type will be the animal's name.
For some reason the animals aren't named anything. It's just blank any fix for that?
Question! What are the ceramic eggs for? Are they just decorative?
Great Mod btw.
Hello! I use "Fauna of the Stone Age Caninae" and one of the things they do is to remove vanilla wolves and foxes and replace with the one in the mod.
In this mod you are still able to tame grey wolves, with the possibility of them becoming wolfdogs.
I wanted to know how does it affect the compatibility and stuff. thnx
EDIT: I also have a few recomendations for what to add in the future of the mod.
how about in later domesticated gens (maybe after 10 generations of domestication) the animals start having new sprites representing the breeding for traits making the ship look more like modern day sheep, boars becoming pink pigs etc? At the same time adding some buffs like making so the sheep generates more wool and milk, pigs give more meat, fat and reproduce quicker and domesticated animals start fighting back against drifters and sometimes against predators.
just a suggestion
Hmm...animals can breed in the wild and chickens can lay eggs on the groud but they won't hatch... How do chickens breed in the wild? Would be neat if there was a way for chickens to make "wild nests" that you can't pick up but can take eggs from. Maybe have the chickens have a requirement of not being disturbed by players for a minimum amount of time befor they make one. If the player takes eggs the hen will stop sitting on that nest. If the player takes all the eggs, the nest breaks. If the player scares the hens too far they will stop sitting. (The nest must be in a certain radius to attract the hen.) Maybe other requirements.
How is generation change determined, the hen that lays the egg has been fed by the player? Or the hen that sits on the egg?
Edit: I see that you have a ground nest in 1.20.x. 😁
Vinter Nacht - Glad to hear it :)
I love what you're doing here, and will be watching closely.
This won't let eggs be cracked in Expanded foods?
Eh, guess I'll have to wait on this. Pretty animals and more mechanics are very nice, but dang, the muffins would be gone if I installed this.
Yololator - In the spring, have hens, a rooster, and at least one nestbox in the same area. It needs to be close enough to where you spend time that the chunk stays loaded, but far enough that the hens do not continuously run away from you. Once the chickens lay enough eggs to fill the nestbox, they will sit on the eggs for about 2/3 of a month, after which they hatch into chicks.
how can i make the chickens reproduce
I see
Auro I mean everything. Full compatibility could come later, no promises, but first I want to get this more finished and out of beta testing (at least the player-facing portion if not yet the genelib API). Once we're stable and More Animals runs on 1.20, I can start thinking about adding the features to a select few modded animals. And once the genelib API is stable, anyone who knows how to do json patching can add the hunger and other features to any modded animal they like (or at least, that's the idea).
Are there actually any servers or groups who play togethere with this mod?
When you say the birds from More Animals won't have the new features you mean just Genetics and Variety or EVERYTHING?
I want this mod more for the need to feed the animals
Auro - Number of grass blocks per animal depends on it's species, elk will need more than hares, but in general I'd recommend starting with 20 or 25 and if you see more than half the area get grazed down to dirt (outside of winter when the grass doesn't grow back), try making the pen bigger.
With More Animals, I have made some effort to make sure nothing will be broken, but you will not see the features added by this mod on the birds added by that one.
Yololator - Look at an animal and press "N", this will open a window that shows you nutrition and other more detailed info.
Re questions about whether any specific feature will/won't be added, no one knows what the future will bring.
how can i do the new thing on version 0.2.1? I mean seeing their nutrition
very good mod, but can you make animals die if starving?
Oh one more thing, can you add a toggle to allow every herbivore/omnivore to eat berries? I feel that berries are way too easy to find, specially if you play with wildcraft, there is just too much food, I want to have to protect my berries from wild animals because the local racoons can barely make a dent on my berry gardens
Since this mod makes breeding slower can we have a generation modifier for players with a bit less patience, so we can increase the generation counter faster to compensate?
How many grass blocks do you need per grazing animal?
Also is it compatible with More Animals?
That's an issue I've encountered with various combinations of mods, where it seems any one mod added can be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Almost every mod will increase RAM usage somewhat, with large content mods increasing it a lot and little tweaks increasing it by little if any. My experiments show Detailed Animals using a similar amount of RAM as PetAI, which is roughly as expected. If you are seeing significantly more RAM usage than that, please let me know.
When I am enabling this mod my RAM usage goes through the roof and I get regular freezes (ranging from 1 to 40 seconds) with overload warnings in the log. I can't find any other info in the log sadly.
If I disable the mod the freezes persist until the game is restarted. Could this be connected to one of my other mods or is there some RAm leakage or heavy use of RAM with the mod?
Fauna of the Stone Age: I expect them to keep working as if this mod is not installed.
Wildcraft: Foods added should be eatable by animals but with nutrition guessed at based on the food group.
I haven't actually tried using them together though. If the combination causes anything to break, please let me know and I can either get it fixed or put up a note about it.
Is this compatible (in any way) with the Wildcraft and Fauna of the Stone Age mod groups?
I will note in advance that I do not realize the stupidity or adequacy of this question.
Yennefa Thank you for the feedback! I've added a note to the mod page about the chickens changing color. All the other issues you are seeing I believe come from mod incompatibilities. In particular avoid using this with Creatures and Critters or Animation Manager Lib, among many other issues iirc one or both of those leads to showing negative portions eaten. (You may also see that after uninstall, but it won't break gameplay, it'll just look ugly.) If you do find the time to do further testing, please let me know if any of these issues are still happening with no other mods installed, or if you can narrow the problem down to a few specific mods. For the medium cages, did you remember to use it on an animal at low health? I tried out Animal Cages 3.0.3 with Detailed Animals 0.1.7 on VS 1.19.8 and saw no issues. Hope this helps!
Aloha! My game version is 1.19.8, I installed version 0.1.7 of the mod. There seems to be a problem with my file. All my hens turned brown, they have eaten negative food (something like -0,550289592 or some weird number), but there are no portions missing from the trough. They do not lay eggs into the hen box, neither fertilized nor unfertilized. Another problem is, when I hit/break items, I cannot pick them up, instead they keep bouncing forever, until I reload the game, then I automatically pick them up, but the game crashes. Problem is that I have an elaborate list of mods installed; these problems only occured after I installed this mod; when I disable it, the item bounce thing stops, the animals are still broken though. I also do not seem to be able to catch medium sized animals with the animal cage mod anymore. I do not know whether there is some related problem between those two mods. Just wanted to let you or other users know, maybe someone has encountered a similar problem. I know it is no help, since I should have saved the crash files, but right now I do not have the time to recreate or upload something, I am sorry. Maybe I can do it next week. Kind regards!
Echoweaver I've added some more info about it to the description. I'd recommend either starting with about 6-8 animals, or start with 2 animals and bring in a new male every 1-2 generations.
Could you speak more about inbreeding? What population size do you need to avoid it? How often do you need to introduce new animals to keep diversity?
This mod really looks like what I want to round out vanilla animal husbandry.
Re expanded foods, please see the conversation on discord. Please also remember that this mod is still in beta for a reason.
The mod looks great, but as the previous comment said, the (minor) incompatibility with Expanded Foods kills it for me.
Is there plans to fix the minor incompatibility with Expanded Foods? I really want to use this mod, but I can't play without EF and its egg liquids recipes.
Also, when I tried using this mod, I couldn't see any info about the eggs on nestboxes, which is a pretty big downgrade compared to vanilla. I would like to know if I can actually expect chicks or if that nestbox is full of infertile eggs.
Finally, I'd love for this mod to be configurable. I'm not really a fan of the slower breeding speed feature, for example.
Aedis Base game lets animals mate from several meters away, it's something I want to change at some point but I haven't gotten to it yet
sekelsta I of course can gather log files, but there are few other mods which may be guilty too. I'll observe more tho, another little thing I noticed is that I have separated female hare, and in next fenced area (shared fence but 2 separate areas) male, there is some bunny with male that I caught from wilderness, and there are 2 with female that are her offspring, and to my surprise female got pregnant again despite male is behind fence and her offspring is still far too small visually to be guilty doing so. Is it some base game feature or that might be something your code did touch? (also wrote on discord)
Aedis What you're seeing with the hare should not be happening, would you mind sending log files? (might be more convenient to do on github or discord) Hares should normally be taking 2 full days to go from stuffed to starving, which is what I'm seeing, or in the worst possible circumstances of a very active hare in well-below-freezing weather, as low as 1.28 days, but never overnight.
As for the pig and the bear, I'll try massaging the numbers a bit for the 1.20 release. In the meantime I'd recommend cooking your bushmeat, as the pigs will get significantly more nutrition from it that way.
Been playing a little more with it, and two observations, hare in some fenced area will get to starving from stuffed over night, biiit too quick.. (if you feed it manually only because you don't have saw/boards)
Second that when i killed bear, got 40ish chunks of meat, half of that was barelly enough to feed one wild sow from starving to hungry or so when it stopped to eat. Again half of usable meat from lean bear into one feeding seems to be little too much.
Other than those little details it is awesome experience.
sekelsta Awesome, thanks
Aedis I've added info to the description above on how to adjust the Animal Cages config so that the gendered baby animals can be caught
sekelsta Hare seems to be fixed indeed thank you for extraordirnarly quick fix.
However fox pup died when I tried to capture it with cage, however maybe this is okay (one wandered into my garden fence where just plants are, was too good opportunity to not test..)
Fox kit spawned from creative inventory, chased into some corner, feed with some random food (I think soft sedge was accepted as it was famished) then tried to cage it, again fox kit got hit instead of getting caught.
Aedis Fixed in 0.1.6, thank you for the report
Could it be that detailed animals break animal cages for hare/rabbit, or it is interaction between detailed animals and cunniculture?
This is so cool! It's what I've been looking for, thank you for making this!
Shinohakobita Glad to hear it! Hope you have fun.
I am super excited about this mod, looking forward to testing it out in my test world.
Aedis There shouldn't be any clashes with More Animals, I've already gone to some effort to avoid that, but you simply won't see the new features on them yet.
Sure, I understand, thanks, I simply asked as my test poking of 1.20 has more animals and for moment I was wondering about clashes/problems due to that. I'll make fresh world for giving it a try.
Aedis Maybe eventually, but first I'd like to update to 1.20, polish up some rough edges, and maybe some other things. In general I try to keep my plans vague so I can work on whatever I'm most excited about (I do this for fun, after all), so while I do plan to keep making cool things, the specifics of which ones in what order are not yet decided.
do you plan any compatibility with more animals (few kinds of birds extra vs vanilla)
yes, nice!!! this mod is just what i need! thanks for your hard work!
The latest update tweaks hunger rates. I've gone through every number involved to make sure animals are fine with being fed just once a day, though they'll still slightly prefer to be fed twice a day. Grazing species can still be kept on pasture to avoid needing to be fed at all (at least until winter).
they are eating from through but they are almost hungry after half of day, can i descrease amount of food animal needs in config file?
Akiae I believe what you're describing is this bug from vanilla. A workaround is to pick up the trough and place it down again.
i think i found another issue, even if animals have full trough of food they dont eat often. I have too give them food by hand to get them fat and be sure they reproduce.
Is it possible to decrease amount food animals need?
jayu None of the changes will be applied to fotsa creatures, but yes, it would just need a content mod to patch in the entity behaviors. You're welcome to contact me on discord for guidance about how to do that.
Hey sorry to bother just after release. Is this compatible with the fotsa mods? Would it require to just patch in the right behaviours with a content mod?
LarekFlynn Thank you for the info, that was very helpful and I was able to pin the issue down to an incompatibility with Animation Manager Lib. Now working on getting it fixed. The new plan for this is to update to 1.20.
sekelsta (description includes mod list) looks like it's getting stuck in the forage animation. also they dont always run away like they should. I looked at the patches and think it might have to do with mincooldownhours set to zero in behaviors for foraging.
" {
file: "game:entities/land/chicken-rooster.json",
op: "replace",
path: "/server/behaviors/10/aitasks/6/code",
value: "genelib.forage",
side: "server"
file: "game:entities/land/chicken-rooster.json",
op: "add",
path: "/server/behaviors/10/aitasks/6/eatAnimation",
value: "Eat",
side: "server"
file: "game:entities/land/chicken-rooster.json",
op: "replace",
path: "/server/behaviors/10/aitasks/6/mincooldownHours",
value: 0.0,
side: "server"
file: "game:entities/land/chicken-rooster.json",
op: "replace",
path: "/server/behaviors/10/aitasks/6/maxcooldownHours",
value: 0.05,
side: "server"
LarekFlynn, yea i got a lot mods too, so i think we got the same issue. I have the same issue with wild animals animation too, which this mod modifies.
Akiae sekelsta
(I haven't bred any yet) but I see wild animals moving without animation. the look in the direction the are going but just blink forward in one block skips. seen with rabbits raccoons chickens. animals from other mods still move smoothly(aurochs, pheasants)
I have a bunch of mods so probably a conflict.
sekelsta, my domesticated goats and chicken with 2 generation walking like they animations is generated frame by frame.(they looks like they are lagged). I got 1.1 version of mod and reinstaled it.
@Akiae I'm sorry, I don't understand "walking like they have 999ms". I tried adding this to a world that already had sheep and chickens and it seemed to work fine. Could you make sure you're using the latest version 0.1.1 on VS 1.19.8, and if so, explain more about what you're seeing?
Hi mate,
great mod, after we lose farmlife mod, now animals are more realistic, but they are walking like they have 999ms and its only problem with sheeps and chickens for my old world.
Its know issue?
Sounds amazing! Really excited to try this out :)
Pigs can eat the pig food already, but it could do with some tweaks. I'll put those in the next update. (Edit: And they're in now.) And I'm not sure if this was meant to be part of the question but yes, nutritional info for each food comes from json data rather than being hardcoded, and so is something modders can customize.
Hello, very interesting mod, I have just one concern: can we tweak the food to allow using modded food from mods, like those from the mod "Pig Feed" (mix of grain and dry grass or fruit pulp and water)
This sounds great. The mod will definitely be added to my next world!