Mods / Conquest Landform Overhaul

Category: #Cosmetics #Tweak #Worldgen
Author: CreativeRealms
Side: Both
Created: Jul 15th 2023 at 6:28 PM
Last modified: 11 hours ago
Downloads: 5755
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Latest file for Various v1.20.x:
Conquest Landform Overhaul 1-click install

The Conquest Landform Overhaul mod offers realistic terrain, including vast mountain ranges, arctic wastelands, rolling dunes, and steep cliffs. For optimal world generation, you can find our recommended settings below:

  • World height: 320
  • Landcover: 70%
  • Landcover scale: 200%
  • Upheaval rate: 0%
  • Landfom scale: 160%

With the use of Config Lib, you can modify the weights of individual landforms in order to fully customize your gameplay. Choosing between flat, mountainous, or steep terrain has never been easier!

WARNING: Changing configs can and will break your world if you do not know what you are doing! Make a backup of existing worlds and remember what the old settings were BEFORE opening them if you make any changes. Additionally, modifications to the config require a brand new world in order for them to be applied properly. Changing configs while you are in an existing world WILL create broken chunk borders! SAVE THE CONFIG AFTER ANY CHANGE AS IT WILL REVERT BACK TO DEFAULT IF YOU FORGET TO!!!

Additionally, if you would like to enhance your experience even more, you can pair Conquest Landform Overhaul with the following mods:

Conquest Landform Overhaul is compatible with most landform and structure mods but is incompatible with structure mods that add structures which are landform dependent (with the current exception of BetterRuins). In other words, most structure mods are compatible with Conquest Landform Overhaul and will work without any issues, but any structures that generate based on vanilla or custom landforms will require a custom patch in order for them to generate (see spoiler). 

Better Ruins Version Compatibility & Custom Patching

Conquest Landform Overhaul v0.0.3 is only compatible with BetterRuins v0.4.5 and Conquest Landform Overhaul v1.0.0 will be compatible with BetterRuins v0.4.6 or higher (when it is released).

Example patch for devs who want to add compatibility to their own mods:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/structures/5/requireLandform",
    "value": "cr plains",
    "file": "game:worldgen/storystructures.json",
    "side": "Server",
    "dependsOn": [
        "modid": "landformoverhaul"

Conquest Landform Overhaul also works with the Rivers mod. While it is entirely up to personal preference, you can copy our recommended settings below:

Rivers Config
  "disableFlow": false,
  "minForkAngle": 10,
  "forkVariation": 35,
  "normalAngle": 10,
  "valleyStrengthMax": 1.25,
  "valleyStrengthMin": 0.6,
  "noiseExpansion": 1.5,
  "riverPaddingBlocks": 150,
  "landScaleMultiplier": 2.0,
  "minSize": 14.0,
  "maxSize": 50.0,
  "minNodes": 8,
  "maxNodes": 20,
  "riverGrowth": 5.0,
  "downhillError": 1,
  "minLength": 150,
  "lengthVariation": 500,
  "zoneSize": 256,
  "zonesInRegion": 128,
  "riverSpawnChance": 0.2,
  "riverSplitChance": 0.35,
  "lakeChance": 0.05,
  "segmentsInRiver": 3,
  "segmentOffset": 40.0,
  "baseDepth": 0.05,
  "riverDepth": 0.018,
  "heightBoost": 8,
  "topFactor": 1.0,
  "riverOctaves": 2,
  "riverFrequency": 0.0075,
  "riverLacunarity": 3.0,
  "riverGain": 0.3,
  "riverDistortionStrength": 10,
  "riverSpeed": 0.5,
  "maxValleyWidth": 85.0,
  "oceanThreshold": 30.0,
  "fixGravityBlocks": true,
  "boulders": false,
  "gravelBeaches": true,
  "RegionSize": 32768,
  "ChunksInRegion": 1024,
  "ChunksInZone": 8

If you would like to give feedback or report bugs, you can do so in our dedicated mod post on the official Vintage Story Discord server or on the Conquest Reforged community server.

Warning: Conquest Landform Overhaul is incompatible with existing worlds and/or older versions of the mod. To avoid chunk seams, create a new world before use.

For debugging of various landforms, use /wgen pos landform. Conquest landforms are designated with the prefix cr.

We hope you enjoy our mod! - CreativeRealms & Conquest Reforged Team

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.1 179 11 hours ago Show Conquest Landform Overhaul Install now
v1.0.0 328 4 days ago Show Conquest Landform Overhaul Install now
v0.0.3 661 Dec 12th 2024 at 2:11 AM Show Conquest Landform Overhaul Install now

34 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Thalius, 4 days ago

I have a new favorite landform mod, it seems. Very nice looking world, and I love the transitions.

And paired with Rivers, it just looks fantastic. Some wonky overhanging issues in a few places, which is a characteristic of the mod so far, but it seems very rare.

Also excited to hear the natur pack project has been bumped up! Looking forward to seeing all of these modules working together.


💬 TRexTheHunter, 6 days ago

Very happy with the polish looks it gives you. Flew by 8k south and took a look here and there. The new textures are fun as well. It does give it a "new feel" look to everything. Thanks and all the best!

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jan 11th at 3:06 AM

The community test server hosting the new and improved version of the Conquest Landform Overhaul mod is now online! Everyone has the ability to play in survival (to test how the terrain feels) or creative (to fly around and see how it looks). Enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback before the full release!

💬 Vilderos, Jan 7th at 1:31 PM

Looking forward to the remake

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Dec 29th 2024 at 11:33 AM

I've decided I'm going to be remaking the Conquest Landform Overhaul mod from scratch. I wasn't 100% happy with it and found a better way to accurately visualize changes to the code.

It will probably take a bit until I finish but hopefully the effort will pay off.

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Dec 20th 2024 at 2:44 AM

Very odd. Not sure if it's the fault of the mod or the structure but probably the latter if it only happens there. Glennui

💬 Glennui, Dec 19th 2024 at 11:21 PM

I actually just tested this out on 1.20.0-rc.5 and it works fine for the most part, but the mountains around the Resonance Archive have a flat top nowhere near world height. They're still accessible so it's ultimately a pretty trivial issue that won't stop me from using the mod but it did cause a double take. This was using the recommended settings above.

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Dec 6th 2024 at 4:25 PM

Just wanted to add a note here, the existing version of the mod is compatible with v1.20 and all the landforms required for the story structures are in the mod.

As such, I don't expect any bugs to be introduced in v1.20 (and I haven't encountered any when testing the mod myself) but if you notice any let me know and I'll look into it.

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Feb 11th 2024 at 4:19 AM

I seem to have mixed up the devs of Better Traders and Trader Camps. Basically ask the latter. 😅

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Feb 10th 2024 at 2:57 PM

Also just realized I forgot to answer your other question. At least based on a cursory glance at the JSON files in the Trader Camps mod I don't see anything that would break the terrain. With that being said, there does seem to be code which I don't know what it affects and maybe does something unintentional with the landform file. Either way you should ask NiclAss because it's likey a bug introduced on their end and not ours. Aldor

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Feb 10th 2024 at 2:51 PM

Tyron is already aware of this mod because he was watching my livestream while I was working on the terrain. :P

As for your second question, the 1:1 version of Conquest will use assets taken from us by Medival Fashion but it doesn't mean that we are making a new Medieval Fashion mod. Many of the assets (not including the ones ripped form CR) were made by Ruddi and would not be included in our mod. Aldor

💬 Aldor, Feb 9th 2024 at 4:19 PM

I saw your comment on here about making a 1v1 of the Conquest Reforged mod. Will need to look it up still, BUT, recently found that the Medieval Fashion mod was removed because of copied material from Conquest Reforged. If given proper permission, does this mean you guys will be introducing a new 'Medieval Fashion' mod at some point too?


💬 Aldor, Feb 9th 2024 at 4:02 PM

This is BY FAR the best mod right now for terrian generation. In my opinion, THIS is what the vanilla game generation should be. Definitely showing this to Tyron. 

With that, question - any hopes of getting the 'Trader Camps' being compatible with this? Seems right now that Trader Camps alters generation, so messes up this mod.

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jan 27th 2024 at 5:23 PM

I have not tested it but the Rivers Mod claims to be compatible with everything so thoretically it should work. As for which landforms I removed, I don't remember. I kind of just went through and got rid of anything that could not be improved via simple edits.

Personally I like setting upheaval to 100% and landform scale to 20% but the vanilla values work too. I think the setting that makes things look "bad" if it's too high is world height so I personally use 320. Zoomer88

💬 Zoomer88, Jan 23rd 2024 at 11:22 AM

Will this mod work with the 'Rivers' mod? Or 'Rivers' changes the aforementioned landform file? Also, which landforms are being removed?

Oh, and also which landform scale/upheaval rate would be deemed as high? Like, a maximum value? Or simply not lower than default?

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jan 20th 2024 at 2:25 PM

All it does is change the shapes of the landforms which only requires modifying a single file. Meteors shouldn't be affected at all by it. Cian

💬 Cian, Jan 19th 2024 at 1:42 AM

Does this affect generation of meteor impact sites, or have I just been unlucky?

In my last game I was able to identify meteor craters pretty regularly based on the shape of the terrain, and after a bit of exploration I had 40+ meteoric iron bars. In my newest game, with this mod being the only mod added, I haven't managed to find a single one. All the small depressions I have found turned out to be natural and not contain any meteor.

This is in version 1.18.15, I'm still waiting for some other mods to update.

💬 Vilderos, Dec 17th 2023 at 8:49 AM

The best landform overhaul!

💬 McTaco, Nov 1st 2023 at 4:22 AM

I had to travel like 5k to find sandstone, claystone and therefore borax. But it is there.

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Oct 28th 2023 at 3:26 PM

This mod does not affect rock spawn rates. Maybe you are confusing it with the Nature Pack? McTaco

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Oct 17th 2023 at 8:55 PM

Glad to hear you are enjoying it. Telemachus

💬 Telemachus, Oct 17th 2023 at 2:16 PM

Best world gen mod that I've tried. Previously used Plains n' Valleys in my last playthrough. But from my testing, this mod is the way to go. 

I've tried the world gen settings from FinkThinker, and the author. They're both great!

💬 FinkThinker, Jul 22nd 2023 at 5:31 PM

Tried 320 height, 40% upheaval, 150% landform scale

OCEANS: 80% landcover, 100% distance between land.

This gives really good generation IMO.  Thanks much for this!  The developers should take a look at what you did here!

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jul 21st 2023 at 5:37 AM

I've started playing with 320 world height, 100% upheaval rate, and 150% landform scale and it looks really good.


💬 FinkThinker, Jul 21st 2023 at 2:41 AM

Any recommended world-gen settings or just leave it standard?

💬 WeedusFetus, Jul 18th 2023 at 8:17 PM

okay! did not know that, thats unfortunate I have a great starting location and already put 16 hours into this world, but the map is so nonimmersive

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jul 18th 2023 at 7:40 PM

You shouldn't use multiple mods that alter landforms as they all change the same file which will cause things to break. You should test them out individually and then pick whichever one you prefer.


💬 WeedusFetus, Jul 18th 2023 at 7:28 PM

Im using this, plains and valleys, and worldgen fix, my maps regions looks "chunky", like each different climate region looks like its confined within chunks and not just randomized topography. hard to describe with words, heres an image; Im also using a lot of other mods, but these are the only worldgen ones I could think of

💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jul 17th 2023 at 11:09 PM

I have a limit of 10 images but the jungles don't have any unique landforms that I'm aware of. Basically the landscapes that you see in the screenshots are the same as what you'd find in the jungle besides the foliage that covers them. If you make a new world and set polar-equator distance to 5,000 then fly around in creative you should be able to get a pretty good idea of how jungles look before comitting to using the mod in a playthrough.


💬 Mendall, Jul 17th 2023 at 4:59 PM

I now use worldgen fix. And it does most of what I wanted, like ridding my world of floating islands and making mountains more real looking. But I have always wanted to build in a jungle area in VS but after several worlds and two different worldgen altering mods it seems that the world gen around jungles in always ugly. Could you include some pics of jungle areas? I might start a new world if I find a mod that changes jungle generation in a good way.



💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jul 16th 2023 at 8:17 AM

Yes our goal is to make a 1:1 port of Conquest Reforged in Vintage Story as well as implementing a complete survival overhaul to compliment it. That means all the blocks and items will (eventually) be added and if all goes well we may even be able to look into a world converter so that people can transfer their Minecraft builds to VS.


💬 CreativeRealmsAuthor, Jul 16th 2023 at 8:12 AM

I loaded up Plains and Valleys to check and it seems like it focuses more on reducing the occurrence of specific landforms while this mod prioritizes changing the landforms themselves to be more realistic looking. My goal was to fix landforms that were too billowy (blobs), had harsh transitions, and to touch up some that had too much noise or too little detail. P&V ultimately does what it claims to do and makes the world less chaotic in most areas but it doesn't stray as far from the vanilla aesthetic as this one does.


💬 DungeonSiegeWolf, Jul 16th 2023 at 2:16 AM

Love seeing Conquest stuff being added to VS! Will the eventual nature pack include new custom plants, like in the Minecraft version of CR?

💬 QuakingDoom, Jul 16th 2023 at 1:12 AM

This looks reallly good. I'lll give it a try on my next playthrough. How does this compare to Pllains & Valleys? Any pros & cons? Any particular things that make it different/better/worse than P&V?

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