Mods / Salternate (Expanded Foods Salt Alternative)

Category: #Crafting #Food #Other #QoL #Tweak
Author: Pursec
Side: Both
Created: Oct 14th 2023 at 8:57 PM
Last modified: Oct 14th 2023 at 8:57 PM
Downloads: 435
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Latest file for Various v1.18.x: 1-click install

This mod is no longer needed!

Expanded Foods 1.6.8 onwards Includes these changes!

This mod will remain up for those playing on earlier versions of Expanded Foods and desire the changes.

Requires: Expanded Foods
A series of patches to modify/tweak how salt production works with Expanded Foods

By default the options for creating salt are: 
1. (Vanilla) Finding Halite Stones and crushing them
2. (Expanded Foods) Sealing 10L per portion of Salt Water in a barrel for 10 days to produce Dry Salt Crystals, grind for 1 salt portion each
3. (Expanded Foods) Boil 10L per portion of Salt Water to produce Damp Salt Crystals, let cure for 24 hours, then dry for 312, to become Dry Salt Crystals, grind for 1 salt portion each.
4. (Expanded Foods) Sealing 5L per portion of Brine Water to produce Dry Salt Crystals, grind for 1 salt portion each.

Now if you are like me, you may have a few questions.

1. Why does sealing Salt Water in a barrel for 10 days produce Dry Crystals?
2. Why does boiling Salt Water produce Damp Crystals?
3. For the cost of resources and time, why would you ever choose to boil?

Boiling costs more resources, both in terms of the vessels to boil in, fuel cost to keep a firepit lit long enough to boil the amount of water, then also takes longer in the end to dry/cure the crystals than if you had just sealed a barrel with the same quantity of water, just to end up with the same result at the same ratio as sealing.

So in order to "fix" or modify this to my personal tastes on the salt production pipeline these patches do the following:

1. The salt production processes are reversed, Boiling produces Dry Salt Crystals from the get-go, Sealing produces Damp Salt Crystals. Time times for curing/drying and boiling are untouched.
2. Damp Salt Crystals can now be Baked or Cooked in either a firepit, oven, or equivalency if you have mods that do that, to become Dry Salt Crystals. Speeding up the pipeline but not granting salt on demand like Boiling or using nearly as much fuel as boiling would.
3. Halite stones can be Mixed in barrels of Water to produce Salt Water25L Water per 1 Halite = 25L Salt Water. This increases the overall output of Halite slightly as Crushing would produce 2 portions of Salt per Halite, while Mixing allows 2 Halite to become 5 Salt Crystals if Mixed then Sealed or Boiled and proceesed accordingly, essentially making each Halite now worth 2.5 Salt if you are willing to wait longer/use more resources.

I do not touch Brine atm with the patch as it seemed a little redundant and the scope of this was producing salt in the first place and not turning smth back into it, and as Brine requires salt to be made it was left out.

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Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 435 Oct 14th 2023 at 8:57 PM Show Install now

2 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 PursecAuthor, Oct 16th 2023 at 8:08 PM


well good news, seems that l33tman is considering these changes for the main mod and will likely touch brine with those changes, as for putting saltwater into pots and cauldrons, (at least in my playing, I have actually zero full clue if this is from some mod or not anymore) fill multiple buckets so they stack on top of each other, then click with the whole stack into a slot, itll fill 1L per stack (so 3 filled buckets stacked, each click will deposit 3L), has saved me from so much RSI strain. Hopefully oneday (hell I might even look into it at somepoint) we can get full dumping into slots.  

💬 Barhandar, Oct 16th 2023 at 5:00 PM

You should touch brine nonetheless because by default it's 5 brine to 1 salt... but 1 salt to 2 brine. Also, the problem with boiling isn't boiling itself, but that it takes way too many clicks (hello, RSI) to get the saltwater into the pot because an option to just pour the whole bucket in just isn't there. And on servers you can't resolve that with rebinding click to scrollwheel because there's delay between transfers.

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