Mods / YABBA Forge (Previously More Molds)

Category: #Crafting #QoL #Simplification #Utility #Weapons
Author: Quixjote
Side: Both
Created: Mar 28th 2021 at 1:14 AM
Last modified: Jun 29th 2023 at 5:33 AM
Downloads: 18156
Follow Unfollow 231

Latest file for Various v1.18.x: 1-click install

FORGE (AKA More Molds) is a valuable mod for Vintage Story, focusing on early game accessibility and reducing repetitive strain. It introduces various molds, including the Plate Mold and Knife Mold, allowing players to craft tools and resources with ease. Additionally, the mod features the Handsaw, providing limited durability and enabling the creation of boards and sticks. Perfect for those with limited dexterity, this mod enhances gameplay experience. As a work in progress, I welcome suggestions and plan to expand with molds for almost every smithable item, by VS 1.19 I hope to have every mold customizable through configuration settings.


  • Plate Mold
  • Sheet Mold (Decorative Sheets)
  • Knife Mold
  • Handsaw Mold (Handsaw is Specific to Forge)
  • Chisel Mold
  • Spearhead Mold
  • Wrench Mold
  • Hoop Mold
  • Nails and Strips Mold (1x - Will make Bulk one next - Nails and Strips Needed to make chests in 1.18)
  • Chute Section Mold (REQUIRES FIRE CLAY - Makes 4 Chute Sections at Once)
  • Bulk Plate Mold (REQUIRES FIRE CLAY - Makes 5 Plates at Once)

Current Molds as of 1.18 pre 5

Tools Added

The Handsaw. Can be made out of same metals as the Knife.



  • Arrowhead Mold
  • 12 Ingot Mass Mold
  • 24 Ingot Mass Mold
  • (NEW) 16 Metal Puck Mold

New Item: Metal Puck to have more metal options

Here is a closeup of the 24 Ingot Mass Mold Goodness


🍪🍪💜 SIMILAR MODS - Be Sure to Check Out and Share The Love! 💜🍪🍪

Looking for just a lightweight option for just Plates and Arrowheads, Check out IronFractal's "Additional Molds"


🍪🍪 Changes 🍪🍪

Verson 1.1.1
  • Added Handsaw
    • Based off a Keyhole Saw IRL 
    • Slower than Saw at cutting through tree logs, and leaves, for each metal.
    • Can be used to create Boards from Logs (1 Log = 4 Boards)
    • Can be used to create Sticks from Boards (1 Board = 4 Sticks)
    • Created wtih 1 Stick and 1 Handsaw Blade
    • Durability current unchanged from Saws (Considering changing this, Please provide feedback)
  • Added Handsaw Mold
    • 2 Ingots for 2 Handsaw Blades
    • Can be made with either Blue or Fire Clay
Version 1.2.0
  • Added Readme with RoadMap
  • Added Changelog
  • General 1.15 Upgrades Improvements
  • Clay Molds Updated to Work In Pit Kilns
  • Plate Mold Updated
  • Handsaw Changes
    • New Model
      • Fixed Z-Fighting Issues
      • Fixed Appearance with Player Holding
    • Reduced Durability to 1/4 Original
1.2.5 – March 7, 2023
  • General Improvements and Upgrades to 1.16.x Compatibility
  • New MoldBulk Plate Mold
    • Requires Fire Clay
    • Adds ability to pour 5 plates at once.
    • Large mold. Only stacks 1x in inventory, carry’s two handed. (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Added ja Language files provided by Macoto_hino
  • Fixed Redwood Logsection interaction with handsaw.
  • Cleaned up en lang file to include description in handsaw to show how many boards and sticks are created.
  • Fix – Mold Selection Box Sixes (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – Mold Collision Box Sizes (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – GuiTransform for Tools/Molds (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – tpHandTransform for Tools/Molds (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – groundTransorm for Tools/Molds (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – 2-Hand holding for 3rd Person for Large Molds (Thanks SpearAndFang)
  • Fix – Center Plate Recipe for Clay forming (Thanks SpearAndFang - I know this has been bugging others)
  • Fix – Center Plate in Plate Mold
  • Fix – toolrackTransform for Handsaw General Cleanup to Mod in general – moving Mod files into Mod folder and leaving game files in game folder.
1.2.6 - March 7, 2023
  • Fix - Updated ja.json Language file provided by Macoto_hino
1.3.0 - March 8, 2023
  • General Improvements and Upgrades to  1.17.x  Compatibility
  • Cleaned up JSON throughout Mod - That's right, all of the Mold files and recipe files have been cleaned up!
  • Tweak - Added Ground Storage to Handsaw to bring in line with 1.17 feature
  • UPDATE - ja.json Language file provided by Macoto_hino
    • Hoop Mold
    • Wrench Mold (2x Wrench Per Mold)
    • Spearhead Mold
  • Fix - Added all Molds and Handsaw to "YABBA Forge" Creative Inventory Tab
  • NOTE: At this time, it is noted that the RAW versions of Molds are able to be rotated. It is my hope that either ALL molds (RAW AND BURNED) will be able to be rotated, or that Neither will. I compared the section of the JSON I would have to remove from the JSON for the Raw mold to prevent this for the vanilla molds, and it is still in vanilla. So, for now I am making the decision to leave it in.... Unfortunately, I was not able to make Burned molds rotatable as well. Any suggestions doing this with json would be welcome.

Thank you to everyone who hung out on stream (Looking at you SpearAndFang, and the surprise drop-in from Macoto_hino). All of your support is amazing!

1.4.0 - March 8, 2023
  • General Improvements and Upgrades to  1.18 Pre  Compatibility
  • FIX - en.json description of Handsaw mold for Meteoric Iron and Steel Handsaws
  • UPDATE – ja.json Language file provided by Macoto_hino
    • Single Nail and Strip Kit Mold
March 10, 2023

For the updates done this week for VS Versions 1.16 through 1.18 pre-x, there was a bug that prevented Handsaw Molds from being poured. This happened in the change from 1.2.0 to 1.2.5, and is now corrected.

  • For VS 1.16.x newest version is 1.2.61
  • For VS 1.17.x newest version is 1.3.01
  • For VS 1.18 Pre-x newest version is 1.4.1
March 11, 2023

BotenRedWolf found another bug! Again, all the way back from when I cleaned up the code. The Handsaw was not playing nice with plank and stick recipes. 

  • FIX – Handsaw Recipes
  • Logs and Redwood Log Quarters to Planks
  • Planks to Sticks

Again, this fix has been applied to VS Game Version 1.16.x, 1.17.x, and 1.18 pre.x

For VS 1.16.x newest version is 1.2.62
For VS 1.17.x newest version is 1.3.02
and For VS 1.18 Pre-x newest version is 1.4.11


March 12, 2023
  • 1.2.63
    • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
      • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold
  • 1.3.03
    • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
      • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold
  • 1.4.12
    • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
      • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold
    • FIX – Nail and Strip Mold Clay Form Recipe
      • Forgot to add designator type of clay used when transferring from testing environment.


June 28, 2023

Introducing the "YABBA Forge" update for Vintage Story, a game-changing addition to your crafting arsenal! This update brings an array of exciting features, including the Arrowhead Mold for crafting deadly projectiles. But that's not all! We've also included Bulk Ingot Molds, allowing you to create 12 or 24 ingots at once, boosting your productivity to new heights. The Metal Puck makes its debut, offering a convenient and space-efficient storage solution for your precious metals.

And there's more! With the addition of the Mold for Metal Puck, you can now melt your pucks in the Crucible, unlocking new possibilities for metal manipulation. The update also introduces the ability to deconstruct the Bronze Armlet found while panning, providing valuable resources for your crafting endeavors.

Prepare to unleash your creativity and efficiency with the "YABBA Forge" update. Forge arrows, mass-produce ingots, and store your metals conveniently with the Metal Puck system. Dive into the world of Vintage Story and embrace the power of advanced crafting and resource management!



🍪🍪 ROADMAP AS OF March 7, 2023🍪🍪

  • Add Config File for Client/Server Mold/Tool Selectability
  • Include Ability to Scrap Down Metal Parts for Metal
    • First must process Scrap
      • No Addatives = T2 Metal
      • Addatives = T3 Metal, but reduced Quantity
  • New Molds
    • Continue to Add Molds for Vanilla Recipes as Needed for Accessibility in Future Versions 
    • Chain Link
      • Novelty Mold for Making Chainlink
    • Vials
      • Novelty Mold
      • Introduces Lead-Glass that can be melted/poured from Crucible
      • Do nothing themselves, but future connection with YABBA
    • Pucks
      • Small Round Ingots that can be melted back in crucible, 20 Units per Puck.
  • NEW Tool Addons
    • Tool Handles
      • Different handle types other than just sticks
        • Heavy Handle
        • Padded Handle
        • etc

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.4.2 10296 Jun 29th 2023 at 5:33 AM Show Install now
v1.4.12 1370 Mar 13th 2023 at 3:26 AM Show Install now
v1.4.11 175 Mar 11th 2023 at 4:58 PM Show Install now
v1.4.1 166 Mar 11th 2023 at 5:21 AM Show Install now
v1.4.0 185 Mar 9th 2023 at 6:35 AM Show Install now
v1.3.03 355 Mar 13th 2023 at 3:27 AM Show Install now
v1.3.02 141 Mar 11th 2023 at 5:11 PM Show Install now
v1.3.01 132 Mar 11th 2023 at 5:20 AM Show Install now
v1.3.0 163 Mar 8th 2023 at 4:25 PM Show Install now
v1.2.63 159 Mar 13th 2023 at 3:28 AM Show Install now
v1.2.62 169 Mar 11th 2023 at 5:11 PM Show Install now
v1.2.61 134 Mar 11th 2023 at 5:19 AM Show Install now
v1.2.6 130 Mar 8th 2023 at 1:24 AM Show Install now
v1.2.5 141 Mar 7th 2023 at 5:48 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 2714 Aug 30th 2021 at 2:29 AM Show Install now
v1.1.1 760 Apr 8th 2021 at 2:15 AM Show Install now
v1.0.1 509 Mar 29th 2021 at 2:45 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 457 Mar 28th 2021 at 1:15 AM Show Install now

53 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 OpPointBaker, Jun 6th at 12:31 PM

Might I request adding compatibility with ExtraChutes / DanaTweaks ? Being able to make chutes out of more than just copper has been a game changer, and being able to pour chutes rather than forge them would be that much more of a game changer! <3 ~OPB

💬 MarkusAureus, May 19th at 5:35 PM

Without the ability to melt iron, you cannot make a handsaw out of it. It's a bit of an oversight, but other than that the mod still works fine in 1.19.7. Love the bulk ingot molds! Maybe a bulk puck mold to save room?

💬 Stefthegray, May 11th at 3:26 AM

I tried to saw some boards with the handsaw but I can't seem to get boards. I am on 1.19.7.

💬 Matiamo, Feb 28th at 10:50 PM

This is working for me on 1.19.3 have yet to try 1.19.4 as waiting for a few mods that broke in my pack to update. Pamela

💬 Pamela, Feb 13th at 9:08 PM

Will this work in 1.19?  If not, will it be updated?

💬 Kiladin, Jan 29th at 1:22 PM

Your versioning is a bit wonky.  The latest file is tagged 1.4.2, which makes it appear to be older than the prior two releases, which were 1.4.11 and 1.4.12.  Mostly a pain for those of us messing about with any auto updating tool like EMTK, which was fooled by your versioning faux pas into thinking that the prior version was newer.  It also trips up the normal mod loader, which when faced with two copies of a mod, tries to load the newest one.  The update comment and zip file name, shows that you at least intended to tag it 1.4.20, but the modinfo.json file inside the zip has the version 1.4.2.

💬 Xandyr78, Jan 28th at 6:52 PM

I don't seem to be able to pour smelted metals into the nails & strips mold.   Anyone else experiencing this, or know why it might be?

💬 CKitt, Jan 22nd at 1:27 PM

I'd also love to see this updated to 1.19. Great mod!

💬 CrusadingPriest, Jan 20th at 11:53 PM

Hello. Just checking if this Mod will be updated to 1.19 Stable. Its one of the most used mods that we have on the server. 

💬 Aksyl, Jan 19th at 5:19 PM

Ailith In youtube vids where people use pucks instead of ingots, they're usually small enough to fit in one's crucible without breaking them apart first. So maybe they're more usable for smeltable metals?

💬 CrusadingPriest, Dec 28th 2023 at 9:36 AM

This mod is amazing. Its made a lot of work a little simlper. I can't wait till you add Iron smelting and chainmail molds. Thanks!!!

💬 Cardzy, Dec 25th 2023 at 1:30 AM

Sad to see it is missing a Scythe mold.  Great mod otherwise. 

💬 Ailith, Dec 23rd 2023 at 10:58 AM

still works 1.19-rc.1, l haven't quite figured out what workflow the pucks fit into but I'm sure they work for someone, love the mod.

💬 Maestro, Dec 20th 2023 at 2:54 AM

Thanks, ERGSunshine... it doesn't seem to work that way for me.  A standard saw over logs produces nothing.

💬 ERGSunshine, Dec 13th 2023 at 4:10 PM

Maestro the old recipe with the vanilla Saw (the one exclusive to smithing) still works, and is three times better. You still want to make that saw, but now you don't need an anvil to get boards.

💬 Maestro, Dec 7th 2023 at 4:04 AM

Do I understand this right? 

The only way to make boards with Yabba Forge installed is to cut them with a handsaw...

and the only way to make a handsaw is with a mold (forge doesn't work)...

so you can't make one out of iron until you have fuel that can burn at 1400-ish degrees? 

Is that correct?

💬 B0bb0, Dec 5th 2023 at 12:20 AM

I have had no issue with 1.19.pre-7

💬 iodide, Dec 3rd 2023 at 6:41 PM

Can anyone confirm if this works using v.1.19pre?

💬 ASILiara, Nov 26th 2023 at 10:18 PM

Something about the fact that it takes five pucks to make an ingot really bothers me. I'd really prefer it if pucks were 25 units worth each, so we could fill up a puck mold with 400 units instead of having such a weird amount. Of course, that's gonna be really fun to do, considering that you already have them at 20 units apiece...

💬 DrBubba, Nov 25th 2023 at 12:16 AM

I accidently made a sheet instead of a plate.  Is there currently a way to break up the plate into bits and re-cast it?

💬 Guimoute, Nov 7th 2023 at 6:09 PM

Hi, there is a tiny typo as of 1.4.2: arrowhead molds read x2 instead of x9.

💬 DragooKnight11, Oct 31st 2023 at 10:19 AM

Sheet mold feels a bit expensive at 2 ingots, considering a plate can be turned into two sheets with a little work.
Edit: I am dumb, right after I commented I remembered I was playing modded, then forgot to check, then just remembered to check, sheets don't seem to have a recipe normally, one of the mods is doing that.  Still having a config to tweak values would be nice, so I can quickly set the sheet mold to 100 units to fit in.

💬 Laerinok, Oct 23rd 2023 at 5:59 PM


This a french translation : fr.json

💬 RikeiR, Oct 16th 2023 at 1:59 PM

I have uploaded the Japanese translation files for v1.4.2.
I have also translated additional parts and corrected mistranslations.


💬 Silverback31, Sep 28th 2023 at 7:37 AM

how do you smelt iron into its puck form?

💬 NukoSan, Sep 23rd 2023 at 1:48 AM

How's compatibility with XSkill?

💬 Andromeda517, Sep 5th 2023 at 2:54 PM

the chain link mold doesnt seem to work, its not letting me pour molten metal into it. if it helps, im using bismuth bronze.

💬 DUCATISLO, Sep 3rd 2023 at 5:20 PM

my hero!

💬 RikeiR, Aug 15th 2023 at 12:18 AM

Thanks for the nice mod.

I want the following molds,

  • Scythe Head
  • Shears
  • vanilla Saw Blade
💬 Guimoute, Jul 16th 2023 at 9:10 PM

Nice, I'll grab this mostly to be able to make my own metallic arrows! After many hours I'm finally tired of buying them from survival goods traders.

Edit after 2 weeks of use: this mod is an absolute banger. Iron age really sucks the fun out of the game. Casting things is so much more satisfying!

💬 Cuiwi, Jul 6th 2023 at 3:07 PM

Hello! Does this work with the 'Spear And Arrow Head Recycling' mod? That mod also adds the ability to break down the bronze armlet into metal bits, but I'm super interested in the molds this mod has to offer!

Edit: Aaaa tested it out a bit myself, so far it seems to be working just fine with the other mod! :D These new molds are wrist savers for sure!

💬 QuakingDoom, Jun 24th 2023 at 6:34 PM

Plate mold should require 200 units, since smithing one requires two ingots. Perhaps make it 1 voxel taller as well?

Edit: My bad, I thought it required only 100 units.

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Jun 23rd 2023 at 8:40 AM

BisClever: Unknown. Bricklayers is not in my normal list of mods I use. No particular reason, I just don't do enough with pottery or similar to even think about it. I wouldn't be opposed to adding a compatibility layer for Bricklayers though if Tels wanted to send me a list of custom clays from their Mod 💜

💬 BisClever, Jun 21st 2023 at 4:45 AM

Hey Quixjote, is your mod compatible with Bricklayers clays?

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 15th 2023 at 6:54 AM

Icepick head mold? that doesn't sound like one of mine. Sounds interesting though.

💬 Pamela, Mar 14th 2023 at 10:00 PM

No more icepick head mold???

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 13th 2023 at 3:29 AM

1.2.63 – March 12, 2023

  • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
  • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold

1.3.03 – March 12, 2023

  • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
  • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold

1.4.12 – March 12, 2023

  • FIX – Raw Sheet mold
    • Typo preventing Pit Kiln Cooking to Burned Sheet Mold
  • FIX – Nail and Strip Mold Clay Form Recipe
    • Forgot to add designator type of clay used when transferring from testing environment.
💬 Hexedian, Mar 12th 2023 at 1:33 PM

Typo in nails and strips mold ingredients list makes it uncraftable.

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 11th 2023 at 5:14 PM

BotenRedWolf found another bug! Again, all the way back from when I cleaned up the code. The Handsaw was not playing nice with plank and stick recipes. 

March 11, 2023

  • FIX – Handsaw Recipes
  • Logs and Redwood Log Quarters to Planks
  • Planks to Sticks

Again, this fix has been applied to VS Game Version 1.16.x, 1.17.x, and 1.18 pre.x

For VS 1.16.x newest version is 1.2.62
For VS 1.17.x newest version is 1.3.02
and For VS 1.18 Pre-x newest version is 1.4.11

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 11th 2023 at 5:26 AM

For the updates done this week for VS Versions 1.16 through 1.18 pre-x, there was a bug that prevented Handsaw Molds from being poured. This happened in the change from 1.2.0 to 1.2.5, and is now corrected. 
For VS 1.16.x newest version is 1.2.61
For VS 1.17.x newest version is 1.3.01
and For VS 1.18 Pre-x newest version is 1.4.1

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 8th 2023 at 1:24 AM

Thank you macoto_hino for the updated Lang file 💜

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 7th 2023 at 6:03 PM

Old. but not dead. I am just going through the paces making sure I cover my bases. Seeing as 1.16 is still offered on the main site I will progress through where I was towards 1.18.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Mar 7th 2023 at 5:58 PM

Wait but 1.16 is dead

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Feb 16th 2023 at 2:58 PM

Appologies - Life and health got in the way of working on my mods. There will be updates this year ^_^

💬 Pervy_Sage, Jan 16th 2023 at 7:12 PM

Seems to still work for 1.7.10. I haven't poured any metal but the molds are craftable and it doesn't crash the world.

💬 Besnikdrown, May 24th 2022 at 2:34 PM

will this mod be getting an update or does it not require one?

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Apr 3rd 2022 at 5:06 PM

Macoto_hino: Thank you! I will include those with the 1.2.5 Update

💬 macoto_hino, Mar 24th 2022 at 4:41 AM

I've created a Japanese language file. Please use it if you like.😁

moremolds_v120 - game - ja.json

moremolds_v120 - ja.json

💬 Lisabet, Dec 30th 2021 at 8:16 PM

still works in 1.16rc4

the handsaw blade is only craftable with the mold (it's a jumpstart on planks before you can smith a normal saw)

💬 Sephyr, Dec 4th 2021 at 1:10 AM

Not sure if this is just me being a noob, or if it is just the mold cast saw blade, but the recipe for the handsaw and the regular saw are the same, so it wont let me craft a regular saw. Does it only let you make a handsaw if you are using a mold cast sawblade?

Other than that, great mod and haven't found any other issues in 15.9.

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Aug 30th 2021 at 2:43 AM

Version 1.2.0 Added

  • Added Readme with RoadMap
  • Added Changelog
  • General 1.15 Upgrades Improvements
  • Clay Molds Updated to Work In Pit Kilns
  • Plate Mold Updated
  • Handsaw Changes
    • New Model
      • Fixed Z-Fighting Issues
      • Fixed Appearance with Player Holding
    • Reduced Durability to 1/4 Original

Roadmap Added

  • Add Config File for Client/Server Mold/Tool Selectability
  • Include Ability to Scrap Down Metal Parts for Metal
    • First must process Scrap
      • No Addatives = T2 Metal
      • Addatives = T3 Metal, but reduced Quantity
  • New Molds
    • Chain Link
      • Novelty Mold for Making Chainlink
    • Vials
      • Novelty Mold
      • Introduces Lead-Glass that can be melted/poured from Crucible
      • Do nothing themselves, but future connection with YABBA
    • Pucks
      • Small Round Ingots that can be melted back in crucible, 20 Units per Puck.

As Always Suggestions and Ideas Welcome. Next Update we will be Focusing on the Configuration File

💬 QuixjoteAuthor, Mar 28th 2021 at 8:11 PM

Thanks MatFenric. I agree. This was the first modeling attempt. I am going to make the inner dimensions match better to the finished plate. Just finishing up a couple other molds to addd to the group and to upload again today 💜

💬 MatFenric, Mar 28th 2021 at 4:57 PM

Good idea. It would be better if the cast plate was the same size as the plate placed on the ground.

(edit comment delete)