Mods / Bunny's Server Utility
Author: FunnyBunnyofDOOM
Side: Server
Created: Aug 5th 2022 at 2:28 AM
Last modified: Nov 30th at 12:33 AM
Downloads: 2475
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
2.0.1 changelog-
- Fix /home delete
- Fix /home limit
- Add /home list
Translation Credits:
Mimarz, Shadowpotion
This is a server-side mod. Bunny's Server Utility only needs to be installed on the server side. Each module can be enabled/disabled with a command.
Languages: English, Russian, Polish, Spanish, German - Please reach out if you'd like to help translate this mod for others. Feel free to reach out if any translations are incorrect.
General commands
- /bsu help - Get a list of all of the commands available to you
- /bsu version - Get the version of Bunny Server utility
Admin General Commands:
- /removedeny playername - Removes a privilege denial from a player
- /warn playername reason - adds a warning to a player that can be viewed by anyone with the warn privilege.
- privilege "warn"
- /warn list - get a list of all players who have been warned
- /warn list number - Specific player warning information from /warn list
- /tpcost enable - enables teleport costs, players will have to pay for their teleports with the set item for each teleport
- /tpcost disable - Disables teleport costs
Home Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /sethome - set your current position as your home. Include a number if you have 1 or more homes
- /home - return to your home point. Include a number if you have more than 1 home
- /home help - get help information for /home
- privilege "home"
- /home delete number - Delete the home saved at the corresponding number
- /home list - Show the user a list of their /home locations
Admin Home Commands
- /home enable - enables the /home command
- /home disable - disables the /home command
- /home playercooldown minutes - How long players must wait before using this command again
- /home costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /home costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
- /sethome costitem - Sets the item that /sethome will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /sethome costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to set a home
- /home limit number - set the number of homes the players may select
Back Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /back - return to you last location of death or the last place you used a teleport command.
- /back help - gets help for the back command
Admin Back Commands
- /back enable - enables the back command
- /back disable - disables the back command
- /back playercooldown - sets the minutes a player must wait between using this command
- /back costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /back costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
Group Random Teleport Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /grtp - Teleport to a random location that changes periodically
- /grtp - help for the grtp command
Admin Group Random Teleport Commands
- /grtp enable - Enables the grtp command
- /grtp disable - Disables the grtp command
- /grtp cooldown -How often GRTP location moves
- /grtp radius - radius from world center that GRTP can teleport
- /grtp now - Start to generate a new GRTP location now
- /grtp playercooldown - Sets the minutes a player must wait between using this command
- /grtp costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /grtp costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
Spawn Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /spawn - teleport to spawn
- /spawn help - help for the spawn command
Admin Spawn Commands
- /spawn enable -enable the spawn command
- /spawn disable -disable the spawn command
- /spawn playercooldown - Sets the minutes a player must wait between using this command
- /spawn costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /spawn costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
Join Announce Admin Commands - [Enabled on default]
Join announce broadcasts a welcome message when a new player joins
- /joinannounce enable - enable join announce
- /joinannounce disable - disable join announce
- /joinannounce help - Help for the join announce mod
Rising Sun Admin Commands - [Disabled on default]
Rising sun advances the time to configured Dawn time when a new player joins after configured Dusk time
- /rs enable - enables rising sun
- /rs disable - disables risinsg sun
- /rs help - help for rising sun mod
- /rs dawn - Set the time that RS advances the clock to at night
- /rs dusk - Set the time that RS considers "night" and will advance to day
Private Message Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /dm playername message - sends a message to the player
- /dm help - help for private message
- /reply - Reply to the last person to message you
Private Message Admin Commands
- /jpm enable - enable private messaging
- /jpm disable - disable private messaging
Simple Server Messages Admin Commands - [Disabled on default]
- /ssm enable - Enable the server broadcaster
- /ssm disable - disable the server broadcaster
- /ssm list - list all server messages
- /ssm add message - Add a server message
- /ssm remove num - remover message number num from the list
- /ssm frequency num - how often in minutes to broadcast the messages
- /ssm now - Display the next message now
- /ssm help - help regarding ssm
Teleport To Commands - [Enabled on default]
- /tpt help - help for tpt command
- /tpt playername - request to teleport to the player
- /tpaccept - accept a teleport request
- /tpdeny - deny a teleport request
- /tpt playercooldown
Teleport To Admin Commands
- /tpt enable - enable teleport to
- /tpt disable - disable teleport to
- /tpt costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /tpt costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
- /tpt wipe - Wipes the TPT dictionary. Use this if a user is unable to /tpt
Bunny Bell Admin Commands - [Enabled on default]
Bunny bell plays a tone when a player says your name in chat
- /bb help - help for Bunny Bell
- /bb enable - enable bunny bell
- /bb disable - disable bunny bell
Random Teleport Commands - [Disabled on default]
- /rtp - teleport to a random location
- /rtp help - help for the rtp command
Random Teleport Admin Commands
- /rtp enable - enables rtp command
- /rtp disable - disables rtp command
- /rtp cooldown - how long the player must wait before using the command again
- /rtp radius - the radius rtp can teleport you from the world center
- /rtp costitem - Sets the item that the TP will use as cost. You must use the game code: "game:gear-rusty", "modname:mod-item"
- /rtp costqty - Sets the number of the set item that must be spent to teleport
Ironman Commands - [Enabled on default]
Ironman disables all teleports, removes your gear and inventory, and teleports the player to a remote region. The days the player survives is added to a leaderboard.
Note: The ironman teleport is made for a default world. I will add configuration for non-default worlds with the next version update.
- /ironman - Starts the ironman mode
- /ironman confirm - Confirms the ironman mode, removes your items and gear and teleports you to a new area
- /ironman highscores
Ironman Admin Commands
- /ironman enable
- /ironman disable
- The join message displays players online when you join the server. This can be disabled in the configs. A command for this will be included in the future.
See this mod in use!
Tested on 1.19.8 Port: 25638
If you like my mods please consider supporting us through Paypal!
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v2.0.1 | 72 | Nov 30th at 12:33 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v2.0.0 | 305 | Aug 9th at 12:06 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.6 | 553 | Jun 3rd 2023 at 3:24 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.5 | 400 | Nov 25th 2022 at 2:36 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 314 | Oct 21st 2022 at 1:41 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 269 | Sep 14th 2022 at 12:44 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 291 | Aug 12th 2022 at 3:54 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 271 | Aug 6th 2022 at 11:11 PM | Show | | Install now |
gndrneutralnoun Thanks for the report! I've discovered this and a few other commands. This has to do with the huge re-write that was necesarry when updating to the new .net version. This will be one of my highest priorities and I'll try to have it out ASAP.
Hey, I can't seem to delete any homes with /home delete. It just says "Please enter a non-negative number." even though I did "/home delete 1" exactly. Is this something you can reproduce on your end or should I be looking for mod conflicts? Edit: Everything else about the /home command seems to work fine, though I haven't fiddled with the admin commands.
FunnyBunnyofDOOM Day late and a dollar or two short, but thanks!
Zilvai Thanks for the report! I'll investigate and try to see what's conflicting with ZSkills. First, are you running /bsu help from console or as a player? Looks like it's unable to find your "player" object. Also is this happening with any comand you use?
Hello, I have been having an issue with the mod. While I am admin of the server, I am not getting privleges. On top of that when I use /bsu help I get the following error:
21.8.2024 15:07:35 [Server Error] Command: /bsu help
21.8.2024 15:07:35 [Server Error] Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at bunnyserverutilities.bunnyserverutilitiesModSystem.displayhelp(IServerPlayer player, String helpType)
at bunnyserverutilities.bunnyserverutilitiesModSystem.Cmd_bsu(TextCommandCallingArgs args)
at Vintagestory.Common.ChatCommandImpl.CallHandler(TextCommandCallingArgs callargs, Action`1 onCommandComplete, Dictionary`2 asyncParseResults) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\Command\ChatCommandImpl.cs:line 314
at Vintagestory.Common.ChatCommandImpl.Execute(TextCommandCallingArgs callargs, Action`1 onCommandComplete) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\Command\ChatCommandImpl.cs:line 250
at Vintagestory.Common.ChatCommandApi.Execute(String commandName, TextCommandCallingArgs args, Action`1 onCommandComplete) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\Command\ChatCommandApi.cs:line 99
at Vintagestory.Common.ChatCommandApi.Execute(String commandName, IServerPlayer player, Int32 groupId, String args, Action`1 onCommandComplete) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\Command\ChatCommandApi.cs:line 143
After a bit of testing, it seems to clash with XSkillz, making it impossible to use XSkillz at all with Bunny's installed.
I am currently starting work on updating this project. Thanks for the patience. You can follow development here: Bunny Server Utility 2.0.0 Project
Yes, I am planning to update to Net7. I apologize, I've been too busy but I am working on this again. It will take me a while to get this updated to .Net7 but this mod is my #1 priority. I apologize for the wait. I will look into breaking out the ironman mod. one of it's main features is to disable the teleports in this mod. so I'll have to think on how to tackle that.
Dapper: I'll work on that. I should be able to do that.
FunnyBunnyofDOOM - any chance we'll be seeing an update for net7? Or perhaps a dedicated ironman specific mod?
Would it be possible some time in the future to be able to name homes and then be able to list them? It would make it easier to remember which home goes where rather then numbers.
Doesn't load on .NET 7 :(
oh, yes, so glad to have this back
Sableye Sounds good! My next release was originally going to be an iron-man update release, but I may need to either push that back or combine it with the "bunny bell" update. I added more sounds and options to the bunny bell mod I'd like to add to BSU as well. I'll do my best to include both in the next release!
Thanks for the support.
FunnyBunnyofDOOM Thank you for the reply and all the great mods, and ill be glad to have this mod back.
Hi Bunny, thanks for all your work for this mod! I love to see the multiple homes coming, that was on my own wishlist!
One thing I'd love to see with your modd is historical data added for the /ironman highscores - Right now if a player tries again, it resets their score to their current playthrough, and we want players to be able to compete against their old scores for better.
Thanks for the consideration! :)
I am working on an update curently. I am focused on bug fixes. I am currently 52% to the next release, and my release goal is before 5/26. Apologies for the wait. I am also working on a fix for the /tpt bug, but the /tpt wipe will be a stop-gap measure to try to help mitigate the issue.
Currently in the coming release:
1.0.6 changelog-
@EightDigit thanks for the answer back, glad It's still working
Mendall works just fine on my pub
Does Anyone know if this still works in 1.18 or if it is going to be updated?
And it seems tpt accept is broken, people are getting "an exception was thrown while executing command: the given key was not present in the dictionary"
I believe i have requested it before, but it would be neat, if we could disable /sethome so that /home only teleports to spawn spots that have been set with an temporal gear players have to work for/ to find first. FunnyBunnyofDOOM
Redcoughdrop If you are using the official VS servers, I don't believe they support mods yet, unfortunately. Hopefully that feature is added soon.
I've added the mod to my folder and it shows that it's there but when I try and run any commands in game it says command unknown. Is there something that I'm missing? Thanks in advance :D
I'm not sure if it matters but I'm using the server rented on here.
That is a strange one. I'll have to investigate this. Apologies for the crash. I'll make this and the other bug you've reported to me a high priority when I have the released I'm currently working on completed.
16:57:22 [Server Notification] Handling Command /tpt BoolyStudy
16:57:24 [Server Chat] gaio: <strong>gaio:</strong> ya
16:57:25 [Server Notification] Handling Command /waypoint addati pick =514887.860405843 =117 =509908.355744974 False #F47832 cobre
16:57:28 [Server Chat] BoolyStudy: <font color="#10ff00"><strong>[Donador]</strong></font><strong>BoolyStudy:</strong> bugaso
16:57:31 [Server Notification] Handling Command /tpaccept
16:57:31 [Server Error] Player BoolyStudy/wVqomuSy1Ogy/RgKcIzg9S2p caused an exception through a command.
16:57:31 [Server Error] Command: /tpaccept
16:57:31 [Server Error] Arguments:
16:57:31 [Server Error] Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x00008] in <c453bf849bb84e719dbec0475e99db95>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x00000] in <c453bf849bb84e719dbec0475e99db95>:0
at bunnyserverutilities.src.bunnyserverutilities.cmd_tpaccept (Vintagestory.API.Server.IServerPlayer player, System.Int32 groupId, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x000a4] in <de4bd2163da04df58e0d160d89b5dd00>:0
at Vintagestory.API.Common.ServerChatCommand.CallHandler (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 groupId, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00000] in <c45f8f9ae2e44e27810185f8d4839e5f>:0
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerChatCommand (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 channelId, System.String command, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00045] in <f8e7e0ea709348ba8693d95fd255ff41>:0
at Vintagestory.Server.CoreServerEventManager.TriggerChatCommand (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 channelId, System.String command, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00015] in <f8e7e0ea709348ba8693d95fd255ff41>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandleCommand_Patch1(Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain,Vintagestory.API.Server.IServerPlayer,int,string,string)
16:57:31 [Server Error] at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x00008] in <c453bf849bb84e719dbec0475e99db95>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x00000] in <c453bf849bb84e719dbec0475e99db95>:0
at bunnyserverutilities.src.bunnyserverutilities.cmd_tpaccept (Vintagestory.API.Server.IServerPlayer player, System.Int32 groupId, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x000a4] in <de4bd2163da04df58e0d160d89b5dd00>:0
at Vintagestory.API.Common.ServerChatCommand.CallHandler (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 groupId, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00000] in <c45f8f9ae2e44e27810185f8d4839e5f>:0
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerChatCommand (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 channelId, System.String command, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00045] in <f8e7e0ea709348ba8693d95fd255ff41>:0
at Vintagestory.Server.CoreServerEventManager.TriggerChatCommand (Vintagestory.API.Common.IPlayer player, System.Int32 channelId, System.String command, Vintagestory.API.Common.CmdArgs args) [0x00015] in <f8e7e0ea709348ba8693d95fd255ff41>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandleCommand_Patch1(Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain,Vintagestory.API.Server.IServerPlayer,int,string,string)
Bug helpme, tpt :(
Home is linked to /sethome. I can make another home that takes you to your temporal gear spot. Maybe I'll call it /gearhome or /homegear. Give me a few weeks to get that done, I am pretty busy at work and have lots of planned updates for my mods but I'll get it done for you. It's been requested before so I'm happy to add that.
For the trade-o-may, I'll have to test. I was able to use one of my modded items as a cost, so when I have time I'll try to do some testing with the coin and see if I can get that working. Thanks for the feedback! BoolyStudy
Help me about the mod trade, I'm wanting to add the use of mod trade coins to spawn but it won't let me, please help me how the command would be. I'm adding the command "/spawn costitem coin-copper" and it doesn't work, also putting " /spawn costitem Trade-o-mat:coin-copper" and it doesn't work, could you answer me saying how the command would be, please help me. FunnyBunnyofDOOM
hello in the next update could you put that when using /home it takes us to our point where we put the temporary gear?
WickedSchnitzel RogueRaiden
I've added the ability to set item costs for each teleport command. I've also added /cooldown and /cooldowns to check all your active cooldowns. Let me know if you have any issues!
Example to get costs for rtp:
/tpcost enable
/rtp costitem game:gear-rusty (/rtp costiem rocksalt:rocksalt)
/rtp costqty 1 (sets the cost to 1 item)
now when the player uses /rtp they will need to have one of the selected items in inventory.
In future releases I will add a command to set the cost item from your hand instead of using the item code, but that will come later.
ahh, I didn't realize i had to run the "/jpm enable" command to get the "/dm" command to work, was thinking it had a config to enable. so that one is good :)
the temporal gear cost for teleport commands would be amazing actually haha
RogueRaiden Those error messages are fine. Even though some of those values aren't used, they are imporant for the structure. For example, every module has a "cmdname" so that I can add it to help or enable/disable functions without writing a whole new function and just passing the "cmdname". So even if it's not used, it still needs to stay in there.
Join announce should send a message to every player when the user joins. I'm not seeing any issues on our server with it, but I'll troubleshoot and see if I can recreate your issue, or identify the cause.
Private message should always be on. I'll look into this. It should be /dm playername message and not /pm playername. The /pm command is part of the vanilla game and unfinished. Could I have your playerdata file so I can try to recreate these messages with your player's data?
Finally Bunny Bell is on my list of things to rework. I could not get volume to work, so I'm going to make selections of sounds that the user can select from, and a mute for each player. I'm also going to make a client-side add-on for the bunny bell that lets you use this feature on other servers while only installing the mod on your client.
Thanks for the feedback and I'll try to get these things handled!
I'll work on making another module/command that the admin can set the locations for and costs temporal gears to teleport. Do I understand that correctly?
Also, I love the /cooldowns idea. I'll try to get that into the next release. Thank you so much!
Also getting these warning in the server console
Wil there be an option to disable /sethome and only allow /home (getting back to spawn points set with temp gears only) somewhere in the future? And here a suggesion from some of my players: a /cooldowns command that shows you the remaining time left on all cooldowns. FunnyBunnyofDOOM
Is the "Join Announce" supposed to send a message only to a new player, or send a message to everyone when a new player joins? Been using this and the message doesn't show to everyone, only the new player.
We were trying to use the "Private Message" part of this and the commands were not working. I dont see a toggle for it in the config either.
And is there a way the "Bunny Bell" could be disabled individually by a player? or would that require client side parts for the mod.
WickedSchnitzel I've added a cooldown timer to TPT. Also, I've created lang files for translation. if you'd like to change the messaging you can do so in the assets/lang/ folder of this mod.
WickedSchnitzel No need to apologize! Your feedback is extremely helpful. I will make sure to take some time to work on this as soon as possible.
Another thing: tpt does not seem to have a cooldown option. Sorry if i complain too much. I like your mod, but i would like to keep the gameplay survival. Teleporting around without a cooldown would be too casual. It's just a suggestion. FunnyBunnyofDOOM
WickedSchnitzel I'm not seeing this issue in my live or test server. I'll do some more investigation and see if I can figure this out. Thanks!
the /back command does not return players to their last place of death. anything i am missing? And it would be nice to be able to disable /sethome and only allow /home (getting back to spawn points set with temp gears only) FunnyBunnyofDOOM
Tested on 1.17.0rc5.
WickedSchnitzel If you enable Rising Sun before you join the world for the first time it should still work for admins. This only works the first time someone joins, so if you join the server, enable Rising Sun and rejoin, you will not be joining for the first time. I will also work on making a configurable feature that allows this to work every time a player logs into the world.
The rising sun feature does not work. Not on my server at least. Or does it not trigger on admins? FunnyBunnyofDOOM