Mods / Stonepiles
Author: FlyingSpaten
Side: Both
Created: Dec 14th 2021 at 9:36 PM
Last modified: Dec 22nd 2023 at 10:14 AM
Downloads: 9044
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
Are you tired of placing your stones in an endless ammounts of chests?
Try piling them up just like charcoal!
Initially place a stonepile on the ground by holding sprint+crouch and click on the desired spot. After that you can add stones with sneak + interact and remove them via sprint + interact just like on a coal-pile.
All types of Stone
All types of Quartz (normal, clear, rosy, smoky)
All types of Clay
All types of ungraded ores (amethyst, borax, cinnabar, corrundum, flourite, kernite, laislazuli, olivine, phosphorite, sulfur, sylvite)
All types of graded ores in Stone (native copper, limonite, gold, galena, cassiterite, chromite, ilmenite, sphalerite, silver, bismuthite, magnetite, hematite, malachite, pentlandite, uranium, rhodochrosite)
Add functionality for piles working with hoppers (piles being drained by hoppers as well as (maybe if technical possible) being created by them)
Version 1.1.2 Nuggets can now also be piled
Version 1.1.1 Graded ores in stone as well as flint can now be piled
Version 1.1.0 Added compatibility for CreativeRealms Conquest Nature Pack. This mod now uses the games textures rather than custom ones.
Version 1.0.7 Fixed minor errors
Version 1.0.6 claypiles can now only be created by holding the sneak- and sprint-key and right click.
Version 1.0.5 fixed NPE when trying to place a meteoric-iron-pile
Version 1.0.4 should make the mod compatible with other mods that modify the behavior of stone-items via Item-Behavior.
Version 1.0.3 fixes some small errors
With Version 1.0.2 the two different clay types can also be piled. Because clay can be interacted with (for clay-forming) you also have to start placing a pile with sneak + interact just like a pile of stones.
Since Version 1.0.1 this mod also supports Version 1.16 and more types of resources can piled in addition to stones:
- Amethyst
- Borax
- Cinnabar
- Quartz (clear, normal, rose, smoky)
- Corundum
- Flourite
- Kernite
- Lapislazuli
- Olivine
- Phosphorite
- Sulfur
- Sylvite
Placing these non-stone-piles works exactly like a pile of coal.
- Compatible with Conquest Nature Pack
- Compatible with Geology Additions (Except for the added graded ores in stone for some reason. Nuggets work just fine)
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.1.2 | 2813 | Dec 22nd 2023 at 10:14 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.1 | 154 | Dec 21st 2023 at 10:26 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.0 | 1491 | Aug 12th 2023 at 4:51 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.7 | 198 | Aug 12th 2023 at 2:36 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.6 | 1306 | Jul 10th 2022 at 3:08 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.5 | 340 | Jul 8th 2022 at 7:17 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 471 | Jun 21st 2022 at 7:43 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 576 | May 6th 2022 at 5:00 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 683 | Jan 17th 2022 at 4:50 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 489 | Jan 3rd 2022 at 3:16 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 523 | Dec 14th 2021 at 9:38 PM | Show | | Install now |
Can't place granite stones piles properly (1.19.8 with many mods), the action places the first layers of the pile then removes them immediately instead of adding more.
Can't clay craft with Red Clay in 1.20.8-RC, can with blue and fire clay.
I know it's not built for 1.20, buuut it does work aside from this one issue!
Game crashes if you have stonepiles on the ground and you run /db prune
any chance for and update? looks like this mods breaks molding red clay which is the new common clay in 1.20 . blue and fire clay still work. really love this mod for storing ore.
After doing some testing, it looks like there is a mod incompatibility with Bullseye. Some change with throwing rocks takes priority over the keybindings that allow the rock piling.
Having trouble getting Granite to pile. Keeps trying to knap instead. Can pile Flint without encountering this issue. Anybody else encounter this issue, or am I missing a trick for how to place it?
This seems to be working with 1.19.8 so far. I just deleted stonepiles.json and the stone pile lines from SetPilableClasses.json from the zip to make More Piles stone stacking work again. Thanks for this, I love being able to ground store flint and metal bits.
Hey, this is the dev for Piles!(Rot and Salt), we have very similar mods and in fact I took a lot of inspiration directly from StonePiles itself for it and even used your mod as a basis and reference for my own implementation and understanding of how Piles work in VS. I recently came across some bugs with piles that root from Vanilla VS implementation of them. I believe that one or more of the bugs with vanilla VS piles may also be present in Stonepiles and perhaps there are more within both VS and yours as a knockon effect of them that I havent seen or can confirm at a glance. I think the OnNeighbourChanged() desync one or very similar does occur at least that I bring up in the additional comment on the report. I thought itd be helpful to let you know and share what I learnt about it and reported to the VS team about piles so we all can collectively squash it and any other that mightve cropped up from them. I also think as (I think?) the only other "Piles" dev you might have more insight or ideas on the bugs themselves, how to fix them, or even just overall improving piles themselves post-bug-fix.
Hope this is not uncouth or bothersome, and thanks for all the brilliant work on stonePiles, been an inspiration.
Vintage Story Github Bug-Report
I love the ore pile integration!
If possible, would you consider also adding the "bits" from mods like Anvil Recovery?
Hello everyone,
after life got in the way the past months I was able to check your questions.
Moon_Dew In a way it ist. The Item-piles seem to work but the Stonepile-Stonepiles override the MorePiles-Piles.
Aeonsteel I testet with the current Mod-Versions for 1.18.x and could not reproduce the problem. Can you tell me more about your game setup so that I may reproduce the problem?
iodide I testet with 1.19.7 and it worked.
Can anyone confirm if this works using v.1.19pre?
@Aeonsteel Thank you for stating this! I would have had no idea otherwise.
This mod still makes it so you can't Clayform with 'Bricklayers' clay types
Is this compatible with DanaCraluminum's More Piles?
MrTango That sadly is correct. But it would be a good addition for the future. I might add it in the next version.
Cant pile flint :(
Pervy_Sage That can happen if the world crashes or is loaded without the mod present. I changed the code so that you should be able to remove the damaged piles now.
Heebeejeebees You are correct, you should be able to place piles with sprint+crouch+right click. I also tested with a multiplayer server and sadly could not recreate your problem.
Re: the problem I had in August: yeah I made an issue on the Bricklayers issues page and the dev fixed it on their end. So it's all good.
This mod does not work in MP. Unless there's some weird thing in moddata or modconfig as residual files which makes it not work, I tried with stonepiles alone in a new world and I am unable to produce pile blocks with a stack of shale stone on-hand when I am otheriwise able to in SP.
It's sprint-crouch right-click yes?
It doesn't show up in 1.18.5.
Seems like it was some weirdness using a local copy not installed from the AUR, or maybe some netplay issues because I upgraded to 1.18.5 through AUR and it works now.. It always had worked, at least in SP. My setup was just being hella-dumb.
I had to remove the mod because some of the piles looked like they were there but weren't. This happened to about a 1/3rd of the piles.
Its odd. Mod was working, but something happened and I cant made new piles.
Hey gndrneutralnoun, sorry for the wait. I tested with stonepiles in version 1.0.6 with Bricklayers 1.1.1 and could not replicate the problem.
Maybe a newer Bricklayers-Version will fix your issue.
Having both this mod and Bricklayers installed prevents clayforming with Bricklayers' colored clays. Had to drop this mod as a result - I'd really appreciate a fix.
FlyingSpaten nice, thank you
YourCreator I modified the code so that claypiles can only be placed by holding sneak- an sprint-key maybe that helps
@FlyingSpaten, i have a bunch of mods and shift + rclk didnt make base form for clayforming. It does change this process?
Hey YourCreator.
could you elaborate the problem a bit more?
I tested with Version 1.0.5 of the mod and could not reproduce any problems.
In wich context did you encounter the Problem an what does/doesn't work?
clayforming didnt work with that mod
Hey Maimessu,
yes your'e right, sorry about that. I forgot to include the meteoric-iron but its a stone-item so the mod didn't find the right pile-asset.
Error should hopefully be fixed in 1.0.5. If not let me know. ;-)
Hey there!
My server is having an issue with Stonepiles. For some reason, it seems to be causing a critical error crash when interacting with meteorite peices. Attempting to crouch + click with a meteorite in hand causes the following:
We discovered the issue when our smith came back online after a hiatus and started crashing out when interacting with the bloomeries, but even trying to place meteorite fragments on the ground (vanilla behaviour) crashes as well.
Seconding Ikirou, issue no longer exists.
Happy to do!
Love this Mod would love to have it working
Its when u have a full stack and click onto it with more stones.
It seemed to create the item directly when i place the next stone after a full block is done like a id conflict maybe ?
I dont use Cottage windows anymore and will try adding your mod today again and tell if it does it still
Edit: Seems to be fixed could not recreate the bug! Thanks!
It has been some time since I got to work on this mod. But now I was able to work on it a bit more.
KawaiiGurl I was able to fix the problem. Now piles with only one stone are also possible without glitching.
Thranos Ikirou I tried to find the source of the problem, even testet with the cottage windows mod but wasn't able to reproduce the error. Can you maybe give me a bit more context for the problem?
Great mod! I am having an issue when only placing a single stone as a pile; it becomes uninteractable, but destroying the block underneath the pile drops the stone item, so that's my current work around when I do this on accident. The mod seems to only like placing piles of 2 stones minimum to start a pile, which makes logical sense💛
Yea the same problem happens with Cottage Windows if u stack a second block it happens there is spawned a window some type of same problem as Thranos
Back again with another bizarre error- Starting a second block of stacked anything (except quartz, oddly enough) on top of an existing one while also using the BuildingsPlus Roof Submod causes the new layer of stack to... turn into a roof block. For some reason. Somehow.
Thranos yes you are right, I fixed it. Now x-ray power must be earned again - by digging a hole.
Devilofether a good suggestion. So I added it with version 1.0.2
Quartz/Clear Quartz piles seem to uh... basically grant X-Ray vision. When placed, caves and other spaces are visible through them as if the ground has become invisible. Might want to fix that.
Could you make a version of this mod for clay? it would be nice to dig out a clay pit without needing a chest when you get carried away digging