Mods / Ancient Military Technology - AnMiTech for 1.19.8
Author: surio
Side: Both
Created: Sep 28th 2024 at 5:31 PM
Last modified: Nov 5th 2024 at 7:03 PM
Downloads: 2825
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
Atarashī Hajimari - Welcome Vintarian!
Originally created by the amazing tonzag, this mod adds a large number of different samples of ancient weapons and armour to the game. You can feel like a Viking, Samurai, landsknecht and even a Roman legionnaire.The original mod page and details of all the awesome-tacular items it adds to the game can be accessed from here.
Some recipes are broken in 1.20 due to the changes in
Please do not report this error.
NEW: Scutum shields are now part of the mod and available to craft and use in game.
- Since the 1.19.x game update, the animation overhauls in-game messed up the weapon hitbox and player animations. Those have all been updated and fixed to be super responsive and accurate. No more swing-and-pray-and-miss!
- Player feedback on deliberately slowed swing speeds for many weapons like mace and axe was unfavourable. That debuff has been removed in this release. So, you can make a steel pernach and bash that tier 4 drifter now!
- Some of the weapons such as Sabre, Katana, Mace, etc. have been rebalanced (based on historical battle recreation video feedback)
- Many steel and steel tier armours in game were incorrectly tiered but now fixed.
Thanks to great help of active and helpful modder DanaCraluminum for extensive help during first port of this amazing mod for 1.19.x and beyond.
Honourable mentions: SpearAndFang and pizza2004 for helpful suggestions that kept things moving.
Wield your Katana with Do-Maru and Kabuto, make light Nomad armour for your archer builds, smith yourself a Flamberge and a Kriegsmesser for Landsknecht euro cool, relive the Roman empire with Lorica Segmentata, Scutum, Gladius and Pilums. And the crowd favourites such as Sabres, Battle Axes, Spears and Maces for maximum damage and long reach...
The possibilities are endless!
PS: Tonzag hasn't been active on here or forums so I'll continue maintaining this mod until tonzag returns to take back his baby. This is a great mod and deserves to be enjoyed by players well into the future.
The github page will eventually contain the final release of the mod shared here. Done. Source now points to this mod release.
The scutum roman shield that tonzag had planned to add, will also be implemented as well. DONE! Iconic, durable Roman shield. Provides near complete protection against aimed and stray enemy blows, through sheer size overlap. Called Scutum and paired with gladius. Enjoy!
Thanks to xXx_Ape_xXx for all the help in polishing the textures, recipes, etc. Very special thanks are due to ChronoLegionaire for the shield code!
The mod is localised for English (tonzag), Russian (tonzag), Japanese (macito hino), Ukranian (Deanbro), Spanish (tRead) and Portuguese (Zaldaryon on discord).
Feel free to submit translations in your favourite language to be added in future releases. Thanks in advance.
Compatibility issues (so far):
Mod is incompatible with Attributer - Reborn and by extension RPG Item rarity. It will continue to be so until I re-implement every single vanilla shield attribute. I am not willing to take it upon myself at this point. (Thanks to X_Reactiionzz for debugging and reporting this on discord)
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v2.0.0 | 1730 | Nov 5th 2024 at 7:03 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.2 | 1095 | Sep 28th 2024 at 6:04 PM | Show | | Install now |
@surio just poppin' in to stay in your mindspace 👻
Calamity they are not armours in first place. If you meant on the wall racks etc? I think you ought to prop it against walls on grounds, and that is most practical, because of their huge size in first place.
Any chance you can fix scutums not being able to be put on armor stands?
Hello X_Reactiionzz
Sorry to hear the troubles you are having. I have checked in game just now to check if anything's off, and mod is working fine. Both xXx_Ape and Chronolegionaire had also tested the mod in creative and found everything working alright. I hope your's is an anomaly that works itself out soon? Keep me posted. I will ask a few more to test in creative once again, over the weekend.
Here's the image from game in case the image is not embedding above.
First it threw a stone at me (1 dmg), then moved to attack. rest are point blank attacks that the shield was able to block.
I'm not sure why you are facing problems.
EDIT: Could you also please share your modlist... It could be a mod conflict as well?
You may join here in discord for interactive chat and for sharing other details (timezones overlapping, that is)
Hi, I appear to be having an issue with the Scutum. I am blocking with it in offhand, and the animation correctly plays, however it is not blocking any attack from any angle. I take damage as normal, shield loses no durability and have tried various positioning to no avail. I dont believe I have any mods affecting animations or what not. Thanks!
Indeed xXx_Ape_xXx so glad I could get it released 😅. Thanks for nudge through your own mod releases.
My PC issues are ongoing and when the PC reboots abruptly while VS is running the game corrupts so I have to do a clean uninstall/reinstall. Getting a new PSU this week and hopefully resolve it.
Calamity thanks 🙏, this is a hugely popular mod and I want to keep it up to date so more fans like yourself can enjoy its awesomeness. I'll look into the feature request you mentioned. It might involve a lot of custom coding to implement those features. Let us see.
super awesome mod will be forever using as this covers litterally everything i want for armor or weapons or shield wise.
i guess this would fall under requests.
any chance you would be able to make a mod to allow blocking with the scutum with right click? crouchin to block really kills it for me.
Great to see this update finally released! 😀
yapludepatte The weaponpack alpha mod adds some if not all the precolumbian weapons you have in mind (Macuahuitl, CulaClula, lead clubs, javelins, etc). Check it out.
do you think you can add precolumbian stuff ? :3
DeanBro many thanks. I will push it out in the next update - maybe give it some time for other contributors? Hope you understand.
Zuul thank you all for believing in this mod as well. Credit to Dana mostly for helping it see light of day so speedily.
Hi surio I'm very happy that this mod is back! and I also made a translation.
Thank you for saving this mod 💜