Mods / XDiseases

Category: #Other #Tweak
Author: Xandu
Side: Both
Created: Apr 15th 2024 at 3:01 PM
Last modified: Apr 15th 2024 at 7:04 PM
Downloads: 479
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Latest file for v1.19.0: 1-click install

This mod adds a few diseases to the game. The mod shouldn't be taken too serious at the moment since it is rather a tech demo/draft/tutorial than an actual mod. Technically you can already use it but it adds only a few diseases and it will make the game harder. It requires XLib to run.

The diseases usually effect the player in a negative way by changing player stats or damaging the player directly. You can get effects from different sources such as: taking damage, enemies, food or just cold weather. Some diseases can be cured more quickly by consuming certain items.

At the moment the mod adds the following effects:

At the moment the mod adds the following effects:
Food poisoning

Primarily the mod is a showcase for the effect system which I build for my other mod. I expanded it a lot over time and added a lot of features I haven't really used until now. The system makes it possible to define effects and effect triggers, which can be used to trigger effects in different ways, using pure JSON files. If people are interested in more details I may write a more detailed tutorial about how it works. Until then you can take a look at the JSON files of this mod to figure out how it works. You can also look at the "assets/xeffects/effects" folder in xlib since it defines some of the base effects used by this mod. You can also take this mod and built your own mod from it.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.2 385 Apr 15th 2024 at 7:04 PM Show Install now
v0.0.1 94 Apr 15th 2024 at 4:07 PM Show Install now

29 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Kolljak, Aug 22nd 2024 at 2:02 PM

@Xandu ah then it is my longer days mod. I have my days extended so it must think im up for more than 24 hours.

💬 XanduAuthor, Aug 21st 2024 at 8:51 AM

Kolljak You can also get a cold if you don't sleep because being awake for more than 24 hours is bed for your health. This is subject to change with the next update.

💬 Kolljak, Aug 21st 2024 at 2:25 AM

had to remove because i was gaining cold for no reason. fully clothed in summer. only other mod is "American Units" mod as i need F to read temp not sure if the conversion is confusing the mod into thinkin i am 0 C

💬 XanduAuthor, Aug 18th 2024 at 8:49 AM

Rivernoodl The easiest thing you can do with diseases is adding some stat modifiers for things like max health. You can also add hots or dots or shaders. Most more complicated stuff is more difficult to implement. Because it would need the implementation of a new effect type. You have some interesting ideas but at the moment I am focussing on creating on cures and balancing.

💬 Rivernoodl, Aug 14th 2024 at 1:04 AM

Oh, that's fascinating, Xandu.  Good to know that diseases already have tiers at different thresholds.  I think I'm starting to understand what you mean though, adding fun effects can be difficult if the game isn't built for that to happen already.  And what you're implying is right, diseases should be fun to deal with and not simply make the game harder to play.  Everything that tetanus is known for doing would be hard to replicate in vintage story and it's a huge tragedy.

As for other things I'd love to see, I could list a few:
-Venom that slowly paralyzes the player, slowly reducing movement speed until the player is forced to lay down against their will.  the disease progresses by moving around and using things in your inventory.  It would drain slowly over time, faster if a player is sitting/laying down and not doing anything.  Getting bit/stung by the creature (spiders/snakes? Maybe make this a primitive survival dependency) would increase this by 0.2 each time.

-Anaphylaxis, caused by a bee sting.  Unlikely to happen but makes the player start to "swell up."  Functually slows oxygen bar regen with increasing intensity over time until the player starts to asphyxiate at intensity 1.  Requires ingesting honey (or perhaps things with honey as an ingredient) or being in a cool/cold environment to reduce it.  Getting stung again would increase the intensity by 0.1.  Needs to pass a certain threshold before it begins to build instead of drain on its own. (Like hitting 0.2 or something)

-Tripping, caused by eating poisonous mushrooms.  Maybe a filter that causes color shifting and utilizes the terrain distortion of the rust dimension in a more wavy and consistent way, with growing intensity based on how intense the condition is.  Heck maybe the player can start hallucinating at intensity 1 if we're feeling bold about it!

Hopefully you enjoy some of my ideas,  I really do enjoy the concept so far and I'd love to see it more fleshed out.

💬 XanduAuthor, Aug 13th 2024 at 3:54 PM


Dropping your hand slot items would be easy to implement but really annoying. I don't know what Move like Kaji does but adding animations is quite easy but it is hard to don't make it look weird. I don't want to mess around with eat timing. It is a hard coded value and changing it would require some interference with the coding which could cause a lot of issues. Especially with other mods.

Stages are already a thing for diseases. Every diseases has an intensity between 0.0 and 1.0. And every disease has one ore more symptoms that are triggered when the diseases reached a threshold intensity. Like rabies, which is fatal if left untreated.

💬 Rivernoodl, Aug 13th 2024 at 5:05 AM

Xandu Considering Tetanus causes serious muscle spasms I think one unique effect would be forcing the player to be unable to use their tool / drop their currently selected item randomly while infected.  If Move like Kaji is installed I could imagine making the player go prone like they had a sizure.  Or, make it so the player is unable to eat quickly (because it commonly causes lockjaw.)

I think a cool effect for a respritory disease (and this could be for diseases in general)  that it advances in stages if left untreated, and can eventually cause a lethal condition if untreated for a very long time (like causing the player to start passively loose oxygen, which would be an interesting effect of pnemonia.)

💬 XanduAuthor, Aug 12th 2024 at 11:34 AM

Rivernoodl I've also thought about tetanus and some others, but I can't think of any good ideas for effects. If all diseases have the same effects, it's pretty boring. I was working on a blindness effect that modifies your view for a blindness diseases. I wrote it quit flexible. So it is easy to add other shaders to effects. I was also playing around with the wildcraft herbs and the ACA mixing bowl to create a fun and immersive way to create different kinds of medicine.

💬 Rivernoodl, Jul 25th 2024 at 12:13 PM

Thanks for the speedy reply Xandu!  I love the idea of having diseases in the game and it might be fun to expand on it.  Already brainstormed an idea for Tetanus - since there's already plenty of opportunity to come in contact with rust...  Hopefully if I can reverse-engineer it enough I can start adding some diseases myself.  I do have a busy schedule though so no promises!

💬 XanduAuthor, Jul 25th 2024 at 9:41 AM

Hi Rivernoodl. This is already on my todo list. But is has no high priority.

💬 Rivernoodl, Jul 25th 2024 at 5:17 AM

I think it would be cool to have a patch for XSkills that adds a disease resistance skill to the game.

💬 XanduAuthor, Jun 2nd 2024 at 1:52 PM

Hi Austin. You can set a minimum threshold with the keyword 'threshold'. I will add a maxThreshold with the next xlib update.

💬 Austin, May 31st 2024 at 10:29 PM

Hey Xandu! Thanks for the update to xlib! Seems to have fixed the cures and I'm playing around with it now. Quick question, is there a way to set a maximum and minimum threshold for the damage trigger? 


Example being:

What if I want different levels of a fracture, like a sprained leg to start, but a longer fall would produce an actual fracture. Just wondering if it's possible to tweak that.

Quick little demo of some of the stuff I'm playing with:

💬 XanduAuthor, May 21st 2024 at 11:16 AM

Hey Austin. It worked at some point when I tested it. Bandages are little bit more complicated because they usually ignore some behaviors and need some extra code to work.I noticed that something I changed after I tested it seemed to broke it again. I already fixed this but I haven't uploaded the fixed version yet.

💬 Austin, May 18th 2024 at 1:12 AM

Hey hey Xandu! Hope you're doing well.
When you first released this so we could all play with it, were bandages working for you in game? I've been playing around with making my own wound system using Xlib, but Bandages/Poultices seem to not work for curing nor health. I thought it was my JSON Patches for a second so I just tested xdiseases_v0.0.2 and xlib_v0.8.3-pre.1 and it still seems to not be working. This is on game version 1.19.8 though the same was happening for .7. I'm not seeing any errors in server main that would indicate the patches having issues. Wondering if anyone else is having these issues or if it's just me. Once I figure out how cures work I'm going to start making custom models like splints, gauze packing, cold compress, etc.

💬 XanduAuthor, Apr 19th 2024 at 10:38 AM

Hydromancerx I think someone else is working on something like this.

Starrytarot I intentionally left in the game that you can get diseases in creative mode for testing purposes. As I mentioned above this is only demo. For the same reason the cold is annoing so that I could test the triggers.

Cuiwi This is actually an interesting idea.

💬 Starrypop, Apr 19th 2024 at 5:55 AM

The colds are as annoying as actual colds. Is there a way to cure them, or disable getting diseases in creative altogether?


💬 Hydromancerx, Apr 18th 2024 at 8:27 PM

Will there be a poop/bladder and/or hygene mod?

💬 Cuiwi, Apr 18th 2024 at 6:52 PM

Xandu LOL yeah I can imagine! Maybe to prevent certain death (but without functioning as a cure, to make sure it stays even half as terrifying as it is IRL), there could be a medicine made from temporal gears that works by essentially pausing/slightly reversing the progression of the disease? For those who just really, really don't want to give up their hardcore playthrough maybe lol. I can just imagine the story potential the diseases would add too, I'm so excited for this mod honestly!!!

💬 XanduAuthor, Apr 18th 2024 at 10:23 AM

Quiche There will be no thirst in this mod. I think such thing should be implemented like hunger and this mod is not the place for this. You can still go to bed in multiplayer when I remember correctly it just does not skip time. Or you remove this trigger for the diseases.
Cuiwi You shouldn't use this mod in hardcore mode.

💬 Cuiwi, Apr 17th 2024 at 11:59 PM

Oh heck yes!!! I'm SUPER eager to see how this develops! Kind of concerned about the rabies bit, but it sounds exciting!

💬 Quiche, Apr 16th 2024 at 10:52 PM

Excited to see how this develops! Would thirst be an effect that may be added as an option in future? How would being well-rested work for multiplayer servers?

💬 XanduAuthor, Apr 16th 2024 at 9:44 AM

Hydromancerx I actually meant to make a tutorial for coders to create their own effects and change the existing ones. If you can cure an effect with a specific item you can usually see this in the tooltip of the item. You should also be able to search for it in the handbook. In general I don't want to spoiler too  much informations because I think that it is part of the experience to figure some things out by your own. But there is no item that can cure a cold at the moment. Another way to cure a disease is to mitigate the things that triggers the disease in the first place. In the case of a cold that means: being well fed, keeping yourself warm and being well rested (go to bed regularly).

💬 Hydromancerx, Apr 15th 2024 at 10:44 PM

Yes please make a tutorial for the handbook!

Like how do you cure a cold?

💬 XanduAuthor, Apr 15th 2024 at 8:34 PM

Hydromancerx I don't do icons. None of my mods have one. I am just bad at graphic stuff.

Meliora You can prevent the diseases by some measures. e.G. scurvy can be mitigated by keeping your fruit level (since there is no extra tracking for vitamin c it takes the closest approximation) above a certain level. And you can cure it by getting your fruit level above a certain level. Bleeding can be treated with bandages and fractures heal faster if you eat cheese. 

💬 Meliora, Apr 15th 2024 at 7:30 PM

This is an awesome idea! I'd love to try it - are there ways to inccrease preventing getting the diseases, and are there ways in place already to potentially cure some of the ones that are curable?  (like eating 30 million oranges or something, if you have scurvy) ?

💬 Ribsin, Apr 15th 2024 at 7:14 PM

This is a great idea

💬 An_Sar, Apr 15th 2024 at 6:18 PM

Very awesome

💬 Hydromancerx, Apr 15th 2024 at 5:12 PM

Please add a custom icon to this mod page! This mod is too awesome to be overlooked!

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