Mods / Meteoric Iron Overhaul
Author: Squonk
Side: Both
Created: Mar 1st at 1:48 PM
Last modified: Mar 1st at 1:52 PM
Downloads: 1552
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Latest file for v1.19.4:
Meteoric Iron Overhaul
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Meteoric Iron Overhaul
I was intrigued when I first learned that, in certain rare instances, long before wrought iron was even fathomed as a technology by ancient humans, they got lucky enough to not only come across a meteorite, but see it fall from the sky; sometimes interpreted as a gift from the gods, sometimes a foul omen.
What really ended up truly fascinating me, however, was that certain civilizations ended up discovering they could forge these nickel/iron rich meteorites with great ease, much unlike virtually all other iron oxide deposits in the world naturally (other than telluric iron... see the end section for more on that). The earliest dated evidence of meteoric iron being worked goes back to roughly 3200BC in Egypt of some cold-forged jewelry.
So you can imagine my excitement when I learned that meteoric iron was indeed implemented in VintageStory, but also my subsequent disappointment when I also learned the forging requirments are virtually the same as your bog standard iron ore :(
What does this change?
This mod aims to rectify that scarce but fortunate shortcut to the iron age in the game by patching 3 things:
- Naturally spawned meteor blocks are now mineable at level 2(copper)
- Takes a bit longer to mine, but drops 0-6 meteoric iron bits and 0-2 meteoric iron ingots
- While smelting temperatures still require a bloomery, meteoric iron ingots can now be forged on an anvil as low as 800C, and on tier 1(copper) anvils
This allows for the limited ingots mined straight from the meteorite to be crafted into tools as early as the copper age, while still forcing majority of the meteoric iron as small bits that have to go through a bloomery at a later point in technological progression to be used
Drop rates are easily modifiable in the 'Meteoric Iron Overhaul v0.9/assets/mio/patches/survival-blocktypes-stone-meteorite.json' file
Additionally, I thought the worked meteoric iron would look better with the Widmanstätten pattern textured on it + a shiny effect on the ingots when placed down, just like the gold ingots. If you dislike the new texture, you can delete the folder and all its contents at 'Meteoric Iron Overhaul v0.9/assets/game/textures'
I'm considering doing a v1.0 that would allow for meteorites to drop rough chunks with custom voxel models to cold forge on an anvil, to be even more realistic to its historical uses. Let me know what you think or if I should keep it as is
Companion Mods + My Other Mods
Meteoric Expansion is a really recommended and fully compatible companion mod, adding real time meteor strike events to your world rather than solely pre-generated crash sites (set the destructive mode config for best mod synergy!)
I plan on adding a Telluric Iron mod soon; native iron can be found extremely rarely around the world especially around volcanic activity present or past, but the only major deposit has been found in Greenland. I thought it'd be fun to add these rare slightly biome specific deposits as another natural shortcut to the iron age, adding even more reward to exploration
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.9.5 | 1552 | Mar 1st at 1:52 PM | Show | Meteoric Iron Overhaul | Install now |
Has anyone had issues with welding a meteoric iron anvil together while using this mod? I'm following all the steps correctly but it won't weld no matter how many times I hit it with the hammer. I'm just wondering if it's related to this mod
Yes, absolutely do a v1.0 with cold forging of rough chunks. That would be literally EXACTLY the type of mod I was hoping to stumble across on the modpage. Thank you for making what you have already, the historian in me is pleased. :D
Does this mod make pre generated meteorites rarer? I love the early game boost this mod provides and it seems well balanced. A perfect example of how meteoric iron should be in base game, a rare commodity that feels very rewarding to find at any point of the game. My only gripe is that the armor doesnt have it's texture changed lol.
Are the settings toggleable/config, some might not like editing mod files directly (or a lite version mod)?
- Naturally spawned meteor blocks are now mineable at level 2(copper) - I like the idea, maybe bronze?
- Takes a bit longer to mine, but drops 0-6 meteoric iron bits and 0-2 meteoric iron ingots - Feels too different from vanilla balance for me, keeping vanilla yield qtys and items would be nice
- While smelting temperatures still require a bloomery, meteoric iron ingots can now be forged on an anvil as low as 800C, and on tier 1(copper) anvils - I like the idea, maybe bronze; and no temp changes?
Would be cool if from the bloomery, the meteroic iron came out as a pure bloom; that needs reshaping into an ingot, instead of coming out perfectly rectangluar.
This mod is still working very well on 1.19.8 if anyone is curious. No issues!
i feel like you get WAY too much with this, found two meteors right next to each other and now i have 32 bars
The patch for meteoric iron block is incorrect, it is using "stone-meteoric-{core}" instead of "metalbits-meteoriciron" for the bits, meaning that instead of bits it drops the stones you can find on the ground. Those also are unchanged and give regular meteoric iron stones without the changes to smelting temperatures
The changed texture dosen't affect armor or anvils for some reason
I need those custom rough chunks and cold forging pumped straight into my blue-clay seraph veins
Very cool 👍
thanks for adding more content without more difficulty! It's much appreciated!
i love Meteoric Wxpansion ! This will be awsome with it !
The changed texture reminds me of a mason's chisel (of all things) I saw many years ago in a small museum in Massachusetts. Even though it was a few hundred years old, it was visually very similar to what you've made. Allegedly, it had been made from a meteorite found on the mason's land.
I'd have liked to have an XRF gun and permission to analyze that chisel! I imagine it had north of 20% nickel content.
Boyarde Exactly, felt like a massive tease coming across a meteorite in the copper age; especially with how realistic the game can be otherwise, thought it would be fun to reward that discovery a bit more
Met. Iron always just felt like Iron But Cooler and this is a really nice change to that. Awesome idea for a mod.
CherryRook I've only tested it on 1.19.4, but I don't see why it wouldn't on all 1.19 versions. Feel free to test it out and let me know! It can be loaded and unloaded in a save without causing any bugs that I noticed on 1.19.4, at least
Is it compatible with any 1.19 version (specifically 1.19.3) or only 1.19.4 ? Im not yet ready to update to the latest version but i want to give this a shot with the meteoric expansion mod