Mods / Skyblock 4 Traders

Category: #Crafting #Simplification
Author: DejFidOFF
Side: Both
Created: Feb 24th at 10:48 AM
Last modified: Dec 11th at 10:09 PM
Downloads: 2258
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Latest version:

SINGLE PLAYER MAP FOR Vintage Story version 1.19.8


Version 1.0 and 1.01 is most challenging.

A my take on Vintage Story Skyblock challenge map ( based on skyblock by HONKCLUWNE ).

This is simply a save so just toss it in your save folder. The world is 1024x1024 and completely empty besides the titular Skyblock and 4 traders island.

Tree growth rate is increased and hunger is decreased to compensate for the lack of resources. The map requires some mods to play, but I recommend others to make the experience more enjoyable.



Not Enough Sand

This mod allows you to turn stones into gravel which is essential to be able to acquire metal through panning in order to progress.

Expanded Matter

required for NES



Download mod pack to emprove QOL

Simple unpack to your VintageStoryData/mods folder.


1.00 - 1. release
1.01 - Add horsetail
1.02 - Add clay to traders island
1.03 - Add resin and more trees
1.04 - Add loose flint and boulders
1.05 - Add vines

1.10 - added few more wild vines,cattail root, plants to IS, treasure chest to every island
1.11 - few tweaks
1.12 - Flowers update
1.13 - Aqua Vitae update
1.14 - Vintage Story 1.19.5 update
1.15 - Vintage Story 1.19.7 update
1.16 - Added some lead & meteoric iron
1.17 - Vintage Story 1.19.8 update
1.18 - Add pigs + bigger basic island


Buy Me a Coffee at


Enjoy and feel free to comment and put suggestions down bellow

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
39 Dec 11th at 10:09 PM Show Skyblock
109 Nov 9th at 8:32 PM Show Skyblock
333 Jun 14th at 9:37 PM Show Skyblock
71 Jun 14th at 6:57 PM Show Skyblock
144 May 8th at 6:39 AM Show Skyblock
176 Apr 2nd at 6:53 PM Show Skyblock
114 Mar 23rd at 7:00 AM Show Skyblock
135 Mar 16th at 7:31 PM Show Skyblock
106 Mar 15th at 7:08 AM Show Skyblock
139 Mar 10th at 6:39 PM Show Skyblock
119 Mar 4th at 9:15 PM Show Skyblock
200 Feb 24th at 7:40 PM Show
125 Feb 24th at 1:13 PM Show
111 Feb 24th at 12:07 PM Show
109 Feb 24th at 11:47 AM Show
106 Feb 24th at 10:51 AM Show
102 Mar 10th at 6:38 PM Show Skyblock

22 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 TanjBear, Dec 6th at 7:00 PM

im on 1.19.8 and the mod files are 1.18.0 and things seem to be working. also Sylvi i would be down to play this in multiplayer and build out to the normal world if you figure that out.

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Sep 1st at 12:25 PM

1.5k  Downloads, thank you !

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Aug 6th at 9:17 PM


I don´t thing so, Its just island in the middle of empty space ( erased land )

Just erase few chunks and build your very own island

💬 Sylvi, Aug 3rd at 9:49 PM

kind of a weird question but would it be possible to import the map into a pre existing larger world. It was a classic late game goal for me and the homies to eventually build far enough out to get back to world gen in the OG skyblock.

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Jul 14th at 6:47 PM


Yah was I consider that trader. I will update that soon. Ok maybe I will also add some bauxite.

I did not found any "gamechanging" things at mod Still useful stuff so it´s on everyone to add some more mods.

💬 SamiLess, Jul 13th at 8:05 AM

So funny thing is your verison of skyblock is actually doable vanilla. Although you'll mostly be waiting on traders to progress it is possible to do most things even make iron. Unfortunately theres no renewable way to get bauxite so steel production will be limited by how much you put on the map.

It might be worth it to swap out the clothing trader for a survival goods trader. They have a more useful list of things to buy and sell.


Also did you forget to add in "Still Useful Stuff" to your mod pack? It was recommended in HONKCLUWNE's version and the sluice is super nice to have.

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Jun 14th at 9:40 PM

1000 Downloads, thank you !

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Apr 4th at 4:31 AM


Ooh sorry for your ears. But maybe you just have very good and loud headphones :) There are a lots of treasures surround you, after find them all you will be a ritch man.

I hope you figure it out how to get all of them iron included. I am happy you enjoing this map !

💬 Mendall, Apr 4th at 4:06 AM

Hey DejFidOFF I just found where you hid the iron.  Oh, you are a mean one, aren't you. I was wondering why my island was only 6 blocks deep when the trader islands were pointy all the way down.... so I assume now I have to figure out how to build under the island or when I try to mine the iron ore It's going to fall into the void. You are a mean one, mister Grinch. lol.

The intro music to the basalt generator video may cause hearing loss if people are wearing headphones like I was. My ears are still ringing. But I'm loving the sky block world so far, great job.


💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Mar 15th at 6:42 AM

Hey Folks I made a short video hot to get some rocks so check that out! :)

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Mar 4th at 3:18 PM

200 Downloads, thank you! Update is coming soon !

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Feb 28th at 10:32 PM


Ok. Cool


💬 3x3, Feb 28th at 9:26 PM
Block generator

💬 3x3, Feb 28th at 9:24 PM
💬 3x3, Feb 28th at 9:24 PM
💬 3x3, Feb 26th at 6:38 PM
Not enough to use obsidian
💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Feb 26th at 5:05 AM


Thank you. It´s based on your skyblock, I just clear and rebuild it a bit. 

💬 HONKCLUWNE, Feb 26th at 4:25 AM

Looks cool, I'll have to give it a shot sometime, glad to see more people making challenge maps.

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Feb 25th at 10:17 AM


Czech. Ooh you mean in the files directory. I get it. Ok I will do that in the next versions.

💬 seyton35, Feb 25th at 10:09 AM

that's ok, that's not my main lang too. Perhaps I didn't explain what I mean correctly.

I mean don't repeat changes from previous versions in every changelog. just write what's new in the current version to the current changelog.

and what is your main language?

💬 DejFidOFFAuthor, Feb 24th at 8:39 PM

Hey o/ Hope you will enjoy this one. You mean at every version put change from 1.0 or what? I don´t get it. Sorry en is not my main language.

💬 seyton35, Feb 24th at 8:21 PM

i like skyblock mode on Mc, and now it's in VS

my advice to you is to separate the changelogs by version

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