Mods / Re-Smeltables Light
Author: octeris
Side: Server
Created: Sep 25th 2022 at 5:50 AM
Last modified: Sep 25th 2022 at 8:39 AM
Downloads: 5836
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
Re-Smeltables Light_ v1.0.0.zip
1-click install
Have you ever made too many tools?
Do you have a friend that makes all the ore into ingots, just because they can't find anything better to do?
Did you advance to the next game stage and now you have extra materials laying around gathering dust?
I know I have..
And thus, this mod was born! What does it do? Simple, it lets you put them metal things back in the crucible, if you have enough heat, it melts! And you get back what you "lost".
Ingots, Plates, Chain, Scales, Tool Heads.. So long It's not become a Tool or Armor you can smelt it right back to that good old molten metal! (Yes you can make alloys straight in the crucible from parts).
It should work with all game versions above v1.11 (v1.11.11 to Latest). I also made sure you only need it in the server mods, so no unnecessary client downloads, yay! (Server only does not mean you can't use it in single player, you can!).
Claim back what is rightfully yours! By trial of fire, Hahaha~
Q: Does it work with vX.X.X of the game?
A: The mod is future-version agnostic, so it should work with future versions even if not specified and won’t break anything if used and it doesn't work.
Q: Can I smelt “X” / “X” won’t go in.
A: If the piece does not have a “units” value, it can’t be re-smelted (.json mod limitation).
Q: Is it compatible with “X”
A: Should work with all vanilla metals & is compatible with Mr1k3's "SuperFuel" mod.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.0 | 5836 | Sep 25th 2022 at 8:39 AM | Show | Re-Smeltables Light_ v1.0.0.zip | Install now |
This is exactly the kind of mod I was looking for, but just like with FarmerBrown, the arrowheads should not be returning an ingot worth
Hi Cousax, I really like this mod and I was wondering if I could help you fix the arrowhead issue so that they don't provide an infinite loop of metal. I can show you what I did to fix it so that you can apply it to your mod. Or, if you don't want to bother with maintaining this anymore I was wondering if I could upload my fixed version of the mod to the moddb? There's no License attached to your mod so I wanted to get your permission first before doing so. Let me know either way, I'd love to see this fixed, but also happy to take over maintaining it if you're no longer interested.
Let me know what you think. I'll watch the comments here for your reply but you can also reach out to me on Discord at the same username. I tried DMing you there but you don't accept DMs from the Vintage Story Discord server so my message didn't go through.
Thanks again for the mod and all the best in the new year to you!
I think is a great Mod, but having Arrow heads melt into ingots seems to be an over sight.
Should have arrows = 2 nuggets worth of metal
Less game breaking
Works perfectly fine on 1.19.4 even though I have lots of mods, 0 conflicts.
Thanks a lot. Some extra bronze spearheads were kinda useless, so your mod is perfect for that!
LazyViking, the mod is working just fine.
Before making such claims (for any mod, not just mine) please turn off all other mods, and test the mod in question on its own (you can move all your mods from the mods folder into a temp folder and put them back when you are done).
Most likely some other mod is modifying the crucible block or metal items in a destructive manner, thus preventing my patches from working. (my mod only changes existing values so it can't be at fault)
Here are pictures as evidence so you don’t think I’m just yapping:
Re-Smeltables Light (Working in VintageStory 1.19.4) - Imgur
Menelos, my pleasure, sorry for the delay & thanks for letting me know~
It was definitely an error with VS_ModsUpdater as I can't replicate the error, even after downloading the archive from here.
My guess is that whatever version of VS_ModsUpdater you had, didn't know how to handle modInfo files without a modID field. Which Re-Smeltables Light_ v1.0.0 does not have. (Along other issues in the modInfo file lol sorry~)
Using the latest version of the Updater should prevent this issue.
Quack, Thanks for you work.
It seems to work properly on 1.19.3 but I have noticed some minor problem.
I'm using VS_ModsUpdater to update the mod and it finds this update:
Re: installed version : 1.0.0 - last version : 1.0.1
- Re :
Changelog v1.0.1 :
* Requires GuiCompositeSettingsEx 1.1.0.
* No longer crashes in 1.18.
* Dialog width is now properly adjusted.
AFAIK there is no 1.0.1 yet. It could be a bug in VS_ModsUpdater but what makes me think there might be a problem in the mod is that while initially installing through the in-game console (/moddb install) the mod was seemingly installed properly but nothing was in the Mods directory afterwards and I had to download it and move it there manually which is exactly what happens after VS_ModsUpdater updates the mod (the old version is also removed and I have to reinstall it manually each time).
Appears to work in my multiplayer server 1.19.3
Does this work with 1.19?
Can you re-smelt unfinished work items? If so, does it provide the appropriate amount if the work item was from multiple ingots?
Would it be possible to add the ability? to do metallurgy with ingots in the crucible Eg 7 copper ingots and 3 tin ingots
Hello, I found a small bug, but this is a game bug, not a mod, because in my similar mod it's the same. When you smelt an alloy and place a part consisting of two ingots (a chain or plate) into a crucible, their capacity is halved.
hey, I just installed this (on 1.18.8) because I accidentally made a tin bronze pounder cap I didn't need, and it won't let me put it in either the crucible or the forge.
Is it possible to give a smelting recipe a stacked input requirment? ie. for the metal arrowehead make the smelt recipe require 6-9 input to make 1 output?
Maybe, instead of having the arrowhead yield an ingot, make it so it works with zyrails' Break Down Tools to have a chisel give back a number of bits per arrowhead?
No worries, my brain can barely handle editing the json files, definitely cant code 😅
Atleast you managed to make a pretty useful mod, there is a Break Down Tools mod. Sadly that just turns the tool back into nuggets, but it does fully give back what was spent on the tool. Though I rather melt things back down its just more satisfying for some reason haha xD
Anywho :)
About the arrow heads issue, yeah I knew from before publishing the mod, thank you for still reporting it though 😁, the darn arrow heads just would not lower their yield no matter what I did, thinking people who don't like to abuse bugs won't.
About the tools, yeah I thought about it too.. I was going to make all tools saw-able to remove the stick and get the head back, I just could not figure out how to properly separate new from damaged tools, so it never made it to the release.
If I ever get better at this thing they'll be added, but don't expect it any time soon 😅, sorry~
Kind of wish this added a way to break the heads off of already made tools, or to light already made tools on fire, because I have a habbit of always attaching a stick to a toolhead so I can hang it on a tool rack. Cool mod though. Definitely nice to have this option.
I minor issue I've come across with arrowheads. When smelting down arrowheads they convert at a ratio of 1 arrowhead to 100units of metal. So one arrowhead converts to one ingot worth of metal, which can then be converted to 6-9 arrowheads. Basically generates an endless cycle of infinite ingots. Unsure what the proper ratio would be given there are 2 metal costs associated with arrowheads 1/6 ingot and 1/9 ingot respectively.
Yanazake Sorry for the delay. I was testing all the arrow heads in the game, and indeed they all were smelted, casted and alloyed without problems 👍
Does this work with arrowheads?? I found so many and very likely they won't ever be used!
Thanks, knowing that the mod is actually being helpful makes it worth it 😁
And thank you very much for the heads up.
Cousax Amazing, thanks for all your hard work! I accidentally wasted some gold, when I barely have any by clicking the wrong item; now I can fix that. I'll probably want to grab SuperFuel again, so I can smelt iron and steel down, too; since you made them work. :)
(also apparently doing @Lohn, with a comma made this all bold and didn't actually ping me, for future reference.)
Lohn, It sure does! Ive made sure all metal materials can be re smelted down to their liquid metal form and be casted :D (I'm making a fuels mod to aid with this), I've also tested Mr1k3's "SuperFuel" mod along with this one and it works like a charm~
I've uploaded a few screenshots so this is more clear in the future, thanks for your question!
Great mod. Also, Third!
Does this work with non-crucible metals like iron and steel? I know you can cause a crash when melting iron in crucible through modded means.
Great mod. Also, Second!
Great mod. Also, First!