Mods / ProspectTogether

Category: #Other #QoL
Author: Wooza
Side: Both
Created: Jun 17th 2023 at 4:58 PM
Last modified: Jan 27th at 9:02 PM
Downloads: 34662
Follow Unfollow 425

Latest file for v1.19.3: 1-click install

This is a fork of the awesome ProspectorInfo mod from P3t3rix ( ProspectTogether aims to make it easy to store, analyse and share your prospecting data. You can also use this mod in single player. The only downside compared to ProspectorInfo is that this mod also needs to be installed on the server.

Quick Guide

  • Drop the zip file into your Mods folder or use 1-click install from VSModDB.
  • Just keep prospecting, the mod will automatically record any data found while the pick is used in Density Search mode.
  • The data of each prospected chunk is shown on the map when you hold the pick in your hand or when the "Show Overlay" option is enabled.
  • Use Ctrl + P to quickly show/hide the settings dialog.
  • Use the heatmap setting and select an ore to see where certain ores are more likely to occur.
  • Configure autosharing if you want to share your data with the whole server or a certain group.

Migration from ProspectorInfo

This mod will automatically import existing prospecting data from the ProspectorInfo mod. To be more specific, in the %Vintage_Story_Data%/ModData/YourWorldId/ directory, it will copy the file to prospectTogetherClient.json. Note that there have been cases, where ProspectorInfo was unable to parse the output of the Prospecting Pick. These entries cannot be imported. So you might have to prospect some chunks again.

Data Sharing

If you want to share your existing prospecting data with other players on the server, use .pt sendall or the "Send All Now" on the map dialog (use Ctrl + P to open it). This will send all your prospecting data to the server and all other players. You usually only have to do this once. The server stores this information in %Vintage_Story_Data%/ModData/YourWorldId/prospectTogetherServer.json. If you also want to share newly added prospecting data in the future, enable autosharing. You can do this either via the dialog on the map (use Ctrl + P to open it) or by using .pt autoshare true.

If you play on a PvP server, you may only want to share your data with a certain group of players. Use Ctrl + P to open the settings. In the dialog, select the group that you want to share your data with. You can use the "Send All Now" button, to send all your prospecting data to the selected group.

When autosharing is enabled, you will send all future prospecting data to the configured group. Data sent to "All players" will be received by all players, regardless of their configured group. Data sent to the configured group, will only be received by players in that group. If autosharing is disabled, you will neither send nor receive any prospecting data.

Client Commands

.pt - main command for the mod and the default sub-command is to 'showoverlay'
.pt showoverlay [true,false] - Show or hide the overlay on the map. Toggles without argument.
.pt showborder [true,false] - Show or hide the border around chunks. Toggles without argument.
.pt showgui [true,false] - Show the GUI where you can configure the mode (default or heatmap) and select the ore that should be heatmapped.
.pt setcolor (overlay|border|zeroheat|lowheat|highheat) [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - Sets the color of the respective element.
.pt setborderthickness [1-5] - Sets the border thickness. 
.pt mode [0-1] - Sets the map mode. Supported modes: 0 (Default) and 1 (Heatmap)
.pt heatmapore [oreName] - Changes the heatmap mode to display a specific ore.
    No argument resets the heatmap back to all ores. Can only handle the ore name in your selected language or the ore tag.
    Examples: game:ore-emerald, game:ore-bituminouscoal, Cassiterite.
.pt autoshare [true,false] - Set automatic sharing of prospecting data.
.pt setsaveintervalminutes [1-60] - Periodically store the prospecting data (on the client) every x minutes.
.pt sendall - Send all your existing prospecting information to the server. You usually only have to run this command once per server.

Client Configuration

TextureColor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - The default color to use for the overlay. Default: 150 125 150 128
BorderColor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - The default color to use for the border. Default: 0 0 0 200
ZeroHeatColor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - Heatmap color for zero relative density. Default: 0 0 0 0
LowHeatColor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - Heatmap color for low relative density. Default: 85 85 181 128
HighHeatColor [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] - Heatmap color for low relative density. Default: 168 34 36 128
BorderThickness [1-5] - The thickness, in pixels, of the border color. Default: 1
RenderBorder [true,false] - Whether or not to render the border at all. Default: true
AutoToggle [true,false] - Whether or not to toggle the overlay on the map automatically, 
                          based on the player equipping/unequipping a prospecting pick. Default: true
HeatMapOre [oreName] - The ore selected for the heatmap.
MapMode [0-1] - The mode of the map.
SaveIntervalMinutes [1-60] - Periodically store the prospecting data every x minutes. Default: 5
AutoShare [true,false] - Share prospecting data with configured players on the server. Default: false
ShareGroupUid [int] - Group Uid to which your data is sent. Use -1 for all players. Default: -1

Server Commands (requires admin role)

/pt setsaveintervalminutes [1-60] - Periodically store the prospecting data (on the server) every x minutes.

Server Configuration

SaveIntervalMinutes [1-60] - Periodically store the prospecting data every x minutes. Default: 5


Whenever you finish prospecting a chunk, the data is saved into the ModData folder and added to the chunk info of the world map.

Additionally, if you enabled autosharing, the data is also sent to the server, where it is also stored and sent to all players.

The mod renders a transparent square of all chunks that have been prospected. If a chunk is re-prospected, the message is simply overwritten. The rendering of these squares can be toggled with the .pt command.

After prospecting, the info will be displayed in the tooltip of the minimap when hovering over the chunk. This info is stored in %Vintage_Story_Data%/ModData/YourWorldId/prospectTogetherClient.json.

On the server side, the info is stored in %Vintage_Story_Data%/ModData/YourWorldId/prospectTogetherServer.json.



A map mode that displays the relative density of the ores on the map via a color gradient. Can be enabled/disabled and switched between displaying the density of just one ore and displaying the density of all ores (The highest density per chunk is picked).

Normal map (map mode 0) map

Heatmap (map mode 1) heatmap

Heatmap for Cassiterite only (map mode 1; heatmapore Cassiterite) heatmapCassiterite

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.3.0 9152 Jan 27th at 9:02 PM Show Install now
v1.3.0-rc.3 2070 Jan 14th at 6:55 PM Show Install now
v1.3.0-rc.1 844 Jan 4th at 3:49 PM Show Install now
v1.2.4 12235 Aug 30th 2023 at 7:09 PM Show Install now
v1.2.3 787 Aug 26th 2023 at 2:23 PM Show Install now
v1.2.2 918 Aug 20th 2023 at 7:58 AM Show Install now
v1.2.1 264 Aug 19th 2023 at 5:08 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 194 Aug 19th 2023 at 1:43 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 2654 Jul 29th 2023 at 11:28 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0-rc.3 936 Jul 23rd 2023 at 10:33 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0-rc.2 273 Jul 22nd 2023 at 6:40 PM Show Install now
v1.0.2 401 Jul 20th 2023 at 6:42 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 471 Jul 17th 2023 at 7:02 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 2087 Jun 25th 2023 at 1:44 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0-rc.3 108 Jun 25th 2023 at 11:48 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0-rc.2 964 Jun 18th 2023 at 11:09 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0-rc.1 304 Jun 17th 2023 at 5:06 PM Show Install now

72 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Aura_Dacella, Apr 10th at 5:22 PM

From a single prospecing attempt prospect together (square) gives a reading of 5.73 while the vanilla (dot) reading gives 5.59?

Gives two different readings every prospecting attempt

💬 WoozaAuthor, Mar 3rd at 3:53 PM

Criper98 Snowfall94

Is the overlay enabled, i.e., is "Show overlay" checked in the prospectortogether dialog?

If yes, what does the log say? You can check the various files under 'C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Logs'.

💬 Criper98, Feb 29th at 8:42 PM


I'm having the same issue, but using the mod on Client side and without any other mod, and the chunks squares layer isn't showing on the map.

💬 Snowfall94, Feb 12th at 10:36 AM

We seem to be having an issue with this mod on our server. We're using the XSkills mod on here and the squares aren't popping up.  The gui opens up perfectly fine, like the mods working, but it doesn't do anything besides add the vanilla unhelpful dot to the map with info. Has anyone else had this issue by chance and fixed it?

💬 artemax44, Feb 6th at 2:30 AM


I thought it was from the mod. thank you.
💬 Kessem, Feb 6th at 1:03 AM


If you are talking about the dots that apear on the map when you prospect (regardless of this mod) than all you need is to click on the prospect layer (not sure of the name) on the left side of the map. That will disable it from view (same can be done for the tarrain layer, and waypoint layer).

💬 artemax44, Feb 5th at 11:32 PM


I'm using this mod on my own, because I've seen that prospectinfo is obsolete, right?
well then the prospect together, how do I so that it doesn't show the yellow dot that appears when prospecting?
I don't want yellow dots to appear every time I prospect. I need it to be as it was before.
💬 Tarquinius753, Feb 2nd at 9:02 PM

I mean not to not share but to opt out of recieving the data from other players.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Feb 1st at 7:08 PM

Tarquinius753 sharing is an optional feature of ProspectTogether. So as long as you don't enable "Auto share" you will neither send nor receive prospecting data. So what you want is already possible.

💬 Tarquinius753, Jan 31st at 11:01 PM

@Wooza thank you for your reply. would it then be possible to have an option in your mod to not accept prospevting data that other players shared. I kinda use the prospecting overlay to see where i have been exploring the underground. if my map gets flooded with prospecting dada from others this would interfear with the way i play vs and use prospecting or would that be a significant change to your mod?

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jan 30th at 9:06 PM

DarkThoughts sorry for the inconvenience. It was a quick and dirty to fix for the sharing problem that some people experienced, because each player might use different settings on different servers. I know that I could store all of those settings in a single file but that would have taken more time to implement than I currently have.

Tarquinius753 unfortunately I made quite some changes to this mod when compared to ProspectorInfo, e.g., how the prospecting data is extracted. So I don't think it's easy to make the server part optional again. However, I believe that it should not be to difficult to make ProspectorInfo work with 1.19 again, but again, I don't have the time to do it.

💬 DarkThoughts, Jan 29th at 3:11 PM

This mod spams my modconfig folder with files, presumably for every single world ever created.

💬 Tarquinius753, Jan 28th at 9:53 AM

Wooza would it be possible to have your mod as Client only (without sharing the info) as it seems that p3t3rix brobably isnt going to update the original mod and searching for a mainteiner. Or is it significantly different code to make this mod run clientside only?

💬 CKitt, Jan 23rd at 4:06 PM

I am incredibly happy you updated this for 1.19! I find this mod indispensable, and although vanilla now has something almost like it, I preferred this by a large margin. I'll be happy to get back to doing it the way I prefer.

💬 Pervy_Sage, Jan 21st at 6:55 AM

How does this compare to what vanilla does in 1.19?

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jan 14th at 6:56 PM


I made another update to include more decimals.

💬 MimiKitty, Jan 11th at 6:11 AM

is there a way to set how much it rounds? the default chat rounds to 2 placements while this mod seems to record only 1. in game I'll get like 0.01%, then 0.02% but the map says 0%

💬 Hexan33, Jan 7th at 7:16 PM

Hello! For some reason, I am unable to run this mod on my server. I am using 1.18.15 branch client/server, and when using /moddb have to install the 1..18.14 version

It subsequently refuses to run. Perhaps I am doing something wrong, as we have gotten it to work once before but no longer. Thanks.

edit: I should note than neither the client or server commands even register as existing as we have this bug

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jan 6th at 4:18 PM

Spookydorf The mod does not depend on any other mods, but 1.3.0-rc.1 requires the game in version 1.19-rc.5. All other dependencies should be bundled with the game itself.

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 6th at 1:59 AM

@The_Watcher there is/was but not for 1.19 yet at least.  Idk if it was in 1.18 or when but there was a pin sharing mod and the cartographer mod was supposedly going to eventually also have it but idk the status on either.  I'm am like u I would love to be able to easily share waypoints.  Just starting back up with my group after taking a break so I'm not sure where the status of everything mod wise is.



This may just be vanilla, there are several itrems like the sling that crashes game at recipe look up not related to mods

💬 xAzural, Jan 5th at 11:13 PM

Not sure why but I seem to crash when pressing H on items in inventory after installing this mod. Any idea why?

💬 Spookydorf, Jan 5th at 9:00 PM

Wooza Couldn't find the log it wanted me to read, is there any dependencies for this mod?

💬 The_Watcher, Jan 5th at 6:30 PM

I'm curious how hard it would be to modify this code to have shared map pins with other players in a group, kinda surprised such a mod doesn't exist but this proves that it could. I get it if you just want to focus on this mod but I feel a shared map pin system would be greatly appreciated.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jan 5th at 2:11 PM

Which dependencies were missing according to the log files? Spookydorf

💬 Spookydorf, Jan 4th at 9:02 PM

When I Installed the mod, it says "Unable to resolve some mod dependencies. Check log files". Is it fine to ignore this or what should I do about it?

💬 Maltiez, Jan 4th at 5:56 PM

You have a lot of settings and commands in this mod. Have you considered using Config lib for editing them with convenient ui? It is meant for content mods first, but settings can be accessed through code easily and also you can even add your own widgets to config window very easily (and run commands from it for example by pressing buttons and choosing options from comboboxes, color pallets, e.t.c.)

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jan 4th at 3:52 PM

Pr0fesseur I updated the mod to work with 1.19, but there is still room for improvement, as the game now also has a built-in prospecting map feature.

The new version should also fix the sharing problems that some people encountered, as it now uses a separate configuration for each server/world.

💬 Pr0fesseur, Jan 2nd at 11:18 PM

Any timeline on a 1.19+ update?

💬 Rexie, Dec 5th 2023 at 9:22 AM

Is this safe to install mid-session/safe to uninstall in advent of future versions of the game?

Trying to have a server with friends where the map can be continually used for a long time, and I worry about mod's causing game issues..

💬 BraniyaKz, Dec 4th 2023 at 3:43 AM

Would there be a chance in the future for compatability with XSkills' Geology ability? It has a chance to output to the chat window when it detects ores nearby when mining with the mining skill.

💬 TheMightyMcGrew, Dec 2nd 2023 at 9:47 AM

I wasnt able to completely figure out whats going on, but I have narrowed down that the problem Niikelion and many others were having is remedied by making a group and refreshing the map afterwards. So it seems that whatever the issue is its very closely related to sharing to any/everyone. Hope this info helps

💬 WoozaAuthor, Oct 21st 2023 at 3:08 PM


I just noticed a design flaw with this mod. When you configure auto-share and who you want to share your data with, you actually set this for all servers, but these settings should obviously be stored per world/server.
So for example if you previously used this mod on another world and configured to share with a certain group, which does not exist on your current world, then the mod would still try to share with that group, but the server would not accept that data, because the group is invalid.
Since your friend is sending data to all players, you still receive his data.
Additionally, the dialog with errornously show "all users", if it can't find the configured group.

I will try to work on a fix when I find the time. In the meantime, you can manually fix this by editing your mod config.
Open "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig\ProspectTogetherClient.json"
and find the line with "ShareGroupUid". Make sure that the value behind that is -1, which means "All players", so the line should be "ShareGroupUid": -1
If my suspicion is correct, then the value was different on your machine?

Niikelion LegionElite Dirkson DragooKnight11 
This might also be the solution for the problems you encountered?

💬 ItsCheif, Oct 21st 2023 at 10:02 AM

Is there any reason that I can see my friends data but he can't see mine? I've manually shared to all players via "send all now" and have auto share enabled. Both of us are op on a private server with no groups.

💬 Niikelion, Oct 1st 2023 at 10:07 PM

in my case it happens only for hosted server(not LAN). I will do some proper testing in the coming days to determine whether a dedicated server or world switched from LAN to dedicated may be the cause of the problems. Single player and fresh LAN worlds work perfectly fine for me.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Sep 30th 2023 at 4:10 PM

Niikelion LegionElite Dirkson DragooKnight11

I just did some extensive testing with two PCs, where one PC is opening a single player world to the LAN and the other one is joining as a client.
I was unable to reproduce the bug that you describe.
Here are some steps that you can use to verify that sharing actually works:

  1. You (Player A) create a new single player world.
  2. Open it to LAN
  3. Let another player (B) join from another PC. B must enable "Autoshare" in the ProspectTogether settings.
  4. Switch A to creative mode using "/gm creative" and give B a prospecting pick.
  5. Let B prospect any rock nearby (only takes a single probe in creative).
  6. B should see the prospected chunk on his map.
  7. Stop the server and exit Vintage Story.
  8. There should be a file on A's PC in C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModData\yourWorldId\prospectTogetherServer.json. If this file exists and contains some data about the prospected chunk, then sharing from Client -> Server works.
  9. Let Player B exit Vintage Story
  10. Let Player B delete his local prospecting data for this test world. This should be stored in the file C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModData\yourWorldId\prospectTogetherClient.json on B's PC.
  11. Restart the game world and open it to LAN again.
  12. Let Player B join.
  13. If they see the prospected chunk on their map again, then sharing from Server -> Client also works.

A few more things that came to mind:

  • This mod is a replacement for ProspectorInfo, so only use ProspectorInfo or ProspectTogether.
  • When you enable autoshare, then all prospecting that you do afterwards is shared with the server, but nothing that you prospected before. If you also want that, use "Send all now".
  • In order to receive shared prospecting info from the server, you also have to enable autoshare, otherwise you won't get any updates.
  • Sharing can also be limited to certain groups, see mod description, so be careful with that.


On a sidenote, since I only receive feedback about things not working for some people, are there also some people where the mod (especially sharing) works as intended?

💬 LegionElite, Sep 29th 2023 at 10:45 PM

Hello Wooza,

We are also having the same issue that Niikelion is having. We have check the settings and everything but the data isn't syncing. We are doing LAN Play atm... no ports forwarded. Just all default settings for multiplayer.

💬 Niikelion, Sep 29th 2023 at 10:11 PM

I have enabled auto-share and tried reducing save interval but for with no sucess. Prospecting data is not only not sharing but it also is not showing for client that collected it.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Sep 29th 2023 at 11:58 AM

Dirkson Niikelion
No, the mod uses the network communication offered by the game. What have you tried so far?
How do you check that the server does not receive updates? Have you enabled auto-share?

💬 Dirkson, Sep 26th 2023 at 7:30 PM

I'm unable to get client to communicate any updates at all to the server. Does it require any particular port open, or similar?

💬 Niikelion, Sep 17th 2023 at 4:09 PM

For some reason when I switched LAN hosting to dedicated server map view stopped working. I see overlay of old chunks but cannot toggle it and new prospecting data do not register.

💬 hivehum, Sep 6th 2023 at 5:28 AM

as of the newest update the sharing is working again for us :)

💬 MistAway, Aug 31st 2023 at 3:56 PM

Can confirm that list is not empty anymore

💬 Aedis, Aug 30th 2023 at 10:53 PM

It seems to be lot better, and for record, I play on english locale, but 1.2.4 did 'load' back everything, previously I only seen bits that were recently prospected others were showing on map but not in lists in menu. Anyway now it works well. Thank you

💬 WoozaAuthor, Aug 30th 2023 at 7:16 PM


Thanks for your information. I think I found that bug. Should be fixed with 1.2.4, so please give it a try. (also Jonny00 Aedis)

DragooKnight11 hivehum

That seems odd. The mod should work in Single and Multiplayer. AFAIK, the game always runs as server/client. In case of Singleplayer, the server just happens to be the same as the client.
Sharing should work, if all participating players have enabled autoshare and have the same settings for whom they share their data with, i.e., all players or a certain group.
Any additional information would be appreciated, as this is quite cumbersome to debug.

💬 DragooKnight11, Aug 30th 2023 at 12:50 AM

I joined a LAN instance with my family, with this mod installed on both computers, however it does not seem to be sharing the data, autoshare is on and I have used sendall multiple times. It sends to the server json on the hosts computer, but does not share the data with the hosts client file. Does this mod only work with a dedicated server instance?

💬 hivehum, Aug 30th 2023 at 12:43 AM

hi, having an issue on a two person server where the other player successfully received my prospecting data, but i lost my own copy (had to wipe and reinstall my game) and i can't seem to figure out the magic set of commands to get the prospecting data back from them. any idea what i need to do?

💬 MistAway, Aug 29th 2023 at 10:21 PM

Additional feedback regarding this issue.
The list seem to be cleared after I relaunch the game in singleplayer. If I prospect a chunk ores from the chunk added to the list. And when I relaunch the game again list is empty.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Aug 29th 2023 at 7:36 PM


Thanks for your feedback. I think Jonny00 encountered the same bug. Can you tell me what you did before this problem occurred?

Can you maybe upload your prospecting data, that is, the files "prospectTogetherClient.json" and "prospectTogetherServer.json" in %appdata%/VintagestoryData/ModData/<your-world-id>
as well as "ProspectTogetherClient.json" and "ProspectTogetherServer.json" in %appdata%/VintagestoryData/ModConfig.
This would make it easier for me to reproduce and fix the bug. Also, what language are playing the game in?

💬 Aedis, Aug 29th 2023 at 4:51 PM

I was using 1.2.0 (on 1.18.8), then ability to select ore after turning heatmap on/off got gone. So I updated to 1.2.3, but problem persist, and I am using it in single player, simply heat map/overlay is useful enough even if you play alone.
Is there way to convince overlay config panel to reconsider and show me all ores again?

💬 MistAway, Aug 20th 2023 at 8:16 AM

Thanks for the update!
All this time I were compiling net7 branch from the sources. Now its here and with cool zero heat color!

💬 seyton35, Aug 19th 2023 at 7:17 PM


💬 WoozaAuthor, Aug 19th 2023 at 5:10 PM


Sure thing. The new color is "ZeroHeatColor". By default it is fully transparent, though you will still see the border around those chunks, so you still know you already prospected that chunk

💬 seyton35, Aug 19th 2023 at 2:32 PM

can you add another color for absolutely clear chunk to heatmap, like ClearHeatColor?

💬 WoozaAuthor, Aug 19th 2023 at 1:45 PM


I've added a hotkey to quickly show/hide the dialog. Default is Ctrl + P


If it happens again, please tell me exactly what you did, otherwise this is hard to debug.

💬 Ionite, Aug 11th 2023 at 1:41 AM

A friend of mine downloaded and installed the mod but the gui doesn't pop up when she opens the map

💬 Jonny00, Aug 10th 2023 at 3:34 PM

Think I have a bug. For the heatmap the ores to select slowly disappeared from the list over the span of two weeks or so. Now all I can pick is "All ores" which is kinda useless. Am I doing something wrong?


edit: It somehow came back after playing on a server and clicking about on "Send all now" and "Auto share". Dunno how it's related but they're back for now.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Aug 7th 2023 at 8:30 AM


Can you be more specific on what doesn't work as expected?

The overlay is shown when you have a prospecting pick in hand or when you have enabled the "show overlay" option.

💬 IndustryStandard, Aug 3rd 2023 at 5:52 AM

We have a bug, when we enable the overlay it doesn't let us turn it back off. It happens even in single player as the only mod active. 


Edit: Okay it seems to work extremely inconsistently now. 

💬 greenking13, Jul 30th 2023 at 12:03 AM

First off, apologies if there is something I don't understand (considering we haven't even started using Prospecting) but is there a reason why your mod doesn't have a keybind associated with showing the gui when you open the map? We have the gui the first time we played, but it randomly vanished. I did find your command to bring it back, although I haven't tested it just yet. (I assume it'll work.)

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jul 27th 2023 at 3:59 PM


This mod is a replacement for ProspectorInfo. So you only need this mod on the server and all clients.

When you install it on a server, clients will be asked to install this mod when they join.

💬 Doomstrike53, Jul 27th 2023 at 4:02 AM

Got a few questions:

Do I need this and the original ProspectorInfo mod together? Do other players need to have this or just the original or both? I only played solo until yesterday when I started opening up my game to a friend via Hamachi, and this seems like it could be super useful.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jul 22nd 2023 at 6:41 PM


Guess it's your lucky day ;)

You can try the release candidate if you want to.

💬 Mohandar, Jul 22nd 2023 at 3:31 PM

You would be revered and venerated for this ya know? 


💬 WoozaAuthor, Jul 20th 2023 at 6:47 PM


For now the data is either shared with all players on the server or with no one. If I find some time I will add sharing between players in the same group.

💬 Mohandar, Jul 13th 2023 at 4:23 PM

can you deliberately choose which players you want to share these info to?
in pvp server with factions it would be plentyful usueful

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 25th 2023 at 1:09 PM

Thanks for adding the language file so quickly.
Although it is only 4 lines, I have created a Japanese file, so please use it.😄


💬 WoozaAuthor, Jun 25th 2023 at 11:51 AM

Thanks for your feedback.


I extracted the text from the dialog into a translation file, so feel free to add a translation :)


For the moment this mod just uses the information from the prospecting pick. I currently don't have the time to add any features beyond that, sorry.

💬 macoto_hino, Jun 25th 2023 at 1:26 AM

When I used the ProspectorInfo mod in multiplayer, some participants were crashing, so I was the only one using it who didn't crash for some reason.
With this new mod, it is too nice to be able to use it without crashing and even share the results of the prospecting!
I would appreciate it if you could add a language file, because I would like to convert it to Japanese, although the text itself is not so much.

💬 KakerMix, Jun 21st 2023 at 8:21 PM

Fantastic mod that adds a ton of utility to our tiny tiny server with my IRL friends. 

💬 Baronjutter, Jun 19th 2023 at 3:47 AM

We did and now everything is great :)
As an idea/wishlist sort of thing, I'd love to see the types of stones in the chunk possibly listed.  Sometimes I really need a specific type of stone but can never remember where it's found.  But maybe that's out of the scope of the mod.

💬 WoozaAuthor, Jun 18th 2023 at 11:27 AM

Hi Baronjutter, thanks for your feedback. I think I found and fixed the bug that you encountered. To fix your setup, please delete the prospectTogetherClient.json and prospectTogetherServer.json files and follow the migration steps again. Hope that fixes your problem :)

💬 Baronjutter, Jun 18th 2023 at 4:29 AM

My friend put this on the server and did .ptsendall without me being there.  When I logged in I had both of our info, but he didn't have mine. So he got me to type it too.  instant crash. had to nuke the server data to even get back in.  Any idea what's up?

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