Mods / Pelagus: Simple Wind Direction
Author: Rhoun
Side: Both
Created: Apr 15th at 10:35 PM
Last modified: Apr 15th at 10:36 PM
Downloads: 3340
Follow Unfollow 37
Author: Rhoun
Side: Both
Created: Apr 15th at 10:35 PM
Last modified: Apr 15th at 10:36 PM
Downloads: 3340
Follow Unfollow 37
Latest file for Various v1.19.x:
1-click install
EDIT: This mod was still not enough for my liking, so feel free to check my wind direction randomizer.
Fork of https://mods.vintagestory.at/simplewinddirection
It just adds a config to change how often wind direction changes time and area-wise.
It works with Joy Of Sailing and any mod that relies on vanilla wind calculation.
Config, it's a bit of a guess because I'm not the author:
"areaScale": 3.0, //affects size of areas with same wind. Bigger number mean bigger areas with same wind direction
"timeScale": 2.0 //affect how fast wind speed (or how often wind changes, not sure) changes with passage of time, bigger number means slower changes
"timeScaleConstant": 25.0, //Similar to timeScale, but bigger number here means faster changes
Here's the code for how mod calculates wind, so you can try to make your better guess:
private void OnGetWindSpeed(Vec3d pos, ref Vec3d windSpeed)
double windMagnitude = windSpeed.X;
windSpeed.X = Math.Abs((xNoise.Noise(pos.X / areaScale, api.World.Calendar.TotalHours * timeScaleConstant / timeScale, pos.Z / areaScale) * wrapTimes) % 2d - 1) * 2d - 1d;
windSpeed.Z = Math.Abs((zNoise.Noise(pos.X / areaScale, api.World.Calendar.TotalHours * timeScaleConstant / timeScale, pos.Z / areaScale) * wrapTimes) % 2d - 1) * 2d - 1d;
windSpeed *= windMagnitude;
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.0 | 3340 | Apr 15th at 10:36 PM | Show | pelagus_simplewinddirection_1.0.0.zip | Install now |
Thank you for the suggestion, but I've moved from this mod already to my own wind randomizer so I don't plan to change this one in any way.
Mainly because here winds stay the same for a selected area and I wanted the same wind direction across the whole map that changes over time.
Feel free to check it here - https://mods.vintagestory.at/pelaguswinds
Just to explain a little better, since the description seems confused. The timeScale and timeScaleConstant are just the numerator and denominator of a fraction that multiplies the passage of time. So if you set it to timeScale 1.0 and timeScaleConstant 2.0 that's like 1/2. So you'll get the same result if you set them to 25.0 and 50.0. If it were me, I would have used a single number, and that woud just be a flat scale, but if you want that, just set timeScale to 1.0 and then adjust the constant as a single number.
If you have the source, I can alter it so it uses only single number. You'd be able to set it to 0.08 to get the same result as the defaults 2.0/25.0.
Using noise is the right way. Looks good to me.
Sure, added it to description, Lord_Spuddington
Any chance you could elaborate a little on what each of the settings do?
Yes, it'll work just fine with Joy of sailing.
It's the main reason why I forked it in the first case, because with the original mod the wind direction changes way too often for me & players on my server.
RenayEdor The OG SWD overrides a vanilla world thing and that's what Joy of Sailing gets, there's no domain-related anything so it should work just fine
I'll be the first to ask:
Is it compatible with Joy of Sailing? Or would it be up to them to add compatability with you?