Mods / OblivionStory

Category: #Other
Author: CherryRook
Side: Client
Created: Jul 5th at 2:58 AM
Last modified: Jul 5th at 3:02 AM
Downloads: 506
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Latest file for v1.19.0: 1-click install

My very first mod, adds soundtrack from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Should work on all recent versions, although i have only tested it on 1.19.7.
Comment if there is any issues and i will try to fix them if i can!

Some vanilla music may still play
! Regardless, i hope you enjoy :)

Inspired by
The Vintage Scrolls: Music
and Metin2 BGM

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.1 506 Jul 5th at 3:02 AM Show Install now

8 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 CherryRookAuthor, 3 days ago


I just checked the file structure in the game folder and the 2 music mods i linked as inspiration on this page ! Its pretty simple to do, you can use my mod as well if you like to have the correct file paths, i'll try to explain how! 

The path structure for the folders should look as follows without the the brakets: -> assets (folder), modicon.png (this will be the icon shown in the mod menu ingame), modinfo.json (here you can change the name of the mod ingame, its description and the game version required to use it. Open with a text editor of your choice) -> game (folder) -> music (folder) -> your music files in .ogg format, musicconfig.json

For the music file naming it should be all lower case with no spaces, use - instead of space otherwhise i found the game has trouble fetching the right files and no music will play. In the musicconfig.json you need to then point to the correct file names for the surface tracks (currently underground tracks can not be added through this method without being extremely scuffed as i mentioned in a pervious comment).

"$type": "Vintagestory.API.Client.SurfaceMusicTrack, VintagestoryAPI",
file: "glory-of-cyrodiil",  <-------- (This should match the file name you have chosen for your track the rest can be ignored but you can mess with it to change the music behaviour)
name: "Glory of Cyrodiil",
onPlayList: "survival|creative",
minhour: 2,
maxhour: 24,
startPriority: { avg: 1.1, var: 0.2 }

Hope this helps ! And good luck with your music mod :)

💬 Murraya, Sep 26th at 5:09 AM

I'd like to make a music mod as well. Where did you learn to make one?

💬 CherryRookAuthor, Aug 31st at 1:27 AM


Yes i have seen this mod, haven't had time to check it yet though. I'll see how it works in the coming days and if its possible to add the tracks, i may even be able to add the battle tracks from the sound of the description.
I'd like to contact the author as well before i release a replacement to see if they would be okay with that, if it works. So it may not come to pass but i'll write an update here in the comments whatever the case may be!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Aug 26th at 2:30 PM

Awe, I see. That's okay. It sounds like this mod might provide you the functionality you need then? I don't use it but by its description it seems like it may help. 

Anyways, what you have here is pretty great. I do enjoy it greatly.

💬 Briccars, Aug 25th at 6:49 PM

I saw a mudcrab the other day, awful creatures.

💬 CherryRookAuthor, Aug 22nd at 2:37 AM


I have already tried to get that to work to no avail, sadly its not possible with how the game handles underground music. It basically plays them as seperate parts and layers those on top of eachother at random, so any attempt to just add music like for the overworld results in overlapping tracks. You would have to rewrite how the game handles cave tracks wich is beyond my capabilitys i am afraid :(

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Aug 19th at 5:58 PM

Love this, is there any way to add the oblivion dungeon music to the cave track list?

💬 Angellord, Jul 21st at 1:32 AM

Nice to see that someone else loves this wonderful music of creation :)

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