Mods / MoreMinerals Standalone

Category: #Worldgen
Author: Raccoon
Side: Both
Created: May 11th at 6:11 PM
Last modified: May 17th at 4:06 PM
Downloads: 607
Follow Unfollow 17

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

More Minerals Revived (Standalone Version)

Original Author: Catasteroid

Current Maintainance: Raccoon


More Minerals adds 7 new ores, (4 types of copper, 1 lead, 1 silver, 1 iron)

You can install it in an already generated world, but best possible expierence is when creating a new world.

Small fixes
  • Snowballvariants for Bogiron
  • Snowball Recipe
  • Tested for the reported Bloomery-Bug coudn't recreate it

Please don't post crashes (the long big ones) here, instead write me or ping me in Discord raccoon9477

Also please don't bug Catasteroid with issues.

You can still support the original author!

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.1 510 May 17th at 4:06 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 RaccoonAuthor, May 16th at 10:45 AM

I'll fix asap, weird it worked in my empty environment. Thanks for reporting!

💬 HostilHobbit, May 15th at 12:49 AM

Howdy, it appears that you may have made a mistake when zipping the file, there is an extra layer inside the zipped file making vintage unable to read the mod. I was able to fix it myself by just taking the contents and zipping it without the extra file layer and it fixed the issue.

💬 RaccoonAuthor, May 13th at 5:06 PM

TwoF i know, this is the offical standalone version.

💬 TwoF, May 13th at 6:58 AM

More Minerals official integrated into

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